Using Predictive Mapping and Crowdsourced Data Mining to Help Solve Geospatial Problems

Sam Birnbaum, Project Lead-GeoHIVE, Intelligence Analyst-Human Geography Information Surveys | DigitalGlobe Todd Bacastow, Director-Product Management | DigitalGlobe

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Extract Analyze

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Capture, Extract, Analyze at Scale

Geospatial Analytics of Rapid Collection of Crowdsourced Feature Open Source to Find AOIs Highest Quality Imagery Extraction

Utilize open sources to Leverage Constellation Rapidly extract features Identify Locations with to Quickly Collect and objects from High Risk of Conflict True 31cm Imagery DigitalGlobe imagery with <3m Accuracy

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DG Imagery

• 3 million km2 imaged daily • Spectral diversity allows ground material detection • Frequent revisit rates enables short-term change detection

Global coverage over 30 days

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Highest resolution commercially available.

1 m 70 cm 50 cm 30 cm

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Providing the highest quality satellite imagery …with archive dating to 1999 and data continuity through 2025+

IKONOS® QuickBird® WorldView-1® GeoEye-1® WorldView-2® WorldView-3® WorldView-4® .82 meter .65 meter .50 meter .46 meter .46 meter .30 meter Launch resolution resolution resolution resolution resolution resolution scheduled 9 m CE90 23 m CE90 <4 m CE90 <3.5 m CE90 <3.5 m CE90 <3.0 m CE90 Fall 2016



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Human Geography Information Surveys (HGIS)

Country-by-country collections of geospatial data layers that describe the physical and human fabric of our world. Millions of points of interest are downloaded from public sources, analyzed for accuracy, and overlaid on DG imagery along with demographic, humanitarian, ethnic affiliation, and current events data.

Multidimensional Poverty Index Indonesia Ethnicity

Liberia POI

26,052 km Roads 18,096 Conflict 545 Commercial 498 Medical Facilities 178 Religious

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Unlocking Geospatial Big Data

Extract information from imagery and other sources at scale…

Factory GBDx Partner & Archive EcoSystem Open Source Content In-Work: Additional Commercial Imagery Sources

To provide enriched information feeds at mission relevant speeds

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Show me where…remote dwellings are located

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Show me where…all the vehicles are

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Show me where…all the new construction is

New Construction

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Q. What if a automated extraction falls short? How can we extract geospatial features at scale?

A. Tomnod: a team of online users who “explore the Earth, solve real-world problems, and view amazing images of our changing planet”.

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Tomnod community mapped damage and IDP camps

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Tomnod community mapped damage and IDP camps

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61,000 TAGGERS

1,000,000 TAGS PLACED

MILLION 5.8 MAP VIEWS Q. How can we extract geospatial features without a compelling “heart-strings” event?

A. GeoHIVE: an open community of users who earn incentives by creating and validating geospatial data.

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How does GeoHIVE Work?

DATA DELIVERY ? .gdb, .shp, .csv

CUSTOMER RFI DG PRE-PRODUCTION GEOHIVE CAMPAIGN DG POST-PRODUCTION Define AOI and POI Type(s) Extract and Scrub POI from Download Feature Class, Open Sources, Download AOI QA/QC for Accuracy Imagery, Mask Irrelevant Areas

Users Validate Extracted POI and Mechanical Turk Discover New Features Using Tomnod UI, which is hosted on Mechanical Turk Hosting environment for GeoHIVE and linked to Amazon Payments campaigns. Though payment amounts vary, regular users earn $8-12/hr. Amazon Payments System through which users receive compensation.

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Q. How can we prevent submission of false data?

Redundancy (“Coverage”) Refers to the number of users who must work on a task before it is “complete”. The greater the coverage level specified by DG, the greater the accuracy of the final dataset produced.

Agreement (CrowdRank) CrowdRank measures agreement between a participant’s submissions and the submissions of the rest of the community. Instances of <80% agreement are reviewed manually.

Vetting Generate metrics like features created against images reviewed.

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Who are GeoHIVE Participants?

College/University Students

Mechanical Turk Users


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Q. How can we scale non-heartstrings geospatial feature extraction when traditional incentives are insufficient?

A. GeoHIVE Editor: a crowdsourcing platform which offers both traditional and non-traditional incentives.

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An Integrated Approach to Analysis

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Observational Analysis

How far could I travel in 4 hours, Where and by how much does the Where can I land a helicopter? and what is the easiest path? terrain change?

Where are people tweeting? How far will my radio signal travel? How far can I see from this point?


Pacific Lowest Ocean

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Anticipatory “Predictive” Analysis

Denotes # and # location of Boko Haram attacks (Jan 2013-May 2014).

SA output denoting predicted attacks.

Since 2012, 245 attacks occurred within the map area. 215, or 87%, took place in areas enumerated by SA.

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