Guidebook for Fieutrips In• Eastern Connecticut Arul the Hartford &Si,N

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Guidebook for Fieutrips In• Eastern Connecticut Arul the Hartford &Si,N Guidebook for FieUtrips in• Eastern Connecticut arul the Hartford &si,n HOLYOKE HAMPDEN EASTERN HI HIANDS DIKE/SILL ME :AMORPHIC BASEMENT ROCKS STATE GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CoNNECTICUT THE NATURAL REsouRCES CENTER DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MARCH 19, 20, 21, AND 22, 1995 Guidebook Number 7 NoJITHFAST SECTION, GEOLOGIO\L SOCIEIY OF AMERICA 30rn .ANNuAL MEETING CROMWEIL, CoNNECTICUT MARCH 19, 20, 21AND22, 1995 Guidebook far Piek/trips in &tern Connecticut and the Hartford Basin Editor Nancy W. McHone State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut Guidebook Number 7 1995 State Geological and Narural History Survey of Connectirut The Natural Resources Center Department of Environmental Protection Governor of Connecticut HONORABLE JOHN ROWLAND Commissioner of the Deparment of Environmental Protection SIDNEY J. HOLBROOK State Geologist Director, Natural Resources Center RICHARD HYDE For information on ordering this guidebook and other publications of the Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey, consult the List of Publications available from the survey, Department of Environmental Protection, 79 Flm Street, Hartford, CT 06106-5127 Telephone (203) 424-3555 Editors Preface I It has been twenty-four years since the last Northeast Section of the Geological Society of America meeting in Connecticut. Since that time our understanding of the geological history of northeastern USA and southeastern Canada has greatly increased. The fieldtrips described in this guide incorporate, and add to, our understanding of that history. Trip A examines metamorphic rocks, using mineral cooling ages to constrain the boundaries of terranes and the timing of i terrane assembly. The sedimentary and basalt units of the Hartford Basin are the subjects of trips B and D. Variations within the sedimentary units are related both to climatic changes and to tectonic activity. Igneous rocks are the subject of Trip C, specifically the Holyoke Basalt. This unit is spectacurally exposed in a quarry in North Branford, Connecticut. Trip E is an in-depth J examination of the Lantern Hill quartz lode, which has been well exposed by many years of quarrying. 'f, l ' l, 1 l · 1 .l · 1 \ J GEOLOGICAL SOCIE1Y OF AMERICA David A Stephenson, President NORTHEAST SECTION, GEOLOGICAL SOCIE1Y OF AMERICA Stephen G. Pollock, Chair CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION Norman Gray Department of Geology and Geophysics University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut The fact that a locality is described in this guidebook does not imply that the public has access to the locality. Stopping on a limited access highway is forbidden by state regulations, which prohibit all vehicles from stopping or parking on any part of the highway. These regulations also prohibit pedestrians on any limited access highway. Field trip features on these highways can be viewed from other ground. In other instances, stops on private property require permission of the owner. Anyone planning to go on one of these field trips should check carefully the suggested stops, and do nothing to jeopardize their use by geologists in the years ahead. Tabk of Contents Editor's Preface Trip A Thermochronologic Evidence for Alleghanian Assembly of "Thermotectonic" Terranes, South Central New England ................................................................................................................... A-1 RP. Wintsch, MJ Kunk, JF. Sutter, JN. Aleinikof!and JL. Bqyd TripB. lake Sequences of the Central Hartford Basin, Newark Supergroup .......................................................... B-1 E Gierlowski-Kordesch and P. Huber Trip C. The Holyoke B;isalt in Southern Connecticut .......................................................................................... C-1 JG. McHone and.AR Philpotts TripD. Paleoenvironmental Traverse Across the Early Mesozoic Hartford Rift Basin, Connecticut ........................ D-1 G.S. Home, N. G. McDotUJ/d, P.M Le Toumeau and JZ de Boer TripE. Tectonics, Wall-Rock Alteration and Emplacement History of the Lantern Hill Giant Quartz Lode, Avalonian Terrane, Southeastern Connecticut ......................................................................................... E-1 RJ Altamura f Trip A l Trip A { Thennochronologic Evidence for Alleghanian Assembly of "Thennotectonic" Terranes, South Central New England RP. Wintsch, DepartmentofGeokJgical Sciences, Indiana University, Bwomington, Indiana, 47405 M.J Kunk and j.F. Sutter, U.S. Geological Survey, Beston, VA \ JN. Aleinikoff, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO and \' JL. Boyd, Department ofGeological Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 47405 Purpose of Field Trip This field trip is designed to contrast the rock types, metamorphic grades, and especially metamorphic histories of the rocks of southeastern New England that constitute its lithotectonic terranes: the Avalon, Putnam-Nashoba, Merrimack, Central Maine, and Bronson Hill (Figure 1). We will focus on the lithologic, metamorphic, and geochronologic evidence for the definition oflithotectonic terranes, and show how contrasting Pressure-Temperature-time (PTt) paths reflected by the mineral cooling ages of the rocks in the various terranes require that significant assembly of these terranes post-dates middle to late Paleozoic metamorphism. We will show that much metamorphic history can be extracted from a metamorphic rock by dating its minerals, in spite of a low variance mineral assemblage that does not narrowly constrain the metamorphic conditions. We use the term ~terrane" to refer to a body of rock with internal lithologic and metamorphic continuity, isolated by brittle and/or ductile faults. Thermochronologic data are critical to establishing a uniform cooling history within a terrane and discontinuities in mineral cooling ages define the boundaries of terranes. The term "thermotectonic" emphasizes this requirement that terranes share a continuity of metamorphic history. The most contentious issue regarding the timing of terrane assembly has centered on the arrival of the Avalon terrane. ' Il Some argue for a Middle Ordovician arrival, causing the T aconic orogeny; some favor an early Devonian arrival causing the Acadian Orogeny; and some hold that at least the last stages of assembly occurred during the late Paleozoic Alleghanian orogeny. Srockrnal et al (1990) and van der Pluijm et al (1990) have proposed that initial collision occurred in the Silurian, and continued in a protracted way into the late Paleozoic. Wintsch et al (1'992) go on to suggest that the arrival of wescern parts ofAvalon (or its outboard terranes) underplated the eastern terranes, uplifting them, and causing the end of the Acadian orogeny. On this field trip we will examine some of the evidence for the latter proposal by contrasting middle and late Paleozoic PTt paths of the various terranes, and show how they provide evidence for the Late Paleozoic assembly of these terranes. METAMORPHIC PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE-TIME PATHS Identification oflithotectonic terranes has been based on both lithologic assemblages and on metamorphic history. Thermochronologic data in the form of mineral ages strongly compliment P-T data derived from mineral thermobarometry by defining the time interval of metamorphism. Mineral ages are we!! known to be reset by heating events, and in fact the ages of many Wintsch, Kunk, Sutter, Aleinikoffand Boyd minerals in igneous or high grade metamorphic rocks reflect the time of cooling from the last metamorphism, rather than the time of crystallization. Closure temperatures, or the temperarures below which minerals effectively retain radiogenic daughter isotopes, are for lead: monazite 720 ±20°C, and sphene 575 ± 50°C (Cliff and Cohen, 1980; Copeland et al, 1988); and for argon: hornblende, 500 ±50°; muscovite, 350 ± 25°C; biotite, 300 ± 25°C; and K-feldspar, 200 ± 50°C (McDougall and Harrison, 1988). Mineral ages are useful in several wa~. For instance, in rocks east of the Willimantic window (Figure 2), hornblende ages reflect cooling from pre-Alleghanian metamorphism. However, in and southwest of the window, their younger Permian ages represent middle amphibolite facies Alleghanian overprinting. U-Pb ages of sphene behave in the same way except that sphene c~tals that grow below their closure temperarures re6ect the time of crystallkation, because temperatures were not high enough to allow the diffusive loss of radiogenic lead. In the Avalon terrane, the Pennsylvanian ages of sphenes reflect prograde metamorphism to lower amphibolite facies conditions. Integration of these and other geologic and petrologic data provide very strong evidence for the Alleghanian assembly of these terranes. Some of the data upon which the trip is based is presented in Wintsch et al (1991; 1992), Wintsch (1992) and Moecher and Wintsch (1994), and most of the text is taken from Wintsch et al (1993). Prior reference to these is suggested. WINfSCH; SUTTER, KUNK, MID ALEINIKOFF Explanation • R.H. -Rowe Hawley Conn. Valley Synclinorium ~ BronsonHill Central Maine ~Merrimack ICIJ Putnam-Nashoba D Hartford Basin 111111111111 Avalon {composite) lllillll and inlier structures: MG - Massabesic Gneiss Complex PD - Pelham Dome WW - Willimantic Wlndow Figure 1. Generalized map ofNew England, showing the distribution of the lithotectonic terranes (modified from Zattman, 1988; Hutchinson et al. 1988; Robinson and Goldsmith, 1991). The locations ofthe Avalonian inliers in domal structUres is indicated. METAMORPHICANDGEOLOGICSETTING The distribution of the
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