Croat, Hempe and Kostelac, 2015 Araceae of Parque Nacional Natural de Las Orquídeas, Colombia Araceae of Parque Nacional Natural de Las Orquídeas, Colombia Thomas B. Croat, P. A. Schulze Curator Missouri Botanical Garden P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166–0299
[email protected] Mackenzie Hempe, Volunteer Research Assistant Missouri Botanical Garden P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166–0299 Carla V. Kostelac, Research Specialist Missouri Botanical Garden P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166–0299
[email protected] ABSTRACT southwestern Antioquia Department A total of 16 new species of Anthurium are between 300 and 3450 m with a life zone described as new to science: Anthurium ecology ranging from Premontane wet forest to abajoense Croat & A. Zuluaga, A. alcogolloi Tropical wet forest and Premontane rain forest life Croat, A. blanquitense Croat, A. zones. Much of the region remains totally curtipendunculum Croat, A. dabeibaense Croat, unexplored but certain areas in recent years A. elquincense Croat, A. espiranzaense Croat & have been explored by botanists. Botanical A. Zuluaga, A. frontinoense Croat & A. activity began actively with expeditions Zuluaga, A. hempeanum Croat, A. funded by the National Geographic Society juanguillermoi Croat, A. ovidioi Croat, A. and carried out by the Missouri Botanical pedrazae Croat & A. Zuluaga, A. paloense Garden and the Universidad de Antioquia Croat, A. sneidernii Croat, A. tortuosum Croat, as well as the Jardín Botánico de Medellín. and A. triangulopetiolum Croat. The expeditions included Dr. James Zarucchi, Dr. John MacDougal, Alan Brant, Alvaro Cogollo and others with the first set INTRODUCTION of material being deposited at HUA.