
1 8 beers daily. His hepatitis C treatment > A 52-year-old European American military veteran At 12 weeks, patient was tolerating 100 mg of top- He was started on a dose of 25 mg topiramate daily After 4 weeks, his cognitive complaints abated. He ONFERENCE C had been abstinent on acamprosatediscontinued for it. almost There a year, was but after a had that, question thoughfrequency the of of patient a monitoring denied slight it, withsurement and relapse EtG increased to rapidly to zero returned thewith levels. mea- no After relapse another to 5 months of or therapy alcohol, he desired taper and male, with ause history disorder of (AUD), and majorin use remission depressive disorder from disorder, both who (OUD), substance was of alcohol use disorders treatment after 1.5 with years and an antidepressant. He Case 2 continued to drink was delayed duestudies, to including continued urinetransferase alcohol (GGT), EtG use. demonstrated continued and Hishol substantial laboratory serum intake. alco- At gamma50 mg the glutamyl in 4-week the morning mark,increased and again 75 we mg to at increased 75 bedtime mgside for the twice 2 daily effects dose weeks, for then or to 2reported weeks. a complaints No reduction further werehad of reported. no alcohol intake At furtherUrine to EtGs cognitive week 4 and complaints 8, blood beers or GGTs daily. he were He other trendingiramate side down twice weekly. effects. daily. Hedrinking and continued a reduced to craving report toremained drink. a low, His with side-effect little lower profile to level no complaintsUrine of of EtGs cognitive dulling. and blooddemonstrated a GGT reduced amount testing of within alcoholweek intake. the 12 EtG level was past at 980 8 ng/mL,week which weeks 8. reduced Serum from GGT 1290 waslimits ng/mL 50 at IU/L for at the week195 IU/L 12 assay at (within normal the at date the of topiramate laboratory), initiation. and reduced from a 12-week trialwithout effect, of though with naltrexoneco-occurring poor psychiatric adherence. (up conditions. He to did not 100 have mgwhich daily was titrated dose) to twicesignificant daily side after effects 1 after week. 2 Hebid weeks. reported He no was after titrated to 4effects. 50 mg He weeks, reported that and his alcohol8 reported intake beers was reduced some daily. to 6 Urine mildsuggested to ethyl reduced cognitive drinking, glucuronide side though testingcontinued it (EtG) alcohol remained use. weekly indicative Due of was to cognitive held complaints, at the 50 dose mg twice daily. ASE C Clinical Practice LINICAL JAM-D-16-00003 C CASE DESCRIPTIONS Volume 00, Number 00, Month/Month 2018 Hussam Jefee-Bahloul, MD, Lantie Jorandby, MD, and Albert J. Arias, MD, MS 2018;xx: xxx–xxx)  , alcohol use disorder, , 2018 American Society of Medicine Topiramate Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder in ß ur first casewith is a 35-year a history 56-year-old of alcohol African use, hypertension, American and male Initially, he reported alcohol intake of 12 to 16 beers Copyright © 2018 American Society of . Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Copyright © 2018 American Society of Addiction Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction (HJ-B); Massachusetts GeneralUniversity Hospital, School of Boston, Medicine, MA New Haven, (LJ); CT and (HJ-B,accepted AJA). September Yale 11, 2016. West Haven, CT 06516. E-mail: [email protected]. M-D-16-00003; Total nos of Pages: 5; A J Addict Med daily. He describeddisrupted relationships, themesalcohol and of use. irritable He loss hadnonadherence mood of tried after 1 related week. control, in Additionally, he the had to cravings, past, gone through but his reported after discharge from the Army. Inup his to mid 1 to pint late of 20s, vodkadue and he to 12 drank beers excessive daily. absence He related hadthe to lost many antiviral his jobs alcohol treatment use. evaluation Aswas for part of referred hepatitis C, forcomplete the addiction patient 3 treatment, monthstherapy. of and treatment was before required beginning to antiviral a recent diagnosis ofat hepatitis C. age He 21 starteddrinking while drinking serving alcohol episodes in on the weekends, Army. but He began his with drinking heavy escalated J Addict Med From the University of Massachusetts Medical School,Received Worcester, for MA publication January 4,The authors 2016; disclose no RevisedSend conflicts correspondence September of to Albert interest. 8, J. Arias, 2016 MD, MS, 950Copyright Campbell Rd #116A, O Key Words: , medication treatment, topiramate ( based on clinical trials. These clinicaland cases summarize titration the of initiation topiramatepatient selection, in consideration of AUD comorbid treatment. psychiatricconditions, and side-effect The medical profile, safety core and issues effectivenessAddiction are of physicians reviewed. should take ato leading role treat in AUDs, using topiramate topiramate working with with the risk. patients to balance the benefits of Topiramate is an anticonvulsant medication withevidence, increasingly supporting strong its use for treating alcohol use disorder (AUD) Case 1 ISSN: 1932-0620/16/0000-0001 DOI: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000444 CE: M.S.; J Downloaded from https://journals.lww.com/journaladdictionmedicine by pR0X8mps8emMFe6SSjULcOvZdU7Lq92sVezWUqbDpikBtBa8dPs+x8jFMo+CspZ5E+TY5YMZQKrQAwY1b8dC/CITypGBtyI/TuXrHp5+MNSsd6YOAns1MMj9Atc5CqXrWirhh/uUTYs= on 08/15/2018 Downloaded from https://journals.lww.com/journaladdictionmedicine by pR0X8mps8emMFe6SSjULcOvZdU7Lq92sVezWUqbDpikBtBa8dPs+x8jFMo+CspZ5E+TY5YMZQKrQAwY1b8dC/CITypGBtyI/TuXrHp5+MNSsd6YOAns1MMj9Atc5CqXrWirhh/uUTYs= on 08/15/2018 CE: M.S.; JAM-D-16-00003; Total nos of Pages: 5; JAM-D-16-00003

Jefee-Bahloul et al. J Addict Med  Volume 00, Number 00, Month/Month 2018

discontinuation from buprenorphine. He then started to drinking, the patient pre-emptively checked herself back experiencing alcohol craving while decreasing the dose of into residential substance use rehabilitation for a short stay (2 buprenorphine gradually. He was restarted on weeks). She remained sober with confirmed biomarker testing 666 mg, 3 times daily, and the tapering dose of buprenorphine (EtG and GGT) another month later. After several months, the was held constant at 8 mg daily. However, the patient contin- was discontinued and she remained sober at ued to have alcohol cravings 1 month after. 2 months after that while on just the topiramate, which is As the patient was still requesting a taper off of bupre- the last biomarker testing point. norphine, topiramate was added to the regimen for eventual cross-taper with acamprosate. Topiramate was titrated to DISCUSSION 200 mg daily over about 5 weeks, and the patient reported Topiramate is an anticonvulsant medication with strong no side effects. The patient noted elimination of alcohol evidence supporting its use for treating AUD based on clinical cravings with titration of the topiramate, had no relapse to trials. It is perhaps the most promising medication tested for alcohol, and was able to resume tapering of buprenorphine. that purpose to date. Topiramate is known to act via multiple EtGs were negative (at zero), and though there was an elevated pharmacologic mechanisms including GABA-A receptor GGT and slight elevation of both AST and ALT, this modulation and blockade (Johnson and was attributed to his history of fatty and overweight, Ait-Daoud, 2010). Topiramate is hypothesized to reduce as the EtG and overall clinical picture were consistent drinking by attenuating positive reinforcement from alcohol with abstinence. (Johnson et al., 2007) and possibly also by reducing alcohol craving. In addition, a recent study suggests that the medica- Case 3 tion works by increasing a person’s self-efficacy for resisting A 55-year-old postmenopausal female, college-edu- heavy drinking (Kranzler et al., 2014) (see the accompanying cated, homemaker, mother of 2 sons (teenager and young review by Manhapra et al. in this issue for additional infor- adult), had a 20-year history of AUD, generalized mation on mechanism of action). disorder (GAD), and hypothyroidism. The patient had a In 1 randomized controlled trial, topiramate reduced history of good response to low-dose topiramate (<100 mg alcohol intake and cravings, and improved quality of life and daily), initially prescribed about 18 years ago during her first health (Johnson et al., 2003; Johnson, 2004). In a subsequent treatment attempts. It is reported by the patient that she then multisite trial, the topiramate group demonstrated reduced had a 5-year period of sobriety while on topiramate, combined obsessional thoughts and compulsions about alcohol, reduced with regular attendance of AA meetings. number of heavy drinking days, and reduced risk of relapse The patient has had numerous relapses over the years (Johnson et al., 2007; Johnson et al., 2008). Furthermore, in a and had been on topiramate several times. Notably, she reports recent meta-analysis (Blodgett et al., 2014), 7 randomized doing well on the medication, but would often stop taking it placebo controlled trials (RCTs) where evaluated, and top- and eventually relapse to alcohol. She described marital and iramate had a moderate effect size by increasing abstinence family stressors to almost always be the trigger for relapse. and reducing heavy drinking. Feinn et al. estimated the She had been to residential rehab facilities and detoxification number needed to treat (NNT) for topiramate based on out- several times. She had tried naltrexone once for a few weeks, comes from a recent trial as (overall NNT is 5.29, and but it made her feel sedated and ‘‘clumsy,’’ so she stopped it. adjusting with adverse events the NNT ranges between Possibly naltrexone was helpful in treating her alcohol use 6.12 and 7.52), which are more favorable than recent esti- though as she reports being sober during that time. mates of the NNT for acamprosate and oral naltrexone (both The patient was referred to an addiction treatment clinic NNT 12) (Feinn et al., 2016). The high clinical importance after a recent 14-day relapse to heavy daily drinking that of this estimate is its ability to capture both the clinical benefit required detoxification, followed by a 30-day residential and adverse effects of topiramate. The authors calculated the rehabilitation program. She presented with a treatment goal NNT to reduce heavy drinking and adjusted it using 2 levels of of abstinence from alcohol. She was discharged from the adverse event severity. According to Feinn et al., the top- rehab program on 380 mg of IM naltrexone every 4 weeks, iramate treatment effect on heavy drinking appears superior topiramate 100 mg daily, 300 mg 3 times a day, against either naltrexone or acamprosate, before and even venlafaxine, and weekly sessions of psychotherapy. She was after adjusting for adverse events (Feinn et al., 2016). It is interested in getting back into 12-step programming. Marital important to point out that there are no current comprehensive and family stressors remained very high. head-to-head comparison trials of these medications, and We continued her on IM naltrexone (with a plan to these conclusions are not definitive. discontinue after about 9 months), and increased the top- iramate to 200 mg daily, discontinuing eventually the gaba- Patient Selection Factors in Clinical Practice pentin. With the topiramate at a moderate dose (200 mg daily), The clinical decision to choose a medication for certain she had no side effects and stated she had no alcohol craving, patients depends on many factors. A thorough diagnostic ‘‘I don’t even think about alcohol anymore.’’ She was sober assessment that takes into consideration mental health history, for 8 weeks on that regimen with negative EtG and daily medical history, current level of motivation for treatment, electronic breathalyzer monitoring (via the Soberlink system). severity of alcohol consumption, history of abstinence, Weeks later, family stressors increased abruptly again; how- adverse effects of withdrawal such as withdrawal seizures ever, this time, instead of discontinuing therapy and returning or delirium tremens, history of adverse effects to medications,

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J Addict Med  Volume 00, Number 00, Month/Month 2018 Topiramate Cases

in addition to a psychosocial assessment, are all needed to cravings, drinking days, and also the amount of alcohol personalize the clinical decision of medication-assisted treat- consumed, and also has a beneficial effect on PTSD symp- ment of AUD. toms, specifically hyperarousal. The authors noted the nega- Compared with 3 other evidence-based medication tive cognitive effects with topiramate (a common side effect), interventions for AUD (naltrexone, acamprosate, disulfram), but also found these effects were transient and eventually topiramate is increasingly becoming a valid treatment option tolerated. Overall, the limiting factors for topiramate appear to that can be considered a first-line treatment in most patients be the side-effect profile, which can involve cognitive with AUD, given the above mentioned promising evidence. impairment, and also risks of , acute glau- It has been suggested that a patient’s goal (ie, either coma, and others. abstinence or reduction to nonhazardous drinking levels) may Another approach for selecting a particular treatment for influence response to medications. For example, it was thought substance use patients is by their co-occurring SUDs. While that a goal of abstinence was more conducive to successful there is some emerging evidence that topiramate can be effec- treatment with acamprosate. This assumption was based upon tive in treating patients with use disorder (Johnson et al., findings of a greater effect of acamprosate on abstinence, and a 2013), there is limited evidence to the efficacy of topiramate in greater effect of naltrexone on reducing heavy drinking and treating co-occurring AUD and cocaine use disorder. This is craving. Those basic relationships to outcomes have been important as there is a high comorbidity between AUD and confirmed in meta-analysis, but a specific goal of abstinence cocaine use disorder. In some estimates, 60% to 80% of patients did not significantly influence treatment outcomes. Detoxifi- with cocaine use disorder have alcohol dependency (Regier cation before treatment and a longer period of abstinence et al., 1990, Carroll et al., 1993). A study published in 2013 required before treatment did influence treatment outcomes reported no effect for topiramate on alcohol use, but was for both acamprosate and naltrexone (Maisel et al., 2013). Other associated with a greater end of study abstinence from cocaine recent studies have suggested that opioid receptor antagonists in patients with comorbid AUD and cocaine use disorder like naltrexone can be efficacious regardless of patient goal (see (Kampman et al., 2013). While future research is needed, at Niciu and Arias, 2013 for a review). In addition, topiramate the clinical level, topiramate may still be a clear option (com- appears to work well with a patient goal of either abstinence or pared with naltrexone, acamprosate, or disulfram, which has no nonharmful drinking (Kranzler et al., 2014). Moreover, top- evidence in cocaine use disorder) when treating patients with iramate is likely to be effective across the spectrum of AUD comorbid alcohol and stimulant use. In addition, as seen in case severity, based on the inclusion of regular heavy drinkers 2, co-occuring AUD and OUD may present a challenge for regardless of whether they met all Diagnostic and Statistical alcohol treatment when patients are on mu-opioid agonist Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Ed criteria for alcohol depen- therapy (such as buprenorphine or ) as naltrexone dence in the study by Kranzler et al. (2014). cannot be used in these cases. Hence, topiramate or acamprosate Unlike other medication options (such as acamprosate, can be chosen for these patients, with evidence suggesting better or both PO and IM naltrexone), in which an abstinence period response to topiramate on AUD compared with acamprosate. before starting treatment has shown to improve efficacy, Furthermore, given the emerging evidence in studies topiramate is effective even when started and titrated in looking at certain genotypes (such as rs2832407, a GRIK1 currently heavy-drinking patients. , however, a gene polymorphism) associated with better response to top- medication similar to naltrexone used in Europe, has proven iramate in patients with AUD, it is possible that in the future efficacy in large trials with a small effect size when given to case selection can be guided by genotyping in clinical settings those with AUD that are currently heavy drinking (see Niciu (Kranzler et al., 2014). and Arias, 2013 for a review). The condition of abstinence was Finally, from a pharmacokinetic standpoint, topiramate only met in cases 2 and 3 of this case series. In case 2, is largely renally cleared (about 70% recovered unchanged in naltrexone was not an option as patient was on mu-opioid the urine) and dosage adjustment is required in subjects with partial agonist therapy (for OUD), and acamprosate had impaired renal function (creatinine clearance <70 mL/min/ demonstrated limited benefit in his case. Case 1 was for a 1.73 m2, see product packaging information). There is some heavy drinker with no achieved abstinence period; hence hepatic metabolism (, hydrolysis, and glucur- topiramate presented a reasonable evidence-based option. onidation), and topiramate can induce CYP3A4, and inhibit Dual diagnosis patients with comorbid post-traumatic CYP2C19. Consideration should be made for patients on stress disorder (PTSD) may have an added benefit when estrogen containing oral contraceptives, as ethinyl estradiol treated with topiramate. Open label studies of topiramate clearance may be increased by about 30% and birth control have suggested efficacy for PTSD symptoms such as night- could theoretically be less effective, though - mares and with adjunct topiramate treatment (Ber- based contraceptives are not affected (Rosenfeld et al., 1997). lant, 2000; Berlant and van Kammen, 2002). Randomized Patients with hepatic impairment may have higher concen- controlled trials have demonstrated efficacy as an add-on trations of the medication. treatment in treating PTSD symptoms, and also reducing high-risk alcohol intake in combat veterans (Alderman Side Effects and Tolerability et al., 2009). Additionally, a more recent randomized con- The patient from case 1 experienced some cognitive trolled trial has evaluated topiramate for use with veterans side effects, and cognitive dulling, specifically anomia and with co-occurring alcohol use and PTSD (Batki et al., 2014). problems with verbal fluency are commonly reported This trial found that topiramate can reduce alcohol use, with topiramate use and the intensity of the side effect is

ß 2018 American Society of Addiction Medicine 3

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Jefee-Bahloul et al. J Addict Med  Volume 00, Number 00, Month/Month 2018

TABLE 1. Titration Schedule for 300 mg Daily Target Dose reasonable period of waiting (ie, 4–6 weeks) as they may limit adherence in AUD patients. Morning Night-time Total Daily According to the package insert, initiating treatment with Week Dose, mg Dose, mg Dose, mg topiramate starts with a dose of 25 mg twice daily; however, the 1 — 25 25 majority of the trials have started at 25 mg daily. Dose is usually 2252550increased by 25 to 50 mg, divided on 2 doses every week up to 3 50 50 100 4 75 75 150 200 mg divided twice daily (ie, 100 mg twice a day) as a target 5 100 100 200 dose. Randomized controlled trials used different titration 6 100 200 300 schedules; however, most studies had a target dose of 200 to Adapted from Johnson et al., 2007. 300 mg/d (Blodgett et al., 2014). A titration of the medication over about 5 to 6 weeks is recommended in clinical practice for the treatment of AUD (Tables 1 and 2). When discontinuing topiramate, a taper of approxi- dose-dependent. Anecdotally, in our experience, patients who mately 25 to 50 mg per day is recommended, to avoid the are heavy alcohol users get less cognitive side effects from precipitation of seizure, which is a rare event, but possible topiramate compared with other types of patients—an effect even in nonepileptic patients. Topiramate can usually be likely mediated by the degree of allostatic neuroplastic tapered off in an approximately 1-week period (or less) in changes from chronic heavy alcohol exposure. patients without . If a severe side effect is suspected is quite common, and some subjects may also note (acute angle closure , metabolic acidosis), you could poor concentration. consider immediately stopping the medication. If the myopic Topiramate is generally well-tolerated, but some syndrome is suspected, the patient should be referred with patients do experience concerning adverse side effects, espe- urgency for measurement of intraocular pressure and oph- cially at higher doses and without gradual dose titration thalmologic evaluation, and if confirmed, topiramate can be (Blodgett et al., 2014). It is very important to have a candid discontinued with rapid taper or abruptly. discussion with patients about risk and benefits of this medi- In female patients of child-bearing age, it is important to cation, and educate patients about side effects. Most com- discuss teratogenic risks and recommend use of contracep- monly encountered sides effects are of paresthesia/numbness, tives while in treatment with topiramate, as it is /, cognitive impairment, headache and dizzi- category D, and there is a 1.4% risk of cleft lip and/or palate if ness. Often these side effects are transient and occur during exposure to topiramate happened in the first trimester. This the up titration of the medication, though they can be persis- risk is in comparison with 0.38% to 0.55% for other antiepi- tent. It is important to prepare the patient by mentioning that leptic drugs and 0.07% with no antiepileptic exposure (please topiramate can often have nuisance side effects, but that they refer to the North American Antiepileptic Drug Pregnancy often are transient and that they will not harm the patient; they Registry). It is possible there are additional risks as yet will go away if the medication is stopped. Sometimes, per- unknown to the child if exposed in utero, and this should sistent side effects warrant a reduction in dose. In the a be discussed with the patient in the context of informed multicenter trial of topiramate for treating AUD with a target consent. Topiramate should be prescribed cautiously to dose of 300 mg daily, dropouts due to adverse events were women of child-bearing age, and consideration should be significantly more common with topiramate than with pla- given to tapering and discontinuing topiramate in a woman cebo (18.6% vs 4.3%, respectively) (Johnson et al., 2007). In a without a history of seizure disorder that becomes pregnant smaller trial using a 200 mg daily target dosage, completion while on it. The risks of continuing topiramate in pregnancy rates did not differ significantly between topiramate and should include consideration of the risks of continued heavy placebo, and the medication was fairly well-tolerated, though drinking during pregnancy with a possible outcome of fetal there were significantly more adverse events in the topiramate alcohol syndrome. Consultation with an obstetrician should group (Kranzler et al., 2014). be included as well. Earlier studies of topiramate showed better tolerability In summary, it may be clinically useful to describe the for lower doses (50–100 mg/d). Side effects and adverse potential risks and side effects of topiramate to patients as reactions, especially central nervous system related, are consisting mostly of ‘‘nuisance’’ side effects that may be dose-related (Bray et al., 2003). Side effects are usually reported in the first 8 weeks of treatment, usually during titration phase. According to Bray et al., paresthesia, which is TABLE 2. Titration Schedule for 200 mg Daily Target Dose the most commonly reported adverse event, was dose-depen- Morning Night-time Total Daily dent, and was noted to decrease over time. Cognitive side Week Dose, mg Dose, mg Dose, mg effects (such as difficulty with memory, difficulty with con- centration or attention, psychomotor slowing, and somno- 1 — 25 25 2252550 lence) are usually reported with higher doses of topiramate. 3255075 According to Bray et al., these side effects were transient, and 4 50 50 100 abated without dose adjustment (Bray et al., 2003). However, 5 50 100 150 it is the authors’ recommendation to reduce the dose should 6 100 100 200 these side effects continue without abatement after a Adapted from Kranzler et al., 2014.

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J Addict Med  Volume 00, Number 00, Month/Month 2018 Topiramate Cases

transient (such as cognitive effects, or paresthesia), and those Blodgett JC, Del Re A, Maisel NC, et al. A meta-analysis of topiramate’s which are likely attenuated with dose adjustment, and with effects for individuals with alcohol use disorders. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2014;38:1481–1488. complete cessation upon withdrawal of the medication. Bray GA, Hollander P, Klein S, et al. A 6-month randomized, placebo- Patients should also be informed of the more serious but controlled, dose-ranging trial of topiramate for in obesity. much more rare risks such as renal calculi, metabolic acidosis, Obesity Res 2003;11:722–733. acute angle-closure glaucoma, and the syndrome. Carroll KM, Rounsaville BJ, Bryant KJ. Alcoholism in treatment-seeking cocaine abusers: clinical and prognostic significance. J Stud Alcohol Anecdotally, in our clinical experience, we usually ask 1993;54:199–208. patients to increase their liquids consumption (as hydration Feinn R, Curtis B, Kranzler HR. 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Lancet 2003;361: supporting its use in the treatment of AUD alone or with some 1677–1685. co-occurring conditions like PTSD. It also has some evidence Johnson BA, Rosenthal N, Capece JA, et al. Topiramate for treating (though mixed) supporting its use in cocaine use disorder. alcohol dependence: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2007;298: Recent studies show a favorable harm adjusted NNT com- 1641–1651. Johnson BA, Rosenthal N, Capece JA, et al. Improvement of physical health pared with other AUD evidence-based medication treatments and quality of life of alcohol-dependent individuals with topiramate such as naltrexone or acamprosate. Topiramate provides an treatment: US multisite randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern Med excellent option to treat patients with AUD, especially those 2008;168:1188–1199. who are heavy drinkers often without the need for detoxifica- Johnson BA, Ait-Daoud N, Wang X, et al. Topiramate for the treatment of cocaine addiction: a randomized . 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