Cairngorms National Park Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Tourism 2011-2016 Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Tourism 2011-2016 • CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK Published by the Cairngorms National Park Authority 14 The Square Grantown-on-Spey Moray PH26 3HG Tel: 01479 873535 Fax: 01479 873527 Email:
[email protected] © CNPA 2011. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-906071-64-6 For a larger print version of this publication, please contact the Cairngorms National Park Authority. Tel: 01479 873535. It can also be viewed at and is available in other formats on request. Photos: Blair Atholl Estate, David Gowans, Murray Fleming,, CNPA Acknowledgements The Cairngorms National Park Authority commissioned The Tourism Company ( to produce the Sustainable Tourism Strategy and Action Plan under the guidance of the Cairngorms Sustainable Tourism Forum. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK • Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Tourism 2011-2016 Foreword 03 Facal-toisich Tourism is vital to the Tha turasachd deatamach do Phàirc Nàiseanta a’ Cairngorms National Park. Mhonaidh Ruaidh. Tha an sgìre seo air a bhith a’ People have been enjoying còrdadh ri daoine fad iomadach linn, agus tha tòrr this very special area for den eaconomaidh ionadail an urra ri luchd-tadhail centuries, and much of the ann an diofar dhòighean. Ach, ciamar a nì sinn local economy depends on cinnteach nach dèan 1.5 millean neach-tadhail cron visitors in one way or air na dearbh rudan a tha gan tarraing sa chiad dol another. But how do we a-mach – tìr, fiadh-bheatha, cultur agus sìth? ensure that 1.5 million visitors a year don’t Ann an 2005, dà bhliadhna an dèidh ainmeachadh undermine the very things that attract them in the na Pàirce, bha sinn gu math toilichte gum b’e sinne first place – the landscape, wildlife, culture and a’ chiad Phàirc Nàiseanta san RA a fhuair an tranquillity? European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in In 2005, just two years after designation, we were Protected Areas.