WWE: Summerslam Filled With Crazy Finishes And Drama

Author : Robert D. Cobb

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]With WWE's Summerslam in the books, here a few things that stood out.

Terrible finish to the Cena vs Rollins match. It was a great match, but the John Stewart interference made no sense. Also, Rollins looked horrible in the Power Rangers costume he came out in.

Since won at Wrestlemania they have done nothing with him. Further proof after his loss last night, that they don’t trust him anymore because of his off screen behavior and also injury riddled past. As soon as Shaemeus won, I knew he wouldn’t cash in the MITB. They always lose the night they cash in, earlier on the card.

Dean Ambrose and vs The Wyatt Family was excellent. Roman Reigns is getting better each time out, the fans still struggle to get behind him, but that won’t stop his push. He is doing all the right things.

Cesaro vs Owens stole the show! Two future main eventers right there!

Stardust (Cody Rhodes) proved once again while he is the most underrated performer on the card. He has talent in his blood and can be the future of the WWE, I have no idea why they won’t put him over. He carried “The Green Aero “ last night. Also, Neville is amazing! He is the best high flyer on the main roster.

The Lesnar vs Taker match was incredible. 10x better than there contest at Wrestlemania 30. It had plenty of action and kept fans guessing. The ending was done perfectly with the bad referee call of not seeing Taker tap. These guys set up the rubber match perfectly for Wrestlemania 32 in Dallas.

All in all, a solid card. 7 stars out of 10.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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