Resident / Humanitarian Coordinator Report on the Use of Cerf Funds Dominica Rapid Response Storm (Hurricane, Cyclone, Etc.) 2017
Resident / Humanitarian Coordinator Report on the use of CERF funds RESIDENT / HUMANITARIAN COORDINATOR REPORT ON THE USE OF CERF FUNDS DOMINICA RAPID RESPONSE STORM (HURRICANE, CYCLONE, ETC.) 2017 RESIDENT/HUMANITARIAN COORDINATOR Stephen O'Malley REPORTING PROCESS AND CONSULTATION SUMMARY a. Please indicate when the After Action Review (AAR) was conducted and who participated. On Thursday, 27 June 2018 the Office of the Resident Coordinator for Barbados and the OECS coordinated an After Action Review, which was attended by emergency focal points and key actors from PAHO/WHO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN WOMEN, WFP and IOM. b. Please confirm that the Resident Coordinator and/or Humanitarian Coordinator (RC/HC) Report was discussed in the Humanitarian and/or UN Country Team and by cluster/sector coordinators as outlined in the guidelines. YES NO On Tuesday, 29 May the Resident Coordinator and UN Sub regional Team discussed the update of the CERF programmes and reporting process. c. Was the final version of the RC/HC Report shared for review with in-country stakeholders as recommended in the guidelines (i.e. the CERF recipient agencies and their implementing partners, cluster/sector coordinators and members and relevant government counterparts)? YES NO The CERF report was shared with the Eastern Caribbean Development Partners Group for Disaster Management, which is the coordinating mechanism for disaster management in the Eastern Caribbean. This group includes partners ranging from governments, to CARICOM, the Organization of the Eastern Caribbean States, the primary regional disaster management agency, international development partners such as DFID, USAID, New Zealand and European Union, UN agencies, IFRC and other non-governmental organizations.
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