Adur & Worthing Councils Worthing Town Hall Chapel Road Worthing West Sussex, BN11 1HA Jon Heuch Date: 4th January 2019 Sent via: Service: Information Governance
[email protected] Our Reference: EIR/927453/2018 Dear Jon Heuch Thank you for contacting us requesting a review of our decision relating to your recent Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (‘EIR’) request. Your request has been passed to me to consider. Chronology 5th December 2018 You submitted a request for information to Adur & Worthing Council (‘AWC’), asking for the following information: “Could you tell me how many Tree Preservation Orders are currently administered by the Council? Could you tell me the date when the oldest TPO currently still valid was served?” 6th December 2018 AWC acknowledged your request. 6th December 2018 AWC provided you with a response to your request which I have attached for your ease of reference. 7th December 2018 You emailed AWC requesting a review of our response as follows: Adur & Worthing Councils, Worthing Town Hall, Chapel Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1HA - - “Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of Worthing Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'Number of Tree Preservation Orders administered by the council'. The Council has answered my second question so only the first question remains: How many Tree