doi: 10. 19090/i.20 20 . 3 1 . 93 - 1 11 UDC: 929.52 Bakići ISTRAŽIVANJA ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL RESEARCHES Recei v ed : 5 June 20 20 3 1 (20 20 ) Accepted : 22 July 20 20 NENAD LEMAJIĆ University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy Department of History
[email protected] THE BAKIĆES AS AN EXAMPLE OF THE SOCIAL RISE OF VLACH FAMILIES IN THE EARLY OTTOMAN PERIOD Abstract : During the period of Ottoman penetration and stabilization in the Balkans, one community within what was then Serbian society gained importance. They were pastoralists who were referred to in documents of the time as Vlachs. Vlach communities that specialized in extensive pastoralism are recorded in the oldest documents related to medieval Serbia fro m the end of the twelfth and the beginning of the thirteenth centuries. Over time, these groups took on a Serbian ethnicity. The collapse of classical feudalism and the specific Ottoman system, especially in the hinterlands and sparsely populated areas, ga ve the Vlach communities opportunities for meaningful social progress. The paper analyzes the rise of the Vlach Bakić family, who rose to power during the second half of the fifteenth and the first half of the sixteenth centuries, first within the Ottoman Empire and then later within Habsburg Hungary . Keywords : Vlachs, Bakići, pastoralism, migrations . he Ottoman invasion of what is now the Balkans ended several states, including the medieval Serbian successor states of Nemanjić Serbia. The Ottoman government T replaced the higher social strata, which had grown out of the centuries - old development of Serbian medieval society, including their economic, cultural, and value systems.