Performance Assessment Report 2012–2013
Performance Assessment Report 2012–2013 Appendix:OWER indicators and Detailed Outcome Assessment Sheets 1862014 © World Health Organization 2014. All rights reserved. The Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization welcomes requests for permission to reproduce or translate its publications, in part or in full. Part 1: Regional Office achievement of indicators of Organization-wide expected results in the global context SO OWER Indicator Text Organization-wide (Global) EURO List of countries (Member States Indicator only), which achieved the indicator Baseline Target 2013 Achieved Baseline Target 2013 Achieved 2012 2012 01 1.1.1 Number of Member States with at least 90% 130 135 131 48 50 50 ALB, AND, ARM, AZE, BLR, BEL, BIH, national vaccination coverage (DTP3) BUL, CRO, CYP, CZH, DEN, EST, FIN, FRA, GEO, DEU, GRE, HUN, IRE, ISR, ITA, KAZ, KGZ, LVA, LTU, LUX, MAT, MON, MNE, NET, NOR, POL, POR, MDA, ROM, RUS, SMR, SRB, SVK, SVN, SPA, SWE, SWI, TJK, MKD, TUR, TKM, UNK, UZB 01 1.1.2 Number of Member States that have 169 180 184 51 52 52 ALB, AND, ARM, AUT, AZE, BEL, BIH, introduced Haemophilus influenzae type b BUL, CRO, CYP, CZH, DEN, EST, FIN, vaccine in their national immunization FRA, GEO, DEU, GRE, HUN, ICE, IRE, schedule ISR, ITA, KAZ, KGZ, LVA, LTU, LUX, MAT, MON, MNE, NET, NOR, POL, POR, MDA, ROM, RUS, SMR, SRB, SVK, SVN, SPA, SWE, SWI, TJK, MKD, TUR, TKM, UKR, UNK, UZB 01 1.2.1 Percentage of final country reports 80% 100% 59% 100% 100% 100% demonstrating interruption of wild poliovirus transmission and containment
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