4I Il:V:Rx?W Mnheusen

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4I Il:V:Rx?W Mnheusen 14 SCENES SNAPPED AT OPENING GAME HERE YESTERDAY BETWEEN' BEAVEES AND OAKS. , ' 20.000 JIM PARK AMATEUR CHUMP BEATEN i nninmilM iii.min.ii.Lm.ijiniii ' ' mmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmissmmm mwbct jiiiiuu.mii j REDUCED riMuuninijiuiLMiLunLiiiiL.11 '" ' HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE WOV BY FOR DPENiNO GAME II-- Round-Tri- p Fares U i III HI SAN FRAXCISCO BATTLER. On and After tatnrday, April IS h i 1 1 it s. x 1 Williams Administers First Defeat SPOKANE, PORTLAND II on Munce of Xew York Baseball Crowd Is Record for RAILWAY in 23 Contests. & SEATTLE Pacific Coast. UAST OK l'l)HTI.MI Week BOSTON". April 18. (By the Asso- llly Knd ciated Press.) The national amateur CAM. SI-- LI heavyweight boxing championship, ( APK HORN 2.13 Sl.TS BEAVERS DEFEATED, 4 TO 1 one of the eight decided at the title CARSN 8.33 l--"" tournament here tonight, moved from CASCADES 2.B5 X4 the east coast to the west coast COLLINS . 3.5.1 a.mi when John Williams of San Francisco COOKS S.K3 S.0 Gordon "Munce of New York. l;RtM) DALLES B.flO ..V. For Eight Innings Teams Battle defeated 4.IMI 3.4.1 1921 champion. HOOD Brilliantly With Tallies 1 All. The bout went four rounds. The LVLK 4.fl 4.13 disagreeing regu- MAKV HILL. .... Portland Hurler Weakens. judges after the SKAMAMV S.ST 2.IO lar three and again after the fourth. TKVKXOX 2.0.1 2.S.1 gave the decision to Wil- The referee tnEKWOOD 4 OO S..4 liams. It was Munce's first defeat WA.VCLELLA 2.T3 2.1.1 after 23 victories. (Continued From First Pasta.) Walter Dellamore of San Francisco WASIIOriJAL, 1.5.1 1.13 dint of brilliant fielding In the went out in the. lightweight semi- WHITE SALMON ... 4.UO 3.0O pinches on both sides. finals. Edward Williams of Boston "Dally" tickets will he on sale But In the ninth Middleton began held him even in the first round, every day. in both dlrertions. and outpunched him in the second and are limited to return to the 1ny Up to he had -- to weaken. then him swinging In the third. following sale. "Week end" t lokcts pitched a wonderful game in the in- had will be on sale Saturdays and Sun-day- s ning before, eighth, he re- Summary of other bouts: from Fortla'nd only, limited just the Final olasa Sir Ttrrls. Xew to return Monday following sale. tired the side with two on bases and York, defeated Louis Jiaddy, Cleveland. Circuit trips Week-en- d tickets to only one out, by fanning the danger- Final class unariea mcKenn Stevenson will be routed to return New York, defeated Homer Koblwon. from Cascades via O.-- R. & N.; ous Koehler and the hard-hittin- g Pittsburg, who defaulted in heavies those to Underwood and White Ivan Howard on curve-ba- ll pitching. of a hind lnlurv. Salmon from Hood Klver, and those open Arlett, Ms Finals claas-Qeo- rff Fifleld, to Grand Dalles from The Dalles, But to the ninth rival Toronto, defeated Ernie Sawyer or ioton. If requested at time tickets are in the pitching business, led off with Finals class Joe Ryn. Pitts purchased. a sharp single to left. burg, defeated Ernie Williams, Boston, one round. Williams mjureu an arm. CENTRAL OREGON Cooper sacrificed him to second and D. Si- Final. class Harry to fishing resorts on the Deschutes then Middleton rather than take a mons, Gary, Ind., defeated Buster Ryan, River, tickets on sale Saturdays chance with Wilie's bat, purposely New York. only, return Monday. up. Final, class William An. limit walked him. Don Brown was He trobus. New York, defeated Homer Rod-lnso- Coleman. .SH.40 North Jet.. ..S.S3 caught a fast pitch on the seam an Pittsburg. Frieda H..1.1 en HJII crashed a single to center. It was Jersey M.;t Kkerar T.M half drive, half fly, a "sinker" as ball STEWART TO COACH 3IOXTANA Kaskela S.dll South J-- .. 8.KI players call that kind of hit, and Dick Maupln 7.4ol'uaean 7.40 Cox raced in from deep cente Blecca B.74 Vanora S.7S -- after It. South Dakota Mentor Named to WEST OF PORTLAND He put on all speed, did Cox, and Tickets on sale dally, return made a noble endeavor to snare th Succeed Bernie Bierman. limit 7 days, and apply In both di- ball with a flying dive. His fingers MISSOULA, Mont., April 18. J. W. rections. touched it, but he was half a step coach the Uni- ST. IIF.LEVS, WARREN and late as he threw himself at it, head Stewart, athletic at Mc.MLTV first, he stopped, but could not quite versity of South Dakota for four ASSEMBLY l.SO hold it. The ball hit the ground years, has been chosen from about CHARLTON 2.10 safe and in raced Arlett from second. 50 applicants as coach at the Uni- IF.KIl ISLAND 1.H3 Lafayette Drives Safe. versity of Montana to succeed Bernie (iOBLE 2.23 Ijafayette followed with anothe Bierman, whose resignation becomes MtUHlDE l.TO drive, Cox holding effective on September 1. safe also to center. He made a good record at the Uni- NEHALEM JCT 2.13 it to a single by fast work. Will 2.411 scored from second on that hit. Brown versity of South Dakota, winning two PBEStorr reached third and Lafayette made sec football titles, three basketball cham- RAINIER 2.H0 end on the throw in to catch Brown pionships and losing but one track TIDE CHEEK 2.00 at third. Then Marlott hit a long meet. sacrifice fly to High in right. Brown SPOKANE, PORTLAND & started for the plate as High threw SEATTLE KY. true as an arrow for thirds to catch Opening Day Firsts. Lafayette. He did catch him, by hair, as Hale stabbed the ball on him First foul, Cox. and retired' the side with a double First slngle, Cox. play. But Brown, had scored first First two-ba- se hit, Poole. Goods and that put the Beavers three runs First error, McCann. Camping behind. First fly ball hit by Cooper. First fly ball caught by Thorpe. Beavers Die Fighting. First man out at first, Wllle, Section The Beavers went down fighting First assist, Sargent. McCann drove a hot liner to left, but First putout, Thorpe. The newly enlarged ramplnir It was foul by inches. Then he was First base on balls. Wllle. goods section has everything to easy on First base on balls by Middleton. make camping and outing trips an out a stab of his grounder First run scored. HlKh. a success auto tents. auto by Arlett. Wolfer. batting for Mid First strikeout, Thorpe. beds, frying pans, gas stoves, dieton, smashed a "hard ground ball First player to foul ball out of park, folding tables, etc. but Brubaker scooped it and threw Brubaker. him out. Cox drove a single to deep First wild pitch. Arlett. SPORTING ROODS center looked a rally. First sacrifice hit. Wllle. SIXTH FLOOR and it like But First player caught off base, Marriott Arlett outwitted High, who popped First stolen base, Poole. to Howard, and the game was ended. First jJlayer out on foul, Sargent. With their aggressive leader and First player to hit fence. High. second baseman. Bill Kenworthy, in the Beaver lineup the result might University Has Chess Tourney. easily have been different. At least twice in the game the duke would UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, have been up with men on bases, and April 18. (Special.) The checker he wields a deadly mace in those war which Is going on campus BASEBALL Today emergenoies. Joe Sargent, who Is re at the placing him at second while he is Y. M. C. A. hut Is drawing to a close out of the game at the whim of Judge and within a week the champion OAKLAND VERSUS PORTLAND Landis. baseball high commissioner, checker player of the university will Game Called at 2i4.1 played a stellar fielding game, but be decided. The semi-fin- al matches couldn't connect in the batting pinches. in chess are being played this week. 24h and Vanajkn Mrrrta Only One Error "Made. J. R. Lowe of Portland forfeited to It was a bully game to watch, be- Max Macoby of Eugene. Don Zim- cause almost every inning had a merman of Eugene will play Ruben thrilling situation, which was saved Young of Eugene, and B. C. Home-woo- d tournament for the chess champion- usually by great pitching or spec- - of Eugene, with Walter K. Belt ship of the campus next week. tannlar fielilinc. Onlv nne prrnr wna of Portland. The winners in the made by the two teams. McCann for semi-fina- ls will play a three-cornere- d Orpheum mrttinAe todav, 1 K 25 Ad. Portland bobbling on a ground ball In the second. The error cost nothing, for two were out at the time, and the next batter skied out to Cox. Cox, Sargent and High all obliged with sparkling plays. Cox covered acres of ground in center field. High once cut off what seemed a certain double into the crowd. ground rules giving two bases on hits into the massed throngs by a nifty running stab of a ball off Marion's bat. His work held it to a single. This play was made in the fourth inning and Rowdy Elliott almost immediately afterward picked off Marlott at first with a quick throw to Poole. Lone Ron Made In First. V.
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