HRM Stadium Analysis – Phase 1 Final Report
Item No. 3(ii) Halifax Regional Council August 2, 2011 Committee of the Whole TO: Mayor Kelly and Members of Halifax Regional Council SUBMITTED BY: ___________________________________________________________ Richard Butts, Chief Administrative Officer __________________________________________________________ Mike Labrecque, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Operations DATE: July 18, 2011 SUBJECT: HRM Stadium Analysis – Phase 1 Final Report ORIGIN Regional Council meeting of February 8, 2011, Agenda Item No. 10.1.2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Regional Council: 1. Approve in principle the recommended directions outlined in the Final Report – Phase 1 Stadium Analysis: Halifax Stadium – Business Plan (Attachment 2); 2. Direct staff to proceed to Phase 2 Stadium Analysis: Site Selection and Preliminary Design; and 3. Approve an increase to project CBX01363 in the amount of $275,000 (net HST included) for Phase 2, with funding from the Strategic Growth Reserve, Q126, as outlined in the Budget Implications section of this report. HRM Stadium Analysis Phase 1 Final Report - 2 - August 2, 2011 BACKGROUND Executive Summary On February 8, 2011, Regional Council directed staff to proceed with a process to determine whether or not there is viability for the development of a multi-use stadium in the municipality. The analysis would determine the business case for such a facility, along with an assessment of future opportunities, and comparisons of similar facilities. The potential multi-use facility would have a minimum seating capacity (including a mix of temporary and permanent seating) of 20,000 seats. Regional Council, also at that time, approved a citizen led Steering Committee to oversee and guide the project. The Steering Committee, populated with representatives as directed by Regional Council, has proceeded with their mandate and has submitted its reports and recommendations to Regional Council.
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