Are You Thinking of Next Year's Students? 2 the Davidsonian, April 14, 1922
GREET AC|/ TEAM B' ucl\ TheDAVIBPsONIAN HOME FOR A BETTER DAVIDSON Vol. IX. DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, APRIL,14, 1922. NO. 28 Davidson Debaters De- StudentBody ElectsNewi Class LeadersNamedFor|WildcatBaseballTeamIs feat Wake Forest 3-2 Officers ForComingYear Coming Year's Activities Defeated by A. & E. 9-2 — Both Teams Hit Freely— Untimely JohnC. BaileyandEdgar Houghton SamDavis Named President Hill- Sorrells, Faison, andBeall, to Guide j of house, Destiny of Upper Errors Responsiblefor Number Nobly Uphold the Honors Faison and Hendricks the Three of Tech Tallies. the Red and Black. Hold Other Positions. Classes. On Monday morning, April .1. 1933, the Playing a steady game in the field and The Wildcat Debaters won a close de- In the elections held last Monday, the | of new officers for the coming hitting hard and sure in the pinches, N. cision over Wake Forest in a contest of .election Junior, Sophomore and Freshman classes \ year took place. The student council college C, State defeated Davidson, Saturday, wits between teams representing the two those their officers for the new j nominated men for the offices of presi- 1.1-2. Allen, hurling for the visitors, al- colleges, held Friday night at Queens year. Kach class chose men who are! dent, vice-president, secretary and treas- though hit freely by the Wildcats, was College, prominent in college activities and| in Charlotte. urer, which the house was open a puzzle in the pinches, while State had upheld affirmative after ' worthy leaders are promised for the | Wake Forest the for nominations from the floor. In ad- little trouble with the three Wildcat side of the query, "Resolved, That the year kjjj-j.v Below are the elections by Id'tion to S.
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