Board Meeting Minutes

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Board Meeting Minutes Board Meeting Minutes Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting held, 09:30, 23 June 2013 Dollar Room, Stirling Management Centre, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA Present Maureen Campbell (MC) Chair Ian MacCallum (IM) Board Director Peter Bilsborough (PB) Board Director Danny McGowan (DMcG) Board Director Win Hayes (WH) Board Director Allan Fletcher (AF) Board Director John Mason (JM) Board Director Gina Logan (GL) President Forbes Dunlop (FD) Chief Executive Guests Misha Botting (MB) Scottish Institute of Sport Louise Martin (LM) sportscotland Board Chair Jon Doig (JD) Commonwealth Games Scotland, Chief Executive David Carry (DC) Board Director (1st July 2013) John Lunn (JL) sportscotland Head of Sports Pathways Ewen Cameron (EC) sportscotland Partnership Manager In Attendance Elaine Mackenzie (EM) Director of Services Ally Whike (AW) Director of Performance Deborah McGinniss (DMg) Finance Manager/Company Secretary Sharon MacDonald (SM) Director of Development Janis Myles (JMy) Services Line Manager Item Action No. 1. Chair’s Address: MC welcomed everyone to the meeting with a special welcome extended to invited guests. Congratulations to Jon Lunn on his new appointment as Head of Sports Pathway. David Carry joined the meeting as a guest, his position as Director on the Board starts in July. 2. Declarations of Interest: 6.1 (JM). 8.5 (PB) 3. Apologies for Absence: David Downie (DD), Jane Robinson (JR). 4. Minutes of Previous Joint Board & Council Meeting held 14th April 2013: Spelling mistake – Page 7 Point 10, date should read 21st April. 5. Actions from Previous Joint Board & Council Meeting held 14th April 2013: 8.2.1 JM felt there is potentially a missed opportunity regarding sponsorship. Scottish Swimming should have a clear sponsorship strategy now and not after the Commonwealth Games (Games). MC and FD agreed a clearer discussion on sponsorship should take place in light of British Gas sponsorship agreement currently being reviewed with British Swimming and potential changes in other sponsorship in the lead up to the Games. MC suggested looking at current Games sponsors and see if Scottish Swimming could link to these sponsors. JM highlighted the benefit of a Games Reception/Event at Scotland House - a great showcase for sponsors and a business opportunity for Scottish Swimming to cultivate. 6. Items for Decision: 6.1 Planning for a Home Games FD introduced the paper outlining the planning for the home games. A copy of Scottish Swimming Board Minutes 23June Page 1 of 6 the Mind Map presented to the Board a year ago, was redistributed for discussion. MB gave a review of the Mind Map – how to manage athlete, coach and support team expectations - highlighting specifics within ‘Cannot Control’ and ‘Can Control’ areas’. MB has been working alongside AW and the Coaching Team to define in-games functioning processes and requirements to fulfil athlete expectations. After lengthy discussion, key areas were identified that require further discussion and planning: Journey of the athlete leading up to the Games – important they have the trust and confidence to work with new support staff coming into the team. Engage the support team earlier. DC supported this strategy. Medal expectations – the swimming programme is front loaded, and with athletes swimming to form, expectation will be for medals on the first few days. MB also advised on the need to spread the expectations of medals across the team, not on individuals, especially on day 1 of the Games. Mustn’t be caught out if swimmers are unwell, keep communication open and keep Board informed on how athletes are performing up to and on the day of competition – this will assist with media management and keep ‘surprises’ at bay. Media – all agreed that Media management, athlete and support team media training, delivering a uniform message of medal expectation and the upcoming vote on independence is essential to keeping the athletes relaxed and informed. Recognised as a high priority. Legacy – no mention of legacy within the paper. Board need to be clear on outcomes/expectations/stretch targets. An in-depth discussion on ticketing for the Games took place. It has been confirmed that Scottish Swimming will not receive an allocation of tickets from Glasgow 2014 for resale to clubs and members. At this point Glasgow 2014 insists tickets will go on general release. With 20,000 members it would not be unreasonable for Scottish Swimming to secure tickets – pay full price, resell to members to ensure strong home support. MC and JD confirmed 4 tickets per athlete per event they compete in plus 2 tickets top up should they reach finals – this takes the pressure off athletes to secure tickets. IM suggested a web page on the Scottish Swimming site giving updates and links for tickets – this will be set up once a clearer picture on ticketing is available. EM to start managing ticketing EM expectations with staff, clubs and members. Areas were identified to pursue in order to secure tickets (2 week window): LM and JD, Board members of Glasgow 2014, will take forward suggestions of tickets for Scottish Swimming - VIP seating to be sold to Scottish Swimming members for heats as VIPs tend only to attend finals. This builds strong home support and encouragement for athletes. - Block of tickets for resale to Scottish Swimming members (similar to London 2012). Possible ticket office at venue for resale of tickets – LM to pursue. FD meeting with Ty Speer, Deputy Chief Executive, Glasgow 2014 and will FD pursue ticketing. MC thanked LM and MB for attending the meeting and their valued contributions. LM expressed her thanks and said the working relationship between sportscotland and Scottish Swimming is going very well. MC stressed the need to maintain strong working relationships and for both parties to raise any areas of concern in a timely manner to ensure that communication and focus stays strong. 6.1.1 Scottish Swimming Key Messages Appendix Appendix taken as read. Scottish Swimming Board Minutes 23June Page 2 of 6 6.2 Corporate Plan Process FD outlined the Corporate Plan process advising that the majority of the work will take place over the winter months, the plan will then be put on hold in April 2014 to focus on the Games, picking the process back up in August to refine in September before it goes forward to the sportscotland Board. A proper consultation exercise to start later this year, with focus groups on finance, sponsorship and disciplines. IM highlighted that under Point 6 Research and Data – no mention of social media data. This data would be useful to have as a planning tool. JL will contact Scottish Swimming formally with sportscotland new timelines. sportscotland investment date will be reset to 1st April 2015. The announcement on 4th July regarding 2018 Youth Olympics will impact the strategy. The paper was agreed on with the addition of the proposed focus groups. FD will develop a more detailed plan for this. FD 6.3 Development Team Work Priorities SM presented the Development teams work priorities for the next 18 months to ensure the team are in a state of readiness to capitalise on the opportunities which the Games may bring. SM outlined the programmes the team are currently working on and the challenges they face. The Board recognise this is an ambitious programme that hits all key areas and like the focus and direction of the work. JM suggested, as part of the Games legacy, there is an opportunity to transform thinking using social media. 6.3.1 Development Work Priorities Appendix Appendix taken as read. 6.4 Development Team Structure SM outlined two options to deliver work priorities as presented in 6.3. Option1 is the preferred route to deliver on all objectives. Option 2 seeks to further streamline some of the roles and still deliver on key objectives. JL asked for clarification on sportscotland funding on funded posts – SM to update colour code for funded roles. SM explained the support the disciplines would receive to develop their discipline. Synchro Chair recognises the missed opportunity of part financing a Development Officer however keen to revisit. JM asked that the Business Development role doesn’t disappear in the new structure; SM explained the Awards are imbedded in participation team responsibilities to deliver. Option 1 was agreed on. HR implications – SM and EM have consulted with staff, some staff will be matched into positions, there will be open recruitment and within budget. Maternity cover was discussed at last management team meeting. MC commended SM on recruitment plan and keeping focussed and strategic. 6.5 Equity Action Plan Update The Board complemented staff on the excellent work on Equality, recognising we are one of the leading SGBs in this area. As part of the Corporate Plan process consideration will be given to working towards the Advanced Level after the Games, target date to be set. It was agreed that EM continues to work with EM sportscotland to move on and managed accordingly. 6.6 Regulation Change Approval Process MC confirmed this responsibility should stay with the Board, important from a governance point of view where our responsibilities are, and responsible for the development of the sport. The Editorial Board will continue to work with the Disciplines to ensure ownership to make sure regulations take the correct direction. Option approved – status quo. EM to advise the Editorial Board. EM will pick up and check with Ed Board that Health & Safety regulations are built into committee rules and regulations. Scottish Swimming Board Minutes 23June Page 3 of 6 7. Items for Information: 7.1 Finance Report (Quarter 2) DMg highlighted that she had introduced a couple of new features to the format of the paper; the projected outturn which shows the impact underspends had on our projected year end surplus; the top five areas of expenditure; and top creditors and debtors.
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