CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E79 HON
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January 23, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E79 they work for remains successful and I com- lies served by Children’s Square. The Chris- a Peabody Award, the first ever for a Spanish- mend Sportech for recognizing that important tian Home Association—Children’s Square language broadcast company. fact. USA is a private, not-for profit organization Ms. Estrada started her career with Sportech is more than deserving of this founded on December 23, 1882. Children’s Univision in 1991, where she initiated her ca- award, and I wish them continued success in Square USA has a rich history of caring for reer as Director of Communications at KMEX– 2017. children from birth to 21 years old and their TV, Channel 34, the flagship station of the f families, meeting their individualized needs, in- Univision Television Group, Inc. in Los Ange- stilling hope and helping restore lives. les. During her tenure at KMEX, she launched HONORING THE LIFE OF CAPTAIN Mr. Speaker, I commend JoAnn and Andy numerous community projects that focused on GENE CERNAN for the dedicated service they have provided health, education, and art initiatives. She also to Children’s Square and for their care and served as Director of Corporate and Commu- HON. BRIAN BABIN concern for children in need. I ask that my col- nity Relations for Univision Television Group, OF TEXAS leagues in the United States House of Rep- where she supervised the public affairs and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES resentatives join me in congratulating JoAnn community efforts of the company’s owned and operated stations. Monday, January 23, 2017 and Andy for their many years of volunteer service and in wishing them nothing but the Outside of UCI, Ms. Estrada is a prominent Mr. BABIN. Mr. Speaker, it is with profound very best. advocate and supporter of the community. She serves on several boards, including the sadness that I join millions around our country f and in NASA and the space industry who are Board of Directors of the Washington Center, mourning the loss of one of a dozen Apollo RECOGNIZING THE CAREER OF the Women’s Leadership Board at Harvard’s space legends, Capt. Eugene ‘‘Gene’’ Cernan. IVELISSE R. ESTRADA, MA, BA Kennedy School of Government, the Los An- As the Commander of the Apollo 17 mis- geles Fund for Public Education, Friends of sion, and the most recent man on the moon— HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD the National Museum of the American Latino, as he put it—he remained a tireless and out- OF CALIFORNIA and the Smithsonian Latino Center. She also serves on the Excelencia in Education Hon- spoken advocate for NASA and America’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES manned space exploration program. Captain orary Board, the Corporate Board of Advisors Monday, January 23, 2017 Cernan testified before Congress numerous of the Cuban American National Council, the times, and took a leading role in promoting Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise Latino Communications Initiative Roundtable, human spaceflight. today to congratulate Ivelisse R. Estrada on College of Communications at Cal State Ful- Captain Cernan had an unshakable convic- the end of her tenure as Senior Vice President lerton, the Institute for Latino Studies at the tion that it was mankind’s destiny to explore of Corporate and Community Relations for University of Notre Dame, and is a member of and that the U.S. must take the lead, for the Univision Communications Inc. (UCI). the International Women’s Forum, where she benefit of all mankind. He conveyed these In her role as Senior Vice President, Ms. serves in the Hall of Fame Task Force. In ad- sentiments as he left the lunar surface, Estrada was responsible for the overall devel- dition, she was a member of the National Task ‘‘. .as I take man’s last step from the sur- opment and coordination of community rela- Force on Early Childhood Education for His- face, back home for some time to come—but tions strategies for the company, including the panics. we believe not too long into the future—I’d like Univision Network, UniMa´s Network, Univision Mr. Speaker, as Ivelisse Estrada leaves her to just (say) what I believe history will record: Cable Networks, as well as Univision Local position at Univision Communications Inc., I that America’s challenge of today has forged Media, including TV, radio, and digital. She want to recognize her long and distinguished man’s destiny of tomorrow. And, as we leave coordinated all philanthropic contributions and career of empowering Latinos across the the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we served as a liaison between UCI and commu- United States. I ask my colleagues to join me came and, God willing, as we shall return, with nity organizations. She also planned, directed, in celebrating the outstanding work she has peace and hope for mankind. .’’ and supervised the execution of the com- done to empower and advocate for our Latino I first met Capt. Cernan here in Washington pany’s community empowerment platform community, not only in Los Angeles, but D.C. about one year ago, and I was inspired Univision Contigo, promoting awareness and across the U.S. at large. We wish her the very by his incredible passion for human space ex- providing greater access to Education, Health, best as she moves on to new and exciting en- ploration and conviction that the United States Prosperity, and Civic Participation resources. deavors. must lead in this world-changing endeavor. Ms. Estrada developed and launched f Univision Educacio´n, a comprehensive, multi- God speed Capt. Cernan, I promise that I will THE 58TH INAUGURATION continue your fight in the Congress to estab- year national education initiative, in partner- lish a bold and purposeful human space ex- ship with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, ploration program. the U.S. Department of Education, educators, HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE OF TEXAS My thoughts and prayers are with the family and civic and community leaders from around IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and friends of Captain Cernan. the country. The initiative was aimed at im- Monday, January 23, 2017 f proving academic achievement among K–12 Hispanic students with a specific focus on high Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, as a per- TRIBUTE TO JOANN AND ANDY school graduation and college readiness. son of faith, I wish President-elect Donald GOHLINGHORST In 2007, she worked with the National Asso- Trump nothing but the best as he becomes ciation of Latino Elected and Appointed Offi- the Commander-in-Chief of our nation. HON. DAVID YOUNG cials (NALEO) in an unprecedented national On November 8th 2016, many of us were OF IOWA civic engagement campaign developed to in- deeply wounded and it was a very difficult IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES form, educate, and motivate Hispanics to par- time. For me, the concern was for so many of ticipate in the American political dialogue. ‘‘Ya my constituents who had worked so hard for Monday, January 23, 2017 es Hora . ¡Ciudadanı´a!’’ (‘‘It’s Time . a different result; and the many young people Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Citizenship!’’) was done in collaboration with who were for the first time engaged in the today to recognize and congratulate JoAnn hundreds of Hispanic-serving organizations democratic process that were seemingly so and Andy Gohlinghorst of Council Bluffs, Iowa, across the U.S. and mobilized more than one disappointed. They were looking for hope. for their many years of volunteer services at million eligible immigrants to apply for citizen- After the election, although still very con- Christian Home Association—Children’s ship. In 2008, the campaign was honored with cerned, I was willing to give the President- Square USA in Council Bluffs. JoAnn and a Peabody Award. elect the appropriate time, as he moved Andy started volunteering at Children’s Square In 2003, she was responsible for the cre- through his transition, to address the American in 1985. JoAnn ation of a multi-year, cross-platform health ini- people with a message of unity. Unfortunately, JoAnn and Andy have spent the past 31 tiative entitled ‘‘Salud es Vida . ¡Ente´rate!’’ the transition was not as smooth as I believe years volunteering at Children’s Square, (‘‘Lead a Healthy Life: Get the Facts!’’) to pro- many of us, as Americans, would have wanted where they have sorted, organized, and dis- mote healthy lifestyles and encourage the it to be. The call for unity and the embracing played donated clothing and toys. These items early detection and aggressive management of all Americans simply did not come. The mo- are available to children in need on the Chil- of chronic health conditions affecting U.S. His- ments of attack continued. However, many of dren’s Square campus as well as foster fami- panics. In 2004, ‘‘¡Ente´rate!’’ was honored with us still continued to listen. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:01 Jan 24, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23JA8.013 E23JAPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E80 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 23, 2017 As a senior Member of the Homeland Secu- Congressman JOHN LEWIS. He failed to offer SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS rity Committee and Ranking Member on the even a small olive branch. Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Homeland The State of the Union will be the Presi- Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, Security, Terrorism, and Investigations, I take dent’s first message directly to Congress and agreed to by the Senate of February 4, national security very seriously. I was ap- the American people on how he will lead—that 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- pointed to the Homeland Security Committee I will attend—and I am committed to working tem for a computerized schedule of all in the aftermath of the heinous, murderous, for my constituents and all of the American meetings and hearings of Senate com- and horrific terrorist attack on September 9, people.