Date: Tuesday 7th March 2017 Time: 7.30 pm Present: B Golder (Chair), A Jenkins, D Waterton, C Molyneux, S Gayton D Dickson (Clerk), 6 members of the public

A minute’s silence was observed following the death of former Chairman and Councillor Mr Harry Cheshire.


Apologies were received from Councillor Robinson who had prior commitments. Apologies were also received from the County Councillor Ivan Ould.


It was noted that the date of the last meeting was incorrect, it should have read 7th March 2017.

Following this amendment the minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on 16th January 2017 were agreed by the Parish Councillors present, and then signed as a true record of the meeting


There were declarations of interest by any member.


4.1 There is a speed/clearway sign at the start of Lane (from the A5) which has a very small “end” sign underneath. This is causing confusion. Ivan Ould has taken up this issue and will reply at the next meeting. Action: Ivan Ould

4.2 A car has been stolen from Nuneaton

4.3 There was a break-in on Main Street

A reminder was given for everyone to be vigilant.


The County Councillor did not attend the meeting but sent the following report.

5.1 Monthly Report for February 2017

Local Issues – Individual Casework

Current total is 14, and 3 were successfully resolved during the month.


Local Issues – Parish Council Areas

I attended 5 parish council meeting in February.

Adult social care and highways issues have again been the main issues this month.

County Hall Meetings:

In February I attended the following meetings:

6th: Education Excellence Partnership meeting 7th : Strategy Co-ordination Group (SCG), followed by Cabinet Briefing, followed by an all member briefing on the Housing and Economic Needs Assessment (HEDNA) until 2036, followed by the Lead Member meeting. 10th: OFSTED briefing to Cabinet, followed by Cabinet Meeting, followed by an in-depth assessment of the OFSTED outcome. 13th Media briefing regarding the OFSTED Report into Children’s Social care, followed by an All Member briefing on the same subject, followed by the Lead member meeting. 14th SCG, followed by a meeting with Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector for the to discuss OFSTED Report. 15th Children in Care Junior and Senior Council meetings. 16th Meeting with staff of First Response to discuss OFSTED comments about First Response 21st SCG and cabinet briefing 22nd Meeting with Leader re Medium Term Financial Strategy, followed by Lead Member meeting, followed by full County Council. 24th Meeting with Ed Agar, M.P. for Charnwood. 28th SCG, followed by Lead Member meeting

External Meetings

1st Highways inspection walk round Higham on the Hill, followed by visit to Supporting Leicestershire Families Team at Hub 9th School Forum meeting at Beaumanor Hall 20th House of Commons briefing for 70 M.P.s by F40 Group that I chair regarding proposed national schools funding formula 24th Meeting with Principal of Bosworth Academy

County Council

This was a single item agenda, i.e., the Medium Term Financial Strategy. ( No amendments were proposed by any of the opposition groups, although they did not support the proposals.) This set council tax at 3.9% for the next four years, subject to any Government changes.


2 First item was the Medium Term Financial strategy. This set the proposals for the full county council meeting.

The second item noted the proposals for School and High Needs funding. These will be formalised at the Cabinet meeting in March.

The third item made minor amendments to the schools admission policy.

The fourth item concerned the development of a rail strategy for Leicestershire, including an amendment that I proposed that there should be no diminution of rail services to London on the West Coast Main Line following the completion of HS2.

The fifth item concerned the introduction of average speed cameras into Leicestershire.

The sixth item referred to planning applications in Melton Borough villages.

Finally the integrated commissioning of mental health recovery and resilience services consultation outcome was agreed.


6.1 The new budget has been set, there will be an increase in the Council Tax by £5 across the board.

6.2 The New Homes Bonus is uncertain at present and could put pressure on the Council Tax

6.3 HBBC are required by Government to reduce Council house rent by 1% for the next 4 years.

6.4 The rate support grant has been reduced in the last 2 years and it is to be reduced for another 2 years, it will then stop.

6.5 Barwell SUE – going ahead – imminent details should be sent to Council.


7.1 Village Sign (previously 7.1 Matters Outstanding) – The deposit has been paid and the sign is being worked on.

It was agreed by all Councillors present that the sign will be erected by Craig Brown. Mr Brown to supply invoice to cover cost of sundries and supply copy of liability insurance.

7.2 Village Green

7.2.1 It has been confirmed that LCC own part of the village green and no-one owns the remainder.

7.2.2 A proposal was made by Councillor Molyneux to write to LCC to ask about Higham on the Hill Parish Council having full ownership of the village green. This was seconded by Councillor Golder. A vote was taken and all present were in agreement.

3 Action: Councillor Molyneux to write to LCC

7.3 Recreation Ground

It was requested that future inspection reports regarding the play equipment are to be sent to all Councillors.

7.3.1 Repair of surface in toddler area (previously 7.2.1 Matters Outstanding). A quote from another company, Nomow, has been received for artificial grass. This is for £5921.87 + VAT. This quote to be sent to the insurance company. Action: Parish Clerk

Michael Smith, grounds maintenance, to be asked to jet wash the moss from the surface of the toddler area. Action: Parish Clerk

At the last meeting on 16th January 2017 the following proposal was made:

It is proposed by Councillor Jenkins and seconded by Councillor Molyneux that an application be made to the Parish Initiative Fund for equipment for the toddler area and repair to the surface.

7.3.2 Basketball backboard (previously 7.2.2 Matters Outstanding). The replacement basketball ring and net has been installed. However it was put on upside down. This is to be rectified. The payment for the ring and net has been made. This can now be closed.

7.3.3 Tesco grant (previously 7.2.3 Matters Outstanding). A grant of £2000 has been awarded. Councillor Jenkins thanked for her hard work in obtaining this grant.

7.3.4 Section 106 monies - maintenance allocation (previously 7.2.4 Matters Outstanding). A separate closed meeting to be arranged to discuss how to allocate the 106 monies, eg what equipment to purchase. Action: Parish Clerk

7.3.5 One of the swings is unsafe (previously 7.2.5 Matters Outstanding). The swing has been removed. A proposal was made by Councillor Jenkins to replace the swing and bolts etc by Wicksteed. This was seconded by Councillor Gayton. A vote was taken and all present agreed. Action: Parish Clerk

7.3.6 Parish Initiative Fund. Waiting for outcome of application. Action: Councillor Jenkins

7.4 Fisher family grave (previously 7.3 Matters Outstanding). The application to the Heritage Lottery fund was unsuccessful.

7.5 Neighbourhood Plan (previously 7.4 Matters Outstanding). It was agreed that this would not go ahead at this point due to lack of available funds.

7.6 Road Safety (previously 7.5 Matters Outstanding).

7.6.1 Chicane in Nuneaton Lane (previously 7.5.1 Matters Outstanding). A detailed survey has taken place, waiting for results.


7.6.2 Vehicle activated signs (previously 7.5.2 Matters Outstanding). There is a sign outside the school. When the chicane has been installed in Nuneaton Lane it was agreed that the sign in Nuneaton Lane would be moved to Station Road. Action: Councillor Gayton

7.6.3 Speeding through village (previously 7.5.3 Matters Outstanding). Waiting for 20 mile/h roundels to be painted onto the road.

A walk around the village was organised following a number of issues that had been raised. This was attended by Jack Horsley – HBBC, Councillor Golder, Councillor Jenkins and Councillor Ould.

The issues raised were:

1. The car park on Main Street was used as a storage for equipment and materials for the provision of cabling to the sub-station built at the end of Wood Lane. The surface is in a pretty dire state as a result and residents and the Parish Council feel this should be restored to an appropriate standard 2. The footpaths down Main Street and Station Road and the old section of Hilary Bevins Close were dug up to provide electric cabling to the new development. As a result many of the pavements are in a poor state and the camber is dangerous and the surfaces unacceptable. 3. As a result of increased vehicular activity connected with the new housing development the verge at the top of Station Road has been driven over countless times and is in a poor state. 4. The wall erected on Spring Hill Farm by David Wilson Homes at the top of Station Road has one pier that makes the visibility to the right down Wood Lane very precarious. The Parish Council have had many complaints about this. 5. Are the bollards at the top of Station Road now necessary? 6. Due to the increase in vehicles from the new development it is felt that a serrated line should be placed at the junction of Hilary Bevins Close and Station Road as there have been near misses involving cars just driving out from Hilary Bevins Close onto Station Road. 7. In the Home Zone area 20 mile/h signage painted on the road would help to alert motorists 8. The block paving areas in the Home Zone are uneven and dipping in places 9. In an ideal world we would like all residential areas in Higham to be 20 mile/h. 10. Lighting in the new development is on all night while the rest of the village has rightly limited lighting. Not only is this polluting and a nuisance to residents used to darkness at night but has a knock on effect on local wildlife. 11. The Parish Council are also looking into the possibility of putting a road hump on Wood Lane before the entrance to the village and make the access out of Station Road safer. 12. The Parish Council are also looking into the idea of providing a shale path down Wood Lane in order to make it possible to walk to and from the A5 in safety.

An agenda listing the main issues was passed to Jack Horsley and following the walk round the village the following notes were sent by Jack Horsley:

1. Leicestershire County Council is already aware of the state of this parking area, and in fact already has a job raised for some maintenance works here. I cannot be specific with regards to timings, but at the moment it looks as though its pencilled in for Spring/Summer 2017. Due to the size of the job, it will be issued to our external surfacing Contractor as part of a larger package of works.

5 2. In the longer term the uneven kerbing will need repairs/maintenance works (more so at the top end of Station Rd), however we would not consider it to require urgent repairs at this point in time. There are regularly parked cars on the opposite side of the road, and as such large vehicles are possibly forced to mount the pavement to get past. This has probably worsened whilst the housing development has been ongoing.

3. Unfortunately vehicles overriding or parking on verges is a County-wide problem which we face, and has been exacerbated by the relatively mild, wet Winter which has made the verges even softer. Current Leicestershire County Council policy is to not undertake repair works to the grass verges, as this is a heavy drain on particularly finite resources.

4. I shall need to look into the issue of the wall further and respond in due course.

5. The concrete bollards at the top of Station Road may be removed at some point in the future as part of a scheme of works, or if significantly damaged. However there is no plan to remove them at this point in time. I note that one is leaning at an angle, but it is not unstable or at risk of falling over at present.

6. I have logged an enquiry with our traffic management team to see if this is a possibility. The reference number for this is 654900, Please call our Customer Services on 0116 305 0001 and quote this number if you require an update regarding this.

7. As above, but the reference number for this is 654903

8. A job has been raised for the repair of the block paving outside the parking area on Main Street. Furthermore Main Street and Wood Lane are programmed for surface dressing in 2017. As such the damaged tarmac section next to the block paving will be patched ahead of the surface dressing later in the year.

9. Requests of this nature can be made via LCC Customer Services on 0116 305 0001 or [email protected]

10. Prior to adoption of the new development, Leicestershire County Council will inspect each lamp column within the site. The type and location of each column will be checked, as well as safety testing. If there is an issue with the timings of the lamp then they will be flagged up at this stage and the developer will be responsible for rectifying any issues.

11. Once you are a bit more firm on your plans/ideas for this, please send all information through to LCC Customer Services, and it can be logged and passed through to the relevant team for assessment.

12. As per item 11.

Further to the above, I stayed behind after our meeting and have raised jobs for the defects which were identified on the day:

 The two sections of footway on Main Street and Station Road where the back edge was breaking away

 The holes forming in the carriageway in the channel on Station Road

 The pothole starting to form in the parking area on Main Street

 Finally a defect notice has also been sent through to BT regarding the sunken inspection chamber cover near Old Forge Cottages on Main Street


7.7 Community Speed Watch (previously 7.5.5 Matters Outstanding). James Gibson from LCC’s Safe and Sustainable Travel team was contacted. He said that the Community Speed Watch does not operate through the Winter. We are still waiting to hear from him.

7.8 The wall along Church walk (previously 7.6 Matters Outstanding). The wall has been knocked down.

7.9 Footpath in Wood Lane (previously 7.8 Matter Outstanding). LCC to be contacted to start the process for the provision of this footpath. Action: Parish Clerk

7.10 Industrial Units in Station Road (previously 7.10 Matters Outstanding). Craig Allison from HBBC to be contacted again as it has been reported that large vehicles are still working at the working in these units. Action: Parish Clerk

7.11 Fire safety (previously 7.11 Matters Outstanding). This is to be reconsidered when the better weather arrives. Remove from agenda at this time

7.12 New Community Centre (previously 7.14 Matters Outstanding). Investigations ongoing. Action: Councillor Waterton

7.13 First Aid Training for Defibrillator Users (previously 7.18 Matters Outstanding). This is to be arranged by Eunice Owen.

7.14 Bus Stop near A5 (previously 7.21 Matters Outstanding). The bus stop has been erected but the hard standing is covered in grass and weeds.

7.15 Lime trees on village green (previously 7.24 Matters Outstanding). As the lime trees are in the conservation area an application needs to be made for any works carried out on them. Quotes are to be requested for work on the lime trees which would include what work would be carried out.


Correspondence has been received via email and forwarded to Parish Councillors as appropriate.


9.1 Barwell SUE. Ongoing

9.2 Planning application 16/01154/HOU Two Storey side and single rear extension – 2 Station Road. This application has been withdrawn.

9.3 Planning application 17/00042/TPOCA Works to Ash Trees. 58B Main Street. No objections if the tree officer is OK with this.

9.4 Planning application 17/00059/FUL Erection of a barn, horse walker and lunge pen. Stables access opposite West Hall, Barr Lane. The following comments were posted on the HBBC Planning website regarding this application:


1. It may be a concern for residents who live at numbers 66 and 68 Main Street who will have a view of an agricultural type building. This building will in fact not be in keeping with the rest of the buildings in this area.

2. Secondly it states in the application that the site cannot be seen from a public footpath. That is not the case. The development will be visible from footpath T50 and T51 and the access from the West Hall is in fact footpath T52.

3. We believe a site visit is essential from HBBC Planning Dept before this application is granted.


10.1 A cheque for £21.00 was received from the Parochial Church Council towards the war graves.

10.2 A BACS payment of £289.00 was received from HBBC as a grant towards the precept for the Fisher grave

10.3 A cheque was approved and signed for Broxap Ltd for £27.60 for the delivery of the basketball ring

10.4 A cheque was approved and signed for Broxap Ltd for £41.94 for the basketball ring

10.5 A cheque was approved and signed for Broxap Ltd for £170.40 for the basketball backboard

10.6 A cheque was approved and signed for Leics Footpath Assoc for £5.00 for annual subscription

10.7 A cheque was approved and signed for D Dickson for £40.00 for Clerk’s expenses

10.8 A cheque was approved and signed for Michael Smith for £141.60 for collection of grounds maintenance January 2017

10.9 A cheque was approved and signed for D Dickson for £962.77 for clerk’s salary Sept 2016 to February 2017


11.1 A letter to be written to Joan Emery and Astrid Grimes thanking them for all the outstanding work they carried out on the Outlook magazine Action: Parish Clerk

11.2 A new traffic island has been installed at the junction of Wood Land and the A5 to prevent vehicles turning right out of Wood Lane onto the A5.


8 12.1 Reality Bus. This will be returning to the village for the Summer term. Have the Methodist Church are unable to continue funding this. It costs £100 per visit and 30 visits are made throughout the year. The Parish Council do not have the funds available to cover this.

The possibility of raising the money through grants to be looked at, also MIRA to be contacted to request a contribution Action: Councillor Jenkins

12.2 Path down Nuneaton Lane to A5. Reports have been received that this path is flooding when we have heavy rainfall. LCC to be contacted to report this issue. Action: Parish Clerk

12.3 Outlook. It was mentioned that in the Outlook magazine the precept for 2017/18 was being raised by 10%. This was checked and there is no mention of the precept being raised by 10%. The precept was in fact raised by 4%. Action: Parish Clerk

The meeting concluded at 9.00 pm.

The next meeting will be held in the Methodist Chapel as follows:

Monday 8th May 2017 – The AGM will also be held on this date

Signed ______

Dated ______