He Showed Them His Scars John 20:19-31 Second Sunday of Easter
1 He Showed Them His Scars John 20:19-31 Second Sunday of Easter, (April 12) 2015 Kyle Childress “Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you,’...he showed them his hands and his side.” In The Odyssey (Book XIX), there is that episode, near the end of the tale, when Odysseus finally returns home after years of wandering. But he is disguised as an old man; nobody recognizes him at home, even his own wife. That night, just before bed, the aged nurse of Odysseus, Eurycleia, bathes his feet. She thinks she is merely bathing the feet of an old stranger who visits for the night. But while bathing him, Eurycleia recognizes a scar on Odysseus’ leg, the same scar she remembers from his childhood. She did not recognize him until she saw his scar. Well, we’re one week after Easter Day, one week after that great day of the triumph of God, Easter, that vast setting right of all that death made wrong. Death? Evil? Injustice? Easter says that God's good purposes would not be defeated, that, in the resurrection of Jesus, God triumphed. In today’s gospel, the Risen Christ slips through the closed doors and appears before his fearful and despondent disciples. But they don’t know him. He spoke to them, as he had spoken so often before, saying “Peace.” But they still don’t know him. Then, John says, “He showed them his hands and his side” (John 20:20). He showed them his scars and then, only then, they saw, they rejoiced.
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