BUTTER Dler, Attorney-Gener- Al ALWAYS SWEET and GOOD
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I I f'iTh fy fy jr I VOL. XXV.--.N- o. 23. i HONOLULU, TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1890. WHOLE No. 1328. (fartis. beginning with the King, be laid on the Business THE LEGISL4TIVE ASSEMBLY. table to be considered with the Appro- BY priation Bill : report was adopted. 2. AUTHORITY. Committee recommended that the peti- 11V MISCELLANEOUS of PUBLISHED Ninth Day. tion that absolute independence the kingdom be presented, be laid on the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., (Limited,) BISHOP & COMPANY. Monday, June 2. table to be considered when the treaty ESTABLISBCKD XIV 1SS8, comes up for discussion ; report adopted. Every Tuesday Morning, The House met at 10 a.m., prayer by Rep. Rickard introduced a resolution BANKERS. the Chaplain. The minutes were read to DOLLARS PER ANNUM ,fi that $1,000 be appropriated build a Al FIVE UOKOLrbU, HAWAIIAN ISLASUs and approved. ruad to certain lands in Hamakua which DRAW EXCHANGE ON Rep. Kalua presented a petition from have been taken up under the Home- PAYABLE IX ADVAXCE. THF BMKOF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO Kalawao praying: 1. That Dr. Lutz be stead Act but to which there is no road. AXD THEIR AOKKTS tN physician to the lepers. 2. Porflja Subscribers G. 00 ill Advnitce, appointed Rep. Brown moved reference to the New York. Boston, 1'arin. That $2,000 be appropriated for his pay. Committee on Public Lands : carried. 2. "Wiica 'nclndes postages prepaid. & LONDON. Referred to Sanitary committee. MESSRS. N M. ROTHSCHILD SONS, j- - That $1,500 be inserted in theAppropria-tio- n Rep. Robt. "Wilcox presented a peti- ANKFORT-ON-THE-- .V. -- Kill to improve the road leading H. M. WHITNEY, Business Manager. -- FR AI tion from Palama for $5,000 to open a The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, from Wuipio to Waimano, Hamakua, as Londor. road from Iwilei to the receiving hos it is in a dangerous condition ; laid on OSce, No. 46 Merchant Street. The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney. pital at Knlihi. Laid on the table to be with the Ap- Sydney. The Bank of New Zealand, Auckland, the table to be considered considered with the Appropriation Bill. Bill ; carried. 3. That $800 and its Branches in Christchnrch, Djnedin and petition from propriation RATES OF ADVERTISING. Wcll-lngto- AN ACT Nobltt Pua presented a be inserted in the Appropriation Bill to The Bank of British Colombia, Portland, filth district for $7,000 for road from build a house for the school teacher at m 3 m ' 6 m Oregon. King street to School street, and moves Swim 2 iy The Azores and Madeira Islands. Kawiahae as he has no suitable resi- ' it be laid on the table to be considered ; Ka- 1 CO 1 50, 00 3 00' 001 6 00 10 00 Stockholm, Sweden. To Appropriate Money Purpose Defray- dence referred on motion of Rep. S IS 2 4 London, and for the of with the Appropriation Bill. 1 in S 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 6 001 10 00 14 03 The Chartered Bank of Australia paehaole to the Committee on Educa- ZOO 500 600 80011000) 14 00 20 00 China, Expenses Rep. Kalua moves reference to com- Yokohama, And transact a ing of Legislative Session tion. 2nZ in 4 03 6 00, 7 50 10 00 12 00 17 50 24 00 Hongkong, Japan. the the of mittee on Public Lands and Internal ' 1304 Banking y Minister Thurston read an act to 4 fa 5O0( 7501 900 12001500 24 00 30 00 General Business 1S90, Improvements as it is a new road. 1000 12 00 16 OOJ20 00I 30 00 the Year from Public Treasury. 31 of Session of . 750 5000 the amend Chap. Laws flft - Sin 00) Noble already nar- W 7te 903 12 O0 14 00 IS 00121 36 00 80 00 Pua said there is a '82, so as make all fertilizers duty 1500 18 U) 22 00 30 O0 40 001 5000 100 00 WILUEIC & CO., row road and himself and one other HCoi.. Be it Enacted by the free ; also an Act; to provide additional X C 17 K) 22 03'30 O040 00 5000l 80 00 120 00 Corner of Fort and Queen Steets, Houoln'.n. King and the Legislature of the are the largest land owners there. 1 Cl 2000 150 00 facilities in acquiring liomesteada. Lumber, Faints, Oils, Nails, Salt & Building Hawaiian Kingdom : Rep. Kalua said a committee can in- Minister Austin reported that the act for publication, vestigate and find out how much will intended 1304 Materials of every kind- - v it providing for the expenses of the Legis- aomd be&ddrert-e- to vhe"Kditor of the Hawa- will cost, otherwise the House know lative Session of 1890 was signed by His iian izctic. Post Oitice Box. O. " Section 1. There shall be and there hereby is ap- nothing more than at present. Laid on - Advertise-xaest- s. Majesty. e- errerpondence relating to iky.ua:' I5BCO!.. the table. -- oo?cripuous and Job Printing, shonld propriated twenty-fiv- e Rep. Rickard read an act to provide -- Importers of General Merchandise, the sum of thousand dollars be ad .res-t-- d to the 'Manager of the Hawaiian Rep. Kanealii presented a petition for establishing branch leper hospitals Gszecte. Port Office Box, O. " from from asking for an appropria- ($25,000) from the Public Treasury for the purpose of Wailuku for the treatment of suspects on the dif- ssrBatiaen Cards and all quarterly or yearly FRANCE, ENGLAND, GERMANY AND THE tion to buy certain landings and make drnjpeent' are payable in advance or on UMTED STATES. ferent islands. defraying the expenses of the Legislative Session of the them public property ; referred to com- Noble gave of reptcntetten of the bill 53 Queen - - Honolulu. H. I, Crabbe notice an act in mnstbeac-toiipiiiiU- No. Street, mittee on Public Lands. 2. For $2,000 X B All foreign advertisements d year 1S90. regard to inmates of tenement and with the pay when ordered in, or no for bridges in that district ; referred to lodging houses in Chinatown, Honolulu. junto will be taten of them. The rates of committee on Public Lands. 3. That remit-xae- e HYMAN BROTHERS. Minister Austin read his reply with re- sbuca are given in tap ibove scale, and Approved this 2nd day of A.D. 1S90. laws relating to Government lands be Tor European or American advertise June, gard to the treaty documents. The Min- ; laid on table to be consid- Tsttmu, it rutcnptious may be made by postal Commission Merchants, ister states since re- 20ti Front Street, San Francisco that completing his ef4er KALAKAUA REX. ered with any bill that may hereafter ply let- paid tofllllngandshipping he had received three additional Particular attentiou By be introduced. ters from the Minister at Washington THE 1C04 Island orders. y the King : Rep. Kahookano presented a petition Daily Pacific Commercial Advertiser which he had answered. from Kohala that a permanent hospital Brown Com-i-iS- Rep. moved a reference of the I pakliked bf the Hawaiian Gazette T L. A. Thurston; be established in Kohala. Moved to de-tre- M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., t iu Office in Merchant Street, and matter with all the documents to the City, at lay on the table to be considered with a Committee on Foreign Relations. by Jarners in the Commission Merchants, bill to be on the subject. (S6.00) Minister of the Interior. introduced Noble Macfarlane was in favor of the Six Dollars Per Annum. No. 121 California Street, han Francisco, Cal. Carried. aad Weekly to one address. motion, and further with instructions to Saiif 1304 y petition from .... 510.00 per annum Rep. Kamai presented a the committee to report immediately to rVreign Conmrie Postage paid, Makawao constitution of Kameha- - BilKt (!Iari)s. that the House as to whether the treaty pro- - .... 10.00 per annum G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., Business meha V. be He moved re- Awireee a.'l Communications, posea dv tne uabinet or any part of it, W Importers and Commission Merchants, ference to Judiciary committee. is calculated to jeopardize political HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, Hatuaiiandiazeto Rep. Kapaehaole moved to lay on the Honolulu, it or commercial independence of No. 46 Merchant Street Hawaiian Islands, MISCELLANEOUS. the until hucli time as the honor- the table country . AGENTS rOB able member shall introduce a bill to iTEN-PAG- E Rep. Brown rises to a point of order Mirrlees, Watson & Co.. Scotland Street Iron EDITION. abolish the constitution. .asusiiucss J. K. HOOKANO, and says the matter of Noble Macfar-lane- 's tefo. Works, Glasgow. Rep. Kauhi moved that the petition John Fowler & Co., (Leeds) Limited Steam Plow Attorney and Counsellor at Law. amendment is proper for a reso- 1301 Works. ly be put into the waste basket along with and Locomotive Leeds. TUESDAY, JUNE 10. 1890. lution, but not an amendment to the PROFESSIONAL. Attends all the Courts or hie Kingdom. other petitions of a similar nature. motion. The motion to lay on the table is car- JI. E. 31clI'TYRE & DRO, Collections Promitlt Attended To. Rep. Kapaehaole inquires whether THE STARS ried. correspondence has been CHARLES L. CARTER, Grocery, Feed Store and Bakery. 1273 NORTH KOIIALA, HAWAII. ly WIN. Rep. Kamai presented a petition that translated into . Hawaiian. (Minister: 'has blX Xi-to"- Corner King and Fort Streets, property qualification for voters for "It not.") Attornoy If it is only in English 1 and can- 1304 I. T Ail Uninteresting Game of Baseball others 5394 o.24 Merchant Street. y Honolulu. H. GARDNER K. WILDER, at Nobles be removed. not understand. the Slakiki Grounds.