Collinsville Show Well Attended From: Mike Elling, Sharon, TN Desoto, MO, Shows a Large Picture of a Among the Celebrities Seen Was Mr
4 Winter 2003 Bottles and Extras Collinsville Show Well Attended From: Mike Elling, Sharon, TN DeSoto, MO, shows a large picture of a Among the celebrities seen was Mr. Bill soda bottle, 2 drink glasses, and an ice bowl Meier, of Breese, IL. He is current man- The Metro-East annual Bottle and Jar over a large rectangle. It is mould dated ager of the Excel Bottling Company, and Association Show and Sale, held Sunday, 1955. grandson of the founder. He is the last re- November 3, 2002, was well attended as Delbert Roley, of Stewardson, IL, al- maining bottler of soda products in return- cool, rainy weather brought people in- ways a lucky finder, got a non-Dr Pepper able glass bottles in Illinois. He bottles Ski, doors. The weekend was also scheduled clockface bottle called Berry's Big Time. the highly successful non-caffeine citrus for driving among the brilliant autumn fo- The 10 oz clear glass shows a large drink of the Double Cola Company, and liage surrounding the area. The show is clockface with the hands set at 2:45. It has several other fruit flavor drinks under his held at the Gateway Center in Collinsville, a knurled neck, is in red/white, and is a own brand. He currently uses Nesbitt's Illinois, across the river from St. Louis. An Fairmont, WV, factory of the Owen-Illi- bottles for marketing these. He attended estimated 450 people attended. nois Company dated 1958. Sparkling mint, the show looking for more glass leads in Over 150 tables were available for col- this New Lexington, Ohio bottle was high quantities and had his 3 young chil- lectors to browse.
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