THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, BUSINESS CARDS. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS EDUCATIONAL. ANNUAL MEETINGS. There will be a minority report from the THE PEESS. House Committee on the revision of the Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _WANTS. Taxes in the taws relating to the electoral count. It will Portland publishing co. Wanted. Non-resident City EATON FAMILY Annual meeting. TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 9. salesman, for Portland and SCHOOL, Annual Meeting of the Maine Asao be presented Herbert of Alabama, and At 109 Exchange St., Portland. energetic vicinity in the ot Poultry by to toll on commission of Portland, County eiation will be held at the Preble House, Port- AN exclusively Jacquaniie'i PORRIDGE WO€K. Maine. THE supported by four other members of the com- Tfrms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance. To French Blacking amt Grocers Goods, Box 13* tor the Tear 1870. land, on TUESDAY, April Sth. 1878, at 2J o’clock We do not read anonymous letters and communi “A” New York. Cumbeiland, m 1 his is of offi- mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if in ad- Station ap8d3t* p, meeting called for the election address of the writer are is mittee. The tabes the that paid Established 1856. Gives boys a and prac- cations. The name and report ground vance. list of taxes on real eRtato of Non- ’horough cers, for election of a member ot the Maine Board of Tbe following tical Business Education and fits students tor State not for the the of for the Agriculture to hear and acton reports of officers of all ca^es indispensable, necessarily publication majority plan providing for the election Resident owners in City Portland, College and other Scientific Schools*. For circular, if oil* VV. said associatioo, and upon other matters then as a faith. Wanted. year 1876. In bills committed to Henry Hersey, to any but guaranty of good of President by direct vote is to tbe THE MAINE STATE PRESS apply H. F. EATON, Principal, to sal I society. contrary Collector of said Citv, on tbe first day of Sept., 1876, marll legally presented We cannot undertake to return or com- STEPHEN aim preserve and of our Is a ££RR¥? LOUIS STOt Z, ot him tome aa remaining un- FREDERICK M. P. A. spirit intention scheme of published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 Obergiinzburg has been returned by FOX, Sec’y not used. govern- ot 1877, by bis cer- March 28, 1878. mar20td munications that are year, U paid in advance ai $2.00 a year. (Bavaria.) who is believed 10 have paid on the 31st day August, ment. By the same process of date aud now remain and reaioorng and gone to Portland swine tificate ot that unpaid, Instruction in English and Class* {'/foci, fob (quvI ffiiinici. years ago, notice is hereby given that if tbe said taxes and in- wbicb leads the ma)ority to see in tbe Rates of Advertising: One Inch of space, the or whoever Every attach* of the press is danger knows his wherea- terest, and charge-are not paid in be Treasury ot Reasons All the regular famished length of column, consulates a ‘‘square.” Mo. 3? Plum Street ical Studies Why Should Use circumstance that less than a of all bouts, will address the said Ciiv within eighteen months from the date with a Card certificate by T. majority $1 Si* per square, dafh first week: 75 cents per countersigned Stanley the commitment of tbe said bills, so much of ihe real wtek after; three insertions or less, $1.00; continu- MB. LOUIS WOFLFLF, of given to the subscriber, Pullen, Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel the votes may choose the President, he shows estate taxeii as will be sufficient to pay tbe amount private pupils bj Reactionary Health Lift. ing erery other -lay after first week, 50 cents. N. a Trenton, I, due therefor including iote-e t aud charges,will with- managers will confer favor upon us by demanding that the Constitution makes it possible that Halt squirt-,three insertions oi less, 75 cents; one mar20 dim out further notice, be sold at public auction at the of- of to we**k, $1.00 : 50 cents per week after. F. Talbot credentials every person claiming represent oox laws shall be enacted or defeated a fice of the Tieasurer of aid City, on the lOtb day ol by major- 8p cial notices, one third additional. George J. W. ournal. A. at ten o’clock in the forenoon. COLCORD, It makes strong appeals to the common sense of Under bead oi “amusements” and “Auction April, D., 1878, ity of the Senate representing less than one- Has resumed the of law. man or woman In every walk ot Ufa. It $2 00 three insertions practice Vatu- Tax every Sales,” per squarqper week; WASTED TO EMMIE. 14$ Pearl Street. furnishes an exercise which may and should be in- STATE OF MAINE. seventh of the whole people, and that the or les*. Names. Description of Properfy. atiou. Due. $1.50. Jan24 atl troduced into every hous**; which may be practiced Advertisements inserted in the “Matne State st.. 00 Senate therefore to be abolished if the Atwrod, James N Land, Grove .$ 1,200 $30 at all seasons, in all kinds of weather, by persons of ought Press” iwbh-b has a in land A PEOCL^V MOTION, Urge circulation every part Bodge, Joseph G„ \ b uses and both sexes, all ages, and degrees ot strength or electoral is. He concludes as follows: of property for a Farm in the A THEBE WILL. BE collegj the >ta e), for $1 00 per square for first insertion, Country. ! 58 Gieeu st with Styles. 2,800 70 00 weakness, alone or in company No one can say too BY THE GUYKRNOR. ce Over Portland Savings Bank. ta»u»e and two |pu<* and and is the best kind of ecoDomy. The convenience of of this committee some measure for ascer- APRIL Portland Bank f¥1W0 single gentlemen can obtain b^ard iu a pri- 25 00 Undergarments • to be observed tbe of this State in solemn MONDAY,” 8th. Savings Building. *'N” sts... 7.. 1,000 having one in the house is very great. by people X vate fivr- minutes from nuu iuq family, City Hall, large Clark, Leauder, bous* on leased land iTlinri and Brain — It and of the ohedieDco and due from laiuuig wuuuug AW WOO NATHAN WEBB. T. H. HASKELL. airy front room. Address Box 717. invigorates recognition worship ot Philbrook. Cumberland sr... 200 5 00 the brain, and renders it more active FOE FOUR BIGHTS ONLY AND »nb28 dim dtf at strengthens os to Almighty God, in buucble acknowledgement ot for the want of lhat and tbat only, that the ap3 Cooper, Thomas C-, buildi g on leased Every Thursday Evening, .7 o’clock, and efficient in all its operations j ..... our ot Bis and m liu-i. Cmssst, ue*r Fore.... 100 2 50 »»erp.—It is the simplest and safest narcotic. It : transgressions laws, earnest sup- country was imperilled in 1876. For that FAST DAY and MATINEE, l>. II. Boa d Dp Town. Cu>i k. George, house land, S. is the most natural and probably the best means of I plication for divine help and guidance. BAILIES, side Madison st. 25 00 AT THE BOOHS OF THE there is a demand, and 1 trust that the com* turn Blind or unfurnished, with board* 1,000 inducing sound and refreshing sleep. THE POPULAR T300MS and 1 md cort er Madison and Given at tbe Council Chamber, at this ARTISTS, III -ill tlu» niiirl. in n i^Lninnnnr amrnr nlnwota h-ith hou?e rierre*.—it is a wonneriut couig to me wmie Augusta, mittee will in that answer ex- AOOOUJSTANT. Green'eafsis. 1,000 25 00 th day of March in the year *»f our L$r FORD; a scai>e Painting; a's tbe finishing of Photographs. e and laud 45 fe dtf new to tbe reform in for example, standard of value. But Second Illustrated lecture PLEASANT front cb .mber lor two geut'e- Lucas, 1 bon.as, bon Street. impetus work Brunswick. gold Photographs eooied. endarged and finished at st...... 1,500 37 50 with at 17 below Green The usual reduction on the railroads will be made. combines in itself more of the tbat reduceo prices Oners by mail wlU receive piompt A men, board, Myitle St., 47 50 qualities Cumberland. Table boardersa'so accommodated. Home and land 8 Mechanic st...., 1,900 and and careful attention. Stable and land oppo.-ite hotel, Carpenters Builders. to make up a standaid than does REV. E. feb25 eod2m* ap6 dtt* go ?ny CTBOLLES, Green st .... 1,600 40 00 WHITNEY A MEANS, Pearl op- Street, other and so we McLau him, James, home and land, po.ite the Park. Contraction and the Panic commodity, choose it. We OB’ To Rent oil St*te SALBM, SI. 21 Merrill st... 1,000 25 00 make our sticks BUILDERS. Chase's Chronicle still insists that contrac- might yard of rubber, but cons'sting ot three or four MoriisoD, Isaac W., house and land, will deliver another lecture at Horse Shoeing, the standard of measure would then be APARTMENTS,moii s, luinisbed or unfurnished Long Island. 2C0 5 00 tion of the curreacy is the cause of ail tbe con- The have this associited them by S. YOUNG A CO., Practical Hone undersigned day apr3dlw* Address BOX 825. Noyes, R bert & als £ land ia com- like on* Shoers« TO Pearl St. Price SI .30 net financial and tbe coun- tinually fluctuating, paper currency. GRAND ARMY HALL, selves together, under tne Arm name mon, 69 Federal street, about 200 per evils, industrial,which 100 2 50 A man who aud iu cloth TO LET. square feet. try is now suflering from, and questions some bought paid might Plttoo tib O’Connor, Dennis, Land corner West Plumbers. Wednesday Evening, April lOtb. Douglity be compelled to pay more than he if room commercial and Summer stree s... 25 00 recent statements of the Press on that mat bought and wil» carry on bufiness as and A pleasant lor two gentle- 1,000 JAMES MILLER, No. 01 Federal Stree Carpenters H5ram land rear 5 was at at Hand, J., Mayo us see. to there payment deterred until the rubber yard- Subject: The World of .'’ Hnilaer*, man, wllli board, 413 Congress 200 5 00 ter. Let Up 1865 had cer street. stick stretched. A NO. 14 COTTON STREET. Street, William B., land southeast fieal Estate Agents. been no contraction. lu Oc'ober of got paper currency is Illustrated by sixty views of of historic in- Rowe, tainly places n. H PHTEE. mai25 d3w* side Adams st reet. 4C0 lo 00 terest iu the JOHN C. PROCTER, Ne. 03 Exchange open to the same The man who great metropolis. house aud land that year onr total currency was $704,000,000 objection. T'C^eis, 35 cents. tor sale at Dresser. McLellan & G. WM. DOUGHTY. Sampson. Charles, Street. March 8 reet 3 600 90 00 ! borrows may be to if he waits 1878. To Let. Myrtle FURNITURE of which were in compelled pay, Co.’s. Loiing, Shoit & and the door. 11th, *marllaly $428,160,569 greenbacks, Garmon’s, Schwartz, John C, building on Lecture at quarter to eight. DESIRABLE tenement of S'x in the and Silver a considerable much more than be bor- ap9d_'l room®, Drowne’s land, Market str et. 600 15 00 Watches, Jewelry Ware. $185,000,000 in natioual bank notes, time, WHITNEY, NELSON & central oi convenient, ami in $26,057,- CO., A part city, good House and land 17 Hammond street 400 10 00 J. A. MERRILL & CO., 139 Middle St. rowed. Tbat is the in wbicb the Kent low. to W. W. CARK. we shall 469 in fractional and tbe rost in plight Inauguration ot the Excursion Season. repair. Apply Home and laud, Hammond street.. 500 12 50 For Hie next sixty days currency, DEALERS Ilf mai28dtf 197 street. J. A. MERRILL A. KEITH. debtor class finds aud Newbury House and lend rear Cove street 400 10 00 se I all kinds ot furniture at a low state bauk notes. That was the itself, its trouble is Fox steeet.... 400 10 00 greatest Home and laud, rear er price than it has ever been of caused by the unstable nature of the cur- To Let. on 15 Hammond volume the greenbacks ever leached. Harness Leather, Home leaded land, on think- Saddlery Hardware, 200 5 00 fered la this city. Any witb or without corner of pi reet. the rency. Grand Excursion stable, Brack- ot kind ot On eighteenth of December 1865, con- _ of Sheridan, James C., J land on Pop- ing purchasing any — AND HOUSE ett and Stceeis. — TO FITTINGS, HOUSE, Gray Inquire 100 2 50 of the F. S WATERHOUSE, lar si reet. FURNITURE. furniture about tbe first ot April traction greenback currency was au- The Shoe and Leather does not Marv Ann, land rear 63 Reporter mh23 Centennial Bioca. dtf Sherrill, or flay, can by buyiug ot us now thorized at this rate: 178 MIDDLE street. 100 2 50 by Cougress $10,000,000 want a war in but if war must come Lewiston, Fast STREET, Washington a Europe, Day, F. O. land bounded Ex- make their money pay them — — Smith, J., by to be withdrawn in tbe next six mouths BY THE We will sell common. Medium and it thinks we Americans can console (BOYD BLOCK,) To Kent. change, Congres-atd Market sts.. very much larger interest than ourselves. of Dnvii and Pine now a month thereafter. Ia PLEASANT lower tenement to let on Salem and southeasterly by land FCRVITltRE, they can get in auy other way. Our $4,000,000 pursuance It says: Nevertheless, if the nations abroad CADETS. PORTLAND. street. at 19 Wiuter street. containing about — sq. and the season Ja29eod3m A Inquire Bmgham, throughout stock Is lull and complete. All of this authorization contraction went on un- PORTLAND^ mcl>23 dtf fet .. 2.200 32 50 will continue to re-ort to this barbarous home and 58 furniture not manniactarert by us til 1868, when the Stile*, Elbridge. i land, January greenback circu- method of their we must as- ExlUMtion Drill and Bill at MATT Gieen street. 2,800 70 CO has been bought lor cash and we settling feuds, City ADAMS, or to AS LOW lation stood at a Hall, For Sale Let, in Deering, liud. street $356,000,000, reduction of our at IX 1 HE EVENING. Taylor Henry, Poplar will sell at prices that defy compe- suage regiets tbeir folly by making LEWISTON, io street. 200 5 00 westerly half of new block on Pleasant St., Washington as can be in tition. Please us a call. $72,160,569. Bat meanwhile the national banks Cbailes A., 1-6 land ad- purchased give what profit we can out of their misfortunes. ■Railroad Fare and admission to ball. $2.00 Tick- Constable for Portland, THEcontaiuiug 12 rooms with ample cb sia. laige Thurston, 20 Tyng street. 100 2 50 were going into operation with a permitted ets for s*le by the members and a*. Geo. R. pantry, piped tor water and gig, with gas fixtures, joining They may not want all the leather we can Sturgis’, L >nd rear Turner street. 5U0 12 50 GEORGE A. WHITNEY & CO., H. H. Hav’n aud Dies-er, McLellan & Co’s. Trains AKD w ish trayr*, aud fther conveniences. BeiDg in the circulation of and their notes Thurston, George H 1 6 1 nd adjoin- NEW $300,000.000, furnish them. Authorities still differ oo The leave Grand Trumk at 12.35 aud 5 m. best locaiioo, and oq the Hue of horse raitrotd, low ENGLAND, depot p. 20 street. 100 2 50 No. 46 St more than for the dlt Coroner for Cumberland taxes, and ear good schools, make it oue of the ing T}ng Exchang compensated greenbacks whether war increases the ap8 County, Land rear Turner street 500 12 50 teM dtf question consump- most desirable residences m Deering, Will be EOid and a stock two or Oren 4 and keep three withdrawn. By January 1868,the date at which the on liberal terms or lea ed May lsr.. Tolman, P., buildings tion of leather or not; weight of pre- 31 1-3 EXCHANGE STREET. land, east coiner Green and Port- times larger than can be found the contraction of D. BOBINSON, greenbacks ceased, the na- is in the affirmative. at ART EXHIBITION ! 478 Street. land si reet .. 25.00 62 50 in Portland to select it out. sumption But, an; Service of of all kinds a Con- mar25eodtaprl5 Congress 301 tional bank circulation stood at precepts specialty. True, Eleanor D., house and land, $294,300,000 there is no as to its a 6dential advice given, and services rendered in tbe Port'an street. 1,200 30 f0 rate, dispute making The exhibition and site of Brnuu’a Cmbsu an increase of $109 detection and arrest of criminals. Business attended To Let. House aud la d, Forest street. 9U0 22 50 300,000 against market for our wheat, and augmenting our r**i*r««tuciioo» of the wor**s uf the old masteis, to al all hours. PLEAS ANT Rent of seven with Tucker. Mary A., buil lings and land a decrease of in ana important n odern pictures will continue un- Funuy room®, $72,160569 the vol- These are the tbat Jau8 dtf all the modern at 170 Dan forth 619-625 Congress !*t reet. 7,500 187 50 FURNITURE exports. things bring til IHUttSDAl Evening. April I till at A improvements, ume of an mhl9Jil Land in Div. 8, Muuiov. 1,000 25 00 greenbacks, making increase of street. V a urt rnn An nn n vn nrnir nrm substantial wealth to the country. The an- street. ls7 222 MIDDLE STREET, Store and land, 6t Exchange 7,500 50 currency in these two items of Rmrrf and land. S3 E sell am e street. 7.500 187 50 $37,139,431. ticipation of war bas already advanced the To Let. on in of T» this we must add the increase &p8d4t Under Falmouth House. Lot plans Registry Deeds, Drapery and Decorative Work of fractional price ol breadstuff's, and largely enhanced the od No. In- as follows: Tenements Clark Street, 17. Jtfadc in the inost&atis- currency to about $50,000,000. So, reckon- TWOquire of JOHN SWEETS1R, 5 Neal Street, Lot 6, Plan 0. Book 3, Page 18 .... 1,000 25 00 foreign demand. The reality would give ns FANNV MARSH’S TUEA1BE. marll dtf Lot 13. Plan B, Book 3, Page 20... 700 17 50 lactory manner. ing in the fractional currency at $50,000,000 Lot Plan Book Page 22.... 000 22 50 an outlet ter pretty much all the surplus of 12, F, 3, amount ot Lot Plan Book 3, 22.... 1,200 30 00 the currency in 1868 was $700,- GRAND ATTRACTION, 1, D, Page Don’t buy till our good* hare been seen our agricultural productions, the aggregate of We?cotr, Elliott, house ana land and prices obtained. 000,300 against $704,000,000 in 1865. LET. Alms House and land ad- which is incalculably large. The advent of Friday and 12 and TO street, Saturday. April ...... 1,700 42 50 That was the contraction made LvM|0ni H #jj 9 THKS joining. by such a fresh element of would set at 2 in. Wbitne/, George W., land rear Wey- prosperity 13, Matinee, Saturday p. Two good Font rooms in Me- Secretary McCulloch denounced so mouth stieet. 200 5 00 severely every wheel of industry into active motion, of tlie celebrated and chanic H ill Building, sui'ablc tor Williams, William H,, land Brackett Walter & the greenbacks. It in five Engagement popular Co., by stopped 1868, and the soldiers of the old world in the Doctors or La wjers Enquire of stieet. 200 5 00 Corey would, Wil>on. heirs years before the panic. BERGER GEO A HAH MON. Adam, of, buildings very act of destroying each other’s lives, be FAMILY, and land, junction of Pine and 28 FREE STREET. But in 1870, three years before the panici Jeweller, Mechanic Building. Brackett streets. .... 55 00 to fill onr And their of Star Artists. 2,200 febic dtf helping pockets. great company feb27 cltl Wright Andrew J land on Pearl st., the amount of national bank notes that between Uud ot F. Rounds and Z LADY ORCHESTRA! be issued was increased For Rent. Tnomp-on, containing aoout 1,0U0 NOTICE might by $50,000,000i A Man is in town introducing the New LADIES’ SILVER CORNET BAND!! feet. 300 7 50 and the issuance of numbered 157. 159 and 161 Middle street, square greenbacks having been Era coffee. It is made from wioter wheat. The Most Elegant Troupe in America. HENRY W. now tccupiel by Messrs. Emery, Waterhouse HERSFY, restricted to the limit STORES Treasurer of the of Portland. $400,000,000, of the The agent is of the opinion that wheat is bet- 14. TALENTED ARTISTS. 14. & Co Apply to ST. JOHN SMITH, City TO CONSUMERS inl.OQtf fill, hvnl anin> afroot was fixed at April 6, 1878.ap8d3t currency $750,000,000. This ter than coffee anyhow, and as it is an will appear, including the distinguished lady Cor- amount was not in OF- circulation, because American product it of coarse to be net Soloist, House to Let. ought of Portland. neither nor bank MIMM ANNA I KRGMA BKRGER, City greenbacks notes reached encouraged. Two tablespoonfnlIs of the to ’et at No. 25 Parris street, containing The comic aiti*t and character In the fear One Tbouaand Eight Hun- iheir limit. But had there been great vocalist, HOUSEten ror» J5*. Enquire ot W H NkAL, any legiti- wheat compound are put in a quart ol eoritf dred aud S^Teuty-JKiglit. water, HIB. JAM. VV. (TlcK.EE, apr2 teb27tt at Lord & Haskell’s. mate demand for more currency the bauks aud the resalt is a quart of coffee, at any rate and the originators of refined society sketches and Tobacco. would have 4 issued it. Iu 1872 however Filiation Duets,” To Let. An Ordinance Relating to Dogs. readily it smells like coffee,aud there are no settlings. ANO R. K. $5,000,000 of the of retired of JEPPE FANNIE DELANO. GATLEY, No. ISt Pearl street, 10 room., A $44,000,000 green- Lots people like it, and say it is as it ordained by the Mavor. Mermen, and Com- The great celebrity of our TINT AG TO B A C (ia< anil H.-bfigo. Kent low. Apply were Horse mon < ouncil of »he City of Portland, in City C<» has caused imitations tbeieof to be backs reissued. as that the Arabian Popular P ice*, 75, 50 nnd 35 Cent*. at lid Pearl Hireel. j.29dtf BE many placed good foreign product, Conndi a^emb'ed, as f dlows: oothemaiket, we »berefi>re caution all Chewers Seals can be secured at the Box Office from and after Then in 1873 the panic came not- seems Section 1st—Kvtry owner or keeper of a dog shall came, berry. It a good deal like the Neva Monday, April #tb. apyd5r against pu'Cbasing such imitations To be Ken led. cause it to be registered, described, and li- All or the fact that Stucco annually dealers buy ng selling other plug tobacco withstanding contraction a Era money—an imitation of the real article. Plasterer, desirable front with alcove. censed ior ote year in 'he office or tue City Clerk, by bearing a hard or metallic label, render themselves If 13. room, Urge ESTABLISHED, merely nominal contraction at that—had — — therefor to *aid clerk the sum of twenty five It be to state that this JLSD AVERTBalb room upon game floor. Apply at paying liab’e to the penalty of tbe Law. and all persons may proper advertise- AGENCIES. cents, and shall cause it to wear around its neck a our tr*de mats'* are oum-hablo fine ceased in and that jau7dtf 606 CONGRESS ST. violating by have taken the award at ail 1868, there had been since ment is unsolicited. collar di-tincilv marked with iheownei’s name and and *E* ACT %0F CON- These goods highest wholly imprisonment then an increase in HIASTIC registered number, and shall pay into the City Tieas- «*RES> %CG 14,1876 the principal Fairs in the United States. the volume of the curren- ESTABLISHED IN 1849. WORKER, tor such license ooe dollar « HOTEL TO uiy The genuine OHIt* AO TIN TAG TO- cy. How then is it that contraction LEASE. — possible Section id vvh ever keeps a dog contrary to the BACCO can be distinguished by a T«N ToG MANUFACTURED BY Our New lork Letter* 21 aod 23 Union Street, provisions of this uidioance shall forfeit ten dollars on each lump with the woid LUKIlLAKD of the currency had anything to do with that 8. 91. I’ETTENGILL & CO.’S The New England Hone, Portland, Me, on to use fur rbe to be recovered romplaiui city. stamped thereon. Inflation Section 3d—AH flues and penalties iu the Over 7 0*8 tons panic? certainly did not cure It, for POR1RLAND, ME. Addreag AU*J. P. FULLER, provided tobacco sold in 1*77, and The Preeesa sf ADVKKTISING AGENI’V sections he recove*ed on Josiah Webb & Iiiqnidaiina—Oar Orest de2s., SPRING STALE ures which those Children’s Fancy Hosiery never and including last October; but in order to occur, surprise who only CITY of PORTLAND. know the insolvent Contracts for Advertisements in all Newspape's o presented so many a-traetions in retire these greenbacks In nation- parties by reputation. Oc- all cities and towns of the United Canaa OFFICE $38,324,640 States, Hie ot Nov.lt>csiii I casionally an old honse is swept down in tbs and British Province.' way csignsaud al bank notes were and the contrac 01 Colors as we are issued, Office No. 6 Tremont Street, Boston. combinations ASSESSORS’ NOTICE resistless current, that ha* stood well so long Boots and Shoes tion of greenbacks resulted, as it No. 432 St, able to show at the present time. necessarily as to hare been Congress Assessors of the of Portland thought quite impregnable. OLOittfE P. ROWELL & '■here are so many different City hereby Black Dress Goods must under the act of 1875, in an Increase €0., to all liable to taxation in Two firms that were in this (THE DRi ROBINSON HOC8E.) THEgive notice, persons AT oategory sno- styles that it would be impossible said that will be in session secular instead of a contraction ot the city they every currency. It cnmbed on the 1st of and their misfor- ADVERTISING AGENTS to enumerate them all or say from the first to .he fifteenth day of April April, day next, IN SIX DIFFERENT PATTERNS, is true that from the passage of the which was the most fashionable inclusive, at their room iD City Hall from ten to WYER GREENE & CO.’S. resump- tunes occasioned general regret and sympathy. FOR ALL THE LEADING NEWSPAPERS. twelve o’clock in the forenoon, and from thiee to five tion act to November so much is leli to the taste ot the last $70,986,491 in Toe senior and founder of one of them has o’clock in the for the purpose of Dealers Id Materials of every description men- afternoon, receiving We have received a fail line of national bank notes were Printing purchaser. We will simply lists of the and estates taxable in said city. LATEST jn.t withdrawn. But been for man; years active in the useful offlcee Type, Presses, etc. polls tion a lew ot our best bargains in And all such persons are hereby notified to make _STYLES! this withdrawal was Office No. II Park Row, Now York. 46 I ache. entirely voluntary, aud of good citizenship and in promoting worthy • hildreu’s good-: and bring to said Assessors true and periect lists of Wide, NEW AND NOBBY GOODS all their polls and estates, real and personal, or held would not have taken place had thero been charities. He is held in universal esteem, and E. N. FRE*IIMAN & IIICO*., 25 doz. Fine Pencil stripes in all by them a? guardian, executor, administrator, trustee for Spring and Hammer wear, which we a demand for the was sort man at 25 cts $1 59 AND $1.75 PR. ID currency. It only took the of who deserved to becrowoed ADVERTISING AGENTSt sizes per pair. or otherwise, on the first day of April. 187#, and be $1.15, propose 10 sell at 20 doz. Plain Colors witli Fancy prepared to make oath to the truth of the same. place because there was no demand for and with riches, for he was always willing to dis- 1*6 W. Fourth Street, L'incinnsli, O And when estates of persons deceased have been BLACK Colored silk Clockings at 37 1-2 Bottom Prices! no on the pense his means liberally to advance the well- HAWK, divided during the past year, or have changed hands consequently profit circulation, Estimates furnished free. Send for a Cirrular. cis, to sold last year 1 Case equal goods from any cause, the executor, administrator, or other Spring Shades this same act of 1875 all being of bis fellowmen. warned to (V. 8.—Store open Evening, until 9 repealed restric- TOM B. PATCHEN. for 62c person interested, is hereby give notice of In the contemplation of individual misfor- T. C.EVA.KS, 50 doz. Very Fine Full Finished such change; and in default of such notice will be 10c. Uc. 15c. 90c* 95c. pr. yd. O ClOCKs tions on the amount of bank circulation, and held under the law to pay the tax assessed, although tunes of this nature, the pablio are apt t > for- ~ With fastest Record of stallion sizes 5 to 8 1-2 at 50 were there any Ho VV A REHOUSE, Thi- lot includes FIGHT differ- And person who neglects to comply with this workings of an inexorable cimmerjal law, C A / B. Patcben w as sired by the ohurebill any furuish it. the Novel- notice will be doomed to a tax according to the laws 20 CENTS. which is no of oa m WASHINGTON BOSTON. rse. be bv black Hawk, he by Chieftain, ent lines, and all Latest 480 CONGRESS respecter persons and the STREET, H Young of the and be barred of the right to make ST., be by Hill’s Vermont Black Hawk, lies in Embroideries and State, ap- Thus it seems that the contraction and (Hix Hoise,) Fancy to the Commissioners for any abate- previ- impartial execution of which rests onr sole Dealer in Wood and MotaJ Type all kinds 01 Benson be Mclntire plication County OPPOSITE PBEBLK HOUIE. jiam bv Ho'se, (Pacer,) by Combinaiions ot Colors. In qual- ment his unless he shows that he was una- ous to the panic was in the circu- Printers’ Materials. Advertisements! nserted in any Sir Cnarles. recorded in of taxes, eod2w greenback hope of extrication from the embasrttssmeole Horse ‘he by Pedigree uIm Dimli licfo nritViin Ota Mmo liarohv an. TDKESBIKY & CO., apt in the United States or Canadas at ity these goods are tally equal to and that paper publishers* Wallace’s I rotting Register, Vol 3, and approved by lation, it was more than made good brought npon as by a prolonged career of finan- wost Send for estimates. •”"* last at from 75 poinied. al__al._I prices. me ceui-uin ui those sold season tk/, —, the assessors have v« V. Cgir'In no case where been put 537 Street. vj uatmuai unuivgt cial The of that law B W1< toaled in 1871, iB b ack wiih strip ia t„ce aud cts. to $100. Congress LOCKE’S GELATINE STARCH. dissipation. consequences to «he disagreeable necessity of making a doom will marl 6 SU.4KPG & white hind ankles, and 16 banus 1 inch ia bright. dtf It also that the he averted for a time W. W. ‘JO., All are invited to examine our the of Government bonds or deposits in appears contraction in green- may by expedients of He has been trmled but two sea-ons on the turt, iu possession, want the bent and the cheapest Starcb Stock. the Savings Banks be allowed as a plea in mitigation yon varions AGENTS. of Which be has been v-rv success'ui, having rv I m PIT mn obtained lor Liecnanicai de- that has been or can be backs since the panic has b; law been more kinds; they undoubtedly have in many ADVERTISIN'! both ot such doom. IF preparation found, horses them King Will- ll 1 I II' vices, medical, or olbei Starch is that article. It defeated man? good among WM. O. 11] Loche'i i*elatane than off-set the further issues ot bank instances been warded off by parties who were Knox B.ae.k Pilot, Somer- FOX, ) ornamental iron STICKING and by 2 PARK ROW, NEW TORE. iam. Pbii Sheri lan, Bov, STEPHEN K. Assessors. I 11 I H 1 I \»a>P(>and8, prevents the BLISTERING; The horse will stand 'or DYER,} and net obliged to snbcumb at last and better set Knox aud Mi'lenocket. MARSH. I M I IJ 1 111 designs, trade-marks, it can be used either in boiled or raw starcb; it give*- notes, and that the contraction has been might of ui« STEPHEN | * 111 Ul] 1U wri en, the seasoD of 1878, ot the stal los owo't, M1JK labels, Caveats, Aj«ign- a very tine clear white finish and mat will have done it earlier. But the Advertisemen e appropriately displayed, lSiS. MOORE & BAILEY. schedules will be furnished at the room polish, the work of the banks. fact that more trim lft. to J"1? 1st, OWEN, G3F“Blank mcnts. interterences e„. torn it makes an ana We may feel sure o, e'reet, Portland, April □ever yellow; ironing easy and proofs civet Iree charge. tbi'ts- of the Assessors. failures have within of the tive dollars t r tseason, promptly attended to. nventions that have been exercise. For sale I happened the last three the 1/ itlv and Weekly Newspapers Terms—Twent? ma pleasant by Grocers, iruggists, that they would never have withdrawn leading warrant. Mar" disposed of betore Portland, March 26, 1878. ‘6d3W their United Stites snd Canada, kept on file lor the five dollars'o 1876 FIRST PKBtlUJiHS 1877 &c Warned—Two good outside salesmen; also a months than usual is not to be interpreted as a will -econ-odered bdt to warrant. For ootes had there been a accommodation A Advertisers. toting few good local canvassers. sharp demand for Li- P. SliAVV, 26 Market St. • tign that the country at large is not paw/culars apply to & W252 WB Manufactured and supplied wholesale by those notes. increasing roar28eollm DCIUPTCn in bat that it is more difficult C. J> wealth, only n Ml I ^posltt Patent GELATINE STARCH The error of Chase’s Chronicle and other Av JUfj v U \J A Lif, MJ we can viake LOCKE’S CO.. than It used to be to sustain credits by artifi- **—* AOfBKT'M.’iUACESif fice, closer 'kK'CVHP* HORSES! is searches, and secure Pat- greenback papers in in the circu- This is an of No. 5 No. 3 Plum »«., Me. reckoning cial methods. angary returning Wnahingto Building, tents mora and with broader claims than Portland, promptly dec27 d3tteodtf lation ot 1865 $671,000,000 of the interest- health and strength, and ought to be PKOVIIIKSCE K. I (FORMERLY JOHNSON’S.) those who are remote from Washington. accepted bearing obligations of the government. The as a harbioger and, promise of a brighter saloon been hates * i.ouKE, This popular having HORSES! 7.30’s were sparsely if ever used as currency. futare. refilled on:a, late 01 D. K. Loose, o Locke * stowed and propose to increase Us of possess more actual property ta I nave tills morniDg received two catloads of NO I'HABGfi UNLESS PATENT Is currency, and the first issue ot 7 30 Treas- to-day per cap pootiliirity by generally educing SECURED. tbau have at S. M. PettengUl & Oo. Jones, Toledo B ade notes have been in a few instances they aoy period since the 1st of iheccstot loud, utiile fully uiaia- We reter to officials in the Patent Office, and to ury may Send for Lst ot 100 choice newspapers. $2.25. January, 1862. If everybody could fiud his taimug the quality and quantity. HORSES, Inventors in every State in the Onion. used as currency. But their use was an ex- C. A. SNOW & CO., We shall sell our entire stock of Boots and Shoes proper place of employment tbe thrift would of dodd’s one carload averaging over 1300 pounds, the other Washington, D. C. at very lo v prices. ception, not a rule. Why by this 49 EXCHANGE STREET. Opposite Patent Offlcc, 1 reasoning course be much carload trom 950 to IP O, suitable for farm ht> Best in fine goods ever offered in this greater. In the breaking np mar5dtf averaging no24 bargains city. ot the Chronicle we were in 1865 JkOfEIiTlIilNU ACENCY, work and tor Gentlemen’s {drivers. I have now on using of occupations that resulted from the commer- band 53 horses that l will sell cheap as I am expect- of currency 121 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, THE STANDARD BROILER. $1,375,000,000 against $290,000,- cial revulsion of 1873 a vast number of CORLISS ing many more at the end ot the mbiith, and need LEAVITT & persons DAVIS, an in room April in. 000 in 1860, increase five years of over Advertisements receiaed for every Paper In the FIRE PROOF POLISH, the Patented 1877. were detached from pursuits that could no British Provinces at the lowest I wid now to the that I am to buy and best United States and ^TOVE say public ready rlUlE simplest No. 1 Elm Street. a billion dollars, that Is, five times as to and sound anu aud tor nearly longer be prosecuted advantage, they contract prices. Any information cheerfully given Kent in ilic world ! Can’t be bpnt! Tlis kind family horses fiom 950 to 1050, JL artible Cooking mar27 dtt fuurnishcd. *ill a'so ices for horses that can show a Beef Steak ever in much currency. The statement have been transferred to spheres of »r.d estimates promptly Polish is mate ot better materials and gives a darker pay good pi carries its nut jet duly HOKACK DODD. 2 40 gait, from to 16 bands, and fund rented. and be* ter polish lhan >nj in the market. It- espec- standing Isj own refutation. in which can exert themselves and kind. I want 10 such horses the first of May. PROFESSOR DRURY’S they profitably. ial qualities are toat it requires less rubbing than by Can be used over either a It not to be Tbis makes a very large decrees* io the an> other, aud it appiie 1 at directed is wananied fj j LADIES’ AND GENTLEMEN’S ought necessary to again ex- earning Coal or Wood fire. to nor it rust a 8 ove if 81 n«»t pioinice any *»Uht. will left Stable, Franklin Street. pose the mistatements of the capao y of a people. But notwithstanding that wi hout rubbing. Tiv it. For &a1e by the manufac- greenback pa- Cooks Steak so Hair Catting, Singeing and Sham- tbe condition of affaita is turer, N. VV CORLISS. Yatmouth, Me. NVho)e>aie The most convenient in th< qnickly pers. They have been corrected drawback general War Declared place that all the and fla- time alter Agents, II. H. RICKER & Co„ 178 Fore St., Port RUFUS RAID. juices pooing Rooms, aud-the outlook is more encourag- to Coal vor are retained. but are improving Me. wauled city purchase your is ai roh29 dtf time; they constantly and VS. SHODDY. I shall open after April 1st, a large land, Agents aprltf 203 reiterated, ing than at any former period in sixteen and shoes for RANDALL, A MCALLISTER’S MIDDIE STREET, must be as stock o! nieuiom ami low-priced Boots not get ashes or constantly corrected. aDd every Opposite Fa'mouth Hold. years. every any we*»—gnod st>les, t-asy titling Class Ambulance new office. No. 78 St. coal on the meat. the shod- First Wa^on Exchange DOES pair warranted. Prices as low or lees than Dots Dot let smoke and Sharing 10 Vents Hair A3 Cents The of Take one pregnant example of augmented FOE — Caning reasoning Chase's Chronicle in re dy sr««ck ot cheap stores. opposite the Post Office. oui of gas che stove. VFigs and every description o» Hair Work. The to Daring tbe first six of the P S My stuck of t ine Boots will be fhe best, and D gard the 7-30’s should lead it farther to capital. days pres Carrying the Sick and Wounded oc!9 dtf es not put uut the fire. original iuventor of iu 1862. mb2ki3w reduced. iff. ti I* A I ITIKB, Singeing rut month there were received at and pries the conclusion that the withdrawal of Chicago Ush3tdti ^:SO Uioillr Sinel. can be bad by applying at Ask Dealer for postage- Vaults Cleaned and Ashes R< your the Milwaukee 2,529,553 bushels of grain; same Siiiudvird Broiler. Ladies’ Colored and White Skirts stamps from circulation all remember the moved. (we lime 858 598 S. & ‘is is just what you want. lime when 1877, bushels; 1876, 875,620 bosh- S. RICH SON’S, in good variety and very low prices, Also postage stamps did duty for fac- FOii sale! ORDERS nroroptly attended to by cylliog a The Trade supplied by els; 1875, 774,728 bushels. The receipts of or tional 138 Exchange Street. VbL addressing R. GlbeON, Fuller, Dana & Fitz COTTON AM) currency) was an act of contraction C',n*r—,. Street. JHER1N0 U.'DERTTEAE those it days were larger bj 20,597 bushels roar?gdim jvrlrfM 110 Williams & Co.. Nashl and to the Stock and Trade «t a good business, well d»cll eodly North"st”Bostou.and in complete lines and law prices. Also highly iijurious country. It than all f|*llF N. H. those of tbe three preceding years pa J estab if-hed, good location Would require a ua, CALICO WRAPPERS. LADIES' AND should as For Sale. Dress by go even further and regard contrac- one an u dollars, Waking. Manufactured This will give idea of the capbai oi three hve thousand business: nnui.E NEWSPAPERS l«r Wrap- CHILDREN'S APRONS' together! Doors, blinds, Windows, Bashes &c. Anyone Mai tin & Pennell fide spring waqon. Also to go out by the day *111 be received b; H. tion the withdrawal of the private note-issues of that hundred nr Ihrcu D. Arthur Brawn dt Co., Fiaherrilto, If. Call and see. magnitude magnlfioent harvest which wishing to purchase will address ONEone jump and cariole. ORDFRSG YOUNG, at 419| Congress s reet, nea ping Purpo.es, 50c ■ aecii Tl&stapis sa6dtf A. B, BCTLKD. of 1862 and 1863. has had and is inch a Jaautf BOX &T5, Par land, me. marlCdtf Enquire at Tbii Office. First parish Church. apr4dzw* ; hundred fur 81,00, at I* Vtteo, having potent influeuss TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 9. the of an Austrian Mr. Blaine said it would not be two before I nited States, The contingency attack in the years 1868, coup,...109| Constitution is brought to a healthy con- >eth, Macbla* for Newport; Marj Loud, Robertson, rear. All over the the regiments were made white. t nited States 10-40’s, reg... passes Carpathians practica- 1 ition by the use of Bath tor New York. MISCELLANEOUS. Mr. Bui aside said it would be as absurd to C nited States !(»•40s HUNT’S REMEDY. Dioj sy, BY ble for artillery and trains are convered tbe require coup. ,..,105* »ch JeDnie A TELEGRAPH. by or 1 GUiUCESTEH-CId 6tb, Stubba, regiments to be cum nosed of all Irish all Germing. C nited 8tates new 5*s Irights Disease, Bladder and Com- in the of this which the Russians have reg.,,101$ Kidney, Urinary stnbbs, tor Sweden via Magdalen Islands. renewing strength war-exhaasted positioos ju»toc- It was none during the nacessities of was no nited States new 5s, war,but l coup. laiJts, and Mental aDd are cured PORTSMOUTH-Below H H PROBATE NOTICES. cup'td. Telegrams from Siliseria and Rnst- or States new Physical Debility, 7ib, brig McGllverv, Republic. There is not longer necessary proper. r nited 44s » only wonderful abun- that the Russian reg...... T/m y HUNTS REMEDY. Pain in the Back and Whittier, Boston for Portland; sobs Boston Light, Chuk say troops are constantly Pending further dbcussinn the hour ex- l nited State? new Side, dance of the products of the MAINE. morning 44s, coup. ioaJ Annis, do tor Camden; Baltic, Spinney, do tor Ma- in either soil, but there is a moving from Bulgaria into Koumania. pired and the bill went over. [ nited States 1 per cents, 1 iOins, Gravel, Uterine Exces- To all persona Interested ol the reg .. 10u$ Diabetes, Afflictions, thias; Black Warrior, Stevens, do for Carver’s Har- present and Rionianiaus are stated to be The Pacific railroad funding bill then came t tailed States 4 per too* * es and prospective foreign demand for all comparatively np. cents,coup. intemperance, are cured by HUNT’S i'or; Campbell, So A m bay tor Port laud; estates hereinalter named. Mr. Sirgent resumed his remarks I acificS’s, Marshall, that are not quiet again, the government haviug success- (interrupted by U5s.....H8 j tEMEDY. Mary J Lee. Boston tor Castel- required for domestic consump- (Special to the the and to Family Physicians prescribe HUNT’S Hagerty, Hancock; Press.) tu used Premier Bratiano’s to adjournment Friday) referring again the The were the of laue, Tbomas, Tboroaston for Boston tion. are ly absence following dosing quotations J ; Junieita, a Court of Probate held at Portland, within They out as fast as tire steam- Strike of Viualbaveo sav'ngs effected by the government by the construe- « tEMEDY. going Stonecotte.a. eecura a postponement of action about the tncks: Thompson, boston for Portland; Silver H*eis, Cog- and for the County of Cumberland, on the ers and tion or the road, Slid it w belter for the govern- & Clark’s do for C AT ships can them. take the 8.—The the treaty of San j lorris Essex .. 77 Toothache Drops cure instantly. gins, Lamome; E Morrison, Smith, do for Third of in the of oar carry They Dockland, April stonecutters at protest against Stefano. rnent in the mat’er of dollars and cents today that Tuesday March, year Lord, of y iTestern Union Telegraph Go...824 aprO eod&wlw Kennebec; Calvin F Baker. Baker, do tor Bath: An- eighteen hundred and the following place gold in our list of and to struck for more Peaceful Word* of 8t, the road had been built, and it would be ben cr off in « _ seventy-eight, exports help Vipalbavtn higher wages Saturday. Petersburg ’acifie 20$ nie Locswood, do for Kennebec; D matters having been for the action there- 1900 if not He « Mail. LSturgis. Gould, presented that a dollar was ever paid. contended it few York Central Boston for keep precious metal within a fraction of Work has been for the Journal*. & Hudson It R...It 6$ Kennebec; Treasure. Henderoon. Rock- upon hereinalter indicated, it is OBDBBBD, suspended present. was not intended that the intetest should be paid as MARRIED. land tor hereby ] :rie..... 10* Ipswicb; Hannah 1), Jewett, and Belle. That notice thereof be given to ail persons inter- par. A. St. Petersburg, April 8.—The Agenco it fell due. He reiterate t Lis conviction that the leg- j !rie preferred.241 Harrington, Boston ior Westport. ested, by causing a copy of this order to be published the Associated Russe says it is authorized to that Russia is lition proposal b» the bill was a viola- Tbe movement of the crops was re“ iTo Press.) deny judiciary j •auauia. .. 127* three weeks successively in the Maine State Press seriously to lion ot con tracts. In Falmouth. April by Rev W. H. Haskell, Geo. iteliast (ireenbucktra. threatened oppose tho discussion of the private ftchigan Central. 084 7, fOREIGN PORTS' aud Eastern Argus, papers printed at Portland afore- tarded tin winter, by the condition of Mr. Bmiue formally odered his amendment to the Dearborn and Mias Gusfiie E. Baker, both of Fal- through B-ssarahian question bv the The \ luiou Pacific sai that at a Probate Court, to be < Stock,...67 § Ar at Yokohama to 1st Summer R 1, they may appear March 8.—A club was Congress. 12ih sectiou f the bill, striking out the words “re- < noutb. p-ev Inst, ship the roads all over the Western There Belfast, greenback Agence states that tbe character ot ,ake Shore... C6 New held at said Portlaud on the Thud Tuesday of country. the latest serving the right to alter, amend or repeal,” and in- In Westport, March 24, H. Hill and Miss Mead, Dixon. York. htre evening with 280 news encourages a belief 0f fiinoisCentral.... 754 Stephen Sid fm next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, and was a complet? mod embargo in the agiicultur- organized Saturday the possibility of sert “but so long as said Central Pacific aod Union Em ra J church. Newcastle. NSW, Feb 11, barque Monhe- Apiil 'ittsburg ...... aud it see cause. members. Charles Baker is tbe resumption of tbe Cougresa shall R.* 754 In of gaD, Luce Yokohama. be heard thereon, object they al districts. This s‘ate of original Capt. proposal Pacific Railroa Companies faithfully comply ihicago & 48$ Lincolnville, March 29, Dallas H. Warren tbiogs interrupted of said acs of 1852 and aud Northwestern. Belfast and At Wellington, NZ, Feb ‘23d, b&rqne Lorinda Bor- REBECCA L. SIMPSON, late of in the and Geo. W. Brackett An Proci dings in Ibe House of Common*. with the provisions J861, { Ihlcagc Sc Northwestern Miss Lillian M. Uollainore ot Lincoln- Duxbury, business to such a as to president secretary. a to to the United prolerred.72 rille. Stell. Bors'en. from New York. State of deceased First and Final degree precipitate the ot Mis t, relating payments States Jew Jersey 1 Mas*achu-eti8, London, Aprii 8.—In the Central. 104 In Sid tm Melbourne Feb Gen Account for G. failare of address was made by Hon. William M. Rust. Commons this aft- on account of bunds advanced and of the sinking lock Waldoboro, March 24, Dan’l H. Clark of Wash- 21, ship Butler, Ryder, presented allowance, by Elbndge many tradesmen who were unable to eruoou Sir Stafford such island, ex-d...* ..,,.1024 for San Francisco via Newcastle NSW. Administrator. Norrhcote iu moving an fui d to be established as afotesaid compliance I it. ugton and Miss Sarau Munsey of Patten. Simpson, Paul...... , 1 fm keep their goods till there was a address of the Queen out aud taken as sufficient to meet the 45$ in Rock March Sid Sourabaya Feb G, ship Southern chance to sell calliog the reserves shall he deemed ; It. Pan 1 preferred. port, 30. John Handley of Rockland Chief, Hig- ALEXANDER F. BOARDMAN, late of Bruns- on account of 711 ind Mis. gins, Passaroeang. them, and still said that the acuou of the government iu obligations of said companies such fort 91 Rhoua A. Page of Rockport. wick, deceased FiistaDd Kiual Account pay their notes at maturity. MASSACHUSETTS. tile Wayne.... $ Sid fm Havre Gtb inst, Homeward presented emergency was not bonds to the maturity thereof,” { & barque Bound, tor by J. Administra- But the wheat was preseut that war was in- prior Chicago Alton.,*...724 Merriman, United States. allowance, Sylvia Boardmao, all it is Oeba e wa cout inued by Messrs. Sargent, Eayard, trix wi.h the aunexed. garnered; coming tended, hut was a step taken as & Alton preterred. 994 | Will simply a pre- and then Mr Reman advo- ihicago DIED. Arat Havre 5th iast. ship New forward now in a measure. Thru mati and B1 line, )Uio u of Stephen auJ Auu:e Irunubull. Gray. Portland. Pcti'ion tor atditionai allowance out of Personal this doorkeeper. beneficent of nataro is some- Lard*. after reading the Journal the Iu Woolwich, Apiil 1. Harriet M widow of the Sid fm Navassa Mcb 28th, Cora Green, Phd- and for allnwacce of a in prodigally Proceeding* in the House of Immediately Speaker Cliicnso Cattle Market. brig Estate, pew church, pre- what NEW YORK. saidthefiist whs whether the ics elutions laie John Persius. 87 years 6 months. Wilmington NC: 29tb, scht Jos Oakes. Parker sented B widow of said deceased. uufqa»*l. The largest share by far gois 8.—In the Hnnse of Lord; question Maj. aged b.ook, by Ma»y Vainey, London, April presented on Fri lav bv Mr. Butler presented a ques- Chicago,April S—Hogs—receipts 17,000 bead ;?bip- In Gardiner, March 30 Sarah a. E., reiict of the Port Moraut; Kit Carson, Lawrence, Wood’s Hole; to the this alteruooa Lord Beacoosfieli moved au nents 3800 head: SAMUEL ROSS, late ot Cumberland, deceased. producers. But after all that is only a tion of pi ivilegt*, aud the House by a viva vuce vote market is a shade weaker, Mixed late Euward Swan, aged 63 years. 30tb, C Starred, Babbage, Baltimore. at 3 40 Copannersbip Account, pre-ented for allowauce, by address of thaoks to the Queen for Her Majes- manifestly decided that it old, but Mr. •ougb @ 3 69; light at 3 59 @ 3 6J; heavy 3 65 I11 Augusta, March 27, William B. Pierce, aged 73 Ski fm Antigua 6th inst, sch S L Davis, Cottrell, rectification of the inequalities that were observ- Collision in East River. Gong«r 3 95. Samuel Ross, Administrator. ly o ujnrsuuB uiumu^ uuu tus rcBtuvro nuu iui- thought tuar. as ihe action ot the House would ib- ^ years 5 months. New York. able the war and New 8—Schooner a it was PiltrlA-rAPAlnfa ^QOO hanrl omn DANIEL of Gorhvn. Final duriug for eight years there York, April John W. lowed wiih a speech of over au hom’d duration, tab ish precedent belter to take a vole by SKILLINGS, Ac- Houston was id coili-ion with the and and they were oriered aud market strong, excited and Steers count lor after. Toeu the people who specula ed and ftrry boat which was repeatedly cheered. A report from yeas nays, resulted higher; shipping [Latest by European steamers. presented allowance, by BeDjamin Irish, 219 yeas to 4 nays. votes were it 3 95 @ 5 30; stockers and feeders at 3 UU 4 ! D&PAfttTUKtt OF BT£AiT18KllP8. Guardian. Superior on Erst Itirsr yesterday, the latter the the Lords will Negative cast by @ 00; CM at Liverpool Mcb Jan NeBmltb- bought and sold made the most Some lobby says undoubtedly vote Mills, Throckmorton and tmtcbeis Steers active at 3 «0 3 90. 26tb, Harwari, money. losing the after p irtion ot the ladies and Bland, Young. @ NAMB r'HGM FOB DATE Oracle Hong; 27th MARY P. HALL, late of Falmouth, deceased. of cabin, tbe address unanimously. The stated that the House 560 153 Philadelphia; Humphreys, Hong them kept their and the schooner her and head Speaker having decided Sheep—receipt* head;'"shipments head; and lor Will and pHition for the presented gains got away with bowsprit gear. Jobu Beaconsfield after a of G'arondelet..New York..Nassau, &c...Apl 9 Alexander, Ballard, Lyaia Skolfteld, Brown, probate thereof, retrospect tha govern- ttte resolutions to be a question of privilege, the resj- shipping dull; sales at 4 35 @ 5 30. F. tbettin them; as or more Dalv, Gto W. Walling and Jas. B.-unett were Wyomiug...... New York. .Liverpool.Apl 9 Portland. by Benjamin Hall, the Executor named. maoy, perhaps continued on ment’s past policy criticises the treaty of San iuiion was before the House. It is in these words: but not aud Crescent City.Now York. y Passed Deal 27th, Jose R Lopez, McDonald, Lon- GEORGE WARREN, late ot deceased. wooing fortune till badly, fatally hurt, several others conclusions similar lo those Resolved, That tbe House proceed to the election .Aspinwall.Apl Wesibrook, they realized that her Stefato, drawing Columbus..New York. .Havana .. 10 don for Philadelphia. for flusiaiueu sbvbic of and that the true Providence Print Cloth* Apl Account presented allowance, by James Pennell, lujunes. contained iu Lord doorkeeper, Uniou maime 1 sol- Market. 26th. B frowns were as fatal as her smiles Salisbury’s despatch. City ol New York .New York. .Hav«$VCruz..Apl lo Cld at Cardiff Sewall, Pennell, Kio Janeiro. and Lewis P. Wairen. surviving partners of the bad been A House Blown Down. dier, drigidier Gen. Shields of Missouri, be chosen Providence. April 8—The cloths Although every article of the treaty was a U.|L, Priming Canima.New York.. Bermuda.Apl ll Sid fm Falmouth Mch 27lb, P G Blanchard, Mc- late firm of Warren & Peuoell, of which said aliariQg; the uotic^s of this latter class to that office. market is dull hut with little firmer and firm, obituary A two house on 17th deviatiou from the treaties of 1858 and 1871 be feeling Holsatia.New York. .Hamburg ....Apl ll Imire. Antwerp. Warrtn was a member. story street, Biooklyn, Mr Oiy mer a-ked Butler to allow him to holders 3 5-16 cash George appear in tbe records of would not call them violations because had prices, asking @ 3ft for standard Baltic.New York. ll Sid fm Pauiilac Mch 24, Tewksbury L Swett, Farr, “Business Embarrass- was blown down yesterday by a gale. The fam- substitute ior tue resolution, ana one.ed the and extra 64 x 61’s. .Liverpool.dpi ISAIAH X. BEAN, latent Portland, deceased. follow- Dominion.Portland.. .Liverpool.Adi 13 for Cadiz. ments” with which our ily of eight p.reoas they been considered at the Congress as Eng- ing: Petition for allowance out of Per>onai Estate, pre- newspapers are daily escaped. Hermann.New 13 Passed Prawl Point 28tb, Oliver from NYorfc land desired they might have been r. garded Kes lived, That the House proceed to the York..Bremen.Apl Dyer, sented by Rebecca W. Beau, widow ot said deceased freighted. Men in trade take The Railroad Oil Explosion. election Alps.New York. 13 bound West. great risks and as He showed that the of doorkeeper. 0«me«tle Market*. Aspinwall.Apl suggestions. nossessior Helvetia.New Yor k~ Liverpool ....Apl 13 GEORGE A. CARD, late of Portland, deceased. make or lose With them it At Slatihgton, Pa., the late accident Mr. Butler-1 desir9 that the exact state of the Yobb. 8-Evening.—Coitou maiket is rapidly. is “quick by of Bessarabia was not a trifling local interest April City ot Richmond New York. .Liverpool.Apl 13 SPOKEN. Petition lor allowance out ot Peisoual Estate, pre- which an oil traio was burned and lives lost, is question scad be before the House, aud suggest to. irregular «nd nominal at 1-16 advance; sales 849 heated bt Emma L. Card, w dow ot said d< cea.-td. come, quick go.” If Lord Palmerston had strongly iusisted upon in Niagara.New York. .Havana.Apl 13 Feb oft’ St from they enjoyed exemption attributable to tbe of the gentleman from Pennsylvania that as we are bales; Middling uplands at New Orleans at 28, Helena, barque Illie, Sawyer, Al'O Petition for license to sel' *od Real Es- bungling railway em- cession to Roumama as lOfte; Ibft; Anchoria.New York. 13 convey from disaster involving the indepen- me-, of business we attention to futures with .Glasgow ...... Apl Sauarang for Australia. and could always bo sure of suc- have been tbe verdicts give ihe matter in irregular moderate business, clo ing 13 tate, presented by W. Vernll, Administrator. ployes. InqneBts held, dent navigation of the Danube. The hand. I undersiau that Sardinian.Halifax.Liverpool.Apl March 15, lat 48 55. lou 18. C H from George cess Congress 6inoe tue Iasi adjournment steady at 2 to 4 p3ints advance. S'In nr—receipts ship Marshall, their ranks would b* more overcrowded stating the opinion that the oil tanks would not City ol VVashingcon.New York .Havana.Apl 15 lor New York. uun.™ iuiu<>r cuu» JOHN late ot deceased. First vigorous constitution Preparing Tor a Strike. rhe Eist the British Thi @ 85; @ 6 fO; Scandinavian.... NE4L, Ponlaml, imperilled empire. Mr. If the Halifax.Liverpool ....Apl27 esented for bv Daniei W Fes- ■ hll'h ho n.\f nil o n r. 1U ... L. Ciyrnei— gentleman withdraws the Fancy White Wheat Western extra at 6 55 @ 7 75; Account pi allowance, Secret were held once threatened meetings yesterday of car- Egyptians! Constantinople nomination contained in ins resolution we can extra Ohio at 5 05 6 extra St Louis at 5 10 senden Administrator de bonis non whb the Will anive good @ 75; * dots not know what there was consequently no reason the at this a bur, if •a; it would be to do without penters, clothing cutters, tailors, plasterers, why thiog by s.ngie vote, ne will not do so 7 75; Patent Minnesota extra good to prime at 6 75 minatnre Almanac.April 9 annexed. aud cigar to their Russians might not march to the Suez caual I prefer to adhere to the substitute as ottere 1. This (a) 7 50; choice to double extra 7 55 8 50: low it, and a few hundred dollars over aad above brick-layers, packers, perfect @ grade Sun rises.*....5.27 water. 3.05 PM HELEN M. SYLVESTER, late of Portland, de- with a view to effect He could not conceive why should will throw the question of the nomination under the extra at 5 Ou @ 5 15; Winter Wheat extra 5 75 7 High KOH organization belter England @ 00; ceased. First Account for his prices rule ot Sunsets...6 37 | Moon seta..... 1.00 AM presented allowance, by living which seems insignificant for tbeir labor. All be unarmed when all the other powers weri the House. Minnesota extra at 5 15 @8 50; Southern tiour is LING, Silas E. extremely brick-layers not gettiag Sylvester, Executor. when Mr. Butler—1 cannot withdraw my nomination. I unchanged; sales 1100 bbls. Rye flour is dull at 3 50 compered with the tens of thousands per $2.50 per day have boeo ordered today to strike arming. EM MAR. WH1TEHOUSE, late of de- Peaceful do not propose to go into this matter wiih ihe idea of @ 4 15 for State. Coruuncai is quiet and unchang- Portland, annum he beets for that amount. Bumore.| or ceased. Second Account presented tor of people realizing in trade, no catches” paihamentary rules. 1 want to meet ed. Wheat—receipts 220,050 bush; heavy and i @ THE FASHIONABLE allowance, by The New 8.—Cable are ai tbe in the face anu I 2 sales M-ARINE NEWS. TAILOR, Joseph G. Rowe, Trustee. Contest therefore bush on doubt often feels inc iaed to repine that he is ZO’Connor-Cain Dismissed. Yoke, April specials question suggest that lower; 208,OlO bush, including 152,000 follows: the name of the other candidate be placed in the spot and to arrive soou; 119 @128 for uneraded Has received his selections for CHARLES SAMPSON, late of New Gloucester not where a Tbe House committee on elections today dis- shower of good lack may now and It is stated that the Czar will ask thi the substitute. Spring; 1 22 tor No 3 Spring; 1 26 @ 1 27 lor No 2 deceased. Petition f>r license to sell and convey missed the contested election case from the PORT OF PORTLAND* Clyrner—If the gentleman to me I will otter North Western on spot and to arrive; 1 32 1 Real Estate, E. Ad- then fall into and fill his coffers. It may be second South Carolina Enperorof Germany to mediate, and that hi yields @ 32$ piesented.by Margaret Sampson, district of O’Connor vs. a sub-1 iiute aud demand the previous for No 1 SpriDg; l 24$ for New York No2 ministratrix, j that be offers to submit the entire treaty of Sat question. Spring; and occasionally visits a kinsman or near Cain (colored.) Butler-Oh, pardon me; I did not tor 1 36$ for No 2 White ;1 tur extra White Spring Summer, to a yield that. 44$ Michigan; CHARLES BLAKE, late of deceased, Miactllaneoas. Stefano Congress, besides making pre That is a trick that i will 1 46 1 47 Portland, friend in the and catches a not do. @ for White State; 1 41 for No 1 White; l 24 Monday,; April 8* Second and Final Account city glimpse of lux limiuarv concessions. he piesenied for allowance, are Clyrner—I gentleman has no right to accuse me for No 2 SpriDg seller closing at 1 24 bid. 1 urious in a Twelve persons reported missing to the April, 21$ ARRIVED. by Irving B'ake, Executor. living brown stone palace, takes an Gen. Skobeloff was entertained at a grand of desiring to peipet.ate a fraud on the asked 23 do lor at 1 1 24 ask- and seven dead bodies at the House. Jt is ;1 May, closing 22$ bid, ; police, Morgue, on night the to sa* the least of it. ed ; 1 26 tor No 2 North U 8 steamer Myrtle, Foster. New Bedford. ELBRIDGR FIELD, of Falmouth. Account pre- airing in the Park, a sail in a or a seat at banquet Sunday by English aui unkind, Western for April, closing at ; yacht taken from the rivers within a few Bu'ler-1 will withdraw 1 1 Steamer New Brunswick, Hail, Boston for East- sented lor by Moses G. Guardian. days. American residents of Constantinople. icifyou as3ert that it was 23$ bid, 26 asaea; 1 24$ do May, closing at 1 23$ ! allowance, Blake, the opera. And as his lead him a Collector Simmons of Boston is no: 1 and St John, NB. CLOTHING, thoughts into in the intended. 25 asked 2 Winter Red tor at port city France is making exteusive naval prepara bid, ;No April closing j NATHAN CLEAVES, Judge. en route for hame. He will is 1 34 1 Sch Neptune’s Bride, Lindsey, Boston, to load for A of these are mental calculation of the cost of these he probably sail from tions. Clvmei—Certainly not, there no trick about it. 13<$ bid, asked; 32$ do for May, closing at 1 31 | portion goods of MR. KUHLING’S A true copy oi the original Order. things well 1 bill 1 34 asked. dull and 1 New York. Boston, accompanied his ou Butler—Very then, withdraw the heavy, Barley is own and are U forced to the conclusion that his by wife, Saturday Ad furloughs to the British Indian an proposi- Sch Arrival, Farnum, importation, of the finest Attest: HORACE J. BRADBURY, Rcg*l. host must for army tiao. A question was raised whether I had a steady; 20,uno bush No t Canada at 85c; 9200 bush of Boothbay. next, Europe. light Sch Machias to. Boston. and most desirable for w3wl3 be as stopped. A large force of native cavalry wi! to offer the re-olution on that 1 choice 2-rowed State to arrive at •nab of Velma, Coftia, quality styles spending mucb money in a twelvemonth Simoa Stevens is with collecting point. desire to suo- 69c; 21,300 charged probably join the English army in case war i mic a letter from Gen. Shields Mr. Butler then feediog at 49 @ 50c. B*ri«y Malt is dub and un- CLEARED. as he can hope to in a life-time. $72,000 on Mexican drafts, for arms for that sent Advertisers will find it cheaper to get tbelr JOB lay by Unless declared with Russia. i to the clerk’s desk and had read a letter to changed. Corn—receipts 187,650 bu*h; $ @ 1 lower Steamship Franconia, Bragg, New repub ic, aud has turned over $300. He has himself from and active at sales York,—Henry PRINTING done where they get their Advertising he is a good deal of a philosopher this disparity A despatch from St. Petersburg states tha Gen. Shields, asking him (when the moderately decline: 254,000 bush, ! Fox. SPRING been ordered to account to a receiver by Judge Senate bill bis to a including 158,000 bush on spot; 35 i«J 50c for ungrad- between their the prospects for negotiating tbs Russian loai increasing pension $5(J month j Barque DariDg. AudergoD, Cardenas—A L Hobson. OVERCOATINGS, respective conditions makes him Douahne. came betore the and it ed Western Mixed; @ 48c for No 52 53c lor are unfavorable. House)to try make $lG0,add- 47$ 3; @ ! Brig Edw H Williams, Tucker, Cardenas—Phin- a very otters who had suffered less low Mixed; for No 2; tor steamer ! little restless. Possibly it sets him to thinking iugihat and had not 53$c 52@52$c ney & Jackson. An Anusunccmet of England’* Policy more were on the retired hst, and that his kind act Mixed ; 52c tor steamer Yellow; 55c for No l White; whether it wouldn't be feasible for him to sell Scb H V Crandall, Rod, St John, NB, via Deer BUSINESS WASHINGTON. Expected. would not inlure him (Butlei) in Now England. 49$ @ 54c for Yellow Western; 54$ @ 55$c for round Isle—master. SUITINGS, bis farm Mr Edeu if Yellow; for White and go into "business”. Ha will nev- suggested that Mr. Butler would offer 50$c poor Western; 56c for Yellow Sch Marie!, Anderson. Calais—Cbaoe Bros. London, April 8.—The debate this week oi that amendment to the senate bill the Jersey; 51$ tor steamer Mixed at 51c er lack for chauces if Democrats April, closing Sch Alice Dean, Pembroke — NathM he has any “capital” at tbe address to tbe m answer to would vote or it. asked; 51 do for at Gardiner, Queeo thi bid, 51$e May, closing 50c bid, 52c Blake. PRESS Madisou Weils Frees His Miud to Secre- tor 2 all. Whether it be small or proclamation calling oat the reserves is ex Mr. Butler, I hold that as a-ked; 53$c No seller April, closing at Job yes, SUITS, there are scornfully-O letter 52$c bid, large, SAILED—Scbs Abbie Laura tary Sherman, nected to determine England’s justilica i »n. if wheat find an office in- 53$casked 53$c do May, closing at 53c toi l, 53$c ask- Wasson, H Jones, Printing. finally vacant, always “eligible openiugs”—:hat is the policy stead ed. A Peters. Silver and which way Toe can of making tbe old vecerau of tbe Mexican war tint*—receipts 34,075 bush; without decided Spring, Dolphin, others, New York, Aoril 8.—A.n interview is re- Government unquestionably rely on in for a harbor. they are described—aid he is told eat the bread ot pension and I sales 55,000 bush; 34o for New York No 2; put he cau make between J. Madison large iu their favor on the main issui dependence, would U. ported Weils and Secre- majority him tar as 1 was 34J @ 35c for No 2 White; 35c for No 2 Chi- PANTALOONINGS, give (so concerned) an office in @ 34$ @ thousands by investing hundreds in a tary Sherman relative to the recent of or Russian S F which perfectly proceedings acknowledging resisting supre- which he can earu his living and hold au honorable cago in store aud afloat; 32$ @ 35c Mixed Western ;34 Ship Hersey, Capt Small, arrived here and in New Orleans Wells macy in as established the office. The 44c for While 5th inst, made the round passage from Norfolk to At the Lowest Possible Prices. safe, easy reputable enterprise. There reproached Sherman , by treat] ODly complaint that I heard wa* from @ Western, latter fancy; 33$ @ 34$c fur Fuliy appreciat ing the very liberal patronage which for the feeble effort made of San Sietano. It is claimed on all bands from the from New York Mixed 37c for White Staie. Liverpool, (where she discharged a cargo of are half a column of to have them released gentlemen (Cox) that Geu State; 34|@ Cottee— cotton) baa beeo bestowed by ihe upon th's depart- “business opportunities”— Shields- was too i and back to this port, in 58 These goods will be made up with the same public from prison, and Sherman responded by refer- except in a purely partisan discussion, that thi good for it, that he was too high aud unchanged. Su*ar quiet and firm; 7$ @ 7|c tor tair days. regard ment of our office, we would solicit a continuance ol to that is the precise in the the Cabinet is desirous to avoid too noble for it. Now here in a Union a good refining; 7J for prime; 600 lihus Muscovado ! for perfection in and the same, and will no to make such heading Herald—by ring to letter sent by Garfield and sincerely war, bul general, Lizzie fittieg thoroughness spare pains pat- himself, Mexican twice wounded on the on basis ot @ 7$; refiued firm and Barque Merry, Keazer. from New York for which it is shown t' at an ard also to their moral for it is not believed they are to meet thi General, glorious 7$ lairly active; of workmanship as has heretofore ronagd deserved. We gujrautee satialacJon In ev- by outlay of anywhere sympathy Aud-rson likely road to Mexico a man for standard Portland, is aetained at latest Russian without reproach, a mau not 9$ @ 9}c A; 9ft @ 9f c for granulated; 9$ Vineyard-Haven,—the crew ery respect. from a hundred and himself. proposal with liberal acceptance the for characterized tee garments to five thousand dollars fabu" seeking office (for if be bad written to me to pre- powdered; 10|c lor crushed. Mola**«-s is un- refusing duty. Wells responded “Oh! that is, by the presentation of counter pro- sent his name Bice in loos profits be secured. by saying, hang your for doorkeeper L sh--uid have hesitat- changed. moderate request. Petroleum made by the under- may rucuio, 4-uo r'ltuuianai ui tuo Ul OdL About three quarters ot the letter writing. There are half a dozen better ucdty I ed,) but a mau who is now travelling through new dull and unchanged; crude at 6ft; refined at ll$:15,00u cargo ot fruit of scbr Now if our Stefano its earn bbls united at 1 1 Clara L Dyer, trom Jamaica, was signed. agricultural friend is not too level things yon oonld have doue for us, and as for cr unconditional submission to thi England to his Jive ihood by and 35J @ 37$. Tallow is steady at destroyed by fumi- wheu lecturing, Waval gation at New Orleans 6ih inst. The board ol headed to your moral if it was judgment of Europe are regarded as the such a man pieseuis himself be fere me 7ft @ 7$. Store*—Rosin unchanged ■ or— health bo canght with this ba t, he may sympathy, deep enough to only asking have decided since to reach hell aDd alternatives to war. the poor piitanceof $100 a month, (he gels but pfutmc is quiet at 31c. Eggs steady at 10 @ lie. I fumigate only vessels hailing back, it would Dot have taken $30,) Pork Horn iatected perchance try to sell his land and herds and Lord and when I see a place where he can get $200 and opened lower and closed firm; 30u bbls mess ports. Geo Anderson aod in9 out of jail." Granville criticised the details of thi at 10 lo COMPETENT WORKMEN to earn it honorably aud fairly, have l not done ri»ht in 20 @ 30; 60 bbls family me-s at 10 50 @ 10 7 j; migrate the city where he can fare “Bat what could we have governraeuts's past but declared that OUR sumptn- done in the mat- policy, biinging his name betoie tue House? mess for April at 10 25 asked; seller May 10 20 atked. [FROM CORRESPONDENT. K0HL1NG, lie abed said Sherman. be would not commit himselt or bis friends oh onsiy, ld uot 000 bush oft Cape Uorn. is ashore at Poit Wollision, and not ocZJ PUBLICATION OF BOOKS’ bein<* corn, 9,000 bush bush rye. sneod petual danger of beiDg to a sudden halt Uaoger. Superintendent CarriDgton was ab- in the army did not Lord infer- oats, 3,400* y 9 a total loss. A brought justily Derby’s seconded, yeas 110, nays 120, the debate was coa® 2.9^0 bush barley. dispatch irom Capt Hernman makes sent. ence. tinued. n.-v nP Un Inc, nf nf _ through inability to raise funds for the day’s ! At the afternoon call of thQ board the market closed His family and assistants worked but ; The debate was continued Ship Palmyra, from San which The hard, Earl Carnavon said Lord Salisbury’s des- at great length by But- with Wheat heavy and lower at 1 09$ seller for May. Preble, Franclcso, requirements. admonitory information it was too late to be of avafi Huutoo arrived at 4th Lad one mao any except in res patch showed that if Eogland entered the ler, Yeares, aud otheis Corn dull and shade lower at 411 fa. nfo f,»r at™ bo ,;. Queenstown inst, killed came to him The cning three-fonrths of the Builer moved ihe are and another severely irjuied, by fiorn the opportunely. collapse In the helpless imprisoned Congress sbe would do so with her hand previous question and after a firmer but not lower. Pork dull anil lower a 15 falling top- lunatics. The npon speech by Cox of New tne lor sail yard during a ga'e Mch 27tb. affairs of his recent Bath fire department reached the t-word. j York, previous question May. Lard dull and lower at 7 07J May. and for host, concerning whose the vot* was Set) D H lugrabam, from before printing the scene too late either to succor the | bring seconded, taken on the reselurion St. Rockland, repoted SPECIAL_NOTICE. hnrDing The Dnke of avowed Louis, April 8.—Flour weak; at 4 00 on in was apparent opulence he was filled with senti- Argyle the belief thal olieied by olymer as a substitute for resolu- Superfine fire cargo, opened again on the 5th and 200 We wou'd call attention to inmates or to save the building. The first and Batlqr’s @ 4 15; extia do 4 33 4 50; double extra do 4 95 bbls special the Aueuar*’ the conutry was led to a conclusion ! t'on that the Hou-e do now to tne @ (a) lime discliaiged, but tbe fire started and ments of wonder an! of second floors with their being proceed election 5 5 35 30. up Native, wh.ca appe.rs in onr columns to-day with something akin to flimiDg cooteuts felt which was of audit was 13; tamily @5 Wheat sharply declined tLc batche* bad to be replaced. The has been concealed from parliament. doorkeeper,” adopted, yeas 123, nays and 3 cargo reference to Taxes, that all persons interested served the through to the which was also 1« a demoralized; No Red Fall at 1 12 @ 112} for on fire since March 1st. may envy, useful purpose of basemeut, occu- Tbe Marquis of declared that his 9, strict party vocewitn the excec.tion of Collins comply with the tenor of fuch dissuading some of the Salisbury ot cisb; No 4 do at I 03; No 2 at 1 05 1 (Kii Scb John Farnum. of St notice, pauicularly pied by doomed inmates. Pennsylvania aud Cutter of New who vot- SpriDg @ Lid, George, ashore on Tuck- the last clause with I eferenco him from the ruetio sentiments were the same as at the time of tbe Jersey, to location. Corn ai to the U S. Govern- forsaking indepsndence of The burned two ! ed with the in the accotdiDg 3s, @ 38}.; cash; 404 erouck Shoal, is lull of water aud will building or three bonrs and Republicans negative, ;® for Oats at probably go ment Bom s, and Deposits in Banks, and POSTERS, his comfortable home to wear Constantinople conference. He did nol coocor On the 40}c May. 25}e for cash; 27c for May. to Savings out his energi-s at daylight nothing was left but the i announcement or the vote Clymer said, I pieces. thus save hard and bard standing in the idea that Russia could establish nominate Rye easier at 581c. Bailey a dull. Sch A H from thoughts, poesibly words in the only I Charles W, a citizeu of as Whiskey quiet Hickman, Philadelphia for Portland, when too struggle to enrich himself brick walls All the rest was a horrible mess Field, Georgia,6 * at 105. 9 65 late. marl!63nd3w by competing good government in the Turkish provinces. doorkeeper of this House. Pork—jobbing delivered. Lard is dull ashore on Fire Isltnd Beach, has broken in two, and of human iron aud lower to sell at 6 90 bid. with meD, a of no matter how a‘hes, bones, windows,gratings, The conference indicated Butler-I uominate the Bulk Meats; short rib most ot her cargo of 600 tons steel rails will be lost. PROGRAMMES, majjrity whom, Constantinople | gallant, Christian, loyal middles saleable at bedsteads, and debris. It will be impossible to tried and true Union toidier of 4} loose. Bacon easier; clear rib Scb O D Withered, which went on the Wolf In These suian vuey are, sooner or later are ample security for good government without j two wars, Jan es at 5 55 h Trap, Days driven to recover any bodies in a form Shields. @ 57j; clear sides 5J. has oeeu hauled oft and was recogu'zible from destroying the authority of the Porte. The Brigadier General of the United States army. towed to Norfolk 5th the wall, as the statistics clsatly demonstrate. the ashes, in which fifteen lie buried. (Laughter.) Receipts—4300 oola clou., 45,000 bush wheat, 60 inst for repairs. of moulds and forms, and machines and scraps and goveroment’s preparations were WO hnsh com, 20.000 bash Lush FLYERS, The of the precautionary Randolph—I nominate for a oats,■ 6,000■ ■ rye,•> > 3 UCO and old Undoubtedly the has of use bidding Stenbeo county poor not warlike. He believed he bad doorkeeper Union hash stems, stumps ground up and perfumed shopkeeper points grounds for tidier, a woo three barley, 00,000 hogs. DOMESTIC PORTS. house, which was burned was gentleman fought years in the what a comfort it mast be to the fnluess as well as the Saturday night, war would be avoided. If however war who 8 smoker to find a soil-tiller. Both in their a hoping w.r, acquitted himself with honor aud credit April —Wheat dull, closing No SAN FRANCISCO—Ar bnck ooe 30 by 40 feet, two stories near- 3 Whits'°'ED<;. firmer; 29tb, brig Levi Stevens, hand high, should ar-se he hoped patriotism would carry and who bears tbe.mark of lead in his body Wabash at 1 28; No 1 White Michigan 1 30- Gilmore. pare Havana, long filled, made, old fashioned respective way perform services to the com- ly all ihe windows grated and but one mode of today extra White Departure Bay. CARDS, the country safely through it. whose name is John H. Trent of Ten- Michigan held at 1 33 aud 1 32 bid; Am- Cld 29th. cigar like the BAST1ANELLI, at But there has egress from each No Morristown, ber barque Penang, Patten, Nanaimo. munity. been for a good many story. night watchman Tbe ad was to nessee. Michigan seller April at I 20} jseliei May at 127- S'd Yo Semite. press agreed without division. No 30th, ship Saunders. Settle. was employed about the buildings and there ■vir. White of rose a 2 Red Winter on at 1 2t seller f years past a decided to overdo Gatborne Hardy, of said the Pennsylvania to parliamentary spot Mav 234 ;*No NEW ORLEANS —Ar 2d. schs Geo E Young, Mar- tendency the was no Secretary India, and 5 Red t 13; rtiecred Wabash F. T. MEAHER & fire apparatus. The county bonse was qnpstion as-ed wbetner Mr. Field had ever beeu 102; No2l)ayton and shal. Kockport; Belle Bath. CO.’S former and underdo the peoUle should not be too hasty in concluding Red 1 Hooper, Gilkey, TICKETS, latter vocation. Nature two miles from Bath and the fire relieved of his political disabilities. He had been Michigan 214. Corn is dull;High Mixed at 43- PENSACOLA—Ar sch U W tfsn department tbit England was islated. There were in- informed No 2 on at 3d, Andrews, Grover, in the eud applies the corrective did not out. deep that he had not been spot 42jc; No 2 White 44}c; rejected at Kingston, Ja by establish- go terests involved and he ventured to that Mr. file; seller say Clymer-Certainly he has been. He is now May 404c; damaged at 35}c. Oats nominal. BRUNSWICK—Ar 1st, sch Flora ing the fact that the husbandman's Lord Salisburt’s circular would office bbis Condon, French, occupation win over others noloing under the Repub.ican commissioners of Receipts—000 Hour, 24,000 bush yyneat, 72 uou Cienfuegos. &c. lain to this hush corn, bush 00 &c., the long ran the most desirable of the Eugland’s views. It was impossible tbatthe city. 0,000 oats, hogs. Ar 2d, wig Angelia, Ev.ms, Charleston. A vote was then Shipments—000 bbis two. FOREIGN. English ministeJ could ever dtsire waa, but it taken and resulted a3 follows: Hour,10,000 push wheat. 18 000 SAVANNAH—Cld 5th, barque Wild Mi- When that proposition becomes self- For Chas W. Field snah corn, 0.000 bush oats. Hunter, was right to show that would not al- 123, all ca-si by Democrats. nott, Liverpool. Paper England For Hangings evident, there will bo less James Shields 101, all but one cast trading and more low beret If to be trodden upon or dishonored by Republi- Cincinnati, April 8.—Pork nominally unchanged, WILMINGTON, NC—Ar 4th, sch Four Sisters, NEWDESIGNS. LATEST STYLES. cans, that one being cast by Mr of Illinois. bard is cuirent make 7 Bunker Boston. agriculture. The former at a tbe greatest power io the world. Springer steady; 00; ketile at 74 @ 7} 1 may pinch bo by Fur John H. 8. Messrs. Bulk Meats are dull: At Trent* (Cast by Erret, shoulders 34 @ 3j; clear rib at ALEXANDRIA—Ar 5th ingt, sch Jesse Hart, 2d, very low prices. done it The debate adjourned till tomorrow Boyne, Lvans, > without; would be a great inconven- night. O’Neil, While and Hanno of Penn.. 9 5J; clear sides 5 20. Bacon is quiet ano steady- Pierson, Kennebec. of aud Every Variety and! style oi Work bat not The (British Consulate at Rustciiuk Randolph Tenn., Bagley ot N. Y.) monlders 4}; clear rib 5 60 @ 5 624; clear sides 6 PHILADELPHIA—Ar 5th, barque 1 Sargent. ience, absolute destruction to The Eastern Situation. the 574 In forego (Seized. Upon announcement oi the vote Charles W. Bo 60. W hiskey quiet and weak at 1 04. Leigh tOD, Dublin. the offices of the Field was d c ared dulv elected Live middlemen. Bat the very and thereupon was Hogsdnil; common at 3U0@ 340; ligbt at Ar 6tb, sch8 H T Hodges, Sharp, Gardiner; White SHORT & fllRHON. 8—Mr sworn iu ihe 145 3 LOB, Constantinople, April Layard, the taking modified oath. @ 60; packing at 3 53 3 butchers at Sea, Stover, apiS existence of mankind depends the Mr. @ 60; 3 75 Pascagoula. _sn2m upon grow- British ambassador, has received a from Clark ot Mo asked unanimous consent to in- 1 S3 S3; receipts 2083 head; 1500 WILMINGTON. DEL—Ar sch Thos era of report troduce shipments head. 5th, Borden, the fruits of the earth. Their tbe Biitieh consul at a bill authorizing the President to Chui buck, DamariBcotta. labors Reads, Rustcbuk, claim- appoint Wilwausee, April 8,-Flour dull and nominal. NOTICE. James Shields of Mo., as a Bciearlier General on NEW YORK—Ar are indispensable to the sustenance of ing satisfaction from the Russian government tne Wheat is weak; No 1 Milwaukee 1 17 for 6th. brigs Emma L Hall Perry, the race. Matters Wearing a More Peaceful retired list, his pay to comaienoe from the hard; 115 fur the committed time of or soft: No 2 Milwaukee at 1 Sagua 12days; Alex Nichols, Peterson, District of Maine, i ft is worth onr while to take all outrage by tbe Russian the passage of the bill. 10; seller April at 1 08: Baltimore; these matters ellor 1 No 3 Adelaide. Stover, New Haven: sebs Portland, April 1, 1878.) troops in entering the consulate there and tak- A vote was then taken and May 10; Milwaukee 105. Corn quiet May Munroe, into consideration when we the bill passed, yeas mil Bartlett, Para 33 days: David H Pursuant with the rules of the Circuit Conn of the are disposed to ing of its archives j 6—the unchanged. Oats steady ; No 2 at 244c. Rye- Tolck, Sawyer. Cai- COLORS or possession notwithstanding 228, nays negative votes beiog cast oy Mess is 1 barien 13 Lizzie United btates, District of Maine, notice is BRONZE and Aspect. at 584 a 59c. Barley qniet; No 2 at days; Dewey, Davis, Matanzas 13 reieby grow lugubrious despondent as we read the British flag was hoisted over the Randolph of Tenn., White and O’Neil of Jo Spring 56c. Cba9 E given that Edwin ot in building Penn ** quiet ana days; Hel'ier, Coombs. Nassau, NP; Mary Stone, Bloneford, said Dis- Jones and Cox of and Aiken ot La. revisions unchanged. has to ibe day after of this and that at the time. O., to Helen, Jellison. Brunswick; Teaser. Orr. Portland trict, applied undersigned for admission as day failure, and Mr. from the Freights—Wheat Buttalo at 3J @ 3J. ; Blount, Committee on Appropria- bbis ulara Sawyer, Branscomb, Mt Desert; Nettie Cush- an attorney and counsellor of said circuit court jnmp at the conclusion that such Gorucbaboflf Not to Resign. the Receipts—8,500 flour, 100,000 busn wheat. occurrences tions, reported postoffice appropriation Dill. Re- bbis ing, Robinson, Thomaston. A. H DAVIS, 8.—A St. feried to the committee of the Shipments—28,000 flour, 119.000 bush wheat •re fraught only with evil. Vienna, April Petersburg special whole, V(ft appro1 P Pnri- Ar 7tb, barque Chas Deering, Carter, Havre 33 8plandtf Clerk of the U. S. Circuit Court. They have their ates Detkoit. April 8. Wheat is ds; to tbe Political Correspondence denies the re- $33,090 373.) lower; extra White schs Irving Leslie. Hagerty, Miragoane; Emerson Compensations, and are so much a of the Michigan at 1 304; No 1 While 1 23. part Russia Inclined to Submit to port that Prince Gortschakoff is about to re- ^M^,fJ.ut.IerJIuov.erlto.8llsPend the rules and pass Michigan Rokes, toarston, Cienfuegos; Moses Eddy, Warren, B-ROBINSON, S Myrtle has Eng- the bill introduced him some bbis flour, 25.000 ousn wneU8h com, 0,000 nusb oats. Piaaaa, and The fractional currency, born, Dodge, Portland; Van Buren. AND other makers’ at pended energies of the nation is to Russian Embarkation. and $3 and bbis bush Montgomery, extremely low pric-s. be per- $1, $2, $5 United States legal tender Shipments—0,000 Hour, 3,000 wheat. 0000 St George; Clara E Rogers. Fletcher, Tor- land’s Demands. notes, lusn com, 00 bush oats. Portland; °r,!er‘/'°r Tunin0 attended to fected that we cannot possibly get on without Constantinople, April 8 —The Russians in pending which, on motion of Mr. Cox of N pedo, Cousins, Lubec; C H Spoftord.Gray, Deer Isle; ORGANS au^usual. Y., the House aojouined. 8.—Cotton is John Kennebec. * them. are not vuuot4ucu''° w* hud ujjpuoiLiuu ui buo iuilo Uavt) Baltimobe, April quiet; Middlinge Stroup. Hurst, They destructive iu their char- iplands Cld 6th. S again abandoned their of at __ luge. ship Henry Sanford, Sleeper, Anjler, for acter like and fires and project embarking schs C K The Great 109 wars, droughts. They The Sultan baa Memphis, April 8.—Cotton and orders; Flint, Cook, Las Palmas; George B European Novelty. Exchange Street, Bujakdere. asked the Grand quiet steady: Mid- St take from the ipdlrng lands at 10Jo. Somes, Norwood, Pierre; Geo K Hatch, Murphy, nothing away world’s aggregate Duke Nicholas when tbe Russians troops would FIMAMCIAL ASIft O M of COiViTIERCUL Jardenas; Marrett, Reed, for Baracoa; H S of accomnlated TbeOnly Alternative, War. evacuate the points on tbe Turkish Augusta, April 8.—Cotton property. There is as liue of de- quiet; Middlings ud-v Bridges, Landrick, St John, NB; W just At>ril 1 ands at 9}e. Maay Hupper, much left of London, 8.—The withdrawal of the markalion. The Grand Duke in reply alluded _ Sumner, Cedar Keyes. everything after one failure or a l-a -_1..;_1 HUNYADI to the 8.—Cotton Mrt 6ih, Isaac for JANOS. cootinnance of the British fleet in tbe Galveston, April is steady; Middling* barque Hall, Havana; sch Ella M thcusand as existed before. a Portland Wholesale iplands at loo. for Montevideo. They make good mission to the judgment of Europe are re- Sea of Marmora. Turkish newspapers have market. 3torer, The Best Natural of as the 8,—The Passed through Hell Gate schs Ida Aperient. deal alteration in the garded only alternative to war. Lord been ordered to cease their attacks on Eng- Monday, April markets continue firm ■ 8,~C°tt0n and 6th, Hudson, portions distributed, q“iet Et6ad^ rom New York for PORTLAND,_MAINE. to represent Great land. anil with a demand for Rockland; Pennsylvania, and •nd in that Lyons designated Britaiu at good good.* Sugars continue afddhnfnpl^dslfic! da & titaops Bo:«toirv£*PrH*(J many $1.75 4' iirie Mary Haskell, and who cau »j a lay that Vet.vk Pasha is about to ,0ii preferred lt- >r plicate the b**»a workel^WSI P'^ces, resign on ---. 2)J; New York; Theodore Dean, Evans, Kenuebec for HOURS. li loi•iCeId;ral07"61,8, A Wlneglaiwful a Dose. Cemeteries. Also o ri w irk iccount of iilaess, and others say he is to lichmond, Va: Orsent. es Wood’s Hole for New Ternndelled, leifenStHHlL^ Stap reset, all at to suit Wab Dep’t, OrFioB Chief Siqnas ie forced to retire and Daily Domestic Receipts. Liv EfirooL, April 8—12.30 P. M.-Cotton Pearl, for New John E San- prices cusiomers. Thin marble , succeeded by Raouf market 'ork; Emery, Yora; Every genuine bottle bears the name of The Apol- work, FRANCE. water dive: Aliddlina uplands at 5 do )rd. HaHowell tor Norfolk. Shelves, Bowl Tops, Table and Stand Tops, Offioeb, Washington, D.O., Jasha as new war while By conveyance—1000 bath corn meal k 15-16; Orleans ai Berry, London. }• minister, Osman to O" b i-16d; sales 12,0c0 ilNABIS Co. (limited), made to order. April 9, 1 A. Ja9b a will succeed The W True & Co. bales, including lOlifl bales for In port, sobs Mary Hawes, Haskell. Camden for M.)J Raouf, both being in Republicans Successful in the Sup --°l ifculation M For export; receipts 20,500 bales,.includlmr few York; Lymrmrner. Montgomery. St Ueorge New England I jmpatby with Iiussia. pitmen tarj Elections. 8, row American 1Ui> FBED’K DE HARE A CO., wm, H. cloudy weather followed One set of despatches says a bona return Foreign Rxnarti. St Turner. partly by increasing Jide Paris, April 8.—The elections AprU delivery at 5 29-32; May Haven; Sunbeam, Montgomery, George tor New 41 Sc 43 Warren marl dtf Cloudiness and 1 iome of Russian has supplementary CARDENAS. Bark box a! fdUJuneS5"if-16etter: York. 81., New York. possibly by raiu areaa, winds troops commenced, to fill tne vacancies in the Daring-5868 shook3 1457 deputies caused by snooks and heads Hour at 25® 266; Winter HARBOR— veering to warmer mother that only depleted regiments are sent of Wheat at 11 ® lis6 DUTCH ISLAND Sid 6th,1 schs Ste- southeasterly, rising follow- I invalidation previous elections took place Biig E H WiJliam?—3171 box ►riDg do 9 9 @ 10 9; Calilornia Sole Agents for United States and Canadas. ed by tailing barometer. I iome to are immediate- shook?, 222 shooks00KS averages 11s 117’ phen Morgan tiom Gardiner lor Washington; Wm recruit,whose positions yesterday. Fuorteen and 579 casks. cI jb 11 5® 12 4; Lorn 2^@ signals 1 fi led fresa from Republicans were heads, empty 26; Peas at ‘61 Prov^ioim’ D Marvel, do for Philadelphia. FOB DALE RV Caotiooary continue from New y by troops the North. The returned and oue secoud ballot is & o-Porh at 50 ; Beef at 82 C. DEALERS, GROCERS necessary. -- Bacon at 27 3 28 Also sld, schs Venus, Clark, Red Beach for Provi- Orleans to Sandy Hook and the f eneril impression is that the news seems less L J‘ @ 3! Lakes and are Cbeese 63- I’allow 39. At dence; Carrie H Spofford, Gray. Deer Isle for New au27 AND DRUGGISTS, New lr,d at,f London,1 sneodeowly Randolph for Boynton. ordered New 1 and there is a Bouton Hlork T; idow 39. York, Haven, New iromisiog, feeliDg here and in Market. York; Geo Kilborn, Dodge. Portlana far New York; London, Newport, Woods’ 1 he Eurooean at at Port Johnson for Hole, Boston and colony CoDstaotioople that The has decided [Sales the Broker’s Board, April 8.1 Paris, April 8.—Rentes lost 70c. Mindoro, Mason, Boston; Ellen M mercantile Library Association. Tha cber’s Island. I he dislike of Turkish to Russia is so Treasury department against Hodgdou, Baltimore for I people $2000 Eastern R.. 3is, 1900. con uolder, do; Agnes Grace, reat the Gettysburg claim. Pensacola for The storm is central near Omaha, * that the palace aud pashas wou d not $5,000 Smalley, do; Sarah,Sprague, Calais for The annual ot the Nebraska. .no..fill The Most Geo meeting Mercantile Library are to venture on 12 boston Precious ol Gifts. Pawtucket; Arey, Rogers. Baltimore tor Port- WATG a Russian alliance even if Maine Lfsociation will »e held on TUESDAY HES ictsa eveuiug, Railroad.* land; Albert Dai'ey, Nason, Norfolk tor hey wished. Portland. Saco & Portsmouth co? Health is undeniably a more ptecious Boston. Lpnl 9, at for election oi officers lor Steamer XLYtli Railroad. gift NEW BEDFORD—Ar sch 1878, 7J o'clock, Explosion. Congress-Regular Session. Eastern honor or 7th, Alligator, Swain, be eusuiug >ear, also to act the to Ignstiefl Not to Return to Vienna. Railroad.' \\\'^ jgj* th an riches, power. Who would exchange it Calais via Portland. upon piopofitioii and 8.—The ispo&e ol the Library to the ‘Poriland Iosti u»e," gleaned Warranted, for $1.00 Cincinnati, Apiil Sandy Fashion,” --- fo these, the cliiet objects of human VINKYARD-HaVEN—Ar “ «» St. Petersburg, 8 has ambition? it is 5th, schs Charleston, * nd lor the transaction of other business that Saiusprings 1.00 a small steamer runmog from uo April —Ignatieff Wentworh. Hoboken lor any Cattlesburg| cannoned the idea Wew ITcrli Ksoek and ol viously the pare oi wisdom to Dover; Robert Ripley, Fer- ■ come beloie it. Polls at 8 nciock 1 Jase u *« the her boiler on S«tur- of returning to Vienna, SENATE. M«u majority,and eligutest service. Liken up Wabash, 14,000 shares Ohios. im proves appetite tnsutes complete digestion Ar schs J M at aiao the other They 7tb, Kennedy, Pomroy. and Zicova, very reasonable prices. city officers and ihree-iourths of £ re to tbe Mr. thought the law made ample provision Tne were au 1 asiimtiation. ap8eod&wlw infinitely superior Cossacks in Bayard fallowing the closing quotations of Gov- Webber. Ellsworth for Pawiucket; Ellen MoirLon, the members of the Common Council. t and for all a9 it tow stood and opposed tbe amendment ernuent securities: ov Telegraphic Transfers made. raioiog, equipment organization, )rue, Portland for New York; Mary D Wilson,Clark A. B. BUTLER. -- as aud to the of Stales 1 uuneetbsary likely iujuie United 6s, 1881 w. Boston for t.alais. I tussian’s 1*reran lit ns an efficiency reg. 1f< Iongress.—The “Congress” yeast powder is ap6dtf middle corner Cron* 8t*. Against Aus. the Unaed States army. 6s, 1881, coup. m de of the and most healthful materials. In port 7th, tchs Rosie & Adria, Agricola, Liszle Secretary Sherman is in New York for the Iriau Attack. Mr. Judahs the effect of the of fnif purest It thought repeal the Un teii States 5-20’s, 1865, new. reg, .1,1} ✓ocmane. Convoy, Marlon Veto. Laconia, 1 purpose it is said of as to selections saciions lor four of States .181 he best in the world for making delicious Diaj*er, consulting Movements of the Russian forces on the providing regiments colored United 5-20s, 1865. coud...?.. white, ffloses Eddy, Ann and VOODBUKY& i L0CLD1NUS FOR HANGING Dava' would those Meetwing, Congress, Eliza, MOULTON, °®oer >n the Custom 1 lanube aDd in troops, be to make regiments white reg- United States 1867, reg....sw tet and healthful biscuits, cakes, pastry, etc. Use he above arrivals. Rjumania seem to indicate a Imeuts in five tbe House*01018Dd ’ yeais through prejudices of re- United States 1867, counon. .“if „„ PRO VINOETOWN— at etermination to prepare thoroughly against te but the “Congress.” In port 6tb, ich S C Hart, PICTURES, quiting officers. United States 18S8, telley. from for M J Chau- Cor. reg.^.,,"!" ...."V”.''.'".T.'lOOi j i rienna Bolls made with Congress Yeast Wilmington Portland; Middle and Exchange Sts. Powder, rick, Norris, Kennebec for Baltimore; Kalmer.Ool- i J«22 utsodtl HALE’S. FREE ST. »pn m. —1 Brief Jolting*. “Boby.” Walerville. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 8ALES THE The oat of Lake. A concert for tbe benefit of the French Mis AUCTION PRESS. ice is fast going Sebago “Baby” is certainly not a great play, bat It _MISCELLANEOUS._ are 12 cents dozen. sion in this was at the ves Eggs down lo per is an immensely amusing one. It is in fact a place given Baptist F. O. KAIL.fi! * LU„ 1CESDAT .T10RMMJ, APRIL 9. Mr-\ Livermore will lecture for the benefit o tbree-act farce, abounding in ludicrous situa. try Saturday eveolog. Although the weathei REMOVAL. MAMMOTH unfavorable the was the coffee house Sunday evening. tioos, never flagging in fan or interest, and was audience Urge and mctloueerg and Commission ■•rehants, cars encores showed that all Tun PRIMS Two of the new horse were put on th< from the rise of the curtain the frequent were wel provoking laughter g«lMr««au SO u« JJ lice with the entertainment. A S,ch»K 01. be obtained at the Periodical Depots ot Fes- CoDgress street yesterday. to its fait, Tnere is not a dull passage in it, satisfied good sun MISS S. A. FLOOD ». O. MIUI. Mnden Maiqnis, Brunei & Co., Andrews, for the for «. w. UUI. Bros., The contract for the city was are ridiculous ones. The mo- was raised worthy object which tbc Wentworth. Moses, N. B. Kendrick, and Chisholm printing and there many has removed 10 trains rnn awarded to Wm. M, coocert was The was ai Bros., ou all that out ot the city. Marks, yesterday. tive is tha adventures of a young man who is given. programme SALES Begn'ar sale of Furniture and General Merchan- At ol L. and UNEQUALLED H, B. Saco, Hodgdon Kendrick. The rifle practice in Baldwin comes of Fasl follows: dise every Saturday, commencing at M o'clock a. a, Ik At Bath, of J. O. Shaw. treated as a baby by bis doting pareDts, and is solicited anil from 437 Consignments ec3dt* BAt Lewiston, of Stevens &Oo Day. known of all his that infan- Orchestra—Choru3 March, Tannhauser, Congress Street, OP ; acquaintances by Wagnei Mr. Miranda's case will be postponed agair tile title. Of course be is an Improper young Messrs. Hall, Youngman, Bates, Gibbs and Robbins (F4RHINGTON BLOCK,) today. Years. she will Stanwood’s CITY AND VICINITY. maD, wheedling h>s father oat of money that Quartette—Fleeting where be pleased to meet all her old trleode. Paintings Mrs. Miss Me-srs. Phllbrookard Math- additions 10 h*r stock enable A concert will be given at Woodford’s Cor he in diversions. D»w, FoBier, Large her to prt sent a Men’s All Wool Pantaloons spends reprehensible Tbe ews. very fine assortment of ner this Woodford’s BY AUCTION. NEW ADVEKHkBIHEltTg TO-DAY evening by the Music Clul theme is not an elevated one, but is treated in to aid the church. Song—'Waiting.Millard STANWOOD will Pell hi-* entire collection of a manner. It takes about the Mrs Haynes, Skowbegan. AT ONLY very amosing BONNETS, MR.Oil Paintings It comprLefl Marine subjects, ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. The plaster model of Capt. J. S. Waltz.Gumberi Winslow, same place among plays that “Verdant Green” Dnet—Concert and studied of Laid sea pen, Shoie and Sur& The Fanny Mar-b’s Theatre. Messrs. Hall and Youngman. ROUND HATS sale will take at our which was made by Mr. Griffio, will be on ex- now and is as place Gallery, Rer. E. C. Holies. has among Is, quite entertaining .Sullivar hibi ion at Hale’s today. Song— Golden Days... FINE MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. as that work. Miss Foster. IACE, NO. 35 EXCHANGE STREET, Mr. The alarm cf fire yesterday morning called .Emerson Wtigbt’s The hero of the is taken of — Testimonial. play, “Baby,” by Trio—Queen Night PENEROYAL GLOVES, and ox — Steamer City ot Richmond. out the whole department to see a cook stove Mrs. Dow, ,Vlases Scribner and Foster. $3.50 $3.00 Mr. Wbeelock, who gave a characterization in RIBBONS and NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. red hot in a bouse on Clark street. Flute Solo—Orchestral Accompaniment. Tuesday, April 0, at 10 a. m. and every Way satisfactory, accurate iu 10 Removal—Vie? s A. Flood. drawing, Rhode, Op. A PAIR 2 3 p. m. The yacht Princess will make a three Mr. RateB. FANCY GOODS. To be Le t John Sparrow. days rich in color; and entirely free from exaggera- School for Gir s— M ss Sewall. cruise to the t astward some time the Overture—Zampa.Heroic iiiuue iiuru aiju Ex bibit ion Mondav before sale. The daring tion, It is one of the best of hts comedy im- suiciy mtuii uuuu*, inanuraciureu oy many oi public New Ttune store—Edward Nixon. month. Miss Norcross and Messrs. Hall. MI§§ S. A. aie invited to examine these hoe works of art. For Sale—J hu L present He looked FLOOD, the Woolen Mills in Curtis personations. and acted the yonng Song—I Arise lrom Dreams of Thee.Ma ston leading America, Klegmi New Stylus-Hill & Co. Bev. Mr.Bulles will lecture World F .O. ft Co., Auctioneers. npon“The man under tbe strict Mr Phllbiook. 437 CONGRESS STREET. Bailey Some hing New—Hid eg Co. chaflog though kindly of London” at Grand Army Hall tomorrow Piano Solo—Thalbera’s Home Sweet Home. ap8dgt Painted—Thor. P. Beals. parental discipline, and resorting to trick and _£P?__dlw MADE UP Adjus able—Thos. P Heals. evening. Miss Ror.:r,iis. IN SUPERIOR STYLE BY in order that he a taste of IHPOKTANr Wanted—Want to subterfuge might get T. One O So SALE. Purchase. The Allan mall steamer Scandinavian from Song—J. Murray, Morning Early, AUCTION fotbidden fruit. Mr. Curtis as “Tracy Coach,” (by request) OURSELVES COLUMN. arrived at Halifax at 115 New Trunk Liverpool, Monday Duet—Calmly the Waves Love Store. Boots and Shoes—F. O. Bailey & Co. tbe “Baby's” tutor, achieved an unequivocal .Raymond p. m. Miss Foster and Mr Philbrook. taken the success, and was greeted wi.h laughter and ap- Having store The steamer Franconia which arrived Sun- Cavatina from Robert le Diable. Stated plause at every appearance. Hia absence from Mrs. Haynes, Skos began. Wo, 17 Free Meetings. left for New York af ernoon. st., day, yesterday the been a benefit tather while the soft evenin' breezes. stage has apparently Quartette—Sleep I intend to keep on hand a well assorted stock of BOOTS AND SHOES CITV The and will leave er, Messrs. GOVERNMENT. Eleanora arrived yesterday of the Mrs. Dow, Miss Fos Philbrook and than an itjary, Tbe impersonation Mathews. The regular meetings ot ibe City Council take this afternoon. AT AUCTION. uie tutor from the thrildotn of lace liret Monday of each month. bat lately escaped Orchestra—Spring’s Approach.Bach evening Boys’ meetings will bs hel l at tbe Second VALISES k The School Committee meet tourth sin and still for tbe flesh pots of TRH\KS, shall sell on SATURDAY, April 13th at 10 the MondayJ yearniog RIGS, evening ot each month. Parish church Tuesday and Friday evenings of manufactured especially for retail trarie. I make a WEA. M., at on** Sa e^roooi 33 Exchange ft ree% was rich and unctuous in its burner. JPryeburg, Pair to Egypt, Select From I 100 Ladies’ making SAvtPLE riUT'K* and 2000 ca«es Youlhs*, and Missed this week at 6 39 o’clock. All are invited si-eeialtyof SAM- Men's, Boj>b', boys In some of its traits it recalled the in a PLE CASKS to order ot all Nearly Fiimt. nnf PATENT day in every month. fairly taken, though some awkardness resulted he may be, he ongbt to be taken care of and Portland for selling unstamped cigars, and the prisoner FLOUR, we have made arrangements wi h the school of Masonic Instruction— from the imperfect commitment of the dia- save much trouble to honest people. Under the Preble second and tourth Tuesday ol each month. bas been released. Honse, Congress Street, manufacturers to keep us constantly supplied with logue. From the same cause were some un- Shirt Aja vum a aiA/nnaD DWil lBU Waists, the UllJiS, pleasant delays, but all of a nature that a Boy’s Lodge—S&tes Grand Lodge of Poiiectioo, first Congress Street M. E. Church.—There is STATE NEWS. PORTLAND, ME. FINEST PATENT Friday. second representation easily remedies. IN WHITE AND FANCY, apG dtf FLOUR, Cookcil—Portland quite an interest in this chnrcb at the present be the Council P. of J, second Frl- ‘•Baby” will probably played during that comes to the city, and a thorough trial by the fi*J time. Last Sabbath five united with the just received at rest of the If one ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. it Rose engagement. may judge by most skeptical, has proven to make the Strongest, Chepteb—Dunlap Chapter Croix do H. cbarch, three on of faith and two Friday. profession the pleasure of the large audience last evening Rev. A. Libby, agent of the Androscoggin Lightest. Sweetest and Whitest bread in the maiket. letter. In Bible is at work in Auburn and by the evening five went forward for Society, Great For the future we shall furnish it to our S.P. R. S., fourth it will fill the house every night, ft customers CoxsisxoKY-MaineConsistcry, certainly L-wistor. In March he visi'ed in Lewiston Friday in March, June, September and prayers. The finances of the are ia a Slaughter of December. under the brand society affords two hours’entertainment. HILL & GO’S. very amusing 394 families, reprtsantiog 1376 persons. He better condition than for several years; four I. O. O. f uud e'ght American families d-sti'nt« of the Poetry F. ap9 eodtt IN THE thousand dollars are secured toward the B sold the month 121 Telling the different kinds ot At Odd Fellows' Hall, pay- Pariah Meeting*. b'e, during Bibles, gave Farrington Block, Congrtt 53 and collected for the Hats that can he PARKER & DOME'S Street. ment of the debt; one thousand paid down, away $23.46 persecu- bought BEST, Belief Association—Third First Parish—At the annual meeting of tion of the work. at the store Tuesday in the and tbe remainder will be paid in three annual at the VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICE. Wa month. this hell yesterday the fol- of the Auburn Savings Bank parish, afternoon, Depositors .ball also biUMrM£>'T- Aiachigonne, first and third Wed Clerk—T. H. Haskell. Hats far tourhg light, ah*, dishing; arrested oo suspicion of having murdered her Hals f r men of aud fu*n nesday ; Eat-iem Star, second and fourth Wednes- acquainted daring his stay in our midst. Treasurer and Co lector—Charles G. Haines. NEW STYLES. taste on; Mesell an October BLACK SILK. Hats f„r tea'll'64 and ; first and third F. K husband, Lewis, Iudian.last bilg'd jolly; day Poulard, Friday; Falmouth, The pastor and his wife were a Assessors—C. E. Jose and Barrett. Hats for ftees PEOPLE'S STORE and given pleasant during a drunken brawl. As there is Best ever m-Uncholy; Bo 11, first third Tuesdays. Parish Committee—M. M. M. P. pretty decorated seen in Portland at Lower X at Batler, H .ts 'or figur. s broad aDd b itly ; benefit association—board of Directors meet surprise party the church vestry last even- conclusive evidence tnat Lewis was alive as Price* than can be bought in Ntw England, at Emery and Henry Deeriog. Ha s «or siraUtu hair r curiy; first Monday evening ol each month. late as the 18th of it is Association ing. Mr. Sterling was to go away for a day or A. January hardly probable closed out an entire Hais tor travelog meetefirst of Sexcou—W. Skillings. that she can be A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Having shooting sailing; Monday evening January, April, July two but be guilty. very thrilling story li »| at a Ha s rain-proof in storm* untailin. ana October. was indaoed to remain to attend a The nf the was at slo this celebrated silk ; And Meat Market. salary pastor placed $3000, has been worked up however. Ha's for spr ng, iwe ve stye1* together; social at Tinted Sets Painted to Older. great reduction in pi we now gathering the chnrcb. When he for musio treasurer and collector the Lewiston ice, Hats far evsr v kind 01 wean hef; $1600,for $200, One of mills is sending a ofler them lor TEMPLARS OF HONOR. arrived there was a and Hats of *'1k, fe t, straw «*nd b aver; large gathering he was for sexton $150, for fuel and ligbt3 $150, for large part of its products to Canada where & At Templars' Hall, Ho, 100 Street. THOS. Hats ibat aimost weat forever; Parker Donahue, Exchange most First came a they commaDd a ready sale. pTbEALS, cordially greeted. quartette contingeut expenses $150; making a total of Hats far spis and watering pi ices; Council—Maine, first and third in eacb < Monday ay four young ladies and then a Mr. LINCOLN COUNTY. Htis of st> ie* t wear at ices; Cor. Fore and Center Sf$. month. dialogue. $5250. It was voted that this sum be raised 29 MARKET STREET. by Hats with which a room to enter; eodlw Temple—Forest W. G. Soule forward and after a few Mr. Cameron, a pmmiueot citizan of Booth- 25 Per Cent. Less ap6 City, No. 1, every Wednesday stepped assessments on the pews of individuals. ap9eod2w Hats far scores of wild advtn'ure; evening. 'emarks of bay, dropped dead Friday afternoon of heart Hat* of m >nv introduction presented Mr. aDd First Baptist—At the annual of shapes uncommon; TUB meeting disease. Hacs a mired b* every wom&o; Mrs. Sterling with an silver Patriotic Order Sons of America—Camps No elegant service, the First Baptist Society the following officers SOMEBSET COUNTY. than the original cost, vix: Hats to stand all binds ot mauling; 1 and 4 convenes ovei tbe Eastern nscribed as follows: New Har* distinct tor every Express Office, were chosen for the ensuing year: In the oase of Booker of Aoson vs Clement ca'lhg; Plum street. No 3 on No. 4 Elegant Hats light, hab e aDd elastic; Gem Musical Wednesday evening; Mr. and Library. Mrs. W. M. — Styles Sterling. for burning a store for the ia-dfcuce the — IN > on hist and third Saturdays of each l\o 1 on Moderator—S. S Rich. jury Silk So. 1, former 50 for Hats ie-s tlexinie an pl«#lic; 21 Pne of Bound each month; a price $1 $1 12$ A *etuf Collections Mu«ic, at From returned verdict for defendant. •* •* •• Ha s ot styles f »r pastors; Tuesday evening, Arcana Hall; Bo 2 at School Secretary—M. M. Duroy, Jr. Joseph 1.25 quiet of wtiich h*»eigrtv p ig u, *afl sheet Music 'ize, and Baker of for and 2, 1.6*$ Hits found House, Turner’s Island, Cape Elizabeth, Friday Congress Street M. E. Society, Assessors—E. C. Owen, A. Bruuel, John Augusta appeared plaintiff “ •• “ “ crown-d—your knowing castors; c wains an average of 25 Sm.g* or Piece*, all or the A. A. Stront of Portiaud aud Lewis Barker 3, 1.75 133$ Hats to su*t each tace and Evening. 1878. Cammett. of •* “ oa'iou; he-'t aod (Lust character, the Omuo«erg April 8, “ 2 00 1.50 Hits uura.ttcbed tor piecing bus worth Post G. A. R.—Meeting every Friday Bangor for defendant. 4, ventftadou; are the uio't p -cu'ar <*ud -ucctss u' ooee in the coun- Mr. was taken Treasurer—J. B. Mathews “ “ “ “ Hits tor men and evening in Mechanics* corner ot and Sterling entirely by 2 25 1 75 juang far are lie Hall, Congress surprise, YOBS COUNTY. NECK-WEAR, 5, cdfdren; try. The following favor Collections: Committee—J B. R Casco streets. Music Mathews, L. “ “ « “ Hats of Deautv quite bewildering: >ut he recovered himself to make a 2 sufficiently M. M. Jr. 6. 50 1.87$ Hats that oovs auk, 11.50 Hoard*. $2.00 Cloth. Portland Public Library and Reading aud I am to nand attention and cally perservermgly, prepared to add vantage examine these goods. PUKTLAA'D APKOTEK LINE Send for Circulars with Contents of 21 books. aDd Iree to ail from 10 a. m. to 9 anywhere, should readily better school accommodations. The crowded Boom—Open p. mv to its ■■I —.■ ■ ■ testimony great value as a simple, The Best Bed now in nse. —^ m. City building. I :ain purchasers. Mr. Stanwood is of coarse Spring condition of the North school was referred to safe aud agreeable means of physical exercise, A mod attractive Song is. *1*1 be watching for Knights of Pyttiias— Bramhall No. 3 you Lodge, t troDgesS in marine that his for either man or woman. It will stimulate This bed has been lone tested, and a score of rec- Portland & Rochester R. R. at the Window” by O.M. P.yke, 40 cis. It has a fine No. views, being spec- and it was voted to supply the ward room in Tuet-day evenings; Mui.joy Lodge, 6, Monday the blood, induce healthy ommendations could be given in its praise. *.itl«. as has O. D. Wilson’s new Polxa Piue Tree, No. at ] alty. Some of his marines nre re- ward two with settees to be used as a school circulation, develops picture evtnings; II, hriday evenings, certainiy muscular aud tone called on the g Market power and strengthen the APRIL. 8, 1898. Rondo, ‘‘Dancing een,” (60 cts.) heir Hail, Clapp’s Block, Square. ] narkable and of and BY a great positive work. So room until other accommodations could be whole system. Much more might be said in its MANUFACTURED which is gaining deteevei popularity. Maine charitable Mechanic association— , , iminent an artist as Mr. W. E Norton has not famished. praise, bat I will simply add that if persons of t Trains will ran ua fellow* Corner of Cotigi ess and Casco streets. First Thurs- sedentary hab like who day m eacb month. lesita'.ed to commend them as rare promise, The Brackett street school house question ts, myself, r-qnire OLIVER DITSOS ft CO., Boston. more exercise than or find THOS. P. Leave Grand Trank Depot, of they usually get, BEALS, mar23 eoolydkw Independent Order Good Templars— md has said that Stanwood coaid paint a * I 15 ■ a *4.10 ship came in for a share of attentioa. An time to will commence the nse Portland Arcana, 420* good take, of the Monday, Congress Hall, Congress as well as A and 6.05 p. m Leave Preble St. Station at 7,30 a. himself. look at the “Ready for architect is upon plans for several Health Lifr, and continue its nse with perse- 29 Market Chamberlin Bi ; Mission, Wednesday, Williams' Block, Cong. '«s eugtged No. Street. m.. 2.30 and 6.20 p. m. Sea” will that verance and reanlaritv under Mr. Hanhert’a di- street; Mystic, Thursday, at Sons oi Temperance justify opinion. Indeed in some different kind of buildings, and until he has 9.15 a. .ml. Accommodation for Worcester. Ar- Hall rections aod cautious, 1 am satisfied they will rives at Bochester at 9.50 a. with )f bis wotk Stanwood has made a laving study them nothing definite can be done in m., (connecting Portland Temperance Union—Congress Hall. complete! fiod the same cause I hare, to pnze aud praise MISS SEWALL’S Eastern and Boston St Maine Railroads.) At if as the admirable Butines? meetings Ihursday evenings; public meet- Norton, copy, number 22, the matter. Another meeting will be called in its excellence. Rev. A. 8. Wright, Nashua 11.47 a. m., Lowell 12.15 p. m., at** o'clock. ings Sunday evenings, ihows. Another fine in draw- Sc. Lawrence St. cfinrcb. & Little, Bo-ton 1.15 p. m., Ayer Junction 12.40 p. marine, perfect a da; or two when it is thought some definite MASON & HAMLIN, Juvenile Templars—Perbam No. 24, SCHOOL for GIRLS. m., Fitchburg 1.25 p. m., and Worcester Temple, ng, and natural in and in ot congress Bali, every Wednesday evening at 7 quiet color, spirited action will be tiken. at 2.10 p. m.f connecting witn trains South and West. AND OTHER ORGANS o'clock. Temperance concerts first Sunday in every motive, i3 tbe Up Helm there “A Stiff Steamer of Bicbmond will 567 1-2 CONGRESS STREET. City leave at ten 9.IO P. ML Steamboat to month. 227 MIDDLE ST. Express through * Breeze” is another painting of decided merit, Personal. o’clock for and intermediate New Losdos wlthoat change. Con- New and beantifVtl styles at re- Portland Army and Navy Union—Come tonight Bangor The term April 15. For spring begins particulars ap8 dlw nects at Bochester for Dover and Great duoed and Brown streets. Fiist in each noticeable for its large free handling. Among of will ro iniiS«l SE prices. Congress Tuesday Col. J. Man '.hosier Haynes of Augusta, will landings. Shippers freight please bear apply tVAl.L, Palls, at Epping for Manchester and month. itbers of merit he mentioned the api9J6t 38 Wiuier street. great may d-liver the D serration Day address at Batb. in mind. Steamer Lewiston will take her place Concord at Nashua tor Lowell and Portland Fraternity—No. 4J Free St. Block and “Blackfriars’ Boston, at Ayer .inaction for Pitch- ‘Foggy Morning” Bridge a son on the route next Friday. See advertisement. Every evening. Gov. Emery ot Utah Territory is of For Sale in Gorham Village. burg and the West via Hoosac Tunnel Square & ind Sc. Pant’s in » London FnvOntdits nf Upright at IV with Boston St Young Men’s Chribtain Association—Oppo- Oliver Emery, ! ita of Berwick. COTTAGE house, large stable attached. $ acre Line, orcester Albany ■Pianos, of excel- F. O. Bailey & will sell at 12 Railroad tor New York, at Pntaam with unsurpassed site treble House. Congress Street, open day anu narines some good work too is to be found. Co, today m. garden *itu tiui< >rees grape vines and with- Bev. H. W. MJen, pastor of the First Bap- A “Boston & Line** for lence, at tbe lowest evening. Uuicn Meeting eveiy in three inmates walk ot and post office. En- Philadelphia Express prices possi- Gospel Saturday Tbe “Sunset” is for its by order of D. O. Perry, admr., one-third of depot and Wash- peculiarly praiseworthy tist church ii has withdrawn his res- on ibe Philadelphia, Baltimore ble, vanring with the of fin- evening. _ Augusta, quiie premises style the house and at New London with Norwich itmospheiic effect. The tender gloom thrown land No. 29 Boyd street See apr9d2vv* JOHN L. CURTIS. ingtoa, ish. ignation. Line Steamers, due at Pier No, 40, North rver the to tbe recollection of auction column. PORTLAND POST OFFICE. valleys appeals The Senior class of Bowdoin College has in- 13! 31 Birer New York, at 6.00 a. m. ill who have watched the Wanted. 6-C5 P.