Flight Plans

Screenplay by Keith Rivers & Steve Stockman

WGA REGISTRATION #2033919 ©2020 Barefoot Bandit, LLC BLACK. THE SPUTTERING DRONE of a single-engine plane in trouble.

INT. CESSNA 182 - DAY PILOT POV: PURE WHITEOUT. Sheeting rain smacks the windshield. Gut-shaking turbulence, ALARMS SOUND. The plane DROPS --

EXT. 5 NORTH TAVERN, YAKIMA INDIAN RESERVATION - DAY Outside the wood-frame tavern, HUNTERS in camouflage raise a glass to the hunt. Behind them, low clouds obscure a mountain peak. The SINGLE ENGINE CESSNA emerges from the clouds, SPUTTERING. CRASH -- The HUNTERS jump out of their seats and run towards the firey wreckage.

EXT. YAKIMA MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY Blood on the door. SMOKE pours from the engine, drifting across the plane's tail registration: N24658 FLIGHT PLANS Based on a true story

EXT. BOEING FIELD TARMAC - DAY CLOSE ON the tail number of the parked Cessna 182 Skylane plane: N24658. Beyond, Boeing assembly hangars and two huge runways. CHARLES OPPERMANN, 42, strong jaw, big-boned, wearing a Tommy Bahama button-down shirt and khakis, reads from a laminated page of instructions. CHARLES Fuel. 2.

Charles pushes a clear bottle up against the bottom of the wing. Fuel drips into it. He hands the laminated checklist to , late 40s, tall, prematurely gray. Charles holds the fuel bottle up to the light. CHARLES (CONT’D) Looks clean. Bob has a voice like a radio host, which he is. BOB You're really anal about this checklist thing, aren't you? Charles pours the fuel back into the wing. CHARLES When pre-flight checklists were introduced in 1935, they cut pilot error by 56%. BOB What did they do before that? CHARLES Crashed.

INT. CESSNA 182 - DAY Charles approaches the co-pilot side. Bob, by the pilot seat. BOB You want to take her up? Bob tosses him the key, hands him a headset.

EXT. BOEING FIELD RUNWAY - DAY The Cessna rolls down the runway and lifts off, climbing above the Puget Sound on a perfect fall day.

INT. CESSNA 182 - DAY CHARLES 2,200 and climbing. At a sudden BUMP of turbulence, Bob grips the passenger yoke. 3.

CHARLES (CONT’D) Bob! You look worried. Charles is the picture of relaxation. BOB Not as much as I am about the recession. CHARLES You're the big media guy. What do you hear? BOB That 2008 is shaping up to be the biggest recession since 1929. You better buckle up. CHARLES Microsoft's market cap is at $228 billion. (checks the altitude) 4,500 feet-- it's not like we're going to have to kill the Zune to keep the doors open. BOB So you're not nervous? CHARLES No. Are you? BOB What do you mean? Charles pulls the throttle all the way down to IDLE. Kicks his seat back, arms above his head. The propeller slows. The engine goes SILENT. The STALL ALARM sounds. The plane NOSES DOWN 15 degrees, descending- CHARLES Oh shit. Engine died. What do we do, Bob? Bob braces for impact. BOB Shit. Uh- trim the plane, or uh, check the ailerons. No wait! Spot potential landings! 4.

CHARLES You can't look for landing spots if you're plummeting to your doom. Bob plays it cool, thinks. BOB Okay okay! Step 1 is uh- "Fly the plane." CHARLES Right! Get the nose up. Feel the wings. They glide. Bob levels out. BOB Okay I feel them already! Can we throttle up? CHARLES Interestingly, Bob, this new plane of yours was built for aerobatics. Charles pitches the NOSE DOWN 15 more degrees -- WHIPS THE YOKE all the way to the right -- a full Aileron Roll. Charles pulls the throttle back. The ENGINE ROARS. The plane rises. Bob lets out a nervous breath. BOB I doubt this is part of the flight plan. CHARLES Shit. I forgot to take my meds. Charles LAUGHS, loving it. CHARLES (CONT’D) Instinct climb to 5,500. Bob hates every second as Charles levels out. CHARLES (CONT’D) What's next. Loop or a snap roll? BOB How about a barf bag.

EXT. PUGET SOUND - DAY The Cessna turns, approaching the San Juan Islands. 5.

EXT. ORCAS ISLAND AIRPORT - DAY Evergreens and tied-down private planes on either side of the single paved runway. Over the Puget Sound the Cessna banks left, lining up. CHARLES (O.S.) Nice leather seats on this thing. BOB (O.S.) That's an upgrade. CHARLES (O.S.) Might want to nose-up five degrees. Be a shame to scrape ‘em against the runway. The nose goes up a hair- the Cessna touches down perfectly.

EXT. HANGAR - DAY Bob and Charles push the Cessna, each on a wing, through the oversized garage door into the low-slung building just off the tarmac. CHARLES If you'd get your instrument rating, you wouldn't need me to fly her back to the city- BOB I don't want to chance it in bad weather. Gotta have my ass behind the mic by 6am Monday. Van Halen isn't going to play itself. CHARLES Fine, if you insist, I'll take your plane whenever I feel like it. BOB Keys are in here- Bob drops the keys in a tackle box on a shelf. BOB (CONT’D) The hangar key is in the fake rock. Charles steps out and looks at the rock on the ground. "Fake" is an understatement. 6.

CHARLES Nobody's going to figure that out. BOB This isn't exactly a high crime zone.

INT. THERAPIST'S OFFICE - DAY Charles pops an antidepressant into his mouth -- swallows. The ghost of Charles Oppermann's other self appears beside him: OTHER CHARLES clicks through slides on a Powerpoint named, "THERAPY SESSION #29" on his laptop. OTHER CHARLES What argument should we lose this time? That you love Microsoft more than she loves her job at Amazon? Do they sell those blue, coexist bumper stickers as a corporate gag? CHARLES We've got bigger fish to fry. CHARLES (CONT’D) Oh! Re-finance the ungodly- expensive street of dreams house you overpaid for. That's unresolved. CHARLES (CONT’D) Denied. OTHER CHARLES Yeah- we only have an hour. OTHER CHARLES (CONT’D) Slide three. Sex- once per week but we still need to agree on who initiates. CHARLES I'm not going there either. OTHER CHARLES Then, we can delete slide four. Baby. Charles stares down Other Charles -- 7.

OTHER CHARLES (CONT’D) SARAH Chuck? Why are you looking at Chuck? Why are you looking at me like that? me like that? Other Charles' voice now becomes SARAH OPPERMANN, sharp, late 30s, seated across from Charles on the couch facing DR. EMILIA SCHWAB, 45. CHARLES I'm just, thinking. She throws up her hands. SARAH Well, it's therapy. The place where we can- you know, talk. Or do I need to send out a calendar invite? Dr. Schwab gives a "not helpful" nod. SARAH (CONT’D) Sorry. CHARLES (to Dr. Schwab) I don't understand why we're spending $250 an hour, two times a week to talk about something we've already agreed to make. Dr. Schwab writes, unshaken. OTHER CHARLES Right to baby. That's bold. SARAH I- can't. DR. SCHWAB Charles, how do you think Sarah's feeling right now? OTHER CHARLES Head's up. Improv. Charles SIGHS. CHARLES She feels like quitting. SARAH That's an understatement. Sarah and Schwab exchange looks. 8.

DR. SCHWAB Try again. OTHER CHARLES Avoid. The. List. CHARLES Like she doesn't want to make a child as much as I do. Or refinance the house. Or allow me to be the breadwinner! OR INITIATE SEX! Is that good? Other Charles gives a sarcastic thumbs up, psyche- down. OTHER CHARLES Hi. Doctor. Can we purchase a subscription? SARAH You're an asshole. CHARLES I'm a determined-to-keep-trying- one. This is what we wanted! (beat) No? Charles thinks he won. OTHER CHARLES We'll take your "Therapy Plus Package" for one year. SARAH Dr. Schwab, can I tell him? Dr. Schwab nudges, "safe place." SARAH (CONT’D) Charles, I'm pregnant. Off Charles' look-- CHARLES HA. HA. Very funny. SARAH What's funny? OTHER CHARLES Wait, are you two role-playing? 9.

CHARLES Wow. This is different. OTHER CHARLES (notates) Slide four- Baby. In production. Shit. Sarah sits up straight. Still talking to Charles. SARAH I'm at 8 weeks- CHARLES We're having a baby. CUT TO:

ON SCREEN: A cheeky news segment relates the Great Depression with the 2008 economic recession. Black and white footage split screens -- MSN NEWS HEADLINE dated September 29, 2008: DOW JONES DROPS RECORD 777.68 POINTS! The page is filled with financial disaster articles about Lehman's bankruptcy and the coming housing crisis.

INT. MICROSOFT -- CHARLES’ OFFICE - DAY Charles rehearses to a room full of senior leadership. CHARLES Despite the RIF, I'm proposing a plan with Megan that calls for growth. FANNING, a techie, KNOCKS and slides the glass door open. FANNING Hey. Megan is ready to see you in Room 1417. CHARLES I thought we were meeting in her office? FANNING Last minute change. 10.

CHARLES (to the team) Sometimes you gotta improvise. Mumbles of "good luck" as Charles grabs his folio, pulls his presentation flash drive out of the USB port and exits.

INT. MICROSOFT HALLWAY - DAY Charles walks toward room 1417. A WOMAN IN HER 50s, walks past him in the other direction, not meeting his eyes. She too, carries a folio and a flash drive. He arrives at room 1417. He takes big breath to get set, opens the door and steps briskly inside-

INT. MICROSOFT ROOM 1417 - DAY Charles faces an assistant's desk and small waiting area. CHARLES Hi, I'm Charles Oppermann– I have a 9:30 with Megan. THE ASSISTANT checks her screen and finds his name. ASSISTANT They'll be right with you. He sits.

INT. MICROSOFT CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY Charles enters the room and stops cold. CHARLES Megan? MEGAN, 48, Charles' boss's boss, gives him the palest of smiles and reads from a sheet of paper. MEGAN Hi, Charles. You've probably heard about Microsoft's plans for a Reduction In Force, or RIF. I'm sorry to tell you-- CHARLES Wait, Megan- 11.

Megan looks at D'Shauna Nevins, younger and seriously buttoned-down. D'Shauna sits behind a thick set of manila folders. MEGAN D'Shauna? D'SHAUNA Mr. Oppermann. Please have a seat. We need to follow procedure here. CHARLES I've run this development group for you since it started, Megan. MEGAN Charles-- He holds up his flash drive. CHARLES I have a plan. MEGAN I'm really sorry. There was nothing I could do. Please, sit down. Charles opens his folio and fumbles to find notes. CHARLES In the future- D'Shauna pushes a manila folder toward him. D'SHAUNA Mr. Oppermann, these documents-- CHARLES -I want Microsoft to plan for growth not a RIF! D'SHAUNA I am very sorry- CHARLES I built this team. D'SHAUNA -And we're laying off over half of your department. This is not a decision that's made in this office. 12.

CHARLES (yelling) Forty-five percent of my team are up for promotions. They've given years of their lives- hell, I've worked here for 22 years! We neglected our families for this company- and now you're abandoning us? DEAD SILENCE as Megan and D'Shauna stare at him. CHARLES (CONT’D) Why don't you just lay off the Annual Executive Golf Tournament? Maybe- Maybe you should lay off seafood paella in the cafeteria for a couple days a week. Why don't you lay off a couple hundred leather Aeron chairs? They watch him rant. Tears run down his face. MEGAN Charles- CHARLES This is bullshit. How much does Bill Gates need to survive? D'SHAUNA Mr. Oppermann? I'm going to need your ID badge, please. Charles unclips his badge. Slowly. He puts it on the table and sits, surrendering.

INT. MICROSOFT -- CHARLES' OFFICE - DAY Charles packs his personally autographed copy of Windows 95: "THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING, CHARLES. BEST, BILL GATES" into a large cardboard box. A SECURITY GUARD in a dark suit watches him with arms crossed. Charles cleans off his desk, adding treasured possessions to the box: A 'Remember 9/11' Flight Around the World commemorative plaque. A model Cessna 182 airplane. He picks up the box and exits. The Guard follows. 13.

INT. MICROSOFT HALLWAY - DAY Charles carries his box past his team's cubicles and offices. Many are also packing up. He stops for a moment. No one meet his eyes. No goodbyes as he walks out.

EXT. MICROSOFT CAMPUS - DAY Charles glances at the window of his old office.

EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD - DAY Charles drives his 2008 Volvo sedan past manicured houses and campaign signs.

EXT. OPPERMANN HOUSE - DAY He pulls into the driveway. He carries his box up the stairs to the porch. He balances it on a hip, puts his key in the lock.

INT. OPPERMANN FOYER - CONTINUOUS Charles opens the door. He sets his box on the dining room table, walks down the hall.

INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS SARAH Chuck, that you? Charles turns toward the--


INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Other Charles catches up to Charles as they briskly walk toward Sarah. CHARLES (sotto) Where the fuck were you back there? OTHER CHARLES Sorting out how you're not going to deliver the bad news to Sarah. Other Charles hands Charles a list. He reads: Small talk, baby milestones, schedule more therapy, a weekend retreat. Charles CRUMPLES THE LIST and looks to Sarah who's unpacking groceries. SARAH Why are you home so early? CHARLES Why are YOU home so early? SARAH I took the day off. Ran a few errands. CHARLES Oh. In the rain... Sarah still hasn't gotten an answer. She picks an envelope up from the side table. SARAH Charles. I need to talk to you. CHARLES And I need to talk to you. SARAH Okay. CHARLES I got fired. OTHER CHARLES No no no! SARAH Oh my God- how? Sarah sits down. 15.

CHARLES Meh, it was either me or the Zune. OTHER CHARLES Stop recycling jokes. SARAH I'm so sorry. That must be so hard on you. Sarah turns to the wall. Her eyes well up with tears. CHARLES Hey, I thought you'd be happy. Reigning breadwinner and all. Sarah hands him an envelope. SARAH Why would losing your job make me happy? Charles carefully takes the packet. CHARLES What's this? SARAH This is bad timing. But when's it ever a good time?

INT. CAR - DAY Charles is parked, overlooking an airstrip. Other Charles reads the divorce papers: OTHER CHARLES Step 4: Responding to the Divorce. Step 5: Temporary Orders. Step 6: Financial Disclosures. Step 7: Discovery. Step 8: Settlement. Other Charles opens a bottle of whiskey and pours some into a paper cup. OTHER CHARLES (CONT’D) That's a very cliche thing you're doing. Charles takes the cup and pops in his antidepressant, swishes it around as he watches a plane take off -- GULP. 16.

INT. LAWYER'S OFFICE - DAY A sun-lit mahogany conference room with a view of Lake Union, . Sarah and her lawyer, RAVEN MILLS, a sharp-dressed woman of 40, stare at Charles. REVERSE: Charles and his lawyer, ROBERT ZIMMERMAN. Charles talks directly across to Sarah as Other Charles transcribes their conversation. OTHER CHARLES Okay, PowerPoint is up and running. Start off nice and easy. CHARLES What happened to talking about things. OTHER CHARLES I said easy. SARAH Charles. CHARLES Jesus, it's hot in here. Can't you guys afford a little AC? MILLS Let's look at the assets, shall we? CHARLES Want the cliff notes? We have a loan on our- I mean- my 401k, two leased cars, a house that isn't worth what we paid, and my entire portfolio is in Microsoft stock which, in case you're not following the news of the "Great Recession" is all under water. This is literally the worst timing- Zimmerman raises his hand to stop Charles from speaking. ZIMMERMAN (to Mills) Why the rush? Can’t this wait till after the holidays? Mills looks over at Sarah, nods. Sarah hesitates, then: 17.

SARAH I'm going to have a baby. CHARLES Yet again, another reason we shouldn't be doing this. She turns to Charles. SARAH Do you know what the definition of insanity is Charles? Off Charles' look-- CHARLES Having a baby during an economic crisis. SARAH No. Us- fighting, over and over, again and again- expecting different results. OTHER CHARLES Good one. ZIMMERMAN puts his hand on Charles' shoulder. ZIMMERMAN Forgive me Mrs. Oppermann, but whose baby will you be having? Sarah looks at Charles. SARAH It's ours. ZIMMERMAN We'll need a paternity test, of course. CHARLES Why don't we wait at least until the market recovers and I can get my job back. You know- (beat) This is what we wanted. Yay! Sarah, you can't throw it all away. SARAH I’m not. (beat) I’m keeping it. 18.

CHARLES I can be better. For the baby– SARAH Stop. (a beat) I fought for a long time. You were my best friend, and I wanted our marriage to work- Charles looks at her, hopeful, but she looks away. SARAH (CONT’D) But it doesn’t. Charles' eyes are full. Other Charles closes his laptop. Charles looks over. OTHER CHARLES The goddamn PowerPoint just froze. He opens it. CLICKS. Nothing happens. He CLICKS harder. Still, nothing. He jiggles the mouse. Nothing. He hits CONTROL. ALT. DELETE. ON SCREEN: Microsoft PowerPoint (Not Responding) CHARLES What do I do? Charles looks at Sarah. Charles' mouth opens as if he's about to speak, but stops. Sarah looks at her lawyer. MILLS We'd like to have this wrapped up before Thanksgiving.

INT. VIETNAMESE RESTAURANT - DAY Charles shares dumplings with his financial adviser, CHRIS ZOCCO, 50, sport coat and snarky smile. Zocco flips through a folder of printed spreadsheets. ZOCCO In the financial biz we call it "Situation TF". (a beat) Totally Fucked. 19.

CHARLES I did everything right. Microsoft is the strongest company in the world. ZOCCO There's always something, buddy. That's why we diversify. I told you not to leave everything in tech- CHARLES I didn't come here to get "I told you so", I need you to fix this. Zocco pops another dumpling in his mouth and talks anyway. ZOCCO Well, let's see. (looks at the papers.) You could sell your house, but that will cost you $200k. You can liquidate your 401K, also underwater. So that leaves us at- (a beat) I told you so. CHARLES It's $1.1 million dollars to raise a child from birth to college. ZOCCO Yeah, well then you're double TF'd. How's the job search? CHARLES I'm competing with 3,000 fired middle managers and 5,000 hungry twenty-somethings that nobody's hiring either- I'm unemployable. ZOCCO You gotta pound the pavement. Settle for less if you have to. CHARLES What am I supposed to do, drive a cab? The waiter takes the plate with a last dumpling. Zocco snags it as he leaves, and stuffs it in his mouth. ZOCCO Yup. TF. 20.

He looks over a sheet of paper from the portfolio folder, points to a paragraph. ZOCCO (CONT’D) Look on the bright side: Your Microsoft executive life insurance is good through the end of the year. Get hit by a truck before December 31st, you're worth an extra 2 mil! Zocco LAUGHS. CHARLES Are you serious? The waiter drops the check. ZOCCO Charles, I'm joking. I have a sick sense of humor. Keeps me alert. CHARLES No, about the $2 mil. ZOCCO (laughs) Sure. Give or take. We signed you up for the 2nd highest payout. Other Charles and Charles share a look as Zocco takes the check. ZOCCO (CONT’D) Don't worry, I'll get this one. CUT TO:

INT. CAR - DAY He flips through pages of legal jargon headlined Microsoft Executive Life Insurance Policy. He flips to the page labeled Exceptions. He searches down, running his hand over the paragraphs. Leans in, carefully reading– No benefit shall be paid out in the event of suicide or fraud. OTHER CHARLES Unless you can get away with it. 21.

CHARLES Shut up.

EXT. SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY - DAY Charles walks up to the front desk in the ultra-modern main branch. He wears a baseball cap pulled low. CHARLES Can you tell me where the internet terminals are? LIBRARIAN Fifth floor. CHARLES Do they have privacy screens? LIBRARIAN They sure do. Charles walks away. LIBRARIAN (CONT’D) (under her breath) But you need to supply your own Kleenex, pervert.

INT. SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY - DAY Charles sits at a public computer -- end of the row. He moves his head from one side of the screen to the other, checking the privacy. From an angle, the screen goes black. He looks around to see if he's being watched. He's not. He Googles: How insurance investigators detect fraud. OTHER CHARLES Smart. Two steps ahead. An employee carts past Charles -- he quickly TABS to another browser window. Charles read an e-book titled: SPLITTING CHARLES (reading) How to protect yourself. Step one: Develop an emergency plan. Your partner could evict you at anytime. 22. CHARLES (CONT’D) Figure out at safe and affordable place to go, get some cash, and think about who can help you on short notice. OTHER CHARLES Sarah would never admit it, but this is exactly what she's thinking. From now on, you need to be one step ahead.

INT. FERRY CARPORT - NIGHT Charles looks down the rushing water, takes out his bottle of antidepressants. CHARLES The chill is in the air. This joy I know, will soon be under snow. (Off Other Charles' look) What? OTHER CHARLES Charles Oppermann, former Microsoft Exec, and part-time poet. CHARLES I saw it on my feed. Felt applicable. OTHER CHARLES I don't normally condone meds, but you better take two of those. One for me and one for you. Other Charles take the bottle and examines the little round pills. And then-- he TIPS them upside down. OTHER CHARLES (CONT’D) Look, it's snowing. The pills rush down and hit the seawater, forty feet below.

INT. FERRY CAFETERIA - NIGHT Charles rest his head in a booth, watching the passing water.

INT. ORCAS MARRIOTT HOTEL - NIGHT An outdated, Marriott Courtyard bedroom. Two double beds, canvas wallpaper. 23.

Charles drops his things. SIGHS. UNPACKS, neatly arranging clothes into the hotel dresser. He sets the model Cessna plane on top of the dresser. Charles takes his "Microsoft Men of the 90s" framed award and leans it against the wall.

INT. MARRIOTT BANQUET ROOM - NIGHT Charles discreetly sits across from Other Charles amongst rows of dirty, empty tables from a day old event. OTHER CHARLES You really want this. CHARLES I just got pink-slipped by Microsoft. Divorced. And bounced out of a house I can't afford. Everything I touch turns to dust. OTHER CHARLES Just making sure you're committed. You know how we can get. CHARLES After reading over my life insurance policy, I've discovered a possible loophole that offers up a generous death benefit, but the expiration date closes end of the month so I'll probably fuck that up as well. OTHER CHARLES Pitch me. CHARLES With what? OTHER CHARLES Scenarios. Spitball. Other Charles CLICKS ON his ball point pen ready to take notes in a leather folio. CUT TO: 24.

INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT FLASHING RED LIGHTS reflect off the windows. BANGING on the door. VOICE (OS) Mr. Oppermann? Other Charles stands by the bed, observing. The phone is off the hook, DIAL TONE blaring. The KNOCKING becomes frantic. Empty PILL BOTTLES litter the nightstand. A Wild Turkey bottle rolls under the bed. VOICE (OS) (CONT’D) Mr. Oppermann!! Other Charles looks at- Charles, in pajamas, CONVULSING on the carpet. His chest HEAVES one last time- CRASH as an AXE breaks through the door, and two FIREMEN rush in to Charles on the floor. They look at each other. FIREMEN (in unison) Suicide. Charles raises himself up on one elbow. Other Charles writes in his leather folio -- OTHER CHARLES "Way too obvious." Charles shrugs. CUT TO:

EXT. STREET - DAY SLAM! A BUS blazes into Charles, smearing his ragged body 15 feet across the pavement. ONLOOKER He just walked right into it! 25.

Other Charles notes his impressions from the street corner. OTHER CHARLES Looked like an accident. ANOTHER ONLOOKER Looked to me like he meant to do it. Charles-hit-by-bus sits up. CHARLES Damn it! Other Charles crosses that plan off his list. OTHER CHARLES It's okay. You gotta chew through the cliches before you get to the goods. CUT TO:

EXT. TRAILER PARK - - DAY A pair of BARE FEET rock back and forth in a hammock hung between two giant Evergreen trees. WIDE ON: COLTON HARRIS-MOORE, a baby-faced 17, wears a wife- beater and ragged jeans and looks into expensive binoculars. BINOCULAR POV: -- He tracks an airplane through trees, then pans to the run- down town that borders an Indian reservation. -- Colton lifts his iPhone into POV -- opens facebook. His profile loads: 19 friends. Scrolls. He friend requests Mara. -- Behind him, a single-wide trailer surrounded by foot-high grass. Home, for now. -- A mail truck pulls away from a wall of rural mailboxes at the end of the driveway. Colton removes the binoculars, jumps out of the hammock and walks down the drive.

EXT. MAILBOXES - DAY Colton checks for mail in the box marked HARRIS-MOORE. 26.

Off a CAR driving by, Colton studiously examines his junk mail. When the car passes, he opens the mailbox below his, labeled JOHNSON. He skims through a couple of envelopes and a thin AMAZON PRIME package. COLTON Thank you Mrs. Johnson.

EXT. TRAILER PORCH - DAY Colton knocks on the metal screen door. A frail MRS. JOHNSON opens it up. COLTON Picked up your mail, Mrs. Johnson. He hands her the envelopes but keeps the Amazon package, a social security check for $1,220.27, and a Travel Magazine featuring . MRS. JOHNSON Aren’t you a doll. Thank you. COLTON You’re welcome. See ya!

INT. COLTON'S BEDROOM - DUSK Flight posters and airplane memorabilia fill his wood-veneer walls. The bed and desk are crammed almost on top of each other. Colton sits at his desk facing a brand-new HP Pavilion A6400F Desktop PC. He rips open the package and pulls out a toy model airplane and a DVD for MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2008. He pops it in the CD-ROM. He sets the model by the window and powers up the full-sized Logitech Pro Airplane instrument console that's stationed in front of the screen. It looks like the simulated cockpit. ON SCREEN: Colton selects a single-engine Cessna 182 over SeaTac Airport. He puts on a headset, listens to the FLIGHT SIMULATOR AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL. ATC (VO) Speedbird 137, turn left to a Heading of 180 degrees. 27.

COLTON Yeah, well I'm turning right, Speedbird 137 out. He BANKS around the Space Needle and heads for Boeing Field. He works the controls capably. He's actually good at this. PAM Colt. PAM MOORE, Colton's mom, comes to the doorway. Pam is 50, but wears it like 65. She sips a day-drink, whiskey. Seeing the equipment, she frowns and SLAPS Colton on the back of his head. PAM (CONT’D) Where the fuck did you get that? He takes off the headset, hits PAUSE. COLTON What? PAM Jesus, Colton! How much did that cost? COLTON Nothing. PAM Bullshit nothing. You've turned my trailer into a fuckin' cockpit. COLTON I borrowed it, Pam. PAM Don’t call me that. COLTON Sorry, MOM. (sotto) Never know which one I'm talking to... PAM Why aren't you in class? Thought pilots needed to graduate high school. Ignoring her, Colton puts his headset back on. Pam sips her drink -- sets it down. She SHREDS the posters all over his walls, wreaking havoc. 28.

PAM (CONT’D) Oh no- looks like we gunna crash! COLTON Hey, what the fuck, Pam!? Pam knocks the joystick out of his hand. ON SCREEN: his simulator airplane spins -- CRASHES. PAM I hope I'm not seated on your goddamn airplane. Parenting over. She exits.

INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT High school party. Music BLARES. COLTON, wearing the same wife-beater shirt and jeans. He stands barefoot, glancing at a JAKE, a letterman's jacket bro filling a red solo cup at a beer keg on the PATIO. JAKE What'cha you looking at Raven Walker? Take Fire Mullet and fuck off. Colton fake laughs and turns to face MARA, a high school senior on the cheer squad. MARA You're that kid who friended me on Facebook. Jake pulls out a white pill from his 5th jean pocket and drops it in the cup -- SWISHES it around till it dissolves. COLTON Unless that douchebag is your boyfriend, I wouldn't touch that. Spiked it with some nasty shit. GIRL Don't try and follow people you've never met. Freak. She looks up, raises her eyebrows and greets Jake. COLTON (shrugs) Here to help. 29.

Colton's friend HARVEY IRONHAWK aka Fire Mullet, a little older and sporting a long, unfashionable ginger hairdo, walks over. HARVEY 'Sup Colt. COLTON This party is way too much fun for me. Let's bounce.

EXT. HOUSE PARTY - NIGHT MUSIC in the distance as Harvey and Colton walk down the street past 2008 OBAMA/BIDEN and MCCAIN/PALIN campaign signs and parked cars. Colton stops at a mint late-90s Camaro. COLTON Wow, nice ride. He holds out his hand. Harvey hands him a crowbar. Colton SMASHES the window and opens the door for Harvey. COLTON (CONT’D) I'm sick of this shit. Harvey reaches under the steering wheel and expertly yanks out a couple of wires. He pulls out needle nose pliers. HARVEY I know, the parties are fucking stupid. COLTON Not just the parties, the whole town. We're not living up to our potential. Harvey strips a couple of wires. HARVEY You've been saying that since we were 12. Harvey puts the pliers back in his pocket. He touches the bare wires together and the car STARTS. HARVEY (CONT’D) See. That's the sound of potential. He hops to the passenger side. Colton gets in. 30.

COLTON I need to make a statement. HARVEY This car's worth 1500 in parts. That's a pretty good statement. COLTON Same old shit, different ride. Colton starts the car and pulls out.

INT. CAMARO - NIGHT Colton and Harvey cruise the nearly-empty Camano Island main drag- suburban strips and chain stores. HARVEY Let's work on a fishing boat. My cousin catches crabs and smuggles weed. Nothin' but cash at the end of every season. COLTON We should steal an airplane. HARVEY Are you fucking insane? Been playing way too much flight simulator dude. You've never even flown in a plane. COLTON Nobody's going to remember us for being the guys who jacked a Camaro. You want to make an impression on the world, you gotta think big. A beat as Harvey considers. HARVEY How do we make money on a stolen plane? Who's gonna buy the parts? No one. COLTON It's not about the money. Bout respect. HARVEY It’s a fuckin’ stupid idea, Colt. 31.

Accelerates fast like the pavement is a runway. Colton burns a red light. COLTON Ready for liftoff. HARVEY Yo! Slow down fool.

INT. TRAILER KITCHEN - MORNING Pale blue plastic wall coverings. Dirty dishes in the sink. The kitchen phone RINGS- it's wireless with a huge antenna. Colton enters. He looks at the caller ID and stands up straight, takes a BREATH. He picks up the handset. COLTON Moore residence. Colton grabs OJ from the fridge walks back to the- BEDROOM Sits at the computer. COLTON (CONT’D) (in a deep voice) Yes, this is Colton's father. An AMAZON page displays military grade Thermal Night Vision Goggles for $4,999.99. Colton clicks: ADD TO CART. COLTON (CONT’D) His arrest? That's- I thought the terms of his parole allowed for him to home school. Colton opens another browser page. Motherboardz.net features stolen credit card numbers. COLTON (CONT’D) Well, that's what Pam and I have been doing! Clearly this is huge misunderstanding. Colton is a bright kid and he's been working very hard. In addition to his academic requirements he's studying to be a pilot. He's earning every penny he can for lessons. (beat) 32. COLTON (CONT’D) I understand. There's gotta be something he can do to make up the missed time. Colton copies a number from the credit card page and proceeds to the Amazon checkout page. He pastes in the number. Invalid card number. He picks another. COLTON (CONT’D) Thursday right after school? He'll be there. Pam and I are very grateful you caught our little mishap. He hits "BUY". This one goes through. Amazon thanks him very much for his purchase. COLTON (CONT’D) Yes, thank you very much Mrs.... (pause) Mrs. Lopez. Yes, thank you for letting us know. Colton hangs up the phone.

EXT. TRAILER - DAY Colton walks up his driveway. As he rounds a curve, he sees two COUNTY SHERIFFS sitting in their patrol car, staking out the place. COLTON (sotto) Shit. Mom and dad are going to be pissed. He cuts into the--

EXT WOODS - CONTINUOUS Colton pushes over a log. Underneath: his ESCAPE BACKPACK. He puts it on, heads out. COLTON Catch me if you can, little piggies. 33.

INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY Charles sets down the bags and looks at a wall, withdrawn. CHARLES Need to lie down. OTHER CHARLES Withdrawals are a bitch, but we need to prepare. CHARLES Later. His phone rings. OTHER CHARLES Let's go.

EXT. RADIO STATION - DAY - INTERCUT AS NEEDED CHARLES (VO) (cheery) Hey Bob! BOB Charles! I heard there was a few thousand layoffs. You safe?

INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Charles grunts, lifts the mattresses so they block the windows. CHARLES Yup. All good. BOB (VO) What're you doing? Charles shifts his weight into more furniture. In the middle of the room is a power desk, lamp and office chair. CHARLES Weightlifting at the Microsoft fitness center. Damnit. We were supposed to meet for lunch today weren't we? BOB (VO) Yeah. I'm here. 34.

He writes onto a sheet of paper: "busy is the new happy." OTHER CHARLES Just tell him you're trying to figure out the best way to kill yourself. CHARLES I've been buried. BOB No sweat. Maybe later this week? CHARLES Yeah, later. Charles wipes the sweat from his brow and steps back to reveal a "beautiful mind" workspace. Other Charles stands next to him and feels accomplished.

EXT. CAMANO ROAD - DAY A wooded intersection in the middle of nowhere. Colton drags his pack out the back of a late model Oldsmobile. He leans in the door. COLTON See ya. Colton walks up the road. The sign on the corner points to a narrow road and the "Camano Island Airport."

EXT. CAMANO ISLAND "AIRPORT" - DAY Colton walks around the bend to a panoramic view of the "airport", which is just a short, grassy strip with a faded windsock flapping in the breeze. Across the field, a GUY ON A TRACTOR, wearing construction earmuffs mows the grass. Colton walks toward him.

EXT. CAMANO ISLAND "AIRPORT" - DAY Colton flags down the TRACTOR GUY. COLTON Where do they keep the planes? 35.

Tractor Guy kills the engine and takes off his ear muffs. TRACTOR GUY What? COLTON This is the airport. Right? Where are the planes? TRACTOR GUY They don't keep ’em here. You looking for lessons? COLTON Yeah. Lessons. Where do I go for that? TRACTOR GUY Most people go down to Orcas. COLTON Orcas? TRACTOR GUY Orcas Island. In the San Juans? They got a paved runway, private instructors, all of it. Nice quiet airport there. Not too much to bump into, if you know what I mean. COLTON Okay then. Thanks. The guy puts his earphones on, starts the tractor. Colton walks off.

INT. HOTEL - DAY - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Charles sets the DIVORCE FOR DUMMIES 2 book down on his desk. OTHER CHARLES They have a sequel? Damn. Great marketing. CHARLES There's a whole chapter on post- divorce communication breakdowns. (beat) How am I going to include her in my plan for the future and still make it look accidental when she doesn't respond to my e-mails? 36.

OTHER CHARLES We're leaps and bounds in front of the broken Charles she left. No more pills. No more poetry. No more therapy. Only -- Other Charles picks up the phone -- DIAL TONE BLARES. OTHER CHARLES (CONT’D) A clear head. Charles DIALS -- ear pressed to phone, it rings.

INT. SARAH'S HOME OFFICE - DAY - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Sarah picks up. CHARLES Hello! SARAH Who's this? CHARLES It's me, Chuck. Your ex-husband! SARAH Calling from an unknown number. What's up. CHARLES I'm starting a 529 education savings plan for our unborn. There's options for a $2k maximum contribution- or less. SARAH With what money? CHARLES Uh- piloting. SARAH Right. Chuck- I want to do this but right now isn't a good t- CHARLES That's the maximum we can contribute until our baby turns 18 and- SARAH Okay Chuck can I think- 37.

CHARLES I don't know about you but I'd like to give him, or her as much as possible so that- SARAH Okay, you're in your steam rolling mode- CHARLES Why do I have to bargain with you to gift our child money- SARAH Dr. Schwab has given me permission to end our conversations when they're no longer productive so I'm going to hang up now- OTHER CHARLES Focus, Charles. CHARLES Okay, okay let me try again -- A beat. CHARLES (CONT’D) I forgive you. SARAH For? CHARLES For not seeing the entire picture. SARAH Wow. (laughs) Tell me more. CHARLES I built our entire marriage around a plan, and I forgive you for not seeing it as clearly as I do. SARAH Do you forgive me for divorcing you? CHARLES We're both so stubborn, aren't we. 38.

SARAH You know what, Chuck? Thank you for calling. I forgive myself too. Goodbye. Sarah hangs up. Other Charles looks concerned while Charles looks pleased with how that went. OTHER CHARLES Great active listening. CHARLES Shut up.

EXT. FERRY TERMINAL - DAY Passengers and cars load a ferry on the dock behind a low- slung building next to the wharf. A Lincoln SUV pulls up in front of the terminal. Colton gets out of the passenger seat. COLTON Thanks for the ride.

INT. FERRY TERMINAL - DAY Giant windows reveal Puget Sound and a waiting ferry. Ticket booths line one wall. Colton gets in line behind a MOTHER, 29, struggling to keep her TWO TODDLERS from escaping as she argues with the CASHIER. MOTHER I don't know why. He just threw them into the water. He thought it would be funny. Can't you just reprint them? CASHIER No, ma'am. MOTHER But I just bought them. From you! You sold them to me 15 minutes ago! CASHIER Sorry. 39.

MOTHER (crying) I'm out of cash. How am I supposed to get home? Colton walks up next to her. COLTON Can I help? Both women look at him. He hands the Cashier a credit card. COLTON (CONT’D) Here– I'll pick up the lady's tickets. MOTHER You don't have to do that, I'm sure the ferry company can just- CASHIER Thank you son. She takes his card. COLTON It's no problem. And I'll take a one way to Orcas, please. MOTHER Thank you so much... Colton holds out his hand. COLTON Worthington. Cal Worthington. My pleasure. The cashier hands back "Mr. Worthington's" credit card. Colton heads through the gate. CASHIER Next.

EXT. ORCAS ISLAND ROAD - DAY Colton rides in the bed of a pickup truck past rolling hills, sheep, wild deer, and vacation homes along the water's edge. The truck turns into- 40.

EXT. EASTSOUND VILLAGE - CONTINUOUS Colton gawks at upscale boutique shops and restaurants with a nautical vibe. Tourists stroll the sidewalks.

EXT. ORCAS ISLAND AIRPORT - DAY The truck pulls over at a gated cattle-guard across a small dirt road. Sign reads Orcas Island Airport. Colton hops out. COLTON Thanks. He opens the gate and walks toward private planes staked to the grass field near the tarmac. Colton runs his hands over a plane– touches the propeller– looks in the windows. He's in love.

EXT. HANGAR - DAY Colton jumps up to look into a high window of one of the hangar doors, but can't quite see in. Looking around to make sure he is unnoticed, Colton tries the door. Locked. He walks to another door, trying a CODE on a keypad lock: 1- 2-3-4. It doesn't work. He spots THE FAKE ROCK in front of Bob's door. He opens it to reveal the key. COLTON Stupid fuckin’ rich people. Colton walks inside--

EXT. LOG CABIN VACATION HOME - NIGHT POV NIGHT VISION GOGGLES scan the front of a darkened, two- story cabin, nestled in pine trees above a rocky slope to the ocean. Colton lowers the goggles and walks to the house. He KNOCKS on the door. 41.

He JIGGLES the knob. It's locked. He steps up to the porch and checks the side door. It OPENS.

INT. LOG CABIN VACATION HOME - NIGHT Colton turns on the lights. Adorable hand-carved pine furniture and wood walls. A footstool made of varnished logs. A framed seashell mosaic hangs over the fireplace. --Colton picks up a clicker and points it at the TV. CLICK. The gas fireplace IGNITES. --He picks up another remote and CLICKS. LOUD MUSIC fills the living room. COLTON How many fuckin' clickers. --He picks up another remote. CLICK. The TV goes on. --In a well-equipped kitchen, he opens the fridge. Empty. --Opens the freezer. It's loaded. --Colton eats Lean Cuisine and watches TV. ON SCREEN: A SURVIVOR CONTESTANT is voted off the island. --Colton takes a selfie of himself on the couch, feet up holding a drink. Colton opens his Facebook profile on a thick white 2008 iMac. Colton uploads the plane selfie from earlier, for all 78 of his friends. ON SCREEN: He writes a caption: COLTON HARRIS-MOORE (types) Fuck commercial. I fly private! Where should I go first? A few likes and comments appear below. FACEBOOK COMMENTER Bahamas! 42.

COLTON HARRIS-MOORE Good idea. Building out a flight plan. HARVEY BLISSFIELD When you gunna take flight? LOL. Colton replies. COLTON HARRIS-MOORE (types) Soon, bitches. #Catchmeifyoucan. CUT TO:

INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY Charles' Blackberry 9000 BUZZES. He looks at the screen: BOB RIVERS. Answers- CHARLES Hey, it's Chuck- Charles looks at the Cessna 182 toy plane on the shelf. He picks it up and studies it.

INT. RADIO STUDIO - DAY/INTERCUT AS NEEDED Bob talks on his iPhone from the studio console. Panoramic view across Seattle's Lake Union behind him. BOB You get the wedding invite? Charles comes back to himself. CHARLES Huh? Shit. Sorry, I've been deadly busy. Congrats. BOB Lisa's after me on the guest list. You guys coming? Charles opens a dresser drawer FULL of envelopes with yellow forwarding stickers. He paws through. CHARLES Of course I wouldn't- we wouldn't miss it. He finds it- unopened. 43.

BOB Yes for the Oppermanns. A beat. CHARLES Man, we've been short-staffed with the cutbacks. I could use a weekend island retreat- BOB I was hoping you’d say that. Will you check in with Jeff? Charles' looks back at the model plane-- CHARLES Sure. And then I'll scoop you up this Friday? BOB Can you? CHARLES Call you when she's at Boeing.

INT. HOMEGROWN MARKET - DAY CHARLES Hi, one vegan breakfast burrito please. CLERK We're sold out, bro. CHARLES Well can you check in the back please? The Clerk is annoyed, but does as he's told. Charles waits. The Clerk comes back with a wrap in tinfoil. CLERK Just came out of the oven. CHARLES Ah! Great. CLERK $8.99. 44.

EXT. AIRFIELD FUEL PUMP - DAY A low-slung aluminum shed labeled SAN JUAN AIR in the background. Charles bites into his breakfast burrito as JEFF, 55, ex- Military, fast talking with a "can-do" attitude unlocks the fuel pump. JEFF You flying her to Boeing? Charles takes the nozzle to the wing of Bob's plane and starts the fuel, sets the nozzle, and walks towards a -- VENDING MACHINE - SAN JUAN AIR SHED CHARLES There’s a couple of clouds in the sky. You know how Bob is. JEFF Because I told him my icing story- you're welcome. From the bushes, Colton sneaks up behind the plane. CHARLES What story is this? JEFF It’s embarrassing. I was training this realtor from Seattle, we were cruising VFR over the Cascades. I let him cruise in and out of the cloud line at 8,000 feet, absolutely stunning light. Got distracted. The plane started to drag and by the time I looked over- There was almost an inch of ice on the wings. Not a good feeling when you remember you forgot to spray the wings before taking flight. Colton opens the door and gets into the pilot seat. CHARLES Especially over a mountain range– JEFF There was no place to drop down for warmer air because we were right over a ridge. Plane was stalling and the realtor was busy puking– 45.

CHARLES What’d you do? Charles purchases a Diet Coke. JEFF I grabbed the yoke, saw an opening– turned out to be a huge valley. I pulled the throttle, pitched down and dropped into it as fast as I could. Once we got lower, things warmed up and the ice slid right off. But I swear I gave a haircut to a Douglas Fir on the way out. Charles and Other Charles think about that. OTHER CHARLES Icing- that's an easy oversight. CHARLES No shit. JEFF I don’t think that realtor ever got his license. Jeff laughs. FROM INSIDE THE HANGAR -- Colton starts up the Skylane Cessna 182 propeller starts up. JEFF (CONT’D) Whoa! Hang on- (runs back) What can I do for you, son? Colton turns off the propeller and puts on his best aw-shucks grin -- holds out his hand. COLTON Hey- Jack Archambault. JEFF Jeff Smith. COLTON Fuel lock's broken on this pump. JEFF Thought they fixed that. 46.

COLTON I was wondering what the airport hours were? JEFF Looking for lessons, Jack? Colton lies smoothly. COLTON Yup. Jeff caps off the fuel and reels the hose back to the fueling station. JEFF What do you know about flying? CHARLES Enough to turn the plane on and make a run for it. Colton laughs hysterically. COLTON I've spent a lot of time on a flight simulator. Charles laughs. JEFF Oh, Lord help me Chuck, another one. COLTON What- I have over 50 hours of in- flight training. JEFF There's no pause button on an airplane, son. Can't just reboot if you crash. COLTON The controls are all the same, aren't they? (pointing) Fuel gauge. Throttle. Yoke. These control the flaps, this is the altimeter. Radio here. Hey, is this a GPS? This thing's loaded. Jeff tries to hide his surprise. 47.

CHARLES He's right, Jeff. Let him take flight. JEFF Are you kidding? Bob would ring me out on-air. I can't handle the bad publicity. COLTON I can fly. JEFF I'm sure you can. Flying's the second greatest thrill in the world. COLTON What's the first? JEFF "Landing." Something you've never done- in a real airplane. (beat) Hop on out, son. Jeff scoots Colton out of the pilot's seat as Charles laughs. Colton turns to leave. COLTON What're the hours? For Lessons. JEFF Fall's dead. No one's here until noon. COLTON No one here before noon. Got it. Colton walks away. JEFF Why don't you stop by this Saturday? Seventy-five bucks a lesson. COLTON Sure.

INT. LOG CABIN VACATION HOME - DAY Colton's trash all over the living room. 48.

Plain-clothes detective CROW scribbles in a mini-notepad with a police badge stuck to the back. Crow is black, 40, in a flannel shirt and cargo shorts, dark woolen beanie, and black-rimmed glasses. Three weeks growth of beard. Piercings in both ears. He interviews BROOKE and ERIC, a 40-ish couple with tech money, who look around in shock at the dirty dishes and food containers. CROW And you keep it locked? BROOKE Of course. (she looks at Conrad) Most of the time, right? ERIC We're on an island– It's not like a burglar would steal all of our stuff and then head to the ferry to wait in line. CROW We've had a few break-ins over the last 10 days. I'm afraid it's getting to be more and more like Seattle. BROOKE Really? Crow nods. CROW Oh yeah. I hear they're thinking about putting up a stoplight in Eastsound.

EXT. VACATION HOME PROPERTY - DAY Colton walks back down -- stops suddenly. COLTON Shit. He peaks through his binoculars -- spots the cop car, looks at Crow and Brooke through the window. COLTON (CONT’D) Thanks for the hospitality. 49.

Colton disappears into the--

EXT. WOODS - NIGHT Colton looks out over the Orcas Island Airport -- Night Vision mode ON through his binoculars. Nobody around.

EXT. HANGAR - NIGHT Colton grabs the key from the fake rock. Opens the side door. COLTON Epic.

INT. HANGAR - CONTINUOUS Colton, barefoot, steps inside. The plane is sitting in the garage. COLTON (to himself) Fuck yes. He points the night vision binoculars around the garage. Colton rummages through the shelves. Stuffs his backpack with an Orcas Island sweatshirt, Clif bars and an emergency flashlight. Colton opens a tackle box and examines a few fishhooks. He picks up a plane key attached to a tiny radio-DJ microphone.

INT. PLANE - NIGHT Colton sits in the cockpit. He grips the yoke just like his flight simulator. COLTON (mocking Jeff) No pause button on an airplane, son.

EXT. HANGAR - NIGHT Colton pushes the Cessna out of the garage. When he clears the door, he jumps back into the pilot seat. 50.

INT. PLANE - NIGHT Colton looks at the Pre-Flight Checklist. COLTON Yadda yadda...master switch on. He flips on the MASTER RED SWITCH. COLTON (CONT’D) Engine on. The propeller CATCHES and TURNS OVER. COLTON (CONT’D) I think I can-I think I can... He pulls back on the throttle. The engine REVS hotter. COLTON (CONT’D) Yes, I can! He releases the brake. The plane rolls toward the runway. COLTON (CONT’D) You know what, Jeff? I think I'll skip the lessons. Colton's phone FLASHES and VIBRATES. He lets up on the throttle. Applies the brake. Smiles as he answers.

INT. HARVEY'S TRAILER - NIGHT/INTERCUT AS NEEDED Harvey lays out on a ratty corduroy couch. HARVEY Cops called Pam today. She ratted you out. Sending out a search unit for you- COLTON (yelling) Sorry, can't hear you over the engine of this plane I'm stealing. HARVEY Bullshit. COLTON This sound like a Camaro to you? 51.

He puts it on speaker-mode. REVS the throttle, it ROARS. HARVEY Holy shit! Where ya going? COLTON As far away as I can. Colton pulls back the yoke and looks down the runway when -- COLTON (CONT’D) Fuck. HARVEY What's the matter? COLTON Hey, you! Let's go. Scram. All of you- Psst. Colton shouts at the deer, but they don't budge. COLTON (CONT’D) Fucking deer all over the runway. HARVEY Oooooohhhhhh! Rudolph the redneck reindeer- Harvey sings. COLTON Fuck you, when you and every asshole from trailer park ville flunk high school, I'll be flying private planes for CEO's in the Bahamas. Harvey LAUGHS even more. Colton CLICKS OFF his phone.

INT. CESSNA 182 - DAY Charles flies through cloudy skies over the Puget Sound. He banks toward a huge, granite peak that sticks out above the rolling clouds. Frost accumulates over the windows. CHARLES Beautiful. 52.

He grabs his notebook from the seat next to him. He draws a quick outline of the mountain, and labels it CHIMNEY ROCK WEST. He glides dangerously low, whipping over the jagged peak, then pulls up. He looks at the GPS and writes down the latitude and longitude. Charles from the conference room looks at him from the passenger seat. OTHER CHARLES This might actually work. CHARLES It might. Charles smiles as he banks southwest to Seattle.

EXT. BILBO'S MEXICAN RESTAURANT - DAY Barefoot Colton walks up the alley to an empty outdoor patio. Starving, he eats leftover chips from an un-bussed table. He peers in the kitchen door: A WAITRESS picks up an armload of meals and exits. Two COOKS plate, their backs to the door. Colton nervously enters, grabs a white apron from a hook by the door, and ties it on as he walks.

INT. BILBO'S - DAY Colton enters Bilbo's, a mid-level Mexican restaurant with all the gringo trimmings: Mexican hats on the wall and permanent paper lanterns. The lunch crowd waits for seats by the front door. He slides behind the counter to the register and opens it like he works there. He pockets two large wads of cash. He takes off the apron, drops it, and walks casually toward the front. The manager of Bilbo's, STEFAN a 27-year-old gym rat who yells everything, spots him-- STEFAN Hey! 53.

COLTON Sorry, where’s the bathroom? Stefan points at Colton's feet. STEFAN You can't be in here like that. COLTON That how you treat a paying customer? STEFAN No shoes, no service bro. COLTON Okay. Colton continues toward the front door. Stefan goes behind the back counter and sees the register hanging open. STEFAN Hey! Stefan grabs Colton and drags him by his backpack handle into the--

WALK-IN FRIDGE Inside prepped vegetables on galvanized shelves and big plexiglass rectangular windows, all fogged up. STEFAN Stay put while I call the cops. COLTON No, please- Stefan closes the door and locks it with a chain and padlock. He dials--

EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY A cop car pulls up and Crow gets out. CROW You locked a kid in a walk-in freezer? 54.

STEFAN Relax. He's got another ten minutes till hypothermia sets in. Colton SQUEEZES through the side window-- Colton BARRELS out Bilbo's front door and down the sidewalk, Stefan in pursuit. Crow watches. STEFAN (CONT’D) Hey you little fuck! Colton DASHES across the road, dodging cars. He glances back- - Stefan closes in. Colton SPRINTS down a road away from town. He DUCKS under a fence into the--

EXT. WOODS - DAY Colton RIPS through the branches at top speed--

EXT. ROAD - DAY Colton slows along the single lane, catching his breath. He turns into the yard of a single-story Victorian cottage. He goes to the back door and OPENS IT like he owns it.

INT. VICTORIAN COTTAGE - DAY Laura Ashley beach style. White and blue, sandstone tiles, shiplap ceilings. Dirty footprints on the pure white carpet. At the kitchen sink, Colton pours himself a glass of cold water and guzzles it. He opens the fridge, nothing. COLTON Damn. Should've ordered take out. CUT TO: 55.

EXT. HOMEGROWN MARKET - NIGHT Colton walks down the empty Eastsound street toward the entrance. He wears a hoodie low over his eyes. He tries the front door. Locked. He pulls off the hoodie, wraps it around his elbow and SMASHES the glass door. He steps in and cuts his foot on some of the glass. COLTON Ouch, mother fucker!

INT. HOMEGROWN MARKET - NIGHT Colton rampages down the woodsy and artful aisles, finds some gauze and bandage tape. He wraps his foot. A MOMENT LATER-- He crams a bag with groceries. He takes CHOCOLATE BROWNIES and pauses at a package of DRIED SEAWEED. COLTON What the fuck is this? He rips it open and tastes it. He makes a face. Throws it on the ground. COLTON (CONT’D) Yuck. At the end of the aisle, he notices a security camera in the ceiling. Waves his middle finger.

INT. HOMEGROWN BACK STOCK ROOM - LATER Colton crowbars open the lock box to the security camera’s external hard drive and computer. Colton drops the electronics into the sink behind the meat counter. He sprays detergent over them and starts the water. Bubbles float up. Colton grabs a package of SIDEWALK CHALK off the shelf. At the entrance he draws multi-colored outlines of his bare feet on the floor. 56.

In big letters, he writes C-YA! He smiles for a selfie. Colton unzips his backpack and opens his laptop by the espresso counter, where the chalkboard gives the Wi-Fi network name and password. He uploads the pic to FACEBOOK. His follower count is up to 25,073.

INT. VICTORIAN COTTAGE - NIGHT Colton fries up a grilled cheese sandwich and stirs an Organic Tomato Soup. ON SCREEN: a TV ANCHOR reads the teleprompter. The story is Colton. TV ANCHOR Police on Orcas Island say a series of residential burglaries have hit the shores of their sleepy town. He looks up -- gets closer to the TV, abandoning the food- ON SCREEN: A map shows crime scene locations around Orcas: vacation homes, Bilbo's, stores, car thefts. TV ANCHOR (CONT’D) Officials believe the crimes are linked– and the unknown suspect is now making his imprint on retail store and getting away “barefoot!” Colton celebrates -- no one to high five. ON SCREEN: a montage of chalk drawings from each location. COLTON You missed a couple, but good enough. TV ANCHOR They call him the "Barefoot Bandit" and he's has stolen over $10,000 worth of cash and goods from local businesses and homes. COLTON I can do better. 57.

The grilled cheese SMOKES. He flips the burnt sandwich onto a plate. COLTON (CONT’D) Damnit.

INT. BATHROOM - LATER Colton turns off the faucet, slips off a plush cotton robe and lowers himself into the hot porcelain tub. He scrubs his dirty feet, SIGHING. He puts a HOT WASHCLOTH over his face and blindly reaches for a glass of MILK. He sips, relaxes. HEADLIGHTS flash through the window. GRAVEL CRUNCHES in the drive. Colton FREEZES. A CAR DOOR OPENS OS. He WHIPS the washcloth off, listens to FOOTSTEPS approaching. WOMAN'S VOICE (O.S.) Did you leave a light on?

INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Colton runs bare-assed through the kitchen, grabbing as much important crap as he can– CESSNA MANUAL, BACKPACK, and LAPTOP. THE FRONT DOOR OPENS and a WOMAN in her 40s walks in like she owns the place, which she does. Colton in the shadows, just out of her view. She stops, startled by the mess: Dirty dishes and pans in the sink. CDs all over the floor, the kitchen table covered with flight simulator equipment. She moves towards Colton, who GRABS his backpack. WOMAN Hi. You're in my house. 58.

He PULLS something out of the bag. AIMS a tiny laser, it dances on her forehead. She STOPS. COLTON I've got a gun. WOMAN Are you all right? Elsa peaks in then hides. COLTON Shut up bitch. I'll shoot! WOMAN My name is Gina. I'm a lawyer--I work with kids. If you're in trouble, I can help. Colton looks at her for a long moment-- then DASHES towards--

THE BATHROOM Colton SLAMS the door closed. His only exit is the window on the other side of the tub. GINA (OS) Elsa- it’s just a kid. ELSA (OS) He had a gun on your forehead! Colton DROPS the laser pointer while he packs his backpack, puts on a ROBE, and CRANKS open the window. He TEARS at the window screen, but can't get it off. ELSA (0S) (CONT’D) Gina, he’s In. Our. House. Cops first, save the world later. Colton DIVES HEAD FIRST and lands in the bush below. Gina barges in and picks up the laser pointer. GINA Hey! Come back- COLTON (OS) Your water filter was expired and I chopped more wood for your fire. (beat) Have a lovely evening! 59.

INT. CLOSET - NIGHT Charles opens the door, ecstatic. He takes cleaning supplies out of a CVS bag and lines them up just so on the shelf.

INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Other Charles dances. Charles gets on his hands and knees, scrubs the bathroom floor. He opens the window a sliver and sprays the room with Fabreeze.

INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY Charles sticks a picture of a snow-covered Chimney Rock mountain peak to the wall next to a HUGE MAP of the San Juan Islands and northern . MICK JAGGER (music) But if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need. Underneath it, he writes: CRASH SITE He scrawls in marker on a blank sheet: ICING Ground Temp under 50 degrees, air temp under 32. Need 1x accumulation to reduce lift.

INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY OTHER CHARLES It's perfect. CHARLES Gotta wait till next week for temperatures to drop.

INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY REVEAL a pregnant SARAH sitting on the bed across from him, admiring the mess on the wall. 60.

CHARLES I can't leave a note. No goodbye. Charles takes Sarah's hand. CHARLES (CONT’D) I wish you knew could know that I did this for you. She takes his hand, puts on her rounded belly. CHARLES (CONT’D) The docs- shit. Do you even know where I keep all of our insurance stuff?

INT. MARRIOTT HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS A MAID approaches Charles' door, pushing a cleaning cart. She hears Charles' voice and KNOCKS.

INT. HOTEL ROOM - CONTINUOUS Charles comes to himself, alone- his outstretched hand touches a pillow. Another KNOCK at the door.

INT. HALL - CONTINUOUS A MAID unlocks the door and walks in. MAID Sir. Do you need housekeeping? OTHER CHARLES Well this is a no-brainer. It says do not disturb. What the fuck do you think that means? Charles looks down at the DO NOT DISTURB SIGN on the ground. CHARLES Uh- I'm okay. The maid looks at the map and turns, embarrassed for him. MAID Nobody's cleaned for a long time. CHARLES I bought some cleaning supplies. I'm all set, really. 61.

MAID Do you want fresh towels? CHARLES Sure. She gives Charles the towels. He closes the door after her. He repeatedly HITS himself. OTHER CHARLES Ouch. (beat) Hey, relax. We're fine. I'm sure she's seen a lot more shit than a big map on a wall.

INT. COTTAGE DINING ROOM - LATER Detective CROW enters. GINA and ELSA trail behind. CROW points to the flight simulator gaming controls that Colton left on the table. CROW That yours? GINA No idea what that is. RYAN, a newbie in UNIFORM enters. RYAN Whoa! This is like 900 bucks. My brother has one. Ryan reaches out– Crow rolls his eyes. CROW You touch that and I cut your fingers off. Hasn't been printed yet. RYAN What? It's probably just some kid. Crow gives him a look. A beat. RYAN (CONT’D) Wait, you think it's that guy? CROW Very good, Ryan. 62.

EXT. MORAN STATE PARK - DAY A small tent below towering Douglas Firs. A WOMAN packs a day bag and throws it on her shoulder. A short, stocky MAN crawls out of the tent. They strap daypacks on and hike down the trail. Colton, wrapped in a wet, dirty bathrobe, picks his way down the hill to their tent. He unzips it and goes inside. A deer wanders over, checking for food. Colton comes out of the tent wearing black spandex tights and brightly flowered shirt. He bites into an apple. The deer looks at him. COLTON Sorry homey- this is all they got and I’m fuckin’ starving. Colton’s down to the core. The deer stares. COLTON (CONT’D) Okay, fine. He hand-feeds the deer, then walks down the hill.

EXT. OPPERMANN HOUSE - DAY The tan Volvo pulls into the driveway. Charles emerges, a guy trying to hold it together and failing: a neatly pressed shirt and creased khakis, but his face looks haggard. He walks past the FOR SALE SIGN, still there, and a Gray Land Rover Defender -- it's a car he doesn't recognize. THE PORCH. Key in hand but uncertain of what to do, he finally KNOCKS on the door. Sarah opens it. Charles eyes go to her flat belly, then to her face. SARAH Chuck. Hi. 63.

CHARLES No one's bought the house yet? SARAH What's up? She looks carefully at his eyes. CHARLES Can we talk, inside? SARAH Um- GARY, Sarah's new boyfriend peaks over her shoulder. GARY Are you Charles? CHARLES I am. GARY Heard a lot about you. I'm Gary. SARAH Come in.

INT. SARAH'S HOME OFFICE - DAY Charles opens her cabinets to neatly labeled rows- CHARLES Did you redo the filing system I had in place? SARAH I hired someone to help organize the clutter- CHARLES You hired someone!? Well, you know how I am about filing- SARAH I know and your system didn't work for me so I redid it. Charles stands up. 64.

CHARLES Here's copies of the documents we both need. And I labeled all the important stuff- He points to the neatly typed labels. CHARLES (CONT’D) Mortgage stuff is here, bills filed alphabetically by vendor are over here. Insurance is in this blue folder. SARAH Charles, you don't get to- CHARLES You need these. Sarah screams. SARAH Chuck. Please. Get out of my office! Charles backs up and pretends to FALL OVER, documents FLY into the air. Sarah helps him up but not before Charles sneaks a blue folder of Microsoft life insurance policy papers into her drawer. CHARLES You're right. I'm sorry. This probably isn't healthy for the baby. I read about how yelling, uh- I mean being around stressful situations can stud brain development. (beat) Are you and the baby feeling okay? Gary appears by the door. CHARLES (CONT’D) Hi, Gary. SARAH Charles. CHARLES Still seeing Emelia? Microsoft put me in with some "post-employment counseling." 65.

SARAH You know what Chuck? Good. That's really good. Now goodbye. CHARLES Yes. It is. I'm doing really great. And I miss you. I really am feeling a lot better- you know, I feel like the law of attraction is really on my side lately. A beat on Gary, then to Sarah. SARAH Good, good. I'll call you when they schedule the ultrasound. Charles walks up to Gary and meets his eyes. CHARLES Hey Gary. Is that a '75 Defender? GARY Um- yeah? CHARLES That's the first year the US allowed those to be imported. Nice car. GARY Thanks. The concern doesn't leave her eyes as she watches him leave. CHARLES Okay then.

INT. FINANCIAL OFFICE - DAY Charles sits in a high-backed leather chair. His beard is scruffy and his eyes sunken. Charles signs a sheet of paper and slides it across the desk. CHARLES Transfer one hundred percent of this to Sarah's account. Zocco gives him a look. ZOCCO Okay. That's a mistake. 66.

CHARLES But I owe her. ZOCCO You only owe her half, says your settlement. You bring out Mr. Generosity at the beginning of the relationship, when you want in. Not when you're getting a divorce. Other Charles leans in. OTHER CHARLES This kind of rash behavior is exactly the type of thing that's going to get us caught. That's why we revert back to- Other Charles shows him a PowerPoint slide that says-- OTHER CHARLES (CONT’D) Don't react emotionally. CHARLES You're right, Chris. Zocco puts an arm on his shoulder. ZOCCO You're damn right I'm right. You need me now more than ever, pal.

INT. SARAH'S HOME OFFICE - DAY Sarah types data into a spreadsheet. The desk phone RINGS. She checks the Caller ID, clicks on her headset. SARAH Hey Bob. Chuck's not here. BOB OS Oh, sorry, he didn't pick up but I'll try his cell again. SARAH Hey, has Chuck been acting strange to you? BOB OS Nothing out of the ordinary. Well I mean, he blew off a lunch last week but I get it, Microsoft is hectic right now. 67.

SARAH Did Charles tell you he lost his job? Bob thinks. BOB OS Okay, that's odd.

INT. EASTSOUND POLICE DEPT. - DAY Tiny police station, a few desks and a holding cell. Crow talks to a KING 5 NEWS REPORTER. FIELD REPORTER Okay, try it again, but amp it up a bit. CROW We know who he is, and what he looks like, and we know there’s no way off this island. He slides the SELFIE from Homegrown Market across the desk. The CAMERAMAN unshoulders his rig. CAMERAMAN That's a cut. CROW Was that dramatic enough? "Meh" shrugs all around.

TV REPORT: EXT. VICTORIAN COTTAGE - DAY A perky NEWS REPORTER does a standup. NEWS REPORTER Authorities have identified “The Barefoot Bandit,” as 17-year-old Colton Harris-Moore, and he's been posting his crimes on Facebook. SHOT of Colton's Facebook page-- it's up to 80,000 followers. Man-on-the-street shots in Eastsound: INTERVIEWEE, 34 Kid is dumb as shit. 68.

NEWS REPORTER Do you follow him? INTERVIEWEE, 22 I follow him. He's cute! INTERVIEWEE, 17 He's just staying at rich people's vacation houses. They should let him be. NEWS REPORTER And he slept in your home? INTERVIEWEE, 47 He actually fixed our broken furnace, so we're fine with it. NEWS REPORTER (VO) Other residents are less enthusiastic: INTERVIEWEE, 39 He took a bath and ate our food. He stole our checkbook too. NEWS REPORTER (VO) And now the quiet people of Orcas island are on high alert. BROOKE In the 25 years we've lived here we've never had to lock our doors. Back in the newsroom: OLD MAN If he comes near my home, I'll shoot him.

INT. MODERN VACATION HOME KITCHEN - DAY A faint BUZZING BG. The TV report plays on a flat screen. COLTON (OS) I'm trembling. ON SCREEN: 69.

NEWS REPORTER Local San Juan Island Detective Jamail Crow says they're pulling out all the stops. AT THE KITCHEN TABLE Colton watches the news as he SHAVES HIS HEAD with a portable electric razor. COLTON Time to jet set the fuck off this island. Colton takes a marker out of a drawer and draws a footprint on the table. He writes Authentic Barefoot Bandit Hair. You're welcome!

INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY ON TV SCREEN: REPORTER resolves the news segment. REPORTER Authorities are closing in and hope to apprehend him soon. Mike? MIKE Coming up, the Democratic ticket of President-Elect Barack Obama's final vote count and weather with Steve Poole. Steve -- STEVE POOLE Put on your winter jackets, higher elevations might get their first snow! Andrea has your forecast when we return. EMPTY TAKEOUT CONTAINERS and to-go boxes make a pathologically organized origami shape on a double bed. Charles takes a white shirt off the ironing board and carefully hangs it in the closet next to 12 other neatly pressed shirts, grouped by color. IN THE BATHROOM: The SCRATCH of razor through foam as Charles shaves. REVERSE POV: Inside the mirror is-- Other Charles shaves. 70.

OTHER CHARLES How to appear normal. Don't show your emotions. Minimize vulnerability. And the most important thing- He taps the keyboard SPACE BAR behind him. A circa 2008 PowerPoint animates to: 1. Rehearse OTHER CHARLES (CONT’D) Rehearse.

INT. HOTEL ROOM - DAY Charles buttons a white collared shirt over his sleeveless undershirt, watching the mirror. CHARLES Sarah’s great. Yeah, she’s— --He puts on his tie, practicing lies. CHARLES (CONT’D) OTHER CHARLES We’ve both been crazy. She’s We’ve both been crazy. She’s got this secret project with got this secret project with Amazon. I feel like I've Amazon. I feel like I've barely seen her- barely seen her- In the mirror, Other Charles holds up a high five. OTHER CHARLES (CONT’D) Fantastic dress rehearsal. CHARLES Why are we doing this? OTHER CHARLES Because, you're a burden. To society. To Sarah. To the baby -- CHARLES No, I mean the wedding. OTHER CHARLES When you're gone, there's going to be an investigation. Wedding's a perfect opportunity to show them, you know, that you're not fucked in the head? Charles corrects himself. 71.

CHARLES When we're gone.

INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY ON SCREEN: The 2D black and white image of CHARLES and SARAH's baby. Charles watches a NURSE run the ultrasound wand over Sarah's slightly protruding abdomen. The nurse points: NURSE That's the left hand. And the right. You've got an active one. SARAH Wow. NURSE Do you want to know the sex? CHARLES SARAH Yes. No! The nurse smiles and puts down the ultrasound wand. NURSE I'll leave you two for just a minute. She exits. SARAH I want to be surprised, okay? A beat as Charles holds the ultrasound picture. CHARLES Sometimes I imagine him– SARAH Or her– CHARLES Or her– five years old. Smiling– with your eyes. SARAH Is she a future engineer? 72.

CHARLES That's a dead end. SARAH No, it's a comma so you can form a new plan. SARAH (CONT’D) You told Bob I was going to the wedding. Why? CHARLES Can you believe this little potato inside your belly will get a driver's license, go to college, and get married? SARAH Charles- Charles stands up, faces the wall. CHARLES I RVSP'd before this was all, official. I can tell him you won't be seeing me anymore. I know having me here is just a courtesy- SARAH I never said this would be easy. Divorce sucks. It's awkward. And it hurts, but you're the father of this child. That's a big part of the equation. CHARLES What kind of job does Gary hold? SARAH Jesus, Charles I have a career. We'll be fine. Charles cries. CHARLES It's not going to be enough. I want more for you, and this baby. Let me prove that to you. SARAH What is wrong with you? 73.

CHARLES I fucked up my job, our marriage, so now I owe you this. SARAH You don't owe me anything. She puts an arm around his shoulder. He buries his face in her neck, hugging her. Her eyes fill with tears. CUT TO:

EXT. AIRPORT ROAD - DAY Colton walks down the gravel. An ORCAS SECURITY RESPONSE van BEEPS and flashes its lights. COLTON Shit. Colton quickens his pace, facing forward. A SPOTLIGHT silhouettes his profile. POLICE (through speaker horn) Stop! Colton throws up a middle finger. He LEAPS -- PARKOURS over a fence and disappears--

EXT. FISHING SHACK - DAY PITCH DARK as Colton steps onto the porch of a rundown shack, the sound beyond. FLOODLIGHTS automatically shine on the house. Colton DROPS AND ROLLS OFF a porch.

EXT. ROAD - CONTINUOUS MUSIC in the distance. The security van shines its BRIGHTS at the wedding. Colton hides underneath a piped cattle guard. POLICE RADIO We lost him. 74.

OFFICER Should we send out a search? POLICE RADIO Yeah. Release the K-9 unit. OFFICER Seriously? POLICE RADIO We don't have dogs, you asshole. Let's call it. CUT TO:

INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Charles peels his notes off the wall and feeds them piece by piece into a shredder. The TV is on. ANCHOR (OS) Right now, a chilly 29 degrees in Seattle, and you guessed it, freezing rain. Complete weather forecast coming up NEXT on King 5 News. THE CALENDAR hangs alone on the wall. All the dates are X'd off except NOVEMBER 12th, which is circled in red. He takes the calendar off the wall and shreds it.

INT. SARAH'S HOME OFFICE - NIGHT Sarah dials CHARLES on her cell.

INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Charles feeds more paper into the shredder. His BLACKBERRY VIBRATES -- Other Charles sits on the bed, looking at the Blackberry. OTHER CHARLES Don't answer it. CHARLES She cares about me. 75.

OTHER CHARLES You don't change the plan because someone gets emotional. The Blackberry keeps BUZZING. OTHER CHARLES (CONT’D) Last chance. CHARLES We're doing this for her. The BLACKBERRY goes dark. OTHER CHARLES I'm proud of you. Charles looks around his empty room. He carries the shredder bin to the closet. He grabs the iron and puts it in a brown paper bag.

INT. MARRIOTT HALLWAY - NIGHT Charles opens his door and looks out. Seeing no one, he carries the bag and bin to the–

INT. STAIRWELL - CONTINUOUS Charles trudges up five flights to the roof exit-- "EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY. ALARM WILL SOUND." Charles tests the alarm with one finger. Nothing. He pushes it all the way. The door opens.

EXT. MARRIOTT ROOFTOP - CONTINOUS Charles PROPS the door open with the iron. He takes lighter fluid out of the bag and SQUIRTS a ton of it over the shredded paper. He tilts a fireplace lighter into the wastebasket– FOOOOM!-- six foot flames. Suddenly, the roof feels very exposed. Charles watches it burn. A SIREN sounds across town. 76.

Off the siren, Charles stomps his foot in the bin to kill the fire. Ash sprays up, covering him in soot, but it's out. He grabs the can– burning his hands. CHARLES Ow! Shit. He takes off his shirt and wraps his hands.

INT. STAIRWELL - CONTINUOUS Charles carries the smoking bin and the bag down the stairs to the-—

MARRIOTT HALLWAY Charles puts the trash can down at his door and drops the bag. He opens the door, pushing everything inside with his feet. SIRENS are louder now. The HOTEL FIRE ALARMS kick in.

INT. HOTEL BATHROOM - NIGHT Charles puts the can in the shower, turns the water on. The ashes HISS out. He pours them down the toilet. He scrubs the bin clean and pours that in as well. FLUSHES. The toilet plugs. The water crests- Charles reaches his arm into the bowl and grabs a hand full of wet ash. The bowl EMPTIES. He drops a little more ash in and FLUSHES again. It works. He does it again as SIRENS CRESCENDO and lights flash outside the window.

EXT. MARRIOTT COURTYARD PARKING LOT - NIGHT Guests mill around in nightwear, blankets and jackets. A FIREFIGHTER picks up a bullhorn– 77.

FIREFIGHTER All clear everyone. You can go back to your rooms. Wrapped in a blanket, Charles walks away from the scene. CUT TO:

INT. SARAH'S BEDROOM - DAY Sarah turns over in bed, restless. She checks her cell on the nightstand. No calls.

INT. SARAH'S CAR - DAY She drives onto the Anacortes Ferry. She tries to call Charles again. It immediately goes to voicemail.

EXT. BRANDT'S LANDING - CONTINUOUS Colton disappears into the CROWD. He turns to see a giant party just across the street. COLTON God damnit. Now what?

EXT. BRANDT'S LANDING - DAY A beautiful grassy area overlooking the harbor. White tent, food trucks: An outdoor wedding in full force. A DJ spins as couples dance next to the bride and groom. Under the tent, Bob approaches Charles. BOB Sarah couldn't make it? CHARLES She's been crazy. New Amazon project just dropped in her lap before the- Sarah approaches from over Charles' shoulder, saving face- SARAH Who's been crazy? 78.

BOB You! CHARLES Crazy pregnant I mean- Charles LAUGHS like he did in the mirror. Sarah gives Bob a look. He looks at her subtly, and then searches Charles' face. SARAH I'm going to hop in line. You want a beer? CHARLES Thanks, hon! Sarah exits. BOB Looks like the weather's getting worse. Should we just take a boat over? CHARLES Roche is an eight-minute flight. BOB So you got this? CHARLES Bob, go enjoy your son’s wedding. BOB's wife, LISA waves at him from across the tent. Bob nods but then stops-- BOB What if we get stuck up there? CHARLES Then we'll improvise! BOB I'm counting on you. Charles' smile fades.

EXT. WOODS - DAY Colton watches the party through the brush. 79.

He puts on a clean t-shirt and a pair of shoes. Stashes his pack behind a tree and wipes the sweat from his shaved head.

EXT. BRANDT'S LANDING - DAY Colton comes out of the woods into a parking area. He stays in the shadows, moving closer to the party. He ducks between two cars as a drunk GROOMSMAN and BRIDESMAID swerve arm in arm toward him. GROOMSMAN And this, this is the parking lot! BRIDESMAID You are so bad. Colton watches them stop at a parked limo, decorated and with a "JUST MARRIED" sign on the back. The Groomsman pulls her into a kiss. They lean up against the car, making out — tangling in the “just married” cans. She peels off his jacket. He flings it onto the roof of the limo. Colton looks at his watch. Mid make-out, the GROOMSMAN pulls keys out of his pocket and CLICKS them. The limo lights FLASH. He opens the back door. GROOMSMAN Madame? She GIGGLES. BRIDESMAID Oooh. Chivalry! They continue making out, sliding inside the limo. The bridesmaid pulls the door shut. Colton strolls by, casually grabs the tux jacket and puts it on. Jeans, tux, t-shirt. Totally hip.

EXT. CATERING TRUCK - NIGHT A CATERER explains the menu to Colton at a galvanized-steel food truck called Grill + Fork. 80.

CATERER (O.S.) ...or the Kobe burger with aged Jarlsberg on a house-baked roll, accompanied by truffle-oil infused organic Idaho potato fries. COLTON What's Kobe? CATERER It's a kind of pampered cow. Very popular in LA. COLTON Sounds good. Can I get a beer too? CATERER Can I get some ID? COLTON Sure. He reaches into his pocket and hands over a license. CATERER Thanks Mr. Archambault. Colton takes the plate.

EXT. HANGAR - NIGHT WEDDING FESTIVITIES continue across the airport. Charles, still in his suit, holds the pre-flight checklist. He pushes a bottle up under the wing to check the fuel. He sees Colton watching him, eating a burger. Off Charles' look, Colton walks over and holds out his hand. COLTON Hey– Jack Archambault. Charles takes his hand, not smiling. And looking carefully at Colton's face. CHARLES Oh hey! Chuck Oppermann. COLTON Leaving? 81.

CHARLES I'm flying the bride and groom to their honeymoon suite at Roche Harbor. (a beat) What are you here for, to pick pockets? Colton looks at him, caught. CHARLES (CONT’D) Saw you on TV. You're a pretty famous kid. I'm surprised you'd go out in public-- even with the buzz cut. Off PARTY SOUNDS Colton looks back toward the wedding. THE entire WEDDING PARTY heads toward the hangar. COLTON You gonna call the cops? Charles shakes his head. CHARLES What are you, 19? COLTON 17. And a half. CHARLES And you're doing what? Breaking into houses and getting "likes"? COLTON At least I'll be remembered. CHARLES For a minute. Then the world fucks you or you fuck it up all on your own. (a beat) Even if you take all the right steps, in the end it doesn't go the way you planned. (laughs) But why not try, right? THE BOISTEROUS WEDDING CROWD swarms the hangars, surrounding Colton and Charles. Charles looks at his checklist. Colton backs away. 82.

COLTON You must have some sort of death wish going up in a storm like that. Charles turns and gets right up in Colton's face. CHARLES See ya. Colton smirks. COLTON Safe flight. CHARLES The only people who say “safe flight” are the ones who’re afraid to fly.

EXT. HANGAR - CONTINUOUS Colton, in the back of the crowd now, raises his glass with the other wedding goers as the NEWLYWEDS run to the Cessna. Bob jumps up to the passenger side door. BOB Everybody move WAY back! Charles leans out the pilot side window. He and Colton lock eyes. Charles nods. CHARLES Prop clear! BOB Prop clear! The WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER snaps photos. PHOTOGRAPHER Look back. Big smiles. Now wave. The PROPELLER ROARS. The plane taxis out. Colton watches the plane take off. He tosses his paper plate, disappears into the dark.

INT. PLANE - NIGHT From the cockpit -- the plane touches down on the grass strip, and taxis to a golf cart. 83.

EXT. CESSNA 182 - NIGHT The golf cart pulls away, carrying the newlyweds. Bob and Charles stand together in the mist. BOB Spoke to Sarah, told me you lost your job. And that you guys separated. CHARLES Yeah. BOB Chuck. CHARLES I'm sorry I didn't tell you. BOB Should I be worried about you? Charles avoids his eyes. BOB (CONT’D) I know by definition I'm a talk show host, but I can listen if you need me. CHARLES I'm good. Bob turns to exit -- Charles looks at him. CHARLES (CONT’D) Mind if I take the plane this week? Bob looks at him. BOB What for? CHARLES Refresher hours for my IFR. Kenmore might use me part-time. Might be fun while I figure out what to do about Microsoft. BOB Yeah, of course. 84.

EXT. WOODS - DAWN Colton lies down in his sleeping bag. He leans over, OPENS a camouflage booby-trap to reveal a crate of STASHED GOODS: knives, food, money, flashlight, laptop, etc. He picks up an iPhone: COLTON (TEXT) Fucking cold this morning. Colton puts an emergency flashlight on the left side of the sleeping bag, a plastic bottle of iced tea on his right. HARVEY (TEXT) They say you're stuck, no way to get off the island. Colton takes off his sweatshirt revealing a t-shirt with a black Mercedes-Benz emblem. He folds the sweatshirt under his head and lays back, holding up the phone in selfie mode. COLTON (TEXT) Cops are dumb as shit. HARVEY (TEXT) What’s your next chess move? COLTON (TEXT) B-A-H-A-M-A B-O-U-N-D. HARVEY (TEXT) You're going to get yourself killed. Colton looks at the pic on his screen. COLTON (TEXT) New profile pic... He puts in his earbuds. He checks his shot again. He bends some fern branches to frame his head. Satisfied, he SNAPS the selfie. Sends it. COLTON (TEXT) (CONT’D) Check it- Colton presses play on his phone-GREGORIAN CHANT MUSIC blares. He leans back, and turns up the volume. 85.

HARVEY (TEXT) I can’t believe your fucking face has 100,000 followers. COLTON (TEXT) What’d I tell ya...You gotta dream big.

INT. HOTEL DE HARO -- DAWN Sunlight splits through the shutters and into Charles' eye. OTHER CHARLES Good morning.

EXT. ISLAND GROCERY MARKET - DAY TWO BLACK SUVs slide into the curb as Crow comes out of the alley. CECILIA HAN and DAN FORTH, both in FBI vests, step out. HAN Crow! If you're not keeping the streets of Seattle clean, who is? CROW I got tired of getting shot at and now I'm tired of chasing an angry teenager. (beat) You guys taking over? HAN Course not. Since when did petty island theft become a national security concern? FORTH This is where we hang out in paradise, and haul the guy in on mail fraud charges- if you can catch him, that is. A GERMAN SHEPHERD and HANDLER jump out of the other FBI SUV. CROW (off the dog) I see you brought the real brains of the organization. 86.

CECILIA Yup. Brought some toys, too.

EXT. ALLEY PARKING LOT - DAY Han leans over the control panel of a brand new, 2008 FBI heat-seeking drone. Mounted on a car trailer, it's an 8-foot state-of-the-art helicopter emblazoned with the FBI logo. HAN State of the art technology, baby. The drone engine WHIRS. She closes the panel. HAN (CONT’D) CLEAR! She presses down on the joystick- the drone LIFTS OFF. ON THE CONTROL SCREEN: Dull BLUE streets, buildings range from a warm YELLOW to hot RED. The drone banks to track the red-hot bodies of three bright orange FBI agents cops, and K-9's.

EXT. SMUGGLER'S COVE - DAY A marina half full of pleasure boats, next to the airport on Orcas. Tennis courts and sleepy cottages. Colton approaches the electronic gate leading to the boat dock. He tries the handle, it's locked. The top of the fence is pointy sharp and curved outward- not an easy scramble. MAN (OS) Visiting? Startled, Colton turns to the voice. COLTON Yeah, I'm staying on my uncle's boat. The MAN is DALE, 40, well-muscled. Shorts, Lacoste shirt and deck shoes. He carries a metal thermos of coffee. DALE Which one? 87.

COLTON That one. The– (he almost stumbles) San JuanaYouLookingAt. Colton points to a 42-foot sailboat. Except for the stupid name, it's a flawless wood-decked beauty. The man looks Colton over. DALE So you're Alex. COLTON Yeah. DALE Dave didn't mention you were coming. COLTON He's meeting me tomorrow. Gave me the boat key, but I forgot the gate code. The man hesitates for a moment, then, subtly shielding the keypad from Colton's view, enters the code. The gate opens. DALE Dale Bronfman, but people call me Captain. He holds out his hand. Colton shakes. COLTON Nice to meet you, Captain. DALE Have a great stay, son. I'll be just over on the "Busted Flush" if you need anything. Colton follows Dale's point to a boat halfway down the row. COLTON Thanks! Colton heads for the sailboat. Dale sips his coffee, watching him. 88.

EXT. SAILBOAT - DAY Colton walks to the end of the dock and hops on the sailboat like he owns it. He examines a lock on the cabin hatch. He reaches into his backpack, PULLS out a lock pick kit.

EXT. BOAT -- BUSTED FLUSH - DAY Dale sits on deck with a newspaper. In the distance he hears a CRASH. He looks up.

EXT. SAILBOAT - DAY Colton catches Dave's eye and waves. He slides down the ladder into the cabin.

INT. SAILBOAT CABIN - DAY Colton opens the top drawer in the built-in master bedroom cabinet. He pockets a clip of $100’s. He opens the next drawer– socks. He rummages through and finds a HANDGUN and BULLETS in a ziploc bag. COLTON Hel-lo. This is my good friend Smith and his buddy Wesson. He sticks the bag in his pack.

EXT. SAILBOAT - DAY Colton comes up the ladder, replaces the broken hatch cover.

EXT. SMUGGLER'S COVE - DAY Colton jumps down from the boat and almost bumps into DALE, blocking his way. DALE Hey Alex. COLTON What's up? 89.

DALE Dave's nephew's name is Jackson. Dave's in his office, won't be on island till next weekend. Colton smiles. COLTON Yeah well I gotta go. TWO ISLAND POLICE CARS SQUEAL into the parking lot. DALE Yup. Your ride's here. Colton BARRELS INTO DALE- who goes down. Colton runs down the dock away from the cops. He realizes too late it's a dead end at the narrow harbor channel. Crow, Ryan and another COP jump out of their cars. Dale points. DALE (CONT’D) That’s him! Colton puts the backpack on, runs back to the boat. He pulls down the 8 foot DINGY off the back. It DROPS-- SPLASH! Colton JUMPS in and THROTTLES -- making his escape. Ryan pulls his gun. RYAN Stop! Police! Colton REVVS all-out. Ryan FIRES. His shot pierces the water inches from Colton. Crow grabs Ryan's arm and points it down. CROW Hold your fire! Jesus Christ! He's a thief, we're not trying to kill him! RYAN Sorry- I just got excited. 90.

EXT. SAN JUAN ISLANDS -- WATER - DAY Colton rides along the glossy waters. He pulls up to a COVE--

EXT. ROCHE HARBOR MARINA & RESORT - DAY Colton ditches the Dingy in a quiet marsh--

EXT. ROCHE HARBOR PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS Colton crouches between two parked cars. Grabs the handle of a pickup– it's locked. Tries a teal Saturn- it opens. Colton jumps into the Saturn. He leans down to feel for wires under the steering wheel. The keys hit him in the nose-- they hang in the ignition. COLTON I love this island even more. He STARTS THE ENGINE, sprays gravel as he peels out. He blasts the heat and hits the radio. LETHARGIC COUNTRY MUSIC plays. He TURNS IT UP.

EXT. ROCHE HARBOR PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS SIRENS BLARE. COLTON What the fuck? Colton's Saturn circles a roundabout, when-- Two police cars pull up and SQUEAL to a halt. COLTON (CONT’D) Shit! Colton SKIDS, FISHTAILS -- then SMASHES into a parked delivery van. Colton jumps out. The DELIVERY VAN pushes his handcart full of merchandise out of the grocery store. He stops, staring at his now-damaged truck. Colton runs past, grabs a Dasani water and Snickers bar from the top of the stack -- disappears between two stores– 91.

The DELIVERY GUY almost gets hit.

EXT. EASTSOUND ALLEY - CONTINUOUS Tame island DEER look up as Colton bolts by them and hops a FENCE into the–

EXT. WOODS - CONTINUOUS Colton runs along the fence until he hits a trail, then follows it away from town. He splashes through a brook up the opposite bank.

EXT. EASTSOUND ALLEY - DAY Crow runs into the alley, followed by DANIELS, a heavyset cop. Deer scatter. Crow jumps halfway up the fence, scrambles up. Daniels stops at the bottom, winded. Crow looks down. CROW What- you need a boost? DANIELS I'm too old for this shit. Ryan's RADIO GOES OFF– RYAN'S VOICE (OS) Detective, FBI's on com. Crow hurls his body halfway over the fence. CROW (to Daniels) Looks like you're off the hook, Daniels.

EXT. WOODS - DAY Breath steaming, Colton sprints past an apple orchard. He hears the BUZZ of the DRONE closing in. Colton RUNS. 92.

The DRONE IS ALMOST HERE-- Colton SPRINTS for a small pond and LUNGES under freezing water– The cold hits him hard. He struggles to hold his breath. UNDERWATER: Colton looks up- 80 feet above, the DRONE passes over the pond. He waits a beat, then exhales out a SCREAM.

EXT. BAR PATIO - NIGHT A CANON fires -- BANG! Charles spills his drink. Charles sips his whiskey, he watches dock staff fold the flags on the dock. TAPS is played (carry throughout)--

TV CLIP PAM, Colton's Mother, dressed and made up for her interview. PAM He’s just a boy, trying to survive. Cut to the reporter standup: REPORTER The manhunt may go through the night--

EXT. WOODED CAMPSITE - NIGHT Colton shivering, wet and barefoot, drags himself through the bushes to his hidden pile of stuff– Reporter continues-- REPORTER (OS) --as authorities believe they’ve pinpointed his whereabouts. Colton strips down, throwing his clothes over some low branches. ANCHOR (OS) Thanks Tom. Next on KING 5 news-- 93.

Naked, Colton slips into his sleeping bag. His hands tremble as he opens his pack and unwraps a foil survival blanket. He drapes it over himself and the bag silver side up, covering his face. ANCHOR (OS) (CONT’D) --Brining your Turkey this Thanksgiving? Ray has three tips when we come back-- Beneath the blanket, Colton's body convulses.

INT. SARAH'S CAR - DAY Sarah sips her coffee and drives to the Orcas ferry, on the phone with the Pharmacy. SARAH He missed his prescription this month? (beat) No worries. He'll be by later. Sarah hangs up and dials-- SARAH (CONT’D) Gary, I need you to do me a favor.

INT. SARAH'S HOME OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Gary takes the life insurance policy terms out from the blue folder on her desk. He opens it and reads it to Sarah: GARY Death beneficiary. Sarah Oppermann $2 million Type: irrevocable life insurance trust policy-

EXT. ROAD - CONTINUOUS Sarah slams on her brakes.

INT. CAR - CONTINUOUS The line catches Sarah's attention. SARAH I gotta go. She hangs up and dials: 94.

SARAH (CONT’D) Hey Chris, it's Sarah. Did you and Charles made updates to his Microsoft life insurance policy?

EXT. FERRY TERMINAL - DAY Bob exits the ferry and walks back to his car in the paid parking lot. Answers his iPhone. BOB Sarah. SARAH VO Bob. Where's Chuck? BOB He's taking my plane. I'll see him this afternoon. Why? SARAH VO From Orcas or Roche? BOB Roche. SARAH VO Shit. Sarah hangs up.

EXT. CAR - DAY She pulls a U-turn and floors it.

EXT. HILLSIDE - DAY High above the airstrip and Puget Sound, Colton climbs with both hands up a steep trail. In the distance, a NEWS HELICOPTER flies by.

EXT. ROCHE HARBOR AIRSTRIP - DAY Charles approaches the front gate. The airport windsock FLAPS VIOLENTLY. Charles scrolls to BOB RIVERS on his Blackberry. 95.

BOB (TEXT) Hey Chuck, Sarah texted. Seems pretty worried. CHARLES (TEXT) She's always like that! BOB (TEXT) I don't need the plane back right away. It can wait. CHARLES (TEXT) Nonsense! I already made plans to stop off at Harvey Field and meet up with Donovan. Can't back out now. I'll make an approach into Boeing 1:30 at the latest. See you there. Another incoming text from Bob, but Charles ignores it and walks toward the hangar. CHARLES (CONT’D) (hits himself) Fuck!

INT. EASTSOUND POLICE DEPARTMENT - DAY Crow highlights a map of Orcas taped to the wall. He's turned half the island yellow. Ryan enters. RYAN I found more highlighters. He dumps the box on a table. CROW We've covered half the neighborhoods, the marina, the ferry terminal and all the scheduled float planes. Island Air‘s gonna let us know about every departure in and out of Roche, Orcas, everywhere. Ryan scrolls Colton's Facebook Feed. ON SCREEN: A Picture of the Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas. RYAN What if he flies? 96.

CROW What part of "we covered the float planes and Island Air" didn't you understand? RYAN No, wait. Ryan reaches into an evidence box. RYAN (CONT’D) I mean what if HE flies. He holds up the controls to Colton's Flight Simulator. CROW Nobody steals planes. (a beat) Who’d be stupid enough to steal a plane? RYAN Who would post his own crime spree on Facebook? CROW Son of a bitch. He exits. Ryan starts to clean up coffee mugs. Crow sticks his head back in. CROW (CONT’D) You coming or not? Ryan drops the cups and runs after.

EXT. AIRSTRIP - DAY Colton walks through the woods along the edge of the tarmac. Across the runway, he watches CHARLES take the key out of the fake rock and open the hangar. COLTON Sorry Chuck, my time to fly. 97.

EXT. FERRY - CONTINUOUS Sarah's on the deck leaving the port of Orcas. She dials Charles. It rings once then pauses-- SARAH Hello? Hello- Charles? She runs to the stern- dials back as the dock recedes in the distance. No bars. SARAH (CONT’D) Shit. LAP OVER: CHARLES' VOICEMAIL Hey, it's Chuck. You know what to do.

EXT. AIRPORT - CONTINUOUS BUZZ. Incoming voicemail. Charles listens-- SARAH VO Hey. I'm heading to Roche. Charles, I don't want you to leave without me, okay? Other Charles steps outside of the open hangar door. OTHER CHARLES What are you doing? CHARLES Fuck! He walks around the side of the hangar. There's a porta-potty against the wall. SARAH VO I forgot to tell you I've been thinking about baby names. Maybe if it's a girl, we could call her Anna– if it's a boy I really like Aidan. He takes a deep breath. OTHER CHARLES Hang up the phone, Chuck. 98.

CHARLES Fine. Charles slips the phone back into his pocket.

EXT. GRASS TARMAC - DAY Other Charles pulls the Cessna off the grass and checks the fuel. OTHER CHARLES You want me to fly? CHARLES Okay.

EXT. WOODS - DAY AND EXT. ROCHE HARBOR GRASS TARMAC [INTERCUT AS NEEDED] Colton watches through binoculars. Other Charles pulls out the LAMINATED CHECKLIST. He runs his finger to STEP 1: REMOVE TOWBAR. Charles does as instructed. CHARLES No one's going to check if we ran pre-flight -- OTHER CHARLES Stick to the plan, Chuck. Colton calls out the next item on the list by memory before Other Charles checks it. COLTON Parking brake, set. Charles sticks his head in the cabin to check the brake. Other Charles runs his finger down to the next item. Colton paces. COLTON (CONT’D) Flaps. Charles moves the yoke. The wing flaps move. SIRENS SCREAM IN THE DISTANCE. COLTON (CONT’D) Hurry. The. Fuck. Up. 99.

Charles sets a step ladder under the wing. Colton's still pacing. COLTON (CONT’D) Left Wing: Check fuel quantity. Charles unscrews the gas cap on top of the wing, and looks inside. COLTON (CONT’D) There ya go. (a beat) Stall warning vent? Charles takes a toothbrush and scrubs the small hole of the stall warning vent. Colton puts the binoculars in his backpack. COLTON (CONT’D) That's right. Colton takes the plastic bag containing the PISTOL out of his backpack. COLTON (CONT’D) Aileron. Charles moves a wing flap up and down again. Colton loads the pistol. COLTON (CONT’D) Actuator Rod. CHARLES It's pretty windy up there. I don't know. Other Charles gives a look. OTHER CHARLES See. This is why you need me. Other Charles reaches under the wing and pulls on a rod against the aircraft body. Colton puts on his backpack. Other Charles looks over the list. Done. He opens the door to the cockpit. OTHER CHARLES (CONT’D) After you. 100.

Charles gets in. Holding the pistol, Colton walks out of the woods onto the tarmac. COLTON And, ignition.

INT. CESSNA 182 - DAY Other Charles fires up the engine. The prop SPUTTERS then ROARS.

EXT. GRASS TARMAC - CONTINOUS Colton YANKS back the pilot door. Charles looks up, one arm in his shoulder harness. Colton smiles. COLTON Hey Chuck, good to see you again. Other Charles looks from Colton's face to the pistol– CHARLES Archambault? Colton grabs Charles and PULLS him onto the tarmac. Charles hits the ground hard. Sits up, dazed. Colton walks toward him, raising his pistol arm. COLTON Sorry, man. Flight’s cancelled. Colton CRACKS him in the side of the head. Charles SLAMS to the tarmac, BLEEDING from his forehead. Colton runs for the plane. Charles touches his head. Looks at his bloody hand, then in disbelief, at Colton. Colton jumps in the cockpit and SLAMS the door. Other Charles, bloody, crawls toward the plane. 101.

INT. CESSNA 182 - CONTINUOUS Colton drops the gun on the dash. He fastens his shoulder harness and checks the controls. COLTON Throttle. Wheel. Brake. Radio. Colton puts the headset on, grinning ear to ear. He looks at the WINDSOCK– fully blooming as the wind gusts. Colton PULLS BACK the throttle. The ENGINE ROARS. He releases the brakes. SCREAMS in fear and joy. COLTON (CONT’D) YEEEAAAAAHHHH! The plane JERKS, then pivots toward the runway. THE PASSENGER DOOR OPENS. Other Charles tackles Colton, jamming him against the pilot door. COLTON (CONT’D) What the fuck? Other Charles struggles for the door handle, trying to open it. OTHER CHARLES I need this plane. Colton feels around the dashboard for the GUN. COLTON Get off of me. Other Charles connects with the door handle- OTHER CHARLES You can't ruin this. The door OPENS. Colton falls halfway out- hanging by his shoulder harness. Other Charles goes for the buckle. Colton sees the gun, reaches. It's just a few inches away. His arm trembles. COLTON I said- get off me fool! Colton's hand CLOSES ON THE GUN. 102.

He puts it to Other Charles' head. COLTON (CONT’D) (screaming) I have a gun pointed directly at your head. Charles freezes, still on top of Colton. CHARLES Oh please, God. COLTON Get. The. FUUUUCK. Back! Charles pushes himself slowly back to the passenger side. OTHER CHARLES You don't understand. Colton's enraged now. COLTON No, Chuck. You don't understand. I don't want to kill you. Other Charles looks at him. Looks at the gun. COLTON (CONT’D) It's a fucking airplane! You're trying to make me kill you, for what? (a beat) Do you want to die? A long beat. COLTON (CONT’D) Do you!? It's barely a whisper: CHARLES No. Please. Colton's gun arm trembles. COLTON Get out. Other Charles lurks out. 103.

OTHER CHARLES We need to finish. Without this plane, everything we’ve been working on will be for nothing. We can't let that happen, again. COLTON Get back! Colton puts his finger on the trigger. Pulls the hammer back. On Other Charles as he discovers: OTHER CHARLES No! Colton swings his legs around and KICKS Other Charles out the open passenger door. Colton points the gun after him, aiming high, and FIRES. The shot HITS the tarmac beyond the wing. Charles snaps out of it, covers his head and RUNS. OTHER CHARLES (CONT’D) You fucking coward. Come back! Finish this. CHARLES No... He stumbles into the field of tied-down planes.

INT. CESSNA 182 Colton pulls the passenger door shut. He REVS the plane and turns down the runway-

EXT. GRASS TARMAC GASPING for breath Charles shelters behind the wheel of a parked Cessna. The Cessna prop REVS TO TAKEOFF SPEED. SIRENS CLOSER now.

INT. CESSNA 182 Colton puts the headset on and CLICKS the radio. 104.

COLTON NOVEMBER 24658 departing Eastsound Runway One Six heading north to the fuck you'd like to know! No response. Colton smiles and releases the brake.

EXT. GRASS TARMAC The plane SURGES forward, cuts across the grass to the middle of the runway-- Half the distance from the a low rock wall and the sound. CHARLES No. He's short.


EXT. GRASS TARMAC The plane ACCELERATES-- One wheel picks up, SLAMS back down. 1200 feet of runway left.

EXT. GRASS TARMAC Charles watches the plane bounce toward the end of the runway. CHARLES Pull up!

INT. CESSNA 182 600 feet of runway. The STALL ALARM blares Colton jerks the rudder up, THROTTLES UP more. The plane weaves right. 105.

EXT. GRASS TARMAC The plane veers, one wheel bounces over grass.

INT. CESSNA 182 Colton pulls left, back onto runway. 150 feet- Faster now, dead ahead: a low wall of giant rocks and the wide open PUGET SOUND. COLTON Come on! Arghhh. He pulls the wheel all the way down– the elevators on the wing lift him just a little-

EXT. GRASS TARMAC The Cessna BOUNCES, LIFTS, clears the rocks by inches and DROPS– tires splash against the water like a skipping stone.

INT. CESSNA 182 Colton tips the wing to the right, one wheel lifts out of the water. He tilts left, the other wheel clears the waves — He gains ALTITUDE above the sound- and FLIES! Colton LAUGHS as the plane stabilizes. Miniature cop cars flash below like matchbox toys, heading to the airport entrance. Colton tips the plane over the marina and banks southeast towards the Cascade mountains. COLTON (singing) And I’m freeeeeeee... The plan hits an air pocket and DROPS 20 feet. Colton FREEZES, waiting for disaster. It doesn't come. The air smooths out. He relaxes. COLTON (CONT’D) ...Free fallin’! 106.

EXT. ORCAS TARMAC Charles watches the Cessna rise in the distance. THE WINDSOCK flaps harder. SIRENS getting closer. Charles grabs the strut of a plane, pulls himself up. Bloody and bent, he limps to the airport gate. He opens it wide as- Two police cars, SIRENS BLARING, race through the gate and onto the airport. Crow's car SKIDS to a stop in front of Charles. Charles stands tall. Crow rolls down the window, takes in the blood. CROW Where is the kid? Charles points down the runway. Crow PEELS OUT. Two black SUV's blast through the gate and brake at the police cars. The FBI agents jump out with leashed K-9's. Crow and Ryan get out of their car and look downfield. A tiny plane banks right over the water– Charles takes a breath, pulls out his phone. Dials. SARAH (OS) Charles? He turns- she's right there -- running toward him from the gate. CHARLES Sarah? She grabs him. SARAH Charles I'm here. (yelling) HELP! There's a man injured here. He looks at her like he hasn't seen her in years. 107.

CHARLES Sarah. SARAH (O.S.) Charles. CHARLES I want to live. Sarah holds him. Charles looks for Other Charles, he's gone. Charles SOBS. CHARLES (CONT’D) I want to live. COPS run toward them– WIND GUSTS bend the trees against the overcast sky. PRELAP: DRONE of a Cessna as: CUT TO: The plane CLIMBS through darkening clouds toward the barely visible CASCADE MOUNTAINS in the distance. PRELAP: Rain PELTS METAL–

INT. CESSNA 182 – LATER A WHITEOUT IN THE CLOUDS- Colton strains to see something- anything- through the sheeting rain pouring down the windshield. Colton looks out at the WINGS. A sudden learning and a flash of sun glints off A SHEEN OF CLEAR ICE– Then it's gone– nothing but thick clouds over and under him. TURBULENCE hits the plane– it DROPS, catches air, RISES and DROPS again– Colton looks at the instruments. The FUEL GAUGE hovers just above empty. COLTON Oh fuck.

EXT. CESSNA 182 – DAY Glancing views of the CESSNA through the clouds. 108.

The single PROP MOTOR struggles against ROARING WIND.

INT. CESSNA 182 – DAY COLTON fights to keep the plane level– INSERT: The attitude indicator jiggles left and right, bounces like it’s broken– The STALL ALARM BLARES. Colton PUKES all over the cockpit. He looks at the FUEL GAUGE– Almost EMPTY. Colton STRAINS to see something, anything out the window. The COCKPIT SHAKES– then: The clouds break– there's a patch of sun. Colton turns to it. Below him, a steep mountainside falls off. He's just above the peaks of the Cascades. Colton looks for a place to land. He's headed DOWN along the slope of the mountain. The fuel gauge REDLINES. ALARMS BLARE. He looks up to see A GIANT MOUNTAIN WALL coming straight for him. He BANKS HARD LEFT. The plane BARELY TURNS. COLTON Come on! The Cessna drops. The engine SPUTTERS, out of gas. A THUMP as the plane hits a pocket of turbulence. The ICE SHATTERS and slides off the wings. Colton holds on desperately, looks for a clearing.

EXT. 5 NORTH TAVERN, YAKIMA INDIAN RESERVATION - DAY On log benches outside the wood-frame tavern, HUNTERS in camouflage TOAST the hunt with beers. Behind them, dark clouds obscure the peak of a huge wilderness mountain. 109.

Colton's CESSNA comes toward them out of the clouds, descending toward the nearly open field at valley's end. It SPUTTERS as it passes overhead– too low and dropping. HUNTER Holy shit! ANOTHER HUNTER That guy's going down. HUNTER Frank, call an ambulance.

INT. CESSNA 182/EXT. YAKIMA MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY THE ENGINE STOPS. Colton steers toward a field– willing the plane to turn. The field is hilly, dotted with trees and brush, but that’s all there is. Colton pulls back on the yoke, noses the plane up, trying to get it level and slow. The GROUND rushes up–- A TREE CATCHES the right wing, turning the plane. The wings RIP THROUGH BRUSH as a tire BURSTS and the landing gear SMASHES. It HITS THE GROUND on its left side, CRUSHING the left wing, but doesn't flip– SKIDS up a hill and SLAMS into a mound of dirt and rock and BRUSH. The dust settles. SMOKE POURS from the crushed wing. SILENCE. The wing BURSTS INTO FLAME.

INT. CESSNA 182 - DAY SMOKE fills the cabin. Colton sits sideways in the wreckage, door above him, bleeding from his face and shoulder. His shirt is covered in vomit. 110.

He unclips the seat belt and FALLS toward the passenger seat. He grabs his backpack. Slowly, he hauls himself up to the pilot-side door and pushes it upward.

EXT. YAKIMA MOUNTAINSIDE - DAY Smoke and FLAME waft past the plane's tail. Colton, hauls his bruised body out of the fuselage. He steps onto the wing amongst the burnt wreckage— And LAUGHS HIS ASS OFF. He LAUGHS for a very long time. SIRENS sound in the distance. Colton steps off the wing, and lopes off into the woods. Where he stood on the wing: A FOOTPRINT outlined in blood. FADE TO BLACK.

END TITLES: Colton Harris Moore eluded police and went on to steal five more airplanes. He was captured in the Bahamas on July 11, 2010. Charles Oppermann still works in tech and lives happily in Florida. He and Sarah share custody of their son. They did not name him "Colton". Totaled by the insurance company, Skylane Cessna 182 N24658 was rebuilt and is available for rent or purchase at the Orlando North Air Park in Florida. ROLL CREDITS. END.