WINDOWS POWERSHELL 4.0 LANGUAGE QUICK REFERENCE Created by Useful Commands Bitwise Operators , Comma operator (Array -band Bitwise AND constructor) Update-Help Downloads and installs newest help -bor Bitwise OR (inclusive) . Dot-sourcing operator runs a files -bxor Bitwise OR (exclusive) script in the current scope Get-Help Displays information about -bnot Bitwise NOT . c:\scripts\sample.ps1 commands and concepts -shl, -shr Bitwise shift operators. Bit Get-Command Gets all commands shift left, bit shift right $( ) Subexpression operator Get-Member Gets the properties and methods (arithmetic for signed, @( ) Array subexpression operator of objects logical for unsigned values) & The call operator, also known as Get-Module Gets the modules that have been the "invocation operator," lets imported or that can be imported Other Operators you run commands that are into the current session -Split Splits a string stored in variables and “abcdefghi” -split “de” represented by strings. Operators $a = "Get-Process" -join Joins multiple strings & $a Assignment Operators “abc”,”def”,”ghi” -join “;” $sb = { Get-Process | Select –First 2 } =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ++, -- Assigns one or more values & $sb to a variable .. Range operator Logical Operators 1..10 | foreach {$_ * 5} Comparison Operators -and, -or, -xor, -not, ! Connect expressions and -eq, -ne Equal, not equal statements, allowing you to test -is, -isnot Type evaluator (Boolean). -gt, -ge Greater than, greater than for multiple conditions Tells whether an object is an or equal to Redirection Operators instance of a specified .NET -lt, -le Less than, less than or >, >> The redirection operators enable Framework type. equal to you to send particular types of 42 –is [int] -replace changes the specified output (success, error, warning, elements of a value verbose, and debug) to files and -as Type convertor.
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