Author Index
INDEX TO PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS TO VOLUMES 81, 82 and 83 AUTHOR INDEX ABBCT, W.M. & STRANGE, P.G. Use of ANIS, N.A., BERRY, S.C., BURTON, N.R., immobilised lectins for partial DAWKINS, S.L. & LODGE, D. Effects purification of D2 dopamine receptors, of psychotomimetic benzomorphans on 113P responses of cat spinal neurones to ABRAHAMSEN, J. & NE ERGAARD, O.A. excitatory amino acids and acetyl- Accumulation of [ H]-adrenaline by choline, 196P rabbit isolated aorta, 327P ANWYL, R. & ROWAN, M.J. Antagonism ADAMS, M. & MARSHALL, I. Chronic of inhibitory but not excitatory infusions of idazoxan and desmeth- effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the ylimipramine on cr2-receptor control rat hippocampal slice, 273P of noradrenaline release, 316P APPLEYARD, M.E., GREEN, A.R. & SMITH, ADHAM, N. & TEMPLETON, D. The effect A.D. Regional acetylcholinesterase of parasympathetic denervation on activity in rat brain following a [ H]-QNB binding in the rat parotid convulsion, 248P gland, 323P ARBILLA, S., BAUD, P., CANTRILL, R. & AL-GADI, M. & HILL, S.J. The effect LANGER, S.Z. Endogenous phenolamines: of cimetidine and mepyramine on do they have a direct postsynaptic histamine stimulated cAMP accumulation action on dopamine receptors in the in rabbit cerebral cortical slices, central nervous system? 252P 278P ARBILLA, S., DENNIS, T., LANGER, S.Z., ALABASTER, V.A. & PETERS, C.J. Pre- NIDDAM, R. & SCATTON, B. Pretreatment and post-junctional 62-adrenoceptors with reperpine does not modify the can be differentially antagonised, amphetamine induced release of 163P endogenous dopamine in striatal ALDERSON, E. see MARSHALL, E.F., 351P slices, 249P ALLELY, M. & UNGAR, A.
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