Unequaled Value

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Unequaled Value 14 THE MORNING- OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. MAY lO, 1923 shoot of the season held by the Aber- east and west here today, son 3, Russell 1. Innings pitched, Fergu- who Is preparing to leave Reed col- son 8, Russell 1. Hit by pitcher, Ehmka lege University of California. deen Trapshooters association on Score: Ferguson. Um- for the OAKS BEAT BEAVERS Cosmopolis range Sunday. Pratsch BILL RYAN BLIGHTS (Harris). Losing pitcher. Sixty physical directors of the state Philadelphia Chicago pires, Owens. Chill and Walsh. Time, 1:47. were present meeting Saturday. and Roop tied with 24 breaks each, A h U A R H O A at the and Weatherwax won his event with Leb'au.l 0 1 Statz.m. 0 2 5 0 BROWNS BEAT SENATORS, The state meeting will be held in 24, both being out of a string of 25. King.I.. 1 0 0 Hol'her.a Portland June 3. The visitors enjoyed Charles was high man in two Rapp.3.. 4 1 Kel'her.3 TO HELD TODAY a luncheon at the home economics tea BY SCORE OF 5 TO 2 Funk ES W'ker.r. 4 Grimes, 1 BE room, in doubles events, his scores of 20 and W'ms.m 5 Flack. r.. Extra Base Kits Figure Prominent- a swim in the new pool the 23 out of 12 pairs being well in the P'ks'n.2. 5 Miller.l.. men's gym and a "hot rock" supper. lead of competitors. Fi'cher.s 4 Krue,2.. ly in Victory of St. Louis. They also saw the Oregon Leslie.l. 4 2 15 CVF'ell.c. baseball game, and the IT line. c. 3 1 3 F'man.D. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 9. Ex- EUGENE SPEEDWAY PliAXXED Ring, p.. 4 0 0 7Keene,p.. track meet between the rooks and Barber. tra base hits figured prominently in Washington high school squad. O. C Bill Kenworthy Views Defeat Giant Hurler Turns Back St. Jones, p.. the victory of St. Louis over Seven Institutions to Take Mauthe is president of the association. Motorcycle Association Takes Up Cal'hant Washington today. A drive over the Louis, 6 to 0. by Judge Part in Tournament. Union Mills Heats Bucoda. From Grandstand. City Totals.38 9 13 27 17! Totals. 37 4 11 27 11 wall with two on bases in Plan With Council. Batted for Keene in seventh. the third gave the locals an early CENTRAL! A, Wash., May 9. (Spe- EUGENE, Or., May 8. Special.) tBatted for Jones In ninth. lead, and a circuit by cial.) The Union Mills baseball team Philadelphia 2 9 clout for the defeated Bucoda Sunday by a score Steps have been taken by the Eugene 01000240 0 4 Tobin, scoring Bayne of him, Chicago 00120001 ahead of S to L Isenbcrg, who the Motorcycle association to build a Krug, Two-bas- e gave started Errors, Freeman. hits, the visitors their winning mar- game for Bucoda, was off SUDS TOUCHED FREELY speedway on the municipal aviation 10,000 FANS SEE GAME O'Faxrell 2, Miller 2, Walker. Three-bas- e gin 243 ATHLETES SIGNED UP driven the field south of the city. A committee hit. Henline. Home run, Parkinson, in the seventh. Score: mound and Hellicher, who succeeded from the association called upon the Stolen bases, Statz 2, Kelleher. Sacrifices, St. Louis j Washington him, fared little better. A home run city council last night to obtain an Henline, Leslie, Fletcher. Bases on balls, BRHOAl BRHOA by Lyman featured the game. off Ring- 2, off Freeman 1. off Jones L Tobin.r. 5 1 2 0 0lBush,3.. 4 12 0 2 expression as to the practicability of Struck out. by Freeman 3, by Ring 2, by Gerber.s 5 0 2 2 4lHarris,2. 2 6 . O O 112 Oakland Gets to From building a track around the Seventh Inning Only Frame New Jones 2. Innings pitched, Freeman 6 Sisler.l. 4 15 lRice,m.. 5 12 10 Second Annual Carnival to Be VAN HEUSEN Sutherland field, and the question was, referred to Keene Jones 2. Losing pitcher. Free- Ja'b'n.m 4 10 2 OJudge.l. 4 1 1 14 0 On, man. Umpires, McCormick, Rigler, Pfir-ma- Sev'eld.c 4 2 2 2 1 Brower.r 4 0 3 O 0 SISLER LEADS AMERICANS the Worlds SmarUSl COUAI Fourth Inning On Last Frame the city park commission. York Bid Not Get Man Time of game, 2 hours 2 minutes. Will'al. 4 0 OSmith.I.. 2 0 0 2 1 Staged on Multnomah Field at The field has not been measured, but 14 1 Sherdell Proving Effective. Eller'e,3 4 10 0 sh'nkal 2 0 0 1 0 This Afternoon. Is Played in Rain. it is believed that it would be between REDS DEFEAT BRAVES, 4 TO 1 McM's.2. 4 0 2 2 4 P'ck'gh.s 3 10 12 3:15 o'clock a mile and a mile and a quarter. Tale Vg'd'r,p 1 0 0 0 1 C'rrlty.c 3 0 0 5 0 bcauae motorcycle Bayne.p. 3 2 2 0 2 Francia,p 2 0 2 gMARTEST Smith, representing the Gleas'n.p 010 ST. LOUIS BATTER HAS AVER- association, stated that it is the plan Triple 1100 0 0120 style is uoven into it permanent the Duncan's With Bases Full Johnsonf AGE OF .431. League Standings. to build a track for ST. LOUIS, May 9. Bill Ryan turned Pacific Coast accommodation of automobiles as well Main Factor Victory. Totals 37 7 11 27 161 Totals 33 5 10 27 15 and comfort is tailored W. L. Pet. W. L Pet. back the Cardinals today, winning in Batted for Smith in fifth. 11 .621, . 17 19 .472 as motorcycles, and that it was the ABOUT TODAY'S HIGH Vernon 18 Oakland. not 6 to 0. due to the slugging of his CINCINNATI, O., May 9. Duncan's tBatted for Gleason in ninth. FACTS San Fran.. 21 13 618 Seattle 15 18.455 opinion of aviators that it would St. Louis 0 0 O 0 3 2 2 0 0 7 SCHOOL RELAY MEET. 23 Runs. 13 Stolen Bases and 31 into it. As easy to laun- Salt Lake. 15 12 .556 Sacramento 15 20 .429 interfere at all with the landing of mates and his masterful hurling, triple with the bases full in the sixth Washington O 0 5 L. Angeles 17 18 .486 11 18 .37 0410000 Time 3:15 o'clock. Hits Form Portland. airplanes. thereby blighting the hopes of inning was the main factor in giving Errors, Harris. Rice. Two-bas- e hit. Record of Player der as a handkerchief. Yesterday's Results. Three-bae- e Ger-be- r. Place Multnomah field. Rickey's Red Birds for first place-Rya-n, Cincinnati a victory over Bos- Williams. hits, Severeld, Two hundred Up to 3Iay 3. At Oakland 5, Portland 2. bril- Home runs, Judge, Tobin. Sacrifice Contestants Will out-we- half a doz- At Sacramento 3, Los Angeles 4. whose success against other ton today. Donahue pitched hita. Harris, Gherrity. Double piaya, Sds-l- er and forty-thre- e athletes, repre- At San Francisco-Sal- t Lake, game post- CYCLE RACES PLANNED National league clubs has only been liantly, a wild throw by Bohne letting to Gerber to Sisler. Bases on balls, senting the seven Portland high en ordinary collars. Price poned; rain. proved only run. Marquard was off Vangilder 2. Francis li, Bayne 1. Struck schools. NEW YORK, May 9. George SisJer At Vernon-Seattl- game postponed; fair, has more than once in Boston's out, by Francis 1, Bayne 2, Gleason 1. In- teams traveling. stumbling-bloc- k for the Cardinals. invincible until the sixth when two nings pitched, Vangilder 3 3 innings, of the St. Louis Browns top's the fifty cents. was and Sherdell hits and his own error of Donohue's Bayne, 5 Francis 5 Gleason 3 American league hitters in unofficial OAKLAND, CaL, May 9. Bill Ken-worth- y, Bill Pertica wild bases. Score: Winning pitcher Bayne. Losing pitcher, CLUB WILL STAGE was the fray after the bunt filled the Gleason. Umpires, Dineen Evans. The second relay carnival of averages to and Including games ot suspended leader of the DADDIES' sent into and annual It isn't VA ,V it , game was apparently lost. More than Boston Cincinnati Time. 1:53. the Portland high schools will be May 3. Sisler not only leads in hit a HEUSEN unlm Portland Beavers, in the grandstand MAY 2 8. .431, In beat- MEET game. B B R H O ting with but also runs scored. Phillips-Jona- s today watched his team take a 10,000 fans witnessed today's 4 1 3 held this afternoon at 3:15 o'clock on 23, 31, stamped Corp., Makers 2. Powell. m OIBurns.m ROOKIE WINS FOB YANKEES in most hits, and in stolen ing from Oakland, 5 to Sutherland The seventh inning was the only Kopf.s.. 4 2IDaub't,l 4 1 11 Multnomah field. Seven schools bases, 12. was 0!Duncan,l 4 1 1 with Kenneth Williams also started well for the visitors, but Two-Da- y in which the Giants failed to So'th'h.r Lincoln, Washington, Ben- - in- Professional Contests Are frame urulse.l. 0Bohne.2.. 3 Jefferson, of the Browns heads the sluggers touched freely from the. fourth base, Sherdell proving 3 Skinner Breaks Up Exciting 10- - runs, Gilder, ning on.
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