
Volume 26 Issue 1 January 2019

money goes to elect non-partisan The President’s candidates for their support of letter carrier causes. It's your future. See you at the January meeting for the Report installation of your branch officers. by Frank Spathanas Shorthand From the Secretary Happy New Year everyone. I by Frank Quartarone would like to begin this report with a quick look back at 2018. Let's begin with how local management has treated us this past year. Back Installation of Branch BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY- in February management, with their HEALTHLY-PROSPEROUS 2019 TO wisdom, changed all installations Officers With Coalation THE MEMBERS OF BRANCH 7 !!! start times. This was done because @NEXT KUDOS & THANKS TO THE LET- of a mail flow issue. So, later start Union Meeting TER CARRIERS OF BRANCH 7 FOR times means later end times. This AGAIN DELIVERING FOR OUR brought us to the next issue of the January 9, 2019 PATRONS –THIS HOLIDAY SEA- "WOO". Management wanted us 7 P.M. Sharp!! SON OF 10-12 HOUR DAYS- back with all mail delivered by 6:30 MUCHO PARCELS-EARLY DARK- to meet the window of operations. NESS-YOU ARE THE FACE OF THE Which brought us to the summer wondered and asked me how PO !!! and vacations and the lack of staff- much did the no lunch attributed YEARLY REMINDERS ing by management. Which in turn to all the accidents we had. I If you have moved or changed your destroyed the "WOO" to get the asked him how many accidents name, notify your station steward or mail delivered. So, to try to get the we had at this time last year. He me, as to update our files and notify mail delivered, management of- responded only 2. I responded national. P.S.-We don’t share that info fered "no lunches" at the end of the there was a direct correlation, last with anyone or group. If you want a day to give carriers a chance to at year when we had a "no lunch" NALC Membership Card-SEE ME-If least see their families at the end of policy we had only 2 accidents you want a NALC Membership Pin their tour. Then the OIG, while and when you took away the "no (starting at 25 years to75 years at 5 looking into clock rings that man- lunch" the accidents increased. year intervals)-SEE ME agement was stealing time from He was not amused. My hope is The Branch offers a memorium to de- ceased members and their immediate carriers, stumbled upon all the no in 2019 results in better treatment family members (Husband/Wife, Son/ lunch punches in the Lynn district for our letter carriers with dignity and respect. I really don't want to Daughter, Brother/Sister)-Notify your that has been a past practice for station steward or Me. Your privacy or years. Guess what? There will be hear his disingenuous compli- ments of how he appreciates how non-disclosure is honored and respect- no more "no lunches"! It was ed. SEE ME AT (781) 289-0590 grieved. We won. Postmaster says hard we work and then continues to make our job more difficult than TRUMP’S PO it's a safety issue and was stopped On December 4, 4 months past its re- again. It was grieved again and it has to be. I will try to hold the Postmaster to his word that we lease date, Prez Trump’s Task Force now will go to arbitration. Speaking Report on improving the PO was re- of safety, our installation had 11 will not have to go through anoth- er summer we just had and to leased. It didn’t call for complete pri- accidents in the first month of the vatization, BUT let’s say it made it quarter. This led to increased street have the installation properly staffed. Looking forward to 2019, closer. Some “recommendations” were: supervision to crack down on carri- reducing days of delivery, opening the ers because we all must be work- our National Agreement is going to expire. With the economy and mailbox to private companies, end col- ing in an unsafe manner. Forget lective bargaining for our wages and legislation being so volatile my that we have tons of volume and benefits, centralized delivery and didn’t hope is that we don't lose any- packages to deliver in darkness end that 2006 pre-funding requirement with the increased pressure from thing in the next contract. For for future retiree health costs. What management and to their lack of those who don't, consider contrib- does that mean for Letter Carriers in proper staffing. The Postmaster uting to Carrier Political the future- (continued on page 3) Fund. Only $5 a pay period. The Page 2 SEVEN NEWS

BRANCH 7 E-MAIL ADDRESS IS Postal Mania nalcbranch 7@ gmail.com by Dorothy Curtis \W H A T E V E R!!!!!!! Whatever ONLY a click away to ANSWER happen to a clean route is a your CONCERNS/VOICE your happy route? Whatever happen OPINIONS/OFFER your IDEAS to, racking the residual mail for Happy New Year everyone! the day? Whatever happened to I'm sure you guys have heard the taking the scanner that goes WILLOW STREET WHINE term Administrative leave bandied with the route...... the scanner As the 2018 brutally, hot summer about in the last month. Let me clari- recharging station, is all num- fy a couple things for you about that. was winding down, we had floor bered...... Whatever happened talks on how things were going to Administrative leave is where you to, hanging up your keys every get paid leave, but it does not come get better, carriers were coming night? Whatever happened to back from vacation, CCA’s were out of you annual or sick leave bal- attempting and noticing, ac- going to be hired, we would be ful- ance. Only full-time employees get countable mail? Whatever hap- ly staffed for the Xmas season. I it. Administrative leave can be part pened to at least attempting to of a grievance settlement, cancella- call it fake news. How can the dis- take part of a set, instead of let- trict crack down on us for our safety tion of work (snow storm etc.) or for ting it sit there, especially on the a national day of observance. record, when they are forcing carri- lite days? Whatever happened ers to work 6 10-12 hour days per On December 5th, 2018, we had a to starting early, and getting the national day of mourning for Presi- week, constantly leaving our office mail out to the customers before dent Bush. If you were a full-time under staffed, and refusing our night fall? Whatever happened carrier you got paid to have to day pleas for earlier start times to avoid off to mourn. Of course, in the to parking your postal vehicle in the late afternoon sun and this past USPS it is never that simple because the same spot, so someone fall working through rush hour and as Newman said in , "The doesn't have to find it for you? into darkness. Apparently, we were mail never stops". Some carriers (like looking for a needle in a told at a service talk, that the PO decided to come to work on Decem- haystack). Whatever happened has been delivering in the dark for ber 5th, so we wouldn't get behind to (no lunch)? Whatever hap- years. Well, 18 years ago when I on parcels. Not to be captain obvi- pened to carriers actually taking started, the hours of operation were 7-3:30. I’ve asked more Senior ous, but those carriers that came in their allotted lunch? Whatever on that Wednesday, they did not get happened to carriers taking their carriers (30+ years) regarding their paid to have the day off. You guys allotted breaks? Whatever hap- start times and they recall having a 6-2:30 time. But then again, there got paid for the number of hours you pened to carriers attending the happened to work that day. What monthly union meetings? What- was only 20ft of mail manually that means is that by September ever happened to CCA's and sorted per route. Now with our di- 30,2019 you must put in a request new regular carriers, attending minishing volumes, and crackerjack for a day off using 8 hours of Ad- union meetings, and learning DPS/FSS operations, district has ministrative pay. Local Manage- about their future with The Post- mandated 8:00 start times. Where ment will not remind you of this, so al Service? Whatever happened is the safety and efficiency in this mandate? I am reminding right now that if you to an eight-hour route? Whatev-

don't put in for those 8 hours you are er happened to getting help on Word of the month going to lose it! your NS day? Whatever hap- If your day off happened to Decem- Fake News: refers to false infor- pened to getting parcel help dur- mation or propaganda published ber 5th, 2018 you also get 8 hours of ing the holiday season, (or any admin leave to use by September. under the guise of being authentic type of help) Whatever hap- news (in other words) typical infor- To take your admin day you need to pened to the help? WHATEVER mation from the Boston district. fill out a 3971 time off slip. You happens, HAPPENS! Just pon- need to do that at most 30 days in dering thoughts...... advance. You should check the box WHATEVER...... that states "other" leave and write in GO FIGURE!...... Oh admin leave. The request must be Ya ..HAPPY NEW Future Meeting Dates put in for 8 hours. Local manage- YEAR!...... WHATEVER! ment has up to 72 hours to get back February 13, 2019 to you if you got the day off or not. March 13, 2019 Congrats to Kristen S and Peter O on their conversion to full time. April 10, 2019 Page 3 SEVEN NEWS

Dear Mr. Costin, RETIREE NEWS SHORTHAND from Page 1 Congratulations for the naming of To Branch 7 retirees, especially those Lynn’s PO in your honor. Fortu- living out-of-state, could you please nately this ceremony is scheduled have your spouse or family members LESS PAY-LESS BENEFITS-JOB this spring, which hopefully will notify the branch or me upon your LOSSES-PAY MORE FOR YOUR be enough time to bring the build- passing, as we can send a memorium RETIREMENT. On a positive note, ing up to the condition that you left or sympathy card. Also, if any of the NALC has sponsored HR 993 and it in. Right now, it is a shameful your family members have passed on, S663 in Congress with bi-partisan sup- the branch sends a memorium for port, calling for the PO NOT to be sub- pit, that you surely wouldn’t want to be associated with. In your time immediate family members (Husband/ ject to privatization as well as Demo- Wife, Son/Daughter, Brother/Sister). cratic control of the House of Reps for here, floors and walls glistened, ALWAYS, your right to privacy or not the next 2 years-WE COULD STALL the yard spotless, etc. Will a cou- tell us is honored and respected. You can these dangerous improvements. ple of months be enough time to reach me at (781) 289-0590. WHATEVER-Prez Trump and some undo years of neglect? Let’s hope Retiring in 2019-Think about remaining a members of Congress want to privatize so for your and the current compli- NALC/Branch 7 member-ONLY $10 a year/84 cents a month from your annuity. the People’s PO and cut your pay, ben- ment’s sake. We truly look for- efits and jobs !!! Get 7 NEWS to keep up-to-date on what’s ward to celebrating with you and happening at the PO and your former co- JANUARY INSTALLATION MEET- hope that we are indeed invited to workers as well as receive The Postal ING-WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 9 Record. Also, I have booklets from the The January Monthly Meeting will see participate in this momentous, his- torical event. NALC on retirement, with info on the the installation of new Branch Officers preparing for it. Again, (781) 289- to run Branch 7 for the next 2 years. Best Wishes, 0590. CONGRATS TO THEM !!! Your Past and Current Employees THANKS for your service as Trustees of the Lynn Installation to Bill Burgess, Terry Daigle and Steve $50 WINNER Sheppard and WELCOME Suzanne Titus, Paul Nielsen and Brian Corbin as new Trustees. NOW-LET’S SUP- The name of Brother Doug Mishel PORT Prez Spathanas and the Branch was drawn as the winner of the $50 Officers and Stewards in fighting mis- monthly raffle at the December management, making a better work- 2018 union meeting. $50 will be room floor and making Branch 7 work December/Holiday Meeting Raffle raised $276 (THANK YOU MUCH- for its members, who are Branch 7. given to the lucky winner at the We’ll celebrate with food and refresh- LY), bringing the yearly total from January meeting. You must sign in them to $1,088 (THANK YOU ments. SEE U ON WEDNESDAY to the meeting prior to 7:30pm to be JANUARY 9 !!! MUCHLY). THANKS to Matt Titus eligible to win, Good Luck! REVIEW OF DECEMBER MEET- for donating some cheer prizes. Janu- ING-Prez Frank spoke on his recent ary Meeting Raffle-Food & Cheer- Kelley’s Gift Card and a BIG Bottle of Labor-Management meeting with the Postmaster and the Holiday Party was Cheer. In 2018, Branch 7 raised $2,911.00 for cancelled-Donation Requests approved V -$100 to Lynn Classical High Girls MDA (THANKS), about $350 less than in 2017. THANK YOU VERY Winter Track Team and $60 to NALC Bathrooms paperless, Branch 55’s MDA Raffle-20-$25 Gift MUCH TO ALL that donated in many E ways to MDA in 2018. filthy conditions, some Cards to Stop&Shop were raffled off- working off the clock, no 50/50 winner was Suzanne Titus-$50 If any member have item(s) to donate to the monthly meeting raffles or any N water in the frig, etc.. meeting jackpot winner was Doug Yet your socks or shirt are Mishel-MDA Raffle raised $276-Food fund-raising ideas-GREATLY APR- (calzones) and Refreshments were en- RECIATE IT- SEE ME T on the boss’s radar joyed to celebrate the Holiday Season PREVIEW OF JANUARY MEETING (WEDNESDAY JANUARY 9)- Instal- Massachusetts Postal lation of New Branch Officers-Prez Employees Credit Union Frank’s Report-Latest Workroom Floor News-CCAs to welcome into Branch 7-Committee Reports-50/50- $50 meeting jackpot-MDA Raffle- CALL NOW FOR BEST Mon—Fri 9:00—4:00 FOOD & REFRESHMENTS-SEE U RATES ON AUTO Serving Postal Employees and their Families since 1926 ON WEDNESDAY JANUARY 9 AT LOANS!!! HIBERNAN HALL (AOH BUILD- We offer a full range of financial services ING)-105 FEDERAL STREET IN LYNN- IT ALL STARTS AT & 7 GET A VISA DEBIT Visit us On Line www.MassFamilyCU.com P.M. CARD TODAY PH: 781-592-6051 Page 4 SEVEN NEWS

Ancient Order of Hibernians in America DIVISION 10 $ 5 0 BRANCH 7 WEBSITE IS Will Be Won nalcbranch7.com

All things Branch 7-

To Keep Members Informed

U N Simons I O SIMONS UNIFORMS N Division of J.B. Simons, Inc. M 105 Federal Street 329 Lynnway A Lynn, Massachusetts 01905 D Lynn, MA 01901 - 1792 E In Memory of To Order Instantly CALL 1-781-595-2644 Dave Johansen

Seven News will be published ten times annually for the members of Branch 7, NALC. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Branch 7, but of the writers. Any comments, suggestions, news about coworkers, retiree news, story ideas or anecdotes are welcome and should be in by the 15th to be in next month’s issue. The editor retains the right to edit, delete or reject an article for the good of the Branch. We look forward to your contributions. In the interest of solidarity, permission is

granted to other labor publications to reprint material in this publication. Suzanne Titus, Editor

[email protected]

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