Index for December, 1919
HE CITY RECO Iv INDEX FOR DECEMBER, 1919. ACCOUNTS, COMMISSIONER OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- APPROVED PAPERS- Changes in the Department, 6436. Resolution granting the use of the Aldermanic Cham- Designating Freedom Square, Brooklyn, 6850. Designating Graham Square, The Bronx, 6852. ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- ber to the Women's Civic Committee of Justice, 6257. Resolution designating the "Bronx Democrat" (Demo- Designating. McKenna Square, Long Island City, American. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to cratic) in the County of The Bronx, 6257. Queens, 6850. Annimals, permit to erect watering trough at various Resolution designating the "Bronx Record and Times" Designating Mulry Square, Manhattan, 6851. locations, 6505. (Republican) for publication of the Session Laws, Establishing grades of positions in City departments, Authorization to purchase various articles without etc., of 1920, Bronx County, 6257. 6851, 6852. public letting- Resolution designating the "Riverside Review" (Re- Fixin salary of Court Interpreters, Richmond County, Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 6252, 6255. publican) for publication of the Session Laws, etc., 6560g Correction, Commissioner of, 6501. of 1920, New York County, 6257. Fixing compensation of Daniel V. Sullivan, Official Fire Department, 6495. Resolution designating "Manhattan and Bronx Advo- Examiner of Titles, 6852. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 6251. cate" (Democratic) for publication of the Session Fixing compensation of Harry B. Chambers, Official Police Commissioner, 6253. Laws, etc., of 1920, in the County of New York, Examiner of Titles, 6851. Purchase, Board of, 6246. 6257. Haefener, William E., appointment of, as City Sur- Queens, President, Borough of, 6504. Resolution in reference to investigation of Public Mar- veyor, 6850. Richmond, President, Borough of, 6495, 6501.
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