Sisters in Islam Annual Review 2012 VISION Annual Review 2012 SOCIETAL VISION: To be a progressive and democratic society that upholds freedom of expression, gender equality and social justice for all.

Message from the Executive Director 2 ORGANISATIONAL VISION: To be recognised as the national and global leader for gender Advocacy, Legal Services and Public Education 5 equality and justice in Islam. Communications, Research and Publications 21 MISSION Musawah 29

To promote the principles of gender equality, Operations 37 justice, freedom and dignity in Islam and empower women to be advocates for change. Acknowledgements 42 where the texts, ideas and theories So to counter-argue, we too must to tap into the organisation’s collective Message from the come face to face with the lived read the texts, carefully. But to really energy, courage, resolve, wisdom, Executive Director realities of ordinary human beings. help people, we must also listen to humour – and yes, faith, always faith. their stories. This applies whether we So as colleagues at SIS, we have much Another year has passed, and we are fortunate to have This meeting point is where we have are assisting a Telenisa client on the to offer each other. But that, of course, this opportunity once again to share with you some of our planted ourselves and situated much phone, or whether we are painstakingly is not the point. What’s most important experiences over the past twelve months. Besides being a of our work. As Muslims, we believe carrying out the many interviews is what SIS can offer the world in terms chronicle of significant developments and achievements, firmly in the sanctity of the Qur’anic in our polygamy research, over the of upholding the principles of gender the Annual Review is our chance to tell the SIS story, as it text, and yet we know that often, human course of many years, with a view to equality, justice, freedom and dignity in continues to unfold in yearly installments. interpretations of the text and the lived influencing policymaking. Furthermore, Islam. And to continue to be of service, realities of ordinary Muslims do not in sharing the knowledge gained, we we must keep finding ways to sustain As it happened, 2012 was indeed a year of stories. meet, so much as collide. And in the ourselves must employ the techniques ourselves. collision, what gets lost is compassion. of storytelling – in documentaries and As host to the Musawah Secretariat, SIS is closely involved videos, for example – to communicate As an NGO, we are all too familiar with in Musawah’s biggest knowledge building initiative, the Where is the compassion? Malaysians effectively with audiences ranging the challenge of fundraising, but the Qiwamah and Wilayah research project. The aim of the found themselves asking this question from our core target groups to media urgency of the matter became more initiative, spanning 12 countries, is to rethink the idea and repeatedly in 2012. Should we deny a practitioners and prospective funders. apparent than ever in 2012. There is still realities of qiwamah (commonly understood as male authority child the right to identity and lineage, much to do, and as we look to the future, over women) and wilayah (commonly understood as male on the presumption of illegitimacy? As advocates for change, our job is we hope others will come forward to guardianship of women and children). The academic research Should we insist that a person is Muslim challenging, and it is often on the support us in our mission. Insha’Allah, and intellectual framework underpinning the endeavour will by mechanism of law, when all his ground that the work requires the we will continue to be of service for as be complemented by the collecting of women’s and men’s life life he has professed the Hindu faith? highest levels of energy and patience. long as we are needed. May our story stories in relation to the two concepts. The stories, which Should a person who is a woman in For this reason, I am immensely proud continue for many chapters to come! come under a component known as the Global Life Stories every sense except the physiological, of our staff’s determination and Project, should yield many insights that will inform the be held accountable under a law that ability to implement their programmes Ratna Osman academic research. forbids men to dress as women? Should this year despite the multiplying Executive Director we allow child marriages, such as that constraints. Where they encountered Those familiar with our past work know that this approach is between a 19-year old youth and a a lack of resources, they became more classic SIS – the combination of intellectual rigour with the 12-year old girl? These were all actual resourceful, and when circumstances more organic, human-element kind of data. Our polygamy cases in 2012, and those who argue that threatened to work against them, research was similarly designed. We choose this method we should do all of the above often base they worked together. When personal simply because we believe it is the best way to explore that their argument on the claim that “the reserves of strength ran low, I would infinitely fascinating, often problematic, always relevant space text tells us to”. like to think the individuals were able

2 3 “I am writing to thank you and your team for the wonderful workshop offered to those in need. Thank you for providing us a platform where we can seek information, especially the free legal advice.

“I was told never to join SIS in any way since day one, but it was the small purple booklet published by SIS (regarding marriage) which gave me strength that it’s ok being a advocacy, Muslim woman and we are given rights and protected in a legal services marriage. Though many religious organisations have failed me with unfriendly treatment, I am glad that there are still and public many who are willing to help. education “I hope I will be able to help other Muslim women in future. Please give my big thanks to your team too, they did a wonderful job. God bless the sisters :)”

- from a workshop participant, SIS’ Telenisa Workshop 2012 (see page 13) With a focus on the legal perspective, the Advocacy, Legal Services and Public Education (ALPE) unit leads SIS initiatives in three areas: Advocacy • Advocacy. SIS advocates women’s rights on behalf of individuals as well as groups. The Muslim Family Law Campaign Efforts to help women reclaim their rights and challenge injustices are undertaken in SIS has long maintained that many of the problems affecting various spheres: in the courts, in the media, Muslim women and families in stem from injustices in policymaking and in public discourse. Our inherent in the current Islamic Family Law (IFL). Over the years, advocacy work encompasses both long-term SIS has moved from pushing for specific laws to be amended, to initiatives, such as the Muslim Family Law calling for more comprehensive reform. In 2007, SIS completed Campaign, as well as initiatives undertaken the drafting of a model Muslim Family Law (MFL) based on in response to issues as and when they SIS participating in Wanita Suara Perubahan: at Parliament lobbying MPs for gender equality (left) and at the rally on 18 March (right). the principles of justice and equality, and began a campaign arise. to build support for law reform. Why Muslim Family Law? • Legal services. Telenisa, the legal clinic In October this year, three MFL National Convention to be held in addressed child marriage, hudud, book Whereas “Islamic Family Law” misleadingly suggests that run by SIS, provides gender-sensitive legal workshops were conducted in Kedah, June 2013. Five workshops scheduled banning, the rights of the transgender such laws are divine and cannot be challenged, “Muslim Family services on family matters and Shari’ah law. with an average attendance of 35 for Sarawak in July were cancelled community and children born out of Mobile Legal Clinics periodically extend Law” reminds us that the laws, although derived from the people per workshop. Participants were at the last minute due to problems wedlock, to name a few issues. As in these services to low-income areas. Legal Qur’an and Sunnah, are not divine as they are made by Muslims very enthusiastic and receptive. encountered by SIS’ local contacts, previous years, we also strengthened literacy is promoted through newspaper who necessarily rely on human interpretation. highlighting the need for better planning our advocacy work through networking columns and the dissemination of material The workshops have enabled SIS to and selection of local partners. The MFL with allies to promote women’s rights legal issues. We also host and train law In 2010, SIS formulated a three-year strategy to raise public identify issues that women would campaign was short-staffed for the first issues to a wider audience. SIS is an students. awareness of the MFL. Phase 1 was launched in 2011 with a support through SIS’ campaign for law eight months of the year, but regained active member of the Joint Action • Public education. Scholars, journalists, nationwide roadshow consisting of MFL workshops. In 2012 professionals, artists, activists, government reform; these include issues related momentum under the leadership of an Group for Gender Equality (JAG), a the roadshow was extended to enable SIS to continue building officials, religious leaders, citizens – we to uniformity of laws across states, MFL Coordinator engaged in October. group of women’s rights organisations grassroots support, particularly in states not covered in 2011. are all stakeholders in advocating justice court procedures, enforcement of The stage is set for Phase 2, in which established in 1985. and equality for women in Islam. Our maintenance orders for mother and we will hold targeted meetings with Each workshop runs 4-5 hours in length. The three key objective in public education is to create child, children born out of wedlock, grassroots women, with key allies, Wanita Suara Perubahan. Initiated platforms for SIS to meaningfully engage objectives are to (1) help women understand their rights under perintah kembali taat (an order religious leaders and legislators in the by JAG in the lead-up to International with stakeholders, and for stakeholders current laws; (2) increase their understanding of the need compelling a wife to return to her lead-up to the MFL National Convention. Women’s Day 2012, Wanita Suara to engage with each other, through public to question current laws and share with them possibilities husband) and polygamy. With the Perubahan was a coalition of civil forums, workshops, study sessions and and alternatives suggested by Muslim family laws in other workshops we also expanded our Other advocacy initiatives society organisations and political other events and activities. countries; and (3) empower participants by building confidence network of grassroots women who parties that came together to in their ability to make a difference, and share strategies on believe in the need for reform, and Besides the MFL Campaign, SIS’ highlight the power of women voters how this might be done. identified participants for the MFL other advocacy initiatives in 2012 and women’s demand for a clean

6 Advocacy, Legal Services and Public Education 7 government and better quality of life. of Islamic Extremism four years ago a phenomenon that we have named National Fatwa Council’s stand that an and Family”), SIS had maintained that operations. The initiative falls under the Besides attending working group remained at the centre of our efforts to the Islamic Behemoth (IB). This was in “illegitimate” child (anak tak sah taraf, “the practice of registering Muslim Majlis Permuafakatan Wanita Selangor meetings, SIS participated in events advocate against book banning in 2012. recognition of the growing influence which includes children born out of children’s surnames as “binti/bin (MPWS). leading up to the main rally on 18 March. SIS had challenged the ban shortly after of a body of actors – state and non- wedlock and children born within six Abdullah” when they are born within Wanita Suara Perubahan’s manifesto it was imposed by the Home Ministry state – who in the course of pushing months of the parents’ marriage) cannot six months of the date of marriage leads Watching briefs. In addition to holding outlined six specific demands: (1) a in 2008. In 2010, the High Court lifted for Islam to be returned to what they bear his or her father’s name. In 2012 to serious and unjust repercussions on watching briefs for the three cases government free of corruption, (2) a the ban, ruling that the book was not perceive as its rightful status as “law of SIS continued to advocate against the the children’s emotional wellbeing and below in 2012, SIS also hosted a decent living wage, (3) a better quality a threat to public order as had been the land”, also insist that there is only NRD’s policy, which violates the dignity their future. The Muslim child is being workshop (13 February) on watching of life, (4) an end to gender-based alleged. The Government promptly one version of the faith that is possible. of the child, as well as his or her right punished and labelled ‘illegitimate’ for brief submissions by JAG and the violence, (5) a repeal of the Peaceful appealed the High Court’s decision In this, there is no room for anyone who to an identity and lineage (along with what is assumed to be the parents’ sin Association of Women Lawyers (AWL). Assembly Act, and (6) free and fair and the case was set for mention on questions what is upheld as religious attendant rights under Islam, including of conceiving the child before marriage. elections. On International Women’s 25 June this year. Two weeks before orthodoxy. Those who do, women’s inheritance rights). Other issues include The biological father is denied the duty • The Zaina Abdin Hamid case and the Day (8 March), members held a the hearing, SIS launched an anti- groups included, have been demonised, the father’s responsibilities, and the to exercise all parental responsibilities definition of a Muslim. SIS was one public gathering in Brickfields, spoke book banning awareness campaign censured or threatened with punitive question of whether the National and to confer all rights the child is of eight organisations which held with the Press and mailed copies of in collaboration with ZI Publications. action, and in some cases, violence. Fatwa Council’s decision is indeed an entitled to….” watching briefs for this case, heard the manifesto, together with white Social media channels were set up and Workshops were held to analyse and official ruling. To raise awareness of on 1 November. Zaina Abdin Hamid @ gloves symbolising the call for a clean an infographic video completed. The understand the growth of the Islamic these issues, SIS wrote a Letter to the Selangor state initiative for gender S. Maniam and three of his children government, to state assemblypersons. Malaysian Insider published an article Behemoth. The first workshop (9-10 Editor and organised a Public Forum mainstreaming (GM) and gender sought a court decision to declare On 13 March, Wanita Suara Perubahan by ALPE’s Suri Kempe (“Eight Reasons June) looked at key Islamist players at on 25 February. SIS is also drafting a responsive budgeting (GRB). In January, Section 2 of the Administration of the visited Parliament to distribute Why Books Should not Be Banned”). On the federal and state levels (e.g. JAKIM memorandum outlining the religious, SIS attended its second meeting Religion of Islam (State of Selangor) manifestos and gloves to Members of 27 July, the Court of Appeal described and the Shari’ah Department within constitutional and human rights with the Selangor state government Enactment 2003 as unlawful (under Parliament. On 18 March, a rally was the ban as “an outrageous defiance of the Attorney General’s Chambers) and arguments for policy change. In a Press to assist it in its effort to develop a the Enactment, children of Muslim held at Padang Astaka in Petaling Jaya. logic” and ruled to uphold the lower non-state actors (e.g. NGOs, companies statement issued in 2011, (“Respect comprehensive blueprint and action parents are automatically deemed court’s decision to lift the ban. In our and individuals). The second workshop a Child’s Right to a Name, an Identity plan to incorporate GM and GRB in its to be Muslim as well). Zaina Abdin’s Bersih 3.0 Rally. The Bersih 3.0 rally on Press statement, we again urged the (14-15 July) studied the impact of the 28 April was organised by the Coalition Government to respond to longstanding IB in court judgments. A final workshop for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) demands for the repeal of the Printing opened up the discussion to JAG’s as a follow-up to previous rallies in Presses and Publications Act (PPPA) allies. 2011 and 2007. JAG participated as the 1984, which grants wide discretionary largest civil society group and endorsed powers to the Minister of Home Affairs. “Illegitimate” children and the right “The best interests of the child must be the primary concern in making Bersih (the Malay word for “clean”). to identity. Controversy still surrounds all laws, policies and decisions that affect them. This principle is upheld Four SIS staff members and two The Islamic Behemoth. In early 2012, the National Registration Department’s Directors attended the rally. JAG started more earnest discussions refusal to record the name of a Muslim by Islamic teachings, universal human rights and Malaysia’s law-making about the challenges of working in a child’s father in the child’s birth process.” The ban on SIS’ book. The legal case country where ethnicity and religion certificate if the baby is born within surrounding the banning of our book are increasingly politicised. Our six months of the parents’ marriage. from a Press statement issued by SIS in 2011, “Respect a Child’s Right to a Name, an Identity and Family.” Muslim Women and the Challenge concern centred on the influence of The NRD’s policy is in keeping with the

8 Advocacy, Legal Services and Public Education 9 father had converted to Islam for • The transgender case in Seremban. made two objections; first, that planning process. At the JAG evaluation purposes of marriage, but had Eight organisations, including there was no decision that could be and planning meeting held on 13-14 continued to practice Hinduism. SIS, held watching briefs for this reviewed as the decision to ban was January, focus areas identified included Zaina Abdin himself was raised case, which began on 30 August. made to facilitate investigations, linking women’s issues to larger issues to be a Hindu and brought up his An application was made by four and second, that the application was such as the Tenth Malaysia Plan, three children as Hindus. Since Muslim men to the High Court to academic as the decision to ban only corruption and poverty; a push for clear 2002, Zaina Abdin, whose identity review Section 66 of the Negeri related to the 2011 SM Festival. The protocols for rape case procedures; card states that he is Muslim, has Sembilan Shari’ah Criminal Offences applicant’s submission was that even women in the workforce; Islamic Family been seeking to have the National Enactment which bars Muslim men a ban to facilitate investigations may Law/Muslim Family Law; child marriage; Registration Department (NRD) from dressing or posing as women. be reviewed. SM’s lawyer, Honey and political participation. strike it off. The case was first filed This was the first time anyone Tan, refuted the fact that it was in the High Court that year. It then had sought to challenge the ban clear the decision to ban related Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The went to the Court of Appeal and in a secular court. Judge Datuk only to SM2011, and that issue of human rights records of United Nations subsequently the Federal Court, Siti Mariah Ahmad dismissed the fact could only be clarified by the member states are reviewed every The Aiyoh...What Lah?! Awards 2012 Organising Committee with Jo Kukathas (aka Ribena Berry). which in February 2012 remitted the application. She did not dispute first respondent at the later stage. four and a half years by the UN Human case to the High Court after deciding that the applicants were born male, More importantly, it was not shown Rights Council in a process known as Aiyoh...What Lah?! Awards. In 2012 Club that wives who didn’t satisfy that the facts of the case – namely, and that they are male to female at all that the police had the power the Universal Period Review (UPR). SIS and other members of the Joint their husbands were the cause of the religion of the appellants – transsexuals, following the evidence to ban any activity of any persons Malaysia’s 2nd UPR will take place in Action Group for Gender Equality illicit sex.” The Policy Fail award were in dispute. They profess to be of a psychiatrist. Nevertheless, she or groups. On 1 March, the Court October 2013. In 2012 SIS participated (JAG) organised the inaugural went to Terengganu’s state-run boot practicing Hindus, but lawyers for ruled that because the litigants are dismissed the leave application on in the UPR Consultation Workshop Aiyoh...What Lah?! Awards, a camp to “cure” teenage boys of the Selangor government argue they Muslim and were born male, they technical grounds that only SM2011 organised by the Coalition of Malaysian spoof awards ceremony to highlight effeminate behaviour. Alongside the are Muslims “by mechanism of law” cannot be exempted from Section 66 was banned, and that SM could be NGOs (COMANGO) in July and the UPR sexism, misogyny, homophobia and dubious categories, there was also a (under the Selangor Enactment). One as it is part of Islamic teachings. She held in the future (so the application Consultative Meeting with Malaysian transphobia. Any public statement, “Right on Track” award to recognise key question pertains to whether also stated that Part II of the Federal was moot). NGOs in September. act, or policy that had been reported public statements or actions deemed the definition of a Muslim in the Constitution, which guarantees in the media the previous year was particularly helpful in fighting Selangor Islamic Enactment 2003 is fundamental liberties including Capital FM Legal Hour. In 2012 SIS was CEDAW NGO Shadow Report. Like eligible for nomination. The Awards, discrimination on the basis of sex, inconsistent with Article 11 of the freedom of expression, is exempted invited by the Association of Women other states parties to the Convention held on 23 June in Kuala Lumpur, gender, and sexuality; it went to a Federal Constitution that guarantees by Section 66. Lawyers (AWL) to talk about Muslim on the Elimination of All Forms of were hosted by popular character 2011 High Court ruling that CEDAW the freedom to profess a religion. women’s rights during AWL’s Legal Hour Discrimination against Women Ribena Berry aka actor and (the Convention on the Elimination Parents’ right to determine the faith on Capital FM 88.9. SIS participated (CEDAW), the Malaysian Government • Judicial Review of Seksualiti playwright Jo Kukathas. An analogy of All Forms of Discrimination of an underage child is another in a total of four shows, covering – which acceded to CEDAW in 1995 – is Merdeka (SM) ban. SIS was part of between unwanted buildings and Against Women) was binding on the issue. (Note: in early 2013 the case topics such as marriage, and wills and required to periodically submit reports the JAG watching brief for Seksualiti old women won the Foot in Mouth Malaysian government and that using was dismissed by the High Court, inheritance. to the CEDAW Committee. NGOs can Merdeka’s leave application for a category, while the Least Helpful pregnancy as a reason not to employ and Zaina Abdin’s lawyers filed an submit a Shadow Report assessing the judicial review hearing to challenge to the Sisterhood award went to a a person was a form of gender appeal.) JAG evaluation and planning. As an Government’s progress in implementing a ban imposed on its events. statement by The Obedient Wives discrimination. The application was heard on 21 active member of JAG, SIS is closely CEDAW. In 2012 Malaysian NGOs February. The Attorney General involved in the Group’s evaluation and completed their second Shadow Report,

10 Advocacy, Legal Services and Public Education 11 known as the Alternative Report, implementation in Malaysia at Or 15? What do they know about effectively to legal queries, which vary Telenisa clients Telenisa cases which was coordinated and edited by the time, as the situation was not the responsibilities or implications in complexity, staff must be equipped 3 Marriage (procedures/wali 84 the Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO). conducive. This issue remained in of being married, let alone sex and /marriage abroad/etc) with the requisite knowledge of Islamic Family Law. Answer templates enable SIS was one of the many organisations the public domain in 2012, primarily getting pregnant. And then there are 41 Polygamy 38 that participated in the collection of due to the approaching 2013 General the health risks… Why would we chambering students to assist with Divorce 177 information, data and case studies for Election. expose our children to such risks if responding to the more straightforward 174 Wife (maintenance/matrimonial 74 the report, launched on 16 September. the effects are so devastating?” assets) queries; these templates must be • Child marriage. In conjunction Children (maintenance/custody/etc) 161 updated regularly. Plans for 2013 229 Arising issues. Our advocacy work in with the inaugural International • Attacks on CSOs/NGOs. In 2012, the Violence against women 19 include improving documentation and statistical analysis of Telenisa using 2012 touched on many key issues that Day of the Girl Child on 11 October, Centre for Independent Journalism Faraid (will, hibah, etc) 36 arose in the course of the year. SIS launched a small social media (CIJ), sociopolitical blog Loyar Buruk SPSS software, continuing to republish Shari’ah criminal 20 initiative and ran articles and videos and human rights organisation Telenisa articles previously featured Conversion/apostasy 6 Statutory rape. In 2012 the relating to child marriage. In a report SUARAM were accused of plotting in on Facebook and • Telephone Government proposed a bill to in , SIS Executive Director to destabilise the Government Miscellaneous (e.g. sulh, forced 11 Twitter, and improving the visibility of Email marriage) impose mandatory sentencing in Ratna Osman said, “We are against because they receive foreign Telenisa services. Creating a directory Face-to-face General enquiry 77 cases involving statutory rape, child marriage and feel strongly that funding. SIS continues to stand Facebook of services offered by other Islamic effectively removing judicial it should be abolished. We want the by and support these civil society Total 703 agencies will also enable referrals to discretion. The bill is seen as a legal age for both male and female to organisations (CSOs) and NGOs. be made more easily, in particular on knee-jerk reaction to the public be 18, and the absolute minimum for In 2012 Telenisa assisted 447 clients on a total of 703 cases. issues that fall outside Telenisa’s scope. outcry surrounding two statutory Muslim girls to be 16, but with strict Legal services rape cases in which the offenders conditions: the wali has consented Telenisa is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 5pm. Tel: 03-7784 3733. Telenisa workshop were let off on a bond of good to the marriage, the minor has Email [email protected]. Enquiries can also be faxed to 03-7785 8737 or posted to Telenisa Telenisa, No 4, Lorong 11/8E, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA. behaviour as they were deemed to sufficient maturity to understand This workshop, entitled “Ketahui Hak have “bright futures”. SIS and other the nature and responsibilities Wanita Dalam Perundangan Islam” The objectives of Telenisa, SIS’ legal NGOs have drafted a petition asking of the marriage and has not been (“Knowing Women’s Rights under clinic, are to provide clients with free clarification on Islamic legal matters in newspaper articles on related cases the Government to withdraw the compelled against his/her will and Islamic Law”), was conducted in legal advice, improve on the quality the Malaysian context. and other resource materials. bill, and are currently coordinating a that the marriage will not conflict Petaling Jaya (31 March-1 April) and of legal information for women, and meeting in Parliament with de facto with the best interest of all involved. attended by 52 Telenisa clients and new better study the needs of society In 2012 Telenisa assisted 447 clients on Public awareness of women’s legal law minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz to The judge must also consult the Gabungan Hak Wanita Islam (GAHWI) (particularly those of Muslim women) a total of 703 cases. Legal counselling rights is still low, particularly among explain our position and hand over respective experts to verify the women. Its four objectives were to in relation to issues concerning Islam is available via four methods: face-to- women, and Telenisa continues to be the petition. conditions cited are complied (1) empower women by raising their and the Shari’ah courts. While the face meetings, telephone, email and much needed. Awareness of Telenisa with.” In another Star article, ALPE awareness of women’s legal rights; (2) majority of clients are Muslim women, Facebook. A Legal Officer provides the itself should therefore be promoted. Hudud. In September 2011, former Programme Manager Suri Kempe increase the understanding of women’s • Telenisa has also responded to male client with legal advice, while a At the same time, SIS must overcome Perlis mufti Associate Professor noted, “We are not allowed to drive rights in Islam especially in matters clients and non-Muslim clients seeking chambering student documents the several challenges in order to cater Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin made until we are 17, to vote until we are related to maintenance, divorce, advice for friends and relatives, as case. The Legal Unit’s mini library to an increase in demand. Backlogs a statement in which he said 21. So how can girls get married, polygamy and shared matrimonial well as international clients needing contains law books, archives of from the previous year were cleared hudud law was not suitable for have sex and bear children at 16? in 2012, but to continue responding property; (3) provide a platform

12 Advocacy, Legal Services and Public Education 13 where women could meet and share Shari’ah Advanced Training, a one-day routinely distributed at SIS events and substantial media coverage, feedback Echo workshops Muslim Legal Tradition and the experiences; and (4) discuss methods course developed by SIS to better equip used as workshop tools. from the authorities and good response Challenge of Inequality by Ziba Mir- and strategies through which women students to handle court procedures from the public. Echo workshops are conducted to Hosseini. This workshop (26-27 June) could support each other. The workshop and the more complex aspects of In 2012 SIS continued to expand its upgrade advocates’ capabilities by was conducted in collaboration with the was a success, thanks to skilled Shari’ah cases. Ketahui Hak Anda (Know Your Rights) Antara Islam dan Melayu: sharing experiences gained in the Life Stories Project. resource persons, vocal participants series of brochures and leaflets in Pengembangan Islam di Indonesia course of applying advocacy skills and – some of whom were identified as At SIS, chambering students are Malay, with design and illustration work dan Malaysia - Apa Kaitannya Dengan strategies. In 2012, one echo workshop Ketahui Hak Wanita Dalam potential resource persons for the Life stationed with Telenisa, and their begun on two leaflets,Mut’ah (Financial Cambodia? (The Spread of Islam in titled Kepimpinan Bersama Wanita Perundangan Islam (Knowing Women’s Stories Project – and a supportive team main duties are to draft reply emails Compensation), and Jenis-Jenis Indonesia and Malaysia – and the Link Islam (Leadership With Muslim Women) Rights under Islamic Law). Participants that ensured the event went smoothly. (which are checked by a Legal Officer Perceraian (Types of Divorce). Plans for to Cambodia). Held on 1 December, was held 6-7 October. for this workshop held on 21 October A standardised training module is or Programme Officer); take notes and 2013 include producing a brochure on this forum focused on the early history comprised members of WIBAWA currently being developed. document face-to-face legal advice domestic violence. of Islam in the Malay Archipelago. Workshops Women, a group which began as a sessions with clients; and handle Led by well-known Indonesian Facebook support group for women Students Telenisa phone queries. Students also Public historian, academic and author Dr Hj Ketahui Hak Wanita Dalam and men going through divorce, and for help with newspaper cuttings, data Agus Sunyoto, participants explored Perundangan Islam (Knowing Women’s those in troubled relationships. Chambering students. Law graduates entry and preparation for workshops. education the diverse societies, cultures and Rights under Islamic Law). This Telenisa in Malaysia are required to undertake For 2013, SIS will continue to develop practices that influenced Islam’s workshop was conducted 31 March-1 Shari’ah and Gender. This workshop Public forums a nine-month pupillage, which must a follow-up system through which we development in Malaysia and Indonesia. April and was attended by 52 Telenisa for youths, held 14-16 December, include a period of legal aid service. can sustain our relationships with ex- Despite the many similarities, Islam clients and new Gabungan Hak Wanita was a very energetic one. Topics Public forums are organised to raise In 2012, SIS received 22 chambering chambering students. developed differently in the two Islam (GAHWI) women. A standardised discussed included issues related to awareness of, and explore arguments students. SIS’ 14-week chambering countries, resulting in differences in training module is currently being gender, sexuality, human rights and the for and against, topics that are relevant student programme aims to help Attachment students are law students how the religion is interpreted and developed. shari’ah. students (1) strengthen theoretical (still pursuing their degree courses) to the public interest. practiced today. foundations, (2) relate theory to who visit SIS for a quick introduction to practice, (3) develop soft skills, such the organisation. In 2012, SIS received Ada Apa Pada Nama (What’s in a as listening with empathy, and (4) gain students from University of Malaya Name?). Held on 25 February, this forum a holistic appreciation of a client’s and International Islamic University addressed the issue of “illegitimate” circumstances beyond the legal Malaysia. children and their right to an identity. context. Panelists included Perlis Mufti Dr Legal literacy materials Juanda Jaya, Chief Justice of the The programme includes training Terengganu Shari’ah Court Dato’ Ismail conducted by the Kuala Lumpur Bar- In addition to increasing the public’s Yahya and noted lawyer Nizam Bashir. Legal Aid Centre (covering human knowledge of legal matters, the legal There were suggestions to draw on rights, and civil and Shari’ah laws); literacy materials we produce help us aspects of the Convention on the a workshop organised by SIS, All enhance our community outreach to Rights of the Child (CRC) and to conduct Women’s Action Society (AWAM) and Muslims and non-Muslims. Visual and research on the social implications (L-R) Dato’ Ismail Yahya, Prof Datin Rashidah Shuib and Dr Juanda Jaya at the (L-R) Ratna Osman, Pak Agus Sunyoto, Norhayati Kaprawi and Shanon Shah Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO); and easy to understand, the materials are of the issue. This forum received Ada Apa Pada Nama public forum. at the Antara Islam dan Melayu public forum.

14 Advocacy, Legal Services and Public Education 15 Closed-door session with Irshad Manji. session (22 November), Prof Norani them to go against the practice. Asma At this session (17 May), Canadian Othman provided insights on the Lamrabet’s final point – that FC was not author and activist Irshad Manji shared structure of the polygamous family in practiced in Mecca and Medina – was snippets of her background and how Malaysia. what convinced them they were making she came to be where she is today. the right decision. The ensuing discussion touched on The Practice of Female Circumcision the role of public approval vis-à-vis in Malaysia. At this Seek to Understand The Life Stories the work and the cause, when to use Conversation (S2UC) session (12 religious explanations within activism, December), Associate Prof Dr Maznah Project representational politics, faith versus Dahlui, Head of the Department of (Malaysia) dogma, the importance of taking care of Social and Preventive Medicine at the self when advocating a larger cause Universiti Malaya, shared her research The Life Stories Project in Malaysia and positioning one’s argument. On findings on the practice of female is part of a larger, global project 24 May the Home Ministry announced circumcision (FC) in Malaysia. The spearheaded by Musawah under that it had banned Irshad’s book Allah, milestone study aims to determine its Knowledge Building Initiative on Liberty and Love. the extent and characteristics of FC; Qiwamah and Wilayah. The Global Life examine the profile of practitioners, Stories Project involves 12 countries. Gender, Sex, Money and Marital types and methods of FC performed; A participant posing a question during the Muslim Legal Tradition and the Challenge of Inequality workshop by Ziba Mir-Hosseini. Relations in Muslim Polygamous and identify the knowledge and beliefs The objectives of the Malaysian Shari’ah, Gender and Human Rights. relates to the reality of life in Malaysia Screening and discussion Marriages and Families. Prof Norani among practitioners. The findings will Life Stories Project are to (1) create The aim of this media workshop (8 was particularly useful for non-Muslim Othman’s presentation of the key help to establish related female genital an understanding of the concepts findings of SIS’ research project on mutilation (FGM) policies in Malaysia December) was to update media journalists, who said the knowledge These sessions offer participants a of qiwamah and wilayah and their polygamy generated heated discussion and provide guidance in monitoring practitioners on the current situation gained would inform their future work. chance to view documentaries and application in Muslim family life in among the audience of about 50 at this and evaluating the practice. This in Malaysia with regard to women, The workshop also enabled SIS to build films and to engage in, understand Malaysia; (2) document the lived session (6 June). Women continue to was one of our best-attended study religion and censorship issues, in relationships with journalists. and appreciate diversity of opinion. In realities of women negotiating qiwamah be viewed as service providers, and sessions, with attendees comprising order that they might better articulate In 2013 SIS will continue to conduct 2012, we screened two of our polygamy and wilayah in Malaysia; (3) contribute so instead of solving the problems that journalists, parents, activists, students, the complexities of the issues. The workshops, including Large Group documentaries, From Machang to towards national advocacy projects; (4) emerge in a marriage, men simply take international Musawah members and workshop also introduced journalists Training Awareness (LGTA) workshops. Kajang and An-Nisa, at two study contribute towards capacity building another wife. Several participants were the general public. The discussion to the shortcomings of the current New activities planned include sessions on 6 June and 22 November for SIS and our partners; (5) empower keen to arrange for the presentation focused on the complexity on the Islamic Family Law and the possibilities the Muslim Family Law National respectively. resource persons, create alliances of reform through SIS’ Muslim Family Convention, an Advanced Sexuality to be made in other states, as well ground for medical practitioners as well and foster movement building; and (6) Law Campaign. On hand to share their Workshop for staff, an Advanced Study sessions as a screening of our two polygamy as Muslim parents who are expected fulfill the objectives of the Global Life insights were seasoned journalists Artists and Activists Workshop and documentaries. to circumcise their daughters. A couple Stories Project as stated in the terms of who attended the session were in Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir and an Advanced Shari’ah and Gender Study sessions provide a platform reference set by Musawah. The Meaning of Marriage and Family the midst of considering circumcising Jacqueline Ann Surin, and documentary Workshop for youths. for participants to discuss local and Life Among Members of Muslim their baby girl, and the information filmmaker Norhayati Kaprawi. The international issues. Given the global nature of the project, session on Islamic law and how it Polygamous Families. At this S2UC they received at the forum empowered there is potential for much learning

16 Advocacy, Legal Services and Public Education 17 from experiences across the globe. The Plan for the project was prepared, The interview process involved Asia concerning the coordination of interviewing and note-taking skills, D. Public forum Life Stories Project has been designed along with a legal map of qiwamah documenting the lived realities a Digital Storytelling workshop in and the emotional wellbeing of • Seminar: Muslim Legal Tradition to build on, complement and feed into and wilayah in Malaysia. We also of selected resource persons. Malaysia. resource persons (interviewees) and the Challenge of Inequality by SIS’ ongoing national advocacy work. identified the team members By end-2012 we had collected and interviewers. The workshop Ziba Mir-Hosseini. This seminar The case studies, for example, will and potential resource persons. five interviews. The process will B. Participation in Global Life Stories received very good reviews. (26-27 June) was an extension of the be useful for our Muslim Family Law Several participatory meetings continue until January 2013, by activities • Reading Circle (Malaysia). The wide Musawah workshop in Bali. The 60 initiatives, while the feminist research were held to shape the project and which point we hope to have • Musawah newsletter and Life range of material selected for these participants included SIS staff and methodology framing this project identify criteria for the resource conducted in-depth interviews Stories online forum. A SIS article sessions have included papers on members, academics and NGOs. (which emphasises reciprocity and persons. These were submitted with 10-12 resource persons. The summarising Life Stories activities qiwamah and wilayah commissioned • Panel forum: Equality in the empowerment) will provide a model for to Musawah and used as guiding interview is not just an information- to date was published in the by Musawah, academic publications Muslim Marriage: Challenges future knowledge building initiatives by documents for the project. We gathering exercise; it is also movement’s newsletter, Musawah and newspaper articles. Beyond a and Possibilities. At this forum SIS. also prepared materials needed an important coalition-building Vision, in October. We also shared discussion of the reading material, which took place on 7 December, for the documentation process (an process as well as an empowering our experience in setting up a the Reading Circles have also panelists Dr Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Dr Activities information sheet on the project process for both interviewer and reading circle with the Life Stories provided a space for sharing and Maznah Mohamad and Ratna Osman and on qiwamah and wilayah, a interviewee. online forum. Other country teams reflection among SIS staff and discussed shari’ah concepts such Activities for the Life Stories Project consent form, a confidentiality form, • Outputs. As a first step in the have expressed interest in starting members. In the October session, as qiwamah and wilayah and their in Malaysia are structured under four illustrations and other research development of outputs, we met with their own reading circles. for example, we discussed personal implications on Muslim marriages. categories. tools). A funding proposal was a prospective filmmaker, illustrator • Global Reading Circle. The Global life stories of transformation in our The forum was well attended thanks submitted to Musawah for a Seed and writer to discuss costings and Coordinator for the Life Stories own understanding of Islam and to the use of social media to promote A. Documentation and knowledge Grant in June, and we received the formats of the outputs, which Project organises a monthly Islamic law since joining SIS, and the event. The diverse group of 77 building US$3,000 for preliminary project will include a film, a brochure and a reading circle to foster exchange how our personal experiences are participants included many first- • Preparation for the documentation activities. book of short stories. We also held among the Life Stories teams from useful insights in our outreach and timers to SIS events. process (May-August). A Research • Interviews (beginning September). discussions with Digital Storytelling the 12 countries. The Malaysian advocacy work. Five Reading Circles coordinator participated in the were held in 2012: monthly online meetings. a. Rethinking Qiwamah and Wilayah The Life Stories Project (Malaysia): Activities (30 May) C. Capacity building b. Contextualising Feminist • Life Stories Methods Workshop. At Engagements in Malaysia (19 Documentation and Participation in Global Capacity building Public forum this workshop (4-5 June) organised July) knowledge building Life Stories activities A B C D for the Life Stories team and all SIS c. Islamic Law, Women’s Rights, and staff, we shared the training from the Popular Legal Consciousness in Musawah Methodology Workshop Malaysia, Part 1 (27 September) • Preparation for the • Musawah newsletter and • Methods Workshop • Seminar in April 2012 in Bali, adapting the d. Islamic Law, Women’s Rights, and documentation process Life Stories online forum • Reading Circle (Malaysia) • Panel forum material to suit our local context. Popular Legal Consciousness in • Interviews • Global Reading Circle Topics covered included the ethics of Malaysia, Part 2 (24 October) • Outputs research and informed consent, the e. Equality in the Muslim Marriage Life Stories feminist methodology, (21 November)

18 Advocacy, Legal Services and Public Education 19 The Life Stories Project (Malaysia): Structuring the teams

We envision that the knowledge building team will consist of several different groupings working together with different levels of participation.

The core Supporting Partner Supporting team team members organisations organisations and individuals

This team will conduct the Supporting team members will Over the years, SIS has Supporting organisations interviews. The team will consist include SIS and Musawah staff, established many strong working include academic and regional of the Coordinator, members of all of whom participated in the relationships with numerous institutions such as Universiti the Advocacy, Legal Services Methods Workshop. They also organisations. We will include Malaya’s Gender Studies and Public Education (ALPE) participated in the Reading these partner organisations in Programmes, the Women’s unit, and two members of the Circles and study sessions, our capacity-building activities, Development Research Centre research team on The Impact and will continue to do so. and conduct consultation (KANITA) and the Asia-Pacific of Polygamy on the Family Counselors from Women’s Aid sessions to introduce the project Resource and Research Centre Institution in Malaysia. Organisation (WAO) will also to them and solicit their input. for Women (ARROW). We will provide support to the core We also selected our resource also work with illustrators, team. persons from within our circle of filmmakers and writers to shape partner organisations to ensure the outputs of the project, and Communications, that resource persons are within we will tap our panel of legal an existing support network. experts and academics who are well-versed in Islamic law. Research and Publications

20 Communications, Research and Publications 21 5 Feb 24 Feb 10 Apr “12-year jail sentence not JAG press release concerning JAG statement on the PM taking the way to address the issue posters depicting Ambiga over the Women’s Ministry. JAG of unwanted babies.” JAG is Sreenevasan. JAG condemns is dismayed to learn that Dato’ appalled at the jail sentence the lurid posters attempting Sri Najib Abdul Razak has taken meted out to a teenager found to tarnish the characters of over the portfolio of the outgoing The Communications, Research and Communications guilty of throwing her baby out of human rights defenders Ambiga Minister of Women, Family and a second floor window. Sreenevasan and A. Samad Said. Community Development, Dato’ Publications (CRP) unit focuses on three areas: Beyond looking to media practitioners to help disseminate our “To employ terms that identify Sri Sharizat Abdul Jalil. “This • Communications. SIS recognises the diverse sexual orientations undermines the government’s media as a unique ally with the power to views, we count on them to enrich and inform the debate with and gender identities as an purported commitment towards insult perpetuates a culture of ensuring that women occupy 30% significantly amplify our voice and increase their insights. 7 Feb stigmatisation, persecution and of decision-making positions. It “Withdraw the fight against the impact of the work that we do. Media hatred.” makes a mockery of all the time, the right of pregnant women effort and resources that have relations work includes issuing Press The CRP unit this year continued to undertake media advocacy to work.” JAG opposes the been poured into making this a statements, writing articles, conducting Attorney-General’s Chambers initiatives with regard to issues and situational developments reality.” workshops for media practitioners and appeal against a High Court in the context of Islam and women’s rights in Malaysia. Our ruling prohibiting dismissals on 6 Mar media monitoring. Our website, identity and objectives are to (1) promote an understanding of Islam that the grounds of pregnancy. “Lynas – a ticking time bomb?” JAG supports the Himpunan branding, Resource Centre and alternative recognises the principles of justice, equality, freedom and media initiatives are also important Hijau 2.0 protest calling for the 19 Apr dignity within a democratic nation state; (2) create public cancellation of the controversial “Kedah’s new fatwa ruling components of our communications awareness of gender equality and non-discrimination for Lynas rare earth plant. equates man’s word to God.” programme. 13 Feb “Man-made disasters affect women JAG is shocked by amendments “Sisters in Islam against the women in Islam; (3) publicise and affirm SIS’ views in the acutely because they intensify in Kedah that now bar a fatwa • Research. The CRP unit undertakes research unjust deportation of Hamza existing inequalities in terms of from being challenged, appealed, media; and (4) support and work closely with like-minded Kashgari.” SIS opposes the with the objective of collecting data on SIS mobility and access to resources. reviewed, denied or questioned Malaysian government’s issues and supporting SIS advocacy work. organisations. As caregivers, many women bear in any civil court or syariah court. deportation of Saudi blogger the burden of supporting the victims “There must be a public sphere The groundbreaking study on the Impact Hamza Kashgari despite the of maldevelopment: children born for engagement and debate absence of an extradition treaty of Polygamy on the Family Institution in Press statements. In 2012, SIS issued numerous Press with severe deformities, adults for Malaysians who disagree between the two countries and Malaysia is our biggest research project to who develop cancer and other with those Islamic scholars and statements on various issues. As a member of the Joint Action the probability that Hamza may illnesses.” preachers who already dominate date. face the death penalty in Saudi Group for Gender Equality (JAG), we also endorsed or co- the public space in perpetuating Arabia for alleged blasphemy. • Publications are produced with the aim of (1) signed JAG Press statements. an intolerant, exclusive and “Sadly, despite having set up the promoting progressive views and alternative elitist Islam. Therefore, JAG calls Global Movement of Moderates on the Prime Minister and the interpretations within Islam that uphold recently in an attempt to Articles written by SIS members and staff also helped to 23 Mar Cabinet to take a strong stand promote Malaysia as a moderate “Women must be able to retire principles of justice, equality and freedom, and stop this headlong descent ensure our views remained visible in the public sphere. Muslim country, the Malaysian at the same age as men.” JAG particularly with regard to women’s into a theocratic dictatorship government has failed to match is deeply disappointed by the These included: My personal journey to Sisters in Islam engineered by those in religious rights; (2) enriching resources available to its rhetoric with its actions. Nor recent Court of Appeal decision authority both in Government and (Ratna Osman), Ombak Hairan dalam? (Rozana Isa), Dignity indeed did it heed or advocate to dismiss an appeal by eight academicians, researchers, students and in the Opposition circle.” God’s Mercy and Forgiveness as women who were forcibly retired women’s and human rights activists; and (3) is under-rated (Vivienne Lee), Eight reasons why books found in the Qur’an.” by their employer, Guppy Plastic documenting and evaluating SIS activities. should not be banned (Suri Kempe), When the Pied Pipers of Industries, after they reached Hudud Call (Zainah Anwar), Confused Over Right to Choose the age of 50. (Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir), Isu Rampas Mayat: Apakah Penyelesaiannya? (Norhayati Kaprawi) and Wanita, Kerjaya 21 Press statements were issued in 2012, a number of them in dan Rumahtangga (Azrine Razak). Press collaboration with other organisations under the Joint Action Statements 2012 Group for Gender Equality (JAG)

22 Communications, Research and Publications 23 (cont.) 20 Apr 23 Jun 27 Jul 10 Aug 24 Sep 23 Nov JAG open letter to the Government appeal on KL High A good day for freedom of “JAG urges Judiciary to clarify “Not a routine investigation.” Shari’ah Court fails to protect Human Rights Commission of Court decision on SIS book. SIS expression. SIS lauds the judgement.” On the Court of JAG strongly condemns and safeguard Muslim girls. Malaysia (SUHAKAM). JAG is issues this statement ahead of Court of Appeal’s judgement Appeal’s decision to overturn a the Government’s selective Following reports that the disappointed at comments made the 25 June court hearing of the upholding an earlier High Court High Court decision sentencing harassment of human rights Shari’ah Court had approved the by SUHAKAM Chairperson Tan Government’s appeal against the decision to reverse the 2008 national bowler Noor Afizal group Suara Rakyat Malaysia marriage application involving Sri Hasmy Agam, who reportedly High Court’s lifting of the ban on ban on our publication. The Azizan to five years in jail for (SUARAM). a 12-year old girl and a 19-year said “our friends in the LGBT our book. “These essays attempt High Court had described the statutory rape, JAG is troubled old youth, SIS expresses shock community are demanding more to discuss issues that are related ban as irrational, unreasonable that the perpetrator’s potential that child marriages still take than what they deserve.” He to the rights of Muslim women. and disproportionate, while the for “a bright future” was used place in Malaysia because of a also reportedly said “we will The ability to maintain these Court of Appeal said it was an as one of the grounds for his loophole in the Islamic Family try our best and follow as far as rights are inexorably intertwined “outrageous defiance of logic”. release on probation of good 2 Oct Law and a continuing belief that “JAG urges Prime Minister to we can but if anything in UDHR with freedom of expression. We conduct. “On the surface, the Muslim girls can be married take his role as the Minister of [Universal Declaration of Human must be able to openly discuss, judgement appears to hint at the off once they reach puberty. Women, Family and Community Rights] is un-Islamic, then we without fear, critical issues that application of a double standard “No marriage of a child can be Development seriously.” JAG is will not implement it.” “This are related to Muslim women, in by implying that anyone with the deemed acceptable; it simply appalled by Prime Minister Dato’ statement...perpetuates a false particular when they impact our 29 Jun right ‘credentials’ can commit a legalises statutory rape.” Gender stereotyping of women: Sri Najib Razak’s dismissal of the divide between Muslim and non- everyday lives.” crime, and get away with a rap on stop controlling women’s need for women’s rights groups Muslim Malaysians and in effect the knuckles. Does it mean that appearance and behaviour.” JAG in Malaysia on the premise that denies the fundamental premise an individual who is perceived is alarmed at the discriminatory equality was given “from the of the UDHR – that everyone is to have no future would get a treatment of women, the start”. “For those of us who have born free and equal in dignity and heavier sentence?“ 9 Nov most recent involving news to deal with the problems women Freedom of religion. SIS rights.” 29 Jun JAG statement on attacks anchor Ras Adiba Mohd Radzi face on the ground, the Prime deplores the vehement attacks against Ambiga Sreenivasan. and Ampang MP Zuraida Minister’s claim does not inspire against MP Nurul Izzah Anwar JAG is alarmed at the escalating Kamaruddin. Ras Adiba had any confidence in his leadership on her position on freedom of level of attacks towards senior reportedly been suspended by 30 Aug of the country and the Ministry of religion. 14 May lawyer and human rights activist NTV7 for cropping her hair in “Consider the needs and Women, Family and Community “Malaysia’s questionable Dato’ Ambiga Sreenivasan. support of Makna’s (National perspectives of our young.” JAG Development.“ process of law reform.” JAG Most recently, MP Cancer Council of Malaysia) is concerned that “consensual notes that the hasty withdrawal Datuk Mohamad Aziz had asked Jom Botak cancer awareness sex” between a young adult “Faith in any religion is of the bill to amend the Election in Parliament whether Dato’ campaign. She had also received and a child can result in a Offences Act highlights flaws Ambiga should be “considered a anonymous calls which referred binding over sentence for the contingent upon free in the country’s system of traitor to the nation and should to a fatwa prohibiting women perpetrator. “That the act was 18 Oct “More Consultation on Rape lawmaking. “Genuine public be sentenced to be hanged.” from shaving their heads. Zuraida ‘consensual’ often merely points will, and this would be Laws.” consultation must occur at an “Such a remark, by a legislator no had been accused of behaviour to the fact that no physical “JAG views with concern early stage to ensure that the less, is shockingly offensive and unbecoming of a woman when violence took place. It is the Government’s move to meaningless if induced by views of citizens and experts are violent to the extreme. It violates she posed a question to the imperative that we ask ourselves introduce a bill which no longer force. Islam itself means taken into account.” basic standards of decency Prime Minister concerning the whether a child aged 12 or 13 is allows judges to impose a bond of expected of parliamentarians neglect of numerous initiatives able to effectively ‘consent’ to a good behaviour in statutory rape submission to the will of and shows a deep lack of for women. “The disturbing sexual relationship. We also need sentencing. This hurried move, understanding of the democratic message is that women who do to be aware of the consequences without proper consultation, is God – not the will of men.” process.” not look or behave according to to a child’s emotional and not the way forward.” SIS, 9 November a narrow prescribed definition of physical well-being when she ‘femininity’ will face sanction.” enters into a sexual relationship, consensual or otherwise.“

Press Statements2012

24 Communications, Research and Publications 25 Media coverage. SIS continues to Monitoring and tracking. Instituting of content will start in January 2013 books, periodicals, bulletins, reports There are also plans to produce two and preparing for the International receive a fair amount of coverage, daily and weekly updates of media and the new website is expected to and pamphlets. On average, the Centre short advocacy videos in 2013. Simple Symposium. positive and negative. We received coverage of SIS and other issues of be launched in February. Future plans receives 20 new items per month. and easy-to-understand, the videos will many enquiries and requests for interest helped keep staff and members include introducing a Malay-language be made available via the SIS website, • Transcribing of interviews. The interviews and comments on issues up-to-date on our media advocacy in version, and detailed measuring of Future plans include extending the Facebook and YouTube. transcribing of the remaining concerning Muslim women and Islamic 2012. This system will be fine-tuned statistics about visits to enable us to cataloguing process to cover journals in-depth interviews (IDIs) was laws, among others. Online English- to enable more consistent monitoring, further improve the website. and audio-visual material. While the Research completed in March. language media, through online and also to encourage feedback from Centre continues to be regularly used news portals such as The Malaysian staff and members as to whether our Identity and branding by SIS staff and members, it is currently The Impact of Polygamy on the • Data analysis. A meeting on 11 June Insider (TMI), Free Malaysia Today and media advocacy has made an impact underutilised by the public; there is thus Family Institution in Malaysia focused on SPSS and data analysis. Malaysian Mirror remain key allies. TMI on community-level discourse and In 2012 we began work on rebranding a need to increase awareness of the also has a Malay-language section that how people are discussing the issues our logo. The current logo, designed Resource Centre among academicians, Writing. Intensive work on the Initiated in 2004, this major research • reports on SIS and runs our statements on the ground. For 2013, the CRP unit by renowned artist and SIS founding students and other members of the manuscript for the academic project aims to (1) study the impact and letters. International media such will focus on (1) creating a centralised member Sharifah Zuriah Aljeffri, has public. publication, as well as on journal of polygamy and how it affects the as the Wall Street Journal and the digital archive of Press statements been in use since SIS began in 1993. articles, was undertaken 4-25 April. quality of family life; (2) understand the International Herald Tribune continue to and articles; (2) relationship-building The logo features the word rahim; Alternative media dynamics of polygamous families; and seek our views. The Top 10 of Malaysia with editors and journalists, local besides being the Malay for womb, the Documentaries. Two documentaries (3) provide qualitative and quantitative • magazine included Zainah Anwar and and international, at all levels; (3) word also means compassion, which Social media. Facebook and Twitter on polygamy were completed in data for advocating policy and law Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir in its ensuring Press statements are issued reflects the nature of SIS’ work. After have become important advocacy 2012: From Machang to Kajang and reform, influencing public opinion list of the ten most inspiring women in in a timely manner; (4) building a pool almost two decades, we feel the time tools for SIS. By the end of 2012, SIS’ An-Nisa’. and critiquing official discourse of Malaysia. of translators who can articulate our has come to rebrand the SIS identity. Facebook Fan Page had 5,686 likes, polygamy. Media workshop. A media workshop views in Malay, and make inroads into The first assessment for the new logo while our Twitter followers numbered • Polygamy blog. The first meeting for Shari’ah, Gender and Human Rights the Malay-language media; (5) creating was made at the 12th SIS Evaluation 7,067. this blog was held on 13 April, and In 2012 we focused on two objectives: was conducted on 8 December for a communications policy and strategy and Planning meeting. work began in May. (1) continuing to analyse data, approximately 30 journalists and editors document; and (6) seeking opportunities Fundraising video. In 2012, SIS began contribute to journals, and write from print and broadcast media. The with allies who are holding media Resource Centre work on a fundraising video, to be used • Polygamy repository. A repository chapters for Muslim Polygamy in objectives were to (1) improve media campaigns and public events. as a tool to explain and promote SIS’ for materials related to polygamy Malaysia: Lived Realities and Impact, practitioners’ ability to engage with The SIS Resource Centre houses a work to future funders and donors. was established in February. Staff the academic publication that will and present complex issues concerning wide range of reading material on Through interviews, the video will can now access soft copies at SIS Website comprehensively present the research women’s human rights in Islam; (2) progressive understandings of Islam, feature the stories of three grassroots Central Storage. findings; and (2) planning for the strengthen mainstream support for The SIS website provides the public including publications not easily women and how SIS works to resolve International Symposium that will take gender equality and the work carried with easy access to our Press available locally and those perceived their plight. There will be a 10-minute Polygamy media monitoring. On place in 2013. • out by SIS through the media; and (3) statements, columns and other as contradicting prevailing Islamic “long” version, as well as three 3 August a training session was draw on relationships with individuals publications, as well as information on values in Malaysia. In 2012 SIS staff 3-minute videos more suitable for online conducted on how to monitor media Project Management activities in within the media industry for the our services and upcoming events. In completed the cataloguing of all books, and social media. The videos will be reports on polygamy. 2012 included ongoing analysis of Muslim Family Law campaign. October this year we began working on totalling 1,046. The Resource Centre completed in March 2013. the survey findings, writing, work a revamp of the website. The uploading now contains 6,000 items comprising Study on the impact of polygamy on on two documentaries and a blog, •

26 Communications, Research and Publications 27 children. On 25 June a meeting was The booklet will connect the project’s regard to women’s rights; (2) enrich the held to study the impact of polygamy research findings to the lived reality of pool of references for academicians, on children, and a chapter on grassroots women and public lobbying. researchers, students and women’s children’s problems may be included and human rights activists; (3) evaluate in the academic publication for the In 2013, we will continue to (1) use the and document SIS activities with the project. quantitative and qualitative data on publication of the Annual Review; (4) the impact of polygamy on families in ensure effective and timely distribution • International Symposium. On 11 lobbying for amendments to the current of publications. July, 3 August and 13 September, Islamic Family Law; and (2) use the life Working Committee meetings were stories from the project as a basis for In 2012 the Publications unit worked on held for the upcoming International the blog, booklets, skit, scriptwriting, the following projects: (1) SIS Annual Symposium in 2013. etc. in our ongoing effort to challenge Review 2011; (2) the SIS newsletter conservative discourses on polygamy. Baraza! issues V (Musawah) and VII Workshops. Since the start of the (Islam and Feminism, Part 2); and (3) a project, polygamy workshops have been SIS is often asked to comment on the Malay-language booklet on domestic regularly held to discuss the progress of issue of polygamy. In an article in violence. the research, methodology issues, and (“Polygamy more recently, the book manuscript. In and the Muslim Woman” 8 December) To promote SIS publications, we set up 2012 workshops were conducted on 10 SIS Executive Director Ratna Osman booths at the Kuala Lumpur Alternative February, 30 March, 31 May, 3 August drew on the research findings: “If Bookfest (KLAB 2012) (23-24 June), the Musawah and 19 October. dissatisfaction is the daily experience Sunway University Education Expo (6-7 of wives, then how can it be said October) and the Bersih 2.0 Concert (13 Presentation. On 19 May SIS presented that a husband is being ‘just’? And October). the documentary An-Nisa’ at the Hear furthermore, with more wives, financial Us Out programme at Taylor’s College. contribution from a husband decreases. This year the Publications unit was also This was followed by a discussion on So the question is, how do these men closely involved in the developments polygamy. get permission to take a second wife (or surrounding the SIS publication Muslim a third, and a fourth), when they cannot Women and the Challenge of Islamic Publication outputs. In addition to provide financial support?” Extremism, which the Home Ministry the book (tentatively titled Muslim banned in 2008. The High Court lifted Polygamy in Malaysia: Lived Realities Publications the ban in 2010. On 27 July this year, and Impact) that will comprehensively the Court of Appeal similarly ruled present the various findings of the in SIS’ favour when it dismissed the The Publications unit aims to (1) survey and qualitative studies, we are Government’s appeal challenging the promote progressive views and also creating a life stories booklet, lifting of the ban. alternative interpretations within based on Telenisa cases involving Islam that uphold principles of justice, women in polygamous marriages. equality and freedom, particularly with

28 Communications, Research and Publications 29 United Kingdom Canada Knowledge building Iran Afghanistan Egypt Jordan Knowledge Building Initiative on Qiwamah and Bangladesh

Wilayah Philippines Gambia Musawah, the global movement for equality Malaysia and justice in the Muslim family, was initiated The Qiwamah and Wilayah research initiative aims to Nigeria in 2007 by SIS and an international planning produce new feminist knowledge and rethink the idea and committee of activists and scholars. Officially realities of qiwamah (commonly understood as male authority Indonesia launched in February 2009 in Kuala Lumpur, over women) and wilayah (commonly understood as male Musawah (“Equality” in Arabic) brings together guardianship of women and children) in ways that can empower NGOs, activists, scholars, practitioners, policy Musawah Advocates to ensure that laws and practices promote equality and justice in the family. makers and grassroots women and men from The Global Life Stories Project around the world. Musawah’s key areas of work 12 countries focus on knowledge building, international The Initiative comprises the following elements: (1) advocacy and outreach to build the movement commissioning background research on qiwamah and wilayah to advance equality and justice in the Muslim within historical and present-day Muslim legal traditions; (2) family. The Musawah Secretariat is currently conducting participatory research to collect women’s and identify resource persons who can be Under the 2012-2014 plan for the or Global Digital Storytelling based at SIS. Visit for more men’s life stories in relation to qiwamah and wilayah through interviewed from among their networks; Qiwamah and Wilayah Initiative, Workshop information. the Global Life Stories Project; and (3) opening spaces for conduct interviews; share information proposed activities include: e. developing Life Stories Project scholars and activists to discuss and forge new understandings with the resource persons who gave 1. developing a Viewpoint Document on outputs in 2013 and 2014 of qiwamah and wilayah. the interviews; write up the interviews; qiwamah and wilayah; f. a Final Workshop in 2014 or 2015; and collectively analyse the results. 2. the Global Life Stories Project, which 3. developing outputs, which include: The Global Life Stories Project brings together Musawah A common research methodology has comprises: a. the Viewpoint Document Advocates in 12 countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Canada, been shared among the teams, but a. 12 national teams conducting b. a compilation of commissioned Egypt, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Malaysia, Nigeria, the each team is tailoring its project to interviews and analysis papers and an article on the Life Philippines, and the United Kingdom) to document life stories local contexts and needs. Some of the throughout 2012 Stories methodology in order to better understand how qiwamah and wilayah activities and outputs will be geared b. establishing an e-learning circle c. Life Stories Project outputs impact the lived realities of women and men. This is a feminist towards facilitating and contributing and developing tools such as (publications featuring stories, and participatory movement building initiative as well as a to specific advocacy and legal reform FAQs legal mapping and socioeconomic knowledge building process. The 12 country teams have been agendas in their national contexts. c. a Mid-Term Review Workshop in data from each country; tools working to better understand the concepts; map the local and December 2012 developed in the process; and national laws and policies that relate to qiwamah and wilayah; d. a possible Indonesian and/ digital stories)

30 Musawah 31 d. Q&A booklets on aspects of April); (4) national-level work and the Coordinator of the Global Life seven-day Short Course organised by The capacity building work that took in forming Affinity Groups; requests qiwamah and wilayah Secretariat support for the Global Stories Project. the Secretariat once a year through place in 2012 was focused on building for interviews from researchers e. one-pagers for use in local Life Stories Project (beginning April), an open call to Advocates; and (3) the capacity of Musawah Advocates and students; academia interest in contexts for capacity building, and the development of FAQs; (5) the Capacity Musawah capacity building training to from the 12 countries involved in the Musawah; requests for training; and advocacy and conversation first stages in the development of the expand the pool of resource persons Global Life Stories Project so that interest in testing the Key Messages starters Viewpoint Document; and (6) a Mid- building and facilitators. Participants will be they could effectively undertake the Toolkit. f. Film/multimedia on women’s Term Review Workshop in Kuala Lumpur selected from among graduates of research and documentation of the experiences dealing with the (10-14 December). The objective of capacity building is earlier training courses or those with lived reality experiences of qiwamah In responding to such requests, we impact of male authority or the Some key challenges related to the to build a core of Advocates able to (1) advanced knowledge of Islam and and wilayah. The first capacity try to establish linkages between absence of a male provider/ Initiative’s immense scale and breadth share knowledge about the dynamic women’s rights. building workshop in Bali, Indonesia national and regional interests, protector. were resolved in 2012. The Secretariat interactions among the Qur’an, fiqh and (April) focused on the methodology and to identify common issues both and certain International Advisory the rights framework; and (2) advance Under the 2012-2014 plan for capacity for implementing the Global Life thematically and regionally. Through Activities undertaken in 2012 included Group (IAG) members concentrated rights-based arguments grounded in building, the following were proposed Stories Project. This was followed outreach, we identify trends and (1) coordination of commissioned on structure, human resources, and lived realities and an understanding of for 2012 and 2013: Regional Level by a Mid-Term Review Workshop developments, as well as entry points, research papers; (2) outreach related decision-making, while the Knowledge Islam that upholds equality and justice. Training for South Asia, National Level (December), where the platform was individuals and organisations to to the Global Life Stories Project Building Working Group began regular In 2012 three categories of training Training for Afghanistan and a Capacity given to the Musawah Advocates to introduce the Musawah Framework (November 2011-March 2012); (3) the talks focusing on the project. Human were identified: (1) beginners’ training Building Workshop for Resource share their progress and challenges in for Action. Challenges include dealing Global Life Stories Project Methodology resource challenges were overcome at the national or regional level based Persons and Facilitators. There have implementing the project, as well as with local contexts and dynamics; Workshop in Bali, Indonesia (7-11 with the hiring of key personnel, namely on requests from Advocates; (2) a also been requests for national/ discuss the frameworks and methods determining whether outreach is best regional-level training to be held for for the analysis of the collected life driven by Programme Officers or by the Horn of Africa, Sudan, Kenya, Mali, stories. Advocates; supporting the buildup of Bahrain, Egypt, South Asia and Central Affinity Groups, whether regionally or Asia. Outreach thematically; and fundraising.

Logistically, because these training The objective of outreach is to build a International programmes are very resource critical mass of organisations, groups intensive, fundraising will have to advocacy and individuals that support, use, and be done by both the Secretariat and promote the Musawah Framework Advocates who request for training. Experts, officials, and activists engaged for Action and that are empowered to There is also an urgent need to build a with human rights and women’s rights engage in the public discourse on Islam pool of human resources, in particular treaty obligations and mechanisms and women’s rights. those who can serve the Secretariat are increasingly familiar with the in coordination as well as curriculum Musawah Framework for Action and One initiative undertaken in 2012 development, and those who can the possibilities for reform towards involved outreach to South Asia. Other contribute as Resource Persons and equality and justice in Muslim families. activities focused on responding to Facilitators for the various regions and The Convention on the Elimination of requests and queries from various language requirements. All Forms of Discrimination against Participants of the Global Life Stories Project Methodology Workshop in Bali. parties, including those interested

32 Musawah 33 Women (CEDAW) is one example; NGOs work on the CEDAW process, both There has been growing recognition 70% of total visits. Our knowledge engaged with the CEDAW process have at the CEDAW Committee level and respect for our work and message, Communications resources are also more accessible used the arguments and analyses put and with NGOs preparing shadow especially by the CEDAW Committee to the public, with Wanted: Equality The overall objectives of the Musawah forward by Musawah to support their reports. and the Office of the High Commissioner and Justice in the Muslim Family Communications unit are to (1) support demands for equality and justice in 2. Engagement with the UN Working for Human Rights (OHCHR). We are being the most downloaded Musawah areas of work through family and marriage. Group on the issue of discrimination regularly invited to provide training publication. Besides the website, communications; (2) support and against women in law and in and give briefings. Our report,CEDAW Musawah also has an active social contribute effectively to movement Identified priorities for international practice, and the OIC Permanent and Muslim Family Laws: In Search of media presence that indicates that building and (3) help raise the global advocacy include: (1) continued Commission on Human Rights. Common Ground, is used as a resource we are increasingly reaching the visibility of Musawah. engagement with the CEDAW 3. Possible development of two training and has been translated into Arabic. We silent majority on various issues. Committee and NGOs from key modules: (1) a module incorporating have been able to build partnerships 2. Develop and circulate resources that To support knowledge building, the member countries of the Organisation the Musawah Framework and and positive rapport with key players provide Advocates with messages Communications unit publicised the of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in the CEDAW research findings into such as IWRAW AP, OHCHR and the and languages that support their Qiwamah and Wilayah Initiative CEDAW process; (2) submission of IWRAW AP training module; and CEDAW Committee. We have also been national level advocacy: Musawah’s electronically and through online the first Thematic Report on Article 16 (2) a module incorporating an able to attract the talent needed to Strategic Direction is now collaborations. Issues 8, 9 and 10 of the on marriage and family relations; (3) international advocacy component strengthen the work of the International disseminated electronically. Wanted Musawah newsletter Musawah Vision strengthening ties and formalising our into the Musawah Short Course. Advocacy Working Group. was translated into three languages were also disseminated electronically. working relationship with International The Toolkit for Advocates will be disseminated and disseminated in print and online electronically to help Advocates draw on the Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia versions. The Framework for Action To support outreach efforts, Musawah’s movement’s key messages for their work. Pacific (IWRAW AP); (4) conducting an is being translated into Urdu, thanks Strategic Direction and the Musawah assessment of the impact of Musawah An article for the digital commons to one Advocate’s own initiative. Visionaries Programme were launched work to date; and (5) fundraising. website helped to The Musawah newsletter Musawah electronically, and the Musawah Under the 2012-2014 work plan for popularise the Musawah Framework for Vision now goes out to a mailing list Introductory PowerPoint was shared international advocacy, the following Action. of 684 recipients. The Key Messages with message multipliers. Under the were proposed: Toolkit will be disseminated Musawah Visionaries Programme, Specific objectives below were met electronically. students, journalists and allies report 1. Engagement with the CEDAW with various communications tools and 3. Actively engage Advocates to Musawah on changes in their local process, in particular at the 54th programmes: to generate and disseminate contexts; their updates are then to 57th CEDAW sessions through 1. Provide portals and platforms that Musawah knowledge, by developing published in Musawah Vision. thematic reports, fact sheets, input enable Advocates to dialogue with communications capacities, into General Recommendations, each other, and track user behaviour matching formats with audiences To assist efforts in international lunch briefings (several key OIC patterns and effectiveness of and supporting the building of advocacy, several documents were countries will be reporting at these strategies: The new website, linkages. made available electronically, including sessions); updating our report, launched in March, features more 4. Identify global trends in family laws CEDAW and Muslim Family Laws: In CEDAW and Muslim Family Laws: robust security and integrated web and areas for pro-active Musawah Search of Common Ground (in English In Search of Common Ground; and analytics, which show that new work. The electronic version of Musawah’s Strategic Direction was launched in 2012. and Arabic), and Musawah Factsheets measuring the impact of Musawah visitors make up approximately on Jordan and Indonesia.

34 Musawah 35 Musawah has grown increasingly Secretariat has been based at SIS’ the consultant, we made a final decision visible, with more and more instances office in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. The on the selection of consultant; Usha of prominent personalities referring to transition of the Secretariat from SIS Menon, a non-profit (NPO) management the movement at high-profile events. to Cairo, Egypt will take place starting and fundraising expert with experience in 2014. and expertise in fundraising and training Future plans include the second for NPOs in Asia and the Pacific, was phase of web development which will We will also register Musawah as a contracted to (1) develop a three-year incorporate e-commerce features to separate entity, either as a private Resource Mobilisation Strategy and (2) facilitate donations and further social limited company registered with the recommend goals, related tactics and media integration; an online digital Companies Commission Malaysia, or as staffing needs. life stories tapestry/map in line with an international society registered with the Qiwamah and Wilayah Initiative; the Registrar of Societies. Moving forward in taking up the repackaging and repurposing Musawah recommendations of the consultant, resources (e.g. offering the SIS/ Resource mobilisation Musawah has to include plans for Musawah Short Course in electronic hiring of an RMO, forming a Resource format); launching diverse social media Resource mobilisation remains a key Moblisation Working Group and further campaigns; continuing to evaluate priority for Musawah. Under the 2012- developing the Resource Mobilisation Advocates’ needs and capacities in 2014 plan for resource mobilisation, one Strategy. A key recommendation was order to strengthen their advocacy of our top priorities was to engage a setting a target of raising an average of efforts; and continuing to identify global consultant who would help us (1) draw US$1 million annually for the next three Operations trends in family laws and areas for pro- up a document detailing Musawah’s years. To achieve this, Musawah has active Musawah work. resource mobilisation principles and to (1) set up a committee of 6-8 well- strategy; (2) research and complete connected and committed members; Secretariat a database of potential donors (2) craft the case for support and for Musawah comprising both the apply effective donor communications and resource corporate sector and individual donors; and messaging; (3) target high-level mobilisation (3) draw up a range of options for raising individual gifts; (4) develop a flagship funds through membership, service- event to raise funds and (5) develop Secretariat transition delivery/user-fees, merchandise, etc. comprehensive donor communications and (4) write a funding application that and a recognition plan to engage and Musawah’s rotating Secretariat includes resources to pay for a full-time motivate private supporters. ensures that as a global movement, Resource Mobilisation Officer (RMO) for Musawah grows in diverse cultural Musawah. and political contexts. The rotating structure also offers leadership In 2012, after seeking expert opportunities to more Advocates. Since fundraisers’ inputs on strategies, Musawah was launched in 2009, the qualities and job scopes of the RMO and

36 Musawah 37 Extending the organisation Director Winnie Byanyima and Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa of the Islamic Renaissance Front. At the end of 2012, there were 28 members, 2 associate members, 18 Friends of • Networking. Throughout the year SIS and 16 volunteers. we took the opportunity to expand Administration and our network at the numerous human resources events to which we were invited, including national day celebrations 28 2 18 16 hosted by embassies, lunches, Staffing the organisation Members Associate Friends Volunteers members of SIS open houses and other social At the end of 2012, the organisation comprised 5 Board events. SIS members are accepted based on demanding membership criteria; new members members, 14 permanent staff, and 5 part-time/contract staff. • E&P and other meetings. At the must be recommended, and each member is expected to make a significant contribution Evaluation and Planning Meeting Five interns assisted us in 2012. to the organisation and its activities. Associate members are gender-sensitive men who play an important role in support of SIS work. Friends of SIS (FOSIS) are people who are (E&P) held every fourth quarter, The objectives of the Operations unit are to: Staff strength by unit supportive of SIS work and want to be part of SIS, but do not fulfil the criteria for SIS all units in the organisation come • Provide efficient operational support to SIS, membership or do not have time to be members. It includes Muslims and non-Muslims, together to review and plan on a with the smooth running of the office as a men and women. They receive our newsletter and are invited to study sessions and other yearly basis. The E&P provides activities. priority. an opportunity for staff to reflect • Optimise staff capacity, and maintain a work 1 5 4 4 5 on where SIS has been, where it environment that allows SIS to attract and Executive Advocacy, Communications, Musawah Operations Director Legal Services Research and should be headed and how best retain the best staff. and Public Publications to get there. This year SIS held • Manage SIS finances and fundraising with Education its 12th E&P on 3-4 November. a view to ensuring sustainability of the the scale ranging from one-to-one Visits, networking and meetings. In In 2012 the Operations unit also organisation and its programmes. SIS has 14 permanent staff and 5 part-time/contract staff. encounters to events involving large 2012 these included: organised four board meetings numbers of participants. and the Annual General Meeting. Activities • Visits to SIS. SIS welcomed Numerous meetings with current Other activities. Besides supporting academics, students, journalists and prospective funders were In 2012 the Operations unit was responsible for managing a the specific initiatives spearheaded and NGO representatives from arranged throughout the year. SIS wide range of SIS events, as well as coordinating opportunities by the other units, the Operations unit around the world who visited SIS staff also participated in many for SIS staff to engage in activities beyond the organisation. also coordinated organisation-wide to find out more about our work, meetings with other organisations. events and get-togethers. In 2012, these conduct interviews with SIS staff SIS initiatives. As in previous years, the Operations unit this included a garage sale (8 April); SIS and strengthen ties. Notable Participation in external events. In year worked closely with SIS’ other units to coordinate many Buka Puasa (14 August); and SIS Hari visitors included Shaista Gohir, line with our “masterbrand” value of the events and activities described in this Review. The Raya Pot Luck Lunch (30 August). SIS Chair of Muslim Women’s Network, of constant pursuit of knowledge, requirements varied tremendously, depending on the initiative. was also invited by filmmaker Namewee Canada’s Special Envoy for members and staff attended numerous Activities took place at SIS as well as at other venues, with to a screening of his movie Hantu Commonwealth Renewal Senator talks, public forums, conferences, Gangster on 3 September. Hugh Segal, UNDP Gender Team workshops and training sessions.

38 Oper ations 39 Besides attending as participants, series covering fundraising techniques flow of grants annually to enhance Sources of revenue 2012 we were frequently involved as paper for website, social media and face-to- SIS’ financial stability; (3) practise 2012 2011 presenters, panel speakers and face fundraising. Other events included accountability to the SIS Board, SIS RM RM trainers. a session for staff on Neuro-linguistic members, funders and donors; and (4) Restricted funds - international donors 2,208,770 1,162,030 Programming (NLP) by life coach Anne optimise the use of resources. Restricted funds - local donors 350,000 350,000 New premises. In November, we moved Munro-Kua, a writing class conducted Unrestricted funds - donations 116,296 271,081 to our new premises located at No. 4, by Zainah Anwar and a session entitled In 2012 we continued to pursue as Unrestricted funds - other income 105,955 133,938 Lorong 11/8E, Petaling Jaya, Selangor “Reconnecting Ourselves” by holistic many new ways as we could think of to Total 2,781,021 1,917,049 Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. therapist Hafsa Hasan. supplement our traditional and ongoing fundraising efforts. SIS collaborated Restricted funds - international donors Staff development and wellness Thanksgiving, memorial and other with award-winning theatre company Restricted funds - local donors programmes prayers held for SIS members, staff and Instant Café Theatre to organise a Unrestricted funds - donations friends included majlis yasin, tahlil dan fundraising performance of Nadirah Unrestricted funds - other income Staff in all units regularly undergo doa selamat (23 March), tahlil arwah (6 November). Written by Alfian Sa’at training programmes to help build and tahlil kesyukuran. and directed by Jo Kukathas, the Operating expenses 2012 capacity and improve skills. In 2012 play touches on the issue of inter- 2012 2011 two capacity-building sessions were Governance faith marriages. A fundraising video RM RM conducted (17-18 January and 15 is currently being developed, and Administration and finance 287,295 205,461 February). Within the Operations unit, numerous meetings with current and SIS’ Board of Directors met four times Institution building and network 54,882 43,658 training sessions included training prospective fundraisers were arranged. in 2012; the Annual General Meeting Personnel 1,157,488 1,003,219 related to the new payroll system and Fundraising techniques were also was held on 16 June. The Board carried Programmes 1,049,506 1,019,424 the Quickbooks accounting system shared with all SIS staff over a series of out routine governance as well as Total 2,549,171 2,271,762 installed this year, sessions by the Nasi Bungkus Lunches. governance on crisis issues, per the Employees Provident Fund and a Board’s Terms of Reference. Policies Administration and finance fundraising workshop at Women’s Aid For the financial year ending 31 concerning staff work conditions, Institution building and network Organisation (WAO). December 2012, revenue totalled entitlements, financial guidelines Personnel RM2,781,021, while expenses totalled and office procedures are reviewed Programmes In keeping with our commitment to RM2,549,171. Restricted funds from regularly. staff wellbeing, we organised events international donors were the most throughout the year aimed at creating significant form of revenue. Programmes an optimal work environment. Yoga Finance and classes were held Mondays and fundraising Income and expenditure Thursdays. Nasi Bungkus Lunches Musawah Publication and Resource Centre (informal discussions held during lunch The objectives of the Operations unit 2012 2011 RM RM National advocacy Campaign programmes hour) saw staff and members sharing with regard to finance and fundraising Total revenue 2,781,021 1,917,049 Public education Legal programmes experiences from study trips as well as are to (1) ensure the sustainability of the Total expenses 2,549,171 2,271,762 fundraising, the latter in a three-part organisation; (2) ensure the continued


SIS is a constant hive of activity. We strive to provide a Board Of Directors bright and cheerful volunteer environment, and welcome Datin Rose Ismail, Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir, Zainah those who share our vision and commitment to make this Anwar, Prof Norani Othman, Datuk (Puan Sri) Jamilah world a better place, in big and small ways. Volunteers Ibrahim help to accompany SIS clients to court, monitor court proceedings, assist with SIS campaigns and outreach Executive Director activities, and catalogue books and newspaper clippings. Ratna Osman

If you have the right experience or a willing spirit, we Managers welcome your help in research, writing, editing, filing, Hairun Nisa Abu Bakar (Operations), Rozana Mohd Isa cataloguing, fundraising, legal advice, website management (Programme Coordinator, Musawah Secretariat), Suriani and public outreach events. If you just want to show your Kempe (Advocacy, Legal Services & Public Education), support for SIS and its work, become a Friend of SIS (FOSIS) Zainah Anwar (Part-time Project Director, Musawah for just RM50 a year. Secretariat)

Call our Operations Manager at 03-7785 6121, drop by our Senior Programme Officer office at No 4, Lorong 11/8E, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Azareena Abd Aziz (Advocacy, Legal Services & Public Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA or email us at sistersinislam@ Education; effective May 2012), Hartini Abdullah (Finance), Our volunteer and FOSIS forms are also Syarifatul Adibah Mohammad Jodi (Communications, available on our website Research & Publications)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Officers Gnei Meghana Bahar (Communications, Musawah Contributors Secretariat), Kartina (Advocacy, Legal Services & Public All SIS staff Education), Nooradila Abd Aziz (Musawah Secretariat), Noor Akmal Zulkifli (Communications, Research & Publications; A good day for freedom of expression. Editorial content and design until Jul 2012), Noorulhuda Mohd Noor (Communications, On 27 July the Court of Appeal upheld an earlier court decision to lift the ban on SIS’ book, Muslim Women and Salt Media Group Sdn Bhd Research & Publications), Nur Azrine Abd Razak (Advocacy, the Challenge of Islamic Extremism. (L-R) Masjaliza Hamzah, Zainah Anwar, lawyer K. Shanmuga, Suriani Kempe (partly hidden), Prof Norani Othman and Syarifatul Adibah Mohammad Jodi. (see pages 8 and 28) (Photo courtesy Legal Services & Public Education), Nur Liyana bt Mohamed of ) Funders Akbar (Finance & Operations) Friends of Sisters in Islam Programme Assistants Hernani Jaapar (Finance & Operations), Norhaslinda Abu Hassan (Communications, Research & Publications)

42 Oper ations 43 SIS Forum (Malaysia) (266561W)

No 4, Lorong 11/8E, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA. Tel: +603 7960 3357, +603 7960 5121, +603 7960 6733 • Fax: +603 7960 8737 Email: [email protected]