The Anæmia of Pregnancy. a Study of Forty-Three Cases
Confined 30th "November 1923; child 3 lbs., alive. Died 10th December 1923. CsjtfC'"No. 9.?G., Hindu, 23 years, 2nd gravida; ad- .m'ftted 18th December 1923. Haemoglobin 30 per cent.; R.B.C.'s 1,000,000: confined 19th December 1923; child 2 lbs., still-born. Died 19th December 1923. Case No. 10.?K. P. B., Hindu, 18 years, 1st gravida; admitted 23rd December 1923. Haemoglobin 15 per cent.; R.B.C.'s confined 24th December THE ANiEMIA 1,000,000: 1923; child oFr ??rvAC4SES.C. 5 lbs., still-born. Died 28th December 1923. A STUDY OF FORTY-THREE Case No. 11.?R., Hindu, 35 years, 1st gravida; ad- mitted 10th January 1924. Haemoglobin 30 per f.r.c.s.i., cent.; B-v s. A. McSWINEY, b.a., m.b.,, R.B.C.'s 1,750,000: confined 10th January 1924; child Died 13th 1924. MAJOR, I.M.S., 41 lbs., alive. January Case No. 12.?Mrs. D.'C., Anglo-Indian, 22 years, 2nd j ^ Resident Eden Hospital for Diseases of u/c Surgeon, Resident admitted 24th January 1924. Haemoglobin 30 '"cn and Calcutta: late Second gravida; Children, cent.; R.B.C.'s 1,000,000: Wassermann reaction nega- General Hospital, Calcutta. per u>geon, Presidency tive; confined 25th January 1924; baby 6 lbs., alive. Left against advice 8th February 1924. he; is a condition anaemia of pregnancy Case No. 13.?Mrs. O., Anglo-Indian, 24 years, 6th en- vv^lch so little is known that I am gravida; admitted 11th February 1924. Haemoglobin co R.B.C.'s confined 20th uraged to publish my investigations into forty- 30 per cent.; 2,000,000: February foetus 1 lb.
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