SongWritersNotes 27 Years Supporting San Diego Songwriters Volume XXVII • October 2009 The San Diego Songwriters Guild SDSG Renaissance While SDSG has always striven to SDSG has a rich history of sup- offer its members the services and porting San Diego writers, reaching
[email protected] value they deserved, we have some- back to 1982 when the organization 858 270 7169 (Sandi Shaner) times fallen short, due largely to the was started by Palomar Community challenges faced by a non-profit or- College songwriting instructor Dot- 3368 Governor Drive ganization in a very profit-motivat- tie Beck and seventeen of her stu- Suite F-326, SD, CA 92122 ed world. Recently, the times have dents. Dottie’s goal was to provide been challenging for us all. I don't education and support for those 2009 SDSG Board of Directors need to recount the reasons or the interested in pursuing the craft of President Sandi Shaner Vice President Tim Turner effects; the impact of the recession songwriting. Over the years, the Treasurer Richard Widney has been felt across economic and Guild developed into an important Secretary Ann Rettic social boundaries. asset for local writers & artists. It Webmaster John Pape Having been a member of SDSG is the Guild’s aim to stimulate both since 1992, I'm happy to report the craft and the business of song- that SDSG writing by Advisors Bridget Brigitte SDSG is introducing its very Mark Charles Hattersley is alive and serving pub- well, reju- own Economic Stimulus Package lished and Photographer Steve Covault venated by unpublished an influx of energy and experience writers working in all popular mu- In this edition..