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[email protected] GRG 26/5/4 Photographic portraits of South Australian soldiers, sailors and nurses who took part in World War One Series This series was collected by the administration Description department of the then Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia, between 1918 and 1952. Each photograph is accompanied by a 'particulars sheets' giving full name, date of birth, date of enlistment, trade or calling, birthplace, address prior to enlistment, rank, number, unit and distinctions. The reverse has the signature and address of sender. Series date range 1918 - 1952 Agency State Library of South Australia Responsible Access Open Determination Contents The photographs are arranged alphabetically by the surname of the individual. A - Z Note: The photographs are also available in the State Records‘ Flickr album at: sa/albums/72157626501163158 9 January 2017 GRG 26/5/4 Special List to Photographic Portraits of South Australian Soldiers, Sailors and Nurses engaged in World War One 1914-1919 HOW TO USE THIS SOURCE Order by completing a Request Form, quoting GRG 26/5/4 and the photo number as the Reference Number For example: GRG 26/5/4/1508 WW1 Soldier Index - GRG 26/5/4 ABBREVIATIONS LIST Corps identification has been abbreviated as indicated in the following listing. Double entries, e.g. '1 OB, 32B', indicate that at some stage the individual transferred from one unit to another.