Tackling the Challenge of Bufferbloat in Multi-Path Transport over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Simone Ferlin-Oliveira, Thomas Dreibholz, Ozg¨ u¨ Alay Simula Research Laboratory, Martin Linges vei 17, 1364 Fornebu, Norway fferlin,dreibh,
[email protected] Abstract—Today, most of the smart phones are equipped with generic and can also be adopted by other multi-path transport two network interfaces: Mobile Broadband (MBB) and Wireless protocols, like e.g. CMT-SCTP, as well. Local Area Network (WLAN). Multi-path transport protocols provide increased throughput or reliability, by utilizing these II.B ACKGROUND interfaces simultaneously. However, multi-path transmission over A. Multi-Path TCP networks with very different QoS characteristics is a challenge. In this paper, we studied Multi-Path TCP (MPTCP) in hetero- Multi-path transport has shown to be beneficial for band- geneous networks, specifically MBB networks and WLAN. We width aggregation and to increase end-host robustness [2], first investigate the effect of bufferbloat in MBB on MPTCP per- [3], [9]. Although many devices support multi-path, the most formance. Then, we propose a bufferbloat mitigation algorithm: prominent transport protocol, i.e. TCP, is still single path. Multi-Path Transport Bufferbloat Mitigation (MPT-BM). Using our algorithm, we conduct experiments in real operational net- MPTCP [2] is a major extension of TCP that supports multi- works. The experimental results show that MPT-BM outperforms path transmission. From the application perspective, MPTCP the current MPTCP implementation by increasing the application utilizes a single standard TCP socket, whereas lower in the goodput quality and decreasing MPTCP’s buffer delay, jitter and stack, several subflows (conventional TCP connections) may buffer space requirements.1 be opened.