The Moving Target of Visualization Software for an Ever More Complex World
ISSN 2186-7437 NII Shonan Meeting Report No. 145 The Moving Target of Visualization Software for an Ever More Complex World Hank Childs, University of Oregon, USA Takayuki Itoh, Ochanomizu University, Japan Michael Krone, University of Tubingen,¨ Germany Guido Reina, University of Stuttgart, Germany February 11{15, 2019 National Institute of Informatics 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan The Moving Target of Visualization Software for an Ever More Complex World Organizers: Hank Childs (University of Oregon, USA) Takayuki Itoh (Ochanomizu University, Japan) Michael Krone (University of T¨ubingen,Germany) Guido Reina (University of Stuttgart, Germany) February 11{15, 2019 Abstract Visualization has not only evolved into a mature field of science, but it also has become widely accepted as a standard approach in diverse fields, ranging from physics to life sciences to business intelligence. Despite this success, there are still many open research questions that require customized implementations, for establishing concepts and for performing experiments and taking measurements. Over the years, a wealth of methods and tools have been developed and published. However, most of these are stand-alone and never reach a mature state where they can be reliably used by a domain scientist. Furthermore, these prototypes are neither sustainable nor extensible for subsequent research projects. On the other hand, the few existing community visualization software systems are fairly complex. Their development teams, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously, make decisions that affect their overall performance, extensibility, interoperability, etc. The purpose of this workshop was to discuss challenges, solutions, and open research questions surrounding developing sophisticated and novel visualization solutions with minimum overhead.
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