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Adult Library Author Sort Author Title Date File Subject Rusch, W.G. "Ecumenism" The Vision of the ELCA 1990 CR/L Eyre, L. & R. 3 Steps to a Strong Family 1994 FAM Towns, E.L. 10 of Today's Most Innovative Churches 1974 CR Osbeck, K.W. 101 Hymn Stories 1982 SS Keegstra, J..C. 101 Inspirational Poems 1945 PRO Veerman, D.R. 101 Questions Children Ask About God 1997 FAM Campolo, T 101 Ways Your Church Can Change the World 1993 CR Veerman, D.R. 102 Questions Children Ask About the Bible 1997 FAM FAI 12 Steps for Adult Children (The) 1989 CL/H&R Unell, B.C. 20 Teachable Virtues 1995 FAM Campolo, T 20 Hot Potatoes Christians Are Afraid to Touch 1988 CL/LI Hromas, AR. 52 Simple Ways to Teach Your Child/Pray 1991 DMP A Canfield, J. A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup For The Soul 1995 SS Canfield, J. A 4th Course of Chicken Soup For The Soul 1996 SS Phifer, K. A Book of Uncommon Prayer 1982 DMP Oke, J. A Bride for Donnigan 1993 FIC Jarman, W A Businessman Looks at the Bible 1965 CL/E Lotker, M. A Christian's Guide To Judaism 2004 WR Marshall, C. A Closer Walk 1986 BIO Nickle, K. A Common Calling 1993 CR/L Wright, T. A Commuunity of Joy 1969 CR Smith, H.I. A Decembered Grief 1999 GCH Baillie, J. A Diary of Private Prayer 1949 DMP Funicello, A. A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes - My Story 1994 BIO Comfort, A. A Good Age 1976 FAM Oke, J. A Gown of Spanish Lace 1995 FIC Lewis, C.S. A Grief Observed 1961 GCH Crockett, W.D. A Harmony of the Books of Samuel, Kings….. 1951 BIB/OT Handy, R.T. A History of the Churches in US and Canada 1977 CR Devine, J.D. A Journey with Jonah to Find God's Will 1977 BIB/StG Keller, W. P. A Layman Looks at the Lord's Prayer 1976 DMP Karon, J. A Light In The Window 1995 FIC Kimmel, T. A Little House on the Freeway 1987 FAM Marshall, C. A Man Called Peter 1951 BIO Kavanaugh, J. J A Modern Priest Looks at His Outdated Church 1967 CR Fisher, W. A New Climate for Stewardship 1972 CL/ST Karon, J. A New Song 1998 FIC Brokering, H. A Pilgrimage to Luther's Germany 1978 CR/L Trueblood, E. A Place to Stand 1969 CL/F 2/27/2020 1 Adult Library Author Sort Author Title Date File Subject Powell, J. A Reason to Live; A Reason to Die 1975 CL/F Canfield, J. A Second Chicken Soup For The Woman's Soul 1996 SS Miller, K.A. A Second Touch 1967 CL/LI Keller, P. A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 1981 BIB/OT Eareckson, J. A Step Further 1978 BIO Manning, B. A Stranger to Self-Hatred 1982 JES Strommen, M A Study of Generations 1972 CR/L Kantonen, T.A. A Theology for Christian Stewardship 1956 CL/ST Raitt, T. M. A Theology of Exile 1985 BIB/OT Navone, J. A Theology Of Failure 1974 CL/LI Alves, R. A Theology of Human Hope 1990 CR/TH Metzger, M. A Time to Mourn A time to Dance 1997 GCH Graham, B. A to Z Guide to Bible Application (The) 1996 BIB Stanley, C. A Touch of His Freedom 1991 DMP Bard, A. A Vitamin Called Faith 1958 CL/F Rivers, F. A Voice In The Wind 1997 FIC Oke, J. A Woman Named Damaris 1991 FIC Oke, J. A Woman Named Damaris 1991 FIC Sherrer, Q A Woman's Guide To Breaking Bondages 1994 CL/W Manning, B. Abba's Child 1994 CL/L Crim, K Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions 1981 WR Schaller, L. Activating the Passive Church 1981 CR Barclay, W. Acts of the Apostles (The) 1976 BIB/StG May, G.G. Addiction and Grace 1991 CL/H&R Friel, J. Adult Children 1988 CL/H&R McLaren/Campolo Adventures in Missing The Point 2003 CL/LI Marshall, C. Adventures in Prayer 1975 DMP Alle, W.D. Africa 1981 N/FIC Decker, B After the Flowers Have Gone 1973 GCH Come, A. Agents of Reconciliation 1960 CR Alcoholics Anonymous 1976 CL/H&R Page, P.N. All God's People Are Ministers 1993 CR Elkind, D. All Grown Up and No Place To Go 1989 FAM Deen, E. All of the Women of the Bible 1955 BIB Fisher, W.E. All The Good Gifts 1979 CL/ST Krebs, R. Alone Again 1978 GCH Lavin, R Alone Together 1984 CR/Lut Lavin, R. Alone Together 1984 CR/Lut Stauffer, A.S. Altar Guild Handbook 1988 CST Carter, J. Always a Reckoning 1995 PRO Bryant, A. Amazing Grace 1971 BIO 2/27/2020 2 Adult Library Author Sort Author Title Date File Subject Pollock, J Amazing Grace, Story of John Newton 1981 BIO Boom, C. ten Amazing Love 1973 CL/L Hunt, D. America, The Sorcer's As New Apprentice 1988 OR Rivers, F. An Echo In The Darkness 1994 FIC Cully, I.V. An Intro. Theological Wordbook 1943 CR/TH Scharlemann, J. An Introductory Course: Genesis 1998 BIB/StG Reu, Dr. M An Explan. Of Dr. M. Luther's Small Catechism 1947 CR/Lut James, S. Ancient Rome 1990 N/FIC Lucado, M. And The Angels Were Silent 1992 CST Schimmels, C. And Then There Were Two 1989 FAM Featheiley, D. Angel Among Us 1993 SS Graham, B Angels 1994 N/FIC Guideposts Angels Among Us 1993 SS Graham, B. Angels: God's Secret Agents 1975 N/FIC Davis, E. Answer Is God (Rogers/Evans BIOs) (The) 1955 BIO Petty, J. Apples of Gold 1962 DMP Rogers, F. Are You Special? 1994 FAM Narkiss, B. Armenian Art Tresures of Jerusalem 1979 N/FIC Hudnut, R. Arousing the Sleeping Giant 1973 CR Lewis, S. Arrowsmith 1961 FIC Solberg, R.W. As Between Brothers 1957 CR/Lut Wangerin, W. Jr As For Me And My House 1990 R Gust, D. As I Take Christ 1987 DMP Rivers, F. As Sure As The Dawn 1995 FIC Karon, J. At Home In Metford 1994 FIC Readers Digest Atlas of the Bible 1981 BIB Anderson, N. Avoiding the Greener Grass Syndrome 2004 R B Deal, W.S. Baker's Introduction To The Bible 1967 BIB Zuck, R. Barb, Please Wake Up 1976 N/FIC Nystrom, C. Basic Beliefs 1986 CL/W Heinecken, M. Basic Christian Teachings 1959 CL/F Herezog, C Battles Of The Bible 1997 BIB Schuller, R. Be Happy Attitudes (The) 1985 CL/E Stamm, M. Be Still and Know 1978 DMP Miller, K. Becomers (The) 1973 CL/LI Couchman, J. Becoming a Woman God Can Use - Study of Esther 1999 BIB/StG Monahan, J. Before I Sleep 1961 BIO Duvall, S. Before You Marry 1959 R Heinecken, M. Beginning and End of the World (The) 1960 CR 2/27/2020 3 Adult Library Author Sort Author Title Date File Subject Jorstad, E. Being Religious in America 1986 CR Shedd, C. W. Best Dad is a Good Lover (The) 1977 FAM Wiersbe, W. Best of A.W. Tozer (The) 1990 DMP Noll, M.A. Between Faith and Criticism 1987 CL/F Russell, D.S. Between the Testaments 1960 CR Marshall, C. Beyond Ourselves 1968 BIO Simon, M. Bible Readings For The Family Hour 1954 DMP Roberts, J. Bible Then and Now (The) 1996 BIB Robinson, T. Bible Timeline (The) 1992 N/FIC Marston, V.P. Biblical Family (The) 1980 FAM Lavin, R. Big Ten (The) 2005 CR/Lut Pollock J. Billy Graham 1966 BIO Black Elk, W. Black Elk, the Sacred Way of A Lakota 1991 BIO Cooper, J.C. Black Mask Satanism in America Today (The) 1990 OR Smalley, G. Blessing (The) 1986 FAM Oke, J. Bluebird and the Sparrow (The) 1995 FIC Luther, M. Bondage of the Will (The) Luther Huegel, F.J. Bone of His Bone 1979 CL/LI Tappert, T. Book of Concord (The) 1959 CR/L Hamilton, J. Book of Ruth (The) 1988 FIC Wright, G. E. Book of the Acts of God (The) 1980 BIB/StG Cloud, H Boundaries 1992 CL/LI Fortosis, S. Boxers To Bandits 2006 N/FIC O'Gorman, P. Breaking Cycle of Addiction 1987 CL/H&R Fletcher, G. Bridge of Love (The) 1967 BIO Rogness, A. Bridges to Hope 1975 GCH Sprangler , A. Bright Legacy 1983 BIO Walsh, S. Bring Back The Joy 1998 CL/W McGinnis, A. Bringing Out The Best In People 1985 CL/C&E Hulme, W.E. Building a Christian Marriage 1965 R Nye, M. But I Never Thought He'd Die 1978 GCH Young, A.R. By Death or Divorce 1976 GCH DeMille, N. By The Rivers Of Babylon 1978 FIC 2/27/2020 4 Adult Library Author Sort Author Title Date File Subject C Meinhold, P. Caesar's or God's? 1962 CR Schmalenberger, J. Called to Witness 1993 CR Eldredge, J/S Captivating 2005 CL/W Moore, T. Care of the Soul 1992 CL/LI Armstrong, M. Caregiving for Your Loved Ones 1990 FAM Smedes, L.B. Caring & Commitment 1988 R Augsburger, D. Caring Enough to Comfort 1980 CL/C&E Augsburger, D. Caring Enough to Hear 1982 CL/C&E Tubesing, D.A. Caring Question (The) 1983 CL/H&R Campolo, T Carpe Diem 1994 CL/LI Strobel, L Case for Christ (The) 1998 JES Strobel, L Case for Faith (The) 2000 CL/F Angus, F. Catalyst (The) 1961 BIO Neuhaus, R. Catholic Moment(The) 1987 CR Reese, K. I. Celebrate Jesus at Christmas 2000 CST Shedd, C.