Carlism Museum Scope 1 the Carlism As a Historical Movement

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Carlism Museum Scope 1 the Carlism As a Historical Movement CARLISM MUSEUM SCOPE 1 THE CARLISM AS A HISTORICAL MOVEMENT Carlism: history and memory A wave of counter-revoluti onary The Carlism, a long history The Carlism is a historical movement movements The Carlism is a movement integrated that originated and developed in the past, Europe experienced a large number of in the European counter-revolutionary with a continuous presence in the collec- counter-revolutionary movements at the phenomenon. Both share some main fea- tive memory. The necessary time per- end of the 18th century and the beginning tures, such as the defense of the monar- spective and the historical reflection al- of the 19th century, and these acquired a chy and religion and the opposition to the low us to contemplate nowadays its evo- different nature depending on the time revolutionary rationalism. However, the lution until 1977. and place. In France, the Vendée and the Carlism has a characteristic feature: its Chouannerie, the Miguelite Wars in Por- duration in time. Its ability to adapt al- The revoluti on tugal, the Viva María and Sanfedistas in lowed its survival while the rest of coun- The term ‘revolution’ refers to the pro- Italy, and the Royalist movement and the ter-revolutionary movements faded dur- found changes that both Europe and Carlism in Spain. ing the second half of the 19th century. North America experienced during the second half of the 18th century. It was a Ideas to defend a past world Navarra and the Carlism time in history when the privileges of the The French Revolution led to the emer- Geographically, the Carlism became a pop- nobility and clergy were suppressed, the gence of a series of counter-revolution- ular movement in the north of Spain, in principles of freedom and equality were ary theorists who based their ideas in a particular in the Basque Country, Navarra introduced and a separation of powers former strand of thoughts. and Catalonia, and it was also welcomed and an implementation of a constitution- These included the English Edmund in other prominent areas in Valencia and al law were achieved. Burke (1729-1797) and the French Joseph Aragón, and at certain moments in his- de Maistre (1753-1821) as well as the Ab- tory, in Andalucía as well. This territori- Against the revoluti on bot Barruel (1741-1820). ality remained almost unaltered, chang- Part of the society at the time did not per- In Spain, the influence of these theo- ing only the volume of supporters of this ceive these changes in a positive way. The rists was clearly perceived after the out- movement. Navarra represented one of ar- privileged sectors of the former Regime, break of the Independence War (1808) eas most intimately linked to the history of the nobility and clergy, as well as peas- thanks to the propaganda activity exer- Carlism, given its location, the identifica- ants and craftsmen showed an open op- cised by renowned religious such as Loren- tion with the idea of the fueros defence and position for different reasons, and resist- zo Hervás (1735-1809), Francisco Alvarado the strategic possibilities derived from its ed the new social order. (1756-1814) and Rafael Vélez (1777-1850). geographical proximity to France. 2 SCOPE 2 THE CRISIS OF THE FORMER REGIME AND THE ORIGIN OF THE CARLISM Spain before 1808 rebellion represented in fact an answer In arms to defend the King The ruling of Charles IV (1748-1819) was against the foreign occupation, and gave The end of the Independence War also marked by the French Revolution. an unequivocal national nature to the In- meant the triumph of the absolutism in In 1793 the Spanish Monarchy started dependence War (1808-1814). the person of Ferdinand VII. However, a war against the revolutionary France. the revolutionary turn in 1820, and the The defeat forced the Spanish throne to The Europe created restoration of the Constitution of Cádiz, ally with the French, situation that lat- by the Congress of Vienna triggered a royalist armed insurgency, er on, under Napoleon, led to a conflict After Napoleon had been defeated, the which, despite not succeeding in restor- with England and the defeat of Trafalgar great European powers met during the ing the prior absolute King prerogatives (1805). In 1807 the Treaty of Fontaine- Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) to restore of Ferdinand VII, opened the way to the bleau was signed, officially recognising the political balance in the continent. French troops of the Holy Alliance, the the presence of French troops in Spain. Within this context, the monarchies of Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis, Austria, Prussia and Russia constituted and meant the restoration of absolutism. Against France, defending God, the Holly Alliance, a union with a clear re- the King and the fatherland ligious character and with the main goal Royalist insurgencies against In 1808 there was a rebellion against of establishing the political bases on the Ferdinand VII the imperial troops in defence of the de- defence of the absolutist monarchies. Al- There were several ultra-absolutist in- throned King Ferdinand VII (1784-1833), though Spain did not constitute a Europe- surgencies during the last decade of Fer- who had just succeeded his father, and in an power at that moment, Ferdinand VII dinand’s VII ruling. The most important defence of an endangered religion. This clearly represented this type of monarchy. one was the movement of the Cataloni- 3 an malcontents (1827). For the first time there was a split among the members who had until then supported the King, and it is considered the origin of a radical differentiated line of thought who prefig- ured the Carlism. A legal confl ict: the issue of succession The Carlism originated as a result of the legal dispute between Ferdinand’s VII Laya (foxough) Commemorative medal Pragmatic Sanction with brother and daughter, the Infante Car- of the one hundredth force of law decreed by Iron | XVIII-XIX. anniversary of the x the King Carlos IV at the los María Isidro and Princess Isabella, It belonged to Francisco of Cádiz, 1812. On the request of the General over their legitimate right to the Spanish Espoz y Mina (1781-1836). obverse of the medal, Courts in 1789 and ordered throne. In 1789 the Pragmatic Sanction there is an equestrian to be published by his was used by Ferdinand VII to ensure the ‘In regard to the two representati on of the Regent Majesty . succession of his infant daughter Isabel- referred objects, please General Alburquerque. know that are dearly On the reverse of the Madrid, 1830. la, by allowing female succession to the regarded and appreciated medal there is a female throne. In this way, Don Carlos and the ul- since it is one of the two allegory of the Consti tu ti on tra-royalists were excluded from power. foot ploughs used by my that reads POLITICAL March 1830: Ferdinand VII publishes the husband to work his lands CONSTITUTION OF THE Pragmatic Sanction, which was approved before he fought in his SPANISH MONARCHY 1812, utmost eff ort to free the with the legend EXIRENUM by the parliament in 1789 and could not country from the shameful PROPUGNACULUM be enacted by Charles IV. The Pragmat- threat of foreign invaders, HISPANIAE AUTONOMICE. ic Sanction put an end to the Salic Law, changing his quiet and Ribbon with the Spanish whereby allowing female succession to virtu ous occupati on as a fl ag colours and a central the Spanish throne. As a result, the in- farmer for the honourable green rosett e. military career’. Lett er from fant Carlos María Isidro would be exclud- Espoz y Mina’s widow to Silver. ed from the throne succession line if his the Director of the Royal brother Ferdinand VII had children. Arti llery Museum of La October 1830: Princess Isabella is Coruña, 1852. born. September 1832: Ferdinand VII, ill and feeling under pressure by the gov- ernment, which was forecasting a civil war, repeals the Pragmatic Sanction. October 1832: Ferdinand VII, feeling unexpectedly recovered, cancels the de- cree repealing the Pragmatic Sanction. June 1833: the Infant Isabel swears as Princess of Asturias. September 29th 1833: Ferdinand VII dies. Isabella II, who was a minor, is pro- claimed Queen, and her mother, Maria Christina becomes regent Queen. The in- fante Carlos María Isidro did not accept his niece as legitimate Queen and this was the origin of the First Carlist War. 4 SCOPE 3 FIRST CARLIST WAR Navarra aft er the First Carlist War It was embroidered by After the Convention of Vergara, the par- Doña María Francisca liament approved the Regulation on the de Braganza de Borbón, wife of Carlos V, at the Confirmation of the Fueros (Navarra and beginning of the war Basque provinces) on October 25th 1839. campaign in 1833. It was In this way, a process was initiated in an used by the Honor Guard attempt to reconcile the fueros with the escort. During the Second new liberal regime. The result was the ap- Carlist War, Carlos VII handed it to the Royal Royal banner or proval of the Compromise Act in Navarra Corps of Mounted Guards. on August 16th 1841, known as ‘Ley Paccio- Generalísima flag of the Army of Carlos V The Infante nada’, which modified the Fueros status, Carlos María Isidro whereby Navarra was transformed from On the obverse, painted a kingdom into a foral province in Spain. medallion of Our Lady of Vicente López Portaña Sorrows with the legend. (Valencia, 1772- Madrid, This law was in force until 1982. 1850). GENERALÍSIMA OF THE ARMY OF CV Oil on canvas. Informati on in the interacti ve On the reverse, Royal Ca.
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