Tenield Faced Him and Four of Them Tallied on to Natito
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THE MOItXING OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1923 hearted and that with a few of the several golf architects in the north- to go.' He got a fight on a Portland breaks it will be a different story. west. One of these men will be em- card and made good. In all Ortega BEAVERS DEFEATED The score: GOLFERS ARE ALERT ployed at an early date to draw up THVE'S WRIST LOCK has fought three times in Portland Portland I Loa Angeles plans for the course. recently and stopped his man every BRIIOAI BKii.UA Lists were printed yesterday for time. Grest.m. 4 liCarrol.m 2 4 sign Sargt.3.. 6 1 McAuly.J B 2103 1 subscribers to the golf fund to Gibbons, however, is a different III ICE POLO AFFAIR Cox.r.... 4 1 OITwomy.r 4 2 2 0 TO HEED OF LINKS and these will be placed in the sport- DEFEATS 1REGAARD proposition and if the battler suc- Poole,!.. 5 6 OKJriRgs.l.. 4 0 3 9 ing goods stores and golf depart- ceeds in getting over the phantom Kwthy.2 4 2 l'i.McCabe.2 2 2 2 3 this Hieh.l. 2 0 l.tndire.3 5 3 3 2 ments of the department stores then it is a certainty that he is back. MeCnn.s 3 OIKillefer.l 4 O O 1 week, A letter also has been written Elllott.c 6 4 Daly.c. .. 5 O 4 6 to the directors of the Multnomah CUE CONCERN'S HEAD BLAMED Jevrz.p. 0 4Crandl,p. 4 0 11 Amateur Athletic club asking permis- Hale. .. 0 the Biemr.n Oil0. sion to place one of the lists in Min- To Pledges of Aid Given Can- Match Ends After 46 Angels, More Acclimated, Thorpet. 0 01 for Multnomah club. Conditions Declared Created Caus-in- g Ford r reem.p 1 (II Out 10-- 5 Victory. Wolfert. 0 01 yon Road Course. The next step in the construction utes of Grappling. Hoppe's Retirement. Freeze le work of the Rose Ctiy club nine-ho- Totals 37 S a 24 131 Totals 35 10 18 27 11 carry NEW YORK, April 5. R. B. Benja- course is the laying of pipe to manager Batted for Leverenz in sixth. water to the greens. Trenches for min, of Willie Hoppe, said Who for Biemiller In eighth. pipe tonight that R. E. Bensinger, presi- Owners tBatted the pipe have been dug and the tBatted for freeman in ninth. be week. After the pipe dent of the Brunswick-Balke-Col'.en-d- er Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 will laid this company, was DOC CRANDALL IS JINX Los Angeles 1 0 2 0 2 4 0 1 1 EARLY WORK IS ASSURED is In a steam roller will be put over KENNEDY LOSES TO HINDU responsible for the Errors. Sargent, Leverenz. Carroll, the fairways to iron out the rough conditions which prevent Hoppe from Gr.Kirs, McCabe. lnnines Ditched, by Lev- spots caused by the trench-diggin- g. trying to regain the world's 18.2 balk ererz, 5; by Biemiller, 2. Charge defeat line billiard championship to- The work of putting in the perma- for two Leverenz. Kuns responsible lor. Lev rap- years. In Chicago Tire greens going ahead yesterday Bensinger Demand eicnz 3. Biemiller 4. Crandall 4. Freeman nent also is 1 placed responsibility Sweeps 'Em Around btrucK out. Leverenz 2. Crandall Chairman of Committee 3Iaking idly. The large crowd of golfers who Visiting , Wrestler Strong and Ag' for the situation Old Gentleman Biemiller 1. Freeman 1. Bases on balls. were out Saturday and Sunday were on Hoppe's manager. orr Leverenz 4. Eiemiller 3. crandall gressive Appear- "We suggested to him," Benjamin but Xever Fairly Over and Home run. Lindimore. Two-bas- e hits. Drive Thinks Construction Can pleased with the condition of the and Initial GriKgs. Kenworthy. Hiirh. Sacrifice hits, course as all the new equipment, in- said, "an annual tournament. How- Portlanders Are Lost. Twombly, McCabe, Cox. Killefer. Double Begin by End of Month. cluding tee boxes, flags and cups, had ance Is Favorable. ever, that statement did not prompt Valu-e- Hoppe pay, Elliott to Kenworthy been put in while the temporary to decide on retirement. We an are not satisfied with the manner in SEALS EVEN SERIES, 8 TO 6 greens had been tamped down to even surface. , which the sport is conducted. To be a success it must be freed from com- We've got it. Our customers Standings. Graham Dukehart, chairman of the Ted Thye, wrestling at Pacific Coast league to CLUB TO GIVE DANCE instructor mercialism. I feel sure Hoppe will not W. L. Pet. W. L.Pct Seattle Unable Overcome Fast committee which is attempting to NEW Multnomah Amateur Athletic club, change his mind regarding retire- claim that Mason Heavy Duty 2 O 1 OOOISeattle 1 1 .60 Oakland.. nrt(tlp-tln(- ment." T. iniFlM 1 n 1 . 0 1 .000 Start of San Francisco, raise enough money by subscription again demonstrated to grappling fol- 1 Oversize Cords are the mpst Vernon 1 0 l'.OOOISalt Lake.. 0 .000 to build a nine-hol- e golf course on Company Hereafter to Handle lowers that the wristlock when prop- 1 1 .SOOISacramento 0 2 .000 SAN FRANCISCO, April 5. San E -- San Fran.. property . Yesterday's Results. Francisco evened the series with the old county poor farm Athletics at Armory. erly employed is about the most remarkable, long performing At T.os Angeles 10. Portland 5. Seattle today with an victory, on the Canyon road, says prospects dangerous hold in wrestling, for he fiOHLEflTHECTED At San Francisco 8. Seattle 6. The Seals got away to a fast start in are bright for having enough pledges The newly organized athletic club Noregaard armory tires in America. 3. Oakland 4. threw Jim at the At Sacramento on to work on the course by the bone-crushi- At Salt Lake 7. Vernon 8. the first frame, with four runs start of company' E, Oregon National last night by using his famous two hits, four bases on balls and latter part of the month. lock. Was fair- - They say they organized Guard, which in the future will han There a are the greatest ( BY L. H. GREGORY. three errors. The Indians could not The committee has been dle all athletics connected wnn me sized crowd at the bout. BASKETBALL AT UNIVERSITY LOS ANGELES, April 5. (Special.) catch up, though they did throw and functioning little more than a armory, give dance Thye and Noregaard met in the value obtainable today at any week re- local will its first t Some day will win an scare into the Seals in the final round, but Chairman Dukehart armory. The purpose main event of the benefit show for AGAIN TO BE COACHED. the Beavers when Gillenwater went wild and let ports that the solicitors are meeting tonight in the Community They were price. opening day baseball game and that response part of the dance is to raise funds to buy the chest. three runs across. with a hearty on the athletic eaulnment. billed to travel to the best two out came day the Pacific Coast league will Coumbe pulled the game from dan- of the golfers of the city. The golfers of three falls or a decision at the Vote of Executive Unani- ! will be more are only ones which are being With Captain Harry Hansen at its Council And they know go to smash. The shock ger. Agnew smashed a home run in the head the Company E Athletic club end of two hours, but owing to the even a league can live through. the third with two Seals on base, and asked to donate and the minimum part in late hour It was decided to cut the mous School of Physical Edu- than amount they are being asked to give plans on taking an active We believe they For a Portland team to win the open- Lane of the Indians scored a homes amateur athletics in the northwest. match to one fall. The match ended cation to Pay Salary. are bigger done. the same inning. Score: is $10. for membership after 46 minutes, 35 seconds of fast er is one of the things seldom I The club will apply value, because we sur- Seattle San Francisco While the actual cash Is a little association. grappling when Thye slapped on the know the Therefore nobody should be B H R O AlSee.r... 4 10 2 1 slow in coming in, I am sure that we in the Pacific Northwest wristlock. Noregaard attempted to to' score of to- Lane.l 4 OiKllduff.Z 2 can put our As a member of the Pacitic jNortn EUGENE. Or., April 5. George M. service ideal of the Mason Tire prised hear that the B 111 3 11103 hands on at least $1000 fight of the hold, when the An- Cueto.3. 3jKamm.3 yes west association the club will be al out but day's battle was 10 to 5 for Los Murp'y.l 4 2 Ellis'n.s 4 112 4 right now," said Mr. Dukehart stage boxing and local man twisted it around to a ham- - Bohler was university of Company. re- Bld'd.m 3 OlO'Co'l.m 3 118 0 terday. "There are any number of lowed to .amateur merlock, Noregaard gave in. Oregon coach by uni- We know their geles. It Is not violating a confidence 113 1 while its members basketball the game Sculle.r 2 1 Valla.