Compiled By Lillian Upton

Word or phrase Explanation Letter Date of Entry 10/- Ten shillings 04.11.1916 1d novels "Penny Dreadfuls"- a cheap ond often sensational type of novel 22.03.1915 27 Grosvenor Square Robert Fleming Hospital for Officers 27 Grosvenor Square, Belgravia, W1 Military convalescent hospital 1914-1919 In 1914 the investment banker Robert Fleming and his wife provided an auxiliary hospital for convalescent officers at their home in Grosvenor Square. By 26.06.1918 December 1914 all 10 beds were occupied. Later, the Hospital had 14 beds and was affiliated to Queen Alexandra Military Hospital. That building was demolished and now the American Embassy occupies some of the site A cheval On horseback (French) 16.03.1916 A S Choir All Saints Choir of Bromley Common in Kent where Hills' Father was Vicar 14.06.1916 A.B.s An able seaman- an unlicensed member of the deck department of a merchant ship. An AB may work 03.02.1916 as a watchstander, a day worker, or a combination of these roles A.D.C. Aide de Camp (French) A military officer acting as a confidential assistant to a senior officer 25.09.1916 A.S.C. Army Service Corps A.V.C. Veterinary Corps WW1 Absolument asphixie Absolutely choaked (French) Adjutant Military Officer acting as an Admin Assistant to a Senior Officer Agincourt The Battle of Agincourt was a major English victory in the Hundred Years' War. The battle occurred 02.03.1918 on Friday, 25 October 1415 (Saint Crispin's Day), near Azincourt in northern . Alan Aynesworth Allan (also Alan) Aynesworth (14.04.1864– 22.08.1959) is the stage name of a British actor whose career spanned almost six decades, including a lead part in the 1895 world premiere of Oscar Wilde's 16.06.19616 The Importance of Being Earnest and his final role as the elderly Lord Lancaster in the movie The Last Days of Dolwyn (1949). His birth name was Edward Abbot-Anderson. Aldershot A town in Hampshire known for its connection with the British Army 01.10.1917 Alexander’s R.T.B Alexander's Ragtime Band -a song by irving Berlin. It was his first major hit in 1911 29.08.1916 Compiled By Lillian Upton

Alexandra Pavilion for Officers This article appeared in in February 1916 “Queen Alexandra, accompanied by Princess Victoria, opened yesterday afternoon the new "Alexandra" YMCA pavilion for officers in Grosvenor Gardens, near Victoria Station.” In 1917, a further article appeared, reporting that owing to the demand for hostel accommodation for officers at the Alexandra Pavilion in Grosvenor Gardens, the 03.12.1916 YMCA have found it necessary to accept an offer of a house owned by Mr George Drummond for use as an officers hostel. This one was in Belgrave Square. These hostels were still being used by officers in 1920. Allington will get Eaton Cyril Argentine Alington (22.10.1872 – 16.05.1955) was an English educationalist, scholar, cleric, and prolific author. Headmaster of both and Eton College. He also served as chaplain 05.06.1916 to King and as Dean of Durham Amazonian dame The Amazons were a nation of fierce & warlike- female warriors in Greek Mythology. Here the words 01.11.1916 imply that the Lady at the crossing was very strong. American kursall A Kursall is an amusement park 28.01.1916 Andrew His brother Andrew Cattley Hills born 1898 06.02.1915 Annas Unit of Indian currency with the rupee 27.01.1916 Apres la guerre (French) After the war 19.08.1916 Arcadians An Edwardian musical comedy - a "Fantastic Musical Play" in three acts by Mark Ambient and 17.05.1916 Alexander M. Thompson, with lyrics by Arthur Wimperis and music by Lionel Monckton and Howard Archies Enemy anti aircraft fire or artilery piece. After the Music Hall song 'Archibald, Certainly Not!' German Anit aircraft guns were often incaccurate and whenBritish Pilots returned to their airfields, they would be asked, "Archibald give you any trouble today?" They would answer, "Archibald? Certainly 23.04.1916 not!" Archibald was soon shortened to "Archie," and German anti aircraft fire was called "Archie" for the rest of the war. Aristo Aristocrat (French) 18.12.1915 Armageddon 18.11.1918 In the New Testament - the last battle between good and evil before the Day of Judgement. Armand, the French Rugger Henri Amand Fly Half First Cap 01.01.1906 at Parc des Princes against New Zealand 06.12.1915 man Armee Anglaise English Army ( French) 01.11.1916 Aronda Ship built by Alexander Stephen & Sons Glasgow launched in 1912 The ship Hills sailed out to Malta 04.02.1916 Art Thou Weary Hymn - Art thou weary, art thou languid by John Mason Neale (1818-1866), based on a Greek text by 23.04.1916 St Stephen the Sabaite Artesian Well A well in which pressurized water naturally rises to the surface 27.11.1915 Compiled By Lillian Upton

Ascension Day Celebration The Feast of the Ascension, also known as Ascension Thursday, Holy Thursday , or Ascension Day, commemorates the bodily Ascension of Jesus into heaven. Celebration here means taking of Holy 23.12.1916 Communion Au fait In this context "alright" -Litereally in French "familiar with" 01.12.1915 Auberge Inn (French) 29.02.1916 August Presence August means inspiring awe or admiration because of rank or age - majestic, as in " the august 22.07.1916 presence of the monarch" B.E.F. British Expeditionary Force Bainsfather Cartoons Captain (Charles) Bruce Bairnsfather (09.07.1887 – 29.09.1959) was a prominent British humorist and cartoonist His best-known cartoon character is Old Bill. Bill and his pals Bert and Alf featured in 21.02.1916 Bairnsfather's weekly "Fragments from France" cartoons published weekly in "The Bystander" magazine during the First World War Baltic Business August 8th -21st 1915 failed German Naval attack on the Gulf of Riga in the Baltic Sea Barrack Room Ballads A series of songs and poems by Rudyard Kipling about the late-Victorian British Army and mostly 03.08.1915 written in a vernacular dialect (every day speech)-this must be why Knighton cannot read them himself- but Hills is able to (See the poems he write hinself in dialect-15.09.1915 & 16.19.1915) Bde Brigade Beatty's victory in the N. Sea 12.06.1916 Vice-Admiral Sir David Beatty Naval commander at the 31.051916- 01.06.1916 Bechuanaland The Bechuanaland Protectorate was a protectorate established on 31.03.1885, by the United 12.12.1917 Kingdom in southern Africa. It became the Republic of Botswana on 30.09.1966 Beech Thomas Contributed to The Globe and the Outlook Magazine then got a full time post as Journalist with the . The paper sent him to France to cover the war form there. What he 28.09.1916 wrote was subject to Govenrmnet control. He was Knighted after the war for his services as a Belgian Gendarmerie Belgian Civil Police 16.08.1915 Bethunes ( Battye Bombs) Early WW1 bomb designed by Capt B C Battye at the Bethune works 28.08.1915 Compiled By Lillian Upton

Bing Boys The Bing Boys Are Here, styled "A Picture of London Life in a Prologue and Six Panels" is the first of a series of revues which played at the Alhambra Theatre, London during the last two years of World 17.07.1916 War I.It first opened on 19 and starred and Violet Lorraine, famous for their introduction of the song "If You Were the Only Girl (in the World)" Bisley Village in Surrey noted for it rifle shooting ranges 04.10.1916 Bismark Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince of Bismarck, Duke of Lauenburg (1 April 1815 – 30 July 1898), known as 26.09.1916 Otto von Bismarck, was a Prussian statesman who dominated German and European affairs with his conservative policies from the 1860s until he was forced to resign in 1890 by Emperor Wilhelm II. Blesse Wounded man (French) 14.08.1916 Blighty England A "blighty " was a wound serious enough to send you home for treatment Blighty meant 15.08.1915/16.09.1915 Britain. Derived from the Hindu word Bilayati, meaning “foreign country”, the British in India came to (poems) refer to Britain as Blighty and the those in the trenches picked it up. Bloaters A type of whole cold-smoked herring 14.02.1916 Blow Out Big Meal 31.03.1916 Brassard An armband - a distinctive band of cloth usually worn round the upper part of a sleeve for 01.12.1915 identification purposes (usually adorned with an identifying mark or insignia) Blue Upright 10.12.1915 Winged traditional dry fishing fly pattern that will work in most conditions for trout and grayling Blug Blood 19.11.1916 Boots The servant responsible for cleaning the boots & shoes 30.12.1915 Bosches The Germans Slang French word meaning "Rascal"-an abbreviation of caboche, French slang for human head Botha’s S.A. Campaign Louis Botha (27.09.1862 – 27.08.1919) an Afrikaner- first Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa. 02.01.1916 A Boer war hero who fought to have South Africa become a British Dominion Bow Bells & Whizzbangs The Bow Belles a concert party of 56th (London) Division Whizzbangs were the concert party of the 23.05.1916 46th Division Bp Pretoria The Bishop of Pretoria Michael Bolton Furse 16.05.1915 Breeks Scottish - Britches or trousers 29.05.1918 Brer Bosch Brer means "Brother " 14.03.1916 Compiled By Lillian Upton

Bret Harte Francis Bret Harte (25.08.1836 – 5.05.1902) American author and poet, best remembered for his 05.02.1916 accounts of pioneering life in California Bric a Brac The revue Bric-a-Brac was produced at the Palace Theatre London in 1915. It starred Miss Gertie 25.02.1916/16/17.07.19 Miller 16 Bryn Egwlys Town in Denbeighshire North wales 14.07.1918 Btn Battalion 29.05.1915 Bully Beef Tinned corned of pickled beef. During WWI food for the troops was prepared as close to the lines as possible. Rations, such as bully beef, were only issued as emergency rations, with strict instructions on the tins that they could only be consumed 'on the order of an officer'. Bust A really good meal -lots of food & wine & merriment Bystander Bystander, a British weekly tabloid magazine, featured reviews, topical sketches and short stories. Popular in WWI for its publication of the "Old Bill" cartoons by Bruce Bairnsfather 21.02.1916 C in C Commander in Chief C.B. Companion of the Order of the Bath 05.06.1916 C.C.S. Casualty Clearing Station 04.08.1916 C.M.G. Companion of the order of at Michael and St George - Royal Navy Medal 17.01.1916 C.O. Commanding Officer C.S.S.A. Civil Service Supply Association a department store in Bedford St London 14.03.1915 Caer Glow Name for the early British settlement at Gloucester. In Old Welsh, the city was known as Caerloyw, 23.06.1916 caer = castle, and loyw from gloyw = glowing/bright Café Chantant Café with live music for entertainment 22.01.1916 Cambrai show , British offensive (November–December 1917) on the Western Front during World 28.11.1917 War I that marked the first large-scale, effective use of tanks in warfare. Canal Suez Canal 26.01.1916 Celebration In the context of Church parades this means taking Holy Communion C'est La Guerre (French) That's War 20.19.1916 Chancel and Apse In church architecture, the chancel (or presbytery) is the space around the altar in the sanctuary at 14.12.1918 the liturgical east end of a traditional Christian church building, possibly including the choir. It may end in an apse - a semicircular recess covered with a hemispherical vault or semi-dome Compiled By Lillian Upton

Charabong Slang term for Charabanc a type of horse-drawn vehicle or early motor coach, usually open-topped, 06.03.1916 common in Britain during the early part of the 20th century. It was especially popular for sight-seeing or "works outings" to the country or the seaside, organised by businesses once a year. The name derives from the French char à bancs ("carriage with wooden benches") the vehicle having originated in France in the early 19th century. Charles Chaplain Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin, KBE (16 .04.1889 – 25.12.1977) was a British comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the silent era. He was worldwide icon through his 26.10.1916 screen persona "the Tramp" and is consideredto be one of the most important figures of the early film industry Charles Kingsley Charles Kingsley (12 .06.1819 – 23.01.1875) was a priest of the Church of England, a university 02.03.1918 professor, historian and novelist. Charterhouse The English Independent Boarding School. Originally called The Hospital of King James and Thomas Sutton in Charterhouse. Founded in 1611 by Thomas Sutton. Moved to its present site in Godalming, 11.03.1918 Surrey in 1872 Chasseur Alpin Chasseurs Alpins (English: Alpine Hunters) - the élite mountain infantry of the French Army 28.12.1915 Chateau ’dIf A fortress (later a prison)on the island of If, the smallest island in the Frioul Archipelago situated in 29.12.1915 the Mediterranean Sea about a mile offshore in the Bay of Marseille in southeastern France. Famous for being one of the settings of Alexandre Dumas' adventure novel The Count of Monte Cristo. Chatty Bed Bed infested with bugs or "Chats" 15.08.1915 (poem) Chef d'oeuvre A master piece. Especially in literature or art 19.05.1916 Chevaleir Album Maurice Auguste Chevalier (12.09.1888 – 01.01.1972) was a French actor, singer and entertainer. His 14.02.1918 trademark attire was a boater hat, which he always wore on stage with a tuxedo.

Chilled Foot Or Trench Foot - a medical condition caused by prolonged exposure of the feet to damp,cold 20.11.1915 conditions. If lnot treated, gangrene occurs leading to amputation Ci-devant From or in an earlier time; former (French) 18.12.1915 Citadelle Fortress (French) 02.03.1916 Civis Civillians Clandestined Piano Literally "secret piano" 16.08.1915 Coalboxes Heavy German shell, usually a 5.9. Named from the black smoke of the shell-burst. Compiled By Lillian Upton

Colebrook 07.08.1915 Lieut. Geoffrey Bathurst Colebrook killed in action in France on his 19th birthday—Jully 27 1915 Colehurst 2nd Lieut Geoffrey Bathurst Colehurst of the Royal West Surrey Regt 12.08.1915 Combles and Thiepval 26.09.1916 conflicts Combles captured 26.09.1916- Battle of Thiepval Ridge 26.09.19156 Cook’s official guide /Cook’s A rapid but extensive tour or survey of anything - named after Thomas Cook (1808–92) the English 07.04.1916/10.04.1916 tour of the country travel agent Coupez la tete French Cut off their heads! 17.10.1918 Courts-Martial Military Court 19.11.1915 Coys Companies Cranium The skull. - especially the part enclosing the brain 10.04.1916 Criccieth Criccieth Castle is a native Welsh castle situated on the headland between two beaches in Criccieth, 14.07.1918 Gwynedd, in North Wales, on a rocky peninsula overlooking Tremadog Bay Cricieth Town in wales near Porthmadoc 22.09.1916 Croix de Guerre Translation:" Cross of War"- a French military decoration first created in 1915 Crumps German 5.9 inch shell or the burst thereof. The last crump referred to the end of the war. Cuisinerie Cooking (French) 11.08.1915 Culpabale fire Fire from your own side 11.06.1915 Cum Grano Salis Latin -with a pinch of salt -ie don't ebtirely believe it all 28.07.1916 Cunarder Ship of the Cunard Line 18.16.1916 Cure Parish Prieist 17.11.1915 Cwts Imperial Unit of measure --112 pounds 26.07.1916 D.A.D.M.S. London District Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services for London 26.06.1918 D.C.M. Distinguished Conduct Medal a second level military decoration awarded to other ranks of the British Army and formerly also to non-commissioned personnel of other Commonwealth countries.

D.L.I.Team Division Light Infantry Team 04.10.1916 D.S.O. Awarded for meritorious or distinguished service by officers of the armed forces during wartime, 14.10.1918 typically in actual combat. Daily Mail May 21 1915 The daily Mail took up a story oniginally started by the Times about the shortage of 14.06.1915 shells. It went further and blamed this on Kitchener himself De Castelnau Noël Édouard Marie Joseph, Vicomte de Curières de Castelnau (24.12.1851 – 19.03.1944) French 18.12.1915 General in . Compiled By Lillian Upton

De duchibus nil nisi bonum Latin literally -of the ghost nothing but good -- Do not speak ill of the dead 23.12.1916 De Reske’s De Reszke cigarettes - named after Jean de Reszke (1850-1925), a famous Polish opera singer, and 13.12.1915 were advertised as 'the Aristocrat of Cigarettes'. Dejeuner Lunch/ midday meal (French) 02.01.1916 Demosthenes’ Philippies Demosthenes was an important Satesman and Orator in Ancient Athens. Most of Demosthenes's major orations were directed against the growing power of King Philip II of Macedonia. These series 05.08.1916 of speeches were salled the "Philippics" Dick Swiveller Character in Disken's Old Curiosity Shop who owes money to nearly eveyone but likes to quote from 04.10.1915 Literature to describe his situations Dindon (French) Turkey 08.12.1916 Dini His Sister Caroline Adini Hills born 1898 Dixmude Town in North Belgium (also spelled Diksmuide) 19.07.1915 Double Cylinders The Double Cylinder No 8 and No 9 hand grenades, also known as the "Jam Tin", were early designs used by the British Army in World War I.The grenade was an inner can of explosive with an outer can of metal fragments or ball bearings. The heavier pattern No 9 grenade contained more high explosive 28.08.1915 and more metal fragments.The fuse was ignited by a friction device or a cigarette

Douglas Haig Field Marshal Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig of Bemersyde, KT, GCB, OM, GCVO, KCIE, ADC, (19.06.1861 – 29.01.1928) British senior officer during World War I. He commanded the British Expeditionary 27.05.1916 Force (BEF) from 1915 to the end of the war. Commander during the Battle of the Somme,the Third Battle of , and the , which led to the armistice in 1918 Dr Syn The Reverend Doctor Christopher Syn is the smuggler hero of a series of novels by Russell Thorndike. The first book, Doctor Syn: A Tale of the Romney Marsh was published in 1915. The story idea came from smuggling in the 18th century Romney Marsh, where brandy and tobacco were brought in at night by boat from France to avoid high tax. Minor battles were fought, sometimes at night, between 05.08.1916 gangs of smugglers, such as the Hawkhurst Gang and the Revenue, supported by the army and local militias in Kent and Sussex Compiled By Lillian Upton

Dubiln disturbances The Easter Rising- an armed insurrection staged in Ireland during Easter Week 1916. Mounted by Irish republicans with the aims of ending British rule in Ireland, seceding from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and establishing an independent Irish Republic at a time when the United 04.05.1916 Kingdom was heavily engaged in World War I. It was the most significant uprising in Ireland since the rebellion of 1798 Ecarte Écarté is a two-player card game originating from France, the word literally meaning "discarded". It is 05.03.1918 a trick-taking game, similar to whist, Ecrive dos bientot s’il v.p Write soon please (Poor French) 08.08.1916 Embarrass de richesse A great number of options which are difficult to choose between 10.09.1915 En plein-air In the open air (French) 16.10.1916 En route On the way (French) 10.02.1916 Enteric Dysentry 24.09.1915 Entre nous French - Between Us 04.08.1916 Ephipany Christian Religious festival celebrated on January 6 also known as Twelfth Night or the "Three Kings 06.02.1916 Day" Estaminet Pub Ethel Levey the dancer Born Ethelia Fowler 22.11.1880- 27.02.1955 An american dancer and singer. 19.06.1916 F.H.B. s ? 05.05.1916 Falstaffian Relating to or resembling Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night "character Sir John Falstaff in being fat, jolly, 04.12.1917 and debauched Farmyard “piccadillies” Farmyard Smells? 05.05.1916 Farnol's Amateur Gentleman Swashbuckling novel set in the Regency period by Jeffrey Farnol, published in 1913. It was made into a silent film in 1920- another silent film in 1926 and a film in 1936 with Douglas Fairbanks Junior 04.11.1916 starring as the lead character Barnabas Barty Farouche Horse drawn carriage 27.01.19156 Ferme De L'Odeur affreuse Major Martin's name for Battalion Headquarters in village of Strazeele (P17 of the Book) Fiacre A small four-wheeled carriageavailable for public hire 28.12.1915 Field Ambulance A mobile medical unit that treats wounded soldiers very close to the combat zone. In the British military medical system that developed during the First World War, the FAs were an intermediate level in the casualty evacuation chain that stretched from the Regimental Aid Posts near the front 03.08.1916 line and the Casualty Clearing Stations located outside the range of the enemy's artillery. FAs were often assigned to the brigades of a division. Compiled By Lillian Upton

Field P C Field Post Card Already typed post cards Soldiers wrote their names on them then crossed out any 09.05.1918 wording not applicable to themselves First S.A. Business The First Boer War (or First South African War)(1880–1881)Fought by the Boers to gain 12.12.1917 independence form the Colonial British. The Boers were ultimately victorious. Flaming puttees Puttees are usually made of long strips of cloth which are then wound round the lower legs. Officers sometimes had more sophisticated arrangements-these could be red coloured leather spats or 01.12.1915 grieves ( a piece of armour that protects the leg) Flammenwerfer Flame thrower 19.03.1916 Flers Part of the Battle area of High Wood Battle of the Somme 1916 11.09.1916 Flying buttresses A specific form of buttressing (or support structres) most strongly associated with Gothic church 14.02.1916 architecture Foie gras Pate made from goose liver 10.04.1916 Follies Bergere A cabaret music hall in Paris Established in 1869 It is still in business and is always a strong symbol of 10.02.1916 French and Parisian life. Footer ”pick up”. Footer here is Rugby not football 11.11.1916 Formentations The application of hot moist substances to the body to ease pain.The material applied in a 21.07.1916 fomentation is often called a poultice French Field Marahal John Denton Pinkstone French - 1st Earl of Ypres - the Commander-in-Chief of the 17.01.1916 British Expeditionary Force for the first two years of World War I Frere Brother (French) 02.03.1915 Fussilade Gun fire/gun battle 19.11.1915 G General Staff officers and enlisted personnel responsible for the administrative, operational and 17.04.1916 logistical needs of their unit G.O.C. in C Old Stuart- Wortley Major General The Hon. Edward James Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, CB, CMG, DSO, MVO (31 July 1857 – 19 March 1934) was a general of the King's Royal Rifle Corps On 1 June 1914, he became GOC of the 22.03.1915/13.08.1915 46th (North Midland) Division,( division) He was controversially dismissed after the Battle of the Somme due to the failure of his division's diversionary attack. G.O.C. Smith- Dorrien Gerneral Officer Commanding General Sir Horace Lockwood Smith-Dorrien 13.03.1915 G.S.Wagon General Service Wagon 06.09.1916 Gallipoli The Gallipoli Campaign / Dardanelles Campaign took place on the Gallipoli Peninsular in Turkey Gamin A street urchin (French) 07.12.1915 Compiled By Lillian Upton

Gare Station (French) 14.01.1916 Gazette The London Gazette -the newspaper which (still to this day) publishes official information from the British government including Army promotions /awarding of medals etc 19.11.1915 Gd Guard 12.01.1916 General Wolf Remark "See how they run." one of the officers exclaimed, as the French fled in confusion before the leveled bayonets."Who run?" demanded Wolfe, opening his eyes like a man aroused from sleep."The enemy, sir," was the reply; "they give way everywhere." 12/13.03.1915 "Then," said the dying general, "tell Colonel River, to cut off their retreat from the bridge. Now, God be praised, I die contented," he murmured; and, turning on his side, he calmly breathed his last breath. Generalissimo De Castelnau Noël Édouard Marie Joseph, Vicomte de Curières de Castelnau (24.12.1851 – 19.03.1944) - a French 18.12.1915 General in World War German C.G.S. German Chief of General Staff 22.09.1916 Gilbert & S The Victorian-era theatrical partnership of the librettist W. S. Gilbert (1836–1911) and the composer 27.05.1916 Arthur Sullivan (1842–1900). They collaborated on fourteen comic operas between 1871 and 1896, of which H.M.S. Pinafore, The Pirates of Penzance and The Mikado are among the best known. Grandma 15 inch heavy gun Grandmeme Literally "even large" (French) 12.01.1916 Gratis Latin for "free" /without charge - part of the exaggerated phrase "free gratis & for nothing" 29.11.1915 Gratters Congratulations 13.031915 Green Tiger The Green Tiger is the journal of The Royal Leicestershire Regiment. It has recorded events and news about the Regiment since 1904, and from 1964 it has been the newsletter for the old comrades of 05.02.1918 the Regimental Association. Grey Home in the West "Little Grey Home In The West" British Music Hall song popular in the early years of WW1 07.12.1915 Grey’s Elegy Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard a poem by Thomas Gray, completed in 1750 and first 04.10.1915 published in 1751 Grubby Acolyte In many Christian denominations, an acolyte is anyone who performs ceremonial duties such as 14.02.1918 lighting altar candles or swinging insense burners Gump Gumption--common sense/guts/ initiative 23.11.1915 H.A.C. Honourable Artillery Company H.E. Shell High explosive Shell 22.09.1916 Compiled By Lillian Upton

H.G.H. Henry Gardner Hills - his father H.H. Hildersham House Preparatory School Broadstairs Kent Founded in the 19th Century Closed 1970 Harborians Residents of Market Harborough Leicestershire Hark My Soul Hymn-First Line "Hark my soul! It is the Lord" . Tune composed by John B. Dykes. Tune name "S 31.08.1916 tBees". Lyrics by William Cowper. Harry Tate Ronald Macdonald Hutchinson (04.07.1872 - 14.02.1940), professionally known as Harry Tate. An 08.07.1916 English comedian who performed both in music halls and in films. He worked fo rthe Sugar Refiners Henry Tate & Sons before going on the stage, and took his stage name from them. Hate Term meaning fighting any sort of actual confilct Hildershamians Old Boys of Hildersham House Preparatory School Broadstairs Kent Founded in the 19th Century Closed 1970s Hill 60 High ground three miles south-east of Ypres. Man made feature - made from earth removed during the construction of a nearby railway line. A small area of elevated land in a flat landscape, it was 16.07.1915 strategically important in the battles in the Salient. Hindenberg line The Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) was a German defensive position in World War I built during 17.10.1918 the winter of 1916–1917 on the Western Front from Arras to Laffaux, near Soissons on the Aisne. HMS Doleful See entry for 26.11.1915 nick name for one of the 3 new officers to join the brigade 14.12.1915 Hohenzollern The House of Hohenzollern is a noble family and royal dynasty of electors, kings, and emperors of 01.10.1917 Brandenburg, Prussia, Germany, and Romania. This battle took place during the 25 September – 15 Called at the time "the big push" On 13 October the 46th (North Midland) Division (TF) attacked after a cloud gas releas, loosing 3,643 casualties, mostly in the first ten minutes. Hooge 05.06.1916 A small village in Flanders, Belgium. During the First World War it was the site of intensive fighting. Hors de combat Out of action (French) 23.08.1915/17.05.1916 Hotel De Ville Town Hall (French) Hotel Terminus de Marseille The main Station in Marseille is called "Saint Charles" this was the "Station Hotel" Saint Charles Compiled By Lillian Upton

House maids Inflammation of the knee, causing front knee pain & swelling. Called this as it was common amongst housemaids and other who had to kneel to do a great percentage of their work, so causing pressure, 03.08.1916 swelling and inflamation Howitzer Type of artillery piece with a relatively short barrel which uses comparatively small charges to propel projectiles at high trajectories, with a steep angle of descent Sometimes called "Big Bertha" HQRS Headquarters Hun/s German/s -Reference to the medieval Hunnic Empire of Attila the Hun. The term originated in the wunnenrede (Hun speech)made by Emperor Wilhelm II on 27 July 1900, to the German expeditionary corps sailing to defeat the Boxer Uprising I.O. Intelligence Officer Ian Harp’s Knight on Wheels It is the tale of an orphan left to the care of his uncle – a retired Lt Col of the Indian Army . The uncle spends his time soliciting money from credulous females by sending outrageously fraudulent begging 17.11.1916 letters Infantile paralysis The old name for Polio 17.09.1916 Inspection by the King During his first visit to the front on Oct 28 1915 King George V had a serious accident. His horse was 27.10.1915/03.11.1915 startled by cheeering from a regiment he was inspecting- it reared & fell backwards on him. Italian Business On 24 October 1917 the Austrians and Germans launched the (Italian name for Kobarid) with a huge artillery barrage followed by infantry using Hutier tactics, bypassing enemy 04.11.1917/06.11.1917 strong points and attacking on the Italian rear. At the end of the first day, the Italians had retreated 12 miles to the Tagliamento River. Jack Johnsons German shell bursting with black smoke. After the boxer Jack (John Arthur) Johnson (1878-1946), the first black American world heavyweight champion (1908-1915) Jack Robinson Figure of speech used to indicate a period of time in a sarcastic way."Before you can say Jack 26.09.1916 Robinson" or "Faster than Jack Robinson" Jam- tins JAM-TINS Originally, home-made or improvised bombs made from jam-tins, mainly used before widespread introduction of the Mills Bomb. Also nickname for the No.8 and No.9 Double Cylinder grenades of late 1914 and early 1915 as they looked like jam tins. Jameson Raid The Jameson Raid was a botched raid on Paul Kruger's Transvaal Republic carried out by a British colonial statesman Leander Starr Jameson and his Company mercenaries and Bechuanaland 04.12.1917/12.12.1917 policemen over the New Year weekend of 1895–96 Compiled By Lillian Upton

Joan of Arc The "Maid of Orleans"- a folk heroine of France and a Roman Catholic saint- she led the French army to several important victories against England during the Hundred Years' War She was burned at the 11.05.1916 stake for heresy when she was 19 years old Journee des - informal term for a French World War I infantryman the literal meaning is "hairy one" Journée 26.12.1915 du Poilu. 25 et 26 décembre 1915 (trans. "The poilu's holiday, December 25 and 26, 1915") was a French World War I poster by Adolphe Willette about a poilu's Christmas leave from the front. Kaiser Wilhelm II (1859 - 1941) the last German Emperor (kaiser) and king of Prussia, whose warlike policies 16.19.1915 (poem) helped to bring about World War One Kate The Shrew in Shakespear's Taming of the Shrew - a headstrong and willful woman 17.04.1916 Khushi From the Urdu word meaning gladness, happiness, joyfulness Anglicised as "Cushy" 21.05.1916 King’s Regulations Collection of orders and regulations in force in the Royal Navy, British Army, and Royal Air Force, forming guidance for officers of these armed services in all matters of discipline and personal 19.11.1915 conduct Kingsgate A seaside town in Kent near Broadstairs 19.05.1916 Kirchner Raphael Kirchner (died 02.08.1917)An Austrian artist who moved to America in 1914 Produced early mildly erotic "pin ups" of women favoured by soldiers during the War Knut Head (slang) 10.09.1915 K's Death Lord Kitchener died on June 5 1916. He was on board the HMS Hampshire when it was struck by a 12.06.1916 mine and sank. His body was never found. K's/Kitcheners/Kof K The New Army, often referred to as Kitchener's Army or, disparagingly, Kitchener's Mob. An (initially) all-volunteer army formed in the U K following the start of WW1. Created on the recommendation of Horatio Kitchener, then Secretary of State for War. (K of K Kitchener of Karthoum) Kunk His Uncle? 02.10.1916 L&L Linconshire & Leicestershire 06.12.1915 L.G. Onmibusses London General Omnibus Company vehicles 06.02.1915 Lachrymatory shells Gas shells Lacrymose means tearful or prone to weeping 21.05.1916 Lascars Indian Sailors 03.02.1916 Lavengro Lavengro: The Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest (1851) novel by George Borrow Lavengro is a Romany 06.12.1915 word meaning "word master" Leatherface Novel by Emmuska Orczy 28.09.1916 Compiled By Lillian Upton

Leo Stormont Leo Stormont was a director and actor, known for Royal England, a Story of an Empire's Throne 16.06.1916 (1911), England Invaded (1909) and Sonia (1921). He died on January 28, 1923. Lieut H.J. Snowden 1st Herts REGT 28.11.1915 Limber A two-wheeled cart designed to support the trail of an artillery piece or the stock of a field carriage 18.06.1915 so that it can be towed Little Willies German field gun shells Lloyd Georges "The Two Lloyd Georges" Richard (1889–1968) & Gwilym (1894–1967) Sons of David Lloyd George, 17.12.1915 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor OM PC British politician and later Prime Minister leading the wartime coallition government form 1916 - 1922 London/A.F.London/ The Arthur Foley Winnington-Ingram Bishop of London 1901 -1939 saw the war as a ‘great crusade to 26.03.1915/31.03.1915 Great London defend the weak against the strong’ Loop- holes Gap in the parapet of a fire trench enabling shooting to take place but providing head cover. May be constructed from sandbags, steel plates or other materials. German ones were made of bullet proof steel Lothian N-I-N/ Nairn John Arbuthnot Nairn Head of Merchant Taylor's School 1900 -1927 09.05.1916 Lt Hantelmann Leutnant Georg von Hantelmann (09.10.1898 - 07.09.1924) a German fighter ace credited with winning 25 victories during World War I. It was notable that these victories included three opposing 03.04.1916 aces shot down within the same week in September 1918–David Putnam, Maurice Boyau, and Joseph Wehner Lt Gen Sir ------commanding The Hon Sir Julian Byng ? the army Corps 23.06.1916 Luisitania Cunard Ocean liner sunk by German U Boat 20 on 7 May 1915 11 miles off the Old Head of Kinsale Ireland 1,198 killed 761 survived M.E.F. Mediterranean Expeditionary Force ( Also Med Ex Force) M.O. Medical Officer 12.08.1619 M.T.S. Merchant Taylors School Mafeking Night The seige of Mafeking was the most famous British action in the Second Boeor War -it lasted from 17.05.1916 13.10.1899 to 17.05.1900 a total of 217 days. Magazines ? A trench magazine that was published by soldiers fighting on the front lines of 23.09.1918 the First World War. It was produced by British soldiers from the 12th Battalion (Nottingham & Derbyshire Regiment), 24th Division British Armies in France. Compiled By Lillian Upton

Mais que voulez-vous? C’est la But what do you want? That's war (French) 31.10.0916 guerre Mal de mer Sea sickness (French) 30.01.1916 Mal quart d'heure Bad quarter of an hour (French) 12.05.1915 March Brown March Brown May Fly probably the most famous of all British mayflies - copied by anglers to catch 10.12.1915 fish for over 500 years.Taken by trout March Lorranie Very patrotic March composed by Louis Ganne (1862-1923) in 1892 Lyrics by Jules Jouy and Octave 25.06.1916 Pradels. It includes the theme song Passing through Lorraine . Mark Twain Samuel Langhorne Clemens ( 30.11.1835 – 21.04.1910) better known by his pen name Mark Twain- 04.06.1918 an American author and humorist. He wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885) the latter is often called "the Great American Novel." Marlborogugh (College) 05.06.1916 Public school at Marlborough in Wiltshire founded in 1843 for the sons of Church of England clergy Marlborough (Soldier & John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, Prince of Mindelheim, Prince of Mellenburg, KG, PC Statesman) 26.05.1650 – 16.06.1722 an English soldier and statesman whose career spanned the reigns of five 11.05.1916 monarchs Marne Battle fought between 5th and the 12th of September 1914 04.12.1915 Marseillaise French National Anthem 08.01.1916 Martinpuich Part of the Battle area of High Wood Battle of the Somme 1916 15.09.1916 Mary His Sister Mary Steorra Hayes Hills born 1908 29.09.1915 Matabele Shows The Matabele wars were fought between the British South Africa Company and the Ndebele (Matabele) people, in the country now known as Zimbabwe.The First 1893- 1894, the Second 1896- 12.12.1917 897 Matitudinal Morning walks (latin) perambulations/peregrination 10.04.1916/08.09.1916 s Maxim shots/maxim Shots from a Maxim machine gun. The Maxim gun was the first recoil-operated machine gun - invented by the American-born British inventor Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim in 1884 Menial Servant -one who performs menial tasks 20.06.1916 Mention/ed Mentioned in despatches or the London Gazette 17.01.1916/08.07.1916 Merriman Merriman was the pen name of the English novelist Hugh Stowell Scott 1862-1903 05.02.1916/26.06.1918 Compiled By Lillian Upton

Mesopotamy Mesopotamia name for the area of the Tigris–Euphrates river system, corresponding to modern-day Iraq, Kuwait, the northeastern section of Syria and to a much lesser extent southeastern Turkey and 19.11.1917 smaller parts of southwestern Iran. Milliemes Small unit of Egyptian currency 27.01.1916 Mind my p’s & q’s "Mind my pleases and thankyous" that is - "be on my best behavaiour"- phrase comes from the printing trade where it was a common mistake to mix up p and q while type setting 07.10.1915 Minnenwerfer Minenwerfer ("mine launcher") - name for a class of short range mortars used extensively during WW1 by the German Army. They were intended to be used by engineers to clear obstacles, including bunkers and barbed wire, that longer range artillery would not be able to accurately target. Miss Paul Head of private Girl's School at the time? 04.10.1916 Mistral A strong, cold and usually dry regional wind in France 08.01.1916 Moke Slang name for a donkey here referring to his horse 01.12.1915 Mons On August 23 and 24, 1914, Mons was the site of the first battle fought by the British Army in World War I. The British were forced to retreat and the town was occupied by the Germans until its 04.05.1916 liberation by the Canadians during the final days of the war. Moorunia Hills had Russian relatives--his Mother was born in St Petersberg- He refers to this place after 15.08.1915 mentioning the possible evacuation of Petrograd Morval & Les Boeufs The Battle of Morval, 25–28 September 1916, was an attack during the Battle of the Somme by the 26.09.1916 British Fourth Army on the villages of Morval, Gueudecourt and Lesboeufs held by the German 1st Army, which had been the final objectives of the Battle of Flers-Courcelette (15–22 September). Mowing down business Machine Gunning? Killing the enemy head on in persoal combat? 10.04.1918 Mr Atkins Common name for a British ordinary rank soldier 15.08.1915 (Poem) Mustard Gas Chemical warfare agents which form large blisters on exposed skin and in the lungs. When used in impure form, as in warfare agents, they are usually yellow-brown in color and have and smell like mustard plants, garlic, or horseradish, hence the name. This was introduced into the War in 1917 25.05.1918 and became much more effective once it could be fired from speical artilery shells not just released from, cylinders My faithful Bosworth His personal servant or "batman" 01.12.1915 N.C.O.s Non Commissioned Officers 11.11.1916 N’est- ce -pas Isnt it ? (French) here meaning "that's rignt isnt it? 29.09.1915 Compiled By Lillian Upton

Nahpoo Gone, finished --from the French "I'l n'y en a plus" - "There is no more" 12.07.1916 Nairn /Lothian N-I-N John Arbuthnot Nairn Head of Merchant Taylor's School 1900 -1927 Never–to–be- sufficiently- Many "do gooding" institutions sent literature to the trenches the aim being to give "moral 04.10.1915 ridiculed broadsheets guidance" to the troops -hence the variety of topics listed Nevsky Prospect Nevsky Avenue is the main street in the city of St. Petersburg, Russia 01.10.1917 New beet sugar scheme Scheme to produce more sugar form UK grown sugar beet rahter than rely on imports of sugar cane 12.10.1916 from abroad ? New blue hat bands Blue Hat Band worn by Departmental Staff eg Transportation, Ondinance, Veterinary etc 04.05.1916 New method of bayonet Hills describes this in his book. The course was given my Major Campbell of the army Gymnastics instruction Staff. His training did away with the old drill book methods and relied instead on "training arm & rifle 13.05.1916 to act with the eye not on word of command." No 16 16 Somerset St London the Hills' Home 14.10.1918 Noel Boosey Captain, London Regiment. Age: 23 Died 22.07.1915 Buried in Chocques Military Cemetery the son of Arthur and Lucy A Boosey of "The Cedars," Bromley Common, Bromley in Kent. Ex pupil of 01.08.1915 Hindlesham House School. He had an elder brother Leslie Arthur Boosey who Hills refers to in the letterd dated 07.10.1915 Notre Dame de la Garde "Our Lady of the Guard " (French) 29.12.1915 Nouvelle Ane New Year 31.12.1915 O. Locals Time of Ordination of new Clergy in the Church of England 19.07.1915 O.C. Officer Commanding O.M.T.s Old boys of the Merchant Taylor's School O.P. Observation post or "oh pip" Oakley Oakley V.A.D. Hospitla Bromley Common Kent-near to Hills' family home 08.10.1916 Oie rotie Roast goose (French) 15.09.1916 On les arretera (French) We will stop them 01.11.1916 Orczyish/Baroness Orczy Baroness Emma Magdolna Rozália Mária Jozefa Borbála "Emmuska" Orczy de Orczi 23.09.1865 – 12.11.1947. Hungarian-born British novelist, playwright and artist of noble origin. Most well known for her series of novels featuring the Scarlet Pimpernel- Sir Percey Blakeney an English Arictcrat who 28.09.1916 uesed this secret identity while saving French Aristos from the Guillotine during the Reign of Terror in the French Revolution Ours Members of our division/regiment 02.03.1916 Compiled By Lillian Upton

P of W Hospital Marylebone In 1916 the War Office took over the 700-bedded Great Central Hotel in Marylebone for use as a military hospital for wounded and sick officers, and named it the Prince of Wales Hospital. In 14.10.1918 November 1918, it had 780 patients, cared for by 43 nurses, 30 nursing orderlies and 30 members of the local Voluntary Aid Detachment. Today it is the Landmark Hotel. P. of W. Prince of Wales 10.12.1915 P.L.M. express The Calais-Mediterranée Express was a luxury French night express train which operated from 1886 to 2003 It used the "Chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée"( Paris Lyon & 23.12.1915 Mediterranean Railway) or PLM Parapet The front of a trench protected and built up using sandbags Paris Plage Paris Beach ie To Paris 02.09.1918 Parisian “Parvenue” A person who has risen socially or economically but is considered to be an upstart or to lack the 23.04.1916 appropriate refinement for her new position Pate de fois gras Pate made from goose liver 22.12.1915 Pates Heads 30.11.1915 Patum Patum Peperium a type of gentleman's relsigh made from anchovy paste 10.04.1916 Pave roads Literally roads covered with a surface-could be tar concrets or perhaps here -cobbles 10.12.1915 Per diem Each Day/ Daily (Latin) 26.06.1915 Peregrinations A journey especially a long wondering and humerous one 04.02.1916 Pericles Speech to the AthenianFamous speech from Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War- delivered by Pericles the eminent Athenian politician, at the end of the first year of the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC) as 04.10.1915 part of the annual public funeral for the war dead. Persia SS Persia - a P&O passenger liner, built in 1900 by Caird & Company in Greenock Scotland. It was torpedoed and sunk without warning on 30 December 1915 by German U-Boat commander Max 03.01.1916 Valentiner. Petit dejeuner Breakfast (French) 01.01.1916 Petrograd St Petersburg in Russia 14.07.1918 Peu plus gai " A little more cheeful" (French) 06.01.1916 Phizz "Fizz" -Champagne 12.02.1916 Piastres Unit of Egyptian Currrency 27.01.1916 Compiled By Lillian Upton

Pickelhaube The Pickelhaube (plural Pickelhauben; from the old German Pickel = "point" or "pickaxe", and Haube = "bonnet", a general word for headgear), also "Pickelhelm," was a spiked helmet worn in the 19th 01.10.1917 and 20th centuries by German military, firefighters, and police. Although typically associated with the Prussian army, the helmet was widely imitated by other armies during this period Picquet An early 16th-century trick-taking card game for two players 05.03.1918 Piece de resistance The most important or remarkable feature (French) 13.05.1916/19.05.0916 Pip Squeaks Small calibre shell-sometimes gas shell-or a rifle grenade Pitchers Cylinder shaped bomb with a segmented iron body - 3 ½” by 1 ½” Piver Eau de Cologne mande by the French perfume house Piver They make the famous 4711 brand 06.12.1916

Pour boir Tip (French meaning "for a drink") 14.02.1918 Praeludium Musical prelude 07.07.1918 Prince Imperial Napoléon, Prince Imperial (Full name: Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte, 16.03.1856 – 1.06.1879), Fils de France, prince impérial de France, was the only child of Emperor Napoleon III of France and his Empress consort Eugénie de Montijo. His early death in Africa sent shock waves 04.06.1918 throughout Europe, as he was the last dynastic hope for the restoration of the Bonapartes to the throne of France. Pte Private Pte R Cattley of the S.B. Charles Robert (Robin]) Cattley, b.1871 St. Petersburg, d.1952 nr. Winnipeg, Canada. He emigrated to section of the Winnipeg Rifles Canada in 1893; served in the Winnipeg Rifles in WW1, and was severely wounded. He was Hills' 27.02.1916 Uncle. SB -service Battalion? Ptomaine poisoning Food poisoning caused by bacteria or bacterial products 04.08.1916 Pusat Tasek of Panama 'The Navel of Ocean'. In Malay cosmology, Pusat Tasik is the deepest part of the sea 17.01.1916 Quartermasters/QM/ QM Store An individual soldier or a unit who specializes in distributing supplies and provisions to troops Qui vive 29.03.1918 French sentry challenge "who goes there?" To be on the Qui vive is to be alert ready for action Quoit A ring of iron, rope, or rubber thrown in a game to encircle or land as near as possible to an upright peg R.B. Rifle Brigade R.D.F. Royal Defence Force ? 04.05.1916 R.E. Compiled By Lillian Upton

R.G.A Royal Garrison Artillery R.I.P. Requiescat in pace (Latin) may he rest in peace-uesd when someone dies 15.08.1915(poem) R.M.A. Royal Marine Artillary R.T.O. Regiment Transport Officer 02.01.1916 R.T.O. Railway Transport Officer 04.05.1916 RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps Recherché Exquisite- lavishly elegant and refined (French) 02.03.1916 RED HOUSE Trench near Hill 60. The Battle of Hill 60 (17.04 – 07.05 1915) took place in Flanders south of Ypres 01.07.1918 on the Western Front Red-hats /Red tabs Red Tabs – British staff officers. Rear echelon officers wore bright red shoulder tabs and hat bands. This was a visible symbol that the wearer did not belong at the front where such markings would have drawn attention from enemy snipers and, therefore, this was a term of disdain. Redoubt A fort usually made of earthworks. Used to protect soldiers outside the main line of defense - can be a permanent structure or a hastily-constructed temporary fortification Redresser the barrier (French) Straighten the barrier 01.11.0916 rendez-vous Meeting place (French) 14.02.1918 Retreat Beating Retreat is a military ceremony dating back to 16th century England and was first used to recall nearby patrolling units to their castle. Originally it was known as watch setting and was 14.02.1918 initiated at sunset by the firing of a single round from the evening gun. Retreat from Moscow Retreat from Moscow by Napoleon and the French invading armies after the Battle of Borodino in 02.03.1918 1812. The French suffered terrible losses. Revett To reinforce an embankment or earth work with a supporting layer of other material 06.09.1915 stone/concrete/earth Rhinogs A range of mountains located east of Harlech in North Wales. 31.12.1915 Rifle grenades A grenade which uses a rifle-based launcher to achieve a longer range than is possible if the grenade is thrown by hand Romany Rye The Romany Rye is a novel by George Borrow - written in 1857- in the Romany language it menas 06.12.1915 "Gipsy Gentleman" Rubiconed The Rubicon is a shallow river in northeastern Italy. The idiom "Crossing the Rubicon" means to pass 05.03.1918 a point of no return, and refers to Julius Caesar's army's crossing of the river in 49 BC. It meas "no going back" Compiled By Lillian Upton

Rudder Grange Novel by Frank Richard Stockton (1879) originally serialized in Scribner's Monthly, recounted the 28.09.1916 whimsically fantastic and amusing adventures of a family living on a canal boat. Russian Hospital in S. Audley St St Mary's Russian Hospital for British Officers 8 South Audley Street, Mayfair, W1K 1HF 1916 - 1918 a popular and successful convalescant hospital entirely funded by Russian money Today it is the Nehru 14.10.1918 centre S S Megantic Sailing Ship Megantic was built by Harland and Wolff in Belfast in 1908 for the Dominion Line. Her name was to be Albany, but she was turned over to the White Star Line prior to launching to serve the Canadian route and renamed Megantic after Canada's Lake Megantic. In 1910, when Scotland Yard's Inspector Dew arrested the infamous Dr. Crippen and his mistress Ethel Le Neve in Quebec, they were escorted back to England aboard Megantic S.E.C.R. The South Eastern and Chatham Railway (SE&CR) was a working union of two neighbouring rival railways, the South Eastern Railway (SER) and London, Chatham and Dover Railway (LC&DR), which 03.12.1916 operated between London and south-east England. Between 1899 and 1923 the SE&CR had a monopoly of railway service in Kent, and to the main Channel ports for ferries to France and Belgium Salient A salient is an area of the battlefield that extends into enemy territory and is surrounded on three sides. Salisbury, Gladstone, Churchill Former British Prime Ministers 26.09.1916 San Joy London Musical Theaatre show of the time 26.06.1916 Sang froid Coolness (French) 02.12.1915 Sanguinary Bloody (latin) 05.12.1915 Sap Probing out from the front line were trenches usually called 'saps' A listening post in no man's land, connected at ninety degrees to the fire trench by a narrow communication trench. During an advance, saps were often joined together to make the new front line trench. Saucy Squibs A squib is a miniature explosive device used in a wide range of industries, from special effects to military applications. It resembles a tiny stick of dynamite, both in appearance and construction, 20.04.1916 although with considerably less explosive power. Sausage German heavy trench mortar bomb 26.03.1916 Savasi Battle of Gallipoli or the Battle of Çanakkale (Turkish: Çanakkale Savaşı) a campaign that took place 28.07.1916 on the Gallipoli peninsula] in the Ottoman Empire between 25 April 1915 and 9 January 1916. Compiled By Lillian Upton

Sawbath Sabbath/Sunday 15.08.1915 Sawbridgeworth The Town the battalion left for the front from in 1915 04.06.1915 Scabies A contagious, extremely itchy, skin disorder that leads to a rash. It is caused by an infestation with a 31.08.1916 parasite - the scabies mite Scarlet Pimpernels Annual wild flowers with pale scarlet flowers which bloom from May to October. 28.07.1916 Second star Promotion from 2nd Lt (one Star) to Lieutenant ( 2 stars) 24.08.1915 Senior Service The Navy 03.02.1916 Seriatum & Privatum Latin phrase one after the other & privately (on their own) 24.08.1915/31.08.1916 Sevenpennys Novels costing 7d published by George Newnes Limited London 16.12.1915 Shanks’ pony On foot 07.05.1916 Sharpe Lieut Aubrey Temple Sharpe Formerly of the Machine Gun Corps A talented amateur cricketer who 16.07.1915/26.07.1915 became Captain of Leicestershire in 1921 Sherwoods Sherwood Foresters Regiment 11.09.1915 Shoveller Stanley Howard Shoveller 2.9.1881 - 24 .2. 1959 a field hockey player won a gold medal with the 09.06.1915 England team at the 1908 London Olympics Show down South The First (28th March 1918) ? 29.03.1918 Shrewsbury Shrewsbury School 13.02.1916 Sir Edward Grey Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon Foreign Secretary 1905-1916 19.07.1915 Sister Service Navy 20.06.1916 Sketch British illustrated weekly newspaper which focused on high society and the aristocracy. It ran for 2,989 issues between 1 February 1893 and 17 June 1959.Published by the Illustrated London News 21.02.1916 Company - primarily a society magazine with regular features on royalty and the aristocracy, theatre, cinema and art studies Skin Huskisson 28.10.1916 Slingsby Baby A legal case about the legitimacy of a child who inherited a share of the estate Rev. Charles Slingsby died in 1912 leaaving a considerable estate. The bulk of this was left to Lieutenant Slingsby and the remainder went to his son . Slingsby’s younger brother went to court to contest the legitimacy of his 23.11.1915 brothers’ son 23.08.1915 entry Hills refers to Williams as "young & innocent looking" -this proboably explains the nickname Somerset Street 01.02.1918 16 Somerset Street London W1 was where the Hills family had (?) a flat. The street no longer exists Soupe Light Cavalry Light Cavalry Overture is the overture to Franz von Suppé’s operetta Light Cavalry premiered in 02.07.1916 Vienna in 1866 Compiled By Lillian Upton

Sous chef Second in command in a kitchen 14.01.1916 Southern Cross A constellation (group of stars) found in the southern region of the night sky 13.12.1915 Speshul "Special" perhaps a reference to "Special Constables" who were paid of volunteer Police reservists. 01.11.1916 Hills says here his job is as a "policeman" Spike To the west of Porthmadoc in Wales is the mountain Moel-y-Gest which rises 860 feet above the 22.09.1916 town Sportsman Possibly the National Sportsman Magazine devoted to Hunting Shooting & Fishing 02.03.1918 St Beesman Former pupil of St Bees School in Cumbria 20.10.1916 St Stephens Green A city centre public park in Dublin 04.05.1916 Staffords Staffordshire Regiment Stalky "Stalky & Co" by Kipling- a collection of linked short stories about Stalky & his friends at an English 09.06.1915 Boarding School Stand to Be in a state of readiness for action or attack. 6.1916 Steorra Mary Steorra Hayes Hills his sister born 1908 25.09.1916 Stickleback photo Sticky backed photo? 06.12.1916 Stoneyhurst Roman Catholic Independent School Which follows the Jesuit traditions of education (The Society Of 22.07.1916 Jesus founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1534.) Strafed Strafing is the practice of attacking ground targets from low-flying aircraft using aircraft-mounted 29.03.1916 automatic weapons. Hills sometimes uses the term to refer to "Tellings off" by superior ranks Stu Quo Status Quo Ante (Latin) The way things were before 29.09.1915 Subaltern British military term for a junior officer. Literally meaning "subordinate," subaltern is used to describe commissioned officers below the rank of captain and generally comprises the various grades of lieutenant Suffragettes Women who were members of the "right to vote organistion" particularly associated with activists in 22.09.1916 the British women's suffrage movement in the early 20th century, whose demonstrations included chaining themselves to railings and setting fire to mailbox contents Switch Riding whip 23.10.1915 T.F. Territorial Force Talbot (Gilbert) /The Great Lieutenant Gilbert Walbert Lyttelton Talbot 7th Battalion Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort‘s Own) 04.06.1915/26.06.1915/ Gilbert 1.9.1891-30.7.1915 Killed in action aged 23.Buried in Sanctuary Wood British Military Cemetery, 07.08.1915/25.09.1915 Zillebekenear Ieper. 23.10.1916 Compiled By Lillian Upton

Talsarn Town in North Wales in Ceredigion County 27.03.1915 Taylorian The magazine of Merchant Taylor's School 24.07.1916 Terra Firma Dry land--on shore 07.02.1916 Thackeray’s “Snobs” The Book of Snobs is a collection of satirical works by William Makepeace Thackeray first published 23.12.1916 in1848 in Punch as The Snobs of England, By One of Themselves. The "Vicarage" Hill's Family home-- Holy Trinity Vicarage Church Lane Bromley Common Kent 04.06.1915/07.08.1915 The Bull-pup See entry for 26.11.1915 nick name for one of the 3 new officers to join the brigade 14.12.1915 The Golden Butterfly Novel written in 1876 by Sir Walter Besant & James Rice 07.02.1916 The Hon Rawdon Hastings Captain Paulyn Charles James Reginald RAWDON-HASTINGS 1/5th Leicestershire Regiment (27-11- 1889 - 31-10-1915) killed in action, aged 25, during the attack by the North Midlands Division on the 23.05.1915 Hohenzollern Redoubt on 31 October 1915. No known grave. The long day closes The Long Day Closes is a part song by Henry Fothergill Chorley and Arthur Sullivan published in 1868. This song is one of seven part songs that Sullivan published that year, and it became Sullivan's best- 14.06.1916 known part song. The memorable 13th Hohenzollern Redoubt battleinvolving the Regiment on 13.10.1915 12.10.1916 Thermogene wool Thermogene Medicated Wadding (Beecham Pharmaceuticals) is impregnated with capsicum 23.10.1917 oleoresin 2'86% and methyl salicylate 0-03%. A square put on your chest before your vest was supposed to ease your chest and your cough. It was pink or orange. Think of “sugar" Think about nice things -don't worry ? 08.06.1916 Third line regiment/ reserve A third-line battalion of the Leicester Regiment was formed in 1915 but stayed in England until it was batallion absorbed into the 3rd Reserve Cavalry Regiment in 1917 Third" Pip" Promotion forn Second Lieutenant to Captain -the rank wears 3 brass pips (as opposed to the 2 of a 13.11.1917 2nd Lieutenant) Tipperary British Music Hall Song associated with WW1 07.12.1915 Tom His brother Thomas Henry Hills born 1910 29.09.1915 Tommies British soldiers --Tommy Atkins was the common name for a British ordinary rank soldier Toute de suite French Straight away 12.10.1918 Tres Chic Very smart / fashionable (French) 06.11.1917 T's off my old tunic The T stood for Territorial (Force) and was part of the insignia of the 4th and 5th battalions. They were 17.03.1915 literally letter Ts made of brass. Compiled By Lillian Upton

Uncle R/Uncle Rob Charles Robert (Robin]) Cattley, b.1871 St. Petersburg, d.1952 nr. Winnipeg, Canada. He emigrated to 11.09.1916/06.10.1916/ Canada in 1893; served in the Winnipeg Rifles in WW1, and was severely wounded. He was Hills' 08.10.1916 Uncle. Uppinghammians/Uppingham Old boys of Uppingham School in Rutland V.A. D. Hospital Voluntary Aid Detachment hospital The organisation was founded in 1909 with the help of the Red Cross and Order of St. John. By the summer of 1914 there were over 2,500 Voluntary Aid Detachments in Britain. Each individual volunteer was called a detachment, or simply a VAD. Of the 74,000 VADs in 1914, two-thirds were women and girls. Vacillatory Progress To wobble/sway from side to side 13.08.1915 Valise Also "tent Valise" literally a tent stored and carried in a bag 26.06.1915 Vampist or vampire In music, a vamp is a repeating musical figure, section, or accompaniment 16.08.1915 Vanity of Vanities Ecclesiastes 12:8-14 Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher, “All is vanity.” 04.10.1915 Velma chocolate Popular brand of Suchard Chocolate 13.12.1915 VERBOTENER DURCHGANG No right of way (German) 12.06.1916 Verdun The was fought from 21 February – 18 December 1916 on the Western Front between the German and French armies, on hills north of Verdun-sur-Meuse in north-eastern France Vert Convert Hills from Church of England to Roman Catholicism 06.10.1916 Veuve Cliquot A French champagne house based in Reims, specializing in premium products. Founded in 1772 by Philippe Clicquot-Muiron, it played an important role in establishing champagne as a favored drink of 25.05.1916 high socicity and nobility throughout Europe View Halloa The shout made by a hunter on seeing a fox break cover 15.12.1917 Villainous Le Bon at Arras Joseph Le Bon (29.09.1765 – 10.10.1795) was a French politician. He was born at Arras and showed 23.04.1916 great severity in dealing with Revolutionaries W.O. War Office War savings Official Government backed Savings Scheme to raise money to support the War Effort 04.08.0918 Waterloo The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo in Belgium. An Imperial French army under the command of Emperor Napoleon was defeated by the armies of the Seventh 16.15.1918 Coalition, comprising an Anglo-allied army under the command of the Duke of Wellington combined with a Prussian army under the command of Gebhard von Blücher. Weeds "Widow's weeds" Black clothing worn during mourning after the death of a loved one 30.12.1915 Compiled By Lillian Upton

Whitechurch’s "Cannon In Residence" Victor Lorenzo Whitechurch (12.03.1868 – 2.05. 933) was a Church of England clergyman and author. 04.11.1916 Canon in Residence is one of his best know novels. it has been adapted for the stage and radio Whited Sephulcre Matthew 23:27 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of 10.04.1916 the dead and everything unclean." A person who is inwardly evil but outwardly professes to be virtuous - a hipocrite Whizbangs High-velocity shell. From the noise of the rapid flight and the explosion. Usually applied to the German 77 mm William 11 Wilhelm II or William II (German: Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albrecht von Preußen; Frederick William Victor Albert of Prussia; 27.01.1859 – 4.07.1941) was the last German Emperor (Kaiser) and King of 26.09.1916 Prussia, ruling the and the Kingdom of Prussia from 15.07.1888 -09.11.1918. The eldest grandson of Queen Victoria and related to many monarchs and princes of Europe. Worthy Teutonic friends ie the Germans the Teutons or Germanic peoples 16.05.1918 Y.M.C.A. rest House Young Men's Christian Association rest house 09.11.1918 Your congratulations On his promotion to Temp Captain from June 1 1916 18.06.1916 Zep Zepellins - a type of rigid airship pioneered by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin in the early 20th century Zeppelin raid on London First one on January 19 1915 24.08.1915 Zig Zag at the London 1917 London Reveue Revue by Albert de Courville, Wal Pink & George Arnould. Staged by Ned Hippodrome Wayburn at The Hippodrome. A building on the corner of Charing Cross Road and Leicester Square in 14.02.1918 the City of Westminster London Zulu Wars The Anglo-Zulu War was fought in 1879 between the and the Zulu Kingdom. 12.12.1917 the March Brown 10.12.1915 the Blue Upright 10.12.1915 De Reske’s 13.12.1915 Velma chocolate 13.12.1915 Southern Cross 13.12.1915 The Bull-pup 14.12.1915 HMS Doleful 14.12.1915