The Story of Testosterone Still Flying The Flag at the South Pole A Caian with The Red Arrows From the Director of Development ...Always a Caian 1 Text.

Dr Anne Lyon (2001) Fellow Contents Scott Polar Research Institute, University Scott Polar Research Institute, Dan White 2 6 10 Crown Copyright Yao Liang Dan White 14 16 20

2 The Story of Testosterone – Joe Herbert (1976) 6 Still Flying The Flag – Adrian McCallum (2007) 10 John Caius and his Statutes – Michael Prichard (1950) 14 Dr Caius’ Grave – Michael Wood (1959) interviewed by James Howell (2009) 16 A Caian with the Red Arrows – Andrew Bryant (1998) interviewed by James Howell (2009) 18 From the Archives – James Cox, College Archivist 22 The Caius Fund – Soraya Nassar, Annual Fund Officer 24 Thanks to our Benefactors... 29 The Stephen Hawking Circle 30 Five New Lectureships! 32 Festal Evensong at Norwich Cathedral – James Howell (2009) 33 CaiWorld “A gift to Gonville & Caius College counts towards the 34 Two New Shells for the Boat Club – Soraya Nassar, Annual Fund Officer Copies of Waterhouse and his Gate by Michael Cambridge 800th Anniversary Campaign” 35 CaiMemories Prichard (1950) are available from

Cover Photos by Yao Liang 2 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 3

mating competition, but The thrills and spills of motor racing and is wholly unattractive financial trading to the females. If Jensen Button or Lewis Hamilton drives round Silverstone with due care and Testosterone attention, they will almost certainly finish maketh man the race. They will never win it. Each corner is Men are as a risk, an assessment of whether the dependent on probability of staying on track is acceptably testosterone as greater than spinning off. No driver, however any stag. Tribes good, can ever be sure. But the best drivers compete with not only enjoy the challenge, they make the others for the best best risk assessments. All Formula 1 drivers hunting grounds, the are young males. Interestingly, the men that clearest water: it is the run Formula 1 are not young, just as the young men who do the fighting. generals of an army or the elders of the tribe They defend their territory, or attempt are not, but it is the young men who are sent to capture the resources of others. They may out to race (or fight and die). Formula 1 does even go to war. They compete for the most not make the biological world a better place. desirable mates: both by overcoming other Wheat yields are not improved, water is not Hypothalamus young men, and by appearing most attractive made more plentiful. It’s a wholly man-made to young women. For this, they need to be competition to prove superiority, and one both sexually motivated but also that requires considerable risk. Neither is the competitive. Next time a car goes past you world improved by a Chelsea win, but the rather too fast, with a loud exhaust note and primeval forces that drive competition Amygdala the stereo blaring, you can safely bet that it’s between rival tribes survives in this modern being driven by a young male: part of sexual format, and every pass is a risk taken by a display. Darwin taught us that individual testosterone-driven young man with plenty differences in physical and behavioural to lose. features underpin competitiveness, Competitive sport requires strong, fit attractiveness and fertility, and these individuals, so young males are well suited to determine survival, not only of the it. This is not so obvious for other individual but also his progeny. occupations, yet in some, young men also Malthus emphasised the vital predominate. If you go onto a financial importance of adequate trading floor, you will be impressed by the resources. So it is essential for fact that nearly all financial traders are male, young males to take risks. and most of them are under 40. They are Testosterone not only equips required to make rapid, frequent decisions them for so doing, it also makes about whether or not to engage in a trade risk-taking attractive. It is a (eg buy or sell a stock or a commodity etc), biological fact that young men, based on a mass of current information. Like by Joe Herbert (1976) like the young males of other some other occupations, the consequences species, are expendable. Only a few of a mistake can be disastrous both for the are required to fertilise very many individual and his organisation. Rather similar females. Many will fail, many will die. But to deciding whether to fight a competitor or without taking any risks, success is not run away. Just like armies, those that control he next time you visit a competitive, aggressive and prepared to possible. A consistent feature of human the banks are not young, though they are historic house and see a pair of take risks: of injury, failure, even death. history is the slaughter of young men. mostly male. Their testosterone may have antlers mounted high on a All this is entirely due to the powerful Men bring into the modern world the declined somewhat with age, though this is wall, you will be witnessing action of a rather simple chemical: physiological and behavioural features highly variable. They decide the overall the considerable costs and testosterone. Testosterone is a steroid, a developed for success in a more primitive strategy, as well as monitoring the Trisks of reproduction, as well as the vanity of group of hormones that includes oestrogen, one. But there is one important difference. performance of the youngsters. But they, like the hunter. Each autumn stags not only grow that quintessential ‘female’ hormone Whereas the natural world owes nothing to the generals, recognise that rapid decisions these amazing weapons, they also put on a responsible for the dramatic change in body the ingenuity of the human brain – indeed, involving high risk and taken under extreme mound of muscle, stop eating, and rush shape of girls at puberty, and cortisol, the the human brain reflects successful pressure are best made by young men, who about bellowing like a brass band of hormone that responds to stress, and adaptation to that world – the modern world are biologically equipped to do just that. trombones. Other stags will be charged, without which we die. Testosterone supplies is largely its creation. So the human brain – antlers interlocked, hides ripped, wounds most of what the male’s physique and largely the male brain – sets the scene in Testosterone, making money or reddening, victory or defeat declared. The motivation needs to stand any chance of which modern competition and success will picking fights object of this is access to as many fertile perpetuating his gene pool, and none of us unfold in business, finance and everyday life. For years, economists have sought a general hinds as possible, and hence reproductive would be here without it. Nearly all Testosterone goes on playing its essential theory that explains how and why people success – counted as the number of young testosterone comes from the testes, and the role in the construction of the competitive make financial decisions. You can see the sired. At this point, the buck (pun intended) annual variations in the amount they secrete arena and individual success within this man- temptation. Einstein provided a fundamental passes to the female, but that’s another is why stags in the summer graze peaceably made world. Man has also invented theory for physics, Darwin another for story. together, but engage in lethal fights a few surrogates that satisfy the inbuilt masculine biology: both have revolutionised their fields. Breeding is not just a matter of a male months later. It is also why a castrated stag liking for risk and competitive success. Why not one for economics? It hasn’t feeling sexy. He also has to be fertile, is not only a non-combatant in the annual 4 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 5 happened. I am not at all qualified to is alter these hormones, and see if they C E Brock – Punch 1902 genitals have receptors, so the penis becomes The high forehead of humans is the result experienced this hormone before. Early in provide an informed criticism of theories of really do change financial decision-making larger at puberty. The prostate gland has of the great development of the cortex at the pregnancy, the male baby’s testes start to economic decision-making, but one thing is by influencing emotional states. But we can receptors, and these can be blocked if the front of the brain – called, naturally, the produce it for a few weeks. This foetal clear. The assumption that financial do this in the lab, using the sort of games prostate gets too large or becomes cancerous. frontal lobes. This is where much of the social testosterone has a massive effect on the decisions are made entirely rationally (that referred to above. But the central event is the way that and emotional control and decision-making internal organs, the external genitals and is, an objective assessment of all the Male sexuality and aggression are strictly testosterone alters the brain. capacity is seated. We refer to people as the brain. The brain is ‘masculinised’: that is, information available and the possible controlled in all species. In humans there are Receptors for testosterone are not ‘highbrow’ or ‘lowbrow’. Damage it, and the made sensitive to testosterone that will be outcomes of any decision) is wrong. numerous legal and social (including scattered throughout the brain, but person may no longer be able to plan his/her secreted later at puberty. Absence of this Emotion has only recently been recognised religious) restraints on both. Sometimes concentrated in those parts we know to be life adequately, take optimal decisions, early testosterone surge renders the brain as interesting by economists, but it plays a these break down. In war, young men concerned with emotion and motivation. behave appropriately in a social setting, or much less responsive to testosterone: in huge part. If people play a computerised frequently rape the women of the defeated These areas are not part of the cortex, the control his/her emotions. These defects apply rodents, sexuality is markedly less male- game in which they bet on the chance of enemy. This is a regular event, and breaches wrinkled mantle that we see when we look at to testosterone-dependent sexuality and all like, and it is much easier to evoke guessing something correctly, then they bet all the social safeguards that normally the brain, and which is known to be essential its associated behaviours (aggression etc). The ‘feminine’ patterns of behaviour with the more if they are told they have a 50% ensure (in other primates as well as man) for the most complex functions, like thought, frontal lobes have direct connections with the right hormonal treatment to which the chance of winning than they do on a 50% that females have a choice of mate. It is decisions, intricate movement, vision, hearing, amygdala. Most of the cortex matures – that normal male is highly resistant. The brain chance of losing, though both, of course, are estimated that around 250,000 women were feeling and so on. But there is a tiny area is, develops its arrangement of nerve cells and has been ‘organised’ by foetal testosterone. the same. That is not rational decision- raped by Russian soldiers following their behind the eyes at the base of the brain, the their connections – quite early in life: during It is ‘activated’ at puberty by the second, making: the words ‘win’ or ‘lose’ have set up capture of Berlin in 1945. One curious hypothalamus, which has a set of receptors. childhood. But the frontal lobes continue this and much more prolonged, bout of an emotional bias. But: people with brain feature of ‘military’ rape is that it is often Another lies in a somewhat larger structure, maturation process well into the early testosterone. This may also apply to damage that impairs emotion can no longer committed by young men who would never close to the hypothalamus, but buried deep twenties. There may be a strategy here. If the gender-related behaviour, such as risk- take optimal financial decisions. So emotion contemplate such an action in their normal under the cortex lying under the skull frontal lobes were fully mature, would young taking or aggression. Testosterone thus is not simply a hindrance to rationality, it’s lives. Some feature of battle, or its beneath your ears. This is the amygdala. These men take the risks they need to, enjoy plays an essential role in a man’s life from important. The sort of emotion needed, and aftermath, or the emotion of conquering a two are responsible for much of the action of competition and aggression for its own sake, his beginning. The distinct play-behaviour of ‘So a man recognises a female when he sees one. when and why it is required, are all subjects demonised foe, leads to unbridled testosterone on behaviour. though with a hidden agenda? Frontal lobe male toddlers is witness that the brain is He also recognises a particular female’ for future research. testosterone-driven behaviour, quite The hypothalamus is essential for maturity might be biologically not gender-neutral at birth. Testosterone, This is where hormones come in. outside the norm for humans. Another survival. It monitors energy levels, and makes disadvantageous in young men. So we may more than any other chemical, has shaped Testosterone may increase risk-taking by example can be seen any Saturday you feel hungry if they fall; body fluids, and have an explanation of why young men the course of human history. raising competitiveness and appetite for risk night in most towns in the UK. makes you thirsty if they become depleted; behave as they do, and have their special role: (thrills), whilst cortisol (mentioned above) Alcohol disinhibits behaviour: it body temperature, and makes you shiver if it lots of testosterone and an immature frontal can increase fear (caution). Both hormones neutralises some of the social detects cooling. It also monitors the level of lobe. Just what you always thought. are very labile: levels in the blood vary for a controls that are normally testosterone, and makes a male sexy if levels variety of reasons. Both are highest during instigated by upbringing, increase sufficiently. It may also promote Testosterone also maketh the early morning and fall during the day. social conventions or the testosterone-related aggression. Damage to the father of the man But both also respond to events, though in law. This includes the the hypothalamus, as well as disturbing other The transformation of a different ways. Testosterone increases in restraint on aggression, functions, may also prevent testosterone little boy, neat and males after winning a game of tennis, and normally part of any primate activating sexuality. well-behaved, into even driving a Porsche, or even in the blood society. Young men, liberated The hypothalamus knows nothing about a hairy, smelly, of spectators if their team wins the match. by alcohol from this control, the external environment. Yet this sullen, rebellious Losing, or fear of danger, lowers indulge in primal behaviour information is essential: how else to find a adolescent is due to testosterone. Levels fall dramatically in army normally related to the competition for mate, recognise a competitor, know the testosterone. But the recruits during a survival course (very mates and resources. location of resources, avoid danger? adolescent brain has strenuous, and they have little food) or in Testosterone-driven sexuality would be soldiers exposed to real danger. Cortisol is Testosterone in the brain: biologically useless without this knowledge. the stress hormone: levels rise sharply after what makes a man Information from the environment, detected exposure to either physical demand (eg How does testosterone accomplish all this? by the senses, is largely analysed and cold) or psychological adversity (eg a loss) You cannot hear Radio 4 (the message) unless synthesised by the cortex. So a man or threat of one, particularly if this is you have a radio (a receiver) tuned to the recognises a female when he sees one. He perceived as being unpredictable or right frequency. A cell cannot detect also recognises a particular female. Some of uncontrollable. We studied a group of young testosterone (the message), or respond to it, this information passes to the amygdala, financial traders. We expected to find that unless it has the correct receptor (the which has an important function in assigning testosterone increased when they made receiver). The receptor for testosterone is a an emotional state to a sensory experience. money, but fell if they lost. In fact, we found protein to which testosterone attaches. The The amygdala is influenced by a number of that levels (which varied quite widely combined molecule is then enabled to attach chemical agents, including testosterone. It has between individuals) predicted gains: they itself to a special site on DNA, and thus plentiful connections with the were higher in the morning on days they activates a whole range of genes. Muscle cells hypothalamus. But they do not act made money. Did they take greater risks have plenty of testosterone receptors: so alone. The cortex does not let the (that paid off)? We don’t yet know. Cortisol testosterone causes muscles to grow, a fact amygdala and hypothalamus (the did not reflect profit or loss, but higher known to body builders and athletes, limbic system) get on with it. The levels related to the uncertainty of the who may use (illegal) testosterone cortex is also responsible for the fact that market (this can be measured). It may or related steroids. The bizarre we obey social rules, are able to plan promote caution in unpredictable results are obvious. The actions, can appreciate the actions and conditions. We only studied a small group testis itself needs emotions of others (empathy) and can decide over a few days, so this is being extended to testosterone to form whether or not to follow a particular course a much larger one over a much longer mature sperm. of action. So it regulates the more primeval period. What we can’t do, in the real world, The male’s actions of the limbic system. 6 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 7

links between Caius, Antarctica and perhaps the Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI), but I like to think that in some small way, I too am following in the footsteps of my intrepid compatriot, Frank Debenham. Frank Debenham, OBE was born at Bowral, New South Wales, Australia on Boxing Day in 1883. After completing his schooling and initial tertiary studies in the Classics in Sydney, Deb returned to university in 1910 to complete further studies in geology and petrology. Deb’s Professor of Geology at the time was Welsh-born Tannant William , who had served with Shackleton on the 1907-1909 British (Nimrod) Expedition. Edgeworth David was to be instrumental in permanently altering the course of Deb’s life. Like Deb, I too was born in country New South Wales, in a town called The embroidered centrepiece of the Caius Young, only 100 miles from Bowral. I’d flag taken to the South Pole by Wilson and always wanted to be a polar explorer later returned to the College by Wright. and scientist, and in 1993 whilst Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge University Scott Polar Research Institute, struggling to remain motivated on a by Adrian McCallum (2007) RAAF Pilot’s course I wrote to Sir Ranulph Fiennes, the world's greatest n Issue 3 of Once a Caian...,Dr living explorer, seeking his advice on Richard Duncan–Jones (1963) wrote how to become a Polar Explorer. Shortly eloquently of Edward Wilson (1891), afterwards I naively applied for a job as Fellow of the College, who was a glaciologist with the Australian tragically to perish with Captain Scott Antarctic Division, reasoning that there onI their return from the Pole in 1912, and of couldn’t be any ‘actual’ glaciologists the Caius flag that still hangs shrouded beside out there and that my Honours degree the Fellows entrance to Hall. 2010 marks the in Oceanography and my experience in centenary of Wilson’s departure on that the outdoors would surely make me as fateful expedition, and now seems an suitable as anyone. I heard back from appropriate time to reflect further on the Ran, but didn’t pass the course and links between our College and Terra Australia didn't get the job, so the desire still Incognita. smouldered as I made the most of a more In his piece, Dr Duncan-Jones reflected typical military career over the next 15 years briefly upon another Caian, a comrade of or so. Scott, who was to have a profound effect on Upon the arrival of the Internet I soon the development of both Geographical and realised that there were actually trained Polar studies at the University of Cambridge; glaciologists, yet the only route to this title a man who provided the link between the was to obtain a PhD, hence from my ‘golden-age of polar exploration’ and the somewhat closeted military world my eyes practicalities of modern-day polar research. were opened and I had a plan. This man was known to all simply as ‘Deb’. At an age well before I’d finally got myself Frank Debenham (1913) was one of organised, Deb was swept into Polar numerous Australian explorers, including adventures of which I could only dream; an Mawson and Wilkins, who were drawn to the adventure which would alter the course of his poles during ‘the golden years of polar life. When Scott came recruiting for his exploration’, further assisting our knowledge second expedition, the of this expansive continent in a time when of 1910-1913 (officially the British Antarctic science and exploration still existed as Expedition 1910), Edgeworth David, comfortable bedfellows. This combination of approached by Scott, recommended Photograph by & Sons StearnS ‘science and action’ or ‘brain and body’ has Debenham as a geologist. Deb was one of the always appealed to me, and it was explorers expedition’s youngest members and his life like Debenham and his type that I looked to was to change irrevocably as he soon found in my youth. himself bound for the great southern land. No doubt there are other Australians Although Deb’s primary role was as a who’ve rambled through Caius, intent on geologist, his leadership qualities soon Sledge-mates in Cambridge: (standing) Frank Debenham (1913) Founder Director of the Scott Polar making their contribution to our knowledge became apparent to Scott, and he was later Research Institute, (Sir) Charles Wright (1908), who located Scott, Bowers & Wilson’s tent after the Frank Debenham at his plane table. September 9th 1911. of the Polar environs, thus continuing the appointed to lead his own geological tragedy; (sitting) Griffith Taylor of Emmanuel and (Sir) of Christ’s. 8 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 9 expedition in the ascent of Mt Erebus. In his Prior to this appointment within the Adrian McCallum personal journals, Scott noted Debenham as Geography Department, Deb had acquired “a well-trained sturdy worker who realises the space, initially in the attic rooms of the conception of thoroughness (and) Sedgwick Buildings, to study and amass conscientiousness…”. artefacts and equipment from the Antarctic The expedition of course ended in expedition, and from 1913 to 1927 it became tragedy, and it was upon Deb’s return in 1913 a calling point for all who were interested in that he entered Caius, his obvious college of polar expeditions. choice as this took him in the footsteps of his With a university position now secured, now-deceased hero, ‘Uncle Bill’, Edward Deb had the foundation on which to base a Wilson. more dedicated attempt to establish within Before much time was available to the University a centre for polar studies as a organise his papers, the rumblings of war saw memorial to his companions who had died so Deb enlist, with appointment as a Lieutenant tragically on the polar journey. in the 7th Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Since their return from the ice, Deb had Ant’s Café in the Antarctic. Light Infantry in 1914. Deb was shortly remained in constant correspondence with his Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge University Scott Polar Research Institute, Adrian McCallum promoted to Captain, thence Major, and good friend Apsley Cherry-Garrard, and often material, which behaves in many different served both in France and Greece before used him as a sounding board for his ideas, ways, but hopefully my research will provide being repatriated back to the UK in late 1916 apparently first referring to his conceptualised some insight into the ‘science of snow’ and after suffering serious injuries due to shell- body as the Scott Polar Research Institute in a provide a small contribution to the ongoing fire. letter to Cherry-Garrard in 1920. preservation and exploration of the earth’s He subsequently served in numerous With the assistance of Cherry-Garrard, Polar Regions. training and support roles, still medically unfit Raymond Priestly, Charles Wright and James Living conditions for me are far more to return to the front-line, before being Wordie (of Shackleton’s last expedition) Deb salubrious than those experienced by Deb, as demobilised in 1919. He was appointed OBE continued to lobby the Royal Geographical I move from heated residence to heated in the same year, and returned to Caius to Society and the University Senate, and on 26 tractor cab, only venturing outside to resume his academic career. Deb was November 1920 the University stated, “they conduct my testing. Even then I'm restricted admitted to the degree of BA in 1919, and would welcome the establishment of the to remain within the confines of the base, so was duly elected to the Fellowship. At this proposed Polar Research Institute at that not too much adventure or exploration time he was also appointed to the Royal Cambridge…”. The Institute was to be housed shall ensue. Nevertheless, occasional Geographical Society lectureship in surveying temporarily within the Sedgwick Museum of ventures beyond the perimeter into the and cartography, and so assumed a role Geology, whilst additional building funds were ‘greater Antarctic’ offer me glimpses of all within the embryonic Department of sought. that this continent has offered in times past, Geography. After further petitioning and lobbying, and to those who move beyond the My own entrance to Cambridge was far and an interim move to Lensfield House, constraints of modern Antarctic life. less exciting, yet similar nevertheless. My sufficient funds were eventually accrued. Deb remained as Director of SPRI until father-in-law John Kelly was an In 1934 the Scott Polar Research Institute on 1946, throughout this time adding untiringly undergraduate at Caius in the 1960s. He was Lensfield Road was completed, and a to its collections, and developing its stature a surveyor, who had worked with the British celebratory lunch followed in the Caius dining as a renowned centre of learning. He also Directorate of Overseas Surveys, exploring hall. enthusiastically opened the Institute’s doors Adrian’s test pit. and mapping uncharted regions in Zambia, At the subsequent ceremony in the to those young mountaineers and explorers Nigeria and the Caribbean. Caius was to be Senate House, the Chancellor of the who came calling, seeking advice for their my College of choice. University gave an effusive speech in praise research differs greatly from that which was adventures in the Polar Regions. After his After many years of digesting polar of exploration and the role of the new carried out in Deb’s time, but the problems retirement he continued to remain active in literature, and with Deb and his ilk on my Institute: of distance and logistics still remain. polar and geographical matters, also serving mind, the Scott Polar Research Institute ‘This building provides a library for those Fittingly, my own research involves using as vice-president of the RGS from 1951 to within the Department of Geography was the who are led, as men are today, to this work. a cone penetrometer (CPT) in an attempt to 1953, before passing away in Cambridge in only spot for me, and I duly applied to both Those who are going into the partly known and measure the resistance and strength of polar 1965. Caius and SPRI. the little unknown, they may study there what snow packs; ultimately to assist in the design My time in Antarctica is almost over. And so, at the same age as Deb, I resigned has been done, how difficulties have been and construction of roads, runways and Although it is almost a century since the my commission as a Major in the Royal overcome, what equipment is necessary, what infrastructure on polar snow, such as the new Caius flag flew at the South Pole alongside Australian Engineers (RAE) and after suitable equipment has been proved to be superfluous Halley VI Base currently being constructed by Scott, Wilson, Oates, Bowers and Evans, paperwork, was accepted to undertake a PhD or bad, and they may have all the knowledge the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). Caians continue to seek adventure at the in Polar Studies at the Scott Polar Research that has been gleaned and left for them by With the assistance of two UK frozen ends of the planet. The roles are Institute in Lent Term 2007. When Deb arrived those who have blazed the trail. And, similarly companies, Lankelma and Gardline different and certainly conditions are far in Cambridge SPRI was still but a dream. when they come back they can there, make Geosciences, I have modified an existing CPT more comfortable, yet “The Flag still flies”. Deb spent much of his initial time their records, and leave behind them whatever device and mounted it within a ‘box’, which collating the scientific reports of the Terra they have to leave for the benefit of those who can be mounted on and powered by a Note Nova expedition, yet was also required to follow in their footsteps.’ (Polar Record, 1935: standard agricultural tractor, as currently in This article draws heavily on information lecture in Cartography and Surveying, at one 2-9) use by BAS. contained within a recent book on Frank time setting his students the task of In my limited time at SPRI I have been I’m currently at Halley Base where Debenham, entitled Deb – Geographer, recalculating the position of the geographical very fortunate to have participated in field amidst my tractor driving tasks I’m ‘poking Scientist, Antarctic Explorer by Peter Speak, South Pole; a procedure originally carried out studies in Greenland, Svalbard, and and prodding’ the snow in an effort to assess published 2008 by Polar Publishing in by Bowers upon the arrival of the polar party Antarctica; the polar adventure that I sought Debenham (1913) making a hole in an ice floe, its capacity to be loaded, and the variability association with the Scott Polar Research in January 1912. for so long is now at hand. Modern polar watched by Priestley and Nelson. that exists within the site. Snow is a curious Institute. 10 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 11

in pursuance of a power entrusted to him by Caius in his will. The four documents are in Latin, but in very different linguistic styles and script; and each presents its own challenges to the John Caius translator. It is not surprising that they were not translated during the centuries in which they were in force prior to 1860, because access to the statutes was jealously and his restricted by Caius’ express directions in his statutes and the few persons who were permitted access to them would have been conversant with Latin. It is more surprising that no translation of any of the four documents has been Statutes published since 1860: so far as is by Michael Prichard (1950) known, the only translation that has been undertaken is a translation of the Charter professionally commissioned by the College in the o mark the Quincentenary of them with a translation of the other three statutes for his new College; the statutes middle of the last century for use in Caius’ birth on 6 October 1510 documents which, together with the which William Bateman had given to its commercial transactions, which it is planned to produce a Statutes, provided the constitution of the Gonville Hall in 1353 and 1355 and which has not been published. translation of the Latin text of College for three hundred years and has primacy over Caius’ statutes; and the The restrictions imposed by the Statutes that he made for remained unchanged and unchangeable until rulings on the Interpretation of Caius’ Caius meant that not even the Tthe College in 1558 and revised in 1572 1860. Those documents are: the Charter of statutes which his friend, Matthew Parker, Latin text of the original shortly before his death, and to accompany 1557 which empowered Caius to make the Archbishop of Canterbury, made in 1575 documents was published until 1901. The Commissioners appointed to examine and report on the University and its Colleges had sought to publish them in 1852, together with the corresponding documents of the other colleges; but their request to see them was stubbornly refused by the Master, Benedict Chapman. The Commissioners somewhat Second Statutes of cravenly declined battle William Bateman for Gonville Hall (1935). and withdrew to London where they resorted to the copy of the Charter enrolled on the Patent Roll. They then betook reproduction of the Patent Roll did not make recognise the passage. One or two of these themselves to Lambeth Palace, where they it easy reading; nor did he publish Parker’s are recognisable today, but some passages are were able to use the copies of the statutes of Interpretation. expressed so obscurely that one is left both Bateman and Caius that the College had, Of the four documents Caius’ statutes are suspecting that he had some quotation in after some hesitation, sent to Archbishop by far the largest and most detailed. He was a mind when he was dictating to his scribe. Parker soon after Caius’ death with a request keen Classical scholar and had lectured on For the lawyer who scrutinises his for his rulings on the correct interpretation of Aristotle in the original Greek when he had statutes some teasing questions come to his statutes. These copies had – fortunately been pursuing his medical studies at Padua. As mind. Those questions do not ask what for the Commissioners – been retained in one would therefore expect his statutes are happened – which is usually already well- Lambeth Palace library together with a copy written in classical Latin; his grammar and known – but ask: “by what legal argument and of Parker’s own Interpretation.The syntax cannot be faulted, but his train of reasoning did the College justify itself in Commissioners were thus able to publish thought is expressed in a style that is often disregarding the clear wording and intent of copies of all four documents in their 3- very difficult to follow and one is left the statutes?” One can mention only a few volume edition of Documents relating to the guessing at his meaning in numerous here. First, the question of Marriage. Caius University and Colleges of Cambridge in 1852; passages. This occurs most frequently when imposed celibacy upon both Master and but the originals themselves remained he seeks to express a philosophical Fellows in a statute that specifically applied unpublished until John Venn included the justification for the rules that he imposes; for to both. How then did it come about that Charter of foundation and incorporation of Gonville and Caius College, dated 4 September Latin text of both Bateman’s and Caius’ these justifications he was inclined to call in that statute was dutifully applied in the case 1557 in letters patent under the names of King Philip and Queen Mary. statutes in Volume III of the Biographical aid a classical author or a biblical quotation, of Fellows until his statutes were repealed, yet History in 1901. For some reason Venn did not sometimes expressly and on other occasions it was disregarded in the case of Masters from publish the Latin text of the Charter, even without acknowledgment, no doubt assuming the middle of the 17th century onward? Next, though the Commissioners’ facsimile that his reader would need no prompting to the composition of the Governing Body. Caius’ 12 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 13 statutes provided for 13 Fellows on his own the allocation of rooms; the precise rules for It has long been recognised that Caius and previous foundations, and for as many the opening and shutting of the gates and the was a disillusioned and dying man by the more as might be supported by benefactions retention of the medieval gate into Gonville time that he withdrew to London shortly in the future, and, when he provided for major Court as the main gate of the College even before his death in 1573, and the final straw collegiate decisions to be taken by the Master after the creation of the Gate of Virtue and in his disillusion must have been the shameful and Fellows “for the time being”, he drew no that of Humility; the tenure, duties and ransacking of his rooms and the public distinction between categories of Fellowship. responsibilities of the different College burning of their ‘popish’ contents in How then did those decisions come to be Officers; the different classes of membership December 1572, probably in the very court taken by the Master and the 12 Senior of the College, some of which have long since that he had just provided for the College Fellows to the complete exclusion of those disappeared, and the rigid separation of those entirely out of his own money. That event has other Fellows? And how did the 13 become classes at the meal-table. The statutes also prompted the belief that his quarrels with the 12? A third question raises the delicate issue demonstrate repeatedly Caius’ reaction to the Fellows were predominantly religious in origin of Dividend: Caius was particularly anxious to parlous state in which he found the College’s and arose principally out of doctrinal ensure that neither the capital nor the finances when he returned to Cambridge, and differences with the majority of them. We revenue of the College should be shared out his resulting concern for the preservation of should however guard against the assumption among the members of the Governing Body, the College’s corporate capital and the that the emphasis on moral frailty that and he went to great lengths to provide that establishment of an adequate system of pervades his statutes arose solely, or even this should not happen and particularly that accounts and records to protect it: the long principally, from disputes with the Fellowship any surplus in the income of the College after Second Part of the statutes is devoted to generally over religious doctrine or liturgy. In the payment of stipends should not be remarkably minute and detailed instructions particular, one must guard against the divided among the Master and Fellows but for the preservation of the freehold and assumption that the gloomy character of his retained for corporate endowment. Yet within copyhold estates that provided the college’s statutes reflects his reaction to the less than a lifetime the concept of a stipend only form of investment. ransacking: It could not have done so. had been supplemented by that of a dividend, But above all his statutes reveal the A reading of the statutes leads one to and the Master and Fellows were sharing out change in his personality that seems to have doubt whether religious differences were the a part of the rents among themselves. These occurred in the period between the first rough root of his quarrels with the Fellowship. It is three questions provoked little dissent before draft of his ideas for statutes sketched out in true that his most vocal opponents were the 19th century. Not so a fourth question 1557 before the formal grant of the Charter zealous and intolerant young reformers who which was the subject of bitter lawsuits in the and the final version he dictated in 1571 or trumpeted the charge of popery against him, 17th and 18th centuries: the Master’s 1572. He must always have had a severe and it is also true that he was ‘guilty’ of Negative Vote and the constitutional temperament, but in 1557, when he set out preserving in his rooms such evidence of relationship between the Master and the rules and specified punishments for infringing popery as ornate vestments, old chalices and Fellows in respect of decisions required by the them in his draft statutes, he had been other vessels of precious metal, and that, as The Letters Patent of Edward III, dated 28 January 1348, licensing statutes to be taken by them both. Caius had content to do just that; as a result they are his provision for no less than five organists in Edmund Gonville to found a college for twenty scholars in Cambridge. provided very specifically that the Master like those of any other parliamentary, his statutes shows, he was anxious to should have an effective negative vote in any university or college statutes. By 1572 he had preserve the use of far more music in services decisions for which his statutes required the become obsessed with man’s moral frailty in the chapel than the reformers of Edward Master unqualified power over the day-to- a different kind from those which Caius’ assent of the Master and a majority of the and the value of retributive justice and the VI’s reign had prescribed. There is, however, day life of the College. As events continued statutes present. In Caius’ case the difficult Fellows; in other words, what was required effectiveness of punishment: not content with good reason to suppose that the impetus for to show in later centuries, it was inevitably a problem is to work out what he meant. In was a vote of the Master and a majority of formulating rules and specifying appropriate the shameful event of 1572 came recipe for dispute with any Master as the case of Bateman his meaning is nearly the Fellows, not that of a majority of the punishments he felt impelled to impart to the predominantly from outside the College and a autocratic as Caius. It should not surprise us always far clearer and we have his original Master and Fellows. What made for conflict reader his philosophical musings on the moral few hotheads within it rather than from the if the Fellows became increasingly restive document against which scribal errors in was Caius’ further direction that, in the event justification for such rules and punishment at majority of the Fellowship. Moreover, there is under his government: he required that his later copies can – with patience – be of a failure to agree on the crucial issue of the great length and in complex syntax – it is relatively little in his statutes that would be entire statutes should be read out aloud to detected. The challenge is quite different: the election of a Fellow, the Master should be almost as if he was appending the sort of objectionable on doctrinal grounds to most the Master and Fellows twice every year, and text was intentionally and significantly entitled to take the decision by default after a political preamble that Henry VIII’s ministers reformers of those early years of Elizabeth’s if the Fellows did in fact regularly have to altered on at least two occasions in those period of delay. It is not surprising that the were wont to prefix to his more stringent and reign such as his long-term friend Matthew undergo this penance, it should not surprise copies by which it was transmitted to Caius point was argued throughout the following repressive legislation. One would like very Parker, or indeed to Elizabeth herself. The us if they became restive, or even if they and later generations. The first occasion saw centuries despite Caius’ very specific direction much to know when Caius’ musings began to direction for the celebration of the feast of became hot-headed reformers. the elimination of any reference to on the matter: it resulted in litigation in the appear in his statutes and whether they were the Conception of the Virgin Mary and the Caius appears to have planned and Bateman’s statutes for Trinity Hall, and the time of Branthwaite early in the 17th century, only added in old age. Unfortunately we do observance of exequies are perhaps the only formulated his statutes on his own and other the formulation of the ‘Norfolk and again in the 18th during the Mastership not have the original version of the statutes two such instances, and even there Caius was without the active assistance of anyone else. preference’. The task is to answer why and of Sir John Ellis (“com’only called the divel of that he promulgated in 1558, but one’s careful to require exequies only if they were Bishop Bateman on the other hand was not when those changes were done and whether Keys”). The point was more arguable than it general impression is that the philosophical allowed by the law of the land. Caius in that position: he had experienced civil and Caius was aware that they had been made. might seem, for, it raised the nice question musings were probably added later at the venerated the past and his loving preservation canon lawyers to assist him, and, as We have to unravel, first, what happened in whether Caius’ statute conflicted with a time of the final version; for they tend to of precious and beautiful artifacts of the past Professor Brooke has hinted in his history of the years between 1353 and 1557; then, direction that Bateman had given and was appear at the end of the relevant statute and is as easily explained by that veneration as by the College, his Official, Walter of Elveden, how far Caius was aware in 1557 of what thereby invalid. to be in a much more opaque wording and any yearning to restore popery. may well have played a greater role in had happened and how he responded; and, For the historian Caius’ statutes reveal, in style. Given that no similar pre-occupation It seems more likely that the root of the producing them than he admitted. As a finally, what part those changes played in addition to a remarkable wealth of detail on with human fraility pervades the other disagreements lay in the overriding role that consequence, in comparison with Caius’ the lawsuits between the Master and the the management of leasehold and copyhold numerous works that he wrote in his old age, Caius accorded to the Master in the statutes. statutes, Bateman’s are far easier to read Fellows in the 17th and 18th centuries. The land, many small and mundane aspects of the one wonders how far this particular This must have been intolerable to the and comprehend, and they present far fewer first is a task for medieval historians; the structure and daily life of the College in the characteristic of the Statutes is due to the Fellows, particularly when that office was ambiguities and obscurities to the lawyer second is for translators of Caius’ statutes; 16th century that have remained largely fractious disputes that occurred in College in held by someone as autocratic as he who seek to apply them. Bateman’s statutes and the third is for lawyers reading the unremarked since Venn’s time. For example, the later years of his Mastership. undoubtedly was. His statutes vested in the provoke searching questions, but they are of reports of those lawsuits. 14 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 15 James Howell Michael reports that the first Left: Monument to John Caius glimpse through the exposed on North Wall of Chapel. gap showed a chaotic muddle. The brick vault grave was more or less where expected but it Dr Caius’ Grave was criss-cross with seat support joints, central heating pipes and an electric cable. It Yao Liang Michael Wood (1959) interviewed by James Howell (2009) could be seen by the light of torches and lamps that the vault was built with very pale yellow bricks, probably made from local ichael Wood (1959) often and presented an account of his findings in gault. The bricks were so pale takes college visitors the Caian of that year (Vol. I, pp104-106). that they almost matched the around the old courts Lock makes the statement that the grave was loose white mortar which had Below: Michael Wood and Christopher using his experience as a in the north east corner of the medieval been used to seal the slightly Brooke (1945) examining the grave Cambridge Blue Badge chapel, quoting articles by John Lamb, Bursar domed top of the vault. It is when first uncovered. MGuide as well as the knowledge gained from 1860-1876, and by William Warren of Trinity known that this local brick is 50 years as a Fellow. In the chapel he shows Hall, who saw the grave opened in 1719. sometimes called ‘white brick’. Yao Liang guests Dr Caius’ monument high up on the Another source of information is the card The two central heating pipes wall and explains that the sarcophagus does which is kept with the plaster cast of Dr fed a heater beneath the front not contain the body but that the actual Caius’ skull. The card is unsigned but it row of the adjacent seating. A grave is beneath the seating against the describes the grave opening of 1891 and says Michael Wood (1959) fragment of newspaper of 1931 north wall. ‘But where, precisely?’ is the usual that the vault is ‘below the window now filled was found possibly indicating a question. This enquiry leads to great in with stained glass to the memory of date for the installation of the embarrassment because Michael discovered Professor Romanes’. This window is the first be completed. We were thus unable to say heater and pipes. that no one knew exactly where the grave to the west of Dr Caius’ monument but the (last summer) precisely where Dr Caius was The 1891 closure tablet was actually was. Even Professor Christopher statement is too vague to locate the grave buried – an unfortunate situation in relation clearly seen. On a point of Brooke (1945), our college historian, was accurately. to our founder of whom we are so proud. detail, the inscription starts IOH. CAIUS. feet westwards from the inner unable to provide an answer. He directed The next stage of the investigation was to Michael learned of the plan for electrical (IOH. presumably for Iohanes) rather than wall of the present east end of Michael to Venn’s article in the Biographical ask James Cox, the college archivist, to search rewiring of the chapel during the long the JOH CAIUS recorded by Lock in the the chapel (excluding the apse) History (Vol. III, p.159) which stated that the the Lock papers and other records to see vacation of 2009 and arranged for two floor Caian article. The grave dimensions brings you to a line which is 2 grave was in the north east corner of the whether even a simple sketch had been left boards between the Romanes window and Dr corresponded with those given by Lock, inches outside the east end of chapel as it was in 1573. That merely changes in 1891 to show the precise grave location. Caius’ monument to be lifted. Due notice of except that it was not possible to check the the grave. It seems more than the question since no one knew with There was nothing, but an interesting entry the operation was given and it was attended depth of 4 feet. The side of the grave probable that this line identifies certainty the position of the east wall of the was found in the Gesta of 7th October 1891. by the President, the Dean, Professor Brooke, touching the north chapel wall appeared to the (internal) east end of the medieval chapel before the building was It recorded a College Council decision to Dr Joanna Appleby – our Archaeology Fellow have been extended upwards by several brick medieval chapel. extended in 1637. ‘place a brass plate on the wall of the chapel and several others who were interested. The courses, possibly as part of the substructure Arrangements are in hand to Venn’s article, published in 1901 probably recording the position of the tomb of Dr boards were kept up for three days so that supporting the heavy monument, which was place a discreet plaque on a stair drew on the findings of J. B. Lock (1874), the Caius’. Council never rushes important everyone had an opportunity to inspect the originally positioned over the grave. This riser above the grave to mark College Bursar, who opened the grave in 1891 matters of this kind and the task has yet to opening. single leaf of brickwork had been extended the burial location. Michael is continuously to the east and now forms the now able to answer questions support for each of the under-floor joists from college guests with Plan showing the location of Dr Caius’ grave (from a sketch by Michael Wood). carrying the present seating. The extended complete confidence. brickwork has a single course of

red brick and must be of a later Yao Liang date than the grave. It might possibly have been built in 1637 to support the seating of the time or in 1719 for the present seating. There was no other obvious discontinuity in the brickwork or ground adjacent to it which might have given an indication of the position of the east wall of the medieval chapel. The ground to the east of the grave appeared to have been consolidated with a top dressing of fine gravel beaten in to the surface. College accounts suggest that the chapel was extended in 1637 by 28 feet. It The closure tablet put in position by Lock (1874) in 1891, seen beneath two central heating pipes that run above is interesting that measuring 28 and along the grave. 16 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 17

over a year, a new £60 million plane would arrive, and Andy and his team would have to prepare it for active service with the squadron. In 2007 he moved to Yeovilton in Somerset and from fixed-wing aircraft to helicopters. As part of the Helicopter Engines Integrated Project Team, he was responsible for airworthiness and engineering policy for all Merlin and Apache engines, liaising with the manufacturers (Rolls Royce in Bristol and Turbomeca in Biarritz) and supporting operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Andy joined the Red Arrows in October 2009, as the annual display season came to an end. This is the time that all changes in the unit take place, most significantly in the nine member display team. Each year two or three new pilots join the team, and all get a new role within the formation, the exception being Red 1, the Officer Commanding, who always takes the position at the front of the formation. This year, however, it’s all change as Sqn Ldr Ben Murphy took over the squadron and moved up to the Red 1 slot. At Andy Bryant accompanied by members of the Red Arrows Circus. the start of the new year the entire unit goes back to basics, a change marked by the scenario was run through in exactly the same putting away of the red flying suits, and way, based on an assumption that one of the returning to regulation green fatigues, until aircraft had an engine fire and had to leave such time as the new flight is deemed fit for the flight. Each pilot had to explain what they public display. would do, and where they would fit into the Whilst the display team begins to rebuild, new emergency formation. As soon as the starting with small formations of three or briefing was over, the crews made their way four aircraft, Andy begins the task of giving to their aircraft, stopping briefly to collect each one of the BAE Systems Hawk aircraft an their helmets and flying kit. Everything is extensive overhaul. Six of the aircraft have done in a pre-determined manner, so any been with the squadron since the Hawks were variation from the norm can be quickly introduced to the squadron in 1979, making identified. Flight Lieutenant Andy Bryant them almost exactly the same age as Andy. Out on the apron each Red had a (1998), Junior Engineering Officer With only thirteen aircraft to play with, and a corresponding member of the Blues Andrew Bryant (1998) interviewed by James Howell (2009) with the Red Arrows. full overhaul taking between four and sixteen engineering team, who had prepared the weeks, it is a complex operation to ensure aircraft and was ready to run through the final n mid August, I travelled to Scampton the acronym filled world of the RAF, I was Andy comes from an RAF family, his that the engineering requirements do not checks before departure. These nine engineers in Lincolnshire to visit Flight unlikely to hear my host referred to by father having recently retired after a 39 years conflict with the team’s training schedule. The form the Circus, which accompanies the team Lieutenant Andy Bryant (1998) of the anything other than Jengo, the Junior career. He was supported throughout his engineers work in shifts from early morning when it is away from base. Andy, as the only Royal Air Force Aerobatics Team – the Engineering Officer. One of these young men education by RAF bursaries and scholarships to late at night to get the work completed in Andy inspecting the jet engine of BAE Systems officer in this group, is responsible for Red 1 Red Arrows. Andy is one of a team of made his way over and dropped lightly into and he was the first member of his family to time. Hawk. and when travelling between shows always 85I engineers, technicians and other staff who the chair beside me, extending his hand in go to University. Once at Cambridge he joined Through the winter the squadron work a occupies the second behind Sqn Ldr Murphy. make up the Blues, the support team behind greeting. It was already time to think up a the University Air Squadron where, in addition five day week, flying three sorties each day. one for each of the nine display pilots, and a The Cromer trip is a quick display followed by the Reds, each group identified by the colour new title for my article; it turns out that Andy, to gaining valuable flying experience, he did They build the formation first to a five ship tenth for the Road Manager, whose aircraft a return to Scampton, but in the afternoon of the flying suits they wear during the as an officer, also wears a red flying suit. “It courses in team and mountain leadership, “Enid”, an arrowhead formation of Reds 1-5, will usually be on view on the ground at air the squadron was off for six days on a tour of display season. As I skirted Lincoln I was can be difficult at air shows” he explains, free-fall parachuting, sailing, sub-aqua and and eventually in February to their first full shows, and who will give commentaries on the South Coast, starting with Bournemouth. already working on a title for my article; some “Fans tend to assume that I’m one of the skiing. He was Captain of the promotion- nine ship formation. Shortly after this, the the display over the PA system. The first Each Hawk has a small compartment into form of wordplay on the theme of a pilots and occasionally, after I’ve explained, winning Rugby Club of 2001-2 and was a squadron moves to Akrotiri in Cyprus, where briefing of the day was administrative and which luggage is stored, but before any Cambridge “Blue”. they still ask for my autograph”. member of the 2002 May Ball Committee. clearer skies enable them to finalise their full meteorological. Andy had to report on issues personal effects are loaded, Andy has to When I arrived at RAF Scampton, I was Predictably, on leaving Cambridge in display sequence. Only in mid-May, when that had been identified on any of the ensure that there is a full set of emergency asked to wait in the coffee lounge where 2003, Andy joined the Royal Air Force. After they are awarded their Public Display aircraft, and what action had been taken to spares and tools, to cover any eventuality that someone called Jengo would join me shortly. Initial Officer Training and Engineer Specialist Authority, will the new team don the Red remedy them. might arise. Only then can they find room for I was shown to a room, dominated by an Training he was posted to RAF Wittering as flying suits for the start of the new season. Andy left at this point to get the aircraft a change of clothes and a toothbrush. enormous red massage chair and filled with Officer Commanding Support Engineering During the display season, every day is ready for the sortie and the second briefing Anything else must follow by road, and catch trophies and memorabilia. In the centre was a Flight. He was then selected to be a Junior meticulously planned. I was invited to attend was specifically about that morning’s display up with the team where it breaks at the end coffee table piled with publicity posters and Engineering Officer on the first operational the briefings, but Andy warned me of the over Cromer. The full programme was run of the day. As I leave Scampton, and in perfect photographs awaiting the autographs of the Typhoon squadron based at Coningsby. Here need to be in my place by the time the bell through, including the precise timings of synchronicity, the squadron takes off for the celebrated flyers. As the room began to fill Andy worked on bringing the new aircraft into sounded exactly one minute before the start manoeuvres, with each pilot describing the next stage of its gruelling summer season. with relaxed and welcoming pilots in their commission and maintaining the operational of the session. The briefing room, not details of their individual movements. After distinctive red suits, I quickly realised that, in Red Arrows performing a ‘Gypo Roll’ manoeuvre. aircraft of the squadron. Every three weeks for surprisingly, has ten red chairs at the front, this, an alternative fictional emergency All photos: Crown Copyright 18 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 19 Tom Moriarty

he College Archives hold the historical record of the College, its evidential heart and soul, with material ranging from the Tfoundation of the college to the present day. The archives house those administrative records that we are legally obliged to hold, and an ever increasing record of College life as told by the experiences of the Fellows, Students and staff. Many of the images and artefacts that appear in this and in previous issues of Once a Caian… are kept in the archives. This year I have been fortunate to have the assistance of several volunteers. Two second year student students, Eleanor Harding (2008) and Natasha Brown (2008) will give their own personal accounts of what their archives experience represents for them, but I would like to acknowledge the contribution that they have made this year, along with those of Lucy Björkegren (2009), Natalie Brown and Heather Berry. Entry in the Matriculation Book for They have all assisted by researching and 1914 for Donald Charles Craigie, who responding to queries from Caians and was due to matriculate the College in Plan of the Manors of Croxley and Snellshall, prepared in 1828. These manors were part of Dr Caius’ original bequest to the College in 1557. October 1914. The page was prepared, members of the general public. and even signed by the Master, Hugh From the Anderson, but Craigie joined the King’s textiles, artefacts – all of which have knocking about in drawers at home, which Embroidered heraldic banner of the College Crest. Shropshire Light Infantry instead, and different preservation requirements. Basic you would like to be preserved for future The gift, in 1993, of Elizabeth Crawley, granddaughter had a distinguished war career winning of Austin Durst (1894). the Military Cross at the Battle of preservation techniques are used – we ensure generations, I urge you to get in touch with a Langemarck in August 1917, and Bar at that the material is handled in a correct way, view to donating them to the College the Battle of Menin Road Ridge in for example wearing gloves when handling archives. I can be contacted by telephone on September 1917 where he was wounded and invalided back to Britain. photographs, and the archives are boxed in +44 (0)1223 332446 or by email at He survived the war, but never took up archival quality material. Whenever possible, [email protected] his place at Caius. where material requires specialist care, we Archives employ the services of very skilled Matriculation books which include a by James Cox, College Archivist conservators, who are able to advise and Estreats of Court Rolls from another of record of all Caians since 1560. repair the documents to ensure their long Dr Caius Manors, that of Runcton Manor term preservation. in Norfolk. Lists of fines and A core responsibility of the archive is to I hope all Caians will agree that the amercements imposed by the manorial courts. ensure the long term care of the material within archives are a valuable and accessible its care. The College holds the material in strong resource, and I encourage them to contact us rooms with appropriate temperature and with their queries or their offerings. We are humidity controls, set to cater for the general always looking for material to augment the needs of all the material. The range of this collection, and especially to enlarge our material within the archives is rich and varied – photographic collection. So if you have old paper parchment, DVD, photographs, newspapers, team photographs, menus or invitations 20 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 21 The Digital Generation by Natasha Brown (2008)

mongst the seemingly endless volumes of college records are a wealth of photographs collected or donated by members of the college. Through these photographs, and other sources, it’s possible to get a sense of what daily A life was like at anytime between 1856, when the first group photograph in the Archive collection was taken, and the present day. Documenting the lives and experiences of recent Caians is of huge importance if the college archives are to remain relevant in fifty or a hundred years time. It seems, however, that the idea of preservation has almost been lost. For students of my generation it has become the norm to maintain a Facebook page; an online record of a person’s friends, social activities and day-to-day musings, rather than printed photographs and diaries. As third years, we may get the opportunity to contribute to a yearbook, which we’ll no doubt look over nostalgically over the coming decades and these yearbooks will make their way into the archives, along with the matriculation records and team photos, but it’s encouraging to see that DVDs and memory sticks can now be found in amongst the sepia shots solemn-looking men in blazers. Volunteering The Caius Henley Boat of 1908. A recent donation from James Hill (2009) who found it for sale on eBay. Sitting in the centre, in the white suit, is Sir Harold Gillies (1901), widely considered to be the father of plastic surgery for developing techniques of facial reconstruction during the First World War. Gillies is remembered at Caius today through the Sir Harold Gillies Bursary, established by the Caius Lodge, of which Gillies had been the Master in the Archives by Eleanor Harding (2008)

or the majority of undergraduates at Caius, the Archives are an undiscovered domain lying hidden at the back of the Fellows’ F Library. When, as a first year historian, I registered my interest in collections with my Director of Studies, I did not realise that within a month I would fortunate enough to be volunteering regularly with James Cox, the College Archivist. James, who has the gargantuan task of acting as College Archivist, Records Manager and Deputy Curator of Portraits proved to be a welcoming and enthusiastic host, only too eager to reveal what can appear to be hidden from the students. It wasn’t what I was expecting: there was no dusting, no magnifying glasses, and absolutely no white gloves when handling paper documents. I am always surprised by the constantly changing nature of the collection; every week I would be shown a new acquisition, ranging from a team photograph or an embroidered Caius crest to a letter containing new information about a former student. Many seem to be the donations of interested Caians, who have dug through their attics, or trawled eBay to discover stored mementos of times gone by. Better still are the days when we receive visitors, most frequently researchers, often with fascinating subjects for which the most esoteric material is pulled out. One of my key roles as a volunteer, which I also did for longer stretches in the Long Vacation of 2009 and 2010, is to answer the vast number of enquiries that flood in on subjects relating, sometimes only very tenuously, to the College. These are not only academic enquiries, and some of the most interesting have been those by family members of alumni. As children or grandchildren give us new information about the later lives of Caians, we continue the tradition of annotating the Biographical History of the College. There is always a moment of excitement when I realise that one day a future Archivist will read, in my handwriting, the information they need for an enquiry. At the start, my intention in volunteering at the Archives was highly career-orientated; successive careers advisers had hammered home the belief that work experience was the key to securing a job in the museums sector. However, it quickly became something much more, and I have gained so much personally from the experience. The archival experience has been one side; debates on politics over photographs of former student political party leaders has been another; a new appreciation for the Archivist’s favourite author, Arthur Conan Doyle, yet another. Greater accessibility to the Archives and a wider understanding and appreciation of the work done has now become one of the changes I’m most keen to see at Caius. Through working at the Archives and with material documenting the experiences of students since the fourteenth R Coombe’s Room, Caius. Photograph from an album donated by the family of George Webster (1880) who died in Hobart, Tasmania on12 January 1911. Aside from this extraordinary staged photograph, of a gowned skeleton in the room of his friend Russell Coombe (1880) on H Staircase, Caius Court, this album contains century, the traditions of the College, which once seemed archaic and unnecessary, have taken on a new meaning and have several interesting views of the College from the 1880s. heightened my enthusiasm for college life. 22 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 23 James Howell

by Soraya Nassar The Caius Fund Annual Fund Officer n March, Caians from across the None of this would have been possible Samira explained: “I’m really grateful to Caius; is for Caians of all ages”. Our 2010 generations and the globe were called without the donations, large and small, that without my College bursary I couldn’t be here, student callers are an eclectic bunch, but during our annual Telephone Campaign. Caians, parents and friends have made, and and taking part in the Telephone Campaign is they, like you, share a common sense of The Research Fellow, One of the most popular events in our we are immensely grateful. my way of saying ‘Thank you’”. Meanwhile Eva, loyalty to Caius – and they really enjoyed Sarah Howe (2010) calendar, the Campaign has become a The 2010 Caius Fund is supporting a new when asked about her experiences during the to speaking to you! and College Lecturer, modernI tradition, allowing Caians and parents range of projects which represent key areas campaign, observed: “Taking part in the Helen Mott (2005) to exchange anecdotes and news with current of College life and a wide range of interests. campaign, I was amazed that I had some of the both funded by the students. We are delighted to say that, further to the best conversations of my life 2010 Caius Fund. Thanks to the enduring generosity of the resounding success of our 2010 Telephone with people I’ve never met.

Rattee & Kett Caian community we have now met our Caius Campaign, we have already achieved our I was surprised but Fund targets in each of the three years since its Caius Fund 2010 target, raising a total of delighted by how introduction in 2008, providing funds for £656,000. We’re proud to have raised the strong the immediate expenditure around the College, and largest Annual Fund in Cambridge, and we connection to we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude thank you for the support and generosity College still to all our donors. that have made this possible. This year’s Telephone Campaign student What did your gifts achieve? callers reflected the diversity of subjects and activities on offer at Caius. Their studies Your benefactions allowed us to restore the • ranged from Theology to Physics, and their Waterhouse Building’s ailing stonework. extra-curricular pursuits included feeding the • Your support funded ten Undergraduate homeless, volunteering in local Bursaries, three Postgraduate Studentships schools, sports, drama and and a Choral Scholarship, thus helping us to music. Why were students ensure that no worthy student is denied a so eager to take part? Caius education for financial reasons. • Your gifts enhanced the academic life of the College by supporting the library, allowing us to purchase new books and restore old ones, and by funding a Research Fellowship and two College Teaching Officers so that we can uphold our renowned supervision system. Restoration of the stonework on the Waterhouse Building made possible by the 2009 Caius Fund. • You helped the Boat Club to hone their technique thanks to a new Four.

2010 Caius Fund Projects The 2010 student callers and members of the Harvey Court (Improvements to the Fitness Centre Development Office including provision of changing rooms and showers and installation of 36 solar panels) £190,000

A Research Fellowship (2010-14) £140,000

Student Support Fund (ten undergraduate Bursaries (2010-11) and one Graduate Studentship (2010-14)) £130,000 1 James Howell – Deputy Director of Development Caius Court (Phase 1 refurbishment of historic fabric) £90,000 2 Tom Watson – Development Assistant 3 Tom Moriarty – Alumni Assistant 4 Sani Thebe 5 Soraya Nassar – Annual Fund Officer A College Lectureship for a University Teaching Officer (2010-13) £42,000 6 Katarina Hovden 7 Eva Zimmermann 8 Sir Christopher Hum 9 Samira Mezroui Library (books for undergraduates and restoration of 10 Roma Kanabar 11 Imbert Wang medieval manuscripts and early printed books) £40,000 12 Bekah Ashworth 13 Pranav Khamar 14 Dr Anne Lyon – Director of Development Tennis/Netball Court (at Sports Ground, complete refurbishment) £18,000 15 Mgawa Mkandawire 16 Bethan Staton 17 Lydia Crudge 18 Josh Baker 19 Irfan Rahman A Choral Scholarship (2010-13) £6,750 20 Natalie Lilienthal 21 Di Shen 22 Christian Gowers 23 Charlotte Fleming 24 Sneha Ramakrishnan 24 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 25

Mr G Wassell Professor J E Phillips Dr C J Ludman Dr M P Wasse 1964 Mr S J Cook Dr P J Watkins Mr A P Pool Mr C J Methven Mr V D West Consul General Niyazi Adali Dr K R Daniels Dr J Winter * The Rt Hon Sir Mark Potter Mr M M Minogue Dr N E Williams Professor T ap Rees * Dr T K Day Dr R Presley Dr C T Morley Mr R J Wrenn Mr D P H Burgess Mr C R Deacon 1956 Mr N M B Prowse His Honour Judge Mott Mr G E Churcher Mr D P Dearden Thank You! Professor D Bailin Mr N R B Prowse Mr M H O’Brian 1962 Dr H Connor Mr P S Elliston Dr R J Balcombe Mr P W Sampson Mr A F Oliver Dr J S Beale Dr N C Cropper Mr J R Escott Mr C P L Braham Dr J R R Stott Mr R O Quibell Mr D J Bell Mr H L S Dibley Mr D R Harrison Mr J M Butterfield Professor J N Tarn Mr J H Riley Dr C R de la P Beresford Mr R A Dixon Dr L E Haseler Gonville & Caius College Development Campaign Benefactors Dr N G I Cawdry Mr O N Tubbs Mr J M Roberts-Jones Mr P S L Brice Mr M Elland-Goldsmith * Mr R E Hickman Mr J A Cecil-Williams The Rt Hon the Lord Tugendhat The Revd D G Sharp Mr R A C Bye Dr P G Frost Mr R Holden Mr G B Cobbold Mr C B Turner Professor Q R D Skinner Dr D Carr Mr A K Glenny Professor R C Hunt The Master and Fellows express their warmest thanks to all Caians, Parents and Friends of the College who have generously Dr R Cockel The Revd Professor G Wainwright Mr G S H Smeed Mr P D Coopman Professor H Gohain Dr R Jackson Mr A C Constable Dr D G D Wight Dr I Sykes Mr T S Cox Mr G A Gray Professor S L Lightman made donations in the last four years. Your gifts are greatly appreciated as they help to maintain the College’s excellence for Mr A G A Cowie Mr R Willcocks Mr J E Trice Col M W H Day Dr R J Greenwood Mr G G Luffrum Dr J P Cullen Dr A Wright Professor P J Tyrer Mr N E Drew Professor N D F Grindley Mr M C Mansfield future generations. Professor J S Edwards Dr I G Van Breda Mr W R Edwards Sir John Hall Dr A A Mawby Mr J A L Eidinow 1958 Dr A G Weeds Mr M Emmott Mr M J Hall Professor P M Meara 1926 Mr D E C Callow Dr J R Edwards Professor F H C Crick * Dr M Brett 1954 Professor G H Elder Mr C Andrews Dr M D Wood Professor Sir Alan Fersht Professor K O Hawkins Mr P V Morris Dr P W Hutton * Mr K C J Case Professor J T Fitzsimons Mr R G Dunn Mr D Bullard-Smith Professor M P Alpers Mr J K Ferguson Professor R P Bartlett Mr P J Worboys Mr J R A Fleming Mr B D Hedley Mr S M Poster Mr R A Escoffey Mr K Gale Mr B L Edwards Dr C J Carr Mr D R Amlot Mr M J L Foad Mr J E Bates Dr T Garrett * Mr J Horsfall Turner Mr N F Riddle 1929 The Rt Hon The Lord Flowers * Dr A F Hignell Mr I M Firth Mr C J Dakin Mr J Anton-Smith Professor J A R Friend Dr J F A Blowers 1960 Mr H M Gibbs Dr P Hutchinson Mr K W Rose Dr R F Jarrett Mr A A Green Professor B S Jay * Mr W J Gowing Mr R F Dawson Mr J L Ball Mr R Gibson Dr H G Bowden Mr J G Barham Mr T M Glaser Mr P T Inskip Dr R L Stone Dr G A Jones Mr G R Kerpner Maj J R Grogan Mr C B d'A Fearn Professor J H J Bancroft Professor A H Gomme * Mr T J Brack Mr H V Beck Mr A D Harris Mr A Kirby Mr J A Strachan 1930 Dr K M McNicol The Revd Canon A M Percival Dr A C Halliwell Mr G Garrett Mr D G Batterham Mr P H Gray Mr J P B Bryce Mr T D Belopopsky * Mr D Hjort Dr T Laub Mr N E Suess Mr L J Burrows * Dr A R Merrill * Smith Professor J C Higgins Dr T W Gibson Mr D W Bouette Mr M L Holman Mr J D G Cashin Mr B C Biggs Professor A R Hunter Professor S H P Maddrell Mr D Swinson Dr R H B Protheroe Dr R F Sellers Dr M I Lander Mr E S Harborne Mr D J Boyd Mr G J A Household Mr B C Copestake Mr A J MacL Bone Mr P O Hutchings Dr H M Mather Mr J F Wardle 1933 Mr C Ravenhill The Revd P A Tubbs Professor N L Lawrie Mr J A G Hartley Professor C B Bucknall Professor I M James Sir Peter Crane Dr A D Brewer Mr P A C Jennings Mr S J Mawer Mr W J Watts Dr P P Brown * Dr E V Rowsell His Honour Judge Vos Mr A J Lloyd Squadron Leader John Hereford Dr R J Cockerill Professor A J Kirby Professor A R Crofts Dr D I Brotherton Mr J W Jones Mr C J Meux Mr D F White Professor E C Ryder * Professor E M Shooter Dr I Weinbren Mr G S Lowth Mr D B Hill Mr G Constantine His Honour Judge Levy Mr A B Cross Dr G M Clarke Dr D M Keith-Lucas Dr L E M Miles Mr S M Whitehead Mr E R Slater Mr D Malcolm * Mr E J Hoblyn Mr D I Cook Mr R B Lewis Dr J M Davies Mr M G Collett Mr J W D Knight Professor D V Morgan Mr J M Williams 1934 Professor A Steele-Bodger * 1947 Dr F Mansfield Mr A D E Howell Dr D B Davies Mr J D Lindholm Mr J A Dixon His Honour Judge Cowell Professor J M Kosterlitz Mr R Murray Mr P E Wilson Mr M B Coyle * Mr M A H Walford Mr K J Gardner * Dr P B McFarlane Mr G M B Hudson * Dr J M G Davis Dr R G Lord Mr K Edgerley Professor E R Dobbs Mr A J C Lodge Mr A K Nigam The Revd R J Wyber Dr S C Gold Mr L C Watson Mr F N Goode Mr S M Mohsin Professor G W Kirby Mr P Ducat Mr P A Mackie Sir David Frost Dr C H Gallimore Mr F J Lucas Dr B V Payne Professor R A Shooter Dr A R H Worssam Mr J M S Keen Mr D L H Nash Dr F A MacMillan Mr P H C Eyers Mr B J McConnell Mr A W Fuller Mr R C F Gray Professor Sir Andrew McMichael Mr J H Poole 1967 Mr G D Woolley * Mr H Latham Dr S W B Newsom Dr T S Matthews * Professor J Fletcher Dr H E McGlashan The Rt Hon the Lord Geddes Dr D F Hardy Mr G N Meadon Dr W T Prince Mr G W Baines 1943 Mr D L Low * Mr A G C Paish The Revd D K Maybury Professor J Friend Mr A D Moore Mr D T Goldby Dr R Harmsen Revd Dr Clifford Owen Professor N W Read Mr N J Burton 1935 Professor J A Balint Mr N E A Moore * Mr D S Paravicini Dr C W McCutchen Dr A E Gent The Revd Canon P B Morgan Mr W P N Graham Dr A B T Heng Mr T K Pool Professor N Y Rivier Mr P G Cottrell Mr E S Howarth * Dr R Barnes The Revd J D Philips Mr J A Potts The Rt Hon the Lord Morris of Dr A J Gordon * Dr B E Mulhall Dr M T Hardy Dr R M Keating Mr N Redway Dr C N E Ruscoe Mr P McC Cyriax Maj Gen I H Lyall Grant Mr C H Devonald Mr R J Sellick Mr G D C Preston Aberavon Professor N J Gross Mr J F Newsome * Mr P L Havard Mr A Kenney Dr G A W Ross Mr J F Sell Mr G C Dalton Mr W L Fryer Mr A C Struvé Mr M J Prichard Mr P J Murphy Dr J P Gurney * Mr P A R Niven Professor F W Heatley Dr J A Lord Mr G A Shindler Dr N M Suess Dr W Day 1936 Professor R H Garstang * The Revd Canon C N Tubbs * Mr D A Skitt Dr M J O'Shea Mr M J Harding Mr B M Nonhebel Mr D M Henderson Professor J S Mainstone Dr R N F Simpson Dr R Tannenbaum Dr M C Frazer Dr J A Black Dr W M Gibson Mr R B R Watkin Dr J M Smyth Mr S L Parsonson Mr J D Heap Mr T R R O'Conor Mr J A Honeybone The Revd Dr A W Marks Mr R Smalley Mr J G Waghorn Dr V A C Gatrell Dr R E Danckwerts Professor P Gray Mr H G Way Mr D B Swift Mr J W N Petty * Mr R A Hockey The Rt Revd J K Oliver Dr P F Hunt Dr P Martin Dr P J W Smith Dr T B Wallington Mr P E Gore Mr J D L Drower Professor R Harrop Mr J S H Taylor Dr M J Ramsden Dr M C Holderness * Professor L L Pasinetti Professor J O Hunter Mr M B Maunsell Mr M J Starks Dr F J M Walters Mr T Hashimoto Sir Peter Thornton Mr G E Heald 1948 Mr R G Taylor Dr N Sankarayya Mr R J Horton Mr A J Peck Mr H I Hutchings Mr R A McAllister Mr R B R Stephens Mr R C Wells Mr D G Hayes Mr A G H House Dr P C W Anderson Mr S P Thompson Mr J de F Somervell Mr R W J Hubank Mr J A Pooles Mr N A Jackson Mr C D McLaren Mr A M Stewart Mr I R Woolfe Professor D R Hayhurst 1937 Professor L G Jaeger Dr A R Baker The Revd Canon Dr S H Professor J C Southam Mr R A Lovelace Mr J J C Procter Dr D J Johnson Dr H F Merrick Mr J D Sword Mr C R Hayton Mr R E M Le Goy * Mr C H Kelley Mr E J Chumrow Trapnell Mr D Webb Dr K A Macdonald-Smith * Mr T J Reynish Mr J R Kelly Mr P J Milne * Mr W J G Travers 1965 Professor R G Holloway Mr J H Page Dr C Kingsley Mr D P Crease Mr W A J Treneman Mr R P Wilding Dr F P Marsh Mr J M Rice Dr G N W Kerrigan Dr E L Morris Mr F R G Trew Dr J E J Altham Dr W Y-C Hung Dr J W Squire * Mr P S Morrell Mr D E Creasy Mr L F Walker Mr J Woodward The Rt Revd C J Mayfield Mr C Ridsdill-Smith Mr G D King Mr J A Nicholson Mr M G Wade Professor L G Arnold Mr M D Hutchinson Mr H Piggott * Professor N C H Dunbar The Revd P Wright Mr R G McDougall Mr C J D Robinson Dr R P Knill Jones Mr M O’Neil Mr D R F Walker Professor B C Barker Mr N G H Kermode 1938 Mr J B Self Mr E V A Escoffey Mr P L Young 1953 Mr R W Montgomery Professor D K Robinson Mr E A B Knowles Mr P Paul Mr D W B Ward Mr R Bhoothalingam Mrs H Kirby * Mr R L Bickerdike Dr J W M Stone * Mr T Garrett Dr N A Atalla Mr D J Nobbs Mr T S Rowan Dr W J Macpherson Professor A E Pegg Mr G J Weaver Mr A M Brownett Mr R J Lasko Dr M H Clement Mr J W H Thomas * Mr L J Harfield 1951 Mr A J Bacon * Mr J O'Hea Mr I Samuels Mr R D Martin Dr A T Ractliffe Mr H N Whitfield Mr N M Burton Mr D I Last Mr R R Darlington * Dr W R Walsh Mr R C Harris Dr R A Aiken Mr M K A Baig Mr B C Price Mr & Mrs I L Smith Mr C P McKay Mr P G Ransley Mr R G Williams Mr R A Charles Dr I D Lindsay Mr M P Lam Mr A M Wild Mr W A O Jacob Mr A C J Appleyard * Dr N C Balchin Mr R M Reeve Mr R R W Stewart Mr R W Minter Dr R A Reid Mr R G Wilson Sir Christopher Clarke Professor J Milton-Smith Mr M M A Ramsay Professor J F Mowbray Professor E Breitenberger Mr S F S Balfour-Browne Sir Gilbert Roberts Mr D F Sutton Mr R M Morgan Mr C W M Rossetti Dr C M Colley Mr T W Morton Mr P H Schurr 1944 Mr J B Pond Mr J R Brooke Mr D W Barnes Mr T W J Ruane Mr C W Swift Sir Douglas Myers, KNZM, CBE The Revd P Smith 1963 Mr H J Elliot Mr A M Peck Mr J A Seldon Mr P J Bexson * The Revd Canon A Pyburn Mr G H Buck Mr P F Bates Dr J M S Schofield Mr R C Tongue * Mr T S Nelson Professor W D Stein Dr P J Adams The Hon Lord Nigel Emslie Professor N P Quinn Air Vice Marshal G C Cairns * Mr J Sanders Dr A J Cameron Mr K C A Blasdale Mr D Stanley Mr A A Umur Dr J V Oubridge Professor M S Symes Mr P N Belshaw Dr W J Fielding Mr S D Reynolds 1939 Mr W G Carey Mr R D Shaw Mr J M Cochrane Professor A Brock Mr M H W Storey Mr A G Webb Mr R H Pedler Mr H J M Tompkins Dr T G Blaney Mr J H Finnigan Mr J S Richardson Mr J H Arrowsmith-Brown Dr E A Cooper Mr P R Shires * Mr R N Dean Mr J M Bruce Mr P E Thomas Mr H de V Welchman Mr V H Pinches Dr M T R B Turnbull Dr J A Clark Dr N Gane Mr P Routley The Revd Canon R S C Baily Mr N S Day Dr M J Turner The Revd N S Dixon Mr L W J Bunch Dr R D Wildbore Mr E A Pollard Professor P S Walker Dr C R A Clarke Dr M J Gawel Professor J B Saunders Mr T C Beswick * Mr P G Hebbert Dr R S Wardle Mr W L J Fenley Mr T Copley 1955 Dr D L Wynn-Williams Mr G D Pratten Professor M S Walsh Mr E F Cochrane Mr A J Habgood Mr H J A Scott Mr H A H Binney Mr B S Helliwell * Mr R B Gauntlett Mr P H Coward Mr C F Barham Mr J D Pybus Mr A A West Mr R M Coombes Mr J Harris Mr G T Slater Dr J P Clayton Mr D J Hyam 1949 Dr F B Gibberd * Dr P M B Crookes Mr M W Barrett 1957 Mr F C J Radcliffe Mr J D Wilkin Mr T R Drake Dr D A Hattersley Mr C J Thompson Mr C H De Boer The Revd G H Jones The Hon Hugh Arbuthnott Dr J E Godrich Dr D Denis-Smith Mr J A Brooks Mr A B Adarkar Mr M Roberts Mr D H Wilson Mr S W Emanuel The Revd P Haworth The Revd Dr J D Yule Professor A E Flatt Dr H K Litherland Mr M A Bardsley Dr N J C Grant Dr A H Dinwoodie Mr A L S Brown Mr W E Alexander Mr M P Ruffle Mr N J Winkfield Dr H P M Fromageot His Honour Judge Holman Professor G J Zellick Mr A R McMurchy Dr J L Milligan Mr A G Beaumont The Revd P T Hancock Mr P R Dolby Dr J H Brunton Mr N Alwyn Sir Colin Shepherd Mr R D S Wylie Mr J E J Goad Mr R P Hopford Mr J P Phillips Mr N T Roderick Mr A Birch * The Revd Canon A R Professor S A Durrani Mr A R Campbell Dr I D Ansell Lord Simon of Highbury Dr G R Youngs Mr A J Grants Mr I V Jackson 1968 Mr W T D Shaddick Professor L L Cavalli-Sforza Heawood The Revd H O Faulkner Dr M Cannon Dr N D Barnes Dr F D Skidmore Dr A M Zalin Mr P M G B Grimaldi Dr R G Jezzard Dr M J Adams 1940 Mr R C Shepherd * The Rt Hon the Lord Chorley Mr J P M Horner Professor C du V Florey Professor P D Clothier Professor V E Barnes II Mr A Stadlen Mr N K Halliday Dr R R Jones Mr I M D Barrett Dr C M Attwood Mr M R Steele-Bodger Dr J T Cooke Mr G S Jones Mr G H Gandy Mr A A R Cobbold Mr D H Beevers Sir Keith Stuart 1961 Sir Thomas Harris Professor A S Kanya-Forstner Dr F G T Bridgham Mr D A Bailey * Mr D J Storey Mr K J A Crampton Professor L L Jones Mr B V Godden Dr C K Connolly Mr G Boxall Mr A J Taunton Professor G G Balint-Kurti Dr M A Hopkinson Mr J R H Kitching Mr A C Cosker Dr J E Blundell Mr D J Treweek Mr R D Emerson Mr R K Laidlaw Mr H J Goodhart Mr J R Currie Mr T Bunn Professor B J Thorne Mr A D Bell Dr R H Jago Dr H J Klass Professor A W F Edwards Mr R F Crocombe Mr G G Watkins * Dr J H Gervis Mr M H Lemon Mr C G Heywood Mr F S Curtis Dr J P Charlesworth Mr C M Usher Professor Sir Michael Berridge Mr N T Jones The Hon Dr J F Lehman Mr J C Esam Mr G H Dix Mr J A Wells-Cole Mr J J H Haines Mr I Maclean Mr B Higgs * Professor K G Davey Mr B H Clarke Dr G A Walker Professor R S Bird Mr B L Kerr Dr M J Maguire The Revd D B Fenlon Mr M L Dowling * Mr M J Harrap Mr E R Maile Mr M A Hossick Dr R A Durance Mr M L Davies Mr J P Collins * Mr M S Kerr Dr P J Marriott Mr J M Fordham Mr P Goodman * 1945 Mr R T Harrison Mr P T Marshall Mr C B Johnson Mr R Hall Dr T W Davies 1959 Dr M D Dampier Dr R W F Le Page His Honour Judge Morris Mr R J Furber Dr W S Griffiths * Dr M D Billington Mr E C Hewitt Mr P S E Mettyear Dr D H Keeling Professor R E W Halliwell Mr E J Dickens Mr C J C Bailey Mr J O Davies Professor W Y Liang Mr T Mullett Mr D P Garrick Dr R F Payne Professor C N L Brooke Mr D H Jones Mr J K Moodie Professor J G T Kelsey Mr C B C Johnson Dr B R Eggins Dr D J Beale Dr J S Denbigh Mr D A Lockhart Mr A R Myers Dr E M Gartner Dr D N Seaton Dr J M H Dickson * Dr R N B Kay Mr B H Phillips Mr J E R Lart Professor J J Jonas Professor A F Garvie Mr J A Brewer Mr D K Elstein Mr J W L Lonie Dr P B Oelrichs Professor P W Gatrell Mr F P S Strickland Professor Sir Sam Edwards Mr J H Kelsey Mr O J Price Mr R Lomax Dr T G Jones Mr C P Giles Mr J A Brooks Mr J A G Fiddes Dr C W Mitchell Mr C F Pinney Mr D S Glass Mr S K Walker Mr K Hansen Mr J C Kilner Mr S Price Mr D S Mair The Rt Hon Sir Paul Kennedy Mr J D Henes Dr D E Brundish Mr M J W Gage Mr V L Murphy Professor C V Reeves The Rt Hon the Lord Goldsmith Mr J L Harrison Mr F E Loeffler Dr R S O Rees Dr D M Marsh Mr A H Kidd The Very Revd Dr M J Higgins Mr S H Buchan * Dr J M Gertner Mr D B Newlove Dr P D Rice Mr M D Hardinge 1941 Mr R K Hayward Mr C E C Long Mr J C Riddell Dr H Matine-Daftary Mr M E Lees Mr E M Hoare Mr J L Cookson Mr D W Graham Mr W N Padfield Dr J G Robson Mr P A Hier Mr D M C Ainscow Mr P A L Jones * Mr A F C Morris * Mr M A C Saker Dr M J Orrell Dr L Lyons Mr A S Holmes Dr W D Davison Mr M D Harbinson Dr J R Parker Mr R N Rowe Mr D J Laird Mr F H Butler Mr F R McManus Mr A M Nicol The Revd T J Surtees Mr D H O Owen Mr J J Moyle Professor F C Inglis Dr A G Dewey Mr P Haskey Mr M J Pitcher Mr A C Scott Mr N J Lewis Dr W H Davies * Mr D E Rae Mr J Norris Mr J E Sussams Mr E C O Owen Dr P J Noble Mr A J Kemp Mr J E Drake Mr R T Jump Dr J S Rainbird Professor J D Skinner Professor R J A Little Mr W M Ebden Mr I W Roberts Mr W R Packer Mr A R Tapp Mr D Piggot * Dr J P A Page Mr A J Lambell Mr B Drewitt Dr A B Loach Mr P A Rooke Mr I D K Thompson Dr D H O Lloyd Mr J B Frost Dr F C Rutter Mr I G Richardson Mr S R Taylor Mr J F Pretlove Mr C H Prince Mr J L Leonard The Revd T C Duff Mr A W B MacDonald Dr J Striesow Mr G J White Mr B A Mace Mr H C Hart Professor J V Smith * Mr A W Riley Mr P E Walsh Mr T I Rand Lt Col C B Pritchett Mr T F Mathias Mr W Eden Mr R G McMillan Professor D J Taylor Mr J I McGuire Dr J K Hulm * Mr J L Somervell * Dr D A Thomas Mr C H Walton Mr J P Seymour Mr A R Prowse Dr R T Mathieson The Rt Revd D R J Evans Professor P B Mogford Sir Quentin Thomas 1966 Dr J Meyrick Thomas Mr M G Manby Dr J C S Turner Mr J F Walker Professor M J Whelan Mr I P Sharp Mr A B Richards Professor A J McClean Professor J E Fegan Dr R M Moor The Hon Mr Justice Tugendhat Mr M J Barker Mr E J Nightingale Dr J M S McCoy Mr G R W Willcocks Mr P Zentner Mr P T Stevens The Revd J G Russell Dr B J McGreevy Mr P E J Forster Professor R J Nicholls Mr P H Veal Mr J D Battye Mr J A Norton Dr J A McDonald 1946 Mr B J Sydenham * Professor L S Sealy Mr D Moller Mr G A Geen Mr J Owens Mr D J Walker Professor D Birnbacher Dr I D A Peacock Dr W R Throssell Mr G Aspden 1950 1952 Mr J Turner Mr J A B Taylor Mr M F Neale Dr J A Gibson Dr J M Pelmore Dr R F Walker Dr D S Bishop Dr T G Powell Dr D A P Burton Mr G A Ash Dr A R Adamson Professor B O West Mr J D Taylor Mr A W Newman-Sanders Mr T A J Goodfellow Mr C H Pemberton Mr J D Wertheim Mr N T W Bourhill Dr P G Reasbeck 1942 Mr G G Campbell Dr A E Ashcroft Mr J S Bailey Mr J A Whitehead Mr H W Tharp Dr M J Nicklin Mr D N C Haines Mr M E Setchell, CVO Dr J R C West Dr J P Calvert Mr E Robinson Mr P H B Allsop * Dr W J Colbeck Mr J G Carpenter Professor J E Banatvala Professor J S Wigglesworth Mr T J Threlfall Mr T Painter The Revd Dr R G Hamerton-Kelly Dr R I A Swann Dr M J Weston Mr P Chapman Mr P S Shaerf Mr K V Arrowsmith Mr D V Drury Professor P S Corbet * Lt Gen Sir Peter Beale Professor Sir Christopher Zeeman Dr R B Walton Mr R D Perry Mr M J D Keatinge Dr I G Thwaites Mr A N Wilson Dr C I Coleman Mr P J E Smith 26 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 27

Mr V Sobotka Mr P A Thimont Dr W N Hubbard Mr S Thomson Dr M de la R Gunton Dr P A Fox Mr M C S Edwards 1988 Mr M B Job Mr H E Serjeantson Dr E A Harron-Ponsonby 1998 Dr B Teague Mr A H M Thompson Mr D G W Ingram Mr J P Treasure Mr N C I Harding Mr P D Hickman Mr J M Elstein Dr P Agarwal Mr H R Jones Mr D P Somers Mr A J G Harrop Mr I K Ali Mr P J Tracy Dr S Vogt Mr N Kirtley The Rt Hon N K A S Vaz MP Mr R P Hayes Mrs J Irvine Mr K J Fitch Professor N R Asherie Mr G A Karaolides Mrs R C Stevens Dr N J Hillier Miss E H Barker Dr M McD Twohig Mr C G Young Mr W S H Laidlaw Mr O H Warnock Mr T E J Hems Mrs C H Kenyon Mr M J Fletcher Dr I M Billington Dr P A Key Mrs D E B Summers Ms M C Katbamna-Mackey Ms H M Barnard Dr J P H Wade Mr R I K Little Professor A J M Whitley Dr A W Herbert Mr M J Kochman Mrs E F Ford Dr M Bisping Dr S H O F Korbei Dr S R J Taylor Mr J M Lawrence Mr R J Beer Dr G S Walford 1972 Mr P Logan Mr A Widdowson Ms C J Jenkins Mr P Loughborough Mr R G Goodfellow Dr T P Bligh Professor N G Lew Maj D M Thomas * Ms K M Marsh Mr D M Blake Dr D P Walker Mr M H Armour Mr R O MacInnes-Manby Professor P W M Johnson Mr J S Mair Mr J D Harry Mr H A Briggs Mr G C Li Dr D I Thomson The Revd Dr J D McDonald Dr A P Y-Y Cheong Dr P R Willicombe Mr A B S Ball Mr G Markham 1977 Mr P J Keeble Ms E F Mandelstam Professor J B Hartle Mr M C M Brotherton Ms A Y C Lim Mr G S J Veysey Mr D E Miller Mr I D Cox Mr D R Barrett Dr C H Mason Mr J H M Barrow Mr R W Lander Dr M Maxwell Ms P Hayward Dr A-L Brown Dr M B J Lubienski Mrs K Wiese Dr D N Miller Mr F W Dassori 1969 Mr J P Bates Mr P B Mayes Mr S T Bax Mr A D Maybury Mr D J Mills Mr P G J S Helson Mr J C Brown Mr J S Marozzi Mr C M Wilson Dr M A Miller Mr B N Deacon Dr S C Bamber Dr D N Bennett-Jones Mr D M Potton Mr A C Boulding Mrs J M Paton Professor M Moriarty Mr J A Howard-Sneyd Ms C Stewart Mr T Moody-Stuart Mr L K Yim Mrs C H Mirfin Mr L Dearden Mr S E Bowkett Mr S M B Blasdale Professor B D Reddy Mr M S D Callaghan Mrs A E Porter Mr D H O'Driscoll Mr J M Irvine Mrs M E Chapple Mr G O'Brien Dr J C-M Yu Dr T J Nancoo Dr P J Dilks Mr M S Cowell Mr S N Bunzl Dr D S Secher Dr P N Cooper Professor C T Reid Mrs R E Penfound Dr C H Jessop Vicomte R H P G de Rosière Mr S T Oestmann Dr K M O'Shaughnessy Mr J S Drewnicki The Rt Revd A K Cragg Mr I J Buswell Mr A H Silverman Mr N B Farrell Mr E E Sacks Ms M K Reece Mr C L P Kennedy Mr B D Dyer Dr J M Parberry 1993 Mr S G Panayi Mr S A Eder Dr M K Davies Professor J R Chapman Mr E J Storey Dr K J Friston Dr M E Selby Mr A A Shah Mr A J Landes Mr A J Emuss Mr P C Sheppard Dr S D Albino Mr S M Pilgrim Mr J A Etherington Mr J M Denker * Mr J G Cooper Dr D K Summers Mr A L Gibb Ms D M Sorkin Mrs A J Sheat Mr W P L Lawes Mr N D Evans Mr L Shorter Mr J D H Arnold Mr H C S Pipe Mrs L E Etherington Dr M W Eaton Mr C G Davies Mr G K M Thompson Dr C-T Goh Dr J Strässler Mrs E I C Strasburger Mrs C F Lister Dr W K P Hackenberg Dr J Sinha Mr A S Basar Dr B G Rock Mr J M Faraday Professor D J Ellar Mr P A England Mr C Vigrass Mr A R D Gowers Professor P C Taylor Dr J G Tang Mrs N M Lloyd Dr E N Herbert Professor M C Smith Mrs F C Bravery Ms J K Rose Mr H M Heuzenroeder Mr R J Field Mr J E Erike Mr D K B Walker Mr R M House Mr N A Venables Dr M J Weait The Revd N C Mr L D Hicks Mr H K Suniara Dr A C G Breeze Ms T J Sheridan Dr B J P Huntly Dr J P Fry Mr P J Farmer Mr L J Walker Mr B S Hundal Papadopulos Ms R C Homan Mr D S Turnbull Mr P M Ceely Mr D S Shindler Mr H A M Julié Dr C J Hardwick Mr C Finden-Browne Mr F Weighill Dr M S Irani 1980 1983 Mr K D Parikh Dr A D Hossack Dr J C Wadsley Dr E A Congdon Mr M J Soper Dr C Lo Nero Professor A D Harries Mr W J Furber Mr B J Kettle Mr C P Aldren Dr R F Balfour Ms S L Porter Capt J S Irish Mr J D Williams Dr E C Corbett Mr S J Taylor Mr J R Marshall Mr J S Hodgson Mr R H Gleed 1975 Mr S R Laird Mrs L E Bates Mr P R Bennett Mr M H Power Dr A P S Kirkham Dr G D Wills Mr O S Dunn Mr S S Thapa Dr R I R Martin Mr M J Hughes Mr A D Greenhalgh Mr S L Barter Mr R D McBain Dr N P Bates Dr D B Bethell Mr T M S Rowan Mr F P Little Ms R M Winden Mr P A Edwards Miss C J Thorpe Miss O M Mihangel Mr D R Hulbert Professor R A L H Mr C J A Beattie Mr K H McKellar Mr C R Brunold Mrs K R M Castelino Dr J M Sargaison Mr C G Meyer Mr K L Wong Dr A S Everington Dr G Titmus Dr N A Moreham Mr A Keir Gunawardana Mr P S Belsman Dr P H M McWhinney Mrs J R Burry Dr J P L Ching Miss J A Scrine Dr M C Mirow Mr R C Young Dr I R Fisher Dr C H Williams-Gray Mr H R F Nimmo-Smith Mr R L Kottritsch Mr P G Hadley Mr D A L Burn Dr L S Mills Dr C E Collins Mr H M Cobbold Mrs L K Sharpe Dr A N R Nedderman Mr C E G Hogbin Mr E G Woods Mr A J Pask Dr I R Lacy Mr R S Handley Mr A J Campbell Mr H N Neal Mr S R Coxford Dr S A J Crighton Dr A M Shaw Dr D Niedrée-Sorg 1991 Dr D M Holburn Mr P S Roberts Mr C J Lloyd Dr R A Harrad Mr H R Chalkley Dr R P Owens The Revd Dr P H Donald Mr J C Curtis Dr P M Slade Mr A P Parsisson Mr M W Adams Ms S J Holland 1996 Professor R P L Scazzieri Mr R G McGowan Dr M J F Humphries Mr S Collins Dr A Pagliuca Dr R J Gibbens Dr A Dhiman Dr D A Statt Mr M B Pritchett Dr D G Anderson Mr E J How Ms E J Barlow Dr T Shetty Dr D W McMorland Mr A M Hunter Johnston Mr A E Cooke-Yarborough Dr R Purwar Dr S L Grassie Mr A L Evans Mr W D L M Vereker Mr M J Rawlins Ms J C Austin-Olsen Mr O T John Mr S T Bashow Dr K J Smith Dr T F Packer Professor W L Irving Mr M G Day Mr I M Radford Mr M J Hardwick Mr T M Fancourt Mrs J S Wilcox Dr C I J Sanders Dr R D Baird Mr J E J Joseph Mrs R S Baxter Dr P B M Thomas Mr A N Papathomas Mr P B Kerr-Dineen Mr N R Gamble Mr P J Radford Mr P L Haviland Mr P E J Fellows Mrs A K Wilson Dr S R Scott-Brown Mr D Behrman Dr G A J Kelly Mrs S E Birshan Ms S C Thomas Mr P J M Redfern Mr D E Lamb Mr M H Graham Professor T A Ring Dr E M L Holmes Ms B G Gibson Ms I U M Wilson Mrs A J L Smith Mr C S Bleehen Mr C S Klotz Dr J R Bonnington Mrs J C Wood Mr N R Sallnow-Smith Dr D R Mason Mr D A Hare Dr G S Sachs Mr R H Hopkin Mr H E Gillespie Ms J M Wilson Ms N M Smith Mr A M J Cannon Dr K E S Medlock Miss A L Bradbury Mr D J F Yates Mr I Taylor Mr J R Moor Mr R F Hughes Mr A J Salmon Dr J Marsh Dr W P Goddard Mr R C Wilson Mr R D Smith Mr D D Chandra Mr T P Moss Mr G Briggs Mr A P Thompson-Smith Mr R E Perry Mr T C Kerr-Dineen Mr C Sideris Mr L S Marshall Mr N J Hammond Dr E F Worthington Mr T H Snelling Mrs B Choi Mr R B K Phillips Miss C E Callaghan 1999 Mr B A H Todd Mr M D Roberts Dr N Koehli Mr M J Simon Sir Simon Milton Mr W A C Hayward The Revd J S Sudharman Dr S C Clark Dr J F Reynolds Major J S Cousen Mr M Baroni Mr P B Vos Professor A T H Smith Mr D M Mabb Dr P Waddams Mr J E Mitchell Mr J St J Hemming 1986 Dr R M Tarzi Dr P A Dalby Mrs L Robson Brown Mr J R F Dalton Mr R F T Beentje Mr A J Waters Dr T D Swift Mr L G D Marr Dr P A Watson Professor J R Montgomery Mr S J Kingston Dr L M Allcock Ms F R Tattersall Dr A H Deakin Dr C I Rotherham Mr G D Earl Miss C M M Bell Mr C R J Westendarp Mr P J Taylor Mr D Marsden Mr D J White Mr A N Norwood Mr S A Kirkpatrick Dr K Brown Mr M E H Tipping Dr S Dorman Mr D R Stoneham Mrs J H J Gilbert Mr D T Bell Dr N H Wheale The Revd Dr R G Thomas Dr R G Mayne Dr A N Williams Dr T M Pickett Mr J F S Learmonth Professor J A Davies Mrs H M Truman Ms V J Exelby Dr T Walther Dr D A Giussani Mr P Berg Professor D R Widdess Mr R E W Thompson Mr K M McGivern Mr M J Wilson Dr J N Pines Mrs H M L Lee Dr S D Farrall Mrs L Umur Dr C S J Fang Mrs K Westphely Mr J D Goldsmith Dr A Brady Mr D A Wilson Mr R D Wakeling Mr K S Miller Mr R C Woodgate Mr J H Pitman Mr C Loong Professor R L Fulton Mr A G Veitch Dr M B Fertleman Miss S T Willcox Miss E E Goodacre Dr C L Broughton Mr P J G Wright Dr N A R Watt Mr G Monk Professor E W Wright Mr R N Porteous Mr J B K Lough Mr A N Graham Ms J B W Wong Dr S C Francis Dr F A Woodhead Mr X L Griffin Mr J A Brown Dr A F Weinstein The Revd M W Neale Ms J S Saunders Mr R H Moore Mr R J Harker Dr F J L Wuytack Dr A J Hodge Mrs A J Worden Mr I R Herd Mrs J E Busuttil 1970 The Revd Canon Dr J A Dr C C P Nnochiri 1978 Mr J M E Silman Mr R M Payn Miss M P Horan Dr N I Horwitz Mr T J A Worden Ms P K K Lai Ms J W-M Chan Mr J Aughton Williams Professor I P L Png & Ms J C W Mr J C Barber Mrs M S Silman Mr M P Pepperell Mrs J Y S Ho-Thong 1989 Mr W G Irving Ms R P Wrangham Dr S J Lakin Mr J A Cliffe Dr M E Boxer Cheng The Revd Dr A B Bartlett Professor M Sorensen Mrs S D Robinson Professor J M Huntley Dr L C Andreae Dr J P Kaiser Dr H B Lee Mr J D Coley Mr D Brennan 1973 Dr H C Rayner Dr T G Blease Professor J A Todd Mr S C Rowarth Mr N J Iles Mr A M Barnes-Webb Professor K-T Khaw 1994 Mr P MacBain Dr A N Davies Dr C W Brown Dr S M Allen Dr M P Reasbeck Professor G R Blue Dr C Turfus Mr A Rzym Mr B D Konopka Mrs A S Brotherton Mrs R R Kmentt Mr J H Anderson Professor J D Mollon Mr A C R Dean Mr R Butler Professor J V Bickford-Smith Mr D J G Reilly Mr M D Brown Mr H C Shields Ms A Kupschus Professor M J Brown Mr N K Ng Mr A Arthur Ms J L Nixon Ms H B Deixler Dr D D Clark-Lowes Mr N P Carden Mr P J Roberts Mr D S Bulley 1981 Dr C P Spencer Professor J C Laidlaw Dr E A Cross Mrs L P Parberry Professor G I Barenblatt Dr I D Plumb Miss L M Devlin Mr G J H Cliff Professor R H S Carpenter Professor I C Ruxton Mr C J Carter Mrs J S Adams The Reverend Christopher Mr R Y-H Leung Mr P E Gilman Mr D R Paterson Ms R D Barrett Dr T Prestidge Miss S Gnanalingam Mr R P Cliff Mr S P Crooks Mr G R Sherwood Mr J M Charlton-Jones Mrs A M Barry Stebbing Dr M A Perry Mr G R Glaves Dr A Reichmuth Ms I-M Bendixson Mr A J T Ray Mr A P Holden Mr D Colquhoun Mr M G Daw Dr F A Simion Dr T R Coe Mr A J L Burford Mr A G Strowbridge Dr A A Pinto Mr S M Gurney Ms I A Robertson Professor D M Bethea Ms V C Reeve Dr L Jin Professor P J Evans Professor P M Echenique Professor T J Stephenson Mr S A Corns Mr S Cox Mr R B Swede Dr P J Rogerson Mrs L Jacklin Dr A F Routh Mrs C H S Catton Mr P S Rhodes Mr A F Kadar Mr L P Foulds Professor C F Gilks Mr M H Stevens Dr P G Dommett Mr J M Davey His Honour Judge Tompkins Mr T S Sanderson Mr N C Jacklin Dr S M Shah Dr L Christopoulou Mr J R Robinson Dr C M Lamb Mr J D Gwinnell Mr D J R Hill The Revd Canon I D Tarrant Mr M J Eccleston Dr P H Dear Miss A Topley Mr J P Saunders Mr G W Jones Mr A Smeulders Dr C M Curtis Mr D Scannell Mr M W Laycock Mr N A J Harper Dr R J Hopkins Dr J M Thompson Dr J Edwards Mr D P S Dickinson Mr C H Umur Professor J Saxl Mr T E Keim Mr J A Spence Ms V K E Dietzel Mr D C Shaw Mr I Maluza Professor J A S Howell Dr W F Hutchinson Dr P K H Walton Mr R C S Evans Mr J L Ellacott Ms H E White Professor A J Schofield Mr J P Kennedy Mr J G C Taylor Dr T C Fardon Mr C C Stafford Mr J W Moller Mr C A Jourdan Mr D A Irvine Mr N J Ward Mr R J Evans Mr N J Farr Dr K M Wood Dr K Sehat Mr P J Kerr Ms G A Usher Dr E H Folwell Mr C M Stafford Dr H D Nickerson Mr J S Kilner * Professor A M Lister Mr B J Warne Mr T J Fellig Mr R Ford Dr S F J Wright Dr R G Shearmur Dr V A Kinsler Mrs H-M A G C Vesey Mr S T Folwell Mr A H Staines Mr R H Owen Mr N R Kinnear Mr K F C Marshall Mr J R Wood Professor P M Goldbart Mr P G Harris Ms V H Stace Mr J R Kirkwood Mr C S Wale Dr J A Fraser Mr D J Tait Dr C Parrish Mr J H Lambie Mr J S Morgan Mr A D Halls Mr W S Hobhouse 1984 Mrs E D Stuart Mr T Lim Mr S J Wright Mr S S Gill Ms E-L Toh Mr M A Pinna Mr M J Langley Dr S P Olliff 1976 Dr E Hatchwell Mr C L M Horner Dr H T T Andrews Mr J W Stuart Dr R B Loewenthal Sister H M Wynne Mr R S Greenwood Mr B T Waine Dr J S Rees Mr B S Missenden Professor T J Pedley Mr D Barham Dr C N Johnson Mr R H M Horner Dr L P Bennett Dr C J Taylor Mrs L C Logan Mrs E Haynes Mr M-H Wong Mrs S R Bailey Dr S Mohindra Mr J F Points Mr J J J Bates Mr P R M Kavanagh Mr P C N Irven Ms S J Brady Ms A J Tomlinson Mr R M M McConnachie 1992 Mr R J M Haynes Mr C G Wright Mr A C Sinclair Mr A J Neale Mr A W M Reicher Mr C A K Benn Mr D P Kirby Professor T E Keymer Mr J A Brodie-Smith Dr M H Wagstaff Mr B J McGrath Dr M R Al-Qaisi Mr P M Hudson Mr K F Wyre Dr J D Stainsby Mr C G Penny Dr D Y Shapiro Mr S J Birchall Mr R A Lister Ms B J Kitchen Mr R A Brooks Dr J Whaley Mr P J Moore Mr D Auterson Mr A P Khawaja Miss C A J Tydeman Professor D J Reynolds Dr W A Smith Dr H D L Birley Mr A J Noble Mr P W Langslow Mr G C R Budden Mr R C Wiltshire Ms J H Myers Mrs R Auterson Mrs G E Maddocks 1997 Mr A R R Wood Mr W R Roberts Mr J Sunderland Mr N G Blanshard Mr T D Owen Mr S J Lewis Mr A H Chatfield Mr H T Parker Mrs S P Baird Mr T W Mann Dr U Adam Mr P J Wood Dr I N Robins Mr D G Vanstone Professor J R Bradgate Mr C S Porter Dr J W McAllister Mrs N J Cobbold 1987 Dr S L Rahman Haley Mr A J Barber Dr S G A Pitel Mr G H Arrowsmith Dr P D Wright Mr B Z Sacks Sir Geoffrey Vos Mr L G Brew Mr M H Pottinger Dr A P G Newman-Sanders Dr A R Duncan Mr J J M Bailey Mr N J C Robinson Ms S F C Bravard Mr P D Reel Ms C Z Atherton Ms Y Yamamoto Dr R D S Sanderson Mr S J Waters Dr M P Clarke Mr M A Prior Dr O P Nicholson Professor T G Q Eisen Mr J P Barabino Mrs C Romans Mr P N R Bravery Mr P H Rutkowski Mr A J Bower Mr D C Smith Mr G A Whitworth Mr D J Cox Dr B A Raynaud Mr G Nnochiri Mrs A S Gardner Mr J R Bird Mr J C Roux Ms J R M Burton Dr G M Shoib Mr J D Bustard 2000 Dr S A Sullivan Professor B J Wilkinson Dr G S Cross Mr P J Reeder Dr J W Norris Mr L J Hunter Mr O R M Bolitho Mr S C Ruparell Mr N R Campbell Mr L R Smallman Mr R Chee-A-Tow Mr R A D Allen Mr I R Watson Dr J B Wirth Dr J S Daniel Mr M H Schuster Ms C L Plazzotta Dr S Ip Mr R Chau Mr A M P Russell Ms J M Carpenter Dr P J Sowerby Stein Mrs C Chu Mr R D Bamford Professor R W Whatmore Cllr R J Davis Mr S J Shaw Mr M W Richards Mr A S E Johnson Mr N R Chippington Professor Y Sakamoto Mr C R G Catton Dr M Staples Dr M P Clarkson Mr J F Campbell 1974 The Hon Dr R H Emslie The Revd A G Thom Mrs M Robinson Dr J R B Leventhorpe Dr E N Cooper Mr J A Sowerby Mr P E Clifton Professor M A Stein Mrs J R Earl Mrs R A Cliffe 1971 Professor A J Blake Mr S D Flack Dr D Townsend Dr R M Roope Mr G C Maddock Mrs H J Courtauld Mrs E H Wadsley Mr D M Curl Mr K S Tang Dr E J Fardon Mr M T Coates Dr J P Arm Dr M J Bleby Mr M W Friend Mr D W Wood Mrs D C Saunders Mr A D H Marshall Mr A J Coveney Mrs T E Warren Dr A A G Driskill-Smith Mr E J Taylor Dr J P Grainger Mr N S Colston Mr H A Becket Mr R Z Brooke Dr K F Gradwell Mr P A Woo-Ming Mr T Saunders Mr H C S McLean Mrs J L Dendle-Jones Ms G A Wilson Dr R S Dunne Dr R R Turner Dr D M Guttmann Mr S G Dale Mr S Brearley Mr H J Chase Dr F G Gurry Dr J B Scanlon Mr S Midgen Ms S L DeVine Dr S C Zeeman Dr I Forde Dr A S Witherden Ms A M Hart Dr E A Hadjipanayis Mr J A K Clark Mr A B Clark Dr P R Harvey 1979 Dr A D Simpson Mr I Paine Dr H L Dewing Dr E M Garrett Mr M A Wood Professor C E Holt Dr W J E Hoppitt Mr P D M Dunlop Dr L H Cope Professor J Herbert Dr R Aggarwal Dr J L d’E Steiner The Honourable Justice Dr K E H Dewing 1990 Mr R A H Grantham Dr K G Johnson Mr J M Hunt Mr J A Duval Mr P J Craig-McQuaide Dr A C J Hutchesson Dr M G Archer Dr D M Talbott Philippides Dr M D Esler Mr R Ball Ms L K Greeves 1995 Mr L T L Lewis Ms H M Jenkins Professor D M Hausman Mr M L Crew Dr S T Kempley Mr T C Bandy Mr K J Taylor Mr J R Pollock Dr A J Forrester Mr M C Batt Ms J Z Z Hu Mr C Aitken Mr A W J Lodge Miss C N Lund Mr N R Holliday Dr N H Croft Mr R A Larkman Mr N C Birch Ms L J Teasdale Dr K S Sandhu Dr G M Grant Dr S-Y Chan Dr H M Johnson Mr J S D Buckley Miss E A Martin Mr S T Martindale Professor D J Jeffrey Mr M D Damazer Dr C J Lueck Mr A J Birkbeck Professor C R Walton Dato' R R Sethu Ms C M Harper Dr L C Clarke Mr J Kihara Mr C Chew Ms V E McMaw Ms G L Mitchell Dr P Kinns Professor J H Davies Dr B E Lyn Mr G T P Brennan Dr E A Warren Dr R A Shahani Mr S L Jagger Mrs J F Clement Mrs S Knowles Mr C-H Chim Professor N Mrosovsky Mr H S Panesar Dr J D Klinger Dr M A de Belder Dr C Ma Dr P J Carter Professor W A Van Caenegem Dr M Karim Mr A A Dillon Professor C Kress Ms H Y-Y Chung Miss R N Page Mr D D Parry Dr N P Leary Mr J R Delve Mr A J Matthews Dr S A P Chubb 1982 Mr M L Vincent Dr P Kumar Mrs S V Dyson Mr W Li Dr A C Cooke Miss R Patel Mr O F G Phillips Dr J M Levitt Dr A G Dewhurst Dr P B Medcalf Mr C J Collinge Dr A K Baird Professor C Wildberg Mr C A Levy Mrs V N M Fung Mr J Lui Mr J A Crawford Mr H D Pim Mr T J O Pullman Dr P T W Lyle Professor L D Engle Dr D Myers Mr P A Cowlett Mr D Baker Mrs M M J Lewis Mrs C L Guest Mr T P Mirfin Dr P A Cunningham Ms E D Sarma Mr M O Salvén Dr P G Mattos Mr R J Evans Mr D C S Oosthuizen The Hon Justice Clyde Croft Mr J D Biggart 1985 Mrs U U Mahatme Mr A W P Guy Dr C R Murray Dr S L Dyson Ms H M Smith Mr A K T Smith Mr R I Morgan Dr M G J Gannon Mr R B Peatman Mr N G Dodd Dr M A S Blackburn HE Mr N M Baker, OBE, MVO Mr S L Rea Mr R J E Hall Mrs J A O'Hara Dr J S Feuerstein Mr J P A Smith Mrs K E Symons Mr I A Murray Mr T D Gardam Mr J S Price Mrs C E Elliott Dr H M Brindley Mr G K Beggerow Ms J M Rowe Dr C C Hayhurst Dr F H Perry Ms L J Forbes Mr B Sulaiman Miss S Tandon Mr & Mrs N D Peace Professor J Gascoigne Mr P L Simon Mr J Erskine Mr P A Cooper Dr I M Bell Mr D W Shores Mr A D Hedley Dr A J Power Mrs J A S Ford Dr K S Tang Mr J A P Thimont Dr A J Reid Mr P A Goodman Dr J A Spencer Mr S R Fox Mrs N Cross Dr A S Brett Mr L A Unwin Dr A D Henderson Mrs P L Power Dr M R Gökmen Mr A Thakkar Mr M Tosic Professor P Robinson Dr M W Green Mr P C Tagari Mr P C Gandy Mr P L Dandiker Mrs J C Cassabois Mr J M L Williams Mr I D Henderson Dr A J Prendergast Dr N G Hammond Mr T J Uglow Dr G S Vassiliou Dr P T Such Dr P J Guider Dr E V J Tanner Ms C A Goldie Mr A R Flitcroft Dr E M Dennison Mr A N E Yates Mr R D Hill Dr M S Sagoo Professor J Harrington Mr E Zambon Miss C H Vigrass 28 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 29

Miss J M Wagstaff Mr A L Eardley Dr & Mrs W C W Cheng Mr & Mrs I A Henderson Dr & Mrs S Motha Mr & Mrs M Spiller The Miss R K Walmsley Miss E M Foster Mr & Mrs D N Chesterfield Dr G B Henning Mr J T & Mrs E H M Mottram Mr & Mrs N F St Aubyn Dr D W A Wilson Miss H A Fraser Dr & Mrs J J Cheung Mr I F & Mrs J R Hepburn Mr & Mrs M Moynihan Dr & Mrs P S Stantchev Dr E Y M G Fung Mr S-M & Mrs C-L Cheung Dr G N Herlitz Mr & Mrs R E Mrowicki Mr & Mrs G Stewart 2001 Mr T W J Gray Mr A P & Mrs D M Chick Dr J S & Dr J J Hilliard Mr & Mrs M L J Munro Mr B C & Mrs M S Stoddard Dr M G Adam Mrs Ann Haines Mr & Mrs Z M Choudrey Mr & Mrs V J Holt Mr & Mrs J Murphy Mr L E & Dr Z Stokes Miss S A Ashurst-Williams The Revd Dr C Hammond Mr I P & Mrs C E Clarke Mr & Mrs H S Hoo Dr * & Mrs J D Murphy Mr R & Mrs S E Sturgeon Stephen Hawking Circle Miss R J Barker Miss A V Henderson Mr B Clément & Mrs C Clément Mr & Mrs N A Horley Mr R A Murphy & Mrs N H Mr & Mrs W Summerbell Mr D S Bedi Mrs T D Heuzenroeder Plancher Mrs A E Howe Brady-Murphy Mr & Mrs M A Supperstone Miss A F Butler Mr J H Hill Mr A D Coleman Mr & Mrs A J Howe Professor G D & Dr L S Murray Mr S & Professor J E Svasti-Salee Mr A C M Butterworth Mr R Holt Mrs E M J Coleman Mrs P M Hudson Mr G I & Mrs E Murrell Mr & Mrs N S Swan he third gathering of the were some very special wines. As Neil drawn the corks on some very special wines Miss L C Butterworth Mr J R Howell Mr & Mrs J Collingwood Miss S J Hullis Dr & Mrs K R Myerson Mr & Mrs R J Sweeney Stephen Hawking Circle took McKendrick (1958), the Chairman of the – those which we call our ‘accolade wines’ Mr J J Cassidy Sir Christopher Hum Mr & Mrs M R Collins Mrs J A B Hulm Mr S Nackvi Mr & Mrs S G Tadros Dr J W Chan Mr J McB Hunter Ms J Conway Mr P E & Mrs L L Hussey Mrs C E Neale Mr & Mrs P Talwar place on Saturday 22nd May Wine Committee said to conclude his wine and which are released only very rarely. Dr C J Chu Mr D J John Mr & Mrs P Cookson Mr & Mrs R Impey Mr & Mrs A T R Nell Mr & Mrs M B Taylor 2010. Benefactors who have Dr C N Clark Mr J R Kelly Mr D W & Mrs K Copley Ms B A Jackson Professor P E Nelson Mr & Mrs N P Taylor notes, “All benefactors deserve to be Some of the bottles that you have been Miss E S Collins Miss M E Kolkenbrock Mr & Mrs R J Corrigan Dr D & Mrs H Jeffreys Mrs J Newsome Mr & Mrs M StJ Tennyson given over £50,000 are invited cherished, but inevitably our most generous offered tonight have been nestling in the Mr E H C Corn Miss K Kudryavtseva Mr & Mrs J M Cox Mr P G & Dr J E Jennings Mr S N T Y & Mrs A W C Ng Dr & Mrs P F Thanisch to join this prestigious group and to attend a benefactors inspire a very special sense of college cellars for well over sixty years – Ms J L Cremer Mr J P Langford Mrs A F Crampin Mr A P H & Mrs S P Johnson Mr K K Nguyen & Mrs P T Duc Mrs E T Thimont T Mr H C P Dawe Dr D J McKeon Mrs O Crick * Mr & Mrs P A C Johnson Mr & Mrs R Nicholls Mr D H Thomas very special dinner with our most celebrated gratitude. For them we feel the need to their grapes were still ripening during the Dr M G Dracos Ms Z Owen Dr W S & Mrs P A Cronan Mr & Mrs R S Johnson Mr & Mrs M W Nicholls Dr R H M & Dr A M Thomas Mr J R Ferm Dr L M Petre-Firth Mr & Mrs R N Crook The Revd Professor D H Jones Mr & Mrs R W Northcott Mr & Mrs N P Thompsell Fellow, Professor Stephen Hawking (1965). respond to their exceptional generosity with final year of the Second World War. I hope Mrs A C Finch Mr H-H Poon Mr & Mrs T W B Cullen Mrs K Jones Maria M Nye Mr & Mrs J E Thompson As guests assembled in the Colyton Hall and an exceptional show of how much they that their appearance tonight will be seen as Dr T J Gardiner Miss F Qu Mr & Mrs P R Culliney Mr N D & Mrs C A Judd Mr D F O’Donoghue Mr Y Tien Miss L D Hannant Miss M-T I Rembert Mr & Mrs I J Curington Mr & Mrs P Karstadt Dr & Mrs J P O'Driscoll Mr H S W & Mrs J To over a glass of Tattinger 2002 Champagne mean to the college. So in our choice of wine testimony to how special an occasion these Mr D Hinton Miss V K C Scopes Mr & Mrs A H Dale Mr A W & Mrs M Katta Mrs C M Omand Mr & Mrs G L Todd they were given the opportunity to have tonight we have pulled out all the stops and dinners are felt to be”. Mr T E Hunt Dr R G Scurr Dr & Mrs P G Darragh Dr M J & Mrs C S Kearney Mr & Mrs B E Padley Mr & Mrs G Tosic Mr R J H Jones Ms L A Shafer Mr & Mrs G J Davie Dr C M & Mrs S Keast Mr & Mrs S G Panter Mr & Mrs H H Trappmann their photograph taken with Professor

Miss F Law Miss A L Sharratt Mr & Mrs F J Davis Mr P Kelley Mr A & Mrs H L Parker Mrs G M M Treanor Hawking. Yao Liang Dr M J Lewis Mr C C S Shawcross Mrs S G Davis Mr P J & Mrs L M Kelley Mr & Mrs C N K Parkinson Mr & Mrs P Treanor Dr P A Lyon Mr G Z-F Tan Mr & Mrs A R W Dawe Ms K N Kennard Mr & Mrs D A Parry Dr S J Treanor The party then moved to the White Professor P Mandler Mr S Tandon Mr & Mrs N F C de Rivaz Mr M P & Mrs A V Kennedy Mr & Mrs N Patani Mr & Mrs P J Trynka-Watson Miss J J-W Mantle Mr G M B Thimont The Revd & Mrs D G Deeks Mrs B N Khan Mr & Mrs C Patel Mr & Mrs J P Tunnicliffe Room where, in a talk entitled My Life: Caius Mr A S Massey Mr J L Todd Mrs M Demetriou Ms S Khan Mr & Mrs K G Patel Mr P W Vann and Physics, Professor Hawking explained his Dr A C McKnight Miss V C Turner Mr & Mrs R S Di Luzio Mr & Mrs J C Kilburn-Toppin Mr K G & Mrs K Patel Dr G Venkat-Raman & Mrs K Raman Dr R J Miller Mr T A Watson Mr & Mrs M F Diviney Mrs M J Kilner Mr J H Pattinson & Mrs M Mr S Vetrivel & Mrs S Rajamanickam fellowship at Caius was a turning point in his Ms S Mital Miss J C Wood Mr & Mrs J P Doddington Ms Y Kim Gressenich-Pattinson Mr M J Vickers life. It meant that he could continue his Mr G R F Murphy Mr & Mrs R H C Doery Mr & Mrs J S Kinghorn Mr & Mrs A Paull Mr & Mrs W D Vincent Mr T K Newby Friends and Parents Mr & Mrs A Dracos Mr & Mrs S A Kingsley Mr R B & Mrs S E Payne Mr & Mrs R von Eisenhart Rothe research, despite his increasing disability. He Dr A K T Parker Professor J V Acrivos Mr L Du & Mrs S Q Yu Mr R A Kitch & Mrs M K Mr & Mrs N D Peace Mr & Mrs D Walke went on to describe the development of his Miss R C Peatman Dr & Dr S Agrawal Mrs A D Ealham Majzoub Mr A D & Dr E Penman Dr & Mrs J D Walker Mr A L Pegg Professor M Alexiou Mr * & Mrs R A Eardley Dr & Mrs M P Knight Mr & Mrs F A Penson Mr & Mrs M J Walsh research and the collaborations that he had Miss A E C Rogers Mr K Al-Janabi & Mrs H Nouras Mr W C & Mrs M M S Earnshaw Mr & Mrs S C-S Ko Mr & Mrs K Pfister Mr & Mrs P R Walton been a part of. He concluded that he could Miss J A Sacks Dr P S & Dr R Allan Mr J Jones & Mrs S A Easton- Mrs F A MacE Komori Dr & Mrs P Pilavakis Mr & Mrs M T Ward Mr K K Shah Mrs W ap Rees Jones Mr & Mrs S K Koo Mr & Mrs R Polyblank Dr & Mrs Warner picture “the origin of the universe as like the Mr S J Sprague Mr & Mrs A W Archer Mrs M H Ebden Mr N J & Dr C M Kroll Mr W F Poon & Ms W L Chan Mr & Mrs R H Warrington Miss F A M Treanor Professor E J Archer Mr & Mrs C N Edelman Mr T W J Lai & Mrs M F Lai Dr S K & Mrs F A Price Mr & Mrs A S Watkins formation of bubbles of steam in boiling Ms R J Warner Mr M R & Mrs J Armond Lady Edwards Leung Mr G S Prior Dr L Wei water. Quantum fluctuations lead to the Dr & Mrs R E Ashton Mr & Mrs P Edwards Mr & Mrs D W Land Mrs K J Prior Mr M J & Mrs S Wellbelove 2002 Mr G W Austin Mr & Mrs A Elahi Mr & Mrs J P Langford Dr A Prochaska Mr R N Weller spontaneous creation of tiny universes out of Mr C D Aylard Mr & Mrs W J Babtie Lady English Mr & Mrs N A Langley Mr S & Mrs A L Purcell Mrs S V Wesley nothing. Most of the universes collapse to Dr J T G Brown Mr & Mrs N J Balmer Mr & Mrs A Espin Mr & Mrs P Lano Mr & Mrs B D Queen Mr I & Dr D C Whaley Ms J H Ceredig-Evans Dr & Mrs X Bao Mr & Mrs P Evans Mr D & Mrs W R Laska Mr E Quintana Mr D R & Mrs T M White nothing, but a few that reach a critical size, Miss L A Clarke Mr & Mrs E R Barker Mr & Mrs P J Everett Mr & Mrs P D Law Dr G J G & Dr C A Rees Mr & Mrs T C J White will expand in an inflationary manner and Miss H M Cooke Mrs C Barr Mr M J & Mrs J L Eyres Professor I & Dr S Lazanu Mr & Mrs M P Reynolds Mr & Mrs I G Whyte Miss C F Dale Mr & Mrs I B Barr Mr & Ms J Fanshawe Mr & Mrs P A Le Versha Professor & Mrs J Rhodes Mrs J Wight will form galaxies and stars, and maybe Miss A L Donohoe Mr & Mrs S Barter Mr & Mrs M J C Faulkner Mr & Mrs M E Lee Mr & Mrs G D Ribbans Mr & Mrs M B Wilkinson beings like us.” Dr J D Flint Mr & Mrs R E Bayliss Mr & Mrs B M Feldman Mr & Mrs H Lennard Mr & Mrs M D Rice Mr J G S Willis & Miss P A Radley Dr E Galinskaya Dr A G Bearn * Mr J C Felton Mr & Mrs A W Leslie Mr & Ms J R Ridgman Mrs A S Willman Dinner of seared foie gras, scallops with Miss A N Grandke Mr C W H & Mrs A P Beck Mrs T Felton Mr & Mrs J M Lester Mr & Mrs D D Ridley Mr P J Wilson smoked bacon, roast fillet of venison and Mr N J Greenwood Dr & Mrs H J Beck Mr & Mrs S Ferdi Dr & Mrs J M Lewis Mr J & Mrs E L Robertson Mr & Mrs W R Wilson Ms G L Haddock Mr & Mrs L H W Becker Mrs M Field Miss P Lewis Mr & Mrs W W Rodger Mr K & Mrs S C Withnall tarte tatin was served in the Panelled Mr T A Hodgson Mr & Mrs C R Berry Mr & Mrs P J Filby Mr & Mrs I P Leybourne Mr C H & Mrs R Roffey Dr & Mrs M O W Wong Mr T R Jacks Mr & Mrs A R Best Mr & Mrs A J Finlayson Mrs S A Lilienthal Mr B G & Mrs S-A Ross Dr A R & Dr H A Wordley Combination Room. A highlight of the dinner The guests gathered in the Panelled Combination Room for dinner. Miss E R James Mr R L Biava Dr & Mrs E Fishwick Mr B H Lim & Mrs S K Teoh Mr & Mrs I R Ross Mr & Mrs J A Z Wright Ms K M Johnson Mr & Mrs L P Bielby Mrs L C Fitzgerald Mr D B & Mrs P A Lloyd Mr & Mrs D Rowland Mr Y Wu & Mrs Y Yuan Miss M F Komori Mr S K & Mrs B J Binning Mr & Mrs L Fleming Mr & Mrs M J Lloyd Dr S McCausland & Mrs A P Dr M Xie & Mrs Y Yang Mr T H Land Mrs M E Birch Mr & Mrs F Fletcher Mr J R & Mrs S N Lodge Russell Professor Q Xu & Dr Y Hu Mr R Mathur Mr & Mrs N W Bishop Mr & Mrs H D Fletcher Mr C J & Mrs P R Lonergan Mr & Mrs P Rutherford Ms E S G Yates Ms J H Meakin Dr S G & Dr L M L Blake Mr & Mrs P E Fletcher Mrs P A Low Dr Y M Saleem Ms A Yonemura Mr P S Millaire Mr G N Block & Miss P M Dr & Mrs R G Fletcher Mr P G & Mrs G E Lydford Mr M & Mrs C A Salt Mr M & Mrs K F Younas Mr C T Myers Beaumont Mr G Frenzel Mr & Mrs J D Lynchehaun Mr K A & Mrs G C Sandford Mrs H E M Young Dr A Patel Mr D M W & Dr S Blood Mrs I Frenzel Mr S & Mrs Y M C Macalister Ms C Sano Professor & Mrs I S Young Dr A Plekhanov Mr M Bogaardt & Ms P M F Mrs A Fritz Mr & Mrs N R W MacDonald Mr & Mrs M D Saunders Mr & Mrs T F B Young Mr S Queen Njissen Mrs K Gale Dr S J & Dr N Mackenzie Dr & Mrs P K Sayal Mr G J Zhang & Ms S H Xiong Mr M B Race Dr J J C & Mrs D G Boreham Professor & Mrs M Ghadiri Mr N I P MacKinnon Wg Cmdr & Mrs G T Scard Mr & Mrs Z Zhang Professor D J Riches Mr & Mrs J Borland Dr M C Gibberd Mrs C Maiguma-Wilson Dr W G H Schartau Mr H Zhou & Mrs J Qi Mr D A Russell Mr & Mrs C C W Bracey Mr & Mrs M J Gilfedder Mrs J M Malcolm Mr A S & Mrs J Schorah Mr S M Zinser Mr A Singh Mr I G & Mrs D J C Bradley Mr & Mrs A J Gill Dr & Mrs H Malem Dr & Mrs A J Schurr Professor R & Dr D Zwirner Mr D W L Stacey Mr P J & Mrs V Bramall Mr & Dr C J Glasson Mr & Mrs S R Maton Mr & Mrs T J Scrase Miss S J Tunnicliffe Mr A C W Brandler Mr & Mrs N S F Glennie Mr & Mrs S Matsis Mr A & Mrs C Scully Corporate Donors Mr C J Wickins Mr M Brenner Mr & Mrs H Golding Mr A L & Mrs L E Matthews Mr A P Seabroke Apax Partners LLP Miss R E Willis Mr & Mrs M H Brent Mrs S Goldstein Mrs V Matthews Dr E S & Mrs J D Searle Bidwells Property Consultants Mr A C Brewer Mr N & Mrs V M Gordon Mr & Mrs M K L Maw Mr & Mrs P Seely BP International Ltd 2003 onwards Mr & Mrs G Britton Mr A Gounaras & Mrs A Mr C G & Mrs A M McCoy Mrs N Shah Caius Club Dr M Agathocleous Mr & Mrs R C Brown Temponera-Gounaras Mr & Mrs P J McDonald Mr & Mrs S G Shah Caius Lodge Mr R B Allen Mrs J E Brown Dr P W Gower & Dr I Lewington His Honour Judge & Mrs D K Dr X Shan & Ms Q Lu Cambridge Wine Merchants Mr J E Anthony Mr & Mrs J W Butler Mr D M & Mrs F S Gray McFarland Mr & Mrs R S D Sharp GDF SUEZ Energy North America Mrs S R Bailey Mr & Mrs R J M Butler Miss J Grierson Mr & Mrs C J M McGovern Mr & Mrs S J Sharratt Goldman Sachs & Co. Mr T A Battaglia Mr R N Butler Mr & Mrs I T Griffiths Dr C K & Dr J E McKnight Dr & Mrs J V Shepherd Irving Fritz Memorial Fund Dr J M Bosten Mr & Mrs G B Campbell Captain & Mrs P J Griffiths Mr R B & Mrs B E McNally Mr J D & Mrs A J Sherlock-Mold Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Mr T C R Bracey Mr & Mrs L F Campbell Mr & Mrs C Haddock Mr A Melchior Mr & Mrs T J M Shipton Program Dr J G S Callaghan Mr & Mrs A A Carruth Mr & Mrs J S Halliday Mr & Mrs J Miall Mr D P & Mrs S Siegler Linklaters Mrs R C E Cavonius Mr P & Mrs J A Carson Ms E Hamilton Mr & Mrs P S Midgley Mr R Sills MBNA International Bank Miss M Chadha Mr M & Mrs I A C Cator Mr & Mrs M J Hamilton Mr J & Mrs E Miller Mr & Mrs A E Simpson Merck Partnership for Giving Dr E A L Chamberlain Mr & Mrs N F Champion Dr J Han & Dr Y Wen Mr & Mrs J E Mills Mrs C Smeaton & Mr J A Kerr Michael Miliffe Memorial Scholarship Mr J A Chowdhury Mr & Mrs G S Chan Mr M S & Mrs M A Handley Mr M S & Mrs A B Milouchev Mr & Mrs A R Smith Fund Yao Liang Mrs J A Collins Dr & Mrs S Chandrasekharan Mr & Mrs P G Harrison Mr D D & Mrs I M Mirams Mrs B Smith Mondrian Investment Partners Back Row, l to r; Christopher Bailey (1959), Richard Wilson (1985), Nigel Simpson (1962), Richard Evans (1978), Simon Morris (1976), Jason Fox, Sir Mr C W J Coomber Mr & Mrs I C Cheetham Mr & Mrs R Hashimoto Mr R Moore Ms C A S Smith Morgan Stanley Christopher Hum (2005), Nigel Farr (1981), Dr Anne Lyon (2001), Professor Yao Liang (1963), Simon Bax (1977), Roy Williams (1962), Adam Landes (1985), Miss H A Cubbage Mrs R A Chegwin Mr M & Mrs D Hawton Mr & Dr C E G Morton Dr M P & Dr S O Snee UBS Michael Maunsell (1960), James Howell (2009), Judith Croasdell & David Simon (1958). Front Row, l to r; Shirley Bailey (2009), Anna Wilson (1985), Kay Dr V Dokchitser Mr C Chen & Mrs C Zheng Mr & Mrs T Hayes Mr & Mrs D J Moseley Professor R J Sokol Simpson, Lydia Evans, Florence Hayward, Professor Stephen Hawking (1965), Briony Bax, Deborah Williams, Amanda Landes, Harriet Maunsell & Sarah Simon.

* deceased We also wish to thank those donors who prefer to remain anonymous 30 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 31 Yao Liang stream turbines. He has published over forty papers in this field, with four of his papers being awarded annual Best Paper Awards by the American Society of Mechanical Five New College Engineers and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Before moving to Cambridge in 2001 Rob held a Junior Research Fellowship at New College, Oxford and undertook his undergraduate and DPhil Lectureships! at St Catherine's. There have been some very generous donations to the 1958 Lectureship Fund, ransforming Tomorrow, the individuals and two by year groups. The fifth Margaret Mead Won the Second World War including those from Lord Simon of Development Campaign has been funded for the next three years by and Lost the Cold War. He is a Vice President Highbury, Sir Keith Stuart, Sir Douglas Myers brochure published in 2007, the Caius Fund largely as a result of the 2010 of the Royal Historical Society. and David Skidmore, but perhaps the most identified that one of the Telephone Campaign. Last year the College decided that when extraordinary thing about this year group is Shirley Bailey signing the Benefactors’ Book at the Service of Commemoration of Benefactors in Chapel unique strengths of a Christopher Bailey (1959) and his wife a donation of over £500,000 is made, in November 2009. Also admitted as Gonville Fellow Benefactors were her husband Christopher Bailey, the number of donors to the cause. More TCambridge education is the College-based Shirley (2009) have endowed the Bailey couples could choose to be admitted as and Annie Haines. small group supervision system which Lectureship, with a preference that it be in Gonville Fellow Benefactors together. As this Dan White emphasises individual learning and Economics, which Christopher read, or decision was to be applied retrospectively to Lectureship. Peter Vos and David Hulbert these days Caius graduates are top achievers encourages argument and debate. It is the History, which was studied by his son the partners of existing Gonville Fellow (both 1969) were so inspired by the and contributors to their communities, Fellows of the College that are primarily Jonathan (1987). Christopher feels that his announcement of the 1956 College Lecturer disciplines and businesses. Caius is Nigel Simpson responsible for the delivery of this aspect of time at Caius, 50 years ago, set the course of at the Benefactors’ Dinner in 2008 that they meritocratic and international – its standards the teaching of our undergraduates. The his future life, lifting his horizons and giving decided to see if they could emulate the are always the highest. Forty years have majority of these Fellows receive their prime him the confidence to grasp the achievement to celebrate the fortieth flown by, but have proved the importance of stipend from the University (UTOs or opportunities which arose. After Cambridge, anniversary of their matriculation. They the education we received, and I feel a duty University Teaching Officers), but some are Christopher qualified as an accountant and approached the Director of Development, Dr to enable others to follow in our footsteps.” funded entirely by the College (CTOs). In joined the civil engineering group Brown & Anne Lyon (2001) with the proposal and With particularly generous donations both cases, the College also has to provide a Jackson, eventually becoming its joint formed a Committee comprising themselves from the members of the Committee and room for teaching, dining rights and payment Chairman. With his business partner he and their contemporaries Richard Field, Mark from Andreas Papathomas and Nick Sallnow- for carrying out supervisions for the College transformed the company into a retailing Eaton and Professor David Ellar, and together Smith, a total of £300,000 was raised within and for holding other College offices, such as conglomerate, owning a wide variety of planned a Ruby Reunion. Over fifty Caians twelve months, so that Dr Rob Miller (2001) Tutorships. To endow the College with brands including the Poundstretcher chain of and their partners assembled in September could be appointed as the 1969 College sufficient to fund a College Lectureship for a stores and the security alarms business, ATI. 2009 for a day of reminiscences and Lecturer in time for the beginning of the CTO requires a capital sum of £1 million and, The first holder of the Bailey College celebrations, concluding with a fine dinner in 2010-11 academic year. In addition to his for a UTO, £300,000 Lectureship is Peter Mandler (2001), Hall. During the day, they enjoyed tours of College duties, Rob is also the University Gonville Fellow Benefactors John Haines (1949) The 1969 College Lecturer, Dr Rob Miller (2001). In response to this call, individuals, or University Professor of Modern Cultural and his wife Annie (2009) at the Commemoration new College facilities such as the Stephen Reader in Energy Technology at the Whittle groups, came forward and the College was History. Raised in Southern California, Peter Feast in 2009. Hawking Building and the Cockrell Library, Laboratory. The aim of his research is to

James Howell and an exhibition of treasures from the develop technologies which will reduce than one third of the year group supported Benefactors, Annie Haines (2009) was offered College Archives. greenhouse gas emissions. He works widely this appeal following their Golden Jubilee this honour and accepted. This decision also In his speech at dinner Peter Vos said: “I with industry, presently undertaking research Reunion in 2008. The first holder of the 1958 meant that when Christopher and Shirley feel passionately that education is the future, projects with Rolls Royce, Mitsubishi Heavy College Lectureship is Dr Dino Giussani Bailey made their donation, there were three not just of our country, but globally. Caius is Industries and Siemens on conventional fossil (1996), University Reader in Developmental new Gonville Benefactors to admit at the at the forefront, providing ‘the best of the fuel based technologies, such as jet engines Cardiovascular Physiology and Medicine, who Commemoration of Benefactors service in best’ to people who then go out into every and land based gas turbine power stations; works on the prenatal origins of heart Chapel in November 2009. field of endeavour. Whatever their subjects, and on renewable technologies such as tidal disease. Nick Sallnow-Smith (1969) lives in Hong The fifth College Lecturer is being Kong and coordinates a very active group of James Howell funded, not in perpetuity, but for the next Caians there. He recently hosted a dinner for three years, as a result of the generosity of Members of the Court of Benefactors there all those donors who gave to the Caius Fund (L to R) Sir Christopher Hum (2005), Shirley Bailey (2009), Professor Peter Mandler (2001) the Bailey to meet the Master and Director of on the 2010 Telephone Campaign. The 2010 College Lecturer, Christopher Bailey (1959) and Dr Anne Lyon (2001) at Norwich to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the birth of Dr Caius. Development on their recent visit (see page Caius Fund College Lecturer is Dr Helen Mott 33). Although Nick read Engineering at Caius, (2005), the Assistant Director of Research in able to establish three lectureships: the Neil was educated at Oxford and Harvard, and he always wished that he had studied the University Department of Biochemistry. McKendrick History Lectureship, endowed by has taught modern British history on both Philosophy instead. He has therefore decided Helen runs a research team working on the his former students and friends for a CTO; sides of the Atlantic since 1980. His books to support the study of Philosophy through structures and functions of small G proteins, the John Haines Lectureship for a UTO, include The Fall and Rise of the Stately Home funding a lectureship, and Dr Alex Oliver the molecular switches that control many of currently held by Dr David Summers (1974); (1997), History and National Life (2002), and (1993) has been appointed as the first holder the fundamental processes in cells. and the 1956 Lectureship for a UTO which The English National Character: The History of of this position. Dr Oliver is a Reader in the “In the last year, we have made great was funded by the year group to celebrate an Idea from Edmund Burke to Tony Blair University Department of Philosophy and progress in safeguarding the supervision the Golden Jubilee of their matriculation. (2006). He is currently writing a book about also lectures at the Judge Business School. system at Caius,” says Dr Anne Lyon, the Building on the success of this initiative, the anthropologist Margaret Mead and her His research is in the fields of metaphysics, Director of Development “but there is still a five new College Lectureships have been application of ideas about 'national logic and the philosophy of mathematics and long way to go until this hallmark of a established in the last year. Four of these character' to international relations, under of public affairs. Cambridge education is secured for posterity have been endowed for posterity, two by the title Return from the Natives: How Nick is also a donor to the 1969 The 1969 Ruby Reunion attendees in front of the Gate of Honour. at the College.” 32 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 33

o celebrate the 500th n April 2010 the Master, Anniversary of the Birth of Sir Christopher Hum Dr Caius, a special Festal Festal Evensong at (2005) and the Director Evensong took place at of Development, Dr Norwich Cathedral on Anne Lyon (2001) TSunday 24 October 2010. The Dean of travelledI to Hong Kong and Norwich, the Very Revd Graham Smith, by James Howell (2009) Beijing. In a trip extended as a had invited the Dean of Caius, the Revd result of the Volcanic ash cloud, Dr Cally Hammond (2005) to preach the they met Caians and supporters

Sermon, and the College Choir to join James Howell All photos: of the College in both places with Cathedral Choir to mark this and attended a Dinner for quincentenary in the city of John Caius’ Members of the Court of birth. The Master and Fellows were also Benefactors, hosted by Nick Dinner for members of the Court of Benefactors in Hong Kong. Back, from left, Paul Rhodes invited to take part in a procession at the Sallnow-Smith (1969) in Hong (1996), Peter Langslow (1981), Nick Sallnow-Smith (1969), Sir Christopher Hum (2005), beginning of the service. Kong. Caians should make a Raymond Leung (1986), Kean Li Wong (1990). Front, from left, Kalvin Rhodes, Lady Hum, A substantial party from the College note that next year’s Hong Kong Lora Sallnow-Smith, Dr Anne Lyon (2001), Clara Leung, Gemma Wen. travelled to Norwich, stopping first at the lunch will take place on Tuesday plaque in King Street, set up to 29 March, with the dinner for commemorate the place where Caius was Members of the Court of born on 6 October 1510. After seeing St World Benefactors on Monday 28 Ethelreda’s Church, where Caius was March. The party will also visit probably baptised, the Dragon Hall and Kuala Lumpur for a reception for the chapel and cell of Lady Julian of Caians there on Friday 31 March. Norwich, the party moved on to the In the last year the Master, cathedral, where Professor Binski Dr Anne Lyon and Deputy (1975) gave them a tour of the Director, James Howell (2009) C11th foundation. made two trips to the United A superb programme States, hoping to meet as many Professor Binski (1975) showing the Caius party the developing style of architecture Cai of music began with around the Cloister which was begun in 1297 but not completed until 1430. Caians as possible. The first trip, Annie Lydford (2009), in December 2009 coincided Beijing Reception for Caians and friends. Left to right, Zhang Xin, Mark Buck (1971), Yingjun the Wilfrid Holland Left: Plaque in King Street, Norwich commemorating the birthplace of John Caius. with the Cambridge in America Yang, Lady Hum, Xinmin Zhao, Shihu Wang (1988), Michael Humpries (1972),Yan Huang Zhao, Organ Scholar playing celebrations to mark the end of Jeffrey Li, Weibei Li (1992), Zang-E Xie, Shuangxi Liu (1993), Min Liu (2005), H.E. Sebastian Wood, Dr Anne Lyon (2001), Sir Christopher Hum (2005), Mrs Ming Li, Guang Li (1990), Na Xu, the organ voluntary, the 800th Anniversary of the Annabel Cleeve (1988), James Cleeve (1986), Paul Tan (1994), Limin Jin (1999). Allabreve BWV 589 by University. As well as meeting J S Bach, and included up with Caians at the New York settings of the Reception, they attended the Magnificat and Nunc gala event at Gotham Hall, at Dimittis by Charles Wood which Sir David Frost (1958) was (1889).The highlight was the a speaker. first performance of a new In October 2010 more than anthem by Robin Holloway (1967), forty Caians and friends Portae eternales, especially composed for gathered at the New York Yacht the quincentenary celebrations. Club, for a reception generously Many Caians attended the service as hosted by the Honorable John did clergy and parishioners from Blofield, Lehman (1965) and Professor Brooke, Foulden, Hockwold, Lavenham, Peter Walker (1960).The Long Stratton, Mutford, Oxborough, reception was held in the Model Caians gathered in the Model Room of the New York Yacht Club. Swanton Morley, and Worthing where the Room, designed by Whitney College is Patron. Festal Evensong in Norwich Cathedral. Warren in 1898 which is decorated with carved seaweed, shells and sea-monsters and has three huge galleon-style bay windows extending out over the sidewalk of West 44th Street. The display cases house the world’s largest collection of model yachts and the walls hold more than 1200 half-models of yacht and ship hulls. The Master and Dr Lyon moved on to Vancouver where a Reception in Vancouver. Back, from left, Catherine Mason, Lisa Cooper (1987), Diana Dorey further twenty six Caians and (1986), Nev Hircock (1966), Rita Beny, Sir Christopher Hum (2005), Graham Kelsey (1953), supporters met at the residence Gordon Walker (1958), Greg Blue (1978), Allan Seckel (1985). Front, from left, Wendy Stephen, Professor Robin Holloway (1967) listening to of the British Consul General, Mr Mary MacMillan, Alexander MacMillan (1952), Mahmood Ahamed (1962),Yasmin Ahamed, the choir rehearsing Portae eternales, in the Alex Budden. Andrew Mason (1976), Corisande Percival Smith, Anne Lyon (2001), Henry Litherland (1944), The Master, Fellows and Caians with the Dean of Norwich, the Very Revd Graham Smith, after the service. Cathedral before the service. Robin Percival Smith (1950), Mr Alex Budden. new boatasoneoftheprojects fundedby for includingthe proposal topurchase the ofCBCandparticularly long-term support her for thanked Anne Dr Altham speech his In (2001) afterwhom theboatwas named. Dr Anne Lyon Director ofDevelopment, DrJimmy Altham (1965)Treasurer, andthe Senior the (1962); Wade Martin CBC, thePresident of Christopher Hum (2005); Sir consistedoftheMaster, party launch The Four. magnificent new Ladies’ Empacher Two newshellsforCaiusBoatClub 34 M the Caius Fund 2009, as part ofthe2009 aspart the CaiusFund 2009, Once aCaian... eehn apin The new Four will Telephone Campaign. make ahuge contribution to enabling ourrowing women to most fittingtonameitafter Anne civ hi ulptnil and achieve theirfullpotential, Jimmy emphasisedthatitwas in recognition ofherwork for h olg.Replying, the College. Anne thanked Jimmy for February its tolaunch Boathouse onSunday 21 gathered atthe Caius BoatClub embers andfriends of The new Eightwas inhonourofRevd Jack thanks tothegenerosity ofMartin Wade. which was purchased Eight, Empacher the took placetolaunch the positive impactoflastyear’s campaign.” having felt the Telephone Campaignthisyear, itinspired metotake in part improvement; helping tomotivate thecrew andfacilitate “It’s beenreally usefultothegirls: Four: enthuses aboutthenew student callerteam, member ofthe2010 Telephone Campaign a Meanwhile Roma Kanabar (2009), training.” extensively during therest oftheterm’s andplanonusingher University IVs, They rowed theirfirst race intheboat of the Caius women are delightedtohave theuse “The saying: Women’s Captain, Butler (2008), withCaughlin addition tothecollection, clear thatshehasbeenawelcome anduseful the whole oftheDevelopment Office. of theCollege of isateameffort onthepart that engaging thelife ouralumnitosupport his kindwords andgraciously pointedout Three months laterasecondgathering Since the launch ofthe Since thelaunch Anne Lyon in theirregular training. Jack McDonald Anne Lyon (2005) & Martin (2005) &Martin Wade (1962). SirChristopher Hum DrJimmyDr Anne LyonAltham (1965), (2001), Glassesraised ofthe atthelaunch Left: I couldn’t bemore thrilled”. “The boatisabsolutely superand McDonald(1995): Jack Above: ySry asr Annual Fundby Officer Soraya Nassar, itis , ,an The much toCaiusBoatClub”. much carrying thenameofsomeonewho gave so and aninspiration torace insomething “It’s anamazingboat, Carson (2008)tellsus: Men’s CaptainFinlay of CaiusBoaties. warmly received by thecurrent generation oet.The moment”. he said “proved tobeavery proud which celebrate ofthenew thelaunch Eight, the BoatClubcametogether inMay to joined by various members andfriends of accompanied by members ofhisfamily and should alsobeacknowledged. that hisown inthetriumphs oftheCBC part itwas nevertheless agreed by all Tony Baker, totheCaptainsandboatman, Caius”, maturity andgrace ofthestudents effort, Treasurership to “the determination, success oftheBoatClubduring his has inthepastmodestly attributed the While himself Jack on theCaiusBoathouse. and earntheright toconstruct tower aclock VIIIs achieve fifteenheadshipsineightyears Senior Treasurer oftheCBCsaw theFirst who inhisdecadeas McDonald (1995), Jack McDonald So itwas McDonald, thatJack Jack McDonald Anne Lyon in actionduring theMays 2010. Lefttoright, .

has beenmost

Richard Lyon Richard

Carson Family Carson Cambridgeshire Collection Cambridgeshire n,mr eety derelict (right). more recently, and, The Fish inearlierdays &Duck (above) pleased toreceive for publicationat: caimemories@ We are always CaiMemories CaiMemories usd.W a oso ieadnblsadteget oldi.Asurprising number ofthemhadmanaged tofind We hadlotsofwineandnibblestheguestsrolled in. outside. Astheweather was finewe justemptiedthepubofallitstablesandchairs andputthemonthegrass the Ely road. lashed totheotherandamerryconvoy setoff with Tom sittingatthepianoplaying away asthetruck setoff down and thenagain attheendwhen they were leaving. Paul Scammellvolunteered tomanthelevel crossing untilallthepeoplehadarrived which was grudgingly accepted; We cameupwithacompromise from far andwideitwould beaphysical impossibilitytostopthemcoming. Over ahundred peoplewere coming We said there was noway we couldcanceltheparty. unmanned level crossing. arrived go andsaidthey couldnotlettheparty aheadasthey were worried abouttoomany peopleusingthe The day dawned fineandwe oftheparty were onaeuphoric crest ofawave whenthe placedown. thepolice This involved afew heavy hours ofmanual labourdigging litterandwashing outthechicken where we coulddance. andthentoget& Duck aboattoferry themdown tothepub. PlanBinvolved renting adouble-decker bustotake ourinvitees toaspotupriver from theFish not have thelicence. sinceitwas licensedpremises andwe did the policehaddeterminedthatwe couldnotusethepubfor ourparty, Inadditionthey saidthat could notcontemplateparty-going undergraduates scampering around therailway line. 10minutes during thenightandthey Coal trains ran upanddown thatlineevery wasthat ourscheme doomed. Usher andIwere summonedtotherailway inCambridge headquarters tobeadvisedby somesombre gentlemen Charles Following Jo’s approach toherfather, happenedtorun theEasternRegion ofBritish Rail. Wykeham-Fiennes, which seemedallthemore likely tosucceedsincethefather ofoneourNewnham friends –Jo Twisleton- andtravel partners arrangements. the guestlistwiththree columnsindicatingattendance, Istillhave alistinJames Learmonth’s tidy script of –inthosedayspartner almostexclusively blokes bringing birds. The next problem was tofindouthow many guestswould like tobring theirown someindividualguests. to pick Then we allowed host each a listofourtoptenguestsandthosethatappeared more thanoncewere definitely in. sowe allmade We hadalargeDrawing number ofmutual friends, upaguestlistwas anearly andchallenging task. John Blowers Jackson. andNick Jim Honeybone, myself, Paul Scammell, James Learmonth, CharlesUsher, Road: The hostswere centred uponthosewho haddigsat2Mortimer celebrate theendofthree splendidyears atCaius. Itwas ourlastyear andwhat away to Andthatwas it. “What avenue for aparty!” excitement when Isuggested: Ourdisappointmentchanged to although thedoors were openandthepubstablechairs were allinplace. revisit theFish andafterthelongtrek &Duck we were greatly disappointedtofindthepubemptyandabandoned, Allquiteidyllic! crossing. track andanunmannedlevel only road accesswas over arough was apubfor river traffic andthe West This River atHoltFen nearEly. theGreat OuseandtheOld Cam, thejunctionof Popes Corner, quaint establishmentsituatedat atruly ended upat The Fish & Duck, We a different pubfor Sunday lunch. McCallum’s Ford Prefect insearch of when acrowd ofussetoffin Tom It allbegan inthesummerof1960, John Kelly (1958) o calmhdmngdt uli nodurgtpaofo oehr n iku rc.Soonewas Tom McCallumhadmanaged topurloinanoldupright pianofrom somewhere truck. andapick-up The next challenge was toconvert acapaciousoutsideshedfrom what housetoanarea hadbeenachicken a procedure Our first thoughtwas torent atrain totake guestsuptothenearby unmannedlevel crossing, About ayear laterwe decidedto closed again lastyear andhassincebeendemolished. but favourite watering holeofinlandwaterway enthusiasts, The Fish didre-open &Duck andwaspitfalls a putintheirway. that they achieved alltheirexpectations inspiteofallthe memorable evening was hadby felt allandthehostscertainly A ferry were taken advantage ofby only aboutadozenpeople. cars orget liftsinoneandsoourextravagant plans for busand ...Always aCaian


Todd Mize Todd McCallum Tom 36 Once a Caian...... Always a Caian 37

Wolfgang Hackenberg (1988) Ronnie Thomson (1955) Harold Abrahams (1919) in action at the AAA Championships in 1924. The quest to understand nature is symbolized in an aesthetically most pleasing and scientifically In Issue 7, Brian Whitaker astute way by the sundials of the Gate of Honour. Whilst the gate was built more than four (1957) wrote about the Cuppers hundred years ago in 1575, the sundials that we see today are a result of a restoration carried out winning athletics team of 1958, in 1963. Since then they have been watching silently over many rotations of the planet; remarkable and how Harold Abrahams keepers of the constancy of time and reminders of nature’s fundamentals beneath changing human (1919), winner of the gold behaviours. I remember these sundials with great affection. They remind me of some of the most medal for the 100m at the Paris carefree and enjoyable years of my life, although I don’t suppose I realised it then. The sundials are Olympics of 1924 and hero of one of the most graphic memories I have of Caius, one that I am fond of and that I treasure. And of the 1981 Oscar winning film course this resonates with the physicist inside me; I was at the Cavendish from Chariots of Fire, attended the 1988-93. celebratory dinner. Ronnie Much later, it dawned on me one day, that I now owned a stone wall myself, one Thomson, the Captain of the that was located in the northern hemisphere and looking south, and one on which team which actually won both I was free to do to anything I wanted, as it was a part of my own home, facing the Cuppers and the Inter-College garden. Some readers may guess what is to come next, but how on earth do you Relay competitions, sent in his calculate the exact angles of the hour lines of a sundial, from its geographic position Menu for the dinner, signed by Wolfgang and the orientation of its surface in space? Not an insignificant problem. However, Hackenberg (1988), many members of the team and also by Abrahams Fate had made provision, in the form of my Cambridge love Christina who later up his ladder in 2005. himself. Ronnie remembers that during the course decided to marry me and has populated the house in question with three children, of dinner, Abrahams pointed out that the last time but her key merit (from this particular point of view, I should say) was that she had a Inset: Midsummer Caius had achieved this Athletics double, was under Day at 48º 04’ father who turned out to be not only a scientist in fluid dynamics, but a keen amateur astronomer as well. Dr Theo 42.40’’ N and 11º 40’ his captaincy in 1922. Menu from the Hottner has a passion for sundials, had all the right formulae and passed the knowledge of how to apply them on to 50.20’’ E. Harry Knox (1955), who was also present, 1958 dinner, me. As a result, the summer of 2005 saw me up a ladder, manoeuvring rulers, fine paintbrushes and light blue and gold remembers most of the names, many of whom were signed by Harold Abrahams at the paint, trying to recreate this very personal memory of mine. better known for their prowess at other sports. centre bottom. Thomson, of course, was a famous international rugby wing three quarter and Pat Mills (1957) was another wing, winning rugby blues in ’58 & ’59. Brion Weller (1955) was a burly Julian Walker and second row forward whilst Roger Christian (1957) was a fine scrum half and golf blue. Jeremy Procter (1956) was Captain of Henry Litherland (1944) Bill Packer, Caius College cricket and the University hockey. In the article entitled Bathing Bill in the last issue of Once a Caian…, I was interested to read that this memorable event occurred on 10 November 1950. The fact that this day Howard Merrick (1960) & Ceridwen Merrick would have been a Friday leads me to believe that the stunt in question took place not in 1950, but in 1951. To corroborate this, I have a collection of 10 colour slides taken on 10 Although it is 46 years since we left the UK we continue to enjoy hearing news from Cambridge November 1951, a Saturday, of Poppy Day in Cambridge which include a photo of Julian and on trips back, if there is an opportunity to visit, we do so. A must is a walk around Newnham Walker, dressed as an Arab, giving Bill Packer a bath outside Caius. I wrote the date on the Cottage where, for a time, we lived in Flat F. On our most recent visit, two years ago, we noticed backs of the slides soon after they came back from being developed. that there were “Dr” residents as opposed to our time when it was “hope to be Drs!”. Most of the photos are not directly connected with Caius but give a good idea of the fund We recall that Canon Hugh Montefiore (1954) recognized the need for accommodation for raising activities for the Earl Haig Poppy Fund. One however, shows a great Caius married research students and was instrumental in having Newnham Cottage used for the purpose. success on the Cam; Jeremy Kilner (1949) winning the barrel race across the Cam at And it was a house with a history; we recall seeing a photo of Lord Rutherford sitting outside the big the Mill Pond. Jeremy told me that, as Honorary Secretary of Caius Boat Club, he Barrel race across the Cam – downstairs centre window. Compared with our previous accommodations in Cambridge it was sheer luxury and its location was spectacular. Norman, the head porter at Harvey Court, took us under his was able to borrow a 56 lb weight from the boathouse which he put in the bottom Jeremy Kilner of the barrel to stabilise it, thus enabling him to navigate to a famous win. wing and we particularly remember the lovely garden and gardeners. The remaining slides show a procession of floats through town, led by Lady This oasis was to be put to good use by us when, in March 1964, Newnham Cottage gained Godiva on a white horse, and including one of an Eastern potentate with his another resident with the arrival of our new son, Gareth Paul. When he would not go to sleep at harem and another of a slave auction. I am amazed that the ladies of the harem night Daddy and other residents would walk him around the grounds! We remember several weeks were so scantily dressed on a cool November day! There was also “Punt Jousting” after his birth, amid our coming to grips with parenthood and nappies everywhere, a surprise visit on the Backs and “Walking the Plank” off Silver Street Bridge into the cool waters from Lady Mott. Paul was soon joined by Rachel de la Hoyde, daughter of the Rev’d Denys de la of the Cam below. Hoyde (1954) who made her entry into the world in Newnham Cottage. Later Denys christened Paul in Gonville & Caius Chapel, not in a font but in a silver bowl borrowed from the Master’s Lodge. It was very sad leaving Flat F, but we would not have been able to stay there indefinitely, and no- one can take from us the wonderful, happy memories we have of this time in our lives. We will Walking the plank, always be grateful to the College for giving us this privilege. Pop p y Da y 1951. Silver Street Bridge Yao Liang Girton Boat in Market Square Dick Jarrett (1929) Congratulations to Dick Jarrett (1929) seen here celebrating his 100th Birthday with his

In theEmmanuel Stocks outside College daughter, Virginia, son in law, Richard and granddaughters, Holly, Venetia and Rosanna.

Eastern Potentate and Harem EVENTS & REUNIONS FOR 2010/11

Lent Full Term begins ...... Tuesday 18 January

Development Campaign Board Meeting ...... Tuesday 1 March

Second Year Parents’ Hall ...... Thursday 17 & Friday 18 March

Lent Full Term ends ...... Friday 18 March

Telephone Campaign begins...... Saturday 19 March

Annual Gathering (1990, 1991 & 1992) ...... Tuesday 22 March

MAs’ Dinner ...... Friday 25 March Hong Kong Dinner for Members of the Court of Benefactors ...... Monday 28 March

Hong Kong Reception ...... Tuesday 29 March

Kuala Lumpur Reception ...... Thursday 31 March

Caius Club Dinner ...... Friday 8 April

Easter Full Term begins ...... Tuesday 26 April

Stephen Hawking Circle Dinner ...... Saturday 21 May

Easter Full Term ends ...... Friday 17 June

May Week Party for Benefactors ...... Saturday 18 June

Caius Club Bumps Event...... Saturday 18 June

Caius Medical Association Meeting & Dinner ...... Saturday 25 June

Graduation Tea ...... Thursday 30 June

Annual Gathering (up to & including 1959)...... Tuesday 5 July

Admissions Open Days ...... Thursday 7 & Friday 8 July

Annual Gathering (1968, 1969 & 1970) ...... Saturday 24 September

...always aCaian

Editor: James Howell

Editorial Board: Dr Anne Lyon, Dr Jimmy Altham & Soraya Nassar

Design Consultant: Tom Challis

Artwork and production: Cambridge Marketing Limited

Gonville & Caius College Trinity Street Cambridge CB2 1TA United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1223 339676

Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity No. 1137536