Ms Coll\Mexican Communist

Partida Comunista Mexicana. Mexican records, 1951-1958. 4 linear ft. (5,819 items in 8 boxes).

Historical note: These papers are photocopies printed out from a microfilm of items selected from the files of the Mexican Communist Party Headquarters in City which was raided by the Mexican government in the Spring of 1959. This microfilm was prepared for the use of Daniel James who was to have prepared a study of the Party for the Twentieth Century Fund.

Summary: Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, lists, and subject files of the Mexican Communist Party (Partida Comunista Mexicana) from the 1950s. Included are organizational records of the national party as well as many local groups, and folders on a great range of topics including workers in the petroleum industry, teachers, relations with other national communist parties, finances, front groups, factionalism within the party, party conferences, party history, and biographical data.

Organization: Arranged. Photocopies printed from a microfilm. Originals are presumed to be in the custody of the Mexican government.

Finding aids: Register, 98p.; Box list, lp.

Donor: Gift of the 20th Century Fund, 1964.

Restrictions on use: Collection is shelved offsite and requires 48 hours for access. Available for faculty, students, and researchers engaged in scholarly or publication projects. Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the Librarian for Rare Books and Manuscripts.

1. Mexican Communist Party. 2. Oil industry workers—Mexico. 3. Teachers—Mexico. 4. —Mexico. 5. World politics. 6. Mexico—Politics and government—1946-1970.

ID: NYCR89-A600 * *

SC/ES - 11/83 BRC - 2/84 012


Shelved off-sM* Box L Description of Materials Folders 1-U, frames 1-576 Shelved off-site" Box 2. Folders 5 16 franeS 5TT 1166 3« ~ ' ~ Folders 17-32, frames Ilo7-l880 Shelved off-site" Box U. Folders 33-^0, frames 1881-2516 Shelved oFf-sKepox 5

Folders 53-69, frames 3303-^153 etf off-sit*" Box 7. Folders 63-70, frames U15U-I+9T5 3ox 8 'Shelved off-site" - o , r n Folders 71-81, frames 1+976-5819 f: 001

AH INTRODUCTION TO THE PAPERS.-QFTyE MEIICA.N COMMUNIST PARTY (Prepared by Daniel" James ) The most complete record ot the operations ef an important Cononmist

Party erer to cove into £he possession of the West is now in the hands of the Mexi-

can Gortrnaent, as the result of a raid upon the headquarters of the Mexican Ceoara—

aiat Party in the Spring ef 1959 which yielded so»e nine tons of party files, equip-

as»at iad furnishings. A selection ef the sest pertinent documents found in the files,

tatallinj 5,813, has been made arailable exclusirtly to the present writer for the

purpose ef making an exhaustire study from the "inside," so to speak, of the Mexican

Coconunist Party. (He has also been promised access, should he require it, to the

remainder ef the seized material.) The writer hereby proposes that he undertake

such a study, based largely upon the arailable documents, under the auspices of the

\ Twentieth Century Fund.

The authenticity of the documents has been established beyond any doubt,

both by the Mexican authorities treatseIres and non-Mexican experts. They would be

arailable for reproduction in the study — which will be the first time they will

hare seen the light of day.

The nearly 6,000 seized docuaents constitute a detailed record of rirtu-

ally erery phase of act#rity of the Mexican Communist Party (hereinafter referred te

by its Spanish initials, PCM), en both the legal and illegal lerels, since its in-

ception in 1919; they tend to be more of a record, heverer, ef the past two deeades

or so than ef the party's earlier history. As such, they rereal, in the words of

the Coosnuaists themselres, more aboutthe way they operate than anything hithert*

published about Comanmism excepting the known writings of its founders and heirs. f 002 - 2 —

•fu* foil >ring ia a brief sampling of the subject matter dealt \rith in the

seized documents, which Trill gire aocae idea of the wealth of material thej coatain:

Membership. National and lecal membership lists (including one which names

the former Mexican President, General Lazaro Cardenas, a* & PGM cardholder).

Sympathizers. Detailed lists of who they are, their financial contribution*.

Illegal ActJTitisa. " drops" used by the PCM for both domestic and

foreign nail. Reports of cell Meetings, aiaea of cell*, yho belengs to then and

There they are. Exteasire notes discasaiag the PCM's illegal work.

Organization. Details concerning the organization ef the PCM nationally

and locally, documents explaining how it operates.

Planning. Extensire "work plans'* drawn up for the national party on a

yearly and monthly basis, for its state units, and for special actirities such as

labor conferences.

) Labo£. Detailed information en the operations »f party fractions inside

the Mexican trade unions, especially such key ones as the Railway Workers, Oil Work-

ers, Zlectrical Workers and Teachers. The same' concerning operations aaeng the

peasantry. *

Rail Strike. Series of accounts of the party's role in calling the

paralyzing rail strike of February-March 1959 which, indirectly, led te the raid on

PCM leadquarters which yielded the documents discussed here. (The raid had been con-

ducted to obtain eridence ef the PCM'a masterminding ef the strike, after which the

party's leaders were imprisoned and two members of the Seriet Embassy depofeted.)

Soriat Union. Correspondence with the Seriet Ceomranist Party, reports on

trips to Ruasia by PCM leaders, accounts of funds receired frem Moscow by the PCM,

internal discussions of the XX CPSU Cengress (February 1958), and other date> show-

ing how closely the Kremlin controls the Mexican party.

International Communist Ties. Correspondence with satellite Communist ~3' f / 003

Parties, contacts with the Red-controlled World Federation ef Trade Unions and other international Caiacninist groups, relations with such notorious international agents as Vittorio Vid&li (aiiaa Carlos Cor.traras, etc.) of Trieste.

Latin. America. Report of a conference of northern Latin American Communist

Parties, correspondence with those parties, ties with the Red-controlled Latin Ameri- can Confederation of Labor, contact with Cuban Cotnmuai3ts before Castro.

U. S. Communista. Correspondence with the U. S. Communist Party, report jf an An;erioau Cou^aunist to tha FCW's XIII Congress (1958), discussions of "Brovrieri *t in.-i fe the PCM.

Y i q a n c e s_. Minutely J#l^iled accounts of receipts and expenditures of the

PCM on the national un«i ) ical levels, on a day-to-day basis as well as monthly and annually. Evidence of receipt uf funds froa: the Seviets.

Propaganda. Reports on the PCIPs propaganda activities, the operations of its daily organ, "La Voz de Mexico," of ita publishing house, Fondo de Cultura

Popular, etc.

Fronts. Accounts oi the PCM's various front3 among the youth, women, etc.

Schools. Details of the party's penetration into the University of Mexico

and other schools of higher learning, and the various teachers unions. Information

concerning the PCVi' s own schools.

Internal Security. Dsscription of the PCM's intelligence and security

apparatus, reports of its Control Commission concerning possible police agents in its midst, activities of the far-right Sinarquista movement, and rf activities inside|

the office of the Mexican President (as described by an informer).

Dia3«n3ion. Internal debates on the party line and the "deviations" ef

certain leaders, including ex-secretary General Dionisio Encina, correpondence

concerning factionalism between the famous painter and current Secretary General,

David Alfaro Siqueiros, and other party leaders. 004 Relations with other Mexican parties. Material concerning relations, i&

particular, with Victate Leabardo Teledano'a Popular Socialist Partj, and vith %

) third Comaanist grouping, tho Party of Vork«r« and Peasants.

Eltctoral actiritits, "Hie PCM*« tactici and atrmtogjr ia th# 1968 Pr««i-

d«atial «l«ction, its joint actiritioa with Lombard*•• PPS, its draft prograa.

Hiatory* Material oa the history of tho PCM siaco ita inception la 1919.

Theory. Notes concerning the application of Marxist-Leninist doctrine to

Mexico. n


TENTATIVE *>KP0HT ON OF SLIl ZKD V.KX1CAN COMMl'MSf !X^Cl MENTS (Prepared by Daniel James) The f ol lowi iuIU'1 "ii ^cf aa hirtilhiriilvy tentativtentativee' report on our study of the seized files of the Mexican Communist f^rty, based upon an incomplete exam- ination of loss than half of soie nearly 6,000 documents available. It should he understood that »*e can i'.ive, at the moment, only a sketchy idea of what they contain; but it. itiav be added that, on the whole, they have proved quite revealing.

T!iis tentative report i of necessity, cast in the somewhat schematic form we use below.


It appears from trie documents we have studied, so far, that the PCM has only 3-4,000 Members today -- Or had, as of 19*>i). That represents a decided drop from an estimated 30,000 it had in the early 1940s.

The bulk of the membership is concentrated in the Federal District () ami three or four more or less uidustrialized states (notably Nuevo Leon, whose capital is the Mexican "Pittsburgh," Monterrey, and Coahuila/.

According to a report made in 1957 by the PCM leader, Jose Encarnacion Perez, the Federal District had only 37~> members organized into 39 cells. Only 28-30 of those cells were active, he further reported. He also disclosed that an unknown number of party members were not attached to cells, but it appears there were only about 28 of them. That would put the total Mexico City member- ship, in 1957, at slightly more than 40O. (Note: the capital then had a total population of more than 4 million.)

Though its membership was (and presumably still is) quite low, the PCM counted in 1957 (and presumably still counts) upon a formidable number of sympathizers in high places. The f#llo*m,- are only a few of the most promin- ent of a long List of sympathizers contained in the documents, whose names are mentioned several times as contributors to the Party, supporters of its organ, "La Voz," etc.:

Lazaro Cardenas (see below), former President of Mexico, and his only son, Cuauhtemoc.

Alfredo del Mazo, Secretary of Hydraulic Resources in the present cabinet of President Adolfo Lopez Mateos.

Julian Rodriguez Adame, Secretary of Agriculture in the present cabinet.

Pascual Gutierrez Roldan, Director General of Petroleos Mexicanss (PEMEX), a member of the cabinet.

Victor Manuel Villasenor, Director General of Dina, S. A., government- owned industrial complex making autos, freight cars and textile machinery. -,. - 2 - 006 Ricardo Zevada, President of the Bank of Foreign Trade (government)•

Jose Iturriaga, Undersecretary of Nacional Financiera, chief govern- ment finance agency and Presidential advisor,

Leopoldo Zeat Director of Cultural Relations, Foreign Ministry.

Jose* Alvarado, Rector of University of Nuevo Le6n.

Gabriel Fjgueroa, famous movie photographer, cousin and confidant of President.

Jeaos Silva Herzoft, leading intellectual, editor of the distinguished (pro-Communist) magazine, Cuadernos, holder of numerous important official posts in past years, 1962 winner of the Premio *^acional de Ciencias Sociales (just re- ceived at the hands of the President).

It should be stressed that all these names are mentioned more than once in the documents as Party supporters.


Cardenas merits special attention because he is mentioned in the docu- ments more than the others, and because of his influential position as a former President.

The documents we have examined so far do not make clear Cardenas' exact relationship to the PCM. One, for example, indicates that he has a Party carnet; others, however, suggest that he is only a very close sympathizer.

) What is clear is that Cardenas was frequently discussed by Party leaders, whose attitude toward him was usually very cordial. Thus in a report to the Michoacan State Plenum, Cardenas was praised highly for having been named to receive the Stalin Prize on Feb. 26, 1956 by a Soviet representative scheduled to arrive in Mexico City to make the presentation. At a PCM Plenum, May 20, 1957, Cardenas was hailed as a leader who wants to win over the Mexican masses in the fight against (U. S.) imperialism. It was noted further, by PCM Secretary General Dionisio £ncina, that CaVdenas' re-entry into the political arena (he had kept silent for about fifteen years) was changing the relation- ship of forces in Mexico in the Communist direction. Added Sncina:

"We must not cease to have confidence in Cardenas."


Generally, PCM finances during the years covered by the documents we have seen were in tangled shape, and at times charges of "embezzlement" were made against Party leaders.

The last fiscal year for which we have apparently complete figures,• 1956-57,* shows that the Party's annual income was only 165,419.18 pesos (about $13,235). Its two major sources of income were listed as, collections and fund- raising* Dues accounted for only the barest fraction of total income, 2,848.75

* Documents not yet examined may turn up more recent data. - 3 - 007

(about $228).

i'he same report added that about 93% of the Party's income came from tlie Federal Di.-uict and Coaliuila, * i th tike latter state alone accounting for 7l.«-"\> of it.

We have found sonif* evidence that the PCM has received funds from Moscow at various times. In one case, it was bluntly stated that the Kremlin had sent the PCM r>(),ouw r shies to help finance the 1927 railroad strike. It appears that in recent years Moscow has been more discreet, siphoning; funds into the Mexican party indirectly through such organisms as the PCM's publishing house, Fondo de Cultura Popular.

RE1 A TIQNS W 1 1' H MO.S C 0 W

The documents indicate that the PCM has been tied to Moscow's apron strings since its inception in 1919, At .« meeting in October 1943 ca!led to discuss one of ine Parly's most serious internal crises (one that followed the expiiision, it Stalin's be'.est, of the entire i.'CM leadership under Laborde and Caaipa ) , one ead-r, £r.ri-;ue Kamirez y kamfrez, objecting to the fact that Moscow had sent HIa Koca to reorganise the Party, declared:

"Vfe are too accustomed to accept everything made in Moscov*."

Other voices were then heard declaiming against "foreign interference" (read: Moscow's interference) in P/irty affairs.

Between 1941 and 194 3, it appears from the documents, a swarm of agents were sent in to reorganize and pacify the Mexican party, including £arl Browder, the Trieste Communist leader and alleged assassin, Carlos Conteeras (alias Sormenti, etc.), as well as Roca. It was those agents who, ciccording to a party leader, ^otero V. , "d iscovered the Laborde-Campa con- spiracy.11

Bias Hoca, the Cuban Communist leader , »eems to have been the guiding hand behind .Moscow's efforts to re-orient the Mexican 'party. Among other things, he was charged with adjust nig t.»e PCM to the fresh dissolution of the Conununist International, and to the change m Russia's attitude toward ti»e war after the i4itler invasion. i'oca is quoted as saving tliat tlie Mexican comrades did not realize that that invasion menaced Mexico.

g: the XX Concresa of t:.e Cl'SU in February 1956, the PCM leadership launched a strenuous campaign to drill Die conclusions of the Congress into the minds of its members, and for months kept special delegations actively propounding the new Khrushchev line throughout Mexico. l>n Oct. 5, 1956, for example, the i'CM sent a Conrado v.acias into -San Luis Potosi to draft a work plan for the state organization "with respect to the situation of the Party, its necessities, and the agreements of tiie XX Congress."

HEL.VilC.VS WiTh (>ni£R FAKT1E3

Various documents deal with the PCM's relations with other Mexican parties over the years, principally with the Popular Party (now the Popular Socialist Party) of vicente Loinbardo Toledano. - 4 - > Lombardo, like Cardenas, it, appears from the docuients, enjoys an especially favorable position with the PCM but does not appear to be a •ember.

Thus in 1956, to give one example, Lombardo and the PP negotiated an electoral pact with the PCM, under winch the former agreed to let the latter run candidates on the PP line wherever the PP did not have its own. On various occasions, too, the PCM has be^n invited to coopeiate with the PP's trade-union arm, the IGOCM (General I'nion of Mexican workers and Farmers).

The PCM has also managed on occasion to run its candidates on the line of the PRI — Party of Revolutionary Institutions — the party that rules Mexico. There is no evidence, thus far, however, that that was done with the PRI's knowledge and assent.

Various attempts have been made to reunite the PCM with the Laborde- Caxpa elements who were expel Led in 1940, and were subsequently organized into the POCM (Mexican Workers and Peasants Party), but to no avail so far.


It is clear from the documents that the PCM maintains close relations arith the Iron Curtain countries and parties, chiefly with Moscow, of course. It does .so through various means, including special trips by Party leaders and deleg- ations sent to "international" congresses.

In one case, the documents show that the PCM requested the aid of the CPSl to enable two members to study in the V. S. S. R. Both members were pro- fessors at the National Autonomous University of Mexico,

\ In another case, a delegate to the Congress of the World Federation of Democratic Youth held in Sofia, and of the Sixth #orld Festival of Youth and Students For Peace held in Moscow,/a detailed report maunanutx to the PCM.

In Jitill another, one Lazcano, the head of the publishing house, Fondo de Cuitura Popular, held a series of revealing meetings with Kremlin leaders that resulted in a wholesale purge of references to Stalin in liter- ature sold by the Fondo, Lazcano, reporting back to the PCM, announced that he was destroying certain numbers of Tiempos Nuevos (New Time3, Moscow), a book called The .Ninth Wave, and other literature tending to promote the cult of personality, on orders from Moscow,


This seems a good point to say an extra word about the Fondo, as described in several discussions encountered in the documents.

Since Mexico re-established relations with Moscow in 1933, a rep- resentative of the Russian agency, Libro Internacional, has always been stationed in Mexico to supervise the Fondo' s activities and, in general, the flew of Soviet propaganda in Mexico,

Toward the latter end, the representative has maintained contact with the rival POCM and apparently non-political (i. e., commercial) publish- ing houses such as Editorial Grijalva. The Fondo itself distributes Soviet J, literature forMexican bookshops which do not wish to be identified with Moscow, 009

It also makes deals with bookshops -- such as one reported with a shop on tiie Avenida Hidalgo, Mexico City -- under which they agroe not to sell ant i-Cotfttnunist book.-..

The documents show that, a£ one point, the Kondo had on hand 29,000 Soviet books and pamphlets (all m -Spanish) .

They also show that La/cano conducted a correspondence with .Moscow Concerning which books from the btalm era should be destroyed. On April 25, 1957, for example, he actually asked Moscow for a list of the books which should be destroyed.

One document reports that books were destroyed "because of the iieria case."

'I'b.r* [ i;;ro In t ?rnac i ona I representative, one Srhevshenko, ?naue charges that Fondo officials were behind J n payments to hisi) despite the fact that I ibro Int ernaciona 1 had given the i%ondf- a ''subsidy" of none than one million pesos (over $80,GOO), plus a consignment of books worth another million pesos. lit is (juite clear that this has beenone of the ways m v»hich Moscow finances the Mexicar party, for other documents disclose that the Tarty "borrowed" money from the Fondo which it never paid back.)

Schevshenko also charged that the Kondo was mismanaged and disorganizec


The documents are rich in data showing how the PCM is organized in- ternally, the nature of its cell structure, etc. The following; Work Plan and ) Budget of tiie Nuevo Leon state organization gives some idea of that. The Plan, covering the year 1956, was presented in three sections, of which we give a highly condensed version below:

i. Strengthening of the Party Organically

1. Reorganize ceils.

2. txamine each comrade's activity.

3. Form twenty-five new cells.

4. Recruit 1,000 new members.

5v Concentrate on basic industries (steel, electricity, etc.).

UL Political Line

1. Class struggle plan,

2. Peace activities.

3. Anti-imperialIst national front.

4. Working class -- mainly, form Centroa de Lucha y Unidad ) (Centers of Struggle and Unity) in tne railway, miners, electrical workers, etc. trade unions.. - 6 - 010 3. Peasants -- stress credit and water.

0. Women -- enlarge the Feminine Assembly, etc.

7. Youth -- Cor.^ress of Communist Youth in Nuevo Leon; get 250 new members, eic.

IJ1 Propaganda

1. Increase "I«x Voz" sale to 4O0, then 600.

2. Reprint Political Committee's call on former PCM members to rejoin party.

J. Sell Tempos Nuevos, 1}CM literature, etc.

4. !;old at least 15 :«ieetinc;s on PCM i i f ^*, and 20 barrio -- neighborhood -~ meetings.

Distribute U>0, (a.,O Leaflets.

C>. Publish a bi-monthiy bulletin.

7. Organize 20 paint brigades (presumably to paint walls wit-* Party slogans).

8. Study circles on CPSL XX Congress, PCM night school and theory courses.

The provisions in the Work Plan included a Budget and ideas for raising money such as the following: 4 public collections, 10 raffles, 4 "festivales de celulus" -- cell parties -- 4 movie nights in Monterrey and else- where in Nuevo Leon, sale or raffle of Soviet objects. It set a goal of increas- ing by 20 tiie nuaber of regular monthly contributors.

The Nuevo Leon report said tnat the state organization maintained seven paid employes, who received 2,6uO pesos (»2O8) a month in salaries. It revealed that the total state budget was 3,650 pesos ($452), but income was only 4,660 ($372.80). Almost half of the income, 2,000 pesos ($1130) cajae from individual contributions.


It was the PCM's complicity in the crippling railroad strikes of 1958 and 1959 that led to the raid on its offices which resulted in seizure * of the documents, the jailing of the Communist head of the rail union, Deraetrio Vailejo, and his lieutenants, and the subsequent jailing also of the PCM Secre- tary General, Dionisio Encina, and other Communist chiefs. The documents con- cerning the PCM's role in the rail strikes prove conclusively that they were engineered by it, presumably for the purpose of paralyzing the economy and bringing down the government or forcing it to move sharply left.

The documents reveal that a Party cell of 23, all railroad men, apparently framed the Party's strategy and guided its actions with regard to the strikes. - 7 - Oil

The PCM framed a 15-point Plan of Action, and in preparation for the strikes ordered its members to concentrate on rail activity in saven vital centen including the three largest cities, Mexico Cit>, Guadalajara and Monterrey.

A few dry runs were held. For example, the Party conducted a one-hour rail stoppage in Coahuila on July 2c, 1938, which, the state secretary general re- ported, showed that the workers were united behind the Party. On August 3, a re- port was made to the PCM leadership that Sections 9 and 27 of the Railway Workers Union had organized a complete stoppage and were backed by 47 other unions.

The Party boasted often, in the documents, of the leading role it had played in the rail strikes. Thw> the Central Committee itself, in a letter to all state organizations setting i»rth f.Iie Party's rail demands, admitted: "Our tJarty has played a very impor*tt role in this struggle...." In another ease, i'arty militants operating a > , < the rail workers reported that "the direc- ting body of Section 19 /of th • union/ responds to our irient-itions and d 1 fee t l oils . "

Cne document reports th* L at Red-organ t'.'. ^d railroad union .nee tings, such as one in Coahuila, the cry JvlS heard, "Death to Yankee Imperialism!" (.The line taken by the Party, as bronchi, out by tlie documents, was that the Mexican railway systea had been made cie4its for rehabilitating the system (which had been virtually destroyed durifriS ^$ars of revolutionary fighting). Hence it advoy cated that Mexico cancel all fr-ev«-foreignrai l debts — an act which undoubtedly/ have produced a serious crisis jV) £4, S.-Mnxican relations. Thus the Party's ob- jectives in the rail strikes ha4 profound foreign-policy, as well as domestic political implications,)


The documents sHovv tJ)at the Party was up to its neck in other import- ant strikes during 1958, particularly that of the teachers in Mexico City called by Section IX of the Teacfc«K§ (^hion, led by the eitreme leftist leader Othon Salazar. The strike resu/6Cc/ in outbreaks of violence in the city, and contrib- uted to a rash of strikes )i/» 1058 — joined in by the University students -- which shook both the Mexico fc Government and Mexican economy profoundly. The strikes represented the ^a/omgest bid made by the PCM in nany years to obtain or extend control over a htttooer of key unions, to build the Party's membership, to "radicalize the masae^". and to compel the Government to aiove closer to its general political posit to 012


Box 1. Description of Materials " Folders l-k9 frames 1-576 Box 2. Folders 5-l6, frames 577-1166 Box 3. Folders 17-32, frames 1167-1880 Box k. Folders 33-^0, frames 1881-2516 Box 5. Folders Ul-52, frames 2517-3302 Box 6. Folders 53-69, frames 3303-^153 Box 7. Folders 63-70, frames l+151+-1+975 Box 8« Folders 71-81, frames U976-5819 .V-


F0LDEB3 (1) - (7)

Pages 0002 -

^-.r. -; >•• ,& BOX 1 014


FOLDB 1 (0002-0112) MgKEgRSl'.IP LI3 not* 0002-0072 L'edrer m* i-.tain*.d by PCM in whicu are listed tot' 1 of 2010 names as follows*

pp. 1-55« "General Isiumcc of Cornets. 1955-5^"• This lists • • tot. 1 of 1518 oarnete issued, running from oernfcts Mo* 16626 to 10405* List gives ecrnet number, name of meabor to whom issued, and state entity to which he belongs* This is not a complete list of party "embers, but appears to be *» list only of members to whoa carnets had not been previously issued*

pp. 101-118* •General ?*ch*nge of Cords. 1955-56. This lists Prty aembcrs who h&d exen&nged their party cards, and gives the nunber of the (newt) earnet* Many of the high Party lenders are in this list, as well as members of long standing* This is not a complete list of Party members* It appears that o*rn*t Nos* 1 through 16827 were reserved for oornets to be ejeohanged. It is possible thot tho • - o-roet number may be ths old cirnot numter9 and that this mimber was used again in issuing new earnets. K'tn th>t Di nlslo SNCISA hss cernet Ifo. 1* £lsewh«rre PCM CC Ejtinr notes indicate thftt ths Party had 17.000 members in 19^6. at the time EKQI1IA beceae Secretory 0 n«r»lt but had dropped to 5,000 members by 19^2*

007>O106 Rough notes showing members to whom cornets were issuod. running from Carnnt No* 17^5 to Ho* 18^05* This information, with the exceptl n of the cell n m?. is entered in the preceding PCM Ledger* Cell names listed*

0107-0112 Samples of tho PCK Membership applications which were used ss basis for issuing ernats, uslisted in Ledger* (See p* 53 of ledger)

2 (0115-0285) Lists of M2KB313. 3YMPAT?\I£318.

0115-0156 Students - PCX Sohool - 1958. Entrance cred ntUls to PCM School In Federal District. B*de out with n^ma of student, sge. marital state, residence, place it origin, occupation, and other data.' 24 credentials included*

0159-0140 List of members of CC, PCK as of Msreh (f) 1946*

0141-0146 List of Comsunlst teachers*

0147-0149 Bl Instltuto Mexlscne del Segurs Social f 015

'SPECIAL ADDi~r"C3K3" to which correspondence it directed. Xote

FOSAS, Modesto JB3U3 LOPiZ, J. DCKIKQOaZ, Juun QOISOHSJ, Hubcrto KDHiHOT, Qraciela M£NDBZ A«, Daniel > , CAHO, Carzen

0151-0155 .'.ddrnssss to which foreign correspondence of the JC is sent, (incoming matori:1 is split up, - tMegraacs and oabiss to on* »ddrc8ieot 1otters fr^a Western Strops to eno^iiki, from Kast«rn Europe to snoth*rf ets«)

0156-0157 List ?f subscribers to UBcRACIOH.

O15&-O159 Lists entitled "Seguros* snd "PC** Ond«r heading of PC appears n«ae of

0160-0162 Addrsss Lists* national Universitf iMidcnts Organizations in Federal District Individuals (CosB&unists »nd syapsthizers) and organisations in D.P. Agrarian cooa&unities in Jalisco

Sympti.i^ers. of syapothisers wh? contribute aid to the* PCM aonthl/« r

0190-0195 List f subscribers to the Bol. de Into, d* la Sab. do la OR S3.

0196-0197 List of persons* Significance unknown* ;

019^-0199 List of Organizations . nd rers^n^litiea. Ksmes written in by hand aft r th

0200-6263 PCK Sympathisers. Notebook listing, alphabetlc«llyr "Supporters and friends of La 70 Z d- Mxlco* {0202 is loose leaf Inserted la book - names not alrhab«tised }


026^10295 Lists of Coapuniits* a>isniXlomnee unknown* with addresses.

0296-0510 PCK mailing sddresses; state leaders. 016

Lists of PCX cerncts, and Individuals to whoft assigned, sent toi Nuovo Leon Tamoulipaa .

fcoroloa Guerrero

* . • • • Applications for Membership In PCX « 1997

OODIHSZ GRAN DOS, F-dolfo (0317) COSTILL* K aCUi\% Mto (0518) ZAYALA HODBIGUE/:, Bsnto (0219) /••"• - - MR-NO XSCa^?:Lt Salvador (0^20) 3IL?^, Csaioiro (0J21) SA03ITL0 0I.WFTO-R3S, Pstrs (0522) O--BRO ds GUSRRSRO, Ders (OJ25) ALk G2R, Ign%cio (0^24) PCX Membership sppllostions - 1957-195^ (fro« various states) Applications for Exchange of Gurnets fram **rlous states, 1956-1957 0374-0^04 Usts of «srn«ts issued, bf stntss* v . v • ' 3«Js Calif / S n Luis Potosi Durango -' •;•:•;• " Nuevo Leoa''--V'' Co»huilfi , Tucatsn Puobln Guanujuato Oaxaos Tlaxc la Zscatecas Chit pas Guerrero Korel ,s

Taaoullpas 0405-04lO PCM Stnte Or^ani/atlnn. Lists of •ell* and sell leaders la varies states. 0411 Bspresentstives of the PCM in the offices of tbs ZXf Dto*

NOTSt For additional ttevbershlp lists of importance, especially for Coahuils and the Federal Dl at riot, M FOLDEfl 62 (5626-5616) • 017

OLD.1* 4 (04U-O576) rmmxx. DISTRICT «. ORGARIZATIOH ASP M£y,aiiPSHip

Roport on status of party in the pcder*l District »nd ststus of exchange of o- rneta a a of 10 H f 1957•

Cells and cell members* Pages entitled "Stctlstlcs of the Federal District Conaittes os ?f 28 Soctembor 1957*• Lists 27 coils *nd their netnbora, by name, address, cssnot no* (old and new), salary, quoto, exchange (of car not T), and observations* Supplementary Wf lists cell n ae, day of meeting (week of 26 Aug - 1 Sept), leader responsible to D« F* Committee and to Rational Dirctionj time of meeting, etc*

Ceil Leadors. Sames of colls and cell leaders present at Federal District PCK conference of 11, 12, 15 'aguat 1957* (Other forms* an wing attendance of same list through Sept. lA, not sopled) Names of cells and cell iborv* Cells belonged to by PC* leaders* Fiactionallsa iseue, Reports of cell n-etings, July-Auguat 195T» B3«R - IPN Cell (0 82) P0RTAL£3 Cell (0^5) JOSE A20STA Cell (0^67) ^ ACOHBDO Cell (0*68) :. , Dr. MARTIK-X HLLARSAL CELL JUSTO 5IZRRA Cell (0^99) JULIO ANTONIO M5LLA Cell (050^ IGNACIO RAMIREZ Cell (0501) . JOSB CU/DALUPE POSADA Cell FRANCISCO VILLA Cell (050A) JOLIOT CURIE Cell (0505) PANDORA Cell ()

0516-0519 3AC0ZARX Cell* Miscellaneous notesfroa folder norkdd 9Xasossri Cell", 0520-057^ Documents from PCK file entitled "Distrilo Federal", including! Thesis for the discussion of the labor conference of the PCM-DF (see under Labor Conference - DP)* notification of opening of 0*F* Party School for 195&-59 at Bucarell $% dpto 7* (0J20) List of colls (0521-0521) Other items from file, some reflecting fractionallam* BOX 2


0577-0586 Lists of PCK members ond syapethi2er0 (probsbly 1958). Letter summarizing general situation of PGK In statst from the *Korelos" Cell (9 fob* 195&) Report of J» Refugio Oonxsles to Interstate meeting, attended by J. Pablo Saens* 018

• i7-O597 PCK organization 0596-0599 "KORHLOS* Cell* Work Plan, data* Mareh 195©. Contain* neaes of aeabers. 0600 Letter from PCM dated 7 Septeasr 195$ to Gilbert© DIAZ HORAH regarding reoruitoent oft Jose GUTIERREZ 00R2ALSZ _.^ J. Guadalup* MAURICIO , 0601 Letter signed by Ignacio AtlLA f•


0<502-06l7 Selected document* fro» folder with thl« titl« in PCK file«* 0616 List of PCM Koabers, dated 6 Hmj 195* . Correspondence giving neaes and addrettea of party ambers ID Mexicali. Alfonao SOSA Francisco CSRYARTSS y Julio PRADO / Salvador RAVARBBTS 062f\ Sympathizers or PCM acabers* List of *eoap*neros* to b« solicited for aid to "LA VOZ de MSriOO*. ffote Inclusion of Lio* Braulio JULDORADO on list9 to be approached for 2,000 pesos (?)• " ^ aiAVSZ, Comllo. Report of trip to BsJ* California dated October 1956. 06^7 Letter signed byj C'RVANTSS, Francisco SOSA Z»9 Alfonso 06^d-06^0 Koxicali. Correspondence containing naaes of offiolals in Kexlsali and dotuils of organization* 0641 Organization of the -21 de Xarzo" Call, undar guidance of Lups ARB/1L0.

C'MARSHA S/NDD7/Lt Ellas - Scy Onl SANDCYAL MSJXA, Carlos - Soy of Org* 0642 " "Teracruz" Cell - orgenization of. Present at sysetlngt

<^~~ OCKOA K*ClA3t Jose (Rasp) ^ KACIAS X^RTIHHZ, Juan ) LOPSZ TA?IAf Folips .w A D5 LA PSRA LIERA, Joss ' ; INDAf Oenaro ~ LARA LIMA, J. Ouodalup« r oi8

'Guerrero* Coll - organization of* Present at meetings

1NDA, Qenoro (Reap) DK LA PEHA, Jose IKDA, Don«ncio

0644 •Horaoaiilo* Coll, organization undar guidance of ARBALLO and IfiDA* Proaont at aeetlngt

MORA, Torlbio - (Reap) COHKSA, Peliclano POSADA PIS.?DA Da C0RR5A, CuoU K2KD32A BARC3NAS, Emilio INDA, Oenoro ARBALLO, Lupe O6A5 "Plan do Ayala" Cell - orrenizatlon under guidance of Lupe ARBALLO and Genero INDA* In attondancet ••

t J. Ou-dolupe (Reap) CONTRHRAS, Kertin 2AVALA, Lino PLACTTSCIA, Jose

0646 "TOLUCA* Cell - organisation under guidance of Lupe ARBALLO and Ccnoro IJIDA* In attendances

KAGANA PALCMAR^S^ Luia (Reap) ROM; RO MORENO, Joae • mJNFZ GOfiZUSZ, Ka. de Joaua CASTRO I CASTRO, Benito QUTIERRS2 00NZAL22, Proncieco

0647 "Sniliano lapata* Cell - organisation under guidance of Lupe ARB LLO.and Gcnaro IKDA* CASTRO T CASTRO, Benito (Reaponaabie)

0646-06^6 Baja California - rariouft organisational doouaenta*


O659-O665 Col la »nd Cell lcod*>ra in Comoro a Lagun^ra, Kataaorot, Re^lon»l de Chovei; Kuniclpio of Torreanj Ooaez Palocio and Tlahualllo (Ourango)i Regional de Saltillo* Alao llata mecbera of State Coiraittoee and ncmbera ot the Council of the Union de Socledadeai •iocloa delegadoe mi-smbroa* of the Party; aunlclpol caa&ittee of Torreon; •unlclp&l coiaalttee of Gomez Palacio (Durongo)j Regional Conmittee of Charexj Regional Cooalttee of Kataaoroe; Regional Oosaitteo of SaltlllO} and realdonooa to which part/ correspondence should be sent* Undated* Probable date, 1956-1957* 020

O66}(*) - 066^(b) PCM organization.. Records sent to Rational Headquarters of PCX, giving nuae of cell, aiuniclplo snd number of members, for use in connection with the national referendum* Total of 702 members*

066^(o) - 066^(d) Organization of State Coosdttoo of PCM - 9 June 1956. Lists names end Offices*

0664-O6£l Handwritten lists of eel la, number of members, and cell leaders in Coohull*. List of PCX member* elitctod to the State Committee at earlier conference, snd list of members of the Stats Committee as of 1 Jr.nuury 1957. List of names of Sjidal delegates* List of members of munlcip&l committee* Torreon, Gomez Palacioi Chavez regional co aittee; Hotamoros and Saltillo regional coraoitteoa as of 15 January 1957.

0682-0772 Documents shoving votes of Communist party oells in Coahuila on the XIII PCM Congress question together with lists of names and signatures of members*

0774-0786 Correspondence from PCM Coahuila on exchange of oarnets* 1957* Dentains lists of names of members* new recruits, etc*

7d7 Letter dated $0 November 1957, signed by Carlos JIMEKS2, Finance Secretary,

07^6 Party mcabership* Letter to State Committee of PCM stating that only 127 ?>:)£

0769-0790 DUBANGO*: Final report on KM electoral oaapaign* doted 2 July 1956.

0791-0794 Membership list* Correspondence regarding exchange of carncts, 'fro* Coahuila and Tamaulipea*

0795-0796 Correspondence dated January 1957 «nd October 1956 signed byt

RODRIGUEZ RETTA, Oregorio C/5T0RERA. Gregorio VIFSCA, Joss

0797-0606 Principles. Program and Statutes of CP of Co»haila*

0609-0515 1956 electoral coapalgn.

06l4-O62A(a) Report of Horiberto 3/.UCKC0 on organisational work in Coahuila la 1956, and other organizational documents signed by Ansstaelo ALVAREZ* Gregorio GASTOREHO. Oregorio R* BETA. .

Letters with names of new PCM recruits and sppllsonts for admission* ) dated in 1956 snd ^ 021

Coahulla-Durango Rsilroad Workers CASTILLO CCBCS, M. Report of CASTILLO CoBOS on trip to Leguns arts, dated 5 Ju»« 1956* Report by Caoilo CHAY2Z, datod 1 August 1957, concerning his •etivities in Torreon and Monolova* - — RESL 2

FOLDERS (6) - (Part of 27)

Pago 0641 - 1571

fw. 023


STATE COMMITTEE (ca» 1956) ZSTINA, Francisco P2RSZ, Ruben • FLORES, Aristeo GOMEZ, Adrian ALFARO, Juan RUIZ. Donato ESRNAIIDEZ, Metodlo O8l«'2-O851*' Correspondence ro organisational problems - 19?6# Involves Ruben OLIVARES« Aristeo FLGK2S, Amado OVAKDO MARTINEZ, Ausenclo UABTulEZ Katarin, Jesus LOPEZ Sunuano* "Walter11* Ruporto CABA Toledo, Fidel HCNJARAS* Deals partly with efforts to discuss the XX CPSU Congress* 0855-0856 Letters dated March 1957 and March 1958 signed by* FLORES G** Aristeo 0857 ORGAEIZATIOKAL X^OHC, 1956. OLIVARES, Ruben Letter fron R» GLIVAPJ2S A* to Heriberto SAUCEDO dated 2'July 1956, in which ho reports meeting of Chiapaf s State Committee or PCM«

Votes, namesf and signatures of Party neobers from Chiapas re Xltl Congress questiozu


0865 Letter dated 22 February 1958 contains names and signatures of officials in Chihuahua* DB LA TORRE Jose - Scy Gen GonZALSZ, Migue? l - Scy Treas* ESPARZA, Felix - Scy Labor 0866*0869 Ciudad Juarez - Cells and members Celula del Contro MEDRAHO, Donitillo.-* leader Celula de la Chavena D3 LA TCi&£« Jose - leader GCUZALEZ, idguel AGUILARf Anastasio S0SA9 Francisco 024

Colula do Benito Juarez ORTEGA, Podro - loader OIIATE, Jesus - Org* Committee P<\CH2CG, Pascual - Fin* Committee O&ATE, Francisco • Propaganda Committee 0870-0872 Request for exchange of cornets, dated 16 April 1958 HAND GCHZALEZ, Antonio RODKIGUEZ, Casimiro LOPEZ VALDIVIEOO, C* 0873-0883 Correspondence to and from PCM in State of Chihuahua*. Of interest for nane3 rjid signatures of members* Includes! HEJTDSZ, Gustavo G* -» letter to D* ENCIllfc in vhich KEITDEZ defends his record in the party and his actions (printing an anti-connunist leaflet in his shop), notos his expulsion fron the PC1I, and asks that an investigation of his case be opened*

Letter to MEHDEZf dated 31 August 1957* notifying him of his expulsion and signed by State Organizing Commission members*

Letter to J* Enc-rnacion VALDEZf reporting actions of IIEHDEZ and attaching leaflet he printed* O88WO88? Ciudad Juarez Municipal Organization* Letter dated 20 April 1957 listing nanes of PCK organizing corxiittee in Ciudad Juarez, and listing PCM cell3 and L Isadora; in the Kunicipio of Ciudad Juarez* 0886-0888 Report of a General PCM Assembly called ly the Chihuahua State PCM Organizing Connission on 18 May 1957 to discuss* (1) the general situation of the Party (2) Statutes, and (3) Performance of each party member* O889-O$95 Letters concerning organizational matters in Ciudad Juarez, 1956, Other letters from PCM Organizing Commission in Ciudad Juarez, signed by Jose DS LA TORRS, Pedro LOPEZ, and Gustavo G* MEliBEZ* r 025 FOLDSR 10 (0896-091^) DUIUKOO - ORGANIZATION AND MEMBERSHIP

O896-O897 Finance plan for electoral campaign contains names of; Javier URA1IGA L*> JO3O L* ELOanS M. Z*. TEHRAZAS Rafael AREVALO 0898-090^ Report by Lino MEDINA, dated 12 June 19561 giving officers of Durango State PCM Committee* Work plan of State PCM Committee for 1 May - 30 June 1956* Letter dated 12 July summarizing achievements of State Committee for Hay and June*. O9O5-O9U Correspondence dated 1956> 1957 and 1953 contains names of PCM officials in Durango* 0912-091V Letters dated 1956 contain names of PCM financial contributors in Durango*

FOLDER U (0915-0919) Prof• Gon2alo SOSA C. - GUERRERO ) 0915-0919 Documents from PCM file entitled "Guerrero11 regarding 1958 election^ signed by Professor Gonzalo SOSA C*


0920-0921 Organization of state committee in 1956* 0922-09It8 PCM Members* Lists of members* carnet number and cell to vhich each member belongs* No date* O9**9-O977 Guadalajara* Lists of party members with cells and camot number* Also requests for membership* Dated August 1957 and June 1958* 0978-0979 Li3t of agrarian cells* 0980-0999 Documents from PCM file entitled "JALISCO11 showing organizational data* informtion on minor agrarian problems* level of cell correspondents* names of individuals* etc* 026 •POLDER 12

1000-1009 Correspondence dated 1957 contains nanes and carnet nunbers of party members and list of cells in Jalisco* 1010-1011 Letter dated 20 December 1956 contains naces of party aonbers* 1012-1023 195S Correspondence. Bequests submitted by Lorenzo VAZQUEZ (Sec Gon» State Committee) for entry to PCM of 1 Irineo PLASCEKCIA Boblado Jesus PAItSDES Fierros Jesus CARD2NA5 Pere2 Guadalupe PiCCIU Martinez Francisco BAUTI3TA Hernandez J, Felix CCRTEZ Escobedo Luclcno CORREA Hernandez Manuel ALVARADO Rivera Josef ina DUENAS Kontoya Jose CARILLO Mercado Vicente VALLIff GOEIOZ Manuel FLORSS Prociado Margarita BENTSRIA Alfonso TORRES ITino Juan MHDIKA Lonoli Salvador CARRIZALSS'CastreJoa. llarcos CAMILLAS Cisneros . • • Rafael LOPEZ Zerncno v Trinidad PJ5K3Z Martinez . Juan Jose QUIITTEKG Rubio Aaado MEDI1IA Hariscal Pedro MEDINA Guerra J# Jesus MARI3CAL Caoberos J, Guadalupe RUBLES Francisco ZUAREZ Faustino GOMEZ Eonavidez ' Jesus LAZAKSIIC Plascencia Juan CIIACOIZ Mercado Felicitas CASTILLO Marina CURIEL Tcrroz Clcdoairo REGALADO - J» Jesus POKTILLO Perez 102W1025 Report of regional Conference In Tamazula, Jalisco, on 19 August 1956* f 027


1026-10^9 Lists of coll3

FOLDER lfc (1082-1089) H0RKLC3 - GRGAniZATIQg AKD M5tffiER3!-IIP

1082-1085 Documents fron PCII file entitled "Korelos*, giving nanos of leaders and those attending cell meeting of 12 January 1?58» Porfirlo EQUIEUA Peroz is PCM leader* 1086-1089 Letters dated 1957 and 1958 concern PCM activity in Cuornavaca and contain names of members* • Porfirio EQllmiA Perez Roberto LOPEZ Alfredo LAGUNAS 028


1090-1100 Lists of colls cjnd cell nonbers in XJuevo Loon (active colls and cells i/Iiich have not functioned for some time)* Probable date, 1957* Active cells include* Steol Railroad workers •••.... Workers Colonia Independoncia Pablo Keruda national Connections Furniture makers 11th of July Small merchants Colonia Progresso Leona Vic^rio Benito Juarez Tannery workers 1101-1117 Work plan of PGM for 1956* Work plan 1? January - 1? March Work plan 16 July - 15 September ) Report to National Cor-mission of Organization the organic state of the party in Uuovo Leon* Undated, but probably 1956. Financial statement, undated* Report on activities of party in recent months, dated 2 (?) August 1956. 1118-U23 Report to the National Comission of Organization concerning the organic state of the p^rty in Kuevo Loon.. Summarizes ..-r,-. number of cells, names of cells, number of members, etc* Also summarizes status of the Juventud Comunista and the Commission of the State Committee* Finances* Financial plan for the State Committee, giving monthly expenditures (including salaries of named professional and receipts (broken dovn by source of funds)* 1126-1127 Report on the activities of the Party in "recent months", dated 2 August 1956* II28-II35 Monterrey* Correspondence regarding exchange of carnets, 1957* Contains lists of names of members* j 029

H36-H52 Report on expanded meeting of tho State Committed! 21 July 1957« 1 Jesus P3RS2 • Scy Gon. Leon i do MEDINA S» - Fixw Scy Joso SANCHEZ Perez ISnrlque DIAZ do LEON Sergio PALMA Josus CASTILLO M. Jose GOHZALHZ Perez Solodad RODraaUI^ Florentino RODRIGUEZ L» Also contains other organizational and financial reports for State Connittee* H53-H51*- PCM organization. Letter dated 12 May 1958 giving nines of officers, of State Connlttoe Miguel CASTILLO Cm - Scy Gen# BcnjanLn HUHTADO • Or^* Scy Jesus CASTILLO Munos • Fin* Scy Jose Luis 1IA7A - Scy Education Jesus P1&E2 G*. - Labor Scy \ iiliseo CIIAVEZ - Prop. Scy } Slxto U2I0H - Farm Scy Daniel ROJAS - Labor Connission Eenigno ESPINOSA Leoncio MSDIHA ' • Guadalupe DIAZ de LLAKAS


1155-1157 Correspondence dated 1957 and 1958 contains names of PCM State officials in Kyarit. Severiano 0C2GUSDA Anado IAM3 S* - Scy Gon» U58-U6O Letter dated 18 October 1956 to Ecriberto SADCSDO contains information on organization in Eyarit* 1161 Letter dated 16 August 1956 statins that Manuel DS LA PAZ designated to attend railroad conference l?y the wJesus Garcia" coll* ...... Letters from Fernando G. CORTES regarding organizational work in Ifyarit, 1956* 030 l6

1165-1166 Lot'-.ors dated 1956 in which Party leaders blamed fop death of coisrado, BOX 3 FOLDSR 17 (1167-1197) OAJCACA - 0RGAITIZATIC1T AND MEMBERSHIP

1167-1171 Correspondence dated 1956 contains names of Stato PCM Leaders: Sanuol LOPEZ Gonzalez - Soy Gen. Toms BAEZ - 3cy of Education and Propaganda Celerino SILVA Loronzo GARCIA Manuel GARCIA Javier SANTIAGO Juan PEREZ Dionicio RUIZ Garcia 1172-1175 Correspondence dated 1957 contains names of party members* Rosendo SANTIAGO P* Maximo BARTGLO Perez ) Sanuel LCPEZ Juan PEKEZ Garcia Deif ino RODRIGUEZ Jinenoz Hanuel GARCIA Martinez 1176 Cells, coll leaders and addresses* U76(a)-1197 Report of State Ccmitteo meeting, signed "by Efren T03CAII0 Serrano^ I^roblens of PCM in Caxaca$ 18 page report presented at State Conisitte9 meeting, signed by Saiauel LOPEZ Gonzalez and dated 15 October


1198 State Conniittoe members, 12 January 1957 1199-1202 List of State PCM loaders and report on organization and status of party work. Report probably written in 1957» 1203-12Q8 Other documents of organisational interest* 1209-1213 Letter dated 27 September 1956 to J*£» 7ALDS2 signed by State officials* Letter convoking First Ordinary State Convention for ) 22-2$ Decenber 5^ 031 F0LD3R 18 Letter to David E3PIN03A Coba, coll loader in Oriental Puobla (12 February 1957) • Subscribers and possible subscribers to I&Jfez, do Mexico- Includes mention of donation by Section 21 of the SN2E* 1216 Letter dated November 1956 fron J, Encarnacion VALD2Z to Luis RIVERA Terrazas asking latter to see him regarding La Sociedad do Amigos de China Popular..


1217-1218 Cells and cell members in the city of San Luis Potosi, dated 30 llarch 1958* • 1219-1220 San Luis Potosi ) jyguascallentes ^Guanajuato) Status of PCM orgaiiization in these states* 1221 Letter dated July 1957 signed by PCM Prisciliano PEREZ A* 1222-122? Son Luis Potosi Aguascalientes ) Frosnillo CHAVEZt Canilo* Report of Canilo CHAVEZ on his trip to the above areaf 19 to 22 July (?) 195S* 1226-1235 PCM Organisation - 1956 "Report concerning the work in San Luis Potosi (from 15 Hay to 15 October 195*>, period during vhich Comrade MACIAS was working) % * 10 page report dated 25 Cctobsr 1956 and signed lay Manuel NACIA3 Rosas* Lists cells prior to 15 Hay; mentions following* Manuel DUARTS Tellez Prisciliano PERSZ Manuel DE LIRA Ismael RODRIGUEZ Jose BL<\ITCO Flaviano HARTIItSZ Kal'aol CCliPEAH io GUEVARA

Isaac HSRIIA3DEZ (fhu) TAPIA Julio B# FOLDER 19 032

123^-12^5 Correspondence concerning organizational work in San Luis Potosi and Aguascalientes in 195Sf involving* Ignaeio A VILA V» Elias RUVALCABA Rafael DIAZ Koran (vho left Party) LBDESM& Manuel HACIAS R* Prisciliano PEREZ (Sec* Gen* State Coanittoo) FOLDER 20 (12^-1272) SIFALOA *> ORGANIZATION AND T^MERSHIP

12U6 State organizational conference - Cullacan* Kaaes of delegates, nanes and types of cells* 12^7-1253 Report on State Finances for July,^August, Septonber, October, Jloveaber and December 125V-1270 Letters dated 1956, of organizational interest* 1271 Correspondence signed by State PCM Officials.: Jose Luis DEL RIO M# ) Axaadeo HERNANDEZ E* Letter dated Septenber 195S fron PCM to Itarcos RODRIGUEZ, Sinaloa regarding. recruitoient of* Jose Maria MICHEL


1273 T0f^S3 Delsadillo, Jose* Letter to J* E*. VALDSZ in TCILiES reports the founding of the PCI! in Hernosiir? o, in the fom of tvo cells - one of railroad workers, one of agricultural and other vorkers* (31 July 1958) » 127^1279 List; of cells and nones of party members found in PCM files, (possibly Juno 1957)* And correspondence containing nanes of leaders or synpathizers* (ITovenber 195S) Rnnon DAUZCS Palcxsino - Scy Gen of org* coisnittee Bornabe APJUIA Antonio CEBALLOS T'orono Guiilerno K03RTA Flores Ranon ESCALAOTB V* FOLDER 21 033 u.280-1283 First Work Plan - June rmd July 1955« Contains names of members -nd list of colls* Letter from Sdelmiro MALDGKADQ to Sauccdo, dated 26 April 1956$ contains names of following: Crisofcro FIGU2R0A Rarx>n ESCALAKTE Octavio LOPEZ SGNGRA/BAJA CALIFORNIA. Report on activity of Camilo CHAVEZ in organizing party activity in Sonora/Baja California. Dated 28 March 19Jo. llamos of members in Sonora/Baja California follovii Ramon DA2JZCS Bornabe ARAITA Lasaro FELIX Abato QUIIJTAHA Avelino MCBEEfO Roman GIL Avelino BOJGRQUEZ Luis BOJOBQUEZ Roberto PEHKIITS Aguilar Alfonso SOSA Julio PRADO Jesus ROMERO Diaz Cruz PALACIOS Jose MSRIIZO Guillermo SADA Quiroga (siapatizanto) ESTOUPIHAH (simpatizantc) List of subscribers to LA VOZ in Sonora/Baja California 1295-1301 Documents containing names of PCM cells and cell members around Ciudad Obre^on*. 1302-1303 Correspondenco addressed to PCM Stato Officials* (July- August 1957)« Contains namesz J« Encornacion B0J0RQU23 and Ramon DAIIZOS P« 034


130^ Letter from PCM Tanaulipas to VALD3Z regarding now camets for 1957 contains names of nenbers in Tamaulipas* 1305-1306 List of Comnunist cells in Tanaulipas* No date* 1307-1320 Correspondence dated 1958 contains names of party zaeabers. Cludnd Victoria * Ramon HERNANDEZ Padilla Amador GRACL\ - Scy Gon Antonio MEDINA David AQUTilRB Hernandez Aurello D^iXGiVDO Ignacio FERliAKEEZ BasUio BKPxIUL Francisco R. KASTACHS Marcos Leonel PCSADAS - Scy Gen, JCM, Taaaullpas Felipe GARCIA Heriberto BAEZ Ijioz y Ifartlllo Cell, Doniinso TCRPJ2S Roaero ' . • Brasto TORRES Roncro Federico FHRIIAKDSZ Vazquez Guadalupo FLORSS Morales Cto« Nuevo Coll Antonio GARCIA Zapata Antonio H^aiTAnDcIZ A. Maria de la Luz JAG30 Ortiz Iloriberto BASZ Esparzo Daniel RCDRIGUr^i Cervantes Juan RUIZ Gonzalez Modesto RODRIGUEZ Other nanes nenticned^ Prinito PCHCS Sandoval Pablo SANCHEZ Pu^a Nestor RAMIREZ Jlncnez ^-^

Aurelia DELGADO Benigno GONZALEZ Cn3tillo Felix GCBZ;\LEZ Balandaro 035 FCLD3H 22

•• Salone CASTILLO Bustos Hi car do SAIICII2Z Sanchez Octaviano LIIIA Zuniga Juan ZAPATA Torres Eanona GCIIZALS2 HanJ el Francisco MEDINA Hansel Marcos Leonel POSADAS Sogura ' Baynundo LCPES Puente 1321-1325 Names of cells and cell leaders in Ciudad Victoria and elsoruhere* 1326-13lr9 Correspondence regarding PCM activity in Taroaulipas^ * Of interest for names of neabers* 1350-1359 Heport of Manuel KACIAS on PCM work in Tanaullpas, dated 9 Hay 1956* Other reports dealing with LA VOZ and financial mattors in Tamaulipas* 136O-1368(a> Cell neetinss on XLI1 Congress question*

H02 y Kartlllo Coll (Panucof Veracruz) Forrocarriles Cell S-21 cell Ilagisterio Cell Conerciantes Cell Ejido do La Palna Cell . Nuova Independencia Cell Electrlcistas Cell FOLPEH 23 (1369-1^10) VKRACR02 - OTtGANIZATION A1TD MEMBERSHIP

I369-I37Q Correspondence fron PC!t files containing names and addresses of party xaoabers in Veracruz* Arnulfo KISRir Esteban SEGU1TD0 - Scy Gen* Isaac FEi^AITDSZ Villegas Jose MARTINEZ C9 - (sinpatizante) Esperansa M0RT3K0 Socorro ARRIAGA Lus Maria DURA2I Anolia VILLALBA Luis Gi\BCIA Roblodo 036 FOLDER 23

1379-13&5 Correspondence dated 1953 containing information on cells and coil mesbers In Jalcxpa, Veracruz and Cordoba. I386-I396 Correspondence dated 1957 contains names of party mojabersil . Estoban SEGUITDO - Scy Gon. Alfredo VA5ZUSZ Lara Antonio RODRIGUEZ Rcnoro Matoo RAMON Ranon Ellas MORALES Arnulfo HEREA1IDEZ Zonon R» VELAZQUEZ Kuporto GONZALEZ Espinoza 1397 List of members of nHoz y Martillo* cell (Tlascalita, Ver.) 1398-llrOO Jalapa* Report of PCM meeting on 20 and 21 January 1957 in Jalapa, vith nanes of participants-. 1^1-1^10 Report of cell iseetings • wfioz y Martillo* • November and Deccmbar 1957


Letters, dated 1956, from Yucatan State PCM leaders* Pranti CARD3IZA - Scy Gen. F^ Snilio RCSALDO S. - Scy Crg» J. ALCTISO - Scy Finances Pablo CAIITO C* Letter to SAUCSDO, dated lh Juno 195S« reporting on organization of the Coraauni3t Youth in Yucatan, signed byt Alberto CASTILLO - State Youth Commission Letter to CC, PCM outlining work plan of Yucatan PCM Organising Coccaission (1955) • Docunent3, dated 1957* containing names of party members in Herida* Franti CARDSHA - Scy Gen* Alberto CA3TILL0 Cesar HE HRERA Kemoslo PINTO Jorge ALOKSO - Scy Finances Pedro CAl-IARA Ceballoa 037 POLDER 2h Correspondence on exchange of carnets, March 1957* Lists nones of neebcrsv Correspondence of Gtato Organizing Commission. Financial rocords for August, ooptoabor, October* Ilovenbor and December 195&* Request for PCM duos stamps. Correspondence of PCM Organizing Commission In Yucatan dated in February and March 1958* PCM Finances - 1953* Receipts and expenditures for October 1953; shows names of contributor: •*# Page fron correspondence of the Circulo do Estudlantes de Bellas Artes* Lists Officers (1955)*


IV38 Latter on PCM State organization^ dated Kay 1957» signed by J» Encarnacion CASTRO llf39-lIfii0 V/ork plan for State of Zacatecas, dated Decenber 1957* Report of State PCI^I Plenun held 17 June 1956.


Notes concerning issuance of nou carnets and exchr?.nce of carnets, tihich show in Federal District and States coll breakdown to 5 April 1957# Includes nuaber of cells, nenbers in each, number of applications for nenbershlp and nuaber of men and wonen in each cell* (1957) Additional infornatlon on State organization relating to cell discussions of XIII Congress question^ Alejandro Terrazas Coll (Culiacancito) Jacobo Gutierrez Cell (Mazatlan) 038

FOLDERS (27) - (36)

Pages 1572 - 2232 039 P0LDS3 26

Meetings of cells to consider XIII Congress question* JALISCO: Francisco Villa Coll Colls in Tanazula do Gordiano . Ill Retlro Cell Sailiano Zapata Coll J. Clonente Orosco Cell Ccnentos Cell Mascota Cell Eases and signatures of call members. CAXACA. Meet Ins ot cell "Plan do Ayala" regarding XIII Congress question. Contains names of cell aenbors*

(1^72-1617) I^ABOR -

FSRRCCARIUX2S. Study entitled "The Railway Worker Problea" (£1 Probleaa Ferrocarrilero) (32 pp) ) 150^1529 Hailroad Workers* Study (13 pases) entitled "Concerning the Council in Defense of the aailroad Worker Contract" ("Sobre el Consejo de Defonsa del Contrato Ferrocarrillero") Ho date* (1529 is loose sheet apparently from another study. ) 1530-1565 Items froa PC1I Archive folder entitled "Ferrocarrilos Com. Hac. Sind." KonrUiiing items consist of novs clips and propaganda handbills* 1566-1568 Circular letter, dated 7 August 1958, to PCI-r State Connittees stating that the "third stage" of the railroad workers strugsio fcas been concluded. Refers to basos for final settlement, including electiens to be held beti/ecn 7 and 22 August J.958, to bo directed and supervised by two representatives of VALL-CJO, two representatives of QU£SADA> and one representative of the Sria. del Trabajo*.

1569-1571 Circular letter to State Committees of PCMf dated 5 1953 4 F0LD3R~2?>ontinued. (1572-1617) L\BOR ° °

) 1572-1576 Circular letter to PCM State Ccnnittees, dated 30 July 1958- 1577-1583 Circular letters to State Corziittoes asking for support of railroad workers. Bated 23 June 1958 and 22 Kay 1950. 15$9 LAGU1TA, Jacinto. Lector, dated 15 April 1958* to Political Coronisiiicn of the PCI I fron the "ilacoz^ri Coll" and signed by Jacinto LAGUIIA* Reports that cell has unanimously abroad to propose the formation of a "Liaison Ccnaittoo1* of railroad workers to coordinate the activities of railroad workers in the PCM and the POCK* 1590-1595 Railroad workers. Applications for PCM membership* dated 1953. 1596-1597 PCM delegated to national Conference of Railway workers froa Jalisco, 1956$ J. Jesus RAKC3 Kolina Manuel DS LA PAZ Uacias Carlos VAZQUEZ Orosco Letter to PCM Jalisco State Cocsnltteo referring to letter froa Silvia CCRDGVA of Je3us Garcia Cell* ) 159S List of measures to fco talcen aisong Ferrocarrileros in the Federal District. 1599-Io01 Resolution adopted t& national Conference of Railroad Workers• I602-I603 Letter, dated 25 February 1953, from Section 15 of S.?,F«,R.2: to Qcy Gen. S*T.F»R»H. Contains following naaosi Ircneo CARDBUS J» Guadalupe TAVARES ?• I^nacio VIULAJTJSVA A# Alejandro HGrJVLSS Koyos Carlos F3HIIAND3Z PCTQZ Jacinto LAGU1IA3 Diaz Roberto VflsaCllSTS Juan FIGUERCA Zanora

I60V S,T»P#R.M# Section 21 - Connunist cell work plsn - Tanaullpas August • October 1957# Contains folloving nc^ Candido ALCK30 Gonzalos Jose MARFIL Raynundo L.PUbTIITE Leonardo ZUii'IGA 041

F0ED2H 27 Continued loO1*- Kosario RES3I-JDIZ Eicolas GUTIF.:V. EZ 2* Sicardo SAIICIIEZ S* 1605-1506 Letter fron Section I.'o* 2Lh, S* T*. F*. R*. M., Dospachadoros and Tele^rafistas* Of interest for nanos* I0O7-I612 Letter, dated 1 February 1957> transmitting list of conrades proposed as invitees to tho National Labor Conference of tho ?C1*» Labor leaders are listed by States* Includes rpl\

Hailroads - 19>$» Ci-^aninational work in Tanaulipas, A guas calientos, and lliclioacrja,.

I6l6-l6i7 Proposals for PCM "worlc ancn^ railroad trorkors, 23 July

FGLD3R 28 (I61O-I663) LABGH - AGRAftlAfl

I618-I622 Efforts of CP organizer to organize a cell among the coffee i/orkers of Jalapa. 1623-1653 Report entitled **Inferno Anto la Conferencla Regional Canpcsina quo se Celebrara on la Ciudad de Torreon11 and marlcad "Heriborto - Arch* Personal*1* 16 $h USCE ^-53* Report of a plonun of ejidatarios of USCS VO-53, at Uiilch 2^5^delegates wore present to discuss various problems* Fieprosontat Lvos present also fron railroad workers, the Sind. de Obreros Textiles de Genes Palacio, ^rente do Dofensa do los Trabajadores5 Union Desocratica do Mujeros Hercicanas, otc* 1655-1663 Speech (anonynous) concerning the agrarian probien, noting the opportimiatic error- cf VHLASCO ("who had been in US.JH) and CA2-IPA in callinc: tho cjidal systea of the Logun-i area equal to the Koljos systen of the USSR* First two and lest ^-.^es of sons slight historical interest* Page 2 notes that "Jorjo" (probably F3?JiAIfDSZ Anaya) had studied three years in USSa^ and was Director of tho national School of the PCM in 193S. 042

?GLDEK 29 (16GW695) L^rcn - r7,::c?-acAr, weighs

166V-1666 Circular letter to all CC nonbers, entitled: "Hay quo organize la solid-iridad con los obreros elcetricistas", dated Ik- February 1950. 1667-1668 Work plan for electrical vcrkers1 cell for period 1 July- 30 September 1957* 1669-1670 "Electrieistas11 Cell - work plan for July - September 1957. 1671-1673 List of organizations protesting the rise in cost of electricity. l67lr-l676 Jioquest for solidarity and support for electrical workers en basis of agreements reached at first extraordinary aeeting of the FIJ2ICH.

I678-I695 "^lectricistas11 cell. !-Iiscellaneou3 notes in folder.

FOLDER 30 (1696-1710) LABOR - PE'CHCr^UM WORKERS 1696-1699 Aizcapotzalco Kofinery. Korlz plan of Francisco Villa cell (Atzcapotsalco) 1700-170^ Ho.irinss held by Consojo Local do Vi^iloncia of Section $+ of S.i\P,H.H. on chnrgos nado \)y Libio SOSA Torres that Victor i'GKSIfO Guzman hcid sold jobs to temporary workers in the S.T.P.?w#M. and that IIGZIEKC should be fired. Documents dated 7, 20 end 23 Hay 1957. 1705-1706 Miners (Cananea). v.'orl: to bo aceoaplishcd amon^ miners in Cananea, 1 June - 15 Septonbor 1953, as Qecn by Heriborto s\acEiX) 1707-1710 Sindicato de Ilincros. Tliree letters dated August 1958, showing PCM activity in die Gindicato de Mineros. Contains lin^ nanos: "Spignanio VARGAS Enrique HAITGSL J. Encarnacion CA3TK0 "^^-. J. Luis BOJCKQUSZ 043

FOLDER 31 (1711-1739) LA QR

I7II-I726 Material relating to the Conference of Poachers of the Federal District, including: 1711 Coll meeting notes indicating importance of cenforonco to communists (en snail card)* 1712 Coll mooting nctos indicating that "tyo neetlnss of the teacherfs fraction (of the PCII) in the DF will serve as a base for the elaboration of this document"• Participants include; PEDiiAZA CCuDOVA OLMCS LH01T0R BSXISS AXALA J. Pablo (SAIIJZ) Adelina (ZSl.'DEJAS) ORTIZ Esquivol KEITDEZ A^uirro GARZA Livas 1719 Typed docunent on tasks of Coiazunists* 1727- - Letter fron the assenbly of cell nKesponsablesn in DF to CC Plenun re^ardin^ EObilizing support for the teachers* 1728 Letter fron J. Sncarn-cicn VALDEZ to Ale jo HSTIDEZ, Lino MTCDIIIA., and Sandra Ai'£i;AL» 1729-1732 Correspondence involving corjnunist teachers* Francisco FA3I.MJ Kosales Elide de GC&TAR Centro Escolar Ilichoacan - Trine3tral Plan - 1957* lianuel GO25ZALSZ - Corzients on organization of Party activity anon^ students. 1733-1739 -v2?ort hy lliguel CASTILLO Cobos on Corjsunist Youth activity in'the Instituto celPoiitecnico Kacional (IPN), in the Hscuela Superior, and in the Univorsidad Ifccicnal* Measures susjosted for better organization and control of this activity* 044

(17^0-locO) LABOR - Ftrs?TT5 OBSTTRO

Letter frcn Fronto Cbroro to CC of ?&•! dated 7 ITovenber 1955* vhich identifies itself as Marxist-Leninist, notes its dissatisfaction vita the stato of tho PCM, and forwards in three ports tho results of its plenun of 13-20 October 1956. Lottor is signed by FO loaders (whoso nones are listed)* It attadzs tho "Stalinist** practices of SIrGillA, and tho failure of the PCM to adnit the FO loader Juan 0KT2GA Arenas* Attached - F.C* Resolutions in three parts, dated October 1956i

1755-1776 Part II 1777-1S25 ?art III

1826-1C27 Lotter to the Ambassador of Yugoslavia in KQ^1CO> dated \ 1 December 1956 > in which P.O. identifies itself as "a x ' nucleus of nilitants 01s the labor* novenent which was > formed to work in tho direction which loads to the strengthening cf the Ccnrranist Parr/ of l* Letter further states that the F.G, considc-rs itself to be part of "the glorious World Ccnnunist 1'ovenontj vanguard and guide of the labor aovenont in all countries". Letter then asks for an explanation of Yugoslav actions in the case of Hungary. Signed by: Alejandro LIRA Salinas Luis AGUIL\H Gutierrez Jorge ALBA liarJLrez Alfonso KAVA Jairzos Juan ORTEGA Arenas 1828-183^ Letter from the Secretariat of the 7.0. (Ignacio RCBniGUEZ 2., Alfonso 1IAVA J», Luis AGUILAa G». Alejandro U:u\ G., Jo^e PlfJA R.9 and Juan CiiT^GA A.) dated 3 DocenDor 19^6 to Palniro T0C-LIAT2I, stacing zhrxt tlie F.O. vas sending the C? Italy copies of t.'.o resolutions approved by tho F.C. regarding tho :CC C?oU Congress, vhich had been sent to all the principal CP's of tho vorld. Lotter concents at length on ti/o in^ortant TC-I-LIAI'TI decujacnts:. tho quest.Lonnairo ansT.-:erod by liuovi Argon-snti published in L'Unita on 17 June 1956, and the to:ct of the report read l?y TOGLIATTI ) at tho CC Plenun cf PCI end published in L'Unita on J 26 June 1956. FCLDEH 32

1335.-1339 Latter dated 2? IToveniLsr 1957 to the PCM Federal District Coissittee from tho Fronto Gurcro, and signed by: Juan ORTEGA Arenas Miguel HiJiinAiipUZ Alcnla Fernando GARCIA Arellano • Guillerno PADILIA llojia Jose PIIIA Ilanircz In this, the F.O. iiivicos oho District Ccmittee to join in a study for "^oint -eticn against all tho obstacles opposed to tho purjinj rsad reorganization of the Party." (i»e* tho EI.'CIIJA leadership) 18^0-1366 Study entitled "Scao ^.ucstiens Concerning the Fronto OTjroro", dated 12 January 195^• (27 pa^cs). This study analyzes tho F«0# with rsspoct to its clain to he: (a) a political organisation cf i?or!:ors; (b) "based on Marxist-Leninist theory; CJZ& (c) directed toward strengthening tho C? of Mexico* 1867-lSoO Frente Cbrero - PCM aclaticns. Draft latter fron Federal District Concittoo of PC!I to Secretary of the Frente Obrero, dated 1*+ May 19?S5 in uliich tho Ccnnltteo clains that the present task of Ccrj-unists is to transforn the PCM1 into a true, new-type, Harrist-LerJLnist party, that tho August- Geptomtcr Ccnforence (1957) served on auto-critical function which will help tl:o p-rty develop, and that the DIP Ccnaitteo will not accept tho invitauicn of the FO to "study jointly a plan of r.ctioa'1 for worl-d-n^ against tho ?CiZ Central Conirdttee Letter also rejects F.0# c'nuontion that tha PC'l "hr.s ceased to as a tangible rer.iity end political force, to becone purely and sinply a dovico (rctula) which Vicente LCI'BAHDO Volednio naixipulr.tes in tha service of tho gcvornsont in order to inpode the develop:.;ont in Ho}cico of a truo Harxist - Lcninis party." Finally, letter orcprosscs opinion that if FO really desires to contribute to tho cevolopaont of a truo Marxist- Leninist party, the conditions exist for collaboration with . the PCI I and roer*tr^r into the party, if FO will abandon its factionalist attitude. BOX k FGLD2R 33


1CS1-1S97 Labor Conference - D.F.. "Thesis for tho Discus ion of the Labor Conference of tho PCM In the Federal District" (subsequent to April 19?8). This thesis: Quotes Lenin en importance of the econcnic sgs* which, however is net an end in itself, but a part of the strugsel f°? power by the working class• States that tho labor union centers and centers of national industry aro controlled Irj the sovernneiit, and the majority of union leaders are spokesmen for the bourgeoisie, Ilotos the need to study progressive impoverishment of workers* Notes nost important struggles for increase in salaries, etc. have been those of telegraph x*;orkers, teachers in D. F». primary scliools, and railroad workers. Notes very limited participation of Party in telegraph strike* Credits Party with initiating teachers' donand' for 30 per cent increase. Notes disjlSnsjxn vithin Party regarding union tactics - claims that the tiQ::ibers of CP in tho Federal District, and the Federal District Con-nit tec followed correct tactics in initiatlnj teachers strike "by Section IX of SIIT3$ that the, Ccr:r.uiiLct fraction within the national dix^ection of the SIJTE was opposed to the teachers' struggle. Ilotos adoption of essentially sinilar tactics with raspoct to rallupy vor : --rs (i-ioe Section 8) - i.e., accompanying demands with strikes and nobiiisatlon of znasses. I898-I099 KFTU Kelations. Circulrj: to State Co:;zrJLttees, dated 23 April, 1953 announcing the World Conference of Working Youth fron ^r to 20 July 1958.

workers, petroleun workers? etc. Su^osts various tasks, reorganization of tlie National Labor Connitteo FCLDE3 33

191^—1923 Circular letters to State Ooi^nittcGS asking then to'support certain labor devoloononts. 27 Kay 1958 Letter concerning Teachers 18 February 19 5$ Letter concerning Telegraph workers 17 February 1958 Letter concerning Telegraph workers Ik February 1953 Latter concerning Electrical vorkers 192V-1932 Review and analysis of labor unions, da tod 27 February 1953. 1933 Motes entitled "concrete tasks". 193^1936 Workers novonents in existing union organizations. 1937 Ilotes entitled "Attendance at the union-type neeting, February 19, 195&11* 1938-19^1 Work plan of connission charged i/ith visiting labor organizatioz to distribute propaganda and solicit econonic aid for tha meeting of 6 October 1957* llamas of cozsmission nenbers. Nanos of labor organizations to be solicited. 19^2 Circular to all D. F. cells indicating support to bo £iven hy PCli to striking workers of El Anfora factory. Bated 5 Karen 1957* 19^3-1959 Discussion natorial dated 5 January 1957 (17 pages) . I96O-I966 Discussion paper dated 20 Dccenber 195& entitled, ^ the work of the UGCCM". This gives resuno of UGCCM since it3 founding. Vias probnbly prepared as result of £-:icral reevaluation of the CTAL vhicla steixiod from the 3ofia ifiFTU/CTAL neetin£3 of September - October 1956* 1967-1963 Circular letter to State Ceznittees of PCH from Canilo CILW22, dated 5 March 1957j asking for labor unity. 1969-1990 Discussion material concerning the labor situation in lloxico after the XX CPSU Congress (February 1956) • 1991-1991;- Letter to all State ?CM Ccccitteos, dated 27 Docenbor 1956, convoldLn^ the National Labor Conference of tho Party, for 23, 2^, and 25 February 1957. 1995-1996 "Instruction for better preparation of tho National L:* T Conforexice." 048

1997-2003 "31or:ents of Discussion concerning tho Labor Movement in Latin America"• 200^2007(a) Correspondence datec! 2lay 195&* regarding PCM activity in lr.bor jroups in Cajzaca^ Contains none of: Juan ?2Z-

2008 List of I/orders of llanufaeturas Diana, S#A», Colonia Anahuac found in PCM files* Contains following nznesi Uvaristo RAIill'iMZ Boniijno GAi'iCIA Antonio HAHIIISZ Torcso GARCIA Aguatin GARCIA Onorio LOPEZ (?) Juventino R.M!Ii''JI2 Kodolfo HAMIu£2 Epifaaio GARCIA GABIIIO Ernesto LOPSZ Garcia 2009-2025 lie port on l^t>or unity, undat:od» (Apparently a portion of a longer report retyped). Author apparently veil inTorncd en pact events in history of Consunict labor aovonpnt in llexico. 2026-2031 Lists of cells? Textiles Oilworkers Slec trie inns' *2r arispo r t at ion 2032-203^ Plan for organising united front of tho "bread industry in the Dm F. (no date). 2035-20V2 Activity with respect to:

PRODUCTS CC, S.A. • Hevislcn of contract lav in rubber industry* Wcrli plan of labor cor-nissicn fornod of: Santiago GCITZALfiZ (2us!:adi) Roberto BlTTiTDIA O. J.) Alejandro ?;^152 (".F.C.) (•'ilsctrical workers) Libio ZQZX (petrolcun \:orlcors) CASTILLO -(Conaclicada) J. Kefusio IBiUu^l (resp. sindical del D. F. CorrJLttee) Ho date* 043

^R 33

201o-2052 Firm. do Trabajo do la Collision Sindical. (undated, probably about 1952-1953) 2053 £:S3 (Hoxlc'-Ji Social Security Institute). V/orli plan presented hy tho J.A. Mella cell for the C? fraction vithin the IMS3# llanos of doctors and tho donands they should support*

FCLDE2 3V ' (205^-2072) FCR^Xai; ZCTATICITS - OH^m

FOR KAIJDV.1UTTSK MIIIGT23 C7 2-:22TIirG CF NOa A2i?aiCAil CPfs, seo FCXDsa 79? SAIIIZ, Juan Pablo (5552-5572) 206^ ?oroi(^n Halations. - northern Latin American C?^* Sunnaiy of IIorthGrn C? Conferenco - Iferch 195B*. 2065-2068 XIII PCS! Congress. Lists of CPs invited to XIII PCM Congress• First list in handwriting of D. FuTCIKA. Second list is typed and contains total of 51 CPs* 2069-2070 Correspondence with tha International Organization of Journalists* 2071 Correspondence uith Adninistrativo Council for the "Problems of Peace and 11 2072 Foreign delations - ?eaco llovenent» Pa^e 2li- froa docunent (ether pa^os not rocoverod) concerning an international " regarding tho Peace I-Ioveaont, at 'yh Bdith Garcia DUCHACA gave report on Cuba David RCBIlTJOIi ZZVQ report on U»S* Mary JSTINISCi; ^ave report on Canada Cthor reports given on Uruguay, Guatemala, Costa Eica, and Venezuela.

D2R 3? (2073-2103)

2073-2103 Cover shoots of docunonts in file entitled fl1957 - Mntorialos j Partidos Hormano3°» (Cover sheets only; have boon nicrof ilzod) ] 050

FCLDEa 36 (210W2232) R:n;r.-\?tGiT3 :TTH OTITRR ere- BY CGTJTTTPY

2101r Albanian C? correspondence. 2101r(a) East C-cmany (Alcrr^nia Oriental). XLK waybill for propaganda shipped to the C? Gornany. 2105 Bolivian C? correspondence shewing cover address. 2106-210o(b) Bulgaria* Letter Troa D. EHCI1IA to J. E. VALDE3, datelinod Sofia, 3 June 1958* noting he is sending sorsc niterials for "rapid translation- and publication"• (Tl^oao natorials probably fron the VII Congress of the CP Bulgaria, uhich opened on 2 June). Gabies giving addrosses, 210? Canadian C? correspondo^co* 2108 Ccsta IUca. Letter, dated 6 December 19?6> iron C? Costa Rica concerning a fabricated document sent out in name of the Political Ccnr.iiscicn of the C? Costa Hica# 2109-2110 Colombia. Letter fron "Vicente", giving oail drop in Bogota. Letter to "Bernardo"• 2111-2122 Cuba. Letter from Cuban C? (2111) (in PCM Archives). Probably refers to photos, etc. cent for publication in La Vos do Mexico. Appeal of Juventud Jocialista de Cuba (JSC) (2111*). 2123-2129 Czechoslovalcia (Chaco'jslovaonia). Correspondenca in PCM files dated 1955 and 1953. (2123-2128) 2129 Draft letter by Dicnisio SITCUTA stating that it ;;culi "be nore difficult to obtain Problems fron Buenos Aires (as had been su^ssted cy Prague3 than fron Prac--e, and asking that it be sent fron there. Also aslcs \7hother the price in Mexico is set at £U3 .20 or at 3 5 2130-2131(f) China. Letter from Polii;:- to Manuel G0N2AL2Z Salasar refers to Salazar's visit *o Peking* 2132-213V Danish C? Correspondence with PCX* 2135-2138 2cuador» D» EIICIIIA - Pecro SAAD correspondence. 2139-21Lr0 Spain (Espana). ?C1' correspondence with Spanish C? branch in Mexico. Spanish *3oei~l Club - Invitation to PCM. 051 FOLDSR 3

21^1-2171 United States (3EUU). 211rl-21?B CPU3A-PC2-I Correspondence 2159-2162 Correspondence fron Ecuadorian, Colombian, and Bolivian CPs in PCI: files* (3u~;csts PCl-l is channel for ether LA CP Contact with CPU^A) 2163-2168 Translation, of article by George KCiLRIS on crisis in AFL-CICU 2169 Letter frca J. Encarnacicn VALD2S to PCI! Or*. Con. In Koxicali stat:n^ that ^ociro Sitiirnino 3'^IITDZ \ns Incorporated in tha Party in Guadalajara vithcut his nilltancy having boon c*iocl:sd with tlie CP'UCA* ivoco-^xio that BISI«TIT32 not to incorporated into party, but retained as a friend of the Party*

2170 Letter to D. 2HCIKA requesting advice on case of BHKITEZ. 2171 Letter frcn Abelardo G?JJALXrA, Box 1^83, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A., renewing his subscription to La Yoz do Kexico. 2172 Finland. Finnish CP correspondence. 2173-2179 France. vith. PCH and PCCH, and other Latin . Aaorican Connunist Parties. 21G0

ifritten on bctuon 01 pa^o. 2181-2182 Haiti/France. Letter frca C? France, narked "Parti de Haiti" in pencil, thus suggesting PCK is a channel for naterial to Haiti. 2183 Honduras. Letter from the- Committee of Solidarity tilth the Honduraa Workers, signed by Carlos JIMSII2Z and Kiguol Angel SAI1DIN0. 2l8lr-2lGli-(b) 33IIGLAND. Correspondence frora C? Great Britain. 21S5-21C7 Israel. Israeli CP Correspondence uith PCll. 052

POLD^il 36

?lCS-2201 Italy* 216C-2190 Letter frca aanon B&J7ZCS Palosino (Scnora) to 3cy. F.S.I!.,- Rono, Italy tolling of labor activity in celebrating 1 Ifay.

2191-2197 Lettor to C? Italy froa the Obroro? vhicn doscrllhoh s . ••• itselitself aas aa KiliKilitcnt t croucp of I-arxist-Leninist orientation the goal of which is to strengtheth n thth o C?? MexicoMi _ (although outsido the PCI1). (Sea LA20U, FIUvHTS OBJU^Ru) • 219C-2199 Exchange of correspond once betvesn PCI and PC1I* pp--0 Lettor to Ln Vog frcn Biblioteca G* G«, Foltrinelli. iiilano 2202-2203 Letter frca Itali-:n Con^unist Party to Dionisio 2i:ciITA indicating interest in meeting a PCK representative. 2S0!s->2209 JAPAN. 220^ Hetum address of CC C? of Japan. 220J-2209 Correspondence with various persons and fims abroad - Japan, Hongkong, CzochoSlovakia. 2210 Pan-ana. Letter fron aafael HILL to D. EITCINA (for Gutierrez) • statins that the F3?rr? hxs selected tuo delegates to t::e VJFTU Congress, and that he is "writing to EKCIIIA because he has no confidence in the norraal channels betveeii CTAL and F3?Ii?# 2211-221^ Portugal. 2211-2212 I^ote in C? filoa for BrTCIIIA indicating PCI-I intcroct in having lloxico extend asylun to Alvaro CDI.rL\L7 3cerot*.ry of tho Portu^uGs^ Connunist Party, \:ho is in jail at Poniche, Portugal. 2213 Letter signed IIOi^T to organisation of democratic lawyers ccncomiii^ psrsecution in Portugal. 1 221 r-22l5 Puerto IUCO. CorrGoponconcG to ?C!I signed Hanon KIIv^BAL, Secretary General of the CG7 C? Puerto Ilico^ 2216-2219 Rur-rania* Address found in notebook relating to r,-> V>«T <*r> 'd on . Correspondence with Central de Defuzare VJ.r* (2217-2219) 053


2220 Uruguay, Letter fron C? Uruguay to PCII-. 2221 Foroi^n Relations - UC;H. CP3U-PCII Liaiscn* (Instruction torn frcn botton of shoot, \;hieh vas not recovered, for sending invitation to Soviet Academy of Sciences through

FOR BIPORTAIT? VCCUl&ZTZ HniJlTI^G TO PCK-CPSU n see F0LD2H 78; aEVTJELTAS, Joso ^^ 2222 Letter fron PCM to CC of CP3U asl:lns for secJlcal for Die^o RIVEa.\. 2223 liescow address^ 222k- ?o.zo entitled nAcusr&osn, representing the asreone readied at tlae ^lOth Anniversary Conference in l-Ioscov, 2.957* About the only report on this zaeeting found in files• , 2225-2232 Ilotes entitled* "Letter of the CO of tho C?SU of 9 I-fcy to tho CC of the Euro (?) of tho C. of Yugoslav1* (presumably copied for study fron a CP3U handout)* FOLDSRS (37) - Ch

Pages 2233 - 2979 055


2233-2253 Ilotes entitled "Report; concerning the XX Congress1*. (21io33 do no.t. appear to bo ncies mdo at the CPSU Congress, but rather notes based on discussion trithin PCM ; p&^Q references indicate use of published CPSU natorial en tha Congress)• 2250-2276 "Acta sobro el inforne al XX Ccnsreso". Conaonts by:

?ZZ&Z9 J. Sncam-icion VZaDVGC, A. (l-Iartinoa?) Roy03 FUSHTSS (Garcia?) Cruiilo (C7LW2S?) COIiTES, (Pernando G»?) MORIC luii T^UZAS (Ibnuel) (3AI212) Juan Pablo Paula (H^DZIAIIO de S2ICIITA?) 3AUGITD0, (Heribcrto LASCAI.'O, (Jesus) CASTILLO, (Cobos) IICBL3, (Dr. Carlos?) VALDDZ, (J. Encamacicn) Sotero (YALDEZ?)

Tliis is a report of an" internal PCM neat Ing (Central Comittea level) called to discuss the XX CPSU Congress• 2r:7?-23,l*r Discussion of 1CZ C?olJ Congress. Pveports of meetings held in SaKpico and Ciudad Vidtcria on 12 and 1? August 19 f$, to discuss X>I CPSU Congress• (2i«:anplo cf low level discussion of the Congress) 2231 Acnsicos Nos» 3 aid Lr {:ive reports of J* Pablo SMuZ en nootln^s in 2azipico and Ciudad 2-ladero, and the nanos of participants. 2293(a) Anne::o ITo. 1 sives nanos of participants in Ciudad Victoria 2299 Axinaxo No. 2 gives report of mooting in Ciudad Victoria Discussion n^terial relating to the XX CPSU Congress* 36 pa^es (pp 1-5 ) 056

FOLDIEL 38 (23^7-2^22) FOR^tOM RELATIONS - ?iV5S3 AND ?RO?AGA:rD.\

23l>7 List of C? ncnbcrs proposed for carps of translators* 23l;-£-2372 ?C12 nailing acldrossos, nai^ly international.

2373-2382 Lri uVn;v /"or__;;p;;, - nosos vitii addresses of foreign S U 0 3 C r i b 21'S •

2333-2^22 Correspondence irlth subscribers in various countries*


2Ir23-21f2Ii- Foreign bookstores \£iich o\:o FCP. 2lr2j-2lr26 Debi;s of bookstores to FC?. 2lr27-2Li-32 Debts of individuals to FC?* 2V33-2Ir53 Other FCP financial records and correspondence with Mez-Kniga, 2li-59-2^6l Seport of Fernando G* CGlvISS to EHGIIiA, VALDEZ and T3aai2AS concerning the FCP*. 21*62 Fondo de Cultura - Puebla PCII State CoiL'iittQO Agreezont* Shows how Soviet funds xrere being filtered dovn to l^Ci-i State Connittoes.

FOLDED kO (2^3-2516(a) ) m^SS AI-ID ?RO?AGATTD^

Correspondence vith JuID2iUCICIT. Taller Inpulso* Keport c-i: Fernando CORTES on financial status of the Jailer, February 1953* l 2 r68 Receipt to La 7oz do TTo^cjp signed loy Robert IT. ;C\T2? Agent* of Agenda in 2'exico* ps, a,e.. Hoxicq address records. List of addresses fcr exchange publications raid courtesy copies (?) cf iciJS^. throughout Mexico. Ho dato - orobably veiy c-lcl (noto reference to Gov* of territory of B.C.5 CfiCH| cue.) 2^73-2^87 List of saall ajencios for J& List of agencies to vhich sent by bus*. 057


2^89 Budget of La Vc;:^de 1-IQZO.QO (vaslcly edition)• Datod 7 July 5£ 2^90 L^. Voz do Mexico» Fincijiciol plan, dated 3 January 195B* 2^91-2^9^ La Voz do Mexico - financial situation, S July 1950. -95-2500 Plan to cover tho expenses of La Voz do Mexico, dated 10 July 1958*

25O1% xipografica Inpulso, S*A. Hotes indicating slaares. 2502 La Voz do Mexico (?) - psgo entitled "Subscription pirn for June". 2503 Finances• Bills run up by Party leaders Tsdth La Kercantil. Dated 31 August 1955* 25oV-25lo(a) Tipografica Inpulso - Finances. Tax foras for year 1955-1956 (shoving inventories, capital, deductions, employees1 salaries, etc*) BOX 5 FOLDZH kl (2517-2607) Frr-MTJSS -

"bocks fron accounts l:opt en cards, SCELO of which have been copied (.SOQ Folders kk-7 ^5) 2526-2539 Record of expencliturcis and receipts, lay ncnth - January tlirough July 195^ 1 25 K)-2602 PCM Account books showing receipts and expenditures9 "by uay 25lK5-2575 Soptoiaber 1957 - February 1958 257o-2602 March 1950 - July 1953 2o03 Salaries of personnel of La Voz, for Decsnber 1957 through Juna 1950, by nontii* 260^2607 Plan for financial csap-iisn to cover expenses of 1958 electoral canpaisiu Quotas by states• 058


FCLDEIt ^3 (27^2-27SC(a) ) FIVMT.V-h IJ":s?IG.\?IOITa BY CC'JTRCL FOK ^7 The following financial reports vero together in PCK files, ^nd had boon narlied as (1), (2), (3)••••to (11). They include: 271*2~271*7 (X) Haport of tho national Control Cosanission for Finances, si-;ncd ",;/ Josofina LE01T, Canllo CHAVEZ, and liuben OLIVAIU:;*, dated 18 Hay 1957* 27^-2752 (2) Vr-rious' reports en PCM finances (credits, debits,

0 f pesos 529•£3• 059

2753-2753 (**) Letter froa Control Cornission for Finance to J«2# VALDIvZ, Scy of Organization of PCM. 2759-2760 p) Letter to Political Commission frcn Control Connissicn for Finance, accompanied by financial records. 27OI-27Q7Q2 (5) Letter to Political Ccrroicsion from Control Cor-Tiisjion Tor 2763 (6) Fondo do Culture Popular (?C?) financial records for 1 October 195"? to 30 September 1956- 2761- (7) FC? records for October 195^ to Soptenbor 2765 (3) FC? records for October 1953 to Septenbor 2755 (9) ?Z? records for October 1952 to September 1953* 2767 (10) FC? records for October 1951 to September 1952* 2763 ' (11) Records of "La Morcantil" faros April 1956 to 2-Iarch 1957* (2768-2809) PCT! Fu--\;:ciMi a

276S-2739(a) Itontlily records fron Dceencer 1957 back to Deceaber 19>6 (inverse order) 27S;0-2791(a) Balance, Month of Doconber 1957. 2792 Quotas, April, May, Juno 1957 2793 Special 3:q>onditurGSj March - January 1957 2797 Donations, December 1957 2/9G Sale of Cliinesa objects, Dec ember. 19 57 2799-2600 Special Activity (expenditures) 2G01-2803 S::do of Labor union pan^hlet

200^-2005 ^ov esch^n^s of c^rn->ts N 2o0o i'ayiiiont ox CQD^S (rocoi:>ts) 2o07 For La Voa de Iloxico (receipts) 2C0G-2CC9 Quotas cso

(2810-2915) ?c?: ?I:;*J-:CI-\L ACCOUIIT CM&3» 1957, S II:DIV-:'y-v,L A-::QOUI;TS CF P^UTY L^SSHG

2C10 i i 2ol7 J. J* 2325 J«

2C39 n. SAUCHTO 28V6 J. 3. VALDEZ

Reyes FUEIIT33 2859 Jorce SALDIVAR (Bonjanin) 2062 Miguel CASTILLO 236^ Agustin BOHRO^L 2672 Francisca RE3TE3 2679 EdQlniro M&LDCIiADO 235^ BrisidQ CASTHC 2C91 Prisiliano GAHSA 2397 Arnuldo IU V-RDUGQ 2902 Sotero VALDS2 2909-2915 Canilo Ci:

Vo (2916-30^9)

291-5 Hosults of 1955 financial canpaisa of ?&•!• 29l6(a)-296O Receipts, 1951-. Accent bec^ containing tlio PCa financirJL records for February - December 195!v-> si:c\rhiz receipts £vj by day. "lioso records arc- unique ancnj tlio PCM finruici-il rccorcs as the of synp.ath.lzors co to tlio Party aro listed# 081


29ol-2c)?9 Expenditures, 195^-• Account book conoairJLng the PCM financial records for February - December 19?i-> showing , by day. FOLDERS (h6 - (?9)

Pages 2960 • 37^-9 063


2900-30^9 Expenditures, 195^* Account bools containing the PCS* financial records for Fobruary - Iteccnfcer 195^> showing expenditures, "by day* 0.64

••'• I ) F0LD3R h? (3050-3075) Flil^'CHo - 1uobla) - ! 3O0I-3066 Plan to obtain #r,200 for the MCasan. Note list of j synpathizors* . I 3067-3075 Account bock relating to the national School of Cadres j of PCM, dated Uovoaber 1953. j I :& kQ (3076-3110) Firmness - i

3O76-3O9L.- ?C1! financial plon, probably prepared in 1952 (see "Budget for 1952") including financial tasks in connection with the (1952) electoral csnpai^n. All those documents vere fovnd together in the same file* Koto list of sympathisers on slioet 309^. These include, anong others, Fernando R0S2irzVJ^I end R. J« 23YADA* Ilote also large suns anticipated fron the

XICC (net identifiable) - 1500 SXCicZIRQS - 1500 Diogo iUVEHA, - 2000 CILWZZ irorado 500 ) Dinitrcv 3 00 3095-3101 Coahuila State Connrlttea Finances* Contains expenditures and receipts for 1952* Also includes financial plan for electoral ca&pai 3102-3103 Budget cf Kuevo Loon tltate Coiraittoo for April, 1952 3lO1h-31O1^ IJornal budget and bud-jots for May and June 1952 of iluovo Leon State Clt 3107-3109 Financicd Plan of Sinaloa State Coisnlttee of the PCM, 1952. F0LD3R h

3110 List of "conpanoros" vfco cooperate nonthly for-the rent of D62 (Dlnanarca 62?) (probably corca 1951-1952) Includes, among others: Elena VASQUE2 Goinoz Sasha (Aselio) • JC (Juvontud Ccrronista) DF (Fed. District Ccr^ittee) CP (Political CorzrLssica)

FCLD3R (3111-3181) PCTT C0IT7RGL AHD S^CTiniTY

Control Connisslon - rules for its functicnirig. 3H5 Control Coiriissicn enndidatos in 1957* 3116 Typical form (tliis sent D« ZIJCI2TA) for voting on mongers of Central Control Coinission end Financial Control Centalssioa. dated 28 Hovonfcer 1957* Control Coni'iissicn ropoi^t, presontod to the plenum of th Central Ccr^iitteo, 23 October 1957* Includes: 3H9-3137 Statement of Control Coinnission function and invests of fractionalisn in the Party and conduct of SliCIITA r;nd MSiUZ.- • 3132-31^2 Investigation of the Fondo de Cultura Popular, involving Sussicn Funds. Investisatica of the European trip of Carlota aid Irna Gu^MAlU Investigation of the bus body "business. 31V6 Consents of AU3P3ACH (DE LA PI2IA Aueroach) 31V7-3152 I-linutos of Control Cosnission meeting dated 20 March 1 Particlpaatsi Xavior (GU3i^.ZR0) (Jorge) i'ic::jpjA;;o Sotcro (VALDJS) H* AGUI-.IH3 3153 Typed block of blotter groups (asdf hjkl) of unknot.-n significance. Pccaibly code koy. 3155-3158 Those entitled "2he Stru^^le .against Provocation and Sabotage11 dated 22 February 1951* Probably part of ?CM study course. 068

70LDZ3. k9

3159-3161 Ilotcs, undatsc, ccr.c^iT/.r.;; illegal pnrty ircrk; possibly basod on ~ dccuneirlsary jcarco* 3l52«3l6^ Import by M\C~<,a IVc- i:.:c.:-or In the Presidential office (brother of Lie* ^c::nnco CAlu-IOIJA) '-/ho stated that a nilitary nan told liiu tliivt tho Presidency received information en the Party fro^ a^;r:c3> vitliin it* 3165-3166 Investic-tien of Jcrjo LI^-SPiE^ said to "be an US a^ent* 3167-3169 ITotaSj undated, onticlcd "Opinions against S.\UCSDO11 • "I'iCdesto**1 states tli^.t clua to rol.-iticns of certain cenrades -with CIJA'XE, tiio F. ^I» 1:JIC\I3 every thing that gees on in tlio party, Speolcs "cf friendship of OilXTE, Tor VALSITCIA, t! is nonbor cf FBI*1* 3170-3171*. notes dated 13 February, concerning police repression and intelligence ii T OPETE - vith^icn" they talked K0LI1TAH ~ v/ho was out The "PCLAGO" and tho trALS!tAIIr** Tne Pole apparently told Polica ho *'uas not ono of then11* Boltran save ths pola the address and telephone of tho conrado tihero cell was aoeting. - • Hentton of tho cases of VIC2KTS, DAHZCS, 12a?ienelr»j . Boltran and Libia^ 3175 Intelligonce rooort concerning the Sinarquist novenent in PCM files• 3176-318O 1'otes of Esoetins in v/liich it stated that certain anon^ous letters T.-/ero believed Ly Julio ?'SWDQ to bo provocations by the (Party) leadership: that there 2^ay be police agents in the leadership ("for exonple, the case of Trejo")*

3l£l Ilaport on activities of D73> dated Juno 6, 19?6# For other cauoa of investigation of conduct of Party and posaiblo police agents In ?virty? see ^-959 067

FCLD3H 50 (3182-319^) PCT: ?RM?nrG A:;D KPUCATICIT

3182-3185 Notes concerning the tcisl:s of the national Ccnnissicn of Organization of Education and Propaganda* I* Gen oral II• Labor Education in the Party • III. Agitation csid Proisganda IV. Means of Centre! 3l£6 Handwritten notes believed to be those cf J» Pablo 5AIIIZ* 3l37-31w9 School of the Party In the Federal District* Course 1957-1953. 319O Letter to Manuel TSUTLAZ.^, concerning activity of Universidad Cbrera do I-Iuevo Loon, signed by I-lateo A* SAENZ* 319I-319V Report of the Directive Ccnsiitcoo of the Universidad Cbrera do Huevo Leon, concerning activities in its first first year of work*


3195-3193 PCK-P? Helatlons; CC, PCM notes concerning pact with Vicent LOMBAPDO Toledanoj in the handwriting of SITCIILI* 3199-3200 ?0l>-?? Relations; "Report of Leonel DU3AII, 23 April 1953n* . Concerns a nesting to uhich he uas invited by Luis 2H at "whi^1 wv® present: RAIHRSZ (y Har^resj 3nriqu LAKA 5 Iv * liISPJ^rSL* Lie. Felix P0ZA3, Prof, aiccirdo • TORlvSS, Luis ! K01ICADA, Haul i B3P2JEL (vife of) . ! GOIJZ(ALS)s, Gild-rdo ; RA;-tIRSZ sj?ol:o en ?? .?jid the inadeqiiacies of tho PCI-f irith ; respect to further cevelop^ent* « 3201-3217 PC:^-P? Eolations. l-.joly of PCM to PP's rejection of election ! collaboration* j i 3218-3225 PCH-P? Relations: Letter to PCX! rejecting election cooperaticd FCLDSii %

3226-3223 PCK-POCK Relations: Joint lotto? to the ??, i:cvc-bor 1957

-50229-3230 PCH-UHS Relations* Letter to D. EITGIIIA fron David LCIIELI, Chief of the Union KacionaX Sinarquista (Ul;3) dated 7 April 195&J proposing that independent political parties not participate in the electoral "farce" and withdraw their candidates.

FCLBZR 52 (3231-3302) ccTfrnrjTa?. FTIOJ^S - YOUTTI

3231-3233 List of potential VI Uorld Youth Festival Delegates, with PCM cornnents on each candidate. 323^ JCIl school} pro^ran of study, nanes of participants. 323J Correspondence, signed by JC leaders, dated 20 February 1953* Leonel PADILLA - cr


3303-3312 notarial frcn folder entitled " DF - 1953. Organisation?.! correspondence of Ulilui 3ir;iio& by: iunriqueta ?„ do CCIi32A Eosa List of names aid addresses (hond"urrittan) • Applications for adriissicn to tiio UDIHU 3313-3316 Material contained in folder entitled "Feciinil - D? 1958": "Lista do Conpaneras" - probably nonbers of the UDIH-U 3317-3327 UDIS-I (Coahuila)* Correspondence* dated 1957 and 1958 ccntainintj nanes and sisnatiires or nenbers* 3320-33^ XJLIZI (CorJiuila)* Lists ot raer&ers* Bated Uovonber ) ) 33^5«-33^*7 UDI-2I (Coahuila) • Work ^lan for U2»2I of La Comarca Datod 1957» 33W-3352 UDin-I (Coahuila). Hoport en tho activities of the U33MK in Saltillo, Coahuila* 3353-33?7 u'21'2* (Ilichoacan) • .Bsport en activities of UBlHIin Miciioacan proscntsd 2^-25 August 1957* -33oi UDX3-I (Jalisco). I-Satsrisl relatod to the activities, organisation and officials in Guadalajara.. 3362 UD12I (Zacatecas). Corros^ondence signed by UDIH-i or^aiiisir^ officials.

33^3-3371 JJDlut (llichoacan). l!atorial cencerning officers, organisaiot n and activities of TJX&Zl in I-Iichoacan. 33?2-3372(a) UISHI (lluovo Leon)* Correspondence fron UJDMI! State official. 3373-3533 UE&I (2anauliP2s)» :^o:-bor^hiD applications dated Karch and April, 195^> all frcn Ciudad Victoria. 3389-3392 UDIH-i (Tanaulipas). Corrospondonco dated 1957 and 1953 containing aamo3 of Lianbors. 070

FCLD2K 53 3393-3^01 UD1IM (Veracruz). ::rv:;oricl concerning activities in tho stato of Veracruz^ vivsii HZJZOS of UD22-I loaders and nenbcrs* 1 3 ;<52 r:oport on activities of UD!2:3 including list of Executive Coiunitteo*

3^K)3 tforfc plan for UDIC:? d-ted y ITovonitor 1957; involving nonticn of ceils T.;ithin i3octicn IX of. L>:*^I3 and Socoz.c.ary School Teachers, tlio Cuautsncc, Luis Horcilos, arid San AnSr colls* llontions zones, siaiscn conu1.tteo? ctc.j uith n.^ic

3!T0V UDliM dolegatos to ITaticnal Poaco Assenbiy* 31;O5 Circular letter* probably of UDI2Ij signed by Cr Cozmission, vdth nanos Ii3-jod 3-K)6-3lr09 List of nanos and--addrsssos* presumably UK-2-I neubers. j^l1!- Other UD1-S-1 correspondoncOa 3Irl5-31:-35 i:otos of UD2S-I ncatlns of 31 October - 1 Eovaabor 1957» attended l^y 15-1^ raonbers, uhose naaos aro listed^ -3^7 Addressed envoloi)cs containing invitation dated March 1957 -3¥r9 PCM and UDl-Si Hew Yoar-s greetings* 3^50 VDIZI national Plan of Finances, 1? August 3^51 UDKH Budget, October - Deconber rcLt:'^ 5^ (3^52-3519) corr-ir:7!^? 7?Ror?r>

3Ir52-3!.-97 IToto book believed in handwriting of J*. P. GAII:Z« (Pages narked "A", "B", and »fCM added to divide text) ^* (3^52) llctcs on Stccldioliri World Peace Confer once of 1956. Sugary (IS points) of intra-party diseu^lcii (these voro on loose leaves torn fron "bcol:)

*'U*—- U.0 071

rv-.T r-.~T:>

Xi.vio? (GB) ?,•!.:.:•: (J* Jnearr-n

Cl-J.r:l'ia '?0H3K? do

SIICIIIA. (Dionisio) SAIN2-, J* Pablo CHAVEZ (Canilo)

Votes on resolutions* 3lr98-3501 Poaco Hoveucntj Finances 'Ebcpenclitures frog 15 April - 17 Hay 1957* Budget of expenditures for April 19?7» Hoc^ipt for 625 poses fron Clars PORSSTi as Sec. of Slnasco of HationrOL Council of Partiscffis of Poaco, signed by Scj of Organization J* Paolo SAxIIZ. Re-oort of expenditures during National Assoribly of Peace (3i May, 1 -*2 June 1957) sis^cd by Mario. PSSEZ*. 1 3502-351 * - ferial concemod ^^ ^ proposGd trav8l of j. ?ablo 3AII7S to tho World Poaco Council Bureau Meeting in Boriin, 30 March 1957> and to the Uorld Federation of 2oaciiors Unions (FISE) nci 3515-3513 Dccunant shcuin^ iJarcy plan to noMiizo its peace forces to influence public opinion during the Lebanon-Jordan crisis, nid-195S» 3519 Letter fron Comision do Cr^aiiizacicn del Congreso ?or ol Dosaraa y la Ccoporacion Intornacional to KovinlDnto :ioxic2no de la Paz offering to pay round trip passage to Stockholn for tt;o noubors of Hoviniento Kexicano de Is ?a

FCLDSIV ^ (3520-3533) ccv:nr-rf:? ?—::T3 ^ ifisc^TXATiEcus

3520-3525 Frente Eacional do Artos Plasticao - "Plan of dated 15 liny 195^j vi^h nanos of national C 3526-3528 Circulo do Estudios Moxicanos (CSi) • Declaration of Principle. 072

3529-3532 Prinera Conforancia Ilaclcnal Pr0-Eibro Itercic an ,q« Officers and progran of tha Ccsiaicn Prinsra "La Puncion del Llbro en Mo:cicoM and links vith UBI2I; correspondence showing officers of the Pro-Libro Mosicano* 3533 Scciodad Hexicana do An 1st ad con China Popular. Message signed by prosicenci Dra« Paula GCM122 Alcnzo.

T?-\?::;:TA7,'i CCITCt^TTIUG PC?! OHGVi?ir-:A?TC;:

353^-35^*0 UndatGd docusont surcn:r.risin^ national organization 'of the Party •

35lrl-3?.-3 Hotes on CP zaeetin- cf 19 Septonber 1957? at xdiich: . • EKCINA, with holp cf Amolia YILLALBA, vas placed in charge of seciirity» " T2r.RtlZA3 Mas ^ivori ta^Ic of deciding If La Voz should be daily or tiookly.

CILW51S (Ca-illo) uas placed in char^3 of voric vith the

VALDEZ was slvcn tasli of vorkinj on organisational natters (with £CIu:££L and Priciliano GA

SAIITZ - char0od i-ith educational natters* SALDIVAH - placed in charge of international affairs*

35^1-3558 Undated plan (oro-.sMy l-to 1957) Tor the roorientaticn and roor^anisction of par^y xrorlc* Note 9 seizes, uith Mresponiiabl©3" fcr each (siicet 3555) • 3559-35^0 PC!-! 1-icnborships Circular letter giving results of rocruitr.ent canpni^n, by state* Total for year, up to May 195^ v^a 2?'6 i:ou nemboi's* "ffil-35.53 Sooort of the Cont^^l Control CcnnlsGicn rendoroa to the Plenum of the CC? ?C2!? October 1957* Includes coz~iorrza conccrnin^j 33oi Functions of Ccntrol Corrmssion* 3576 31QU2IR03 ai:d aiiYOHiLTAS. 35oO Fcndo de Cultura Popular 3^35 ' Carlota r-r-cl Ir^a GUZIIAIT trip to E ) ' FGLE3H %

3536 Kattcr of tho shop for ^.zlzlizz bus bodies (carrccoria). 3506 Report of m LA PIvhA AU~?IiACH (ho thought to be author of* a PCC:i ".rhieh really a Frcnte Car ere document)• 3529-3oO? ' Doeunont begirding nZl nas crancioso acontecinonto politico..." (^his nry bo the "Auorvacfc" cocu;:ont). This report is of considerable historical- interest, as it covo:cs tho history of the ?CII from its foundir^ u p to 19^0? v;ith brief final comments en the XX C?SU Congress* 3608-36H List of cells in which ?^rty loaders arc active (1950)5 places i;here colls should concentrate 0r2a11I2aticn.1l

D^n 57 (3612-366^) KAT^ni'LS B^L\giIT^ TO PCM PRCCR.\!

\ 3612-3653 "Anteproyecto do ?rcjra]na dol Partido Coaunlsta Kexicar.oi;. / (Prepared for the XIII PCA Congress; probably published in La Yos, cle !Io::Ico) 365^366^ Kopcrt entitled nCo::comin~ the thesis of tha ?Qli Pro^r^i" (Sobre el Antoproyccto ce iJrojrana del PCI0 •


3^65 Letter dated 19 Au^uot 19529 stating reasons for postponin Party Congress* 3666-3669 Uork plan for procr.i'-ticn of XIII ?CA Ccn^ress, listing projected co:ivGircic:is in 2k statas. 3670-3671 Report entitled; "xhcines of study indispensable for tho definitive formulation of tho plan for the Program of the

3672-3675 Anncunconcnt of tho VII Ordinary Convention; of the ?Cli 111 the Federal District, 13 - IS Soptcnber 195^? to disc-iss problems of tha ZIII i;Cl-I Congress* Agon^a of ccnfcrcnco 074

59 (3676-379I) T-T^lvr.lT, r.r••••C^RITITJG CH R^FL^GTIJTG F^C?Tf-;"AT.!? 'Ci

3676-3679 Kotos - probably CC? PC*^ showinj attitude of loader Probably dated oarly 195^; in EITCIIIAfs handwriting. Names of loaders quoted: •/ "Chon" P. - J. Zncarnaelon "Chon11 V* - J. 'Ikiccrn-cicn VALD22 I-IanuGl 2ERI&ZAS 368O-3683 HGport nentionins a "c^upo fraccicnal" In Siiiolca. 368^-3709 ,.M>y X.0-H^nan. POTJ?.VC'\ (pro-CcmuniGt novs lottor)* violoctod issues fpoti file, for April-Hay 1956, shox/inj cissonsioa within editorial staff* 3710-3713 Reoort on thesolit iii the ?£•! in the Fodoral District*, dated August 1957* 371^ llotes, listing those involved in factional activities. 3715-3721**. Federal District Cor.u-ittc-G document criticizing Central . ) ComrdLttse for delaying ?c.^i^y Ccr.^ross; demands Congress ) be held to toko no internal problem; blanos CC for Party losses in recent years. Dated February 1953• 3725-37V9 Bulletin of tho Federal District Corinittee of the PCM dated March 19?8, ccntainins proposals by Jcse REVUELTAS; proposals of the Carlos l-'cxx cell; and opinions of the Federal District Co^iittco concerning both cLoeunsnts. G75

mm, 6

- (67)

Pages 3750 - 076

OR PCM (continued froo Reel 7)

5750-^770 Article by Joss R2Y0SLTAS and David Alfaro SICCEIROS entitled, "The present situation in the Party and the toska associated with, its transformation into a true Merxist-Leninist party of the proletariat.*

Letter from the ?ed^rico Engels coll to the party directorate Secretary Gcnsrel snd his followers and s the dissidents of th3 ?sd*rol District Cooed ttoo* Dats: after .Ipril

5777-5758 Reply of the Fcdcrel District Conxittee to the criticise of the Central Conrlttco swde -t tho Plenum of 22-2$-Zk May 19^3 ot which tho podsrul Diatrict Coan;ittce wfiS accused of:

a) Violating dosocr tic ccntr«liass. b) Inf;dequot«3ly conducting tho in'w.rnal strugg^0* c) Opposing the national leedorohip*

With reapsct to a)t the ?vdfr t(l District CoiBsittee claims th.t it h^d every right to Bake a resolution concerning the Extraordinary Congress of the Pf.rtyt «s agreed et. the Con?*r* c& of Au^uat-Soptecibrr 1957 and the CC Pler/JB of October—Novrcsibcr 1957» which sgreod to c:ll 3uch a congro3s,1 St tes that tae Political Coainisaion violated this accord and that this violr.tiexiAvas i^tcr lcgoli^cd by the CC Plenors of Janu-ry 195^» snrf that therefore any organ of ths Pcrty had the right to critize. St tes that statutes establish right cf the Party members to solicit an Sxtroordinory Congress, and th3t there is .o viola- tion of decccrstic centralism in 2ca.:

57^9 Letter froa Port-.les cell of ?CK signed by Prof. Kolondo UBI3£ Ca2.^3 to J« Snc»rn?cicn P2REZ protesting ths interfarsneo of Verdugo (K.^TISSZ Yardugo ?) in cell uffairs regarding the vote on tho XIII Congress, dated 15

5790-5791 Letter froa URIBS to ?<-?.i:Z protesting POCM cloias to ?CK candidate


5792-5602 Draft pUtfora of PCM for election of 195c—presented at the ex- panded Plenusa of the CC in January 195^* 5505-560.8 Party-line review of the 19«c niti^nol elections.

5509-5^11 Correspondence to end from ?Oi organization in Oax* r activity in local elections. Dated July 195^. dl6 List of aembera invit-d to attend PCM Plenim of Januery ... . .- • 077 FGLDLE 61 (3517-3372) PCK PL-CSUK - 0C70S R 1957

Rr-part of Plcnua Including coaaaenta of following zceabers:

J. S Xanuol TSRRAZ/.S (3*H9» 3622, Pculs J.-3H/J50 (3821) " Comilo CH.*.VS7. (5621) Juon Joae Hr3?A2 (3619) ••• .Reyes TO3N7S3 (}GlQ) , " Jesus LAZC/llsO (5621) J. Pilor HCDR-tGvJFZ ( Ruben OLIV R:-S Fernando Q. CORTES

Arturo ORCSA (> Dior.isio EKCI.N.c Joacflna LEON ( Franti C RDS25A Dwid .-,lf-ro 3i:u:~:iR03 fiilcrio KGRS.NO 0c6O-5 Ant-snio M2DISA 0371-5-72) Sdelsiro (


Handwritten rc^rd of speeches by various CC sccb^rs, attitudes on fttcti-nalistt, r*fV£3ling background in Party, etc. iiy of historical iater^et, as this plenua, crlticel in intra- relations, includes aaong others speeches end cbauaftata of the following?

Edoundo RAYA Konico (R0LB Alejo (K£Si)£ K/CIAS Antonio X30I ) V.anucl TUHBA2AS (^392, Xario (3Tf5 Dra. GU2HAK ) Lino JI2DIRA (259^, Juan Pablo SAItU Sdelairo J (^95, 5900) I-03TI2L Jesus LAZC.KO (Juan Joaa) K2RAZ (J, Snc«roccion) V.?UE2 O922) 2AVALA Barron

Mario R1V5BA Carlots oa^AB (3937) AKAYA Sar&icnto (3939) Korb-rto KARTINS2 Sergio TSLLSZ 078 Dioniaio SNCr.'A (59'^) Adelina C^-^J'S) (5957) Luis (SOMS) Kefu^io IXtflKG Priselliono (P7RSS) (5970) S&ndru (AHSKAL) (3974) Konuel TERRAZAS (5975) A. BOBROEL (59^0) Dra. CHAPA CAM?AS .Chelo AG'JIBSS Ruben OLIV.'-RHS Xavier Gw?HR£R0 (AQ02) PATINO (A007)

Anselao (X;::TIi3 Maria Luiaa CEVILLA (4025). Augusto VEL/.ZCO ^ (-Joaquin) MACGRtGOR Alejandro Pi.^HZ (405/)

Carloa ATALA LCPSZ Ortega Hilsrio KCRRKO (4o6l) Jose H)i?ri3JA?fO (4o65) ^003^ ) it »j2rUiAiJ I -IU [tLj

Gonaro GUTI'IRnSZ (4o59) . Sequel S/.LIS..3 (4099) - Rsfsol WS&SZZ Aguirro (4^99) Juan psblo (SAIK2) (4102, 4l52) David Tlfaro 3It;EIR0S (4105) Caailo (CHAVEZ) (4l05) Hdelsiro MALDO.NADO (4107) Je3U3 RAXIRE2 (4lC9) Mario -RIV5RA (4111) Sandra (AR^AL) (.4112) Aa^RS-.Ca (4117) (J, Enctrnf-cion) Chon ?rR2i: (4ll5» 4l47) Adeline (25S&3JAS) (^121) Juan Jose M?RAZ (4125) Heriberto SAUCii'CO Manual DIAZ Esiairoz Xario PEREZ Marin (' Santiago G0-:?ZALE2 (4l45) Efigenio V-RG.3 (4l4^) • (Jose) RSVTJLT/S (4l4a) MErio ?:-RL*Z (4150) BOX T FOLDER 63 (4154-41^7) PCX CON?^P:"?:C? C? .VJG>JST>S"-TT

4l54-4l67 Hotea concerning conclusion of Conference beginning with 15 Scptca- bcr 1957* Of soaa intsr-st regardirji votes, cwGdidutee, and coasccnta. porticipantaj

(/rnoldo »V.) VITHDUGO (;;154) QUISONSS (4154) Alejo MHNDSZ (4154) 079

(Agustln) BORRD'L (4l^5) (G^rardo) UN;.:'u''rTA (4159) (J. Bncornacion) V.i.LCrz (-159) Mnrio RIV-RA (r.cvl) (-159, '-l<50, 4l6*l) Adc 1 • no ( ZZX .OSJ •• 5) ( 4161) Konico (ROuUGU^) (4lo2) i Csrlota () (46 Jose (GOOSES (4l65) RAYA 4 J . KACIAS

| FOLDER 64. (4l62-i£66) ?CK Federal District Noting, Auraat 1957

! 4l56-4l71 Resolution of the Federal Diatrict Coiu-.tttca of the FCK, acted 4 j * | August 1957» on factionalism within tho Party. Following secibors ; were dcdlarod guilty of fuctionalisa: I j MEXDS2, Alejo i RAYA* TCdrnundo RODRIGUE2, konico 4172-4260 PCM meeting note3, 1^-15 Auguot (1957), prob bly frois Federal District meeting, include criticises of PCM-and especially of E3CINA and report by &SRAZ on Finsnca Cosaission activity. Nases of aoabsrs who spoks: (J. J.) WRAZ (4172) E..Y/LESS (4179) 2. B. (ZAV LA Burron ?) Lino (fcSDINA ?)

Kario HIVI3A Dra. Gtt/>"AI? (-205) ANAYA Saraiento (^207) J. J. MORAL: S (-212) Norbcrto (M.-RXIN'.-,:) (4219) Dionioio vNCINA (^227) Adelina (ZEIQ.-3J.iS) 42'.5) Leonel ?.';DILLA (^259) ^261-4279 Co:.*J2cnts of the following at the Federal District Conference, dctsd 16 August J957) reflecting factionalism la the ?--rty: AU^RBACH (4261) concerning Browderiss ond policies ot FliCZUA DOMINGO!?Z (4265) KS0K.12? (4270) 0AR2A, Cnano.(4274)

4260^4^14 Cocsenta of the following, dated 17 August (1957)':- Sandra (AR?!y\L da M.AT.O3SABO7) (4260) RrYUSLTAS (Jorre) (^ 080

?£RRAZAS'(Manuel) (429$) CKAPA (£8ter) (4505)

Consents of the fo]living, daUd i$ \a5u3t (19?J) 1

(Sposk r not indicated) CAMPCS (AJ29) OtIV/RES (Ruben?) (^557 . Xavicr (CO-RSi^O) PATISO (^'

CCRTE3, Anseliao Viconte GAYTAS Kuria Luisa

?OLDcR 65 (4$67-Vi66) PCK CC Pl^WM P juZt \957t

Reports concerning l£5c electoral ceiapaign and problems of a democratic front, in three p«rts, sariced 1), 2), and archives* Speeches end co^-ents by the following;

Docucsnt So. 1 *••'•••

Ruben CLIV RrS {h^6Ti Fernando 0. CJCRTSS Racon D/.RrOS Paloalno Pilar R0CRIQ0?2 (4jJ72) Higuel CASTILLO (4jJ74) Benjamin SALDIV-R David Alfsro SIQrj Gsrardo UNZU'TA ( Jose Rr/UKLT-S tesdo T.-W?* Ca^ilo Ch7.7SZ (-»5 Jose Lais DEL RIO () Gr^gorio CASTORIA (<'-597) Arr.oldo K. VEH.'JGO (;^9c) Cioniaio SRCINA (V<01)

4409-^54 Document £0. 2

2-fonucl TLRAA2, Paula :v;:Bfur:o

Teresa R ( Jesus LA2C/-N0 (4A j J, Rofugio IB.RHA ^ Joae M0ST3JAS0 (4 Jesus P'-RSZ (4^9) Reyes FUENTES G:»rcic (4Vtl) 081

."Caviar OU-Kfi-nO (444^) Agustin BOBROiiL (4445)

Document I5o.

J. 2ncfirnacion V&hDEZ Sotcro VALDH2 (44^7) 1 Ley D0MIKGUI2 (44^7) j . Arnoldo K. VL'RDUGO (4 I -...•' (G^rordo) UXIU" TJ\ (4 ! Ar^ n /i ^ 'if* * V** i *••* #^i"*i I ! (Fernanda 0.) CJHT2S ! Hil^rio (i:OR':r.'0) ! (Rub^n) 0LIVEH3 1 • • Filar R0LKIGU~2 Reyes ?U'••?*?33 (Garci&) Eldeairo (ZALUJ.J.'.DD) ( Juan Pablo SAIN2 Caailo OlAVEZ Kiguel CASTJLLO (Jesus) LAZCSKO (4'«59) (Dionisio) SSCII7A (4-;£9) (J.) Rofugio IB-^A (4^59)

66 (447O-4J1O) FCM CC ?*.-3KCM 07 16-.23 :^VT 1957

4470-AplO Discussion of report of David Alf&ro SIQUSIHOS^ Contains coxs^nta by the following:

• • • . • ' • • » David Aifiro'SIQUSIRCS (4^2) ^ . Jose A. SANCHEZ (4474) J. Pilrr R0DRIGU32 (4474) :: «!• Enc^rnt;cion F P4H2 (4476) Juan Joas MiRAZ (4^77) Herib^rto SAUCVDO (;^47S • Ceailo Cd.f-.VSZ (4^60) Joae MOKTSJASO (4'fc2) Rfsyes PLTSTSS (44cJ) Jssua LACC/A'O (4'^) Manuel T2RRAZA3 (446.6) J. Snccrnu Arnoldo M. Vr.RI^UOO (4490) (Arturo) ORONA 4 Kcnuol S.ALA7/3 Xcvi?r Ga^RRnRO teelttt VILLALBA Miguel CASTILLO Josefa LEON Hllsrio 14CRHi\'O (4499) ' • Edelciro K.ALMKADO (4^00) Paula fcEORAKO(^502 ) Konuel SALA2AR (4^05) Dionisio &KCl'KA (4pO4) David Alfaro SICUSIRGS (4;'0o) 082

67 (4511-4795) PCM cc n.'Zi^i: o? :-MY 1957 (except

Hat-trial fros* aix marked in FCX archives. Prisurily of historical int rest, but opinions of vtri >ua participants of current int .rust in <*st bliahing th-: b«;ckgrouad of present Party faction 1- isa and opinions en the POCK.

J^tcrisl froa folder nusbcr*d 1 in 10% rchiv^s, Incluaca celling plonus; fora (to V^Ll>E2) listing rur oses of plenuas; proposals for'organising ;>nd regulating pionuas.

4517-4572 fet-ria! froa folder nuab red 2 in ?CK 'reriives. Report of the CC, I CM, to Plftcuc rsgArdir.g; oitu•• tion of the Party, the j-roblcrs of nd t slcs for strongman ing it* 083

ttEl 7

FOLDEHS (6?) - (77)

Pases ^573 - 5388 ' ' PtfUSR 67 (:Oli —7SO) CM CC ;— ?.\-,?y ? K Y I 57 (CONTINC?^

45-7J5-457ci M'it-riwl fr-K fold-r r d 5 in ;CH :irchive3« Ir.clude3 r. discussion of PCM probl^rcs (L> Voz, tc.) Of p; rticui- r intoreat is a rep rt of the 4«i»ticni»l Ccsiis3ion of ?in:nce3 (459&-460p)» Spe&kcra;

Sdelairo VALDOK'DO (4573) Fern-mdo 0. CORTrS Pilsr Josef ins 1,201* (455 A) Jose :;o?irsjANO (4^oc> Carilo CH/.VSZ (4591) Arnoldo M. VSHUUCO ( Sotcro VrLlEZ (460c) ShlkZAR Dionisio E^CIHA (4624) J03* CiAVHZ Morado (''i627) Ju.:>n ?i.blo 3 fiilcrio t^) Arturo CFrOirJA (46^5) J. Encarnaclon VALUES Paulo K; ia::*3 (^659) Miguel CASTILLO (464>) Manuel TEBKA2.\S 4^

Kcribsrto SAHCEIX) Xavi-r GirHH RO (':o62) . Ruben OLIVRCS (A6o4) 4679-4726 2'at^rial fron* folder numbered 4 in ?Cti archives, R^suDe of the discuS3ioa in tho plonun, of the report of the CC (sec Folder 2) • Giv-3 points of*<:r:cr.t, disurjreeEcent, etc,, involving Kdel X^LDDNADO, Hil^rio -^JRDJO, Jeaus LA2CAN0, Dionisio S^CINA, 3 Ssldivar, Filar R:JLRIGJJ2, Ituben OLIV-i^JS, Kanuei ?£Hiw.Z;\S. 4727 Kat-risl (otii'-T than cov-^r srwrit) of folder nuzib^rzd 5 i urchivea. '/as not copied. Tuis was a druft of atudy oo the intcr- nal struggle in the Party between 1959 and 19^S» later published in booklet forra. Sscnusa it wi;a published, this drr-ft was not A copied* Discussion of the dr^ft, howavsrf app - ra in Foldor 6» from folder nucb^re-d 6 in ?C& arciiiv^a, Cocatats of CC concerning tht; report of the spacici coEnission on P^rty cci.ivitir.-a between 1939 ^nd 1946. Zo^o interesting bits of PCM history in remarks of ? G. CCraHS, Jesus LA2CAN0, and othors. Speakers:

J, Encarnacion P-rBS2 (4729) Front© GtRVZra ( , Ruben OLIV R^S ( PlUr R0DRIGyU2 () F^rnendo C0?.TB3 (4737) 085

Jesus LAZCAKG (;r?>9) Joaquin LEOH (<;7i:I) Jose XGSTIfJAJ-iG (-7^ Miguel CASTILLO (;7

I Dionisio iSCIMA j Arnoldo VERi^GG (4755) i Jose CUAV;?Z Korcdo (^755) i _. Juan Jose Mt3U2 (4756) I Sovirsr GU'RR HO (4765)

I . Hi1 trio MCRiSC (4/66) ! J. ivncu race ion Y/L.:.'^ (47od) I Amelia VILLALB • (4770) I Manuel ?>-ft?UZA3 ( ;*771, 4774) | Rr5y-s FVr^TrS (^77^) I 4775-4795 absolutions, dated 25 May 1957 (probvbly published in La Yog do


4796-4615 PC4 notes, apparently sucnarizing notes of 1945? coaling with problems of the tiiao. Koto swrrrr.ary on pege 16 of remarks by Decstrlo VALLIuJO at that tisa concerning tho opening of a front and reasons for not helping tho Allies as such forces would later ba used against the U33R,

These notes prob.biy prepared for use in writing the paper on the internal struggle in the PCM, which, was written in eorly 1957 &^d di2cu3^ed at the May I957 plenua of the CO,

4ol4-4925 Notes of a CC ejecting about 1945 which ir.cludo interesting itoss of historic 1 int^rist (o.r.t ?CU str-r.^th prior to Extraordinary Congress which ousted L^BCRDa and C-li-iPA was 17>CC0; at tin:« of meeting wt.s 5,000). Coanitnts oj current POCK loaders (AROCaE parr a, Desetrio V'LLEJO, etc.) vho vfere then within tho PC:-:. RAMIR2Z y Ramirez t'-nd othnrs prcsuiitably left party as a result of differences manifested at this conferctica.

Agonds of thei VIII PCM Con.rress, Kay 194l (of historical interest only).

Int .-rnational Red Aid (3oc rro Rojo Intemacional, Scccion &exicana)» Fincncial atotes^nt for tho yzsr 1955* Statistics on rcpr-ssion in 1935» Report to locals and groups of the SRI.

FOLDER 69 (4955-4950) 51 OGR-.FH 1 c •};?-. - A

AGUILAR, Evs.n 4957 AGQIKriE Hernandes, David 495^ ALY.itcil H'-?rn;*ridc2, Ar.ustisio 4^59 iU'iADOR Guerrero, r-.aria d«l patrocinio 086

AKAYA Hsnteria, Manual AM AY A 3t,r^irn

Kote, unsigned end undated, In which author transmits intelligence to Party fnd reports c^nt^cts with Carlos LEON, (Carlos?) ILLSSC-'S, "Hero* (a sympathiser},. H2YUHLT/3, 2nd OROKA* GRONA sc*id to have been given fivo thousand pesos from Agricultural, after hoving esked for eight,

L0 Sotalo, Haria Guadalupe Letter from Lup

FOLDER 70 (^951-^75) 3IC:;H/FHTC D.'TA - B

A95I *"v3''O5B Ocaapo, Bernardo BASS Esparza, Heriberto BALL-rr.03 Baid^ras, rlodolfo BfLLSSTSROS Hesa, Alfonso B.-^USLOS Cianeros, Snaiiio 4959 B.-R/KOSA, Orlando (Control Coa^iisslon Investigation) A96O-A955 BARF.AZA, Alfonso.

Letter soliciting re-entry into ?srty by B-RRAZA, twice und ^ivin^ 3UEz:£

BHIAR Cappon, Jac^b 2ELSS Pf?dro23, Jo^e 496c BORR03L. Agustio Report of a trip to Joli3co and Michooean in April 1957 (4966-4970). Looso ptig^s froa notebook (prob by his) giving birth d-t'.-o, .tc, o^ Fernando,, Maria, Tvrtrsu, anu Kcul

. BRIENO Al3torrc, Franciaco 4975 CASTILLO Buatos, ^yloae BOX 8 rOLIiER 71 (A976-5004) BIO'R THIC \> T- > C GS7

OnyUk Sol^odo, Gregorio C..3TRO Ruiz, Brifido CilZAHEZ Reguero, Ximuel z63-49^9 CORT25, Ferns-ndo Granadoa (so© also CRA5AEGS) GiAVSZ, Caailo Soto sur e5ting he is pro-SXCISA

4990-5000 Roport by CiVVZZ on hi? trip to Mor-iiu i.nd Guadalajara in liovcab-or 1957 (?) tc corissL.oratc the s7th anniversary cf the Me.xicon Hcvolution, and to iattjnd to P-rty cr^^nizatio work, including installation of G. CASTES &3 ?oiitici'

5001-500^ CHAVEZ Korcdo, Jose. Cos^enta froc record (prob bly) of Federal District conference oi1 August 1957*

?OLB£R 72 DATA ^ p

5005 DAK20S Paloaino, Rair.on. Page 5 of a latter in wb^'.ch ere suaisarized sug^astibss cade by SAILLAKT of ths *^?TU (r'3M) i for lsbor action. i 5() D2 LA CHO;:, Antonio 5006-5006 B2 LA PSJJA Au^rbfch, Luia. His answer to accuaatir^ns 2:adG by IBiZ and ?*iHSZ y.crtin (no* dcto).

5009 DELGrDO, Aurelio 5010 DALG-VDO Sriez, Aaraiio 5011 D21GAD0 Padron, Gilberto 5012 DSLG/EO Ho/cs, Jorge DIAZ Castillo, Jose 5014 DIAZ Castillo, Es^on

FOLDHR 75 5015-506^ ESCI21A, Dionlaio 5015-5016 Looss notes, app r^ntly sug^atian about vhat i.\CIKA should consider in preparing his auto-critici3a«

5017-5019 Notr-3 by EKCPV,, app.'rrently a dreft of his outo-

5C2O-5O25 Noto ho case of ^CIHA' with autocritical footnote in S-iCIKA13 hrnd, begrinning1, a£n ai and listing his orrora. 5024 . Kotlficution seat 2NCISA re v^ts on

5025-^025(a) Othor notes, x-.^stly in SNCISA's hand. 2?otea by EliCIiJA concerning v.-e<^:na3a of Party leadership, etc. Other not'.s an errors of Party* Transcript of S^CIKA's r-park's concerning the Srar.te Obr-ro and opinion of (MARTISE2) VEKiL'GO. Contains references to Interview (of OCIHA?) with Soviets,. D.-te probably late 1957., Personal bct*oen Pedro SAAB of C? Ecu-udor v.nd • SS 5050-5064 Vari- .3 itsr.3 Crrj fo:«j«r of H3CI3A'3 persons! corr-s

5065 ESTB/DA Sspin

& 74 (5066-5170) BXG'3A?HXC? DATA - ? 5C66-5O67 A, Alfonso, llota signed by ?A3ILA asking 25CIXA to roxura something hr? h&d written b-csuso PAFOBOV had told hist tht ha was *£oing to the house.* It?ply by SKCirU. on reverse. Ethnographic report by FsSILA on the Papago Indiatis of Sonora 5066-5115 vith coEi-eatsries on the predjudicial attitudes and practices of KorthAaericsn3in the era. Also correspondence With German BALASTZATSQUI froa Rancho da la Caa, Sasabo, Arizona, U.S.A.

5116-5120 Selected pages (first three and last two) of another strictl/ ethnographic study by P-'SILA. These pzges selected to show nature of atudy and ?AEILAfs opportunistic ottocpt (5H9~2^) to fit study into Cocsunist anti-.^ericcn "liberation0 line.

5121-5122 PAV2LA Sacnr, Frsncisco. Letter of March 195^ to SrJCI^NA 2ivin5 Party background and soliciting re-entry.

5123 FAVILA Garcia, Andres 5124-5150 ?nRS.*KDI?2 Anaya, Jor^e. Material related to his inv-.jsti^i.ian by CJontroi Connsis3ioa. Letter froa AKAYA to D. E7*CI*^i, criticizing and advising on presidential campaign, dated 4 April 195o. 5151 FERKA32SZ Vasqucs, Fcderico 5152 FLOEiS, Aristco 5I54 ?LGR£S Cobo, Ernesto 5155 FL0Ri"3, G. G sc;o3, Jose 5157 51^-5169 JFEAHCO 0rn--3t PsricUa. Reply of FRANCO to QC of Dorsinic-s ; after hi3 suspension ir. April 19f^» FK.-.N'CQ's analysis of the atetc of tho PS?D in Jsnai.ry 19^7* v 5170 FUSSTE3 Gercia, Reyes FOLDKH 75 (5171-^217) BIOGRAPHIC DAT* - G

GARCIA, Joaquin 5172 G^KCIA Alc*,ron, Sdusrdo 5175 GARCIA Koreno, Pablo • 5174 GARCIA Vasquez, Juan 5175 G-RCIA Perez, Joaquin 5176 ^ .GARCIA £apata, Antonio 5177-5162 -^ GAHZA, Kaicedonio 516^-5134 GABZA, Prisciliano 51w5 "Gaspur,* Letter to Mefe" referring to "extremely d^licsta taoka assigned to hia and telephone conversation with "Meichor.3

51^6 GOMEi, Fortun^to ; 5167 GONZALEZ ; ___, ?aiix 5l6d G0S2ALS2 Cantillo, 3. 5169 GDN2ALFZ Rengel, Rstsona 5190-^203 GONZALEZ Sala'jar, Kaauol . Report on his trip to. fc?D¥ ( aecting In Sofi«T, ^e nesting of tho preparatory coanittee for '**'" ••""••'-•- the VI World Festival of Youth end Students in Moscow- *Gordo," "Gordillo* (see inforsutioa under 5512-5. " y 52C9 GR^CIA Hernandez, teador ~~ ) . 5210 GR.43ADO3 Cartes, Fcrnondo (sea also COHTSS) 5211 GUSL Coronsdo, H^rcelino 5212-p2l4 GUTHHRSZ," Carlos. Letter to tSCIKA outlining labor cctiviti .s, hia entry into PC!:, and asking for sid froa party.

5215 ~~-— GUTIEaRiZ Ar-lltino, Ccciiio 5216 - . G:JTIaR'ftS2'.EsceiQillo, ISicolos 5217 QV&iii& da la Gorge, Ccriota

r^LDKR 76 (5216-5544) SrOOEAraiC JATA - H TriSOUOH M

5213 H~rtN«\lt;»&.u AinjijrOy Arturo 5219 HSfISABDr.2, Ant jnio 5220 Hi?KKA2{DE2; Barrera, Aurellano 5221-5222 HSRSASISZ Rcquena, Ignacio 5225 HUI7S0J} Sav^rro, Epifsnio 5224 IS;.R?w4, Cuco f-225 IB/-R:'A Vcgaf Arnulfo 5226-5226 JA3S0 Ortiz, Marie de la Luz 5229 JI/-'xS'£S Ruiz, Carlos 5250 JIXHSJ'2 Rios, Koi3es 5251 JIMSNT* Ruiz, C^rloa 5252 (KUCH2R) Judith, Metier froc Sofia, 5255-5236 LA5CAK0. Jesus 525^-5254 Coaxents before Control Comdssion, dated Au^uat 1957 Othor co~r.ent3, d^tod 15 (August?). Various xnutarislo relating to LA3C HOP the Fondo de Cult'ira papular, i^nd Kaz-XnigG in Moscow. -

5265-5275 Typed notes fro* folder concerning Federal District conference of August 1957> including LASCAXO*s defense*.

5274-5275 Irregularities of L/.SC.'NO reported by Augatin MCSTISL. Mention of Daniel JOSTISL'a status with Enbr^y- of USSR.

5275-5251 • Recueat signed cy SICUSIRGS and HACIAS that investigation of tho ?CP under LASCV-KO bo carried on jointly* Dissen- ting opinion of Cainilo CZi..V3Z.

5262 Lettor3 froc LACC.5O to mcabfjrs of the Federal District Coaciitteo.

526^ Report by Manuel MACIAS that Soviets had given Editorial Popular over ona million pesos*

5265-52.Z6 ' '^ Control CoaniBsion rainutcs on csae of

work of Daniel KJ-XTIi'L with Sabessy of USSR*

52^7-5286 LAYLSON B,, Sofia. Letter froa Chicago with return address*

LA2CAX0* Jssus (see al3o LA3CAKG) 5^9 LEOH dc Hernandoz, Josefina

52~9(e) LOERA Jua/ez, Alberto 5290 LLCSSSrS, Ant-onio 5291-5502 L0P22 Katcos, Ado If o. Biographical information in ?CM filc-s. 5^5 LOPEZ Puenta, Raysunoo . 5^04 LUNA Ortiz, Joso 5505 LUNA Zunirjn, Cctoviano 5506 KACIAS Orozco, Fidel 55O7~5517 MACDl Ccrvuntes, 2'ti^uel. Correspondence from ?C.{ in Tcrtulip concerning .Miguel I'.ICIN Cervantes, reputedly an F3X employee, ettemptin^ to r cruit personnel froa PCM ranks. AI30, of activities of Assdo H'CIN Cervantes, purportedly an agent of the D7S.

5513 K.yLDCKADOr Edelciro. Letter dated 14 July 195^ reprimanding him for not sending -;noy requested by

5519 KAKRICU2, 31as. Letter to H* 2AUCEDO of 10 Kerch 195^ trans- mitting letter of ?rt nciaco 7'.VELA end mentioning other busin

5520-5521 XAKCUiTZ Castillo, Eugonlo 5522 MARTIItSZ ?, Antonio 55^5 2^AETin2Z, Enrique 0. Lettor soliciting Te~nntry into PCS. Had \ been aecber of CF, O.S.A,

5324-5^29 XSLRASO de Sncina, Paula. Remarks of aPaulitan concerning Remona and testimony of Rc^ona (?• Panchita R&^ona?) re accusa- tions cado by Paulita. y.otfra dated 50 December(1957?) • 091

5350 Lucvf-ns, 3u.;.uel 555O(e-b) KSNDSZ, Muria do J« sus ._.. 5331 KrrNI;?2 Gercia, Alcjo MHBAZ, J.J. Cororents on ?C2i finances, probsbiy written by 5352-5357 :ruHUA Ibarra, Manual

5^LD2a 77 (53^5-5536} TIHJ-;CH C

i, Jor^o KIXO2J, Richard. Sio^rupnic sketch found in ?CK files. NOBLE, Carlos. Letter to to Politicul Cojnsission and note on XIII Congress* ~"

5355 ORA»vASt Francisco 5356 ORONA, Arturo \ 5357 CROKA V., Sixto } ) 5558 CRTI2 Mariott, Josefina . • 5559-5361 0VI2D0 L,, Guillerso. Letter froa Dr. OVIEBO to old friend EKCIKA asking for tripfJ to U3SR for hinisslf and other doctors•

5362 PADILLA, L«onel» Letter from his father to D. I^CINA asking for news and tnat son visit his old parents*

5363-5364 PAL&A, Sergio. Report of Central Control Coscission of ?ClAt dated 15 August i957# TO case of PALKA.

POUS (?)t Primitive 5365-5566 PSHALVtR, . Invitation to PSKALV3 end his friend Sr. P»G«C« to vi3it China. Torn froa notebook, last pa£O3 aissing.

5369-5370 PilRSZ Karin, Mario 5571-5577 PERfliriS Aguilar, Roberto* Letter from his requesting cr.jcbor-. ship, with biographic dr.ta. Oth'-.r correapandenco lettor from Francisco C'T.V ^TI5 advising apr»iir:st nertbors.-iip becouso of suspected connection with investigative orgordza- tion. Letter to CSrW :::7£S df.tod 10 Scptonbcr 195o tolling CHRVAKTES to break off all contact with ?^.":i^3. 5573-5332 PHSC/.DOR Pol&nco, Juan. Federal deputy,* Letter froa hia to President RUI2 Cortinos found inPCK files, 5562(a) PEREZ, Maria Cuadulupa 5533-5334 Plit/uRRO C, Brculio. Report on April 1954 meeting of PCM Sinaloa ro cf-ae of PIZARRO, accused of factionalisn. 5535 PLACTCIA Roblodo, J. Isaac 53^6 POSADAS Se^urn, Kcrcoo Leor.ol CUIKOrrS Arroola, GmSorio QUIN0N2S Dicz, Ru^ion Licur^o 092



Pases- 5389 -. F0LD2H 73 (53B9-5533) BTQG^?:^: S.VTA' . - R

5389 RA2-IIR3Z, Jesus*.- Hearing of complaints ly Central Control Co:^.iis3ion, 5390 iUHIHEZ II*, Ju-an 5391-5392 . - HAHiasz Jinone^:, Hester 1 T 4 1^->QO ' r T>ft?,fTPT?*? ROC*" ** '~*~t! ~' * V"! p^T" " ""

and charges against hin. His VOZQ for G:ctracrdina-y congress• 5^06 KEEP, Col* Charlos I2eecher. Personal card, found in group cf papers 32iany of vhidi addressed to EI'CIITA, 5^K)7 RETJ^SFtlA Estrada, Luciano

51^08 HESEIIDEZ Euis? Arssnio* Bequest fron DF Co: rittos for approval hy local PCI! coinnittQe for his recruitment* H3T2A (see also H0D2IGUSZ Betta) material concerning investigation of liis affairs with vo ROTOELTAS, Jcse. Artido '07 Hevueltas dated Berlin, April 19571 entitled "Sorss Aspocts of the Life of tne Coraaunist i^arty of Hoxicon» 5^60-5^62 Letter fron .^o.vuoltas to Dionisio SICIXIA, dated Berlin," •',.-••••.. -;' . . 2 Hay 1957> in 'which ho states he is sending (via Kosaura Revue-it as) the "minutes" of his conver set ions !} witli "X snd S of tho C?3U? his article cencomi:^ esthetics, .?jid a letter froa Carlos Contreras (Vittorio VTDALI) in answer to one of his 01.11 • Zic- VIDALI lattor is of interest as evidence of tha s upport ilevuoltas rocolvod in his canpaign to roconstruc Oii-J lU.i aiUi.j _-,i»o •act ovtJ. itLil X JL.<.4.VJL> » Folder, iabiod "i-inuta", "Cartas" (probably the preceding and "Artie-J.'^ Burov". "Minutes of uncfficin.1 conversations held in Moscow between Ccnrac-os K. and S of tha C?3U5 and Conrado JH of the PCIt, concornins the present situation of tha PCHsr-d'tho revolutionary novenont"* This of intoro.^1: as showing this K end S were nai:ing a spoeiai stuc.v or . the situation in Mozico, vitli partic^Jtlar reicrcnco to 2'Iar^ists out si d a zho ?CH proper* Ixto that IZ zzztcx (5&75) "Sol i'CG ya no os nseossario hablar.*.** y ; sabenos, ya saban:s", thus indicating that tl.c O'J&J 1J in close touch with POCZ-* affairs. FC-LBSa 73

:-^ Article by H3VU':j'lt'i3 entitled u A preyesito £e un articulo cle AIo:::.r:dGr ^urov11* Of intercut as an V91:—5511 example of ^evuolor.s* role as intellectual • Paper entitled "Eosuncn del -iaterial prosentado por Jose Revueltas a la Diraccion liacienal del Partido Coironista Ki" 5512 .• KIVEclA, Joae 5513 •• • illVSiiA Pi-uero^ ?cblo

5>17 PvCD:'tIGUiHSj J» Gu-?.dalupo 5 ^ 5519 RODRIGUEZ Aooct;a2 Joaa 5520 BOBIilGUEZ Goiizaloz, Antonio 5520- K0BRIGUE2 Ibarra, J* Pilar. Letter from Rpdrisuozj Iluevo Leon State PCli official^ concerning suspoctetl police agent, Enrique DIA2 do Locru Biographic data sheet Reprinands. fron PCH directorate* Connents I>y Hodrisues^ loossibly at PCM meet ing la x October 19?7« ' • . 5529 BGDHICU22 Cea, I-'iguol 5:>'^0 ROBlUGUIbZ Better Gro.^orio (sea also HS2TA) 55<1 HODHICHJSZ Kodrl^uos, Jo^o Haria ' 5532 HODRIGuSS SorbaiiteSa Daniel-, • . . 5533 EUIZ Gonaal32, Juan

Ei^ 79 (553^-?59S) BicgR,\?nc. DV?A * 3

553V SAIHZ, Juan Patio PCli analysis of re^ns for the arrest cf J. ?ablo S^INS, and fizin^ responsibility Tor loss of a roocrt (re travel

and IU TZ-iRAZ;.2. Alec, vi-avs of POli on arrest and ejj. cxpitlsion of J« CliDCvJI and Jacobo IIUBBITS, which attribut!

5^9 Personal letter t:> S.-MI^ frora his fathor. I 5550-5551 Letter frcm SXZI.Z to VALDS3, informing hl^: of the incotinjsl hold in Uruapor. :nd "::o.?olia in connection uitli the i olGctoral ca^ipai^ii of 1953. ; 095

FCLD^i 79 5552-5572 Minutes, and other notes In handwriting of J* Pablo GAIIiZ, of the socket .-.'looting of representatives of tlio northern Latin Anoric.m CP's held in Mexico en 27 March 1953 (sea t>563)« Also some typed notes concerning this neating* 5573 SUPULV3DA, J« Salons 557^-5533 SAIfCHSZ Loora, Ml;;;uol« Correspondence dated September through Docenbor 1957 frcn IIoz y Kartillo cell in Voracrus to Staco Xescor in Ciudad Ma-doro, Tamaulip-s^ containing diseaseion of easo of Sanchos and request for his expulsion frcn Party*

55£^- SAIIC1IBZ ?cros, JGSO. Letters to PCK Political Ccszzlzz dated 27 July and o July 19Jo, concornins his desire t ithd fil

cocrades* nonotes his love for the Party to be tranferrod to Jalisco and Hichoacan* 553S-5589 SA^rqiEZ Puga, Pablo 'vyO SMlCiiilZ Sanches, Rlcardo /jSl-ixjh SAUCEDO, Ilcriberto* Kandwitton notes ra his vork in Jalisco, April (no year)» 5595 SAYAGO* .La.yp^,.,dQ li'jxjcc> account sheet for 15 March shcx^ing ricoipt frezi iiayago and fivo subscriptions, frc Polish Embassy« 5596 SILVA do la Crii2, J^sus 5597 S0LA2I0 da Lara, Lucio 559-3 30LIS 'Canaclio, Juan

F0LD2H 30 <55v9~5S2*f) BIO^aAPUIC TA^A - g thronrrh 2

5559-5600 2AI-IS, Acx»do* Letter of 9 Dooonber 1957 requesting pomission to novo fron :*yarit to D*F»

5601 22IuiA2;AS? Kanuol. Kintal contract for^Eu underwritten by Jesus Lascano* Dated 6 2-Iay 55^0^ 2 T0R:J23 Acosta, Pecro 5 3 ^3 B , O 5^0^ .20a;-;:.3 Carrillo, ?a^ 6 i0i\-ij!3 Hoiioro, Bra^to ' 007 TOiulI^ Homoro, Doair^o 098


56O3 TURIiUVIATS Ccnpian, Ili^uel 5o09 - TR2V1IIG Gusnanj CFuan 5610 . URA2GA, Javier,. lottor fron Durango State Caqnittoo of ?CK yarning bin to accept his party responsibilities* Dated 12 August 1553* 5611 ' VALAD3Z Cortos, Albino 5512 • VALD3Z, J. Zncarnacicn, Letter frcn Valctes to MAni£O Gordc11 dated *;- Saotornbor . ^3ply, on s.^no shoot, adaro3ccu to I!.\nl3o Gorao" and signed r:To q:.Cor---- Gordo". Roply nontiens Her as has been deceiving ur-itor for tuo i/oolcs, and vriter would like holp in rosclvin^ this prcblsn. 5613 PrintGC! vote in favor of an e^fcraordinary congress (i.o, in orjpositicn to Sicina group) signed l!Gordillo% This* note not x/ritton by Yaldos.

50!^ VALLARTS Ch#> J* Iloto dated 8 February 1957 containing GOJsagG to Sncin-a and indicating that VALIAHTE, a military nan, i/anted zo see him to tallc ovor scno business for Gsnoral Asuilar» Signed by Canilo CE- 5615 7AZ0UE2 Garcia, Lorcnno . 5616 VAZQUEZ Orozco, Carlos - 5617 VIESCA Ruiz, Jose 7618 r?Ualtorft. Letter from Walter, in Tapachula, to Kuuon Olivarss. 5ol9 ZALDI1TAH Floroj, Jor^o 3» 5620 ZA::OHA, I-^iraol 5S2I-5522 ZAPATA Marquo^, Antonio 5623 ZAPATA Torres, Juan %*£r ZKTIilA, Francisco. Secretary General Chiapas State Cojnnittoe. Let;er to hin fron CC? PCM ro organisation of labor (construction uorlners) dated 23 October 1956.

F0LD33 32 (5626-5318) 'TXSC^L-T^G-::; -nT^IAL G? VALITTg NC? ffrCEUDSD

5626 :ionbors of the "l£th of !l-rch£l coll. -- 5627 List of names for vhon statistical fora3 (inta^rated alphj.- botically) i/oro sent in fron Jalisco* 097

.FCLD3II 02 ' j

5628 List of PCM applicants £0? nanborshi^ fron Ccahuila, Juno 1950 • 5629-5635 List of labor union leaders, vith evaluation of their sympathies toward the PCM*. Fron PCM files* 5636 - Big autcnobile repair bill of J« J- IC?u\Z. 5638 DS LSC1-I Garsa, Maximo* Letter to tho PC2I offering his cooperation* Dated h I-Iarch 1953* 5639-56^7 List of CoiBnuniGt Teachers (undated), Final handvritten 'page not previously copied.

MAC I A3', tianuol do la ?P.S» Karchrrltten notes on back of li.JLL.ivJU,ji clpi-i'-.'ti a. tiXX— *-> Uvl UA.'^...Jig UUiiv/iuLU* Cover shoot of contract (5663) entitled "Sindicato do Trabajadores do la Hapublxca Mesicai-a. Soceion X!o» lV, Kasatlan, Sinaloa*1^- 2ho notes by Kacias appear to be sent Tron Haaatlan# Hots ron^rl:s rs application* of Kar::isi — Leninist fcr:i suitable to Ilexieo* On 5660, ho states "En lo nay^r, la teoria llarzista-Leninista es aplicable en lo raas i^pcrtc-XLte do sus partes«»*rt "llote final posteript rs "the famous contract formulated for un ty CopiDanero Francisco Hivero, forner Local Secretary of Section

Census of ComimniGt Pairiy ilonbors in tha Federal DiSv^ (riPadron del Partido Co:x;r.U:ta I!e:cieano en el Distrito Fl") Th h i dli


5732-5SC0 List of C? aenbers to cornets issued in Cca'-uila^ ;:iv nane, a^o, number of earner? occupation, :md date of ccory into Party* Also rou^h draft notbs re totals and social cenposition* 50OO-5313 'P0LD2H 32 t

"Distribution of portraits ox" Stalin". List of 27 localities to which sent* Jloport to National Finance concerning the raffle of the portrait by Dio^o Rivci-cu Bated 19?o» Lists no-sbers ulio sold ticlcots* Phbtc^raphs of PCM ieadorc; in conforoxiCO (EI-ICIIU, 22RiUZA SIQUIEROS, Otc.)