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[email protected] Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License The Ballot or the Bullet (A Speech of Malcolm X) AUTHORS INFO ARTICLE INFO Zakaria ISSN: 2502-6909 Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2016
[email protected] URL: http://usnsj.com/index.php/JEE/article/view/JEE021 +6285395472540 © 2016 JEE All rights reserved Abstract Indeed, this article focus on one of speech of Malcolm X related to political thought and idea that how to throw away the prejudice and racial discrimination of white people, so whites could live as equal as black in the United States. Malcolm mentioned that under the control of white hegemony, and also because black people had not given their liberation from whites, it was true if blacks legalized their actions (by necessary means) in getting their rights. They legalized whatever means to throw away the white racism equality,for reaching and theirhuman freedom, justice inand the whatever United States. means The will final do tendein gettingntious the action goal. of That’s Malcolm the isMalcolm, to come byinto necessary political action;means he come tended into to theget thestruggle political for ways gaining rather black’s than separliberation,ation in solving the race problem in the United States. For Malcolm, integration and fight for getting the rights of vote was the moderate ways in gaining the black common humanity (freedom, equality, and human justice) because they were supported by the principles of Charter of the United Nation, the Universal Declaration of Human rights, and the Constitutional of the U.S.A.