NUMBER 2 2010 TRIBUTE TO DR. ZO ZAYONG KOREAN ART SOCIETY JOURNAL NUMBER 2 2010 Publisher: Robert Turley, President of Korean Art Society and Korean Art and Antiques CONTENTS page About the Authors…………………………………………..…………………...…..…….3 Acknowledgment……….…………………………….…….…………………………..….4 Publisher’s Greeting…...…………………………….…….…………………………..….5 Memories of Zo Zayong by Dr. Theresa Ki-ja Kim.…………………………...….….6-9 Dr. Zo Zayong, A Great Korean by David Mason………..…………………….…...10-20 Great Antique Sansin Paintings from Zo Zayong’s Emille Museum…………....21-28 “New” Sansin Icons that Zo Zayong Painted Himself……………………........….29-34 Zo Zayong Annual Memorial Ceremonies at Yeolsu Yoon’s Gahoe Museum..35-39 Dr. Zo’s Old Village Movement by Lauren Deutsch……….…….……………..….40-56 Books by Zo Zayong…..…………………………….…….………………………......….57 KAS Journal Letters Column………………………………………………………..…58-59 Korean Art Society Events……………………………………………………………...60-62 Korean Art Society Press……………………………………………………………….63-67 Join the Korean Art Society……………...………….…….……………………...…..….68 About the Authors: David Mason is the author of Spirit of the Mountains, Korea’s SAN-SHIN and Traditions of Mountain Worship (Hollym, 1999), a well researched and beautifully illustrated book that is highly recommended reading. He is also the creator of the exhaustive San-shin website ( and the enlightening Zozayong website ( on the legendary champion of Korean folk art and culture, Zo Zayong. Both of these sites contain a wealth of information not available elsewhere and make for rewarding browsing.
[email protected] Lauren Deutsch is the executive producer and director of Pacific Rim Arts ( through which she undertakes culturally-focused projects, including festivals, performances, exhibitions, conferences and media (public radio and television) outreach.