World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Agarwal

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World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Agarwal World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Agarwal. World Journal of PharmaceuticalSJIF Research Impact Factor 7.523 Volume 7, Issue 03, 1480-1483. Review Article ISSN 2277–7105 ETHNOBOTANY OF THE ACANTHOSPERMUM HISPIDUM. Dr. Teena Agrawal* Assistant Professor, Banasthali University, Niwai. Article Received on ABSTRACT 22 Dec. 2017, Folk medicines are the plants which are the resultant of the experiences Revised on 13 Jan. 2018, Accepted on 02 Feb. 2018 of the civilization from the centuries. Folk medicines are developed by DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20183-10963 the centuries by the transfer of the knowledge from one generation to another generation by the means of the talking and by means of the *Corresponding Author other way of the transfer of the information. Folk medicines are still Dr. Teena Agrawal the very good way of treatment of the diseases. Since they are cheap Assistant Professor, and easy to use and they have the less side effects, in comparison to the Banasthali University, Niwai. chemical medicines which are costly and heavy and hard to manage, so still many peoples in the world still believes on the herbal medicines for the treatment of the dieses. In this review article we are presenting some of the aspects of the weed entitled as the Acathoseprmum hispidum of the composite family. The weed is very widely distributed in the many part of the nations, in India also they can be found in the field. However in Mexico the weed is the very big problem in the field of the cotton, so the remedy is used for the eradicating of the weed from the field. However the field is the reservoirs of the many kinds of the metabolites of the medical significances, so the more phytochemical and the pharmacological work are needed for the exact enumeration of the metabolites of the medical significances. KEYWORDS: phytochemical, medicinal values, weed, traditional medicinal. INTRODUCTION Folk medicines are the medical utilization of the plants by the tribal communities forms the long, they are living in the vicinity of the nature from the long and they have the dense experience of utilization of the plant part and their significance for many kinds of the purposes. Folk medicines are the treasure of the knowledge of the community who have the exposure of the plants. Folk medicines are the medicines which are of the describes in them any ways in the differ cultures, they have been enlisted as the ayuervedic system, siddha Vol 7, Issue 03, 2018. 1480 Agarwal. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research medicines, and the unani way of medicines, in china also the chines system of the medicines are also the TM and which influences the world medicine very much in the remote past. from the china’s and the Arbs the TM knowledge has passed from one generation to the another generation of the world. In this review article we are presenting some of the aspects of the weed entitled as the Acanthospermum hispidum, the weed is the number of the composite family, the weed is commonly known as the bristly harbour, the plant is distributed along the whole part of the India as well as the other part of the world, in India the weed is distributed along the road sides. The name of the fruit is on the basis of the prickle fruit like appearances or the fruit is prickly[3][4][5] Botanical description of the plant: the weed is the branched herb, the height of the tree is about the 60-70 cm, and the stem of the weed is covered with the branched hairs and the bushy hairs. Figure 1: Acanthospermum hispidum (sources pininterest). The stem and the leaves have the glandular hairs, the leaves are elliptic, ovate and 1-7 to 7 cm long, the colour of the flower is yellow. some of the leaves are up to the 12 cm long, the margin of the leaves are serrate and dentate, the base of the leaves are narrow and constricted at the base. The flower are typical of the aster type, they are of the typical composite kind off.[1][2][6] Some of the features of the Acanthospermum hispidum are follows as. a) The hairy stem b) The stem filled with the latex c) The fruits are the prickly Vol 7, Issue 03, 2018. 1481 Agarwal. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research d) The leaves are the sub opposite. Ethnobtanically the weed is very useful, they have been utilised for the various purposes. Some of the uses of the Acanthospermum hispidum are as follows, The plant is used in the treatment of the jaundice, malaria, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, convulsion, stomachic, constipation, elliptic fever, malaria and many other microbial infections. Some of the tribes use the plant for the treatment of the skin infection and the other respiratory syndrome The Acathoseprmum hispidum is the noxious weed of the USA and Africa and Mexico, they have disturbed the whole of the ecosystem of theses nations, the spiny fruit interfere in the regular functioning of the plant and the animals.[7][8][9] Achantospermum is the weed which is full of the phytomeidces, theses metabolites are of the great uses. Some of the valuable pharmacological work of the Acanthospermum hispidum is enlisted as, these are the abortifacient, teratogenic activity, antiviral activity, antidiaahrea activity, antitumor activity, antihelminthis activity, antityrpnosomal activity, antipalsmodial activity, antimicrobial activity.[10] CONCLUSION Overall the weed is the full of the potential phytochemcials, theses chemical are the immense microbial values, they have been worked or investigated as the form them any pharmacological aspects, however still now great detail work need to be done, so that in the near future phytometaobolites of the other great values can be preserved and valued. REFERENCES 1. Cabrera, A.L. (1978). Cabrera, A.L., ed. Compositae. 10. Buenos Aires: Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, 1–726. 2. Serrano, M.; Terán, J. (1998). Identific. Esp. Veg. Chuquisaca. Sucre: PLAFOR, Intercooperación, Fundación Ceibo, 1–129. 3. "Acanthospermum hispidum de Candolle". Flora of North America, 21: 37. 4. "刺苞果 ci bao guo Acanthospermum hispidum". Flora of China, 865: 20-21. 5. Wild, H (1967). "The Compositae of the Flora Zambesiaca area, 1". Kirkia, 6(1): 1–62. Vol 7, Issue 03, 2018. 1482 Agarwal. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 6. Humbert, H. (1941). "Contributions a l'etude de la flore de Madagascar et des Comores (fascicule 2)". Notul. Syst. Paris, 9: 95–111. 7. Media related to Acanthospermum hispidum at Wikimedia Commons. 8. Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk: Acanthospermum hispidum. 9. University of Florida: Acanthospermum hispidum. 10. (in Portuguese) Acanthospermum hispidum photos. 11. Acanthospermum hispidum in West African plants – A Photo Guide. Vol 7, Issue 03, 2018. 1483 .
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