A web browser, or simply "browser," is an application used to access and view . Common web browsers include Microsoft Explorer, , Mozilla , and Apple .

The primary function of a web browser is to render HTML, the code used to design or "markup" web pages. Each time a browser loads a web page, it processes the HTML, which may include text, links, and references to images and other items, such as cascading style sheets and JavaScript functions. The browser processes these items, then renders them in the browser window.

Early web browsers, such as and Navigator, were simple applications that rendered HTML, processed input, and supported bookmarks. As websites have evolved, so have web browser requirements. Today's browsers are far more advanced, supporting multiple types of HTML (such as XHTML and HTML 5), dynamic JavaScript, and encryption used by secure websites.

The capabilities of modern web browsers allow web developers to create highly interactive websites. For example, Ajax enables a browser to dynamically update information on a webpage without the need to reload the page. Advances in CSS allow browsers to display a responsive layouts and a wide array of visual effects. Cookies allow browsers to remember your settings for specific websites.

While web browser technology has come a long way since Netscape, browser compatibility issues remain a problem. Since browsers use different rendering engines, websites may not appear the same across multiple browsers. In some cases, a website may work fine in one browser, but not function properly in another. Therefore, it is smart to install multiple browsers on our computer so we can use an alternate browser if necessary.

Web Pages

A web page or webpage is a document, commonly written in HTML, that is viewed in an Internet browser. A web page can be accessed by entering a URL address into a browser's address bar. A web page may contain text, graphics, and to other web pages and files.

A web page is often used to provide information to viewers, including pictures or videos to help illustrate important topics. A web page may also be used as a method to sell products or services to viewers. Multiple web pages make up a website, like our BNMU website.

When we click a link provided by a , we are accessing a web page. The Internet consists of millions of web pages, with more being added every day.

Browser,webpage,HomepagePage 1 How to open a web page:-

Viewing a web page requires a browser, like Edge, Safari, Firefox, or Chrome. For example, we are reading this web page using a browser. Once in a browser, we can open a web page by entering the URL in the address bar. For example, typing "https://www.bnmu.ac.in" (or copying and pasting) opens the BNMU page. If we don't know the URL of the site you'd like to visit, we can use a search engine to find it.

When was the first web page created?

The first web page was created at CERN by Tim Berners-Lee on August 6, 1991. we can visit and browse the first website and the first web page at the info.cern.ch address.

What is the difference between a website and web page?

A website refers to a central location that contains more than one web page. For example, BNMU is considered a website, which includes Hundred of different web pages, including this web page we are reading now


In the example URL above, the web page is ".htm" and is always the last part of the URL. For not having an ending of .htm, ., ., .cgi, .pl, or another file extension, the server loads the default index.htm web page in that directory. For example, on our contact page URL “http://www.bnmu.ac.in/Default.aspx”there is no web page. In this case, the default index file loads from the contact/ directory.

Examples of a web page:-

The page we are reading now is an example of a web page. It comprises several web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Although the body of a web page is created using HTML, that HTML code can be created using an HTML editor and written by a human or generated using server-side scripts or other scripts. A web page created by a human ends with a .htm or .html file extension. For example, this page uses "webpage.htm" as its file name. Pages generated by a script can end in .php, .aspx,.jsp and other extensions.

What are the elements of a web page?

Browser,webpage,HomepagePage 2 Every web page is different. However, most pages contain some or all of the elements contained on this web page. Below is an overview of the major elements of web page.

Home Page

The homepage or home page is the name of the main page of a website where visitors can find hyperlinks to other pages on the site. By default, the homepage on all web servers is index.html, however, can also be index.htm, index.php, default.aspx or whatever the developer decides.

A home page may also be referred to as a "front page," "welcome page," or "landing page."

Decides home page is a webpage that serves as the starting point of website. It is the default webpage that load when we visit a web address that only contain a domain name. for example visiting “http://www.bnmu.ac.in “ will display the bnmu home page.

Browser,webpage,HomepagePage 3