United States Patent Office Patented Apr
3,574,851 United States Patent Office Patented Apr. 3, 1971 2 trihexyl (4-nitrosotolyl)ammonium bromide, 3,574,851 dimethylhexyl (4-nitrosotolyl)ammonium chloride, FUNGCDAL METHOD EMPLOYING NEW dihexylmethyl (4-nitrosotolyl)ammonium iodide, QUATERNARY AMMONUM HALDES Asher A. Hyatt, Lexington, Mass., assignor to Monsanio diethylpentyl (4-nitrosotolyl)ammonium fluoride, Research Corporation, St. Louis, Mo. butyldipropyl (4-nitrosotolyl)ammonium bromide, No Drawing. Original application Dec. 3, 1965, Ser. No. butylhexylmethyl (4-nitrosotolyl)ammonium chloride, 531,320, now Patent No. 3,390,178, dated June 25, trimethyl(4-nitrosoxylyl)ammonium fluoride, 1968. Divided and this application Dec. 20, 1967, Ser. triethyl (4-nitrosoxylyl)ammonium chloride, No. 721,893 tripropyl (4-nitrosoxylyl)ammonium bromide, nt. C. AOn 9/20 O tributyl (4-nitrosoxylyl)ammonium iodide, U.S. C. 424-329 2 Claims tripentyl (4-nitrosoxylyl)ammonium fluoride, trihexyl (4-nitrosoxylyl)ammonium chloride, dimethylhexyl (4-nitrosoxylyl)ammonium fluoride, ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE dihexylmethyl (4-nitrosoxylyl)ammonium chloride, A method of controlling soil fungi employing certain 15 diethylphentyl (4-nitrosoxylyl)ammonium bromide, new nitroso substituted aryl derivatives of trialkyl ammo butyldipropyl (4-nitrosoxylyl)ammonium iodide, nium halides. butylhexylmethyl (4-nitrosoxylyl)ammonium fluoride, trimethyl(4-nitrosonaphthyl)ammonium iodide, triethyl (5-nitrosonaphthyl)ammonium fluoride, This is a division of application Ser. No. 531,320 filed tripropyl (6-nitrosonaphthyl)ammonium chloride, Dec. 3, 1965, now Patent No. 3,390,178. tributyl (4-nitrosonapththyl)ammonium bromide, This invention relates to the reaction of nitroso sub tripentyl (5-nitrosonaphthyl)ammonium iodide, stituted aromatic hydrocarbon derivatives of dialkyl trihexyl (6-nitrosonaphthyl)ammonium fluoride, amines with alkyl halides and to the products thereof.
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