INSON's S Was Missing from It

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INSON's S Was Missing from It Rahway Public 1175 "St- George-Ave-m Rahway, N. J. 07,065 PAGE U THUk^QAY, JANUARY M, RAHW-AY NEWS RECORD CLARK PATRIOT and sandwich, fruu, ,HK-hal l recorder and rajlfo m/in IUK scene la being Investigated. Grace Mlcucci and R u C) RCFC Chairman lmn nulk- Ljr" J<& MONDAY, JAN'. 11 Ponneil Cora Krazer was HAVE YOU HEARD-* niM)..U - A hre.ikVfflfry .ind kir- A I Vint Pleasant youth was themanist Si*hoc>I .Pizza pie, boloftna and w-n\ ^wg/Wported to have arrested by Rahway police The table lamo nresenr- THE NEWS? checse, tomato and luiuce. occurr^^ar Monroe Diner, who found him in possession d by the Public Service HI YOU CAN STOP United Effort Needed c SMOKJNG WITH A bread and butier, reanuL hut- !v^ Mam street. A porra- of a car stolen from Ray- eCtric aml Gas Co. was won SMILE! "^% L u n ch ter. cuokit- or truit, halt- I'!*- tL-U-wM^n set was stoU nond belph of Linden. -._ h^MarvSfflwPtYwrTmri o^ pint milk. ^n- ., by Mary Scttwettz^T~and the *r fo find out about this /. applesauce - butterscotch roblerns WI-PN! MJAV 1-rank (Jol aszewski of 1005 |O AjO C-B-tfti fYO successful new method M <p n iiIS Baked chicken, rice and bread, also donated by them, come to a FREE NEW JERSEY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER EST. 1822 M-.yf.iir IV. vt- _ rePn rted the UAL OlilgS was won by Anna Haluza and EXPLANATORY SESSION gravy, poas, rirrrui and N.:T- l^rcoiiy ui. a tape player, teV, cranberries, puddiru the ^xiark horse by Barbara .iDoui l^i i.i|c^ and a 1-aunhardt. and whip, niu'-halt ; uit n.iH . t M >in his car, • THURSDAY, JAN. 21*' 8 P.M. AH WAY -* Betto--- Kreie, sunshine RAHWAY Railway Hoipitill, 8A5 10 CENTS Ihe stolen car of Mo nun ^\ - - chalrlady, reported the fol- S«on» St. VOLUME NO. 149, NO. 3 RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21. 1971 initier id jelly un white Hamburgers, b L; Her, J. -^alufScmch Plains, taken <b IT €5 ©I I II £S lowing on the sick list: main- ' Firi1 -0'1"110? ol *«"""• *'f"> bread, • rt-nch tried po- rolls, baked beans, p» »i at. I rum tiie Mnnoir parking loi ^^ tenance man Harold Simp- THURSDAY !. 28 7.30 P.M. i a roes, hU'WL-d turn a toes, chips, onions, rehsiu --, i :i l<road Street, v*.as rt-cov- ^ son at General- M en io rial Ratiwciy Hoipitol - Rmjis'sr ot iloo' biiiu-red garden peas, toss- fruit, one-halt pint n.iU . ! llt flrsI Ollinf workihopl in Nov. Biun iwii-L Prizes for Card Party Received Fire Chief Cites ,:.Kk - : ed at PruokfieU! I'I-KL and " meeting of tlu M le ed isalad, cole slaw; cran- FKIPA^ Street m Kahwav ,)O 1. He*'s ear'was'hehTuW 'week Vvfr^'v . V^iV"' ?f« Plomtinld, Som-Fv,llo, Flrmnjion, ice. Ihe velucle wis ver\b > the i^hway Golden Age ''^ f, HhU Ruome, Mar- Woitti.ld, Union, S. Otanqi &. a(4 le delight, pineapple Choice of soups; beef n. • - lon . .rk ; ar- c ./, Club at the John F. Kennedy J H'->agland, Mary llemsel M apt«wood chunks, raisin cookie; a la ^ • cream ot;rm ir >i v and i.u-1 in h; and l Uen Philip Matarese : hniu r, 1 Kecreatlon Center. ^ncannon. carte corn chuwderj_a and- P*"** * choice ot sundwiclii_^: w rOUSMOltiAHlllTDUllARN t)fl hard January birthdays celr- .Mrs._ ni. J. Patrick, Jr. cccc wichc-s, tuna fish salad, ham- funa salad, egc salad, ,.a- • ii hard A burcer un hun, SJIUI-J ham nut hutter an^i jell\, caki i > v J. -KussStreei \T Ti crated in Song were those \ V^"^ . donated many NDERS For Rescue Sat. t^.i u r- .vM.m-d tK-r Vur slolen <>' Barbara Launhardt. Ann lonS ~. P^m* hi - fidelity and chcrsr.- fruit, uile-hall j.ini milk. 21Q Pru,Orcl Si . PtnllipshurQ. N J Q I] !M.I r<- red i:om rho apartment p-arking N"'u'ruP. Charlotte Rubsun, records. Fire Chief George G.i-mtt .: salad, •^1 eCial Ci ifll j .let e K:nch — said yesterday that he Is 1 i, 1 <'li-r\ pe ala rm was. sent. :..inks, eon 1 ari;t.- salad platter, recommending that Fireman bread and htnu-r, listed des- Philip Matarese of the Rah- :'.'.'. r T , ." T" ~ J r J ilahwa> schools as a ghborhood Associarlorj; 13-r. sert, milk-, 4n cents. - lams " .. .li' hi.s car stol- way Fire Department for Invesugauun by federal ot actiicv ing racial A dan; T. Me Daniel, Fourth p.niv n~rr~rTT e!\ Whl it_ was parked nn_ the 1971_ Ballaotine Award government of the represen- . 1 tit- pentK-ii was Ward councilman; Samuel j i"i'i I . rile vrlucle — —ifttKi revf -—*-*+» i-s.-.i. J .salad bowl( fruited "7b r"extreme Ufavery" tn - by. tiie tini-on Counr>- -Ii. withdrawn in November 4jy Xaylar,..-President of Rahway -****«-Ji^—*, Services t:orp. in thx- "tile CCc:C which stared that Chapter, ^3at:io^al Aseocia-- ohoicr Of 11A1IWAV , - uon for the Advancement of WllO the R ahwav had achieved us •ftfttttfday In a build- i cornpliance- wi-tii- ——ti-i^nh truit-L-; tion with the state commis- .-ing. at 1519 Main Street. •f suhsranee wore inv state law in regard to racial zier, president of the Rah- sioner of education -,-_ix. in rhe schools and way Parent ^nd Teachers MEW CiWL,-SEJOOCE: Tt M a.^saclii-isi. r resolution adopted" at Mon- >i ev«M.-k.-,—M-. Mi ••NllAV i i :t r !',.in. i rej .o rt i d mo la r- ' nil third floor of "gay higlTTi ' 'hicken chow mem wuii ^ •;••. •! .1 -;terei; i la\ * r and Arl ientarv > chrl- r! spciation, and—the Il'lec; rii > dle^, [ ul'k paU'ie>, ,v^ i-ai-^s. from his_cax while dren were trapped "and ef- lum. /el"1..-. till" a d"rcrt.- • !• was parked LIT rhe VilUiu*- Ihe vote on the resolution \<ev. RicFarcT'K~ ^rrecterv li-Jl<_;d..^a.n.: d JJldwLcH^. CJliilCL: MONt) \ V, J AN. -I •" lhe resolution asked that Communiu . fected a rescue in the true was 5-1 with Dr. John J. pastor of the Second Presby- r,r rwi\ burn*red boiled rice, the Union County Legal Ser- July petitioned, rhe commis- tradition of the fire ser- Sprowls casting the vote in terian Church and president biMit-t't-d srrine heann, bur- Juifurstni A'vr., rei-ffit-d i!.<.- ^1 'NDAV, JAN. IU vice," Chief Link stated. vices Corp. by investigated sioner'~ to have" the &--J--4--1 of che Rahway Ministerial ••. :\ d carder, peas; homo- hauery stol^-r. irur.. Lt,-r ^_i; A i laiillleld iiLulL-H v,U' interim plan continued in opposition,-Favoring the re- must te filed before^b. ?,.mT.T "~Th~e~ctniilr eir-rcrsctte4-we r-e-— ^H to <fc! f"v^j-Ci Qe Of "Hoiurion were £dwarti-;h Hi^" . Afiftnriar.lnn, .. .. .._ IT: :K!V Cum hread and buttef, \v tule ir w A>. i .!; f- «-.: •• i H \ _ •A i- ivu>\ <. i-L u h\ Kal.u.i', Thomas Coatello Jr. 8, and t-rly KoaO. # gins, prosideru, Richard M. Or, Sprowls stated that a "A.T L f:- ,:i Cii. , ir.ilk. ..\i W a n :UK! t Michael Costello, 5, eons I 1 "! SI •••'•> I v\ ", Cost o-l-->Uiv. .^I_3«_50. Llliutt, Uo.LUi G. Boch, Wil- short letter to officials re- -1 i'Ct • •of- -Mr...--and Mxa*. _T.Uomas_ garding the matter "would LMlll .1!VJ t I" liam Berku an,d Paul Lo Koc- Costello. co. have been strf&oient." He -J\ u .h \v it ti' -V I.niK-r M: • ••. t :-: . : u ,r : .1 - Chief Link also revealed added that he agreed the c.i r stolen I i"i r. M. n: , .^^ Copies of tht- resolution i'.'.. .^al-ad sjnuvwch, #i that he has commended two will be sent to the I'nlted agency's services "should (uu, oven-brown- Mreet. leleisje alari:, WJS ^ Rahway patrolmen, Walter LAKE AVE., COLONIA I .1 11 ^ it!. States Department of Jus- be reserved for poverry rate.-s, hunere'd win.le Scnl- SERVING ON GOMMITTEE ... Members of the committee for the Dominican Guild's card party and David Pitts, brothers, clients." Dr. Sprowls claim- I reJ tice, the administrators ot" 1, l.uuered mixed . * ^ r^r^ "'l^^K.Vs^ to bo given on Monday, Feb. B, at 7:30 p. m. In St. Mary's School, Rahway, examine prizes for breaking the front door the ( iff ice of b cononuc Op- ed tliat the resolution was a ihles-. hreau and but- Mreel rejiorted a break and of" the building and leading political move. entrv at his ,i| .innu-m., I--1'. to be awarded at the e<rent. Left to right are, seated, Mrs. Betty Ward and Mrs. Betty La- portunity, the New Jersey lt, r ineapj U- chunks. Costello, 38, to safety from Higgins, in reply, stated L:Lr!-i Jiniim niarks were ^>lisi r\- State 13 a r Assuciacion, the W H )r\- h S1 > A V Gu^rdia; standing, Mrs, Mary Stueber, Mrs. Isabelle Bollwage, Sister Marcella and Mrs. the apartment's dining room.- 1 that all the board is asking ed near rne dour lock .IIHI Connnittc. on I 'nauthorized :\ ..i-,{ In-et sandwict; Fireman Matarese, who is to find out," adding that tlie ap.artment had [teen ran- Practice of Law and the Cn- u r j \ \ t rank turret" on received the alarm at 12:07 the resolution points out sacked, bur at j.resent SIMI:.- lon County Legal -Services 11 s itti satierk raui, bolu^na a.
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