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FARRINGTON GURNEY PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Jenny Howell Tel: 07368 181262 Email: [email protected] Website: https://farringtongurney.org/ Minutes of a remote / electronic meeting of the Parish Council held at 8.00pm on 15th March 2021. COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Sally Bown, Clint Dando, Mike Hedges (Chairman), Andy Jeffery (Vice Chairman) Margaret Heffernan, Alan Smith and Phil Wade and James Wellman. ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: District Cllr Ryan Wills, Clerk Jenny Howell and one member of the public. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION A resident asked about the precept for the 2021/22 financial year and demands of BANES Council and other precepting authorities. The Chairman outlined the process for setting the Parish Council budget and precept requirement considering income, reserves and requirements for the forthcoming year. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 20/21-03-162 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND WELCOME The Chairman welcomes Cllrs and residents to the meeting. There were no apologies. 20/21-03-163 DECLARATION OF INTEREST Cllr Jeffery made the standing declaration of interest reference the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone. A dispensation has been granted. 20/21-03-164 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RESOLVED: The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th February 2021 were approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman. 20/21-03-165 PARISH COUNCIL VACANCIES. The Parish Council currently has one vacancy which can now be filled by co-option. Expressions of interest are invited. 20/21-03-166 REPORTS a. The District Councillor provided a brief verbal report: Turning Circle – BANES Council Planning Officers view that BANES do own the turning circle. BANES Council Highways Officers have previously stated that BANES didn’t own. GIS Team to check archives once they can return to the office. A Cllr suggested land registry check and enquiries with the Duchy of Cornwall to obtain evidence of ownership. Clerk to write to the Duchy of Cornwall. Bus shelter A37 – contractor should have installed. District Cllr to progress. BANES litter pick - A37 complete, A362 to be completed on 17th March 2021. b. Chairman’s Report - The Chairman advised that there was a new Planning Application 21/01119/CLPU for 1 Percival Terrace relating to the installation of a new post and rail fence to enclose the garden. The Clerk advised that the Parish Council had not received notification / invitation to comment and this may be due to the type of application being an Application for a Lawful Development Certificate. Clerk to enquire whether the Parish Council are consulted and whether the Parish Council can consider and submit a response using delegated powers. c. Clerk’s report. Update on street lighting maintenance – 1 light at Hill View outstanding, 1 light reported to WPD (no power). West of England Combined Authority (WECA) mass transit plan to revolutionise travel around the West of England (public consultation later in 2021). Allotment rental income for 2021/22 and Crop Drop 2021. 20/21-03-167 PLANNING APPLICATIONS a. There were no Planning Applications published on the agenda to consider at this meeting. b. There were no Planning Decision by BANES Council to note at this meeting. 20/21-03-168 BUS SHELTERS a. Update on the replacement of the bus shelter demolished in a road traffic collision A37, Bristol bound covered during District Cllr’s report. District Cllr progressing. b. Correspondence from resident: Miners Arms west bound bus stop used to be opposite the stone bus shelter on A362 and is now missing. Clerk has raised an enquiry with First Bus who have advised the bus stop is the responsibility of BANES Council. Clerk has submitted enquiry to BANES Council. MINUTES MARCH 2021 Page 1 of 3 c. A member reported the litter bin at Bridge Buildings (BANES owned) attached to the bus stop sign is mainly filled with dog waste and raised concerns about hygiene / risk due to use by children using the bus stop. Clerk to enquire whether separate dog waste bin could be installed at the location. 20/21-03-169 TURNING CIRCLE, MAIN STREET Update provided during District Cllr’s report. 20/21-03-170 ANTI-SOCIAL DRIVING Members discussed reports of anti-social driving at the Memorial Hall. A Cllr advised that the problem has subsided for a couple of weeks. CCTV is being upgraded at the Memorial Hall which should provide better coverage / footage at the location. Members discussed litter and distinct groups using the car park. Members to keep in view and residents advised to report any criminal activity to the neighbourhood Police beat manager. 20/21-03-171 FINANCE a. RESOLVED: The Parish Council approved the payment schedule for March 2021 for £2,627.62. Cheque Payee/details Gross no Mrs J Howell 1219Salary 01/01/2021 - 28/03/2021 & expense claim domain renewal 1,302.60 for 1 year Duchy of Cornwall 1220The New Village Hall: Quarterly rent in advance 25 March 2021 to 23 390.00 June 2021 Duchy of Cornwall 1221Recreation Ground: half yearly rent in advance. 25 March 2021 to 28 402.00 September 2021 Fountain Timber 1222 533.02 Play bark - delivered 09/03/2021. (Awaiting invoice). Total Payments March 2021 PCM £2,627.62 b. RESOLVED: The Parish Council approved the bank reconciliation at 28/02/2021. c. The Clerk provided an update in relation to arrangements for financial year end / internal audit. Cheques and bank reconciliations have been signed outside, socially distanced in all weathers and the Parish Council have not had the same opportunity to ‘dip sample’ invoices as would-be usual practice. The Parish Council noted this in light of restrictions caused by coronavirus. Regular monthly reports are produced and circulated and bank reconciliations checked / signed on a regular monthly basis. 20/21-03-172 PLAY AREA Cllr Smith provided a report on the Play Area checks conducted and outlined forthcoming routine / regular maintenance tasks. Play bark delivery – Cllr Jeffery to assist with moving play bark into the play area. 20/21-03-173 DUCHY OF CORNWALL: RENT REVIEW OF THE MEMORIAL HALL Revised rent review letter received from Duchy of Cornwall (proposal to increase the lease from £1,300 to £1,400 - now postponed for one year). Members raised concerns about the income for the next three-year period given the impact of coronavirus. The Clerk was asked to write to the Duchy of Cornwall, thanking them for their generous offer to defer the increase but enquire whether in light of coronavirus the increase could be deferred until the next three-year review period. 20/21-03-174 TREE PLANTING Members discussed correspondence from Reid Speirs, Foundation Chair, Rotary Midsomer Norton & Radstock - Tree Planting offer: for a group of 5 trees initially (with a plaque) within the Parish (Rotary club would liaise as to type of tree to suit the location) to 65 years of Rotary Midsomer Norton & Radstock. Suitable locations were discussed. RESOLVED: The Parish Council wish to accept the generous offer in principle. Further work to determine a suitable location to be carried out by members. Suitable locations to be reviewed / audited for discussion at the April PCM. 20/21-03-175 CLIMATE EMERGENCY Cllr Heffernan provided an update on the Climate Emergency initiatives. A Litter Pick is being planned for the school holidays. Work underway to look at sustainable energy systems/options. Cllr Heffernan is making links with BANES Cabinet Member Sarah Warren and contacts within other parishes to progress the projects highlighted in the village consultation. Information gathering in progress. 20/21-03-176 PARISH COUNCIL TRAINING Members supported training for new Cllrs: Good Cllr Training / Planning in Plain English – budget in place for the new 2021/22 financial year. 20/21-03-177 RURAL LANDSCAPE CHARACTER ASSESSMENT FOR B&NES Members noted: Bath and North East Somerset Council have commissioned Land Use Consultants (LUC) to update the Rural Landscape Character Assessment for B&NES, which is one of the key pieces of evidence that MINUTES MARCH 2021 Page 2 of 3 supports the Local Plan. The 2003 assessment needs updating and the Parish Council is invited to a stakeholder workshop on the Landscape Character Assessment update on Tuesday 16th March. https://www.bathnes.gov.uk/services/environment/landscape/landscape-character-assessment 20/21-03-178 CPRE PETITION: SAVE RURAL LIFE – BUSES FOR EVERY COMMUNITY Deferred from February 2021 PCM - CPRE led petition to the Secretary of State for Transport, Grant Shapps: asking for investment in a reliable bus service for every community, every town and every village in England. You can find out more here: https://takeaction.cpre.org.uk/page/74256/petition/ RESOLVED: The Parish Council support the CPRE Petition: Save Rural Life – Buses for Every Community. Clerk to submit a response. 20/21-03-179 CORONAVIRUS Current advice to continue holding Parish Council meetings remotely. Looking ahead: Annual Village Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. As the legislation currently stands the Coronavirus Act 2020 expires on 6th May 2021. At present if Local Council want to guarantee they can hold their Annual Assembly and/or their Annual Meeting of the Parish Council to elect a Chairman, by remote means, then these meetings need to be held on or before 6th May 2021. Parish Council to monitor developments and review April 2021. 20/21-03-180 UPDATES / INFORMATION FROM MEMBERS WITH SPECIALIST INTERESTS Cllr Mike Hedges – Memorial Hall, Social Club & Playing Field. Meeting 17th April to discuss the Social Club. Cllr Andy Jeffery - Somer Valley Enterprise Zone. Cllr Jeffery provided an update following his attendance earlier that evening of a Somer Valley Enterprise Zone Stakeholder Group Meeting with District Cllr Ryan Wills. Full report to be provided at the April 2021 Parish Council Meeting.