Footprints the , and D

S How to get there ©

now it is only 3%. It is o t

Some of the wildlife that live around the trail are very o Steyning is situated just off the A283 between

dependent on appropriate h shy. We know that they live here by looking for signs p Shoreham and . From Steyning High STEYNING grazing, or it becomes such as dung, gnaw and scratch marks, and their taken over by coarse Street turn into Church Street (opposite the footprints. When you find a muddy patch have a look grasses and shrubs. These White Horse Pub). The car park entrance is for any footprints they might have left behind. Maybe shade out the light that opposite St. Andrews Church. The trail starts at Nature Trail & Open Access you can match some to the prints shown here. the delicate chalk the Steyning Centre which is situated at the far grassland needs. South Downs sheep end of the car park. The main bus stop is at the Clock Tower on High Street. C Chalk grassland occurs J Explore Pepperscombe D

S To Storrington © where soils are very thin, Fur B2135 o t o

well drained, nutrient poor h A283 & beyond p and overlay chalk bedrock. East Hampshire AONB Nature Trail R. Adur It is characterised by a Downs AONB Steyning mixture of grasses and To Shoreham badger Roe deer Fox wildflowers, in particular

R. Rother herbs, with a few shrubs Petersfield A272 M A A 3 2 2 and trees. This supports 4 3 Adonis blue butterfly Lewes R

Downland turf . A R A27

M 3 A27 R . 2 2

0 Miles 10 A many animals including A

e .

R o A d

n u r Brighton .

u r

Chichester O

N n C u

C u

s Newhavene J butterflies such as the Adonis blue and silver- c k We are lucky enough to W E m D Eastbournee r S English Channel e R spotted skipper, and birds such as skylarks and S . ©

have one of the richest o t

o corn buntings. wildlife habitats of Western h p Europe on our own We would like to thank County Further information doorstep. Chalk grassland Council, Steyning Parish Council and Wiston has a great diversity of West Sussex County Council bus enquiries Estate for all their help in producing this guide. plants and animals, many of Tel: (01243) 777556 which are internationally Steyning Countryside and Landscape rare or threatened. It can THE WISTON ESTATE Birds-foot trefoil Parish Council South Downs Joint Committee support over 50 different Central Area Office species of flowering plant per square metre! Tel: (01273) 625242 Around the nature trail you will see areas of chalk History of Steyning, Steyning Museum grassland. These areas are carefully managed to Tel: (01903) 813333 Designed by the South Downs Joint Committee retain its existence and quality. Back in the 19th © South Downs Joint Committee 2006 Tel:(01243) 558700 century chalk grassland covered more than 50% of Publication no. SDJC 1

www.visitsouthdowns.com Working in Partnership to Protect the South Downs Key Lowe r Horseshoe Uppe r Horseshoe Bridleway Footpath Road Ri ver viewpoint Hedge Chalk Pit

Welcome to Pepperscoombe & beyond OPEN ACCESS a new way to explore

Steyning is a picturesque downland town. Nestled C J

D Upper Horseshoe: Open access is an exciting new opportunity giving you the under the South Downs, it provides a gateway to S spring 3 miles (1.5 hours) © Lower Horseshoe: 2.5 miles (1 hour)

o right to explore more of the outstanding South Downs the beautiful landscape on its very doorstep. The t The first spring flowers in o h Nature Trail comprises two routes, known locally as p the woodland bloom just landscape. Where you see the open access symbol you can Tanyard Lane leave the footpath and walk, sightsee, picnic, watch wildlife, before the trees come t the Upper and Lower Horseshoes. The upper M e e t r into leaf so they can keep i Steps t e l S Steyning run or climb within the mapped area. Cycling, horse riding route involves a steep climb but rewards you with l e n H R o Mruseum the light to themselves. lt ig t and driving are not permitted on access land. o r h S M excellent views of the surrounding countryside. a Steyning a h S d C Bus Stop t h r c Centre 4 e r Where to start Lesser cellandine e u 1 t h Bowling Public C 1 Follow the footpath into School Lane and Club Cricket House 3 Field turn left into Church Street. Cross the High START Chalk ne Street and follow Sheep Pen Lane and Pen La Grassland Sheep Newham Lane for half a mile. Farmland e 2 Lan From here the Upper Horseshoe route Pepperscoombe m ha Farm w (blue arrow) climbs the hill. The Lower e N Horseshoe route, (yellow arrow) continues Woodland 2 hoe Camp site through the wood. orses Key 3 The two routes rejoin here. er H ow road 4 Continue straight ahead crossing Charlton L Two of these open access areas can be found as you walk bridleway around the Nature Trail. Check the map opposite to locate N Street and on the left you will find steps that U lead down to the High Street. Turn right and p hoe footpath them and begin to explore more of this wonderful chalk E p es grassland landscape. W return to the start of the trail. er rs viewpoint H o follow the wheelbarrow S Please follow the Countryside Code Bench Chalk waymarks and use the map open access Grassland to guide you around the trail • Be safe – plan ahead and follow any signs To the • Protect plants and animals and take your litter home C J • Keep dogs under close control at any time. From 1st D C C S J J March to 31st July your dog must be kept on a short fixed D D ©


o winter

t autumn © summer © o

lead to help protect ground nesting birds h o o t t p o o As the leaves begin Just as things begin to h On those warm h • Leave gates and property as you find them p p look empty, you will see summer days see to turn you will find that they are starting to how many different fungi appearing in the For more information on open access get ready for spring. butterflies you can woodland and the www.countrysideaccess.gov.uk Look at the buds on spot on the way hedgerows will bear Access helpline 0845 100 3298 the trees. round the trail. lots of berries. www.visitsouthdowns.com/openaccess Marbled white Blackberries Hazel catkins