WEEKLY BRIEF At Home Av 3 - 4 5780/July 24th-25th, Shabbat Chazon Parshat Devarim Guidelines Parshat Devarim Chazon A Message From Adler 4 Av 5780 Chaveireinu Hayikarim, I hope you and family are well as we approach the July 24-25, 2020 5th month of our lives being dictated by a virus. The

Mishneh at the beginning of the second perek of Friday Masechet Berachot teaches us that if someone walks Mincha/Maariv* - 7:00 pm into shul late and you are in the midst of Kriat (please note no Zoom Kabbalat Shab- Shema, you are permitted to respond to that person bat) who said Gut Shabbos or Shabbat Shalom to you. The Candle Lighting* - 7:15 pm Rav said in the name of the Chafetz Chaim that not (recommended if davening early) only are you permitted to respond but you are Candle Lighting - before 8:01 pm obligated to do so. If you do not respond, you is not קבלת עול מלכות שמים , demonstrate that my acceptance of the yoke of heaven Shabbat very serious. Shacharit* – 7, 8:30 or 9 am Where do we derive this from? That man is to ignore HKBH for a few minutes while you Sof Zman Kriat Shma – 9:24 am respond to another human being? The Gemara in Masechet Shabbat (from the daf yomi, two is not recited weeks ago) suggests that we learn it from Avraham, where the describes a visit from G בריך שמיה • is -D after Avraham’s Brit Milah. Yet when Avraham noticed that he had visitors, he excusedיקום פורקן Only the first paragraph of• recited himself and tended to his guests. Apparently, that was what Avraham was supposed to do is recited and hence we are to do the same when reciting the Shema and being interrupted by anotherאב הרחמים • Kriat HaTorah: member of the shul. You respond to the person. Immediately thereafter, as G-D is preparing ושמרו דרך ה׳ the destruction of Sedom, He shares that information with Avraham because Parshat Devraim— Devarim 11:1-3:22 . becomes the motto of Avraham לעשות צדקה ומשפט Haftara Chazon – Yishayahu 1:1- 1:27 We always read this parsha on Shabbat prior to Tisha B’Av and the haftarah concludes with

We all hope to כבוד הבריות . which means we have to focus on צדקה ומשפט words Mincha* – 7:45 pm return to our Beit Knesset soon. We all agree that something must change as a result of the Maariv* – 8:50 pm Corona virus. Let us focus on Kavod Habriyot. When issues arise, recognize that there might Havdala – 9:01 pm be validity in someone else’s opinion other than yours. If upon arriving at shul you notice that your seat is occupied, do not ask that person to change his/her seat. If you are catching *suggested timing for Rinat Kehilla up, do not stand to recite Shmoneh Esrai when someone is speaking whereby you will be blocking the vision of the person seated behind you. If we all take Kavod for others seriously, we will be the beneficiary of the conclusion of this week’s haftarah. ציון במשפט תפדה ושביה בצדקה GABBAI NOTE This Wednesday evening, the start of Rabbi Yosef Adler Tisha B’Av, Rinat will offer a communal kriah of Megillat Eicha via Zoom. Those participating should daven SUGGESTED WEEKDAY DAVENING maariv at 8:15 pm. Kriat July 26th—July 31st haMegilla will begin at 8:45 pm. As per Rabbi Adler, those backyard minyanim Shacharit Thursday (Tisha B’Av) wishing to participate in the Sun 7, 8, 9am Shacharit—6:10, 7:10 or 9 am communal kriah should recite kaddish Mon, 6:20, 7:20, 9am No tallit/tefillin titkabel immediately following shmoneh Tues, Wed, Fri 6:30, 7:30, 9am · Mincha (with tallit/tefillin)/Maariv* – 7:45 pm are recited at mincha נחם and עננו esrai, followed by aleinu and kaddish Thurs 6:10, 7:10, 9am שים שלום yatom. After the reading of Eicha, is recited at mincha are not recited at mincha תחנון andאבינו מלכנו Mincha/Maariv everyone should say uva l’tzion. At the Sun—Tues 8:10pm Fast ends - 8:43 pm minyan where Eicha was read, the chazzan should recite kaddish but Tisha B’Av schedule Friday, July 31 skip titkabel. On Thursday morning, Wednesday (erev Tisha B’Av) Candle Lighting—7:54pm minyanim should daven the entire Mincha* 6:50 pm is not recited תחנון shacharit through aleinu and the final kaddish yatom. Kinot can then be Fast begins 8:14 pm recited at home. Maariv* 8:15 pm Communal Megillat Eicha – 8:45 pm Wishing everyone an easy and https://zoom.us/j/4653630025, Password 8372795 meaningful fast. MAZAL TOV Heidi & Alan Fuchs on the birth of a granddaughter, Chana Rachel, born to Ashley & Elliot. Mazal tov to big brother, Yehuda Aryeh, and all the assorted aunts, uncles and cousins. Faye Landes on the birth of a granddaughter, Maya Sadie, born to Chana and Rusik Mundhe of Seattle. Mazal tov to big brother, Jack. Debbie Pine & Mark Orenshein on the engagement of their daughter, Sarah to of Ramat Bet Shemesh. Mazal tov to siblings Danielle and Zachary and Moshe’s parents, Pircha & Rabbi Chaim Soloveichik. Mimi & Marvin Schechter on the birth of a grandson, born to Lea & Yakir Schechter of Philadelphia. Mazal Tov to siblings, Penina, Batya, Malki, Esti, Tova & Tzvi.

CONDOLENCES Rochel Stechler on the loss of her beloved sister, Devorah Lang, z”l. Rochel will sit shiva through Monday morning, July 27th at the Stechler home at 497 Forest Avenue in Teaneck. Rochel can be reached via phone at 917-608-7655 or on the Stechlers' back lawn from 7- 9pm on Sunday night. May the Stechler family be comforted among the mourners of Tzion v'Yerushalayim.

WEEKLY BRIEF SPONSORSHIP ישראל אברהם אבא ,Lauren & Jeffrey Goldstein and family in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Jeffrey's father ז׳ל. (Alter A. Goldstein)בן שלמה זלמן

RABBI ADLER’S WHATSAPP SPONSORSHIP July 29th Leah & Itzy Silver in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Itzy’s father, Zvi Hirsch ben Yitzchak Refael, z”l. July 31st Shari & Nathan Lindenbaum in honor of Florence & Joseph Appleman's 65th wedding anniversary.

RABBI WIENER’S WHATSAPP SHIUR SPONSORSHIP Vaetchanan Shari & Nathan Lindenbaum in honor of Florence & Joseph Appleman's 65th wedding anniversary. Leah & Itzy Silver and family in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Itzy’s father, Zvi Hirsch ben Yitzchak Refael, z”l.

Tisha B’Av Programming

Wednesday, July 28th 8:45pm, Communal Megillat Eicha – https://zoom.us/j/4653630025, Password 8372795

Thursday, July 29th 8:30am, Rabbi Adler’s Tisha B’Av Shiur, “What The Churban Means To Me” https://zoom.us/j/4066308747 9:30am, Two options for online Kinnot Explanations- Rabbi Yaakov Glasser, Rabbi -https://yeshiva- university.zoom.us/j/9671630574 1:15pm, Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter “The Tragedy we Commemorate on Tisha B’Av is Not – Really – the Destruction of the Bet Hamikdash “ - https://yeshiva-university.zoom.us/j/9671630574 2:15pm, Rabbi David Fohrman “Jeremiah’s Dilemma“ - https://yeshiva-university.zoom.us/j/9671630574 3:00pm, Rabbi “Building a Life of Bracha & Simcha in Every Situation“ - https://yeshiva-university.zoom.us/ j/9671630574 3:45pm, Mrs. Michal Horowitz “The Road to Redemption: Holding Fast To -G d” - https://yeshiva-university.zoom.us/ j/9671630574 4:30pm, Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz “Eis Lilchom: When Machlokes is Worth It“ - https://yeshiva-university.zoom.us/j/9671630574 5:15pm, Professor Smadar Rosensweig “Churban, Nechama and Geulah“ - https://yeshiva-university.zoom.us/j/9671630574 6:00pm, Special Tisha B'av Kumzits with Rabbi Mordechai Willig and his Sons - https://yeshiva-university.zoom.us/ j/9671630574 7:15pm, Professor David Shyovitz “The Trial of the Talmud 1240-2020” https://zoom.us/j/9248979279, Password: 540 RINAT ROUNDUP: PRESIDENTS CORNER Last Shabbat was exciting to join with many members of our Shul when we braved the heat and davened outside in the parking lot. We were able to say the Tefillah of Magen Avot at night together, and enjoyed a fast but meaningful tefillah. After Musaf, it was exciting to see happy kids (masked) with their parents (also masked) coming to groups with their excited group leaders (likewise masked). Groups were held outside, in any shaded location they could find. The kids davened together, learned Parsha together, as an added treat, Rabbi Wiener came to deliver a Dvar Torah, all while maintaining social distancing. In the afternoon the kids, together with their parents, visited Sheryl and Rabbi Yosef Adler, and had an ice pop and lollipop snack. It was so nice to see so many Rinat members and their families joining in.

This coming Sunday we have two exciting programs brought to us by Adult Ed. In the morning at 9:30 Rachel Weber Leshaw will give a shuir titled "What is Legitimate Protest? A closer look at Kamtza and Bar Kamtza," and at 8:00 pm Elana Kaplan will give a class on "Night at the Met: a Journey through and Ancient Egypt". At 10:00am Rabbi Wiener will be holding his virtual children's Mishna shiur, zoom details are on the website. From 5:00-8:00pm we will be collecting Shaimos. Please come with your Shaimos in bags and the pick up will be in the parking lot. Our regular weekday shiurim and ulpan classes are on schedule Monday and Tuesday and I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday for the weekly "Sandwich and Shmooze". A sandwich is not required, and gluten-free alternatives are acceptable. :)

For Tisha B'Av we will have a zoom Eicha reading at 8:45 pm. There will also be youth and adult ed programming on Zoom. Stay tuned to your email for details.

Wishing you all a wonderful week and an easy fast. May this unusual Tisha B'Av be the last time we sit at home privately mourning the destruction of the two Batei Mikdash and all the terrible atrocities that befell our people. I look forward to the time when we will be together, celebrating, in good health.

Shabbat Shalom

Bina Backyard Minyan Locator (in formation): In order to facilitate individuals looking to join a developing minyan, or for hosts looking for more participants, we're providing a roster of established minyanim in the neighborhood. These are private, independent minyanim that are not under the auspices of Rinat. As a service to the kehilla, we are sending out this roster. If you wish to add a minyan to the list, please send an email to [email protected]. If you're looking for more information about these minyanim, please be in touch with the minyan contact listed. Reminder that, as per RCBC guidelines, minyanim have begun and will observe all of the protocols outlined in previous Rinat communications. https://images.shulcloud.com/443/uploads/Gabbai/BackyardMinyanLocator.pdf. For a list of current backyard minyanim, go to https://www.rinat.org/backyardminyan

Shaimos Sale The Shaimos truck will be at Rinat parking lot on Sunday from 5 to 8pm. Costs are $5 to 12 per shopping bag (depending on the weight) or $25 for a box. Make checks payable to Capitol Seforim.

Support our local restaurants and Rinat’s catering panel. Go to https://openduringcovid19.app/ for a list of restaurants that are open and https://www.rinat.org/caterers# for catering panel websites.

Rinat face masks on sale now for only $18! To purchase your mask, go to https:// www.rinat.org/form/nerot-mask-sale.html.

WEEKLY PUBLICATIONS To access this week’s Report, go to https://tinyurl.com/yy6l2wsm. To access this week’s Rabbi Linzer Dvar Torah, go to https://tinyurl.com/y2ebex43. To access this week’s Sam Weingard comics, go to https://tinyurl.com/y5x2jey7.

During these challenging times, if you could use a hand with food delivery or other errands, if the situation has resulted in a need for financial assistance, or of you’d just like to talk, please do not hesitate to contact Bina, [email protected] or Rabbi Adler, [email protected].

Mikvah Update The Teaneck Keylim Mikvah is now open by APPOINTMENT ONLY. In order to comply with social distancing, there is a new system in place. Please visit the mikvah website teaneckmikvah.com for details and to make an appointment.


Support Rinat while shopping at Amazon. Visit Amazon through this link (https://smile.amazon.com/ch/22- 2211015) & Rinat gets a donation from Amazon! Make us your default charity at Amazon Smiles.

WEEKLY BRIEF DEADLINE We want to announce your Mazal Tov. Please submit your announcement information to [email protected] by WEDNESDAY at noon. To sponsor the Weekly Brief, visit www.rinat.org/wbsponsor. YOUTH NEWS ADULT EDUCATION

Friday, July 24th, 5pm, Morah Divsha. Parsha and stories. Rabbi Adler’s WhatsApp shiur—on Raayanot HaTefilah— sign https://zoom.us/j/5854317531 up at https://chat.whatsapp.com/EDRHwMguJckJOhqmVYtWZD Shabbat, July 25th, 10:30– 11:15am, Shabbat groups are Rabbi Wiener’s WhatsApp shiur—Pithy Parsha Perspectives— back in the shul's "grand outdoor space." N/PK- 3rd grade sign up at https://chat.whatsapp.com/ groups Davening, Parsha, games, with prepackaged snacks K24ld8V26Ik2OzhFpNL2cN. Rabbi Adler’s tehillim call 7 pm daily to go! Each group will be limited to 10 children in a group. https://zoom.us/j/4066308747 All children will need to wear a mask. Sign up will be Daf Yomi, Sunday—Friday, 7:30am, Motzei Shabbat 9:30pm. mandatory. Go to www.rinat.org/youthgroups WhatsApp group https://chat.whatsapp.com/ Sunday, July 26th, 10am, Rabbi Ezra Wiener. Children’s BTaIOz3RSdq7u79DF2A5E9 Mishna Shiur. https://zoom.us/j/3878128127 Mishna Yomit, Monday—Friday, 6:15am, Sunday 7:30am. Thursday, July 30th, 10-11:30am Tisha B’Av programming https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84538340172? via Zoom. Tisha Bav Youth Program, Learning, art, and pwd=MXhzWTdha3VleEtwMHFnMXZlTG1RUT09 Rabbi Wiener’s Daf Yomi, Monday-Thursday, 9pm. kahoots! https://zoom.us/j/5854317531 https://zoom.us/j/3878128127 Amud Yomi, Motzei Shabbat 9:30pm—https://zoom.us/ Please sign up for the Rinat Youth interviews. For current j/4653630025 password 8372795. youth leaders as well as for people interested in being a Sunday, July 26th, 9:30am– Rachel Weber Lehaw, “What is youth leader. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/ "Legitimate Protest"? A Closer Look at Kamtza and Bar d/10MpHaw5i9VzaNVaFVkBTQGPBr4N8p8n55bvb- Kamtza.” https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. OvK8vA/edit?usp=sharing Sunday, July 26th, 8pm– Elana Kaplan, "Night at the MET Museum: A Journey through Jewish History in Ancient Egypt." https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. Rabbi Avi Heller’s Getting Great at Gemara, Monday, July 27th, NEROT 7pm Feldenkrais lessons for posture, calm and wellness https://zoom.us/j/9386599293 continue-note the new schedule. Rabbi Adler’s Gemara shiur, Monday, July 27th, 8:40pm Mondays, 8-9pm, Tuesday– Friday, 11:30am-12:30pm. https://zoom.us/j/4066308747. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5864270795? Leah Silver’s Siddur v'Sidra. Tuesday, July 28th, 2pm. Virtual class. To join the class, go to https://chat.whatsapp.com/ pwd=Z0VpaVRkaDNMTzFjeGEvVHltOTFBQT09 IQqNOA4O5Kj1TQXMXmPXjR Classes are open for teens through seniors for improving Rabbi Adler’s Women’s Mishna shiur, Tuesday, July 28th, 8pm posture, coordination and balance. Tuesday’s classes will https://zoom.us/j/4066308747. take place in chairs. Other classes take place on the floor. Rabbi Adler’s Women’s Chumash shiur, Wednesday, July 29th, Contact Joyce Bendavid by email for further information: 12:30pm https://zoom.us/j/4066308747. Sunday, August 2nd, 9:30am– Dr. Sharon Galper Grossman, [email protected]. “Coping with Corona: Halachic Approaches to Mental Health in COVID-19" Tuesday, July 28th, 12:30pm– Sandwich & Schmooze, https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. led by Bina Faber. To join, go to https://zoom.us/ Thursday, August 6th, 7:30pm- Keren Ashram, “Ulpan Class Series: Beginner/Intermediate.” Registrants only can join the j/4653630025 password 8372795. class. Go to http://zoom.us/j/5132696991 password RinatYouth. Sunday, August 9th, 9:30am– Rabbi Yehoshua Katz, IDF SOLDIERS FOR OUR TEFILLOT "U'teshuvah U'tefillah U'tzedakah: Analyzing the Role of Teshuvah on Rosh Ha-shannah." Please include in your tefilot IDF soldiers from the https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. Rinat family currently serving in the IDF: Dael Bejar, Sunday, August 9th, 8:30pm– Zalman Mlotek Singalong. Gabi Benchabbat, Gideon Benchabbat, Yonatan https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. Tuesday, August 25th, 8:30pm- “Rinat Reads” Book Discussion Acting As If: The Power of Pretending in Times Benchabbat, Chana Brody, Lior Chasid, Yehudah facilitated by Ms. Ora Bayewitz-Meier. https://zoom.us/ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z0oqFGvJOuKqIsFcMCn- Fuksbrumer, Shira Gelb, Meital Gitler, Eitan Klavan, j/4653630025 password 8372795. Menachem Klavan, Leora Kohn, Zachary Kohn, Asher Krohn, Raanan Kwalbrun, Shevy Schwartz, Tzvi Silver, For recordings of recent webinars/shiurim, go to.https:// Asher Stein and Yael Zaretsky. Please email www.rinat.org/rinatwebinars#. To sponsor adult education programs, go to https:// [email protected], to add a name to this list. www.rinat.org/form/Adult-Education%20sponsorship.html