D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership People and Skills Advisory Board

Date: Thursday 22nd August 2019, 10.00am to 12.00pm

Venue: University of , Kedleston Road, Derby, DE22 1GB


Attendees Jane Howson (Deputy Chair) Autism East Gary Parsons Talk Staff Harminder Matharu Association of Employment and Learning Providers Ian Bond Inspire Culture Julia Brooks EFSA Julie Richards Chesterfield College Nathan Clements Boots Nicki Jenkins City Council Nicola Lees South District Council Rachel Quinn D2N2 LEP Sajeeda Rose D2N2 LEP Siân Rebourg Laing O’Rourke Trudi Waldram Food and Drink Forum Sandra Casey D2N2 LEP (note taker)

Apologies Kath Mitchell University of Derby Cate Edwynn PHE - Derby David Wright BEIS Ian Peel Derby City Council Joe Battye Derbyshire County Council Julie Beresford Council Katrina Starkie Purpose Media Matt Davis Futures Richard Kirkland D2N2 LEP Sue Fielding DWP Veronica Dennant Sherwood District Council

1. Welcome and Introductions Jane Howson chaired the meeting.

2. Minutes of the Last Meeting (June 5th 2019) and Matters Arising The minutes of the June meeting were accepted as a true record of the meeting, subject to point for accuracy that NVQ is not up-to-date terminology (correct use is L3/L4, etc).

Action carried forward from June meeting – process for noting conflict of interest to be agreed. Declaration of interest to be a standing item on meeting agenda.

This project is part-funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020 in England.

3. D2N2 People & Skills Strategy See also Rachel Quinn’s presentation and handout

The presentation has been developed from the evidence base, Vision 2030 priorities and incorporating the action planning meeting notes (8/7/19). Priorities from the action planning meeting are employer engagement, careers, influencing skills policy, support available and cross cutting themes (health, inclusion and productivity).

D2N2 is currently reviewing high level evidence base with challenges of low skill, low pay, low productivity, risk to jobs from automation, low social mobility, ageing workforce and higher than national average levels of economic inactivity due to health issues. Due to the diversity of the people and skills agenda, the P&SAB will need to focus on specific targets to ensure it can make a difference

There was a lengthy discussion with key points being:  is the modern workforce set up for modern working  FE/HE need to be integrated into coherent and flexible skills pathways  lack of funding for FE sector is a substantial risk  mapping of current employer engagement and planning for better engagement is vital for success  intelligence available from district LA Economic Development departments  how D2N2 can work with other LEP areas and bodies (e.g. Association of Colleges) to influence at national level  should target be local (supporting those most disengaged) or lobby to change the system nationally?  representation from schools on the P&SAB is important – RQ to pursue  how to embed inclusion – two inclusion representatives (Jane Howson and Ian Bond)  P&SAB is the Skills Advisory Panel mechanism for D2N2, actions need to be evidence based  changing way that people learn, e.g. bite sized, pod casts, community learning  skills is not just about young people, who should P&SAB target?

The D2N2 LEP has the following leverage:  European funding – steer and influence on how ESF and ERDF are invested in D2N2  place-based capital funding (Local Growth Fund) – although there’s no clarity whether this will continue in the future  research funding  Local Industrial Strategy – this is a co-production with Government and therefore will become government policy in D2N2. Whilst it is not a ‘bidding’ process for funding it will be used to shape and prioritise the use of future government funding in the region  LEP Network / Skills Network – national mechanism for advocacy/lobbying role with other LEP areas  UK Shared Prosperity Fund – opportunity to influence this national fund; P&SAB is likely to be responsible for commissioning future SPF programmes related to skills and employability.

This project is part-funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020 in England.

Potential focus for P&SAB - improving social mobility and productivity (lots of evidence and base line to measure success)

The lengthy debate on the P&S Strategy meant that there was no time to discuss the remaining agenda items.

4. Appointment to Working Groups Not discussed

5. D2N2 Careers Focus Not discussed

6. People & Skills Report Not discussed

7. Next Steps Not discussed

8. Any Other Business Not discussed

9. Frequency and Dates of Future Meetings October 22nd 2019 December 12th 2019 (1.00-3.00pm) February 18th 2020 April 22nd 2020 June 18th 2020 All dates 10.00am to 12.00pm unless otherwise indicated Venue: to be confirmed

This project is part-funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020 in England.