Water Quality Improvement Plan for the Catchments of the Barron River and Trinity Inlet
Barron Trinity Inlet WQIP Water Quality Improvement Plan for the catchments of the Barron River and Trinity Inlet October 2009 Fiona Barron and David Haynes Barron Trinity Inlet WQIP Acknowledgements The format of this document is based around an original idea created by Russell Kelley (http://homepage.mac.com/russellkelley) Thanks to the following for assistance along the way: John Bennett, Dane Moulton, Andrew Moss (EPA; now DERM) Joann Schmider (ComUnity ACETs) Dale Mundraby (NQLC) Sharlene Blakeney, Kristjen Sorensen, Pete Bradley, Allan Dale, Moni Carlise, Penny Scott, Lyle Johnson (Terrain NRM) Alan Mitchell (ACTFR) Britta Schaffelke (AIMS) Carol Honchin (GBRMPA) Margie Milgate, George Russell (GROWCOM) Joelle Prange (RRRC) John Drewry (Reef Catchments NRM) Catherine Collier, Aroon Edgar (JCU) John Armour, Georgie Pitt, David Morrison, Angus McElnea (NRW; now DERM) Vittorio Brando (CSIRO) Olwyn Crimp Carol Honchin (GBRMPA) Chris Manning (TSC) Barron-Trinity Inlet Steering Committee Front cover photo credits: Barron Falls (F. Barron) Cattana Wetlands (F. Barron) Low Isles (D. Haynes) This publication may be cited as Barron, F. and Haynes, D. (2009).Water Quality Improvement Plan for the catch- ments of the Barron River and Trinity Inlet. Terrain NRM. Further copies of the report may be obtained from www.terrain.org.au 2 Barron Trinity Inlet WQIP Table of Contents Abbreviations..................................................................4 Where are these pollutants coming from?.....................29 About this document.......................................................6
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