TURAL HI PTORY CANAGONA WILADCZa4. voihnitaK ottiosi • .7° erc I a IMO% 0‘ 11 a 111 #141..■ V .4 t - - ° , . ,.. ...it. **.t. ,:- ■■,4 • . t •• — a , -. , ."; * -- . .• • - . 7.-7- ;„_*^C. 7,1. -- - :*:::2 -::' ::-. .-'Z ..- ...# "`..,...-- 4*-'- *-...1 •-- TA '' .gs"i".',..•'...z'.,:z.' • `•*: "*-- ".**, **-,-;. 4 ......, - ,... -,„,_.,...,.,.... z.,, .....4 s- --.... ----- •- ...e -. • _ ,-....0-1c 4.. .,. ..--.." ..,k ..: ,....... - •---..---_ ,..., .... ;••••• 4 4.:4,..A% qw,lb.......... r,,,....._-."•-----.. , - - --. „ ..r........ , ..... -..,........ ....... _ I ..:11i,,,, ..- *. p ,..".„. --, , - ...1 ..,. '"" .......... - ...;,. ..P..** .... •,-, -*-- . ,.... 'nes.. ,,,,__fir,_ ''''' _ '`w• e _ z ,-- • 'At''1 , • A CULTURAL HISTORY OF THE CANACONA TALUKA OF GOA THESIS submitted to GOA UNIVERSITY for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in HISTORY by PANDURANG R. PHALDESAI under the guidance of DR. PRATIMA P. KAMAT, Head, Department of History, Goa University. 1 k ■ ) (1) (2X7D3 (./?_ K-ec- vt 4:VT) ► DECLARATION [ under 0.19.800 1 This thesis is based entirely on the original work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr. Pratima Kamat. To the best of my knowledge, the present study is the first comprehensive work of its kind from the area mentioned. The literature related to the problem investigated has been surveyed and list of references is appended. Due acknowledgements have been made wherever outside facilities and suggestions have been availed of. I hereby declare that the thesis or part thereof has not been published anywhere or in other form. It has not been previously submitted by me for a degree of any university. Certified that the above statement made by the candidate is correct. ( r. Pratima K t) Guide CERTIFICATE [ under 0.19.8 (vi)] This is to certify that the thesis entitled "A Cultural History of the Canacona Taluka of Goa." submitted by Pandurang R.
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